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File: 142 KB, 800x800, Sonicadventuredcog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7764829 No.7764829 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it acceptable for half the game to be shit when it's a Sonic game?
>Sonic is the only gameplay style that's legitimately good, Knuckles and Gamma are fine but underdeveloped
>Tails feels utterly pointless because he flies over everything or just uses repurposed minigames from Sonic's story, only his last level is any good
>Amy's levels are boring
>Big's levels are pointless walk to a place and do a minigame: the gameplay style
>the cutscenes are often weak even for their time
>the voice acting is just plain not good, you can find it charming or whatever though if you want
>majority of non-Sonic levels in the game are obviously just repurposed Sonic levels, usually the stages aren't designed specifically around the current gameplay style and just slap shit on top, see basically every Knuckles stage
>literally repeated cutscenes
>literally repeated bosses
>Dreamcast version is easily the best but you can't skip cutscenes, the only saving grace of the ports
>Chao Garden isn't even good in this game, any version of SA2 has a better Chao Garden of any version of SA1, raising Chao is definitely more of a chore
>story isn't anything special and definitely doesn't deserve the "varying viewpoints" treatment since it does little to nothing with it, Gamma's story, while the best, is oddly irrelevant to the overall game's plot and could be cut entirely with only a couple minor changes
And this is just talking about the Dreamcast version.

>> No.7764871

Everything is just filler to get food for my Chao

>> No.7764872

>you don't have to play as Sonic for the entire game
>the game doesn't have to be good
Sonic had a rough transition to 3D

>> No.7764883

>another "Sonic adventure sucks" thread
How many times has this been posted? Yeah no shit the game is flawed, people still like it though and that's fine

>> No.7764904

>Why is it acceptable for half the game to be shit when it's a Sonic game?
you mean, why not the whole thing?

>> No.7764914

yeah but he's hitting the benihana on the cover
that's fucking rad, you pussy.

>> No.7764978

>Dreamcast version is easily the best but you can't skip cutscenes, the only saving grace of the ports
This is the only real problem I have from your list coupled with the repetitive cutscenes. Your opinions about the rest are certainly fine and valid but I didn't have an issue with Amy/Big/Knuckles playstyles and missions personally. I never played SA2 so I can't compare the chao gardens but I thought SA was fine and implemented well. Just pop in occasionally and bukkake your lil dudes with animals and the VMU functionality was incredible at the time at the height of virtual pets.

>> No.7764992


>> No.7765025
File: 163 KB, 338x243, tumblr_lywg9geplR1rnsvazo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, some stuff I do like about Sonic Adventure
>OST has gotta be top 5 in the franchise, it's fucking great from top to bottom
>Dreamcast version especially is comfy, notably in the Adventure Maps which are quite atmospheric, I like the graphics in general and the entire look of the game in the Dreamcast version
>wandering around Station Square and just chatting to random NPCs can be kinda fun and it's unnecessary but great that a good chunk of the NPCs actually have story arcs that progress over the course of the story
>I do like Gamma's story (although at times I have felt it's a bit hollow)
>I quite like Knuckles in this game in general, from his look to his personality to his story and exploring his role as the protector of the Emerald a bit. This could even be peak Knuckles for me and he's my favorite character in the franchise
>some awesome voice work from the dub cast, I know I shit on them but some of those lines are so cheesy and memorable that I can't help but love them anyway, Deem Bristow was an awesome Eggman who only got better in the next game
>I like the entire aesthetic of Sonic Adventure, with its menus and the style it's trying to go for, I think this is a great setting for a cartoon series (too bad they made Sonic X instead and mostly squandered it)
>some of those Sonic stages are pretty fun, maybe if they focused on improving this then they would have made better Sonic games, and this is coming from a guy that kinda likes Sonic Adventure 2
>it's cool that it had DLC I guess
>you can mod the Steam version to restore the Dreamcast visuals with the updated resolution
I'd give it like a 4/10 to be honest. I kind of find the original game too charming to really hate it despite its flaws. If Tails, Amy and Big didn't exist in the game as gameplay styles and nothing else was different, it would be like a 6/10

>> No.7765034

I actually think Amy’s levels are decently fun just because of how you can launch yourself around with the hammer.

