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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7733141 No.7733141 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy tomb raider thread? Comfy tomb raider thread.
Let's discuss favourite games, levels, weapons and of course our favourite girl.

>> No.7733154

I'm going through them all, not back to back as to avoid fatigue. 1~3 on ps1 and 4 and 5 will be on DC. I'm at the very end of 2 and it's pretty good, it does some things better than 1 and some worse. Too many human enemies with hitscan weapons, and 1 did the whole being lost in an unknown environment better, but the ponytail though.

>> No.7733518
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Yeah, it's very easy to burn out with these games, need to be careful.

>> No.7733584

3 can be very frustrating, especially on PS1. It certainly has it's moments. If you're able to, you should also check out the 1-3 expansion packs on PC.

>> No.7733597
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You have to cheat-code 3 for more save crystals because the save crystal limit can get frustrating. That's the only flaw I found in it. Otherwise it's great.

>> No.7733760
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I'm fully aware of how bullshit TR3 is, I have played it way back in the day and the shit level design with save crystals being back is an awful combination, but I have the whole collection complete in box and intend to play on real hardware. Pic related, just finished 2 up, I missed the secrets in really early levels which was a bummer, but I'm pretty happy with how many I got playing through it blind. The expansions were always something in my playlist, someday I'll get to them.

>> No.7734565
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It wasn't that bad at all.

>> No.7736438
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>> No.7736470
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>Classic Lara thread
>It’s as dead as her fans’ chances of reproducing

>> No.7736473


>> No.7736487

Ya seethe.

>> No.7736548

God damn I got stuck at that part where you have to doge that flying ghost and havent played it for years. Beating that fucking ghost is on my bucket list of things to do before I die.

>> No.7736551
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>> No.7736552

TR1 is still one of the best, if not THE best game of the whole series. I love that design and the exotic places

>> No.7736579

back in the day, when new games were very fresh and unique, did new things, with their very own control mechanics

one button controls the feet, the other button the arms, based on context

climbing, shooting, pulling a lever
jumping, swimming

level design, atmosphere

played the demo of tomb raider 1 endlessly as a kid
was very fascinated with the control scheme and the autoaim

>> No.7736713
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pretty sure the previous owner of TR3 nutted on the instruction manual despite it being printed in black&white

pretty comfy,
the ads for the eidos merch are neat

>> No.7736860

>supposed to be aristocratic
>always thought the voice actress sounded like a slapper
>fastforward to now
>young aristocrats do all talk like that

>> No.7736861

>all greatest hits
Step up nigga.

>> No.7736884

coomlector detected
the discs are identical to the blacklabels

>> No.7737017
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>bringing in the shit version of an already shit tier waifu
Do reboot fans really?

>> No.7737038

So why did you do it, vothfag?

>> No.7737040

>the phoneposting zoomers are back again

>> No.7737047
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Remake Jill is also beautiful, unlike your shit smear of a nuwaifu.

>> No.7737051

dude lara looks bomb in SotTR

>> No.7737052
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It's probably the same fag even.

>> No.7737064

I don’t speak Amerimutt but yes, she does look like she survived a detonation to the face

>> No.7737106

holy lol

>> No.7738365

black label only fags are autistic as fuck

>> No.7738402
File: 1.76 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20210509-234723_RetroArch (AArch64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck should I pass that greek level in TR1 wiith 5 switches that do nothing? Playing it for the first time and really dont want to look at walkthtoughs, but I am out of ideas.

>> No.7738518

Hint: There are five Greek letters above each of the sealed doors, but each inscription only uses two letters of the Greek alphabet...

>> No.7738978

what is the best way to play these on PC in 2021?

>> No.7739707

Check Polish publisher's versions in the archive, some anon uploaded them. Otherwise gog versions.

>> No.7740112

What's wrong with just emulating the PS1 versions?

>> No.7740113

steam ?
i got the entire library ala giftcard/sale

dreamcast had killer ports also
cdromance would make that route easy

>> No.7740476

PSX emulator with 150-200% CPU overclocking. Otherwise it is a Slowpoke Raider. On a controller left stick is only forward-backward, right stick - only left right, this makes the controls bearable. Graphics in PSX is worse than in Windows version, but with PGXP and 3x+ resolution it is not that bad.

>> No.7740520
File: 1.99 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20210510-173436_RetroArch (AArch64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks! It was pretty retarded from them to show door open animations on every switch in all previous levels, but not in this one. I was waiting for animation/sounds from different switches combinations and didn't check the doors.

>> No.7740573
File: 2.00 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20210510-175233_RetroArch (AArch64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verticality in these greek levels is pretty cool.

