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File: 18 KB, 320x224, Popful_Mail_SCD_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7749594 No.7749594 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, post games that /vr/ memed you into playing that aren't actually that fun.

Pic related. I doubt anyone would care about this game if the protagonist wasn't a hot anime girl. Yes, the 90's anime style and cheesy 90's anime voice acting does have a certain charm, but the game just... starts out mediocre and it never gets better. Combat is tedious, and consists mostly of walking up to enemies and mashing the attack button while the enemy is stunlocked and can't even fight back.

The game's difficulty curve is nonsense. Every boss after the first world is basically just an endurance test where you chip away at the damage-sponge boss's HP while it shoots lasers at you or whatever. Boss fights are insultingly simple, every boss only has like one or two attacks, and there's no challenge that can't be overcome by spamming the healing items that are widely available throughout the game. Even the final boss only has two attacks, and is only "hard" because he takes like a hundred hits to kill. The music in this game was pretty slammin' though. I rate it a 6/10 (only because I like red-haired elf girls) and would not play through this again.

>> No.7749596 [DELETED] 

>game is too hard and filtered me
you're supposed to get good and play it mindlessly like the other trash you're used to

>> No.7749598

All of your complaints are the result of Working Designs fucking with the balance of the original Japanese game.

>> No.7749601

>>7749594 (OP)
>game is too hard and filtered me
you're supposed to get good and not* play it mindlessly, like the other ez trash you're used to

>> No.7749607

Yeah this, the bosses drag on and grinding for gold is twice as long.

>> No.7749610
File: 101 KB, 800x600, asha-shion-mw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin Popful Mail
the chad Monster World 4

>> No.7749668

Not really.

Yeah, I know Working Designs tinkered with the enemy HP and invincibility frames, etc. but all that means is that the Japanese version is easier, changing a few numbers doesn't magically make the game more fun.

>> No.7749673
File: 97 KB, 600x845, SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7749685

How did you get
>game is too hard and filtered me
out of
>Boss fights are insultingly simple, every boss only has like one or two attacks, and there's no challenge

>> No.7749690

My friend keeps playing shoot em ups and recommends me cute em ups he finds in the shmup thread. Meme genre.

>> No.7749736

From what I've played of MW4 it doesn't seem nearly as good as the third game. No wonder it never got released here back in the day. Wonder Boy in Monster World is amazing and I always wondered why the series ended.

>> No.7749741
File: 39 KB, 156x144, 1421444702235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7749745


>> No.7749748

How did you play it? Is there an English version of the game out or something?

>> No.7749756

The hub world sucks but the dungeons are much better than any of the previous Wonder Boy games, especially 4's third dungeon.

>> No.7749783

read between the lines dumb namefag

>and is only "hard" because he takes like a hundred hits to kill
>The game's difficulty curve is nonsense. Every boss after the first world is basically just an endurance test
> no challenge that can't be overcome by spamming the healing items

OP doesn't know how to play, gets hit non-stop and doesn't understand game mechanics..

>> No.7749803

What? There's no subtext here. The game constantly throws healing items at you, and is extremely easy as a result. If you abstain from spamming healing items, that's a self-imposed challenge and not part of the base game.

>> No.7749805

i mean just for the record, I enjoyed Popful Mail, but this isn't an invalid complaint.

>> No.7749898

can you ask your friend if he wants to play shmups with me

>> No.7750131

Just don't play the messed up american version.

>> No.7750428

The Sega CD version is in English

>> No.7750558

I also disagree. I played the game this past winter and though WD did make it harder, the base game is just not all that fun which is the most disappointing.

>> No.7750596

I played the Japanese version, and yeah the game gives you enough money to basically buy an endless supply of healing items that allow you to kill all the bosses first try whether you learn their patterns or not.

I liked the art, music, and characters, but the actually game part could use some tweaking beyond what WD apparently did.

I paid like 65 bucks for it and just barely don't regret it.

Someone who paid hundreds for it would be inclined to convince himself that he actually liked it more than he did.

>> No.7750615

>the game gives you enough money to basically buy an endless supply of healing items that allow you to kill all the bosses first try whether you learn their patterns or not
And people say the changes WD made are bad why?

>> No.7750619

Many of the early games WD brought over did need some changes, but not the changes they made.

The bosses were designed with patterns in mind for their reasonable amount of health, so you shouldn't extend their health as that becomes boring.

The game just needed to dish out a little bit more damage and make the healing less plentiful. Best way would be to make it so that Mail can only buy the items in shops, and only has one slot for a healing item. Maybe very periodically throughout a level, a chest can have an instant healing item, like once or twice depending on size.

>> No.7750634

WD turned it up too much. They expect you to grind a lot more, so everything costs way more and enemies drop much less.

The healing items you don't need to buy, but weapons and armor are a bit if a must with how much they increased many enemies attack and health, which is often 10x as much.

