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File: 875 KB, 1886x1103, gc disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7718035 No.7718035 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the main reason the Gamecube missed out on so many 3rd parties? Silent Hill 2&4, Metal Gear 2, the Fatal Frame games, all the Dynasty Warrior games, Max Payne 1&2, all the GTAs, etc

>> No.7718079


Nintendo also had their disc drive spin in reverse as copy protection. They really should have just used DVDs.

>> No.7718086

Dunno, probably. Had so many great games though I never cared..

>> No.7718294
File: 82 KB, 845x827, KissOfDeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS2 probably sold over half it's units on the full DVD playback alone, clever kids would use that to sell it as a "entertainment center" to their parents, with the added PS1 backwards capability it was just a crazy value proposition at the time.

Nintendo's ass-backwards-into-the-future approach had already left people burned with the stinker that was the N64, another format gimmick at the cost of DVD playback just wasn't very attractive.

It was a really dumb move probably based on some hierarchical autistic haiku conservative Kyoto bullshit reasoning, and it's really sad because supposedly the Gamecube was A LOT more developer friendly than the PS2 (Kojima famously stormed cursing out of the Sony tech-reveal meeting) and if it had been the lead console we might have had gotten more technically advanced game that generation.

>> No.7718305

The discs are so fuckin cute though.

>> No.7718332

I'm sure disc size had something to do with it, but XBOX ports required almost no effort because it was so superior to the PS2.

>> No.7718360

>XBOX ports
Can't think of any.

>> No.7718392

>superior in size and weigth.

>> No.7718453

I thought it was because Sony cockblocked the good IPs from going to Nintendo.
Although this isn't what OP asked it's a good assimilation of why the PS2 crushed the Cube in general.

>> No.7718472

Yes. Nintendo's family friendly image didn't help either.

>> No.7718476

At least jap businessmen had balls back then

>> No.7718779 [DELETED] 

>They really should have just used DVDs.

Nintendo never used DVD's. The Wii uses a format that was developed by Panasonic. It is based on DVD, but removes all the DVD components to avoid not having to pay the DVD Forum royalties.

>> No.7718783

>They really should have just used DVDs.

Nintendo never used DVD's. The Wii uses a format that was developed by Panasonic. It is based on DVD, but removes all the DVD components to avoid having to pay the DVD Forum (and Sony) royalties.

>> No.7718804

Gamecube had Mystic Heroes, which is basically Dynasty Warriors: Child Edition. Same developer and everything.

>> No.7718842

I'm waiting for Nintendo fanboys to show up and start criticizing these games.

>> No.7718871

It got the job done didn't it?

>> No.7718876

The idea anyone would not have gotten around to trying games from other platforms already 20 years on is mind blowing.

>> No.7718923

"Here are the software shipment figures:
PS2 - 1537.0 million (As of March 31, 2012)"

oh no, nintencope boys... we got too cocky

why put the effort to port the game to the gamecube? it would not sell
nintendis only buy zelda, mario, pokemon and smash.

>> No.7718931

Don't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to think all those goddamn storyshit trash games are bad, just like a ton of the GC storyshit trash games.
/vr/ should be pre-1995.

>> No.7719002

Nah. It lost Microsoft a shit ton of money and Japan wanted nothing to do with it.

>> No.7719021

>I thought it was because Sony cockblocked the good IPs from going to Nintendo
The GameCube had multidisc games, so the size argument isnt really an argument. Sony had a lot of exclusive deals going on. It's bad when Nintendo used to do it but great when "good guy" Sony do it apparently.

>> No.7719065

Would full sized disc support even have made the Gamecube much larger? Discmans existed that were barely any wider than a 12cm CD, maybe 13cm. Also
>isn't actually a cube because it's 15x16x11cm
>need to buy Game Boy Player to turn it into a cube at 15x16x16cm but even then it's not a perfect cube
Even at 18x18x13cm in order to fit full sized discs it would've still been a comparatively tiny console.

>> No.7719084

Open a Gamecube and watch the disc spin, you fucking retard.

>> No.7719120

Well it isn’t faggot, live with it

>> No.7719135

the gamecube discs only spins counterclockwise in the south side of the equator

>> No.7719145

should've just given the gamecube an internal 1tb ssd and let players digitally purchase and download games over the internet

>> No.7719298

gamecube discs are prone to rot

>> No.7719307

Twin Snakes is a notorious example, but why did it have to be that game though and not some aspie pedo shit like Smash?!

