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7720664 No.7720664 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7720717

Apparently the owners of this website (in the following linj) approve of de-personing anyone that says the word "tranny" no matter the context, but notwithstanding, here's everything you need, including download links and info about which one(s) you want: https://tcrf.net/Proto:Pokémon_Gold_and_Silver/Spaceworld_1997_Demo

>> No.7720725 [DELETED] 

>Apparently the owners of this website (in the following linj) approve of de-personing anyone that says the word "tranny" no matter the context, but notwithstanding

Why did you feel it necessary to bring that up?

>> No.7720731

I think my friend Satoru had it at his house

>> No.7720736
File: 322 KB, 1844x2520, Screenshot_2021-05-04 Pokemon Gold and Silver 97 Reforged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quasi-related to the Spaceworld prototypes.
Someone made a Crystal ROM hack that's based on the Spaceword prototypes, which you might find entertaining.


>> No.7720738 [DELETED] 

>I-I’m not triggered it’s everyone else who is

>> No.7720750 [DELETED] 

Because he's afraid he won't get any human interaction otherwise.

>> No.7720752 [DELETED] 

The difference is it's reasonable for him to be triggered over stupidity, and it's not reasonable for them to be triggered over the word "tranny" regardless of context.
But yeah, we should stay on topic here.

>> No.7720804 [DELETED] 

Where did I mention getting triggered? I linked to the website and noted its usefulness. Sounds like you're projecting.

The website apparently has a reputation for being selective in what it considers accuracy (because of apparently personal viewpoints), as previously noted, so it's a fair caution to someone looking for a legitimate, unedited prototype.


>> No.7720942 [DELETED] 

Because he's T obsessed.

>> No.7720992

It's good, I'm playing through it right now actually.
Pinsir and Farfetch'd were robbed.

>> No.7721121 [DELETED] 

because trannies are mentally ill freaks

>> No.7721212 [DELETED] 

That would be HG101 (and friends, like TCRF), but with "transphobes" like Goemon.

>> No.7721453
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To be fair, it's a much needed and warranted disclaimer in the case of Pokemon Gold's prototype.

The tcrf-affiliated group who initially got their hands on Gen 1 related leaks planned to hoard the Spaceworld 1997's prototype until they were done producing an "English localized" version which would be the main version released.

Considering there were cases where the release of an early localization prototype was actually prevented by mentally ill wannabe "localizers" with current year affinities who will:
- Make their pozzed localized edit with modifications and shit at their pure discretion
- Refuse to provide the original and pull strings to prevent others in possession of it from doing it, then saying "You really don't want to try the original, it's awful and irredeemable. Our version is the best in every way."
- The English project doubles as a vanity project for that group to raise clout and/or money
(Blue Almanac for the Sega Mega Drive comes to mind, it was only released after a decade and from a different prototype source)

TCRF was planning the same shit for this prototype until someone else leaked it anyways. They planned on sitting on it and dripfeeding information for two years - including a ludicrous origin myth they made up about an evil Japanese collector hoarder who croaked and then all of his possessions were found in a Japanese-style attic sale by some random californian. Keep in mind Nintendo was fully aware of the leak as it happened, as it's the reason why the leaker was prosecuted in the first place way before all of this.

TCRF was also really, really not pleased about this leak. Said translation effort was axed since the clout wasn't there. You could bet they would have compiled and changed at random names and stuff and provided it as their own canonization of whatever crazy fanfiction their confirmed furry and tranny admins had in mind, and passed it off as official material.

Think "Buy this game or die" in Gen 3 roms, but worse.

>> No.7721512

But I guess >>7720717 is referring how TCRF is part of the ResetEra-affiliated parasites (HG101, SnesCentral, Tiny Cartridge, RHDN admins, and TCRF) complicit in a heavy handed push to try and normalize harassment of fan translators who don't act like Nintendo of America with their patches
The actual incident was the word "tranny" being present in the fan translation of "Ganbare Goemon 3", from a series very well known for that kind of humor, being a main reason why it was never localized officially in the first place despite its excellent production values.

I can vouch for the accuracy of the ResetEra affiliation claims.
One of the regular contributors in TCRF is a faggot who was the ResetEra-retard who tried to launch a controversy to get A.I. The Somnium Files cancelled (the game had insane amounts of SJW pandering), so much even the nip developer actually pushed back and denounced ResetEra, and then they banned him to save face when it turned out the reasoning was bollocks.
TCRF *is* infested with very toxic individuals, and special care should be taken when engaging with their content. Though anyone who reads their content enough will come to that conclusion on their own (especially the regional differences sections that could be summarized "japan bad, usa good" even when the US version is irredeemably shit in the eyes of the public, the developers and even the localization team.)

