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7735138 No.7735138 [Reply] [Original]

I'm almost at the end and anybody else feel pretty disappointed by ff6? It's been hyped up to me for so long and playing it now especially after Chrono Trigger just feels disappointing. The random encounter rate is ass.

>> No.7735146

Never liked it. Then again, I feel like most FF are really bad, it's mot hype than anything else.

>> No.7735154

Is it your first FF? the random encounter rate is in every retro FF until 12.

Also yeah, it gets overrated by people. It's a storyfag game that stops developing its story halfway in the game. The mechanics are the worst of the SNES mainline FFs, and it was the first FF to be reeeeeeeeaaally, like really broken (FFV gives you overpowered moves, but also it throws more challenge to the player).

But it's got some great stuff. Graphics and general ambiance, best music in the series, snappy pace. But I can't shake off the feeling that it got more and more overrated over time as a symbol of opposition to FFVII from jilted Nintendo fans who never forgave Square from switching.

>> No.7735169

>But I can't shake off the feeling that it got more and more overrated over time as a symbol of opposition to FFVII
>from jilted Nintendo fans who never forgave Square from switching

>> No.7735179

ChronoTrigger can be beat in 20 hours. It's an RPG for people who don't like RPGs so it's understandable you not liking FF6.

>> No.7735196

For all it's faults I love it's music and sprites.

>> No.7735226

FF6 does better when you stack it against it's competition.
CT, SMRPG, those were both Square games that came afterward. It's assumed they learned more about what to squeeze out of the SNES after FF6 (which was incredibly ambitious content wise) and used those lessons to make the next batch of JRPGs before switching to PS1.

Put FF6 next to non-Square jrpgs and you'll get a better idea why it's held so high up.

>> No.7735234

See it's the opposite for me, ever since it came out, I thought it looked liked crap. Literally, it's mostly earth tones. I was used to Final Fantasy being more colorful graphically.

>> No.7735239
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>Put FF6 next to non-Square jrpgs and you'll get a better idea why it's held so high up.
Are you kidding? I've been a SNES RPG fag since the 90s and I always thought Square games were the worst ones.

>> No.7735324

I loved the mysterious mood and magitech setting but Square just didn't know how to keep it up and it mostly just instantly drops back to basic fantasy after the intro and revisits it briefly a couple times. They did the same to FF7's setting, they were just far too used to standard fantasy and couldn't stop.

>> No.7735336

FF6 does WORSE stacked against its contemporaries. It's the follow-up to FF5 and its gameplay systems are barely a pale shadow of that game's. Its music is the equal to FF5's and that's about it. Outclassed on release isn't a good look.

>> No.7735350

at least in North America it wasn't outclassed at release bc it was called 3 and most of us weren't aware that 5 existed

>> No.7735361

Disappointed? In 1993 I thought this was the bee's knees. But you're entitled to your shitty opinion.

>> No.7735403

As a kid the world of ruin was too 'sandboxy' for me, like traveling aimlessly not knowing were to go was a big turn off.

>> No.7735405

Wrong comparison
FF6 music > FF7s

>> No.7735567

It used to be one of my favorite games until I replayed it last year for the first time in like 15 years. I never realized how short and linear each "dungeon" was. Just a couple short screens with some doors connecting them. People give FF13 trash for its design but it really started with 6.

>> No.7736073

Oh dear - try playing some pre-FF6 JRPG's for some perspective. You sound like you're brand new to the genre.

>> No.7736078

His point stands, especially compared to ToP.
ToP is atrociously written, and outside the battle system does absolutely nothing innovative. It also has awful art direction - towns and dungeons etc all look terrible.
The only reason it's held so high is because they wasted something like 16Mbit of rom space on that stupid anime pop song intro - and lets be honest, it was pretty amazing to hear that on a Super Nintendo in the 1990s.

>> No.7736109


>> No.7736159

Why would playing better games make FF6 less of a disappointment?

