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File: 223 KB, 1600x761, gold nwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
773671 No.773671 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that there is a gold NWC cart on eBay right now.



>> No.773685

Honestly, even if 27 thousand dollars was nothing to me, I wouldn't spend it on this.

>> No.773691

If I was a serious buyer I would to choose how to display my purchase if im spending a fuckton on it

I hope no one buys this, and the guy is forever stuck with his unplayable wallhanger.

>> No.773693


>> No.773695
File: 48 KB, 324x356, 1344808870255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vga graded

>> No.773705

I know what I'll be masturbating to later tonight...

>> No.773706

Is this the NES Punk's?

>> No.773723

>exposed EPROM windows

Nope, he refused something like $30k for his copy.

>> No.773728


Also, Pawn Stars is fake.

>> No.773732

Aren't you supposed to keep that shit protected from light.

Data's probably gone.

>> No.773738
File: 51 KB, 460x500, 1355611684049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening a game that only has under 20 copies known to exist.

>> No.773758

There's like 6 copies of Stadium Events on eBay at the moment, by the way.

Just getting that out there.

>> No.773767
File: 1.19 MB, 1047x1433, Müslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thinking.

this is quite a barbaric way of displaying a rare game.

>> No.773770

To prove it's actually the game inside, as opposed to a refab or pirate cart in a zelda case with a new sticker.

>> No.773785

>Exposed windows
>VGA grading

-7/10, would not even glance at for any purpose than asking why they would even do that

>> No.773784
File: 12 KB, 320x277, 1370523426160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 thousand. That's fucking ludicrous even for a game that was sky-high even before the retro bubble.

Every time I see "SMB/Duck Hunt - 25$! --RARE--!!!", I've always kind of wondered how disgustingly exaggerated the price of a golden NWC cart would be under the overinflated retro bubble, because that shit was already worth some hefty ducats.

Unlike most listings, this one is actually a true collector's item that's always been worth thousands. I fucking knew if someone in this current climate had their hands on something actually valuable that they would be unable to restrain themselves and ask for an outrageous price rivaling a brand-new automobile.

>> No.773820

>take game apart in the proper setting
>Yep it's real
>put back together
>Then proceed to kill yourself because VGA is retarded.

>> No.773885


>> No.773905

>only gets an 85

Is that out of a possible 100? What the fuck is wrong with it? It looks mint. Well, good thing he didn't get a perfect score because that cunt would probably want 45k if that scenario.

>> No.773934


>NTSC reproduction

Do people really not know that Japan is NTSC as well? It's more than just Canada and the US, fuck. And that many people buying a repro, my god. The ad description doesn't even say it's a repro until the very end, that should be the first thing it lists.

As for OP, why in the world would the VGAs, people who are supposed to be "preserving videogames", open up the game and display it like that so UV light can destroy it? My fucking god, this is horrendous. I disliked the VGA before, I hate them now. Fucking hell.

captcha: pisssed was

>> No.773936

They probably didn't pay VGA enough to get a higher score.

>> No.773943

I think the acrylic case is UV resistant or some shit. Either way, displaying it like that is obnoxious.

>> No.773947

Yeah, VGA is retarded. Just saying, if you're dropping 27k on an NES game, you might as well make sure it's the right one. The seller's proving it is by showing the board.

This is like getting mad about buying a car when they show you the engine hanging next to it in a picture.

>> No.773945 [DELETED] 

Japan is NTSC-J. Notice how there's no "-J"

>> No.773951

They advertise them as such, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they're not. They're also not airtight, so no oxidation proofing either.

>> No.773968

Well, using that analogy, the seller would have taken a perfectly usable car and completely disassembled it, framed it in a case and then put a pricetag on it.

>> No.773970


I thought the VGA thing was supposed to prove that so you don't have to open it up.

>> No.773973

The page says:
>The casing is of the highest grade UV protection and will inhibit any fading of the label, discoloring of the cart, or damage to the chips.

