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File: 55 KB, 250x359, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_1_Genesis_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7760153 No.7760153 [Reply] [Original]

It's not better than it's sequels.
It's not hard at all, I beat it many, many times, as a kid, without much struggle. It's just more boring.

>> No.7760160

Yeah pretty much. Sonic 1 is the contrarian's pick. Or maybe for ultra nostalgiafags. I can get preferring its general vibe and speed to Sonic 2's but the fact will always remain that half the levels in Sonic 1 aren't fun to play at all.

>> No.7760167

Unpopular Opinion. Labyrinth is alright

>> No.7760170

Wow man, you beat a Sonic game? Far out.

>> No.7760175

Do you always miss the points people are making and make a snarky comment that is completely irrelevant to what they were saying?

>> No.7760182

There's no point because nobody thinks Sonic games are hard except maybe toddlers.

>> No.7760204

>There's no point because nobody thinks Sonic games are hard except maybe toddlers.
The point is "it's not better than it's sequels"
Stop being a disingenuous faggot

>> No.7760208

It's a common argument from Sonic 1 fags that it's only unfavored because it is "too hard" and that spindash, action moves, and elemental shields make the other games "too easy", which isn't true, it's just that they make them less basic and monotonous

>> No.7760212

It's actually a better platformer than 2, 3, and K.
Sonic Mania makes all of these games obsolete anyway. Playing Sonic at 16:9 is the way it should be.

>> No.7760218

Its not boring. Each zone has a unique feel and kick ass bgm. I always get sonic music stuck in my head, but all 3 sonics of course... Anyways, fuck you OP

>> No.7760230

I'm someone that think Sonic 1 is the only good 2D game.

Spindash doesnt make the game less monotonous it makes it more. Sonic is really only a 'momentum based platformer' in the first game since his speed picks up too fast for there to much gradience.

And yes. Sonic 2 became a big hit entirly because it was easier. You could they were making it for a very young audience. It was on the cereal bowls and came with a 4 year old character for youngesters to relate to.

Challenge is essential to platformers. If you share this thought Sonic 1 is going to be leaps and bounds above the other games. If you don't you're going to pick between Sonic 2, 3K based on something stupid like the level graphics, the music, or your favorite gimmicks.

It has nothing to do with 'hipsterism' or elitism but what you value in platformers.

>> No.7760232
File: 72 KB, 393x399, nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm someone that think Sonic 1 is the only good 2D game.
stopped reading there

>> No.7760251

The original Sonic game was just more focused on platforming overall then 2 or 3&K, even though they of course still had platforming. Set piece speed became more and more important as the games went along.
I like the original game. I seem to also be one of the weirdos that actually likes Labyrinth.

>> No.7760258

>The point is "it's not better than it's sequels"

Wow, such an interesting point. And why? Because "it's just more boring". Damn anon, you're so good at articulating your opinion, so much to discuss.

>> No.7760264

Misrepresenting OP's point to be a disingenuous cunt is faggot behavior no matter how you try to spin this, retard

>> No.7760265

Marble might be legitimately one of the worst second levels in a well known game.

>> No.7760280

Other then it not lining up with what you think it 'should be' what does it do wrong?

>> No.7760281

Marble Zone is so deliberately unfun that I have no idea why Sonic 1 apologists always seem to gloss over it or say "it's not that bad"
When three levels in a row right after you begin the game are just plain not fun to play and not even challenging, that's a problem

>> No.7760282

Saying "I did not have fun" doesn't communicate any points. I had fun with it. You didn't.

>> No.7760286

It's not a smooth enough transition from Green Hill's speedy hills and loops. It just goes straight to blocky corridors and lots of waiting. Like Spring Yard would've been a better second zone.

>> No.7760287

>you need to write a carefully researched essay or else you aren't allowed to say anything
The level sucks and the majority of people agree with me, the onus is on you to prove why it's any good since you're in the minority. Go ahead moron

>> No.7760296

>It's not a smooth enough transition
If this is a point you dislike that just means you have trouble adjusting to new things. I had no issues with the transition.

>> No.7760301

>It's not hard at all, I beat it many, many times, as a kid, without much struggle. It's just more boring
Hm. You SOUND like some spotty little prick kid. Maybe you're just retarded, maybe it's just arrested development. Anything else you'd like to needlessly brag about? Please - I really would like to be bored to tears.