>> No.7719309

disk size and the controller was lacking buttons, plus the lesser quality second stick (c-stick)

>> No.7719323

Gamecube lacked in performance, controller was missing buttons and had an unfortunate layout, and nintendo was missing features devs wanted (online play and dvd capacity.)

>> No.7719326

It's because of a very specific printing error in some batches of TS. And it's not rot, it just gets wrinkly on the top. I've got it and it makes no difference whatsoever.

>> No.7719338

Happens to all gamecube games, it seems twin snakes had the issue early on but now you can find compromised copies of skies of arcadia, hit and run, sunshine etc. It's unsightly and has caused the discs to fail. Beyond that gamecube discs to appear to be developing retention loss. Make sure you verify your discs if you can.

>> No.7719340

It only lost them money due to Intel and nVidia's predatory contracts.

>> No.7719341

Sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

>> No.7719357

he thinks n64was bad?

>> No.7719367

Never heard of it.

>> No.7719386


>> No.7719423

This is utter bullshit though, the majority of third party games were Sony exclusive so it wouldn't have mattered anyway as games came on more than one disc and the GC had a BBA adapter.

If third parties wanted to put their games on the system then they would have, It was more than capable. Winning Eleven came out for the GC in Japan but never made it to the west because Sony had an exclusive deal, up untill Winning Eleven 8 all those games came out on CD, it was only when it became more cost effective that they switched to DVD on the PS2.

>> No.7719424

and despite all that it outsold the gamecube

>> No.7719434

>If third parties wanted to put their games on the system then they would have,
OP is talking about how games that got a multiplat release (on PS2 & XBOX, like the ones he mentioned) skipped the cube for no apparent reason, there is not exclusivity with those titles

>> No.7719464

Nintendo gamers do not buy anything other than Nintendo games, it’s pretty simple

>> No.7719472

Literally this.

>> No.7719575

It's just the ink on the top of the disc. Some colors (white in particular) seem to have problems with cracking and flaking off. The data foil is between the layers of polycarbonate in the middle of the disc. This has no effect on the game itself other than aesthetics.

>> No.7719602

Nintendo gamers buy Nintendo only because third parties been making awful ports for the 20 years.

>> No.7719648

It was a combination of things but the main one was the "kiddy" reputation that Nintendo had, the fact that it didn't play DVDs and had "mini discs" only solidified that it was for kids, as did the lack of other big third party games, the mario games which while now are "cool" because Mario has achieved an iconic Mascot status like mickey mouse. In the 2000's Mario was seen as just for kids, not for "everyone". The fact that the console's main color was purple didn't hep things.

Nintendo tried to market itself as "mature" as much as possible but the damage had already been done and it wasn't working. Reggie didn't say "we're about kicking ass" for no reason, they wanted to make a statement of "we're cool, see, we just said ass in our conference"

>> No.7719956
File: 29 KB, 713x430, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS2 only sold well because of its DVD player
>GC releases a version with DVD player
>sells like shit
Ah, yes, the same copium as always.

>> No.7720070

Business practices, difficult hardware, file size limitations, the cost of price of producing cartridges vs CD and various external factors started chasing 3rd parties away by the end of the NES life cycle and that continued into the 6th gen.

It's not because they became "too kiddy," they were always kind of like that. but before there were other games worth playing on the consoles but by the 5th gen almost all the good companies that made their console libraries so string and diverse started making games for the competition. it became really noticeable in the 6th gen.

to compare, the snes had over 35 games in it's top 50 best selling that had nothing to do with Nintendo IPs, the Gamecube had 8 in it's top 30 and 2 were remakes. One was the Sonic Mega Collection.

>> No.7720078

the mini discs were pure soul, fuck you if you disagree, nintendo needed a way to differentiate from the xbox and ps2's discs which look exactly like each other.

>> No.7720094

what kind of cope is this?

>> No.7720106

Could have any number of reasons, not only DVD disinterest. Lacking Q marketing altogether, mishandled Gamecube marketing (too focused on young audience, therefore little response from adults who would be interested in simultaneous DVD playback), unsuited brand recognition altogether after the young audience focused N64, Playstation was received as a more adult brand after the PS1. Frankly the ultimate sales numbers aren't even bad considering it was only sold in one country for two years, seemingly badly marketed and had no target group.

>> No.7720107

I'll let you figure that one out yourself.

Take your time.

>> No.7720110

I just like the designs and the small cds anon....

