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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7724943 No.7724943 [Reply] [Original]

The more I play older games, the more I ask myself if it's natural to get stuck in them as often as I do. Even in 90's era Zelda, there's been several times when I couldn't figure out what to do next without a guide. Now I'm playing Conker's Bad Fur Day and somehow it happened even here. Does this happen to you guys too? Or do I just suck at games?

>> No.7724947

Last game I beat was Shadow Man and I had to look up shit a ton. No worries.

>> No.7724951

That's why I like arcade games, focused like an arrow, no time wasted figuring out where to go.

>> No.7724956

Games from back then can just be like that sometimes. There's a reason games nowadays are full of handholding. The odds of getting lost at some point in early 3D games is pretty high. I prefer it the old school way but I can understand why many would drop certain older games out of boredom or frustration.

>> No.7724962

I've felt this too. The number of times I've gotten stuck in minish cap is embarassing.

In case it makes you feel any better, one could argue games were made this way intentionally to increase interest in print guides and shit.

>> No.7725018

yes, though when I look up a solution it usually results in a forehead slap more often than me thinking the section is genuinely poorly designed.

>> No.7725029
File: 44 KB, 488x410, 1617766894570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did OP's gif come from?

>> No.7725035

Tae Kwon Leap and a google to the head.

>> No.7725036

When ever I'm playing older vidya with my gf I have to remind her that these kinds of things are intentional, at least I believe so. I feel like the struggle of finding what to do while you walk in circles was intentional by some dev's to increase game longevity. As if they put the next objective sort of subtly out in the distance so you have to look for it, or carefully in a place you already passed. Hell, I'd say these tactics worked too. When I first played OoT as a kid some of my most fond memories was just wondering around hyrule field until I realized where I was trying to go.

>> No.7725043

Quantum Leap
pretty dope old show that's like 85% character drama 15% scifi

>> No.7725059

>When I first played OoT as a kid some of my most fond memories was just wondering around hyrule field until I realized where I was trying to go.
Navi and Saria tell you where to go throughout the entire game.

>> No.7725061
File: 88 KB, 400x300, happybirthdaytome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I turned 37 years old. But your post, your post makes me FEEL old.
I think I'll just go get drunk, play Ecco the Dolphin, and cry for a bit.
>cry because you feel old, or cry because you're playing Ecco the fucking dolphin?

>> No.7725068

Never listened to those bitches when I was a younger haha. Maybe that wasn't the best example because it was based off my own laziness.

>> No.7725094

They can be pretty vague at times.

>> No.7725101

Naw dawg! These new game hold you by the dick and pat you on the ass as they lead you to where you need to go.
Back in olden times we needed books, maps and cluebooks and a paper to make our own maps just to get the general idea of what in the hell if going on. It was great! Sometimes...

>> No.7725107

You're making new games sound pretty fun

>> No.7725137
File: 135 KB, 1080x810, SOTSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's more like your grandmother leading you around by the dong. No critical thought required, just follow the dot on your HUD.
But something about having paper books and a real choice on where to go when you want to go there is more satisfying.
Trying to figure out how you want to play, what works and what don't. How bad is it going to be if you manage to survive a battle to limp home.
Its primordial.
Everything these days is show and flash. You don't need to think too much. You'll always survive and victory is just around the corner at your last Autosave point, which was when you entered the room.

>> No.7725159

the thing is not every game back then was system shock, just because something's obscure doesn't mean it's clever.

>> No.7725171

Nothing is obscure abut Silver Blades, but Might and Magic 1-8 Wizardry all that stuff. You needed to more than follow the dot and if you wandered without prep you were most likely dead.

>> No.7725180

Based SSI. I've been getting into goldbox games lately, but Eye of the Beholder is my childhood love. It got me into D&D when I was as young as 5. I didn't use any guides to beat that game, but it took me until I was 8 or 9 I think lol.

>> No.7725185


I beat Kirby’s Dreamland 3 and Donkey Kong Country 3 recently and while beating the games is pretty striaght forwards some of the stuff you need for 100% completion was hard to find. I beat Pokemon Emerald not too long ago either and even in that game there’s a lot of stuff that’s just not intuitive. Don’t worry about it OP.