>> No.7741217

TR 1, 2 and 4 in the Win folder. Should be ready to go no matter if you are on Windows 10.

>> No.7741292

That’s actually the part in the first game I caved and ended up using a walkthrough myself. You’re a stronger man than me anon.

>> No.7741301
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What’s your favorite version of Croft Manor anons? For me, it’s Tomb Raider II. Just enough secrets to keep it interesting without going overboard.

>> No.7741436

>but the ponytail though
There is a mod for that.

>> No.7741440

I can think of no other game at least in the PS1 era that did "height" better. Yeah in Mario 64 you don't really feel it, since it's cartoony and shit.

But TR1 does it so well that you can literally have fun simply by going to great heights and jumping down or something, also the damn adrenaline when you need to be careful.

I don't care what Crash/Mario/Spyro fags say, Tomb Raider is definitely a fucking fantastic game and more than worthy to be among these other games. Too bad it is so underrated with zoomers.

>> No.7741458

Based retards. If you're an adult and didn't get this you are low IQ as fuck. I'm also retarded and even I immediately understood that the symbols above the doors matter and I noticed that there were 5 levers just like 5 symbols. That's literally elementary school shit.

>> No.7741482
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does anyone know how to expand the draw distance for the games? was able to do it for the first games but i can't find anything for the others

>> No.7741494

The draw distance is supposed to be short, especially in caves dumbass.

Have fun ruining the entire atmosphere.

>> No.7741503

being able to see the whole map is my favorite part of the whole thing, being able to see the map come together is awesome

>> No.7741531

Okay but I wouldn't recommend it in your first playthrough. The feeling when you are on platform in a cave and around you is only darkness is fucking amazing. Seeing everything makes the game too easy.

>> No.7741640

> Too bad it is so underrated with zoomers

Comparing to Mario64 and Spyro, the entry threshold for PSX Laras is pretty high. I've tried it 3 times over multiple months, before I get to 150% CPU and two sticks controls. Default controls ARE hard to get into (though later you appreciate how precise are them in platforming). And default speed is unbearable - 30 FPS is absolutely fine, but default movement and jump speed feels like slowmo.

Completely agree about verticality, overall levels size are really impressive. I understand, that engine is cheating with minecraft-style blocks, but it absolutely worths it, comparing to ordinary PSX games levels (like Xena), these levels feel 10x larger.

>> No.7741714

It has a fucking fantastic atmosphere.

Playing TR is almost medidative.

>> No.7742606

when I was young the first game used to scare me a little. Could never get to grips with the games either because k was noob. Played 1,2 and 3 a couple years back on PC (keyboard controls are great for these games) and loved them. Not a fan of Atlantis levels though

>> No.7742985

should i play tr1 on vita?

>> No.7743734

TR1's mansion has the Ark of the Covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark in it, which I think is hilarious.

>> No.7743824

I'd recommend playing it on something with a larger screen (like an actual TV, or emulated on a monitor) so you can really see the levels, but if your only method of playing PS1 games is on a Vita than it's not a bad choice.

Do the house/tutorial portion of the game before starting the actual game though.

>> No.7743838


>> No.7744156

>Too bad it is so underrated with zoomers.

Can you blame them? Every TR game released after they were born sucks.

>> No.7744680

This level is the best so far regarding interesting jums. Got the jump from this column on the firdt time. Also the fire lanterns columns were challenging the right way. Expected later levels to be less fun, and suprised to see continous quality. First two levels are much better looking (less minecrafty, more diverse environment) than later, but gameplay stays solid.

>> No.7744840
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This is getting interesting, I have two lead pieces of 3 and I beleive I've explored everything. More backtracking incoming.

Also laughed from the helping sign on picrelated - these greeks had not very high opinion on the cleverness of the following generations.

>> No.7745018

I played the N-Gage port for the first time today.
Besides the retarded auto-run you can't disable, it's a lot better than I imagined.

>> No.7745140

Remember running this port on Nokia 7610 (along with TES Shadowkey) back then, never got far with it though. Its a pity Ngage died so quickly, it had impressive 3d stuff.

>> No.7745596

That's the same place where I got stuck back then. Couldn't figure out what to do.
This damn ghost.

>> No.7746385

If you want a hint,
You need gold bricks, not lead bricks

>> No.7746421

Is it the full game? Are there manual saves?

