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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 425x309, 51CXdLRZthL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7749875 No.7749875 [Reply] [Original]

Games that make zoomers seethe

>> No.7749876

Spyro, Croc and Crash are all superior.

>> No.7749889

Like fucking clockwork, zoom zoom.

>> No.7749895

Super Mario 64 has it beat, it flows better, gives you more freedom, and is overall more fun to play
>literally everything else
Banjo wins over Mario

>> No.7749896
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>> No.7749902
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>> No.7749904

>flows better
It kicks you out of the level after every star

>> No.7749906
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>> No.7749908
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Literally, the whole console makes young'uns seethe.

>> No.7749909
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>> No.7749913

Man if I didn't have the guide for this I don't know how the fuck I would have managed to 100% this game.
I remember spending a lot of time playing Jetpac and Arcade Donkey Kong after unlocking them though, Jetpac kicks ass.

>> No.7749914
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>> No.7749915
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>> No.7749919
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>> No.7749920
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This game is a perfect example of how zoomers will parrot everything they hear from reviewers before actually experiencing something for themselves.

>> No.7749921
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>> No.7749927


How very zoomer and red dit of you

>> No.7749928
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>> No.7749930
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>> No.7749934
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>> No.7749939
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>> No.7749948

Your baiting isn't going to work because there are no rare fans anymore. We're that old.

>> No.7749949
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That has incorrect/incomplete texture mapping and you aren't normally able to see the level from that angle even while flying.

>> No.7749970
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>> No.7749972

Never played it because I dont want to play as a baldie. Is it any good?

>> No.7750005
File: 55 KB, 506x479, FestersQuest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a bit of a learning curve and slow start until you understand what's going on, but once the game picks up it starts to become a ton of fun. Imagine something like the top down segments of Blaster Master, had the same developers too I believe.

>> No.7750015

I heard the difficulty is bananas because the developers could not get a proper checkpoint system working.

With that in mind hows it compare to other top down games like Jackal in terms of difficulty?

>> No.7750037

Haven't played Jackal personally, so I don't think I'd be able to compare them. The difficulty mainly stems from the weapon fire rate (a turbo controller will help), constantly respawning enemies, and awkward angles. If you're able to position yourself right but keep moving and keep earning powerups, you'll be able to blast through them fine. Starting is the most difficult just because you need to build up a bit before you can start blasting away.

>> No.7750073

Any game you can't win by using your mommys credit card

>> No.7750080

So why do zoomers hate this?

Banjo Kazooie is literally made for small children that had never played a 3D game before. There's only a handful of tough jiggies and you dont even need to collect them to beat the game.

>> No.7750089

If I'm correct, you're only allow to miss 6. You need 94 out of 100 jiggies to complete the game. Compared to Super Mario 64's 70 out of 120, that's actually more strict.

>> No.7750096

looks like a scene from a horror game

>> No.7750104

Yeah but when this is the music it's actually pretty comfy.

>> No.7750114

What the hell? I beat the game and I dont remember that.

Isn't the whole point of the star/jiggy system so that little timmy can beat the game and the older players can aim for 100%?

That would make zoom zoom mad.

>> No.7750120

You're thinking of Donkey Kong 64.

However, the jigsaws in BK really are so easy to get that it would be pretty lame even for a six year old to leave them behind. I never left the stage until I got everything.

>> No.7750138
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No... You can't have fun collecting and exploring! That's not what games are about! Zoom zoom! Coomlectors?!?!

>> No.7750151


>> No.7750158

Ergo (Latin), it doesn't flow better than Banjo Kazooie which lets you get all collectibles in one go or just explore and chill if you don't want to.

>> No.7750202

it's like you didn't understand what is shown in the pictures - you thought posting this image with purple in it would make people think tooie looks as good as spyro lol.
for the record i like banjo k, i think that much of it looks good, and i think spyro is a fuckin barely playable babies game, but the art is much more artful. tooie is ugly though. rare has programmers doing the assets, clearly, as basic art theory stuff has visibly not occurred to them.

>> No.7750219

>shit games with pretty colours
wow anon you sure do play vidya gaems

>> No.7750223
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Nah, I just like how Glitter Gulch Mine looks. I didn't even consider color or similar looking areas, I just posted an area I personally liked.

>> No.7750276

Nigga I’m old as fuck, have back pain and a mortgage and can tell you that game is a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.7750306

While I shit on Banjo I did enjoy it's OST.


>> No.7750352
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>> No.7750376
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From the top of my head Fallout 1, 2 and Vampire Bloodlines come to mind.

I've seen a bunch of threads of them complaining about the rats and the temple of trials. Any time anyone of them uses the word "aged" on a perfectly playable game you just know they short circuited, gave up and went on /v/ or /vr/ to bitch about how its the games fault.

>> No.7750537

As a zoomer who enjoyed and beat the first Fallout without playing any other CRPGs I can tell you the Temple of Trials is just flat out unfun. There's no merit in pretending this area isn't a piece of shit.

>> No.7750546
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>> No.7750574

That's, like, your opinion, man
I like the overall flow of the second to second gameplay and don't think the kicked out of level thing is that big of a deal especially considering most of SM64's levels are pretty simple

>> No.7750580
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>Temple of Trials is just flat out unfun

Yeah ok I get it, but why is that such a big deal? No game is 100% peak fun at all times from beginning to the end. People are way overreacting to it, they're making a mountain out of a molehill or try to force it into a meme like the train mission in GTA:SA.

>> No.7750591

Because the very beginning of a game sets the entire tone for the next couple hours. In this case, the beginning of the game is a RNG fest where literally nothing you do matters.

>> No.7750604

You gotta use the PAL version.

>> No.7750607

>In this case, the beginning of the game is a RNG fest where literally nothing you do matters.
You can simply run from all enemies and reach the boss in 1 minute, but zoomers wouldn't know this because they think gathering all the EXP is mandatory. Then after expending 30 minutes in the temple, they uninstall the game and complain about it online.

>> No.7750632

nah it sucks and i was a middle schooler jizzing over shitty polygons just like everyone else in 1996. We were wrong. Gen 5 was a mistake.

>> No.7750784


Anyone who says that this game was good only played the first few levels and didn't bother collecting the coins and beating the game. That was BULLSHIT running through the same area 5 times because coins were phased out.

>> No.7750809 [DELETED] 

No I actually find this game quite enjoyable actually

>> No.7750812 [DELETED] 

I put actually twice god fucking damn it why WONT THIS SHITTY FUCKING WEBSITE LET ME DELETE IT

>> No.7750817

Zoom Zoom

>> No.7750824

Its a mistake to compare both games directly like that. Although both draw on the collectathon formula, SM64 is much more of a platformer, while BK is more action-adventure oriented with platforming elements.

>> No.7750827

not an argument

>> No.7750830

Face it Zoom Zoom your are just bad at the game

>> No.7750852
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They don't even try to change the controls in the options to 1.1.

>> No.7750854

In a literal sense Banjo-Kazooie used SM64 as a template and tried to improve and iterate upon the established 3D platformer gameplay of SM64
So I'd say it's fair to compare them

>> No.7750857

You mean 1.2.

>> No.7750979
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Further comparison, someone did a texture mod of Spyro 2, adding in Banjo-Kazooie's textures

>> No.7750990

Why is everyone comparing this to Spyro? Completely different games on different consoles.
Might as well compare Spyro to every collectathon.

>> No.7751013

I beat It at 70% as a child, absolutely loved It and did a 100% run last year. Amazing game. The sense of scale on the levels is awesome, and working on clearing them bit by bit is satisfying.

>> No.7751091

I've gotten 101% about 8 times. I have the whole game memorized. I speed run it sometimes. Great game.

>> No.7751123

God this is ugly as sin.

>> No.7751140

Absolute yuck

>> No.7752104

I was happy to get this game on christmas. I didn't know what it was. But I was happy to play the game all morning and was content even though I was in the cold basement in my underwear and kept thinking about how cold I was.

>> No.7752128


>> No.7752159

dk64 is an extremely good game and i have 0 nostalgic connection to it fight me

>> No.7753580

Then explain why? This game is both inferior to B&K and DKC series.

>> No.7754454

No it doesn't
I like this game and I was born in 97

>> No.7754465
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only the bonus stages
>hmm no to fight the real final boss you have to play all of these retarded missions

>> No.7754469
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posted this in a soul thread, someone actually asked what its from if you can believe that

>> No.7754487
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x2300, mental illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ocerina of Time mind broke a zoomer into false flagging this hard

>> No.7754497


>> No.7754685

>That's, like, your opinion, man
So it doesn't flow better since it's subjective as fuck.

>> No.7754692

>temple of trials
Never got this. I never had a problem in this place and people seems to hate this so much there is even a mod that removes it.

>> No.7754695

>So it doesn't flow better since it's subjective as fuck.
Whatever nigger.