>> No.7725194

For real like going back to ash covered mountain for Team Magmas base. I had to look that up lmao. It was like two days of where the fuck am i suppose to go

>> No.7725215
File: 134 KB, 810x1080, Eye2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the trilogy on 3.5in floppy back in the day. I'm on a mission right now to get a full set of Gold Box games with clue books. Going for a set of boxed Eye of the Beholder 1-3 also. I have 1 and 2 on order.
This arrived today.

If you can, play the Amiga versions of the Gold Box set. Better looking with music and a better interface.

>> No.7725224

I wish there was more modern arcade-like games. Limited continues, no shit story besides intro(before you start the game) and the ending scene and so on. I miss games that were games, not a fucking shit movie that devs thought making it a game, where you watch more than play, was a good idea.

>> No.7725276

Lol i remember also getting stuck in conker, the part with the cows shitting. like if you wanted shit why would you kill 3 or 4 different cows instead of waiting for 1 cow to finish taking a shit first
I get stuck often with things like these, over-analysing situations

>> No.7725287
File: 2.15 MB, 850x1244, Wizardry 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby games for babies! You noobs would loose your minds playing shit like this.

>> No.7725294

Jesus Christ, whoever makes faggy "god I'm getting old" comments like this has no shame.

>> No.7725453
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Real life of the party here.

>> No.7725496


>> No.7725849

Even back in the 80s, we had guides, they were just on paper (magazines and paperback books) instead of on web sites. I never bought any guides, but my best friend in grade school did, and I read his Zelda guide when I was at his house.
Not sure if anyone has ever beat Zelda without a guide. I mean, it's possible, but you'd have to be very autistic.

>> No.7727147

I'm pretty sure they were made like this so you'd explore the world.

I know where you got stuck on Conker, it was after the fight with the Mighty Poo, am I right?

It's a bad game design, they only give you a very fast hint about where you need to go and it does feel like a bottomless pit.

>> No.7727401

Conker's just designed that way, many important actions are context sensitive and there's little indication that you can do it until you stumble into the answer. For instance when you fall through the floor in the barn and have that boss fight on the pitchfork, you have to do a jumping context-based attack to damage him, but since I had just passed the section with the bats where you can do a flamethrower attack to kill them that only works on the ground (though the button prompt stays active in the air), I thought it was impossible to do context-based attacks in the air and was stuck. That alone is minor but it's how the whole game was made, so at times you figure stuff out and it feels good, but in other places you'll get stuck for a dumb reason and get frustrated. It's not surprising the industry moved away from this - most people dislike getting stuck. The way certain series "fix" this by adding quest markers and so on is definitely overcorrection though.

>> No.7727492

I’ve found that things in older games are actually more obvious getting older. The only thing that’s a pain in the ass is when old games have a shitty or non-existent map system, but I assume that the instruction manual probably included that.

>> No.7727670

Beating games didn't happen that often with out magazines, guides, or the internet.

>> No.7727684

Dante was 22 in the movie.

>> No.7727745

That is a fucking lie. I live in a third world country where neither of those things were available and we still finished a lot of games.

>> No.7727929

it happens to everybody, but to me that's what makes them great. most games from 2005 to current year have floating icons and a quest compass. remembering anything about the game is optional and you couldn't get loss even if you wanted to.

>> No.7727931


>> No.7728308

Yeah it did. You just had to work at it you know like play the fking game til you found out where you needed to go.

>> No.7729025
File: 134 KB, 1080x810, Xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrived today, read em n weep. All complete with cluebooks.

>> No.7729042

>most games from 2005 to current year have floating icons and a quest compass
Shit like this removes all thought necessary from the game resulting in people basically sleepwalking throughout the entire playthrough. I think it's one of the many reasons why modern games are so forgettable, your brain was effectively shut off/running on autopilot the entire time.

>> No.7729069

op hid a camera in your bedroom

>> No.7729928

Best fucking cover art ever. Do any of them come with any goodies or is it just the manual etc? I know ultima had a release with a cloth map which is awesome. Also, how about the copy write check tooks? eye of the beholder's copy write check was just by going to certain words on certain pages, but did the goldbox games have wheels or anything weird like that?