>> No.7746501

I played TR1 today for the first time in over 25 years.....it's fucking terrible. I remember not liking the game much as a kid but I did not remember it being this bad. I'm convinced that more than half of this board is made up of zoomers who pretend to be older and force themselves to play and like retro games for some sort of hipster cred reasons. There are very few psx games still worth playing today and Tomb Raider is definitely not one of them

>> No.7746553

Imagine getting filtered by one of the best 3D platformers on the system, wow

>> No.7746735

>That mutt

>> No.7746740

>awkwardly comes to a stop from running
>Awkwardly turns 180 degrees
>Slowly sidesteps two paces
>Slowly takes two steps forward
>Does long forward jump
>Holds out hands
>Misses ledge, dead

>> No.7746753

Post your ugly mug, cunt.

>> No.7746765

Post age

>> No.7746875

You should try 4 anon, it is the best of the 5 classic ones in my opinion.

>> No.7746909

>awkwardly comes to a stop from running
150 - 200% CPU makes this look realistic, some inertia is expected, movement animation is well done.

>Awkwardly turns 180 degrees
This is combat movement, you will appreciate it later when kiting monkeys and lions.

>Slowly sidesteps two paces
This allows to get into perfect position before difficult jumps, this makes platforming more precise than in games with non-tank movement.

>Slowly takes two steps forward
The same as previous, also used to navigate between spikes.

>Does long forward jump
>Holds out hands
Acrobatics is fantastic there.

>Misses ledge, dead
And else should happen after ledge miss on 15 meters height?

>> No.7746940

> very few psx games still worth playing today

The sheer amount of PSX games alows you to take 99th percentile of "best" games and still having dozens of titles that are "best of the best".

>> No.7747107

Why would you reply to autists who come into tomb raider threads to screech about not liking tomb raider? Just look at their posts, vaguely pity them for what their lives have become, and move on.

>> No.7747223

Should I just play the series in order as a first timer? Pc or ps1? I was a ps1 kid, so I might just pick up copies of the original game on the platform.

>> No.7747371

I would play on PC, if only because I really like how the game looks at higher resolutions. It's also quicker to save, which is a huge bonus, and the PS1 version of TR3 uses a consumable item to save, which makes the game absolute unbelievable aids to play since it's designed around massive bullshit levels with loads of instant death traps.
However, if you want to play with a controller on PC (which I'd recommend) you'll need something to bind keys to buttons. I use Xpadder.

>> No.7747375

Oh and for TR1 and TR2, you can check the steam guides section for the automated patch which completely fixes all the issues with them such as soundtracks not playing. Pick the PS1 cutscenes if you do this, the AI upscales are dogshit

>> No.7747649

More beautiful than the bloated mutt that is reboot “Lara”

>> No.7748017

I was born on December 5th, 1985. I am 35 years old.

Remember, you're here forever

>> No.7748036
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Let’s not take the piss.

>> No.7748112
File: 97 KB, 576x1024, E0FD28BA-DE10-4550-A43C-D38B77B193E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping

>> No.7748131


Claire and Lara. My two favorite game girls from the 32bit generation.

>> No.7748138
File: 19 KB, 640x480, tombraider-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat Unfinished Business after beating the first game a couple of days ago. Fucking atlanteans gave me the creeps

>> No.7748173


The controls in this game are just like the old Prince of Persia, FlashBack, Out of this World, Blackthorne, Abe's Odyssey, and so forth. Cinematic platformers. Pressing the jump button doesn't give the player instant results. As the game cannot interrupt Laras current animation. Her jump starts when the jump animation is initialized. Which makes the controls feel sluggish. Tomb Raider Anniversary remake goes with the more direct control scheme. Like Mario 64. The one thing about Tomb Raider on the PC is that it plays great with only a keyboard.

>> No.7748273

Lara has to actually build momentum by running to jump long distances. It's a nice change of pace from most platformers.

>> No.7749985

I'm 8 levels into tomb raider 1. Is it even worth continuing?

>> No.7749990

I'd you wanna see something cool then jump on the Midas hand. Can't remember which level it was but it's near where you're at

>> No.7749992

Oh shit that is the Midas level. Jump on the hand

>> No.7749995

You basically need savestates to play the game

>> No.7750293

> If you're enjoying the game, keep playing
> If you're not enjoying the game, stop playing

Do you ask 4chan whether or not you should tie your shoes, too?

Zoom zoom. If literal kids could beat these games on the original hardware than you can too.

DO NOT do this, it makes mustard gas

>> No.7750296


>> No.7750390

In fairness, Tomb Raider 3 fucking sucks on PS1 because of the save crystals.

>> No.7750464

El goblina spic after 3 weeks travelling up from South America to sneak across the United States border

>> No.7750482

Post your mug.