>> No.7736970

Equip the Moogle Charm

>> No.7737048

>It used to be one of my favorite games until I replayed it last year for the first time in like 15 years. I never realized how short and linear each "dungeon" was. Just a couple short screens with some doors connecting them
FF hasn't had good dungeons since FFV
FF5 is better. 6 only brought more of a cinematic focus. It's funny when you think 7 got all the bad rep for ruining JRPGs forever, when it's just 6 with prettier graphics and CGI cutscenes instead of in-game cutscenes.

>> No.7737050

Yeah the dungeons really felt like a brief distraction to get you to the next plot set-piece.

Compare that to something like 4 where the dungeons actually feel like an accomplishment to navigate through.

>> No.7737061

quit being such a whiny little faggot. the encounter rate isn't even terrible by rpgs standards. you sound like a dumb zoomer.

>> No.7737067

Protip: you're a faggot

>> No.7737126

I had way more fun in FF4 (2 US) because it felt like every battle was a do or die situation and you couldn't just spam attack.

FF6 felt absolutely amazing for the first two hours. The storyline was a huge let down and was hyped up to be so cool. I thought we would stay closer to the first town which looked beautiful and using the mechs in the beginning was really unique.

What I was hoping for :
-you have the esper in your party and she can do really cool things
-now you have to find other espers throughout the world and prevent the evil guys from finding and abusing them
-the final area is you going into the esper realm and finding out the evil guys are already in there taking over
-epic battles until the final boss bottle (this is kind of what the last area was like and I liked it a lot)

It felt more like a visual novel to me. You kept having cut scenes, you kept getting railroaded into going certain places, you kept doing actual time events and you kept splitting up your party and never getting to stay with a core group of characters.

>> No.7737164

Implying FFVII itself isn't overrated af
I mean, what are we talking about here, overrated is not even a fact.

>> No.7737173

All Final Fantasy games are good and their rabid following is irrelevant to me, honestly. You can claim one is more overrated than the other, but I don't think so. They are all pretty perfect games whose concepts were given seemingly endless consideration.

They tweaked the mechanics into a card game for VIII, made the story orbit around summoning for X... Every game they spin a new metaphor in a slightly different way than the last.


I could speak at great lengths about this series, and I'm not even a real big fan of it.

>> No.7737381

felt the same way about chrono trigger

>> No.7737547

Most renowned mainstream RPGs were renouned for their graphics and storyline and this judgement was made by an audience who's baseline for what a story was about was Super Mario Brothers.

>> No.7737781
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So, I just replayed this and this was my #1 childhood RPG.

Other than reliving the music I should have left it in my childhood.

The first half was pretty good, but I felt the WOR was such shit. It really needed focus and some more exposition. The esper/levelling system is not great.

It's not shit tier, but it isn't my fav anymore. I think I just realized I am more of a DQ guy.

>> No.7738101

It's what I classify as a storymode RPG. It doesn't have satisfying mechanics at all, it's just a really strong presentation and music. Graphically it's leaps past previous FFs, has music every bit as compelling as any top tier FF music (actiony/dramatic music and the mood-setter music are great in this). There just isn't much of interest on the play side, the esper system is just "learn the best spells however you feel like, no restrictions" so you do that, and then there's no real worthwhile customization beyond. You put good weapons on your characters and equip good relics that make them better, then you go win, there's no sideways diversifying of options or tradeoffs except who to put your best relic on.

>> No.7738176

Just replayed this game last month and only thing that holds up to me is the music. None of the characters are interesting besides Sabin, Cyan and Locke. Kefka is a joke. The story becomes completely pointless after the World of Balance besides BEAT THE EVIL BAD GUY. Only little enjoyment I got was Climbing the Magic Tower, Finding all the hidden Espers, and making some broken builds with the characters. That is it. World of Ruin is terrible. If you want an amazing snes jrpg experience with tons of options and exploration, play Romancing Saga III.

>> No.7738814

>Kefka is a joke.
That's the point. Kefka is someone you could have stopped at any point. But you don't. And now the world is a fucking disaster.