>> No.7721772

Pure cancer. Sounds like it would have been another biohazard 1.5 situation.

>> No.7721795

>(especially the regional differences sections that could be summarized "japan bad, usa good" even when the US version is irredeemably shit in the eyes of the public, the developers and even the localization team.
What are some articles with those? I've never really payed much attention to the regional changes.

>> No.7721841

...Where would I even get started?
You know the usual Nintendo of America censorship instances that even pozzed Wikipedia admits happened and does include as tersely written bulletpoints in their article about "videogame censorship"? According to TCRF, that never happened, or wasn't noteworthy. The same pages will have a one line change from USA to Europe. You get the general impression these sections try to make, even if you didn't know about the developers.

Panel De Pon's introduction is a feminist rant. That game doesn't actually fit their guidelines for regional changes since it's an entirely different SKU (Tetris Attack was actually released in Japan, as "Yoshi no Panepon", but as a distinct release from Panel de Pon) yet they're bent anyways.

Some overzealous editors at TCRF not only trimmed Staplebutter's articles about Wrecking Designs achievements (especially translation comparisons) but would chase him elsewhere online to request he refrains from repeating that information in other forums, and deletes copies of those TCRF articles from his personal self-hosted website because they don't have control over these and want him to help them delete it off the face of the earth.
Come 2020 and in a stunning showcase of irony, someone at ResetEra posted screenshots of Wrecking Designs being racist/sexist/whatever and not the weeb jimmy rustling heroes ResetEra thought they were, so... they started looking for that information and restoration patches, and linked to that same page which they were asking a few years prior to be deleted. Because cancelling WD was trendy THEN.

>> No.7721871

>>7721841 (2/2)
They don't allow for text to be compared directly against the Japanese source, although they will allow US>EU comparisons to hunt for the slightest deviations NoE had from NoA (in what was an ongoing, eventually successful media effort to get the less pozzed NoE English scripts ridiculed and cancelled.)
I heard they "relaxed" it for NES scripts very recently.
Justification was "JP>US translation differences would be the whole game usually".
Not that it kept them from documenting it BEFORE, when it was for select lines serving SJW causes (Like Paper Mario's quiz "What's the relationship between Mario and Luigi? A: Brothers B: Lovers (US: Neighbors) C: Friends")

And then you get instances where the regional differences is a list of objective flaws with the US version, such as grinding, arbitrary changes for the names and plot events (even Shining Wisdom on Saturn having all references to the Shining series stripped from the US version and replaced with a Camelot PS1 game reference, because Vic Ireland had a personal vendetta with Bernie Stolar... leading to Sega of Europe saying NOPE and retranslating all of it), and outright cut content...
And then the editors add "said and said stuff was ADDED in the JP/EU versions / CHANGED from the US ORIGINAL", "the literally translated, awkward, inferior European script"... "and this is why the US version is superior".
It gets to the point of insulting the reader's intelligence. There's a foregone conclusion that the US version is superior and all of the article needs to be written around it. US version has a weird ass Doki Doki Panic-style makeover while JP/EU versions have normal numbers? Nope, gotta use the US names. If it's a pet cause, you can bet rules can and WILL be bent to accomodate.

It leads to a very unfortunate situation where what should be a neutral archival website archiving factual information, is so hopelessly compromised it fails to be useful sourcing for EVEN sjw causes.

>> No.7722840

>The tcrf-affiliated group who initially got their hands on Gen 1 related leaks planned to hoard the Spaceworld 1997's prototype until they were done producing an "English localized" version which would be the main version released.
Were they directly related groups?
>They planned on sitting on it and dripfeeding information for two years
Citation needed, it seemed like they were maybe at month at most from dropping it themselves before it got leaked to /vp/
> including a ludicrous origin myth they made up about an evil Japanese collector hoarder who croaked and then all of his possessions were found in a Japanese-style attic sale by some random californian
I know that story was out there but I'm inclined to believe some shithead just made that up for no reason. Assuming TCRF spread this story is a weird leap in logic because they gain nothing from it, they didn't do the hack or anything

>> No.7722856
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>it seemed like they were maybe at month at most from dropping it themselves before it got leaked to /vp/
Clarifying here, I don't know if this is something any of them said publicly, but this is something I was told by someone in the group before the leak happened.
>be in Lost Media Wiki's Discord looking for information on something
>happen to be there when this guy started posting screenshots (pic related) and telling everyone about the betas about to come out soon
>save the images and go to wait for the beta to drop
>after a day or two of waiting around, still not sure if the screenshots were even legit, look back and notice that he had deleted all his messages, clearly someone in the group had told him to stop blabbing about it (so it could be a big reveal when they finished the translation, as we now know)
>decide to post the images to /vp/, after a couple days the threads are pretty big although nothing about the prototype had really leaked out into the internet by this point
>that guy approaches me and accuses me of being the one who leaked his screenshots to /vp/, lie and get him to tell me more about when the game was being released, remember him saying it would be about a month, or maybe a month from when the group first got them, or something like that, point was that the release seemed to be on the horizon
>eventually the leaker came around and the rest is history, from what I can gather they forced someone in the group to give them the roms then leaked them out of spite

>> No.7722870

Glad someone here is not sub-20 IQ and got what I was saying (like I also clarified here >>7720804).

