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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7767542 No.7767542 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the Japanese so stingy with dumping ROM data compared to basically everybody else?

>> No.7767552

What are you talking about? You can find japanese versions of games online.

>> No.7767618

Japan is hard-core on penalties for piracy and bend over for corporations more than the USA.
>Unlike most other countries, filesharing copyrighted content is not just a civil offense, but a criminal one, with penalties of up to ten years for uploading and penalties of up to two years for downloading.

>> No.7767764

Personally I would dump rare ROM data, but would not public release them.

>> No.7767775

>Japan is hard-core on penalties for piracy and bend over for corporations more than the USA.
>>Unlike most other countries, filesharing copyrighted content is not just a civil offense, but a criminal one, with penalties of up to ten years for uploading and penalties of up to two years for downloading.

This is balanced by the fact that everyone there is technologically retarded though, so basically noone ever gets caught.

>> No.7767791

I'll also like to add people are far more loyal to their favorite customers. There was a streamer in Japan that wanted to stream a modded version of a game but didn't because Nintendo doesn't like mods and all his viewers got extremely upset when he floated the idea on stream.

>> No.7767798

Japan views preservation as something to be done within the boundaries of the law to protect their cultural heritage. The west views it as a excuse to justify piracy under the guise of preservation.
Japanese collectors have all of their plastic dumped. They just don't care about releasing it to the public. Unlike your average American COVIDiot, they don't feel entitled to everything for free.

>> No.7767809

The sheer redditry from this post is palpable.

>> No.7767887

But its the truth. It doesn't mean it isn't preserved if you americans can't get your hands on the stuff.

>> No.7767901


>> No.7768112

a game being "preserved" is worthless if no one can play it

>> No.7768135

Wrong. It is not worthless because YOU can't play it. You aren't entitled to anything.

>> No.7768294

you sound like a typical hoarder faggot

>> No.7768315

That sounds extremely gay.

He's not entitled to anything, but also a ROM existing only as a single cartridge and dumped to a single hard drive isn't that strongly preserved, a single housefire could eliminate that game entirely and it could never be reclaimed.
Compare to Tetris, let's just take the NES version, which is on millions of cartridges and hard drives, on top of dumps being widely available on the net, it would be near impossible to erase even with a concerted effort, international super powers working together couldn't hope to achieve it.
Proliferation makes games unkillable, is the point.

>> No.7768359

Piracy is based and you're a faggot

>> No.7768383

Imagine coming to /vr/ and being against piracy. It has to be bait.

>> No.7768396

Yeah, the game is properly preserved because the only digital copy is lying on Satoru-kun's hard drive. I mean, it was. Unfortunately, Satoru-kun's passed away, and his wife threw away all his "nerdy" stuff in the trash bin. The game is lost now.

Edit: good news, everyone! Plenty of copies were found on the hard drives of some american pigs. I hope they don't throw their copies away. No, wait! There's no need, they seem nice enough to let me make a copy of their files, so I too can play and preserve the games. Yes, I downloaded from them, but... Ewwww! American pigs... I feel so dirty... Need some sake to cleanse myself.

>> No.7768439

I don't know how anybody could sincerely praise Japan's retarded Draconian copyright/anti-piracy laws and the resulting paranoia about sharing material that people there have. Not knocking the country as a whole based on that but come on, if you actually care about games, how can you think that any of that is okay?

>> No.7768446

So, is the OP image from an undumped game or something? I swear that I've seen it before, but maybe I am mixing it up with something from another game.

>> No.7768448

No, it's a boss from Streets of Rage 2. I just couldn't come up with a decent OP pic so I went with that.

>> No.7768458

Most likely dumped outside of Japan

>> No.7768473

Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.7768608

Because they can just go buy the game and console for less than 30$

>> No.7768696

Watch the collectors episodes on gamecentercx. People there are crazy loyal to corporations and the thought of someone not having the original game will give you more evil looks than saying anime isnt real

>> No.7768728 [DELETED] 

what a cuck nation. no wonder they don't reproduce. good they will die out.

>> No.7768745 [DELETED] 

Based. Fuck entitled commies.

>> No.7768747 [DELETED] 

Holy cringe

>> No.7768749
File: 3.19 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20210430_143552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't really. That said, retro games are widely available here in Japan so there is rarely any real incentive to pirate in the first place. Even my local game store sells retro games and so does every book off, and don't get me started on the full-on retro game speciality stores. Mercari has also made it very easy to but retro games for cheap and have em delivered straight to your door. It's hilarious watching yanks on /vr/ seethe over retro games getting expensive and hard to get lately, meanwhile it's cheaper and easier than ever here.

>> No.7768782

Based and yo contra el barrio pilled.

>> No.7768914

Stop choking on corporate cock, scum.

>> No.7768957


It's also why there is almost no magazine scanning coming from Japan. It might be a 30 year old issue of The Super Famicom, but it's still copyrighted.

>> No.7768969


Maybe that's why Nintendo gives its tantrums all over the world. They're too spoiled by their hometown.

>> No.7768972


It's why Taiwanese and others are jumping in and doing Japan's job for them.


>> No.7769003

That is EXACTLY why.

Based truchinx.

>> No.7769013

The West has far more mutilated IP laws than Japan. Did you know in Japan that nothing made before 1960 can be copyrighted?

>> No.7769023

see in America it's more like "Yeah fuck you, Universal and Disney. Fight the powah!"

>> No.7769032 [DELETED] 

F* pooprium, there is no news about the dam rom dump and a emulator to play with. arghhhhhhh!