>> No.7738841

This is something people forget. FFIV and FFVI both have similar problems where the parts people most fondly remember are actually pretty early in the game. Both games more or less lose their shit halfway through. The world of ruin is pretty much just one giant fetch quest and you don't even see Kefka again until the last battle.

>> No.7738848

To clarify, both games early parts are just so overwhelmingly great that it's totally justifiable people would remember them fondly. But there was a plot structure issue that Squaresoft really didn't iron out fully until FFVII. FFV was actually pretty solid in that regard, too. I think what happened with FFVI is that they loaded the game with so many characters that they had trouble juggling everything.

From a gameplay side, VI was also a bit annoying because of all the party switching. Juggling a dozen equips and several party loadouts was not very user friendly.

>> No.7738869

>until FFVII
FF7 had the same problem. It's why Square hit the brakes hard when they finished FF7R and you got to the end of Midgar.
The game from that point forward is "chase Sephiroth and sometimes trip on some side plot" and it stays that way till Disk 2.

>> No.7738876

I don't think that's bad structure though. FFVII is pretty much a chase story with three separate factions. The chase is the story.

>> No.7738895

They basically forgot their setting and fell into traditional fantasy after the first parts of both games, which were settings they came up with specifically to try and avoid doing that.

>> No.7738983

Everything up to IX is good to "Okay".

Everything after IX is pretty terrible. XII gets a pass for Frans ass.

>> No.7738998

No, you're completely right OP. 6 isn't good - it's the hipsters choice for a reason.

>> No.7739018

I think VII handled the pacing better than VI. VII starts out with you trying to undermine a corporatocracy and dealing with the consequences until that conflict gets derailed by Sephiroth. Then it's kind of like Cannonball Run for most of the game but with enough story drip fed with every stop along the way that there's a robust B-plot. FFVI meanwhile spends 50% of the game dealing with an empire, suddenly that empire is toppled by the one underling who's been giving you the most grief the whole way, and then everything just kind of stops cold. Once you get the Falcon, which is pretty early in the world of ruin, you can technically just go beat Kefka. The only thing really stopping you is that it's suicidal until you power up and get your party back together. And while a handful of the characters have events that relate to their personal subplots, most of it is just a game of party member pokemon. It really should have been the last 1/4 of the game instead of the full back half.

>> No.7739020

There is a reason why Midgar part is the best part of FFVII.

>> No.7739038

This arguably applies to the entire franchise. As a series FF is amazing at opening the games. Every single game (with the notable exception of VIII) starts you in in medias res. You don't really know what's going on but you get a sense of the world and a mission. And it's usually a pretty impressive opening. The first game opens with you doing in the first five minutes what Mario and Link spend their entire games doing--saving a princess. It's basically the last boss first. In fact, it's actually kind of literal for FF1. FF2 starts with you getting your shit kicked in. FF3 you're lost in a cave. FF4 you don't really play it but you're an army of assholes stealing people's shit. It's only then that the game slows down and fills you in on what's really going on. It's honestly an excellent franchise for openings.

FFVIII notoriously shit the bed by starting with the slow shit first instead of the beach invasion. Squaresoft even kind of acknowledged this by making the Dollet mission the game's pre-release demo. I think they should have started with that mission and THEN did all the classroom shit and the Ifrit cave.

>> No.7739056

FF8 was a bad game in general. The only reason anyone even talks about it is cause the words 'Final Fantasy' are in the title.

>> No.7739116
File: 96 KB, 1024x618, prettier than tifa. sorry not fucking sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mother was a bad game in general.

>> No.7739136

While that may be, more people hate FF8 than my mom.

>> No.7739139

They would hate her more if they knew she existed

>> No.7739168

But they don't and your game is still a trainwreck of bad storytelling, crappy battle mechanics, and a boring cast.

>> No.7739226

why do you jews always lie

>> No.7739232

More people hating her mother wouldn't make less people hate FFVIII.

>> No.7739256

His mother also can cook I hope. FF8 never cooked me a damned thing.

>> No.7739259

Saying Rinoa =/= Ultimecia was the worst thing they could have announced, FF8 could have gone places.

