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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 259x194, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7765916 No.7765916 [Reply] [Original]

I think the reason why the Dreamcast has so little buttons is because there wasn't much space on it.

>> No.7765921

This has been debunked.

>> No.7765938

This has been sneedbunked

>> No.7765969
File: 82 KB, 1023x818, Saturn Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the Dreamcast, dislike the controller. Feels cheap, uncomfortable, and it didn't even have built in vibration. Xbox Controller S is probably the best "retro" controller

Why couldn't Sega just slap two symmetrical analog sticks on this one?
>b-but that's copying the Dualshock layout!
Which everyone ended up doing anyway.

>> No.7765984

>symmetrical meme

>> No.7765991
File: 168 KB, 1600x1200, 6th Gen Controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Nintendo attempted to make a better controller for 3D games. Sega Dreamcast controller was literally a downgrade from the Saturn 3D pad

Symmetrical human hands, symmetrical controller. Simple as.
Sorry about your mutant hands hombre

>> No.7765993

i know everyone hates the dc controller
i like it
then again I also think the 3 button genesis controller is good too

>> No.7765997

>anon can’t pay his head and run his belly at the same time
I’m sorry for your loss

>> No.7766009

I think the DC controller is fine.

>> No.7766029

>pat his head and rub his belly*

>> No.7766870

You do realize they could have just made a different design all together. It is small because it doesn’t have as many buttons not the other way around.

>> No.7767338

>I think

>> No.7767601

Thank God the Total Control 3 exists to unfuck SEGA's retarded decisions.

>> No.7767605

>Xbox Controller S
Black and white and start and select buttons are difficult to press.

>> No.7767721

>fuckhuge controller
>tiny circuitboard

>> No.7768219

You're right, they can be. I always "warm up" the controller by mashing those four buttons a dozen times before playing

>> No.7768289

>Why couldn't Sega just slap two symmetrical analog sticks on this one?
because in 1998 two analog sticks were seen as a meme and nobody had a good use for them until games started mapping the camera control to the 2nd stick en masse

>> No.7768339

The only thing I dislike about the dreamcast controller is the cable entering the bottom for no good reason

>> No.7768342

You like the dpad?

>> No.7768349

I thought it was a restriction made to achieve better parity with the Naomi, ensuring more faithful arcade ports to the system. I can't think of a Naomi game that used more inputs than what's offered on Dreamcast

>> No.7768357
File: 113 KB, 800x600, Sega Twin Stick Controller for Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega was just too boneheaded to put two and two together. They released this controller for a Saturn Virtual On port in 1996. They ended up making a Dreamcast version of this controller for another Virtual On port around 1999. They should've had the foresight to add a second stick to the Dreamcast's default controller.
Sony and the Dual Analog (released 1997) was clearly the future.

>> No.7768360

Yes, there were even a few PS2 games that didn't use the right stick for camera, which goes to show how long it really took for it to become standardized across the industry. What's funny is that Nintendo were the first to come up with dedicated inputs just for manipulating a camera in 3D space on their controllers yet even they didn't do so with all of their games.

>> No.7768374

I don't use the dpad because I'm not a fighterfag

>> No.7768390

My one poor Dreamcast controller had the board crack in half because a 25 inch or so CRT fell on it years ago.

I thought the TV was on a flat stable surface.

It crashed onto the VMU port structure.

>> No.7768486

Alls they gotta do was make the Saturn controllers, all of them compatible with the DeeCee, even make an adapter if needed. If you're not gonna make a dual analog stick controller why make a new controller which is a million times inferior? VMU was a stupid idea.

>> No.7768501

>VMU was a stupid idea.
They were chasing the Tamagotchi bucks.

>> No.7768504
File: 123 KB, 800x600, astrocity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Sega was totally retarded for making good arcade style sticks instead of just shitty one size tries to fit all controllers and letting people slap their logo on plastic fightan sticks.

>> No.7768556

that’s it, this is the design! we can’t fit more buttons, we’re stuck with it!

>> No.7768578

Further proof that /tv/ posters are far worse than /pol/.

>> No.7768581

You make it sounds like the PCB design was made before the design of the controller, how many buttons it would have, etc.

>> No.7768584

Eh, I don’t know about that. I agree with the other anon saying it’s a big step backward from the Saturn 3D pad.
>one analog stick
>only 4 face buttons
>utterly baffling decision to replace their famously popular d-pad
>all around sort of cheap feeling with no rubber covering of any kind for the stick, just plastic

>> No.7768683
File: 382 KB, 640x480, dQy45Js.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a lot of people forget this whenever they complain about the Dreamcast not having 2 sticks. Sure, it seems like a major oversight when you look back at it now, but barely any games in that era even made use of the right stick. And even when they did, many people considered it very awkward. (pic related)

>> No.7768695

indeed. the real mistake was not having an extra 2 shoulder buttons or 6 front buttons.

>> No.7768719

People always like the original better, if they wanted a trannygotchi they could buy the original for a few bucks instead of buying an expensive DeeCee which you would have to spend a ton of money on batteries for the VMU.

>> No.7768725

Try playing an FPS on the Dreamcast, MakenX was impossible to play with the DC controller.

>> No.7768729

I played Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament on Dreamcast all the time. ABXY to move, analog stick to aim. Basically the same type of controls that Turok had on N64.

>> No.7768824
File: 395 KB, 1080x774, Screenshot_20210518-124310~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7768827

3do controller is superior to Genesis.

>> No.7769434

I still think the N64 is the best pad for FPS games but the DC was just not suitable, C buttons were perfect for FPS.

>> No.7769454

This is like the cheapest feeling controller I've ever used

>> No.7769691

just stfu

>> No.7769697

seconding this