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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 90 KB, 666x408, quake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7748423 No.7748423 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell did people play Quake at an average FPS of 20 and think it was a great experience?

>> No.7748432

Goes to show you how amazing Quake is.

>> No.7748436

Most of these things you think make or break your experience are completely in your head.

>> No.7748443
File: 23 KB, 475x319, Interview with Doug Church, LookingGlass circa 1994 about System Shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things were different back then.

>> No.7748445

i think we just didnt know what we were missing so it didnt matter. the only games that ran at 60FPS were 2d arcade games

>> No.7748446

24 fps is about the standard for a convincing illusion of motion. more isn't necessary.

>> No.7748468

quake sucked until 3d accelerator came

>> No.7748472

Reminds me that commander keen runs at 17fps. PC was so pedestrian until recently when it came to games. Hard to believe with how high on their own farts pc gamers can be.

>> No.7748486

This. No one gave a crap back then or even knew what their fps was

>> No.7748495

The reason for this cancer is, of course, that graphics cards makers wants to push their products on people, they push them so hard because that's what gets people to buy high performance cards. So you have whole generations of zoomers and even some of the duller boomers that think that fps is everything in games.

Another thing is that in multiplayer higher fps gives an incredible advantage, it even allows you to physically move faster in quake. So lots of people were desperate to max out their fps rate to give them the advantage online.

It's a really good game but still not as good as Goldeneye.

>> No.7748570
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1605779767254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you have whole generations that think that fps is everything in games
>higher fps gives an incredible advantage
high iq post

>> No.7748581

With motion blur.

>> No.7748583

>muh cinematic experience

>> No.7748587

Yes I know /v/ has trained you to think in the memes they parrot but it's true.

>> No.7748593

The Voodoo could barely push that up to 60 FPS, and it's not worth playing GLQuake without hitting that target. The latency is just too great otherwise.

>> No.7748676

>This. No one gave a crap back then or even knew what their fps was
This was only true for console babbies. PC gamers, the real deal, the genuine article, the chads of indomitable strength were just as particular as they are now when it comes to performance.

>> No.7748687
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, bandwidth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7748740

>[Quake is] not as good as Goldeneye.
I will never understand you people

>> No.7748741

>it's true because I say so

>> No.7748749

incredibly soulful

>> No.7748864

I say so because it's true

>> No.7748923

Didn't most games need exceed 24 fps?

>> No.7749116

This also shows that PCfag criticisms of 64 FPS framerates is mostly a retroactive revision thanks to modern source ports. Because nearly no one was playing any of these games past 30 fps.

>> No.7749120

What other first-person 3D action games were there to compare it to?

>> No.7749486
File: 745 KB, 320x240, 24_fps_vs_60_fps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7750191

I can still hear the music.

>> No.7750193

Because we were lucky to have THAT many. Your brats are spoiled.

>> No.7751680

This is the actual reason it flopped despite the heavy marketing and excellent first (shareware) episode. At the same time Duke runs okay on 486. Nobody played Quake until Voodoo and GLQuake became widespread.

>> No.7751732

>attempting to objectively quantify qualia
I dub thee, Autismor the most Autistic.

>> No.7751753

Quake drove people to upgrade, just like Doom did before that.

>> No.7751781

I played original Doom at something like 15fps on 486 (or was it 386, I'm not sure anymore) and it was the best shit ever.

>> No.7753316

>Rejecting the attempt to correlate the qualitative with the quantitative
Take your alternative medicine.

>> No.7753343
File: 43 KB, 501x498, 54ntr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7753437

it's because of modern flats regen monitors blurring and ghosting that they need four times the fps to get a similar experience to a budget crt from 30 years ago.

>> No.7753656

Dungeon Keeper 1 ran at 20 FPS.
The secret about FPS that nobody ever brings up, is that the brain adapts to whatever it is and after a while perceives it as normal.

Someone who plays/watches something at 120fps then drops down to 30 will suddenly feel like they're watching a HORRIBLE slideshow. Someone who goes from 120 to 60 will be able to tell the difference very easily, while there are plenty of those who can't even see the difference between 60 and 120. High FPS can look strange to people who are used to lower frame rates. And if you play bloodborne for enough hours, the shitty fps eventually becomes more tolerable, even for a PC gamer.

This brings us to hollywood and the magic number 24. Is there anything magical about 24 FPS? Nope. Film experts will claim there's something magical about it. The soap opera effect is named as such because it has been associated with soap operas, therefore bad, but that's only half the reason it's being perceived as bad, the other half of the real reason is that it's just what everyone's brain is used to seeing.

>> No.7753658

>the other half of the real reason is that it's just what everyone's brain is used to seeing.
I mean to say: 24 FPS is just what everyone's brain is used to seeing.

>> No.7753663

And that's a good thing.

>> No.7753671

Because people were more chad back then, they didn't care about nitpicky nerd shit.

>> No.7753695

>Reminds me that commander keen runs at 17fps. PC was so pedestrian until recently when it came to games. Hard to believe with how high on their own farts pc gamers can be.

IBM/PC shareware games back in 1990, generally only targeted the baseline IBM specs. with CGA graphics and no soundcard. There were high end PC games made for VGA graphics cards (that can do smooth scrolling) and sound cards. Wing Commander comes to mind. So do many flight sims. But the hardware requirements were really expensive.

>> No.7753709

I opened your link and it was already thumbed down. Must've thought it was a shit video even 3 years ago.

>> No.7753805

The low framerate in movies and TV really bothers me. Makes me feel like I can never tell what is going on in action scenes.

>> No.7754117


>> No.7754204

100% this.
Im Playing monster hunter Rise right now at 30fps and couldn't give two shits. Then I switch to a 60fps game for a few hours and im like WOAH THERE

>> No.7754982

But he's right.

>> No.7755012

20fps at 320x200 isn't so bad

>> No.7755017

People still think OoT looked good

>> No.7755190

How come I can feel when my fps drops below 60?