>> No.773982
File: 251 KB, 500x313, 1369634667068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule of thumb: a 100/100 means someone at VGA got paid. By their own guidelines a cart can't get 100/100 because that implies it's in absolutely flawless condition and hasn't been touched, played or otherwise meddled with. When they disassemble it to check the board and then play it on a system, it's an automatic deduction from the score because its been handled. Their own verification process lowers the possible score to at least 90/100. Any flaws they make during the disassembly count against the score too.

>> No.773990

>not prevent

shit is still slowly being destroyed

>> No.773995


Don't believe that for even a second. The VGAs are a fraud in many regards, why would this part of their business be legit?

>> No.774002
File: 273 KB, 518x700, 1370484922760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even if you buy a game just out of the factory, people have already manipulated it.
That's retarded, if a 100 score requires no human contact, it's impossible.

>> No.774025


Same with people who say a game has not been circulated. As soon as it leaves the factory and it reaches somebody's hands, it's in the market. It's been circulated. I never understood why people try to pass that shit off. Videogames are not treated by the same standards as coins

>> No.774034


It's not literally "no human contact." Just a very low amount of handling. A cart simply under going the VGA's own process counts against the score because they literally take the game apart and extensively probe it, making it not pristine anymore. It's like how you're not supposed to read a rare comic book because you might bend a page or something.

It's worse for games with boxes. Just like any other collectable, a box being sealed and unopened raises the value tremendously. When VGA inspects it, they remove it from the box, lowering the value. Since they're the grading company, they know first-hand that it's not mint-in-box because they personally took it OUT of said box.

>> No.774039 [DELETED] 

I agree. It's those special "keywords" people throw around that give people boners and rush for their wallet.

>> No.774047

Well, the UV light put out by the sun isn't specifically tuned for erasing EPROMS. That's why I have tray with a UV bulb specifically made for erasing EPROMS (rather than leaving them out in the sun).

>> No.774050

>What the fuck is wrong with it?
For a start: it's in three pieces now.

>> No.774073
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, 20130606_185629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually bought a couple cases from VGA. They are of extremely high quality and fairly priced. I do feel bad about supporting them though.

>> No.774092

kill yourself

>> No.774095


That was unnecessary.

>> No.774130

Cutting a tree down to look at its rings.

>> No.774157

>and extensively probe it
You mean they look at it, see if anything happens when you put it in, and then be over with it?

>> No.774180

kill yourself so hard

>> No.774189


"Extensively probe" is a relative term with these sorts of collectables. Disassembling the entire cartridge and then playing it makes it no longer pristine. Collectables have arbitrary guidelines like that when it comes to making an item perfect. They can test it on a console, take it apart, look at the board and put it back together again and you wouldn't be able that had ever happened, but it did and they know about it. It somehow makes it worse because now it's not "pristine."

It's like comic book collectors who value a comic more if they know it's never been read.

>> No.774242

No it's like me buying a car. Only to find out that he sent me a car AND an engine that I have to assemble myself.
Only to find out I can't get in the box without some kind of explosives.
After all that's said and done I find out the engine is broken because he exposed certain pieces to the elements.

>> No.774246

I bought a brand new Kia Spectra in 2009 for 12 grand. Think about that.

>> No.774281
File: 34 KB, 393x400, cantbelieve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never understood why people try to pass that shit off.
Because ebay retards will pay more for "uncirculate" games:
>mfw new copies of CCR are $5

>> No.774335

Not at all. You really need to die.

>> No.774337

All of these are small time. Check this out:

If you don't do a double take when you see the price, you should send me money because you obviously have more than you'll ever need.

>> No.774343

What is the point of getting NWC graded anyway?

It's rare enough that it doesnt matter, in fact what they have done to it should have decreased the value since 1) it is locked away with no way of playing it and 2) the EPROM is exposed to sunlight which would have erased it making the game useless.

>> No.774359


Supporting the VGA in any way is unnecessary and you really should kill yourself

>> No.774413

>"In every line, whether it is comics, toys, cars...first print is the universal want. Everyone wants the first edition, first release, the first print. This is simply a holy grail. Absolutely vivid and beautiful. A true museum piece - you're looking at history."

I'm going to go vomit now.