>> No.7722879

>Panel De Pon's introduction is a feminist rant. That game doesn't actually fit their guidelines for regional changes since it's an entirely different SKU (Tetris Attack was actually released in Japan, as "Yoshi no Panepon", but as a distinct release from Panel de Pon) yet they're bent anyways.
Yeah, that's clearly unprofessional. I don't like any of their stupid descriptions for games and you have a good point about the SKUs.

>> No.7723030 [DELETED] 

lol at OP asking for a rom and getting a dozen unrelated deranged rants

>> No.7723031 [DELETED] 

Autism is the literal source of this leak, normalfag.

>> No.7723034 [DELETED] 

Where's the derangement?

>> No.7723060 [DELETED] 

You mean the like two people who had some thoughts on TCRF (relevant to the thread's topic)?

>> No.7723073 [DELETED] 

Trannies disgust me as much as anyone but I don’t see anything wrong with that panel de pon page, it just looks like a cheeky remark about the pointless localization.

>> No.7723247

>it just looks like a cheeky remark about the pointless localization.
in my opinion TCRF should be purely informational, therefore cheeky remarks of any kind are unwelcome, especially ones like that which are trying to hit some toxic masculinity/feminist talking point when they should just be saying "this game got a different version made for foreign markets, let's look at the differences"

>> No.7723297 [DELETED] 

Rent free

>> No.7723418

The rot is far deeper than anything you can wave away as "cheeky remarks". TCRF is not in service of its stated mission, but rather serves a very prominent bias, and unforgivably bends/omits/lies about facts to serve that, using its centralized information hub status.

Hence "don't trust it" and "do extra research about things covered there" are perfectly legitimate (and reasonable) stances in this case.

>> No.7723474

>Were they directly related groups?
At least two TCRF admins were involved and even appeared in screenscaps from discord even in the event they deleted those discussion channels (which they did, frequently), so that's to be assumed.

>Citation needed
There was a sperg out rant about the 97 rom leak "ruining" those plans to "properly release it" by someone there.
If there's any trace left of that it would be the warosu /vp/ archives. They were after all religiously archiving that drama. But that would be before the /ppg/ threads.
It was shortly after they tried to pass sprites taken from the source files as "graphic data from a rare Gen 1 prototype" (if it was "properly released", it would be an asset mismatch romhack passed off as a legitimate development version.)

>I'm inclined to believe some shithead just made that up for no reason
Well it was parroted at their official discord by mods, then.
>they gain nothing from it, they didn't do the hack or anything
Before this unfolded, they were having a houlier than thou attitude that merely discussing leaked materials is a bannable offense, and that they would never touch stuff like the Resident Evil 0 N64 prototype or whatever. It's alright if it's them doing it, however.
Pokemon Gold SW97 was treated like a multimedia megaevent for TCRF, the ridiculous origin story for the cart provided them plausible deniability they were doing it "morally", and they planned on the mismatched Gen 1 romhacks next and a Pokemon Picross built from Game Freak's shitty inhouse attempt (imagine the ensuing confusion that THIS was Jupiter's Pokemon Picross), and milking the gigaleak that way for who knows how long.

That they were ready to tamper with these materials before release makes me glad it didn't really succeed.

>> No.7723592 [DELETED] 


>> No.7724054 [DELETED] 

It's on-topic, but thanks for projecting: >>7721453 >>7722870

>> No.7724070 [DELETED] 

they asked for a rom and got half of the board writing novel length psycho drivel about trannies lol

>> No.7724090 [DELETED] 

The first post gave him the rom and cautioned him that the host of that source of the rom, TCRF, is known to alter content they based on their personal/political viewpoints (see >>7721453 and >>7722856). But you interpreted this as off-topic derangement, so is there something bothering you, anon? Does "tranny" really make you fly into this much of a rage every time you read it?