>> No.7765240

>Why is it acceptable for half the game to be shit when it's a Sonic game?
This is literally every major Sonic game since.

It's like they make a perfectly fine Sonic game but by the end of development realise it's too short and have to shoehorn some other half-arsed character reusing the levels they had. Colours is probably the only outlier here but the whisps were a mediocre gameplay addition.

>> No.7765260

The other characters are less than a quarter of the game and they're all between inoffensive and pretty fun.

>> No.7765363

Because Sega realized designing the entire game with Sonic's gameplay would be too much and they had to pad the game out with bullshit. I just think it's hilarious that people compare this game to Mario 64, a game that feels excellent to play from beginning to end because they knew how to design a FUCKING video game.

>> No.7765389

I also love that, it makes me wish they done more stuff with that mechanic.
Also, more running around with her in general,
Tails racing mechanic but with Amy instead would have been gold in my opinion.

>> No.7765870

You're almost reaching the realization that even the Sonic gameplay is only good by comparison. Sonic gameplay was just bad, sloppy platforming with a bandaid homing attack trying to repair it. The fact that others were worse tricks people into thinking that Sonic segments are good gameplay.

>> No.7765883
File: 2.95 MB, 1440x1080, 1604804686529.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Sonic fucking sucks

>> No.7765931

you can still have fun with bad games and sa1 really demonstrates that. sa1 is shitty but its unique in its shittiness and there's not really any non-sonic game like it. most of its fans played it when they were young so they gloss over the flaws. also helps that the next few 3d sonics after sa2 got even worse so sa1 looks even better by comparison
so yea you're basically right but thats why people go so easy on this game.

>> No.7766103

People liked it in 1999 because it had relatively good graphics and because Saturn never got a real Sonic title (a sincere tragedy). However, people who claim to be fans at this point are just coping Sega fags and perverts.

>> No.7766151

It’s not. Everything besides Sonic is fucking terrible, but that doesn’t stop me from loving Dreamcast SA1. It’s super imaginative, there’s really no other game out there like it

>> No.7766960

>go out of your way to slow down specifically to trigger collision problems that do not exist at all if you just keep running normally
This is the most disingenuous one

>> No.7766981

I agree with you but I’d like it a lot more if its presentation weren’t such abject garbage. The audio mixing, cutscene direction, even the menus - it’s all pure autism. But in a way I guess that’s a big part of its identity and uniqueness. I just wish it were a little more competent. It’s honestly a pathetic showing in most ways and I mean that I’m the nicest way possible.

>> No.7767026

keep watching

>> No.7767061

SA2 >>>>>>>> SA

>> No.7767236
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>> No.7767486

I like the game but I agree with this assessment.

Amy was a lot of fun to move with. Tails’s ridiculous breakdance attack was fun to slide with too. Knuckles and Gamma also had movement that felt really fluid.

Honestly the sense of character movement is really solid, occasional collision problems with level geometry aside. It’s almost a shame, they’re great to move with but they’re stuck in a very unpolished game. If the levels were larger and more open and took more cues from the genesis games, SA could’ve been really great.

Still wish we had gotten the beta windy valley, looked like a great level. Not sure why they changed it.

>> No.7767608
File: 347 KB, 640x480, SA_Tails_Unknown_Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still wish we had gotten the beta windy valley, looked like a great level.
Reminder that we know practically nothing about this level which appears to be beta Twinkle Park
I think this could literally be THE only shot of it in any of the trailers or commercials

>> No.7767681
File: 68 KB, 1200x900, 1795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be playing egg dragoon boss fight
>get a load of this
>dad walks in to make sure I didn't rack up the dialup bill to download weird porno again

>> No.7767727

Shadow the Hedgehog had the potential to be the Sonic game people were craving. It was basically SA2 but only with Sonic levels.

Too bad the controls were ass.

>> No.7767742

>It was basically SA2 but only with Sonic levels.
You did not play the game. The level design is nothing similar.

>> No.7767972

Ironically, more than half of your shitpost isn’t even about the gameplay. Just a bunch of nitpicking over aesthetics. Even by your own standards, Amy and Big are the only truly terrible campaigns in SA1 and they’re the two shortest ones in the game. Big’s story can be beaten in around 20 minutes IIRC. The game’s good, quit bitching.