>> No.7730836

I feel ya. As a kid I crushed Super Empire Strikes Back on SNES. I tried playing it recently and I get wrecked. This game is hard as fuck. It shows no mercy on you. I just kept asking myself, "How the fuck did I beat this game as a kid? Am I retarded?" lol

>> No.7730857

is that a snapshot from Clerks? god that was a funny film

>> No.7732240

It's always been a thing in games where you have no idea what to do next and you just kinda have to randomly wander around and talk to people in the hopes that you'll trigger the next event.
>Games from back then can just be like that sometimes.

>> No.7732242 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 240x320, 1465055609580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause you feel old, or cry because you're playing Ecco the fucking dolphin?
Anonymous 05/05/21(Wed)20:41:28 No.7725068
Never listened to those bitches when I was a younger haha. Maybe that wasn't the best example because it was based off my own laziness.
Anonymous 05/05/21(Wed)20:49:14 No.7725094
They can be pretty vague at times.
Anonymous 05/05/21(Wed)20:52:23 No.7725101>>7725107
>>7724943 (OP)
Naw dawg! These new game hold you by the dick and pat you on the ass as they lead you to where you need to go.
Back in olden times we needed books, maps and cluebooks and a paper to make our own maps just to get the general idea of what in the hell if going on. It was great! Sometimes...
Anonymous 05/05/21(Wed)20:53:50 No.7725107>>7725137
You're making new games sound pretty fun

>> No.7732285

the in-game hints were probably more helpful in the original Japanese

>> No.7732293
File: 31 KB, 480x302, EBAED4FF-A6C3-428D-AD71-FA08F43E6F61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dyk there was actually a sequel?

>> No.7732892
File: 114 KB, 1080x810, Dead trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came with all sorts of crap. Maps are in the journal. Of course the cluebooks came separate. But fit in the boxes perfectly.

>> No.7732924
File: 133 KB, 1000x725, Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not my copy but is exactly what I have. The map that comes with it of the first 3 levels is pretty cool.

>> No.7734363

It's completely normal OP, particularly if you didn't play them growing up (lots of zoomers around here). Just think about a game you plough through pretty easy in a few days vs one you got rightly stuck in multiple times. The former may be more comfortable, but the latter will make you ask people what to do and talk to people about the game in general. I mean you need a colloborative effort, suddenly it becomes a social thing. While it's less comfortable for the actual player this is all massive free publicity - follow the money. Suddenly you have gurus about particular games and it's all a big ecosystem of knowledge. The internet sort of ruined all of that, but on the other hand it's good for kids (and adults) to talk about things other than games.

>> No.7735753

>Even in 90's era Zelda, there's been several times when I couldn't figure out what to do next without a guide
Yep, you're retarded.

>> No.7735941

That's so fucking cool. I love the Waterdeep seal

>> No.7735963

>play castlevania 2 as a kid
>know all about the bullshittery
>from guides, friends, etc
>20 years later
>coworker has castlevania 2 rom on laptop
>oh shit i remember that game
>lets me play
>get stuck
>wtf is this bullshit
>i don't remember what to do
now it's a meme and people who haven't even played it might remember what to do, but fuck if i didn't completely forget

>> No.7736871
File: 103 KB, 1080x810, Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get the GOG versions, they come with PDFS. The books are full of artwork.

>> No.7739114

Cheap bullshit artificial difficulty was common and expected in the 8-bit era because games were so simple that you had to make them as hard as possible since complex mechanics or level design wasn't possible.

>> No.7739124
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>Google it!

>> No.7739127

Read the manual again. Most games are totally doable if you read the manual beforehand.

>> No.7739235

Conker's is a bad example. Some of the shit you have to do in the game (literal shit,) is pretty cryptic. The real challenge of the game is in platforming anyway, so I don't think you should feel bad about using a guide to find out where to go next.

You probably don't suck at games. You may just be used to the fact that most modern games are so concerned about the player missing any of the content that they will literally highlight where you need to go to complete an objective.

>> No.7739258

Games are hard. When I think about it, as a kid there were tons of games I never beat, I was happy playing them to my limit and moving on. As a teen when I found GamefaQs I used the walkthroughs a lot, I guess it was fun to do. Now I try to derive as much enjoyment as possible by figuring things out on my own, I really like getting lost in games but it can be frustrating depending on how well it's designed to help you in the right direction. It sucks not knowing what to do, and it sucks being spoonfed.