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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7757404 No.7757404 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell happened to the used video game market this year?

>> No.7757406

covid and retards

>> No.7757418

People my age are nostalgic for retro vidya and we've reached new levels of affluence.

Covid was the perfect trigger, but this is only the beginning. Its going to get worse

>> No.7757425

Several theories I have
1)Millenials hit a certain age where they want their old stuff back
2)Coronovirus mentally fucked people into believing the future is bleak so they are holding onto the past for comfort (extends to zoomers chasing soul)
3)Marques technog running a series talking about retro consoles giving normies it as a point of fixation

>> No.7757427

>we've reached new levels of affluence.
kek, he doesn't know

>> No.7757428

It's inflation you retards, we're in a period of rapid inflation right now and consumer prices have doubled in almost everything.

>> No.7757430

>2)Coronovirus mentally fucked people into believing the future is bleak so they are holding onto the past for comfort (extends to zoomers chasing soul)
Yeah I'm sure it was the coronavirus that did this, not the past decade of cultural destruction of the west.

>> No.7757439

>this year
Weird. I have seen an increase of prices for retro games for some years already.

>> No.7757440

How new are you? This has been the past decade.

>> No.7757441

>mentally fucked people into believing the future is bleak
Are we talking about covid or what happened the past decade on the west?

>> No.7757453

Who the hell cares about coomlectors. Just download it. Use a flash cart if you absolutely have to run it on original hardware.

>> No.7757468 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 856x392, ecelebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to COVID, people have been going out less and have been watching coomlectors ecelebs like never before.

>> No.7757476
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Due to COVID, people have been going out less and have been watching coomlector youtubers like never before.

>> No.7757480

Government prints out trillions of dollars and no one should be shocked it’s spent on stuff like retro vidya games. I’m completely unsurprised

>> No.7757486

Chrono Trigger was like $100 half a yer ago.

>> No.7757509

>pay me to be able to fuck people fast

>> No.7757526

should change his name to metaljesussucks tbqh

>> No.7757554
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>buying games

>> No.7757578
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>those eyes

>> No.7758663

This has been happening for many years.

Covid has nothing to do with it, it's collectors snatching up rare valuable things.

>> No.7758664

Yes and you dont think that in itself was ridiculous?

>> No.7758669

Video games aren't western products anon

>> No.7758673

Lockdowns and stimulus checks.

>> No.7758684

shit i think 40$ is ridiculous for an rpg

>> No.7758718

Nope, shit was becoming incredibly expensive before all that.

>> No.7758745

I actually just bought Chrono Trigger for the DS last week.
Paid 90€ for it while people now complain about 70 for new PS5 games.

You can laugh at me know...

>> No.7758746


>> No.7758748

people be home a lot and had stimulus money. also retro hardware isn't being made any more and so becomes rarer and rarer every year as shit gets destroyed for one reason or another

>> No.7758759
File: 14 KB, 344x226, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Governments printed up trillions and passed it out. Extra money shifted the demand curve to the right. SNES games are out of print, so the supply curve doesn't move. Because demand increased more than supply, the equilibrium market price is now higher.

>> No.7758764


>> No.7758848


>> No.7758865

I think covid just further incentivized people to shop online, which drew more attention to retro game listings. Also people were stuck inside during lockdown with nothing to do but browse the internet.

>> No.7758874

Kinda based ngl

>> No.7758905

Covid isn't the whole story but it is part of it. A lot of people were indoors and needed crap to do so they bought games. Plus the tax refunds gave people lots of money so they said fuck it I'm gonna buy shit. The bigger story is the Heritage Auctions/WATA scamming but COVID is part of it

>> No.7759316
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>> No.7759318

it's inflation you fucking retard. Are you not following the news? Consumer prices have almost universally doubled.

>> No.7759319 [DELETED] 


>> No.7759320

Noone buys retro games to actually play them

>> No.7759323 [DELETED] 


>> No.7759325

Why wouldn't prices for non essential collectibles hike in the middle of inflation as all other prices are also rising? Think.

>> No.7759331

We're going through more rapid inflation right now than we were in 2008.

>> No.7759336

settle down, beavis

>> No.7759362

Not him, but I actually have an answer. I use my local craigslist rip off, and all non essentials have been A) Cheap and B) Most were open to further jewing. From Omnibi, to video games to singaporean statues everyone just started selling shit to make their next payment.
Needless to say I somehow became more of a buyfag than usual

>> No.7759451

Its pretty interesting, I dont know whether to keep gouging or save some for later

>> No.7759461

i do

>> No.7759463

Japanese are honorable Aryans

>> No.7759724

The economy got stimulated, so now businesses are making a shit ton of money, leasing to more people being able to afford their hobbies for a change.

>> No.7759726

Then why has the cost of living stayed the same? That's the opposite of inflation.

>> No.7759731

In fact, the cost of living where I live has gone /down/. Average rent decreased by $400 in the 5 boroughs

>> No.7759762

Nothing. It's still about 100 yen for a normal retro game and the supply is huge as always. Mercari gaining traction has also made buying/selling online easier than ever.

>> No.7759784
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>millennials with disposable income blowing money on shit they'll never be able to resell
If you're gonna blow your crypto earnings on something, buy gold and ammunition.
>nah i'll get pokemon cards and videogames instead
Without guns, these faggots are easy to rob. Better yet, just break into their cuck apartments, and smash their copies of Earthbound with a hammer, after tying them up with their own RGB cables.

Smash the DRTs too.

>Ayo AYO PAT CONTRI! Mah nigga you don't like guns mah nigga wut THA FUCC?! Ay, we gon 2 da BANK and u takin them NWC carts out of yo depot box and givin them duckets to me NOW or I'll blow yo fuckin FACE clean off mah nigga, lil bitch faggot SD represent!

>> No.7759837

That's certainly not the case across the entire country

>> No.7759842


>> No.7759861

Nah dude. These idiots flaunt their thousand-dollar game collections, and NONE of them seem to give a shit's fuck about packing weaponry to defend the shit. Many of them like to talk quick snide remarks about how we need more gun control and other faggotry, proving they're ripe for the picking. It's amazing more of these fags aren't getting boosted for their shit.
I'm half tempted myself. I could use a little extra pocket pennies to buy gold and crypto with.

Rob some fool's copy of Gamecube games, shuck them bitches off for 1/2 cost to some fool that doesn't care about buying someone elses golden eggs. Someone big is gonna get hit within the next couple years like this I promise you. There's too much money involved now. With what people are paying you'd think these fags would pay armored cars to move their hauls.

>> No.7759871

>This has been happening for many years.
>tards being retarded on the internet

>> No.7759876

>NONE of them seem to give a shit's fuck about packing weaponry to defend the shit.
Because they are video games and not keys of cocaine. Take your fucking meds.

>> No.7759880

Wait until people find out their $10K NFTs can be got at gunpoint. Inflation is here, people will be getting poorer, crime will be going up.
Richfags and their NFTs, games, and TCGs are just asking for it.

>> No.7759886

>and not keys of cocaine
A sealed copy of SMB went for more than TWO keys of coke.
And NWC goes for 1-2 keys.
That market was only known to game nerds, but it's quickly reaching the ears of people who WILL rob you if they find out you have valuable shit. Selling an NWC or even an Earthbound isn't easy like it is coke or gold or other shit, but it is doable, and it's not hard enough to make people scoff at the $$$.

My point ITT is, collectors are making themselves into targets. Moderately-wealthy people are about to get raped. Only people with over a quarter-bil or so will be able to escape the coming raids.

>> No.7759889
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I am so happy I got my mental illness out of the way early and bought almost all the retro games I wanted when the market was still ass but manageable (circa 2015), I even managed to get panzer dragoon saga at a garage sale for 60 bucks. However, I still want to kill myself when I remember that I still want stubbs the zombie and that the only remaining part of my retro collection outside of that are sega saturn games.

>> No.7759907

btw, after a period of robbery of valuables like these, the market'll crash out on them as people figure out that you can't eat or defend property with cards, NFTs, and videogames. So even if you buy them and never get robbed, you're still getting robbed by buying something that will be worthless sooner rather than later.

Flashcarts. Use em! ODEs. Copied discs. Whatever, but don't sink money into this plastic and cheap metal and silicon shit.

>> No.7759958
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>> No.7759968

>An anon who actually understands economics.


>> No.7759991

If you collect because you LOVE gaming and want to build your own lil museum and enjoy your collection, you are 100% fine in my book.
I'm talking specifically to assholes that treat our hobby as a fucking investment and a brokerage.
Wasting your money solely for your own enjoyment is fine, Just don't prop up a bullshit market.

DON'T BUY COCAINE WHEN YOU CAN BUY 3-MMC FOR FAR CHEAPER! Propping up the coke market is retarded.

>> No.7760031
File: 125 KB, 800x689, classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video games aren't western products anon
The only ones worth collecting anymore sure are. Good luck with your $1000 nes games, weeb - old USA made games are still cheap as dirt.

>> No.7760040

In that case I agree. Scalpers and people who destroyed the retro game hobby should be raped and killed.

>> No.7760045

>stubbs the zombie
It's less than $100. Just get it and be done with it.

>> No.7760054

Your image looks so unappealing so maybe USA games are cheap for a reason. I want to consoom things that look cool and Japs are great at that.

>> No.7760129

I hate this fat tranny so much. never trust a "man" with long hair and tats.

>> No.7760169

>Average rent decreased by $400 in the 5 boroughs
nigger what the fuck?
rent has been skyrocketing in nyc because landlords are trying to make up for a year of lost income

>> No.7760184

People got amazing deals on rent because there were many vacancies. I know of people that moved simply because they found better places to live in the city for prices they could afford. The smart ones locked in their rent with longer contracts.

>> No.7760187

Rent is skyrocketing everywhere except for me.
I've been charging my current tenant $600/m since 2004 in Maryland(property inherited by family). Same tenant all these years.
3Bed 2bath + basement on 2.3acres of wooded and secluded land. I wonder what I should actually be charging these days...

Glad I'm not a greedy fuck.

>> No.7760191

S.0.Y.s N COVID, that!

>> No.7760194

Please someone punch him in the face until he gets a new face

>> No.7760198

>Strawman: The Post

>> No.7760201

>cope: the post

>> No.7760231

People have known about guns for hundreds of years. Angry little poorfags are more likely to use them to shoot up their school than rob a collector.

>> No.7760250

Keep telling yourself that bitchboy.
I'll rob your bitch ass with a kabar what the fuck you gonna do about it without a gun, you faggot?
You know how to knife-fight? I do. I'll gut you, and your cat, and your gf, and TAKE your fucking shit and sell it for meth money.

You're dead, your bitch is dead, my knoife is slightly duller, and i got dat shard.
Do you understand the world welcoming you because you assume people are NOT assholes?
Got a nice watch? Collectables, jewelry? Maybe a crypto account on Coinbase? Oh I WILL find that shit. You got drain cleaner and rubbing alcohol right? I got a knife right? Imagine how fast you will tell me everything I want.

Who needs a gun?

>> No.7760285

I want to make it clear that I personally do not wanna rob anyone.

BUT the danger is here and between inflation and overvaluing of games, the threat is just ripe for exploitation. This is going to become a dangerous situation and a safe deposit box won't protect you from a gang holding your wife or mother hostage while you peel your valuable out of a safe-deposit box.
ASKING FOR IT is an understatement, especially from a group of people that are not known for violent defense of their property.
Your average PCE collector isn't toting the shotguns and rifled slugs and buckshot needed to defend his shit.

People are going to figure this out. I did. Fortunately I'm a libertarian and won't rob you.

>> No.7760426

what country? Montenegro??

>> No.7760518


>> No.7760538

>I imagine thieves will steal other people's possessions because I'm jealous of them
Get lobotomized

>> No.7760582

Worst patreon plug Ive ever seen. I hope this guy falls down a chasm

>> No.7760586 [DELETED] 


>> No.7760594

What a retarded larp you all are having. Owning plastic carts isn't making you a target, you never leave your fucking house and nobody knows you or cares about your plastic collection. Assuming you got robbed the thief isn't going to know the ebay value of your pc engine cards, fuck off.

>> No.7760615

I could kill you with my thumb little girly boy. You wouldn't even make it past the cats. Bring it biotch.