>> No.7769035

I only worried about roms from SNES and NES, the rest can trash it.

>> No.7769074

Wow! Didn't know about that. Thanks!

>> No.7769091



They have been scanning magazines and books for like 13 years now, and only recently one of them have decided to maek them available online for everyone.

>> No.7769093

I want to time travel to 2100 and see if Nintendo will still seethe whenever someone downloads a Super Mario Bros NES rom: "I'm Shiggy the 4th and demand filthy american to stop tarnish honor of the great granddad and handover all money to us."

>> No.7769104

Makes sense, Disney would sue every single anime studio if that were the case

>> No.7769386

I've heard the Japs fucking seethe when white piggus get nip games imported? Surely that market is raising the prices over there.

>> No.7769413

Well, to put it blunty.

The japanese are STILL so damn superstitious about these things, and yes, its a japanese pride thing.

>> No.7769415

East Asian ant mentality. Back in the day it was dedicate your life for the glory of the emperor, nowadays it's dedicate your life for the glory of our great corporations.

>> No.7769502

>thinking hipster s.0.ypod grifters havent shitted up the supply of japanese imports by hoarding them,

>> No.7769864

nigger they're not imports if youre in Japan

>> No.7770336

>I've heard the Japs fucking seethe when white piggus get nip games imported
nerds on 2ch have no power or influence irl

>> No.7770343

There are a lot of assumptions being made in here by entitled American piggus and I'd like to clarify that nobody in Japan is dumping their rare crap to one drive and calling it preserved. Don't be stupid.

>> No.7770359

Almost every japanese game of every major console is online, I mean all of them. Whats left? Some piece of shit demo ?

>> No.7770368

And are you a japanese native? Or a gaijin?

>> No.7770897

As long as he's not some fat yank that doesn't speak any language other than English and thinks Japan is some kind of fantasy land he's more trustworthy than 99% of posters in this thread.

>> No.7771346

I lived in Japan for 5 years a while back. I speak 3 languages (including Japanese) and I have many connections to preservationists and the broader retro community there. Just because people aren't uploading everything to the Internet Archive doesn't mean it isn't being properly preserved behind closed doors. Think cold storage/offline, coupled with redundant online backups on file systems designed for data integrity. Japanese preservationists are better than most Westerners in this respect.

>> No.7771405

you might want to check out redump's missing-games-list for japanese games lol, you'd be surprised.

>> No.7771426

Most of the time it's just that the language barrier makes it hard for EOPs to find where the Japanese roms are on the internet.

>> No.7771429
File: 24 KB, 172x242, mehtoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Preservation" has always been such a BS excuse to start with. It's just what whiny greedy little babies cry when they try to justify themselves or can't have something. And don't get me wrong I'm not against piracy or anything, I'm sure as fuck not gonna pay scalper ebay prices for an old video game I'll play for 12 minutes before shelving. But this was NEVER about preservation. It's about wanting to play the games without having to pay retard prices for software old enough to be some posters dads. And I really wish these so call "preservationists" would stop deluding themselves into thinking they're saving some art. These were mass market toys and the world isn't worse off if they're not collected. Just admit you want them for free because prices are bullshit and be honest. Pirate games but do it honestly.

>> No.7771436

this, "ethical piracy" is for redditors

>> No.7771440

Seriously. We're not gonna judge you. You make yourself look worse when you make up an excuse. It's something we all do.

>> No.7771468

Weird. I once saw a Japanese let's play and the guy was using emulators. iirc he was using launchbox.

>> No.7771482

There are actually organizations in Japan that are preserving data, files and materials properly. Typical american thinking that it has to be available for you to be "properly preserverd".

Preservation does not mean that it has to be accesible to the public. "Preserving" does not mean some random internet dude is able to play the game. Take it as a privilege to be able to "play" beta versions or rare roms, but not for granted.

>> No.7771494

All piracy is ethical.

>> No.7771502

"preservation" is usually a term hoarderfaggots use which means preserved on their hard drive for only them and their hoarder buddies to play

>> No.7771504

You're really really wrong.

>> No.7771508

>hello japanese person, is this being preserved?
>bro trust me

>> No.7771513

I love it when some game appears that nobody's ever heard of and then suddenly all of the "preservation" faggots start screaming how someone should upload and share their own property so they can have a free thing.

He's exactly right. You faggots are all just greedy children.

>> No.7771514

preservation literally means nothing if no one can play it

>> No.7771515

and the hoarder faggots start crying about MUH INVESTMENT

>> No.7771520

That doesn't mean you deserve it for free either.

>> No.7771523

if I don't deserve it for free why is it sitting on my disk right now?

>> No.7771526

the games eventually get leaked either way and the hoarders can cry over their "investments" being lost

>> No.7771540
File: 99 KB, 603x696, murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if its "preserved" by americans its truly preseverd. Make preservation great again.

>> No.7771559

seethe europoor

>> No.7771637

This, but unironically. Proliferation is the best preservation.

>> No.7771776

>waah waahhh u dumb amerifat hoarders just want things for free this isnt preservation
>why yes some japanese autist buying every beta and proto out there and locking on his vault just to himself, now this is preservation

>> No.7772707


Preservation makes sense if you preserved them, but then kept them locked away until they became Public domain. And I wish there was an option in Internet Archives for a delayed release. Upload something now, say to release it 10 years from now.

>> No.7772764

That is assuming that internet archive would be available 10 years from now.

>> No.7772850

Faggots WILL try to destroy it.

>> No.7772853

They did a little, now we have some books you can only "loan" for a single hour.

>> No.7772863

I don't even give it that long