>> No.7760304

Marble Zone is hard. Everytime I make it that far I find it hard not to turn it off due to boredom.

>> No.7760308

It's more like unless you fucking have a point that is more then just your personal feelings its not really saying much. It's like a pouting child's level of discussion "I don't like X. It's bad and everyone says so"

>majority of people agree with me
We're on a board dedicated to a group of games the majority of people agree are hardly worth touching.

>> No.7760318

>Star Light has the best aesthetic and music
>every act is less than a minute long
>you have to trudge through Labyrinth to get to it
It's my number one pick if there's ever a Mania 2. I want some fucking love for this zone.

>> No.7760323

It's ok if you never beat it, anon. You don't have to pretend.

>> No.7760329

I'd say Wing Fortress and the final boss make Sonic 2 harder to actually beat.
I can run through Sonic 1 in my sleep, but with 2 I'd actually need to focus near the end.

>> No.7760334

>Anything else you'd like to needlessly brag about?
Getting ahead of the inevitable 'it was too hard for you!' bullshit =/= bragging

>> No.7760338

Yeah, everyone recognizes on some level or another that anyone claiming to prefer first Sonic is just trying to start an argument against the majority common sense opinion that 2 and 3 are much better. And it's definitely not because of a difficulty difference.

>> No.7760343 [DELETED] 

The first song is definitely not more difficult.

>> No.7760349

The first Sonic is definitely not more difficult.

>> No.7760356

>Sonic 2 became a big hit entirly because it was easier.
It was not easier, the final boss battles are much harder, and those battles are the only "hard" part of the games aka not hard.

>Sonic is really only a 'momentum based platformer' in the first game since his speed picks up too fast for there to much gradience.
No, Sonic 2 is still very much that, it's the difference between someone who can play the game and someone who can play the game well.

>Challenge is essential to platformers. If you share this thought Sonic 1 is going to be leaps and bounds above the other games. If you don't you're going to pick between Sonic 2, 3K based on something stupid like the level graphics, the music, or your favorite gimmicks.
The challenge in Sonic is mostly about how well/fast you can beat the levels, not so much that the levels are extremely difficult to beat. The challenge is a self imposed one, and that is completely valid, just like classic arcade games where it's up to YOU to decide how high of a score you aim for.

>> No.7760357

Maybe Sonic 1 is more memorization based, pretty much everyone seems to comment that the first is harder and thats the impression I got. My first playthrough of Sonic 1 I didn't clear Greenhill zone. I did one playthrough of Sonic 2 got to like the 5th or 6th stage, gameovered and turned it off out of bordem.

Feels like the whole game is just
*pinball around, do loop do loops, or just run through dead space
*get hit
*pick up ring and spin dash
*repeat steps 1-3

>> No.7760359

post your high scores

>> No.7760361

>No, Sonic 2 is still very much that, it's the difference between someone who can play the game and someone who can play the game well.

You can take any fucking game and turn into a big deal. People do that with kirby. Doesn't mean kirby is a hardcore game or that the levels are more then medicore.

>The challenge in Sonic is mostly about how well/fast you can beat the levels, not so much that the levels are extremely difficult to beat. The challenge is a self imposed one,
And this is why Sonic 1 is on a whole different level. It's a proper game. The other ones are broken games that can be made good if you pursue some extra goal. The thing is you can do that with any game. But if you're going to do it might as well do it with a game that has good level design like Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden 2-3.

I get that people do it with Sonic because they like the character and are willing to put up with mediocre or bad design if it has the character in it. I know a chick that got all endings in Shadow the Hedgehog because it's her husbando's game. I think thats the same reason people play any 2D Sonic other then 1.

>> No.7760367

What kind of mouthbreather can't beat Green Hill Zone?

>> No.7760368

Of Sonic? Nobody gives a fuck about that.

>> No.7760371

sonic is a shit franchise

>> No.7760374

>as a kid

Did you stop this as well? Your skills, just like your body and mental health, have faded with age, boomer. You're just an empty shell of what you once were. A happy little millennial playing Sonic with friends. Now, your friends are all married with children and you're left holding your dick fapping to Amy Rose and dying in Marble Zone for trying to push right to win. I'm onto your ruse.