>> No.774428

I just bought it :)

>> No.774438


Maybe I'm crazy but I tend to prefer later prints, even if it means having an ugly 'GREATEST HITS' written on it, because it's almost guaranteed to outlast a first print

>> No.774475
File: 1.97 MB, 384x216, whyyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people send prototypes to get graded

>> No.774518 [DELETED] 

why put games in cases? just put them on your self out of direct sunlight, fucking retard

>> No.774528

why put games in cases? just put them on your shelf out of direct sunlight, fucking retard

>> No.774587


EPROMs don't require "tuned" UV to erase. Any ionizing radiation will do. An erasure bulb works well because it's sitting directly next to the window.

The sun and even fluorescent lighting will still get the chips eventually.

Hell, EPROMs will become corrupt from plain old background radiation over a long enough period of time. Sunlight/lamps just make the process a lot faster and are more thorough.

>> No.774836


Take it like a man, bitch.

>> No.774858

Whats the point of owning a game you will never play?
I would never pay specifically for a game I would never play just to add to my collection.

>> No.774903
File: 100 KB, 608x524, deduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cart was graded, disassembled, authenticated, and permanently encased by VGA
>permanently encased by VGA

What's the fucking point in having that game, then? Who in their right minds assumes that permanently encasing a game is acceptable?

You may as well just have someone do a painting of it and be happy with that.

>> No.774920

This. Getting your cart graded by VGA is fucking retarded unless you're willing to pull a Bioware and pay off the reviewer to get a perfect score. The analogy another user posted earlier is right on the money: it's like cutting down a tree to check the rings.

>"Wow! Thanks for sending us a perfect cart to grade! Un-played, un-sullied, still with its original seal, never taken out of the box and never been played!
>they break the plastic seal
>open the box
>popped open the cartridge
>exposed the board to outside elements
>shoved it in to a console
>Sorry! The original seal is broken, is no longer mint-in-box because we opened it, the cart has been dissected, and its been played before so it's technically used now.

>> No.774946

Collectors wanting to own every NES game ever need this because they are stuck at 99.9% and because some game collectors want to own everything and anything rare.

>> No.774991
File: 298 KB, 1680x1050, fgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All dat niggaz shit is the worst prices.

>> No.775041

I'm pretty sure I've seen 100% graded games that are just sealed in the box and they don't actually open them because then it's not factory sealed. But maybe they do open them then reseal them? Just to verify I didn't fill it with a bunch of rocks. And if they don't open it why not just fill a box with something heavy and seal it yourself then send it in.

>> No.775102

No thank you. I have my Famicom version I paid like $7 for from this nice Japanese man that just stated selling games on eBay recently. He was a cool dude, I need to buy more from him.

>> No.775246

Who's the seller? I'm interested.

>> No.775284

every japanese seller ever. they are all nice as fuck.

>> No.775293

>why not just fill a box with something heavy and seal it yourself then send it in.

Good luck replicating the H-seam on authentic shrink wrap.

>> No.776804
File: 8 KB, 546x566, 1364300493000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now everyone knows what the board looks like. The seller just made it easier for people to make bootlegs of it and reap the profits from gullible idiots.

>> No.776818

Can't tell if you're intentionally being stupid or not.

NWC repros have existed for a few years now. They're regularly sold.
People already knew what the board looked like, they have done since the first pictures of the cart were uploaded to the internet in its infancy.
Even then, anyone with a decent amount of understanding of NES programming can figure out a board layout from a disassembly of the game code.

>> No.776827

>Aren't you supposed to keep that shit protected from light.


>> No.776831
File: 14 KB, 300x225, 1365802864350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll disassemble your face

>> No.776836

Yes. EPROM, Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. They're erased using UV light, which the Sun produces. Leaving the windows on them uncovered means that any amount of light could, over time, cause enough erasure as to render the game unplayable.

>> No.776839

What. EEPROMs get erased when exposed to UV light.

>> No.776845

Not the person you're replying to,
But seriously, nobody is going to be buying this to play it

>> No.776848

EPROMs do, EEPROMs don't.

I'm well aware, but the game being in a non-functional state would dramatically decrease the value.