>> No.7739454


>ChronoTrigger can be beat in 20 hours. It's an RPG for people who don't like RPGs

In other woods, it's a good game

>> No.7740419
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it's a shit theory and it ruins the core message of the game

>> No.7740423

Which is?

>> No.7740431

It's a love story where the MC learns to open himself to others and give his all for the ones he love. Instead this theory makes it all moot and Rinoa (the one that gets Squall to open up) grows up resentful and wants to kill his old lover because ???

>> No.7740442

dude just give it more thought and you'd realize that shit theory makes no sense. you cling to it because it made you feel clever for "getting" it, but that's just not what happened.

simplest way to completely disqualify your thoery is looking at Rinoa's motivations. Rinoa doesn't give a shit about Squall, she only cares about Seifer. Every time they're together she's thinking about Seifer. Talking about Seifer. The Rinoa = Ultimecia theory hinges on the idea that Rinoa wants to be with Squall forever (time kompression). But it's simply not true.

It's more likely Quistis is Ultimecia but I don't know for sure.

>> No.7740456

I like the "Squall is dead" theory myself.

>> No.7740460

That's almost certainly true, but the FMV does show the ice could have been lodged in squalls shoulder. Nothing vital.

>> No.7740479

"Squall is dead" theory is nice because it can easily explain why everything after CD1 makes no sense at all.

>> No.7740486

Another whack theory. Just assume the game's story is trash, it's written solely by Nojima after all.

>> No.7740492

I think since Square hasn't explicitly denied the death theory, it means the truth is imperceptivity different.

Whether he's dead or not, everything after disk 1 is down the rabbit hole in Wonderland.

>> No.7740504
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so it's FF8 the Mulholland Drive of video games?

>> No.7740543

Disagree with most people here. FF6 is better than FF5. FF5 is fun and all, and I like the freedom of the job system, it's entirely too easy to cheese. FF6 isn't hard either, but there are more unique mechanics, and at least in the some of the railroaded sections of the game there were somewhat tricky parts that preyed on lack of preparation.
The setting is more interesting, the story is more fun since it has more of a focus on the characters themselves. The closest you got to that in FF5 was Buttz visiting his fathers grave and saying something vague.
Chrono Trigger is an apt comparable, but most other RPGs on the system aren't really better, at least not to an appreciable degree. They're at best side grades or slight upgrades in some aspects, and almost all downgrades in style and setting.
If you fucked up getting overhyped for what is a nostalgia trip for most people, that's on you.

>> No.7740552

>it's entirely too easy to cheese
hey, you know a motorcycle falls over if you lean too hard? yeah, crazy right? don't do that.

>> No.7740593

>Just assume the game's story is trash
I have been since the beginning. FF8 is one of the worst games I've played. My original point always was if it didn't have 'final fantasy' in the title it wouldn't even be a blip on anyone's radar over 20 years later.

>> No.7740942

No because Rinoa and Quistis don't les out.

>> No.7740948

FFVI is just as breakable as V. There are at least a dozen ways to trivialize the game.

>> No.7740954

That scene was censored because of the deal Square had with EA back then. Just wait for the remake to get the real uncensored story.

>> No.7740965

5 is basically a parody. Its the last Sakaguchi directed entry and its just him taking the piss out of the franchise. 6 kind of shifted the series in a way that feels like a fresh start.

>> No.7741098

I've played 3, 6, 7 and 10. Considering 6 was the only one I've even bothered to finish, no I wasn't disappointed. I'd rather play Dragon Quest though

>> No.7741421

Wow, what shit opinions u got there buddy.

>TimeTravel as background for a surprisingly complex overall story
>Dhaos as a sympathetic villain
>Technology x Nature as main dilema
>Dungeons that actually made you think
>Cool world to explore
>tons of hidden stuff (Cless' combos, cool accessories, etc)

>> No.7741467

based plebeian position

>GOD tier
FF8 (but only because I played this one first and nostalgia goggles fucked up my critical reasoninig - i know it's an awkward mess)

>good tier
Final Fantasy I - it's simple and fun.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - not really an RPG but it's a good example of mindless fun.