>> No.7760375

I'm talking about my first attempt on the zone. You seem to be confused. Or intionally misrepresenting what I said to avoid addressing any of my points.

>> No.7760382

>good music
>unique stages
Its pure kino senpai
Too many zoomers shit on it and pretend its not worth playing.
The game isn't hard and doesn't try to be. Its just comfy as fuck

>> No.7760396
File: 368 KB, 711x498, Turtle Club Jeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't clear greenhill zone

>> No.7760398

>Sonic 1 is a REAL game with REAL platforming, unlike the later games!
Sonic 1 doesn't really have that much more platforming than the other two games in the trilogy, it's just the only one with slow levels.
>Sonic 2 is totally brainless and baby mode easy! The level designs are bad and streamlined!
None of that is true, which you'd know if you actually played the game.

>> No.7760414

The real problem is how many people are obsessed with this stupid blue pinball shrew

>> No.7760417

Your response to someone saying it's easy is "you don't know how to play"?

That makes no sense.

>> No.7760428

I would consider myself a Sonic fan since I've played it on my Mega Drive back then in the 90s, but I stopped caring much because of the (mostly american) fanbase online. Too much furries, autism and strange nerds ruined it for me.

So, yeah, its kinda true.

>> No.7760498

Mario was never fun, Castlevania is a chore, and Doom is boring

>> No.7760521

>Your response to someone saying it's easy is "you don't know how to play"?
Either a poor attempt at a strawman or you actually don't know how to read.

>> No.7760529

All because Kalinske had it as a pack-in game.

>> No.7760536
File: 145 KB, 234x209, 1604814519963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not better than it is sequels.
>It is not hard at all, I beat it many, many times, as a kid, without much struggle. It is just more boring.

>> No.7760980

>Want to play Sonic
>Put on Sonic 1, be 100% done in an hour, feel satisfied for the day
>Put on Sonic 2/3&K, lose interest around the fourth zone and turn off
I just don't have the patience for how much of a drag the sequels get anymore.

>> No.7760993

Is it really that astonishing that somebody might think Sonic 2 just sucks? Always seemed kinda obvious to me.

"Sonic = arcade game" is such a bizarre meme, barely makes more sense than saying Kirby is an arcade game

>> No.7761304

S2 sucks. No fun to play. And its fugly too. Amerisonic sucks balls

>> No.7761307

And also fuck your little gay fox.

>> No.7761389

You've obviously never played it. I've been playing this since the time I was 9-years-old. Never got bored of it. I'm 39 now.

>> No.7761515

Who the fuck says that Sonic 1 is better than the sequels?

>> No.7761638
File: 67 KB, 657x161, cwc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been playing this since the time I was 9-years-old. Never got bored of it. I'm 39 now.

go back, chris-chan

>> No.7761663

gotta go fast

>> No.7761812

It's better than 3, but most games are. 2's clearly the best Sonic game

>> No.7761830

>Sonic Mania makes all of these games obsolete anyway
Pretty much. I go to that one whenever I need to scratch a Sonic itch now, unless that itch is for 3D Blast. Anyone else here actually like 3D Blast, even though most people shit on it?

>> No.7761848

I can't even handle Mania anymore.

>> No.7761941

It's not that Sonic is an arcade game, it's that it can be played similarly to one. And given the whole emphasis on speed and the levels essentially being designed as obstacle courses your living pinball can theoretically blast through, it makes perfect sense.

Do you NEED to play Sonic this way to beat it? No, not at all, you can win the entire game and never put any thought into how quickly or smoothly you clear levels at all, thanks to the ring mechanic, Sonic is practically a tank as long as you're quick enough to always grab one. However, once again, the difference between simply playing Sonic and playing Sonic "well" is just that. The challenge is going a step beyond simply winning, but winning with style and speed. It's self imposed, and that's perfect and part of why the games had such a massive appeal, anybody can just have fun in a Sonic game, but some people can become much better at playing it if that's their goal.

>> No.7761972

Marble zone is one of the best levels ever.
It combines both physics and platforming elements in a way we don't see in the sequels.


>> No.7761978


>> No.7761990

This guy Sonics.