>> No.7767974

Just get the PC version with the “Better SADX” mod. It restores the Dreamcast textures, lighting, collision, etc. and has skippable cutscenes as well as widescreen support.

>> No.7767994

The wanking over SM64 has gotten out of control. That game is no masterpiece. It has serious flaws that make it a chore to replay for anyone who isn’t wildly delusional. Ex: Mario’s ground control is honestly abysmal, there’s a reason he doesn’t walk in a half circle when turning around in newer games. Changing the traditional Mario formula into a collectathon where stages must be replayed numerous times was obviously done to pad out the game due to technical limitations, and regardless of that excuse it just isn’t as fun as the classics. The game is also a buggy mess and you’re bound to have adverse experiences from that, at least until you learn to navigate around the glitches.

TL;DR SM64 is overrated and certainly not an example of “great game design.”

>> No.7768006
File: 172 KB, 457x700, SonicSss9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7768008

>The game is also a buggy mess and you’re bound to have adverse experiences from that, at least until you learn to navigate around the glitches
This revisionist projection from hardcore Sonic autists is laughable.
Idk why you bother disparaging what's one of the greatest and most revolutionary games of all time.

>> No.7768025

Mario controls amazingly in 64 and it only got more refined with how he controls in Sunshine. You don't have to like the collectathon style, but you probably have no problem with Sega mashing an entire game up into shitty play-styles. This is your brain on Adventurefaggotry. Bitching about Mario 64 being a "buggy mess" in a fucking Sonic Adventure thread is also hilarious

>> No.7768098

No wonder american sonic fans are retarded when stuff like this came out. Yikes.

>> No.7768103

worst take of all time

>> No.7768243

>Ironically, more than half of your shitpost
Fuck off.

>> No.7768309
File: 619 KB, 479x434, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-Adventure Archie was somehow both cringe and kino at the same time.
I call it crino.

>> No.7768318
File: 77 KB, 487x630, images - 2021-03-19T111008.991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tails' feet
what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.7768347
File: 740 KB, 750x1000, y90ShTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the comic too, but I stopped buying them around issue 50, I think. I just know my last memory is when Sally "died".

In retrospect, I think I stopped because the art was so fucking bad. Penders is shit, but I still read up when Knuckles turned green or what the fuck ever.
My point is Spaz/Harvo for life.

Bonus, here's some autistic writing about an issue. I tried to find the main site, but his links are broke and my best guess was sonic.html (it did not work)

>> No.7768364
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The non-game Sonic media loves to show off their bare feet for some reason, theres way too many instances for it to be a coincidence

>> No.7768371
File: 898 KB, 489x745, fuckingpenders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penders era was fucking retarded. I read through the entire comic a decade ago and the only good thing about Penders post issue 50 was that Ian Flynn did a great job of taking his terrible concepts and making them kind of cool or interesting in some way. There is so much fucking dumb shit that happens during the Penders era that you forget for years, then it just kind of comes back and you wish it hadn't. There were entire overarching storylines that were trash, like the Sonic/Sally/Mina love triangle bullshit, the entire quest period between Robotnik and Eggman, most everything involving Mobians, the utter lunacy of the extended Knuckles storyline (from Echidna OC city adventures to that time Knuckles spent a fucking YEAR green) etc.

>> No.7768395

I had fun playing Ed 209 or whatever his name was.

>> No.7768398

SA 2 sucks.
SA 1 is absolutely based.

>> No.7768425

He was green for A YEAR? God I'm glad I stopped.
Unfortunately for me, now I want to read them from start to finish. Please end me.

Do they still make them?

>> No.7768636

The Archie series ended. But then it more or less returned as a new series under IDW, which seems to retain a lot of the staff that was around from the end of the Archie series
Honestly if you want to check out the Archie comics again just know the first 20 or so are pretty mid until Penders starts popping up and makes the comic interesting. Issue 50 is the tipping point, the end of the flawed but good Penders era that had emerged from the ashes of the Gallagher era that kicked off the series. The following 10 years of the comic are best described as often terrible bizarro world nonsense with a few bright spots. When it isn't bad, it's fucking boring. They began to get more of a direction when they started integrating Adventure stuff into the comic but things kept being various levels of bad and weird until the Ian Flynn era. The Ian Flynn era begins very abruptly and the comic instantly becomes much better with that very issue.
As for after that, I stopped reading around 2012 so I can't exactly tell you how the Ian Flynn era turned out overall.