>> No.7720130

I meant in processing power for playing console multiplats at above average performance.

>> No.7720372

well that's okay

>> No.7720381

You've got that muddled friend. It was the wii that spun the discs backwards.

>> No.7720396

>Gamecube lacked in performance
more powerful than the ps2.

>> No.7720403

>unsuited brand recognition altogether after the young audience focused N64, Playstation was received as a more adult brand after the PS1.

Most people with PS1s were kids, a lot of them wanted PS1s because they thought it was so much for "cool mature adults".

Mario 64 is not kiddy, it's fantasy. It's like reading a book with dragons in it vs reading a regular thriller. While there was something to the idea that N64 was more leaning towards kids than PS1 was - that would all have been forgotten about fast. The N64 had plenty of adult games like RE2 and Shadowman as well.

The purple lunchbox design and Nintendo's marketing of the gamecube established it as a kiddy brand far more than anything to do with the N64 did.

It had nothing to do with "unsuited brand recognition" and that is absurd.

>> No.7720439

>Most people with PS1s were kids, a lot of them wanted PS1s because they thought it was so much for "cool mature adults".
Absolutely. The N64 was for kids, the PSX was for kids who thought they were too good for kiddy things, and Sega was for teenagers/adults.

>> No.7720449

god I'm so glad I never cared about any of that fake 8 year old machismo bullshit and got the 64 instead.

>> No.7720465

A rare model sold a while after launch and for a higher price, ah yes that's equivalent to launching with the function and at a reasonable price.

>> No.7720502

I actually knew a kid that always shat on my N64 because it was for babies, but I'm pretty sure it was because he was jealous that I got one while his parents said no to getting him one since he already had a PSX. I used to give him so much shit whenever he wanted to play Goldeneye.

>> No.7720535

You seem unaware that especially in Japan the Playstation and Saturn were the more grown-up consoles and were flooded with visual novels, mecha combat, mahjongg and pachinko, whereas the N64 was literally the bing bing wahoo box.

>> No.7720537

>the PSX was for kids who thought they were too good for kiddy things
Croc and Spyro though, eh?

>> No.7720558

Even n64 has pachinko. Fucking snes had thousands of pachinko and no way people think snes was for adults.

>> No.7720569

Hey at least the small discs let the gamecube have a MGS1 remake so they could do the disc swap 4th wall breaks.

>> No.7720584

The gamecube pro.

>> No.7720639

I meant PS2 ports like MGS2 and Silent Hill 2. It required no effort on Konami's part and the games still looked better.

>> No.7720712

There's always exceptions to the rule. The N64 had Conker and Goldeneye, the PSX had Spyro, Croc, and Crash, and I don't know the Saturn well enough to know if anything on there was inherently childish.

>> No.7721154

>tfw being too powerful for burnout

>> No.7721163
File: 290 KB, 1366x624, 1616736893004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, remember all those impressive games the GC had to match up with MGS3 or SoTC?

>> No.7721173

Neither actually comes even close to looking better. MGS2 has worse framerate on Xbox and is virtually unplayable with that control scheme, and SH2 is missing lighting effects.

>> No.7721215 [DELETED] 

Star Fox Adventures, Metroid Prime 2 and F-Zero GX are more impressive than MGS3, SotC or Burnout 3.

>> No.7721239
File: 68 KB, 638x599, 1619475857416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early ps2 era tier cartoon platformer
>cartoon fps game with lots of barren environments
>basic racer with lots of cut corners to achieve the framerate

>> No.7721303

Luv the minidiscs

>> No.7721312

No, it was lazy devs.

>> No.7721578

There is nothing impressive about Metroid Prime 2 or F-Zero GX

SFA has some cool effects but that's it.

>> No.7722085

Because nothing says "grown-up" like visual novels, mahjongg and...

"Pachinko (パチンコ) is a type of mechanical game originating in Japan and is used as both a form of recreational arcade game and much more frequently as a gambling device, filling a Japanese gambling niche comparable to that of the slot machine in Western gambling."

.... bruh.

I get romanticisation of foreign places like Japan, I get it. It's Caesar's Palace for kids to pretend they were gambling, I don't think N64 users were missing out on much.

>> No.7722231

i recall no mario game at launch being a big criticism. oooh we're all family friendly then the big launch titles were luigi scary mansion and some puzzle/strategy game (pikmin). nintendo flubbed plenty of shit with gamecube.