>> No.7762008

the dev for blast is on yt as gamehut

he did some epic coding to get some stuff to work,hes even patched the game himself of late

he built sonic R also and shows off how he did the tricks that it pulled off

>> No.7762015

all of them have a charm,sonic 1 was where it all started,the music was good,varied level design etc

2 had more emphasis on hold right 2 go FAST! cause thats what people wanted which ultimately ruined the franchise cause most 3d games are just boost corridors and auto play shit.

3 tried to correct this with concepts like spinning flying platforms and them drum things on carnival zone and different styles of bosses like temple ghosts or its guardian at the entrance.

personally i love all of em inc sonic CD

>> No.7762037

3D might've been cooler without the flicky gathering.

>> No.7762043

best sonic game is the gg/sms sonic 1. an actual platformer instead of "haha hedgehog go fast brrr brrr"

>> No.7762050

>personally i love all of em inc sonic CD
I guess someone has to

>> No.7762065

No, "actual platforming" is autistic and not fun, and it especially isn't cool. Mega Man and Mario are two of the most dory uncool faggots ever to be designed and their games are all overrated.

>> No.7762102

I thought hot opinions like this would end after Sega got cucked out of existence.
I grew up on Nintendo, but I still respect the Sonic games for the things they did right. and as I said back during the console wars, I can respect your shit, all I ask is that you respect mine.

>> No.7762229

excellent example anon

>> No.7762647

poors mad cause their parents didnt love them enough to get a mega cd in the 90s and didnt play it till it was on iphone xDDDD

>> No.7762653

>just looked up knuckles chaotix prices
wtf bro

>> No.7762654

Joke's on you, no one ever bought me an iPhone either.

>> No.7762670

I do, look... S1 > S3 > S2

>> No.7762678

If a series is good, each new entry should be better than the last, so S3K > S2 > S1. Sonic is a good series (at least the genesis trilogy is), so this evaluates true. A sign of a bad series is when the first game, which should be its most primitive, is better than every sequel after it.

>> No.7763080

Finally someone else that realizes 2 was the worst thing to happen to the series since ever.

What you said about 3 made me realize why I had so much more fun with it then 2

>> No.7763084

I agree. It breaks up the monotony and just looks nice.

>> No.7763090

Its not an arcade game or like one at at all

>> No.7763102
File: 8 KB, 320x224, (61).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always disliked 90% of Sonic bosses especially with Tails but picture related in co-op is absolutely kino, basically the only boss in the series that requires synchronization from both players.

>> No.7763294

I'm not that ugly dude. lol I actually get chicks.

>> No.7763323
File: 3.63 MB, 444x250, 4051d54eb38667ee2a435ec64bebe0a45ff0119er1-444-250_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Sonic 2 and 3(& 3&K) (a LOT) a few years before I played Sonic 1, and 1 is better than at least 2 for me. The pre-rendered graphics and checkerboard aesthetic wonderland, combined with the dreamy music and good gameplay (which feels unique, since there's no no-spindash gameplay in any of the other games), along with the very surreal and easy bonus stages and bulky, weird enemies, make it an extremely epic/kino experience even today.

>> No.7763337

CD is better

>> No.7763348

Lolno, it's worse than any of the Genesis titles. Terrible fucking level design compared to what Yasuhara pulled off.

>> No.7763370

Better than what, a gay man's balls?

>> No.7765347


>> No.7765365

That is a woman

>> No.7765376

1 was way too easy. I had far more difficulty with 2 and 3 than I ever did with 1.

>> No.7765413

Nope, that's a dude. An ugly dude, but a dude nonetheless.

>> No.7766161
File: 126 KB, 320x475, 1531361116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? There are large numbers of people who think the original is the best?

>> No.7766746

Of course. Best graphics, best music and best game play.

>> No.7767105

I like the unfun levels. But I admit it doesn’t feel like later sonic games at all. Marble zone and labyrinth zones are a different style. I think Sonic 2 is better because it takes green hill, spring?, And starlight zone a step further. And its great. But that other style is good too in my opinion.

>> No.7767179

That is false. Without Sonic 1, there's no Sonic 2. There's a lot to love about Sonic 1.

>> No.7767343

>looks nice