>ok tier
FF II ~ FF VII - always one bit of inovation attempeted, but overall feeling maintained, with deference to technological advances
Final Fantasy VII remake - i was expecting rotten shit with crap juice on top. I didn't expect it to be that good (nothing memorable, but relatively speaking...)

>Shit tier
FFIX, FFXV - actively regret paying money for these shits. FF9 is boring as church. FFXV is a shameless cashgrabs in the form of 'chapters' that hide ABSOLUTELY CRUTIAL information from the main plot.

>I'd rather let my ass be fucked by a nigger tier
FFXIII, FFX, FFX2 - Tidus and Lighthing are unbelieavable FAGGOTS. Also, FFXIII is a corridor simulator. FFX2 is worse than cancer.

>never played tier

>> No.7741474



>> No.7741481

>comfy a fuck

I hope I die in a hospital room just like this

>> No.7741486

Except, diphead, that is estabilieshed in the games manuel that in this universe people have their hearst in the right side of thei body.

>> No.7741490


>The random encounter rate is ass.

Basically why I've stopped playing that game after 30minutes, the story seemed cool and stuff but I just hate it when I can't roam around the map without feeling harassed by the game...

>> No.7741495

>not using training wheels


>> No.7741501

it's shit even by FF standards
FF7 or 9 shits all over it. even 10 and 12 are better games.

>> No.7742139

FFV was no more a parody than I or III. It was clear that more people wanted serious plot over gameplay after IV and Sakaguchi simply couldn't deliver that kind of thing, so he bailed after V.

>> No.7742154

III was just cute. V was openly a farce.

>> No.7742182

I'll take the farce over what the series became from VI onward.
Galuf's death > Aerith's death

>> No.7742190

i think it's a huge part of why it's overrated. i played ff5 first and loved the shit out of it. when i played ff6 i was so fucking pissed off with it that i stopped at the floating continent.

>> No.7742246

the part where bartz's hometown gets sucked into the void and he goes fucking crazy is kino

>> No.7742423

This game seriously should've gotten an overseas release
every retro gaming nerd would have creamed at this game harder than Chrono Nigger

>> No.7742516
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Nah, it's one of my favorite games. I consider it and CT to be roughly equal.

>> No.7742831

Isn't the opening a big reason we didn't get it? I don't think anyone would've minded an instrumental version back then.

>> No.7742847

Is Square overrated or am I just clinically depressed?

>> No.7742853

Probably both

>> No.7742864

A fair observation

>> No.7742865

Their obscure stuff tends to be better.

>> No.7742872

Is Vagrant Stories obscure? In any case, I'm thinking in diving into Enix and start Drago Quest since first 3 games have been translated.

>> No.7742913

SquareSOFT was not. Square ENIX absolutely is.

>> No.7742976
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It's one of those games that's praised to the moon and back by people who either never played it and only heard how great it is or by people with super heavy duty nostalgia goggles. It's easy to remember Kefka and suplexing the train and forget the generic story and how the rest of the characters are actually pretty bland and forgettable, especially Terra. Sure the battle speed is faster than later games but that's evened out by the ridiculous random encounter rate, and it's still the same basic-ass battle system as always. As much as the SNESfags have a raging hateboner FF7 I honestly believe it to be an improvement in every way except the level of difficulty which was a joke, and while FF9's gameplay sucked it more than made up for it with the story and characters.

>> No.7742982

20 years ago no, since then yes.

>> No.7743101

at least it's not the reeking trashcan that is FFX.

>> No.7744240

That reeking trashcan had meaningful character growth and customization. FFX, the quintessential "movie game" claim game, is less of a movie game than FFVI. FFVI is just you pushing A through scenes of text and then going into battle with characters you didn't have proper choices to customize. It should have been fucking automated if they cared so little about your input. FFX for all its faults is not a game that you can feel like it should be automated.

>> No.7744270

They people only remember / play the first act so they do this on purpose. Every FF has a mindblowing high production first act with memorable moments and set pieces and then they all turn into the same DQ knockoff JRPG grind.