>> No.7768664
File: 334 KB, 646x738, tumblr_1aa1f0496c6cacf1e26ee8067f9bfd25_dcf50cd0_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up some autists tumblr for the reading order. And found a site hosting all(?) the comics.

Pic related is from the tumblr. The tumblr author also had a small cameo in an issue. I don't think this bodes well, but well, I've already decided to do this shit. Might as well find out how far I can stomach it.

>> No.7768684

Theres all kinds of reasons this could happen though besides somebody just making a funny video online. I had collision problems all the time when I just went back to SA1. Anything from bumping a wall or a sudden shift in camera angles will do it.

>> No.7768691

I always wanted these comics when their covers were shown on the bonus section of the mega collection. I hope there's a convenient book compilation of all the comics, or at least certain series of the comics.

>> No.7768723
File: 142 KB, 650x967, SA13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some shitty pocket size compilations (apparently they canned it just before reaching comic 100). You'll need 12 and 13 to get End Game, I think. But it's the "extended" version of 50. I can't remember the difference between the two versions.

Anyways, that's the basics. You can find more info on this wiki, I guess: https://archiesonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Archives
Just Google something like 'read sonic comic free' if you can't buy them (I have no idea how much these cost, especially in Current Year)

As a side note, Sonic also had a crossover with Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Megaman comics.

>> No.7768772
File: 125 KB, 1280x705, lex-luthor-40-cakes-1131948-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forty cakes reference

>> No.7768923 [DELETED] 

Sonic X is a different comic. That's what the image is from.

>> No.7769240

It should have been the 2d view like contra shattered soldier.

>> No.7769646
File: 94 KB, 652x678, STC100-SuperSonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green knuckles

I'm grateful for how unbelievably based UK sonic the comic was

>> No.7769989

Meanwhile Adventure 2 fixes almost everything on this list, as much as working to actually make the alternate gameplay styles more than just doing Sonic's existing levels in a different way made everyone seethe for some reason.

>> No.7770108

You can tell that that's a British comic because of the fucked up teeth

>> No.7770150

Big the Cat levels are better than any Last of Us or Uncharted games. Sonic Adventure 4 ever!

>> No.7770312

The tumblr cameo was in IDW, not Archie. IDW Sonic is decent but SEGA is a lot more restrictive on it which has caused some problems. SEGA demanded a last minute rewrite of an issue because they thought Shadow should've been written to be more of an anti-hero and you can tell something was very off about that issue.
I've tried a marathon of Archie Sonic myself and it's honestly just really dull most of the time. It starts off amusing and there's some highlights that one random story arc about LSD but most of Penders stuff just reads like very mediocre sci-fi. I tell people interested to just jump to the Flynn comics, American comics weren't exactly written to be binge read anyway and do a good job of catching you up on the important stuff.

>> No.7770436

because the music is really good

>> No.7770442

>Meanwhile Adventure 2 fixes almost everything on this list
while being much more soulless

>> No.7770458

Wrong. SA2 had so much fucking soul poured into it it retroactively sucked the soul of all the following games.

>> No.7770469

Adventure 1 is the game with less soul, character levels in SA2 all standing out and having unique environments and appearances even within the same general location shows a lot more care put in than "Yeah play this recycled Sonic level I guess".

>> No.7770502



>> No.7770773

>I tell people interested to just jump to the Flynn comics, American comics weren't exactly written to be binge read anyway and do a good job of catching you up on the important stuff.
The Flynn stuff is better if you slogged through the Penders stuff first kek. Also I'd presume there would be a lot less "who the fuck is this dude" on a first time read

>> No.7770796


>> No.7770837
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>> No.7770887


>> No.7771005

"franchise" KIDS! was all over the place back then.

>> No.7771035

Yep all the way from Muppet Babies until the early 2000s or so "series except with babies/kids/teenagers" was a big thing. This was just Archie trying to cash in.

>> No.7771248
File: 124 KB, 866x900, 1621317729713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'am glad the comic was not available in my country, it all makes sense now with american sonic fans.

>> No.7771254

The Archie series wasn't really that impactful to the American Sonic fandom at large to be honest. Not many Sonicfags could tell you much about Scourge or Enerjak.

>> No.7771325

I am still going to read in release order, because I am an autist when it comes to media.

And yes, I should have clarified I was talking about IDW in my post.
I also can understand suggesting people to read the new one instead.

>> No.7771549
File: 30 KB, 320x224, Tails_sonic_3d_blast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, posting superior 3d sonic gayme

>> No.7771581

my dad unironically thinks this was the first 3d game of all time

>> No.7771597

Unfortunately the level design is ultra-linear and doesn't make good use of her movements

>> No.7771610

Who the fuck said it was acceptable? Who even cares about sonic anymore, other than little children and obese spergmutants who wear diapers for fun? How did this console do in terms of sales and longevity, compared to the other three that same gen?
Where the fuck is Sega right now in terms of hardware?
How was this "accepted" by anyone, according to you?

>> No.7771796

>he's never used /vr/ before

>> No.7771870
File: 2.79 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210519_081934382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While there's stuff about the Archie Comics in here figured I'd take a pic of my collection
I don't think this is all of them, probably another five or ten in a box someplace, although I definitely don't have all of these. I just got an eBay lot a couple years ago for the fun of it
I was also subscribed for a short time and retained the Super Sonic issue there in its plastic because I didn't bother reading it at the time. Sweet cover though

>> No.7771873

Oh also all of these covers are based Spaz covers. Based Spaz

>> No.7772224

>deflects instead of addressing.

>> No.7772241 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 600x976, soyjakgoldfishbubbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad faith! You're arguing in bad faith!

>> No.7772247

I never played anything sonic since sonic 3 & knuckles till sonic mania lol

>> No.7772561

does the game have major issues? absolutely.
is it still fun as hell? absolutely.

>> No.7772607

american animators love to shove their fetishes into everything

>> No.7772610

yeah, it was segasonic the hedgehog

>> No.7772613

go back to /v/ zoomzoom, nobody here gives a shit. i'll keep playing my 6th gen kino while you can argue with switchbabies about which corporate mandated photorealism is better

>> No.7772901


>> No.7773075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7773168

it probably doesn't hold up but as a kid that shit was hype
the vmu chao really spoke to my pokemon-loving soul, you know?
being able to play the entire game as tails felt new and exciting. everything about it did! the ost slaps and bleeds edge. the exact edge that just tied it all together so well.
logging onto dreamcast internet and joining the irc chat rooms and exploring the rest of sonic net, like downloading peoples' fucking god-tier chao.

>> No.7773478

But I just played through Sonic's first stage just today and I liked it.

>> No.7774778

>being able to play the entire game as tails felt new and exciting.
You could literally do this in Sonic 2 without cheating even

>> No.7774803

terrible, TERRIBLE game

>> No.7775853

Adventure works because you get an uninterrupted Sonic quest, then play the other characters (the same timeline from a different perspective) whenever you felt like it. It would have been the perfect pack-in title for DC (except SA1 was buggy with a low framerate). SA2 side character games were pretty bad, AND you had to play them in the main game, completely ruining the pacing. People who prefer SA2 I assume were 4 years old playing their first video game ever

>> No.7775858

Like Mega Man 3, Sonic Adventure is a good example of dishonest game design.

>> No.7776298

Filtered by the kinometric gameplay, lad?

>> No.7776463

>play entire sonic story, have fun
>now play those levels but but shittier as tails
>now play those levels but shittier-er as knuckles with a hunting mechanic that's so lazily implemented it might as well be a joke
>now play those levels as amy who has unique gameplay so it doesn't feel as recycled but only has a handful of stages
>now play those levels as gamma who is actually pretty fun but is beyond braindead easy because the game wasn't even remotely designed for his gameplay
>now play big the cat's story which is unfathomably terrible, is poorly explained within the game itself, and far worse than any complaint you could try to make about any adventure 2 gameplay style
>play levels that all have individual identities and are clearly made for the gameplay style you're experiencing, paced out so you don't have to play through a marathon of recycled content to get the true ending

>> No.7776528

>Play the entire Sonic story, have fun
I choose to stop there.

>Play SA2 and be forced to go through insufferable long stages with Knuckles, Rouge, and Tails, Eggman

Didn’t Shadow only get like 3 levels? What a blue balling game. 4/10

>> No.7776558

I mean, if you're going to just ignore all the content you don't like on a replay, you could just stage select and play the Adventure 2 speed stages on their own.

Shadow has 4 stages, Sonic has 6. Equal to the amount in Adventure 1 even before you consider the Sonic section at the end of Cannon's Core.

>> No.7776589

>On a replay
I found playing through it once to be a chore. Dropped the game at mad space. Horrible level design, and painfully boring.

>> No.7776592

It's like complaining that Tekken has a separate Tekken Bowl minigame to play whenever you want a break from fighting. Then preferring mandatory Tekken Bowl between every round of every match

>> No.7776598

You have to play all of the Adventure 1 stories to finish the game, and it's a lot more grating to be playing what is clearly badly recycled content versus unique stages made with their gameplay styles in mind.

>> No.7776675

Whether you like the non-Sonic sections or not, SA1 isn't forcing you to finish the game right away just to play one final stage. SA2 forces you to play non-Sonic(+Shadow) sections, whether you like them or not, in order to get any further in the game. If SA2 was set up like 1 would have had a better opinion of it

>> No.7776752

Knuckles' gameplay style could have been refined and developed into a top tier exploration based collectathon if they'd tried, prove me wrong.

>> No.7776813

Then you'd have the same mess as 1's narrative where there's virtually no point to the different perspectives since there's so much overlap and you don't gain anything interesting from the non-Sonic options you have short of Gamma's story which was a great idea but at the same time completely inconsequential. Adventure 2 only having two perspectives but making them much more interesting and with distinct revelations from each other and wildly different halves of the story despite overlapping at points was a much better execution of that idea.

They did try, but their aim was to create gameplay where you are actively hunting for hidden treasure, which it does succeed at. It's simply that many don't like that gameplay type.

>> No.7777107
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1534558470366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based. I thought the exact same

>> No.7777138 [DELETED] 

Mods ban me everyday for shitting on their favorite games but let shit threads like this go lmao

>> No.7777380

Sonic Adventure was a better narrative than Sonic Adventure 2. It felt like a true adventure and the multiple cast timelines was kino. I was bored of SA2 by White Jungle. Narrative didnt grip me at all. Shadow is a cartoonish OC that the plot has to pretend is a copy of Sonic, making everyone look like a drooling retard. And Rouge's only personality is "I want JEWELS durr jewels are so pretty heehee". The whole thing with Eggman's grandpa being an evil schizo jew and the moon blowing up and the lizard... Just... No.

>> No.7777558

>Dropped the game at mad space. Horrible level design
seething because you can't git gud at hunting, typical sa2 hater

>> No.7777703

I mostly agree with the story (SA1's story did reveal some extra details that weren't the Sonic section). But you didn't pay full price to play dull platforming or fetch quests, you paid to play Sonic, and SA1 had an uninterrupted Sonic quest (aside from minigames). SA2 is like a mobile game that constantly pauses to show ads

>> No.7777971

The people I've seen bitch about SA2 forcing you to play as other characters are the same people who will excuse SA1 by saying "you don't have to play as anyone but Sonic!"
Functionally if you're judging the game as a whole it's practically the same thing, you're still going to go through all the levels anyway before you can complete the game
Why is it fine for SA1 to have 2/3rds of the gameplay to be shit and not fine for SA2 to have 2/3rds of the gameplay to be shit just because SA2 doesn't let you play as whatever character you want exactly when you want
In the Story Mode that's pretty short anyway including cutscenes and with the majority of the playtime taking place after the story is over anyway due to the wealth of Emblems

>> No.7779243

cum covered nostalgia goggles: the post
seethe more, tranny.

>> No.7779285

It was never acceptable for a flagship game. The game was a solid 7/10. Sega fans took it as their Mario 64 because it was all they had. The failure of Sonic Adventure and its follow-ups is a major reason why the dreamcast and ultimately sega failed.

Sega made it worse by pretending it was amazing and pushing the hype. If they had been honest and admitted Sonic Adventure games were only ok their fans wouldn't have been left with such a bad aftertaste. They should have ditched Sonic. The playstation had already shown you could be wildly successful without a prominent mascot platformer - dare I say scotformer.

>> No.7780170

>The failure of Sonic Adventure
Never met someone who disliked this game. I don't see how it failed.

>> No.7780175

Unlike Chuckles I don't crack my knuckles, I suckle

>> No.7780183

The dislike has increased a lot more recently. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that the number of people who played it on the Dreamcast is now being dwarfed in comparison to zoomies who played the terrible ports of ports of DX.

>> No.7780243

It would have helped if the side games were worth playing, I'd have more fun playing Big the Cat fishing inbetween the Sonic-Shadow parts

>> No.7780535

And whose fault is that? Sega's. They should have made sure the ports were of decent quality, thereby maintaining Sega's reputation for decades in the future. I mean you had one job, everyone would have won, and yet they didn't do it.

>> No.7780832

It's strange because SA2's port was rushed and has some very minor graphical issues and such but is largely solid and most people that play it wouldn't be bothered by any of the changes.

Meanwhile SADX was awful from the start, done slower and later, AND has only gotten worse over time with the more port jobs it gets. What the fuck?

>> No.7780837

>deflecting criticism of the game as being due to the ports
Every single time.

>> No.7782209

>Sonic is the only gameplay style that's legitimately good, Knuckles and Gamma are fine but underdeveloped
>Tails feels utterly pointless because he flies over everything or just uses repurposed minigames from Sonic's story, only his last level is any good
Tails levels were clearly designed for kids or people who aren't good at platforming to get better, ironically it synergizes well with Tails entire story since he doesn't want to let Sonic down
>Amy's levels are boring
I would chalk it up more as Amy's stages are "underdeveloped" like Knuckles and Gamma. Speedrunning through levels to avoid the jumpscare robot was unironically fun, especially adding to the fact she had the most fluid movement in the game.
>the cutscenes are often weak even for their time
Are you fucking shitting me? The entire appeal of what got people into the Adventure series in the first place was Sonic having a story. I'm starting to think you're a zoomer that was never around those times.
>the voice acting is just plain not good, you can find it charming or whatever though if you want
They were decent enough, better than any other voice actor team from other Sonic games.
>majority of non-Sonic levels in the game are obviously just repurposed Sonic levels, usually the stages aren't designed specifically around the current gameplay style and just slap shit on top, see basically every Knuckles stage
Somewhat a non-issue if the levels are actually good. Plus half of Knuckles stages are redesigned specifically for him. This is the same for several other characters.
>literally repeated cutscenes
It's almost as if characters meet up with each other thus have to have moments with said characters. You're forgetting the game is designed for you to not play the game in one sitting and check out other stories out.
>literally repeated bosses
Same as above. The only offender for this is Knuckles fighting a "revived" Chaos 6

>> No.7782210

>Dreamcast version is easily the best but you can't skip cutscenes, the only saving grace of the ports
Imagine buying a game with the intention of not enjoying all of the elements of the game. I can understand you thinking the story is bad, but intentionally not watching the cutscenes sounds like a personal problem.
>Chao Garden isn't even good in this game, any version of SA2 has a better Chao Garden of any version of SA1, raising Chao is definitely more of a chore
Because you're too used SA2's garden you zoomer, if you was around those times you would know the reason SA1's Chao Garden came back in the sequel despite Chaos's story being over is because people actually found it fun.
>story isn't anything special and definitely doesn't deserve the "varying viewpoints" treatment since it does little to nothing with it, Gamma's story, while the best, is oddly irrelevant to the overall game's plot and could be cut entirely with only a couple minor changes
It's not an award winning movie game dished out by Sony, but it's still a comfy shonen-like story for it's aimed target audience. I don't know what you expected from a Sonic game(or any 3D platformer mascot in general).

>> No.7782318

>Are you fucking shitting me? The entire appeal of what got people into the Adventure series in the first place was Sonic having a story. I'm starting to think you're a zoomer that was never around those times.
How does this excuse how bad the cutscenes are? Most Playstation games that had them were significantly better on this front, from animations to acting. Adventure 2's on the other hand hold up well to this day and even shine in some ways, it's an entire world of difference in how they look in motion. The voice acting and direction is miles better, too.

>> No.7782332

The bulk of SADX's problems trace back to fucking up SA1's lighting system. SA2 from the getgo used a way simpler lighting system, so there was less to fuck up.