>> No.7724132
File: 373 KB, 640x480, crom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hugely into Pokemon GS
>know of the Spaceworld Beta
>carefuly try to make the most out of those old videos showing the game and the beta pokemon
>videogames still had this sense of "creepy mystery" of the unknown things
>flash foward a lot of years later
>watch these videos again
>check /v/
>it just happens someone is talking about a pokemon beta leak
>someone mentions the GS Spaceworld beta
>it's actually happening

I can't begin to describe my happiness surrounding all this when it happened back then.

>> No.7724160

OP got the link, and it's about untrustworthy sources and why they're problematic and not the only place to get information about the leak (in other terms, get the leak directly, or read up about it elsewhere).

That they happen to have a lot of trannies is a side symptom only mentioned three times in this thread in passing, and by necessity (explaining their involvement with Goemon 3). Unless you think being a tranny is an out of jail card for every other unrelated action?

Honestly, it's a blessing this leaked unmodified alongside unredacted development material.
So much potential is in there... Baby Pokémon alternate forms (could be an unrelated variant for existing Pokémon, similar to Shiny ones but more than a palette swap) and that road trip through Japan could be extended and finished as an ambitious fan game and/or romhack.
Gold/Silver in either its original or remade DS incarnations is pure soul and I'm glad we got some of that original vision in some way.

>> No.7724163

The SW97 roms were amazing. And finding out the real story about it last year and getting all those other leaks...it was like a dream.

>> No.7724170

Even remnants from the earlier Pokemon RPG elements (chests, early sprites, logos) and localization changes, are still in the leak too. So even a different take on Gen 1 is possible.

>> No.7724685

It was pretty much the most exciting time I've ever had on this website if I'm going to be honest with you

>> No.7724803

I didn't even know this existed, what's different compared to the released version?

>> No.7724814
File: 56 KB, 693x516, sw97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the tcrf link in the first reply.

>> No.7724826 [DELETED] 

Ah, another quality thread on "/vr/ - Stop the Steal".

>> No.7724878

You're a based man who did the right thing.

>> No.7724905


>> No.7724909

This is all really fascinating, is there any place where I can read more about this? I didn't know TCRF was so slanted and weird.

>> No.7724916


>> No.7724930
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>> No.7724935

>If it's a pet cause, you can bet rules can and WILL be bent to accomodate.
That's so insane.

>> No.7724969

>It was shortly after they tried to pass sprites taken from the source files as "graphic data from a rare Gen 1 prototype" (if it was "properly released", it would be an asset mismatch romhack passed off as a legitimate development version.)
It's insane to me that this was their goal.

>> No.7725050 [DELETED] 

>thread devolves into external-website drama from the very first reply

>> No.7725096 [DELETED] 

>first reply links ROM
>thread purpose fulfilled
>tangentially related discussion follows
dis y

>> No.7725282 [DELETED] 


>> No.7726250 [DELETED] 

that happens when pogaymans leave their containment-board

>> No.7726343

It seems pretty apparent the roms would have come out within a few months anyway, but hopefully my actions sped it up a little kek

>> No.7726743

Practice ain't really that new.

Earthbound 1 (NES) was initially released and passed off as a fan translation group release and not exactly its original state (filename/title screen changed to Earthbound Zero, and some "anti-piracy code" removed to accommodate poorly programmed old NES emulators)

Then you have Virgin's Aladdin's source code that was leaked but ended up with Frank Cifaldi.
Only thing he ever released from that is a few excerpts included in a writeup (let me tell you about all the cool stuff this rom has you'll never see again, cool story bro. k bye.)
Then he got contacted to work officially on that Aladdin+Lion King's release, and promoted a "Remix" version of Aladdin with the cut content restored... In the end, that version only added a few platforms in level 1, and the programmer gave up (only one or two of the cut enemies/set pieces were added back) and they threw the CES demo "try this, i guess".

It begs the question, what if the self proclaimed "curator" for the leak is actually INCOMPETENT? (Especially if it's not the actual original game developer...)

>> No.7727170 [DELETED] 

Rather, your reaction to it is what happens when you leave your home of reddit.

See >>7721453, >>7722856, and >>7722870. It was on topic because of how the source fp shared with OP is known to alter content hosted on their site due to personal political/philosophical viewpoints.

>> No.7727571 [DELETED] 

Transgenderism is fucking disgusting, I don't get why it exists.

>> No.7727579 [DELETED] 

it's literally a mental disorder, same as having autism or adhd or depression
it exists because it naturally occurs in some humans
that isnt to say there arent people who became trans because of it feeling like a trend or that culture/internet hasn't inspired more transgenderism but at its core it naturally happens in some humans because it's a mental disorder

>> No.7727906

was the prototype ever translated and fixed?

>> No.7727937

Nope, they threw a temper tantrum and stopped working on it after the leak.