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7761696 No.7761696 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just the best G&WG game for the Gameboy coming through.

>> No.7761920

doesn't G&WGAdvance hace all the games on 2 and then some?

>> No.7762182
File: 5 KB, 160x144, Game_Watch_Gallery_2_Ball_Very_Hard_GBC_Koopa_Stage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first game ever, at the time I felt like I would have rather gotten an actual mario game, but looking back, it was one of the most soulful things nintendo ever produced You know a game is soulful when the music can make a 4 year old cry. I mean I was a pretty sad kid but still
Anyone ever get enough stars to unlock bowser in ball?

>> No.7762207

advance is a fucking abomination, just like every other port onto that cesspool of a console.

>> No.7762219

I love some of the games on these, but there's always one or two that are so fucking annoying they hurt to play. I cannot stand Egg in Gallery 3.

>> No.7762226

What is it about the third console always ending up being the shittiest one?

>Master System, Genesis, Shiturn
>PS1, PS2, PS3

>> No.7762313

The G&WG games were soulful. I had the first one and played it all the time.

>> No.7762386

cringe and eggless

>> No.7762392

I liked all of the "modern" games, but some of the "classic" version were a bit painful, like ball.

>> No.7762421
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why can't you unlock everything in the museum dammnit!?

>> No.7762627
File: 683 KB, 1151x1162, tumblr_pid53jzCXt1rrftcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went through all the Mario Game & Watch Galleries recently. Agree with OP that G&W2 is the best Gameboy entry.

In G&WG1 the only one I really like is Fire. Oil Panic is okay, don't like Octopus and Manhole is better in Classic

G&WG2 I pretty much like all the games except Ball. Parachute and Chef are especially fun, and Vermin is great too (reminder that you can play as Wario in Helmet!)

G&WG3 is my least favorite. EGG and Turtle Bridge is decent, but Greenhouse and Mario Bros. I dislike and Donkey Kong Jr. is just very similar to Donkey Kong.

G&WG4 is probably the best by virtue of having the most games and bringing back some of my favorite classics. Fire and Rain Shower are great, Mario's Cement Factory is okay if a bit slow, you have both DK & DK jr. Chef continues to be amazing and Fire Attack is great even if it's too easy to survive, even on Star Mode.

I would love another Game & Watch Gallery. There's still so many G&W games that have never been remade, and since then the Mario cast has expanded. Still opportunities to showcase these old classic.

>> No.7762916

Donkey Kong is pure kino

>> No.7762967
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Ever play Donkey Kong for Gameboy? Beats country and the classics.

>> No.7763365

I love 2 but 3 has more games
All the Game and Watch Gallery games are fucking soulful
>Anyone ever get enough stars to unlock bowser in ball?
I have a bunch of stars on my save on the 3DS VC version and no. Did unlock regular Ball though

>> No.7764316

I only unlocked Yoshi.

>> No.7764327

I really like the feel of the G&W Gallery games. They have such a joyous atmosphere about them with really nice music.

>> No.7764395

this one and #3 are the best

>> No.7764576

how did you not notice they fucked up Fire on the GBA? it's fucking unplayable

>> No.7764591


>> No.7764595

you mean one of the best games ever? I played the first stages and didn't even know there was a full game hiding in there. i was shitting bricks when the whole game opened up
why do the sequels for GBA suck so badly??? mario mini robots

>> No.7764682

what is this forced meme that the gba was bad

>> No.7764689

i havent played a lot of mario vs donkey kong but it seems like dk94 2 except with a lame prerendered style

>> No.7764703

Donkey Kong GB is pretty much the definitive version of it. It tricks you with the first four normal arcade levels then throws you into an entire new fantastic adventure that builds on everything.

>> No.7764704

Going to assume this worked with a battery because it doesn’t keep my scores any longer. Little disappointed because my donkey kong score had to be insane.

>> No.7764715

G&WG5 when?

>> No.7764717

>Donkey Kong GB is pretty much the definitive version of it.
I mean, that's oversimplifying. The game doesn't play even a little similar to the original Donkey Kong and the arcade levels are a tiny facsimile. It isn't like DK94 is just DK but better, it's a completely different game inspired by DK.

>> No.7764809

Probably the best games TOSE ever made

>> No.7764834

never. if Nintendo was going to do it, it would have been on the G&W anniversary handheld. instead we just got another re-release of SMB.

>> No.7764836
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>I would love another Game & Watch Gallery. There's still so many G&W games that have never been remade, and since then the Mario cast has expanded. Still opportunities to showcase these old classic.

If you want something like a modern Game and Watch Gallery you could try Kingdom Hearts 3. Which sounds fucking crazy out of context but the collectables in that game are 23 Game and Watch clones, because Nomura was a fan of Game and Watch. You can get it on PC now and download a savestate. I dont know how it compares to Game and Watch since I never played them since I was a kid. But I figure it's worth mentioning because Nintendo sure as hell won't do one again.

>> No.7764839

GBA blows ass, zoomer. worst ports of all time, awful sound chip, second biggest library of shovelware only second to the DS.

>> No.7764841

>why do the sequels for GBA suck so badly??? mario mini robots

Miyamoto is fucking retard that's why. People just dont realize how early he became retarded.

>> No.7764843

>no kino Game and Watch compilation standalone handheld that contains a hundred games

>> No.7764847


I wish I didnt know about this plot twist or played it as a kid so I could have my mind blown too.

>> No.7764848

>second biggest library of shovelware only second to the DS.
Thanks for confirming you know jack shit about the Game Boy's library zoom zoom.

>> No.7766131

How so? I remember Fire in GBA being seemingly slightly easier but I didn't notice anything else. Care to elaborate?

Huh, that's pretty crazy! I didn't know that. That's real neat.

>> No.7766324

>How so? I remember Fire in GBA being seemingly slightly easier but I didn't notice anything else. Care to elaborate
it's easier because they expanded the time you have to catch a character before they hit the ground, and they did that because they fucked up the timing/gravity so it's possible for multiple characters to hit the ground at the exact same time. in the original GB/C version, that was impossible. the changed gravity is also fucked up and it isn't consistent across the bounces which really fucking annoys me so much I can't play it.

>> No.7766778

Gallery 3 is the best if only because of Mario Bros

>> No.7767653

Game and Watch Gallery makes my cock hard

>> No.7768316

>and they did that because they fucked up the timing/gravity so it's possible for multiple characters to hit the ground at the exact same time.
This may have actually happened to me a few times, so it looks like you are probably right. I don't remember having that many close calls where I felt like there was little choice in who I try to save in the G&WG2 version

>> No.7769371

GBA had one of the most fun and varied libraries I can remember.
GBA haters are just cunts

>> No.7771252

The music in this game was fucking kino

>> No.7771639

Yup, fantastic little tunes. Helmet especially was so much better then I ever expected

>> No.7772318

Gotta admit I wasn't expecting so much love for the series here, it was a nice surprise. G&WG2 was literally my first Gameboy Color game ever.

>> No.7772425

I can imagine these games being oasises for kids back in the day for shit like road trips. Just goes to show the G&W formula is pretty timeless.

>> No.7772432
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It was definitely in my pre-Pokemon GBC lineup alongside Super Mario Bros. DX and Tarzan