>> No.7722236

it's a casual adult game. jap boomers with burned out brains and little time want to play something simple and familiar. Pachinko fills that. kids don't understand or like gambling

>> No.7722254

I'm not the one telling Japanese adults to gamble and play waifustories, I'm just pointing out that's what they do.

>> No.7722283

Can confirm this is exactly the reason i got my family to buy the PS2 for, eventually my family got a dvd player as they came down in price over the years so the PS2 was just exclusively mine at that point.

>> No.7722312

So what's the point of that? You don't have the mentality of a kid, you have the mentality of a smell old person who likes afternoon gameshows that rely on chance?

>> No.7722349

Control your incel anger

>> No.7722371

>Sega was for teenagers/adults
Nice try Segashitter, Sega was for nobody.

>> No.7722395

Again, I think the person you’re replying to is stating what japanese adults generally played on ps1, not their own preferences. Also pachinko isn’t a gameshow

>> No.7722447

Like I said. Fanboys don't care about games. If these titles were released for nintendo consoles they would boast about it. For example, snes rpgs

>> No.7722684

[Citation needed]

>> No.7722689

A standard Gamecube and a DVD player were cheaper

>> No.7722731

What the fuck is this monstrosity? this never released in my country and i never knew it existed until you posted it.
So yes I'm going to go with that people still bought the PS2 for the DVD player, on account of i never saw this in stores EVER.

>> No.7722741

This is proof zoomers are behind these kinds of posts on /vr/ and never owned any of these consoles or grew up or were gaming in this time period.
Can anyone in this thread honestly say they saw this Gamecube being sold in Gamestop/Eb Games or wherever you went to?

>> No.7722769

I played Gamecube PSO online constantly for 2 years

>> No.7722781

I have only ever seen these things online.
Sony had the DVD player racket for years.
Gamecubes were everywhere here, and sold well enough.

>> No.7722935

>and sold well enough
Yeah i understand it wasn't catastrophic levels of failure compared to the Wii U or anything, But if we're talking sales here, Nintendo got murdered by Sony for two generations straight.
It's not something Nintendo considered an ideal period for them as a company.
PS1 sales: 102.49 million
N64 sales: 32.93 million
PS2 sales: 155 million
Gamecube sales: 21.74 million

>> No.7722998
File: 67 KB, 650x650, garfield your opinion has been duly noted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the discs aren't SPUN backwards, they're WRITTEN backwards, and thus the laser starts reading at the outer edge of the disc, rather than the inner edge of the disc
in addition, it was both the gamecube and the wii that did this
anyone calling someone else an incel is to be dealt with in lieu of pic related

>> No.7723010

even if that was true (it's not), you're still cucked by a 1.46 GB size limit
they didn't even bother making them dual layer

>> No.7723019

Not nearly as bad as N64 cartridges that were at best a tenth of CD storage space. You could do a lot of stuff with 1.5 GB in the early 2000s especially if you geared your game towards it.

>> No.7723038

The backstreet boys had two albums that sold over 30 million. Does that mean its better than any album that sold less than that?

>> No.7723051

>anyone calling someone else an incel is to be dealt with in lieu of pic related

Are you sure you know what "in lieu of" means, superior one?

>> No.7723056


It's true that any game that requires hardware no faster than that provided by the PS2, but that still somehow can't fit within 1.46 GB, is probably badly in need of trimming. But adding 2 GB of pointless videos to play during the ending credits of F-Zero GX wouldn't magically make that a bad game that didn't deserve to be on the GameCube. Some of those poorly edited games are still perfectly good. Nintendo probably should have used standard discs of some sort, no matter how cute the little ones are.

>> No.7723170
File: 228 KB, 736x1093, 1a729f9b05d36e03c75d9943c7a214b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine starting your company from 61.91 million sales on an NES
That same number trickling down on your next console with the SNES at 49.1 million
While Nintendo were still remaining competive their sales were decreasing over time
Enter N64 and you're down all the way to 32.93
On Gamecube you're at 21.74 million
No company should ever want their sales to stagnate like that, and it's crazy to think otherwise.
On top of it all Nintendo have pretty much admitting to making mistakes of the years
Here's an article on it you should read:

Featured in said article here's a piece called 'The Struggles of Marketing the Gamecube'

>Kyle Mercury, a former employee of the company tasked with marketing the GameCube for Nintendo in North Amera, recalls what it was like to work for the company during the GameCube’s struggles. Specifically, he recalls hearing a lot of Nintendo executives fall back on the refrain, “But we’re Nintendo,” when trying to wