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File: 17 KB, 267x373, Etvideogamecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7753202 No.7753202 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really one of the causes of the crash, or is it just a misconception?

>> No.7753212

Hard to tell now, seeing how everyone here talks about how badly 4th and 5th gen games """aged""", I doubt anyone can accurately gauge how shit that game is.

>> No.7753216

Dunno, but there is a mod that fixes the game and you can see that it is a really great game, for the time, sadly the released version is shit.

>> No.7753236

There are two types who say this. One are shit posters. They know it ruffles feathers and is a guaranteed (You) generator because of the second group. Gaming tourists. People who are all about
Their opinions are worthless. It's like asking a person who only eats food trends what their take on traditional food staples and classic ethnic cuisine is. Pearls before swine and all that. Don't let that shit bug you.

>> No.7753251

The crash was a myth.

>> No.7753413

It sold and reviewed reasonably well at the time. Just, you know, not well enough to have an over 100% attach rate. The only crash was Atari's ridiculous growth estimates not coming true. Gaming was doing fine everywhere else, especially Europe.

>> No.7753889

>It sold and reviewed reasonably well at the time. Just, you know, not well enough to have an over 100% attach rate. The only crash was Atari's ridiculous growth estimates not coming true. Gaming was doing fine everywhere else, especially Europe.

ET was one of Atari's most expensive games to produce. The game itself may have been thrown together in a few weeks by one man. But because ET was a huge movie, Atari spent a lot of cash on the advertising budget to promote ET. They also forced retailers to overstock the game, causing a lot of unsold inventory.

>The crash was a myth.

Tell that to Nintendo of the 1980's. They had to bend over backwards to please retailers in the North American markets. They were still in PTSD over the Atari 2600 from 1983.

>> No.7753896 [DELETED] 

more like controlled demolition
Hollywood thought they could be rid of video games forever if they just tricked everyone into thinking they're shit. It's no coincidence all the shit games were movie games. It's much easier to brainwash people through a passive media like film than to do it through video games. When you play video games, your brain is active, unlike when you watch a movie or show. Feel free to look this up, it's a fascinating fact.

>> No.7753901

It's worth noting that even with how big this game was there were a lot of shit ass 2600 games in the stores. Games that either didn't work or were illicit copies of already existing games. You had no idea what the fuck you were getting.

It's why that seal of quality from nintendo was such a big deal.

>> No.7753903 [DELETED] 

>It's no coincidence all the shit games were movie games.
That's not true lol

>> No.7753918 [DELETED] 

the jewish shill doesn't think he's responsible for tanking a competing medium. funny how all the good games are japanese. NOT Western.

>> No.7753939

Games started to suck and once they sucked so bad and became so half assed people stopped playing them altogether and just went back to the arcades. The same thing would happen to gaming now if human beings still had other avenues of entertainment but our choices for leisure are becoming slimmer by the year.

>> No.7754004 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x2560, 1621003492295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an old game magazine that I purchased in 1993. It is Video Games: The Ultimate Gaming Magazine, volume 5 issue 9. September 1993. I found it hidden in a stack of old comics. Ignore the bright spot. The 1983 part is the reason why I took a photo. It covers Atari's alleged dumping of defective or unsold cartridges in the desert. 1983 was 10 years ago when this article was written. Love that article jab of "Atari: The Pioneers of Shovelware (literally).

>> No.7754142

A smaller part at most. Atari was really good at sucking at finances and business, E.T was just one of many blunders which cost them a lot of money. Also Atari bore the brunt of the crash.

The part about Atari blowing shitloads of money, burying unsellable stock in the desert, and retailers being skittish about console games for a while, that's true.
The industry as a whole was never even close to dying though, it would be like saying the music industry almost died because whatever publisher with the biggest market share made some gargantuan fuckup.

There's not even any 'alleged' about it anymore, bunch of dudes went digging on the site of the landfill, they found the concrete layer, broke through it, and discovered all kinds of everything which Atari dumped there many decades prior. The myth part about it was that it was a landfill of nothing but E.T, when in fact it was a landfill of basically all kinds of stuff which Atari was selling at the time, including computers, consoles, peripherals, etc.

There were also some anecdotes from way before that, of kids living in the area going and swiping games and stuff while workers weren't looking, which is one of the reasons Atari wanted the site to be paved over.

>> No.7754153

It never happened, but it should. And it will.

>> No.7754156

>it will
I truly hope that it does.

>> No.7754161

>There's not even any 'alleged' about it anymore, bunch of dudes went digging on the site of the landfill, they found the concrete layer, broke through it, and discovered all kinds of everything which Atari dumped there many decades prior. The myth part about it was that it was a landfill of nothing but E.T, when in fact it was a landfill of basically all kinds of stuff which Atari was selling at the time, including computers, consoles, peripherals, etc.
>There were also some anecdotes from way before that, of kids living in the area going and swiping games and stuff while workers weren't looking, which is one of the reasons Atari wanted the site to be paved over.

It was generally reported that only ET cartridges were buried in the desert. Which lead to the common believe that it was ET that caused retailers to stop caring game consoles in 1983-1984. But that article states there were also copies of Pac-Man (no surprise), and other 2600 consoles, along with 2600 and 5200 systems.

>> No.7754171

I rarely meet someone who shares my hate for the "experience" people.