With all of those things increased, everything just takes needlessly so much extra time. They weren't thinking of improvement, they just didn't want you to best the game in a day.

>> No.7750642

The biggest problem with Mail is the camera.

>> No.7750969

Everyone knows the PC98 version is the best anyway.

>> No.7751043

I played the original version and it was still not fun

>> No.7751064

Pretty much all beat em ups and shoot em ups. Theyre basic, boring, and theyre all literally the same game.

Double dragon, streets of rage, final fight, caddilacs and dinosaurs, golden axe, ninja baseball bat man, etc

Gradius, r-type, fantasy zone, raiden, etc


>> No.7751085
File: 29 KB, 528x543, 1617866092329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based. Fuck the arcade hipsters.

>> No.7751098

genma onimusha
this is like some sort of a sick joke arrangement

>> No.7751102


>> No.7751129

This! Not nearly enough cutscenes.

>> No.7751132

nice strawman smallcock

>> No.7751137

Ah, then perhaps it's the grinding you're into, mr. jarpig?

>> No.7751154

Yes! I love the feeling of power to which I attain after grinding hundreds of smalltime mooks and then obliterating everything in my path, it really stokes the ego if you catch my drift... and best of all, I don't have to do any nasty practice. Memorization is for autists, after all...

>> No.7751270

He finished it, you spaz.

>> No.7751276

God Hand is pure fun tho.

>> No.7751459

Why, what's really the difference if you think about it?

Enemies have less HP in the Japanese version, and? That just means they die faster, it doesn't make fighting them less boring.

>> No.7751483
File: 231 KB, 640x480, ThisUglySoullessJank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plays like shit, looks like shit, what can I say.

>> No.7751490

I'm into games where you do more than hold right and mash one button.

You can keep posting and be as amd as you want that im insulting your nostalgia, but these games are bad. I understand in 1980 it was better than staring at a wall but unlike other classics they just dont hold up.

Arcades died not.just because you could play at home, but because doing the same shit over and over is boring and games got better on home consoles and pcs.

Hell why do you think japan still.has arcades? Because japs love grind and repetiive shit. Oh wait isnt ironic that you tried to strawman about grind and the monotony of grinding 'mooks' when thats all your beloved beat em ups are? Put another quarter in, cuck.

>> No.7751491
File: 1.62 MB, 1178x1332, Frans Hals - Buffoon playing a lute (1624).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP: [game] is so easy, literally just mash the A button and use a healing item whenever you need to
>your nerdy ass: "HEH, you use HEALING ITEMS? casual >:)"

The virgin self-imposed challenger

The chad combat pragmatist

>> No.7751575

You forgot to make it clear you're talking about yourself.

>> No.7751891

a big reason why i think people talk about popful mail so much is because of how ahead of its time it was
voiced dialogue, well crafted animations, a good ost, all running on what is basically a glorified genesis
it kind of feels like a psx game but years in advance, which is pretty neat in itself
it's like taking a glimpse of an alternate world: what if every sega cd game took advantage of the strengths of the hardware with this level of care and detail instead of pushing the godawful fmv trend?
we will never know.

>> No.7751961

I really wish this in-between generation of machines that had CD technology but weren't really powerful enough for 3D lasted much longer. Stuff like Sega CD and PC Engine CD. Chiptunes are cool and all but it was awesome to have that traditional 2D experience but with CD quality audio, voice acting and cutscenes.

>> No.7753328

play the PCE or pc-98 version you tard

>> No.7753392

tell me more
what are the differences?

>> No.7753424

>what are the differences?
The PCE and pc-98 version are choppy trash, what he meant to say was play the Un-worked Designed patched Sega CD version or the SNES version if you can read nippongonese.

>> No.7753539

>Un-worked Designed patched Sega CD version
lol imagine being so bad at Popful Mail that you need to play it on Japaneasymode

>> No.7753545

I’d rather play the fruits of the developers’ labor than some Hard Type ROM hack. The English voice acting is nice, though.

>> No.7753546

The adjustments just suck and make the game feel like a chore, not make the game harder.

>> No.7753549

The english voice acting gave us ear-aids in the 90s.

>> No.7753552


>> No.7753559

theres nothing choppy about the pce port, i'd bet you're that person that keeps defending working desings shit no matter what

>> No.7753573

>Defending Working Designs.
>Literally tells anons to un-fuck their work by patching the game.
That's a pretty fucking dumb assessment there don't you think? I mean, it's not surprising though since you're such a retarded slob you can't even capitalize or punctuate properly a single fucking sentence.

>> No.7753703

i shit on english, suk a kok

>> No.7753717

Compared to other games and dubbed anime, it isn't bad.

>> No.7753728

>Replacing Megumi Hayashibara is a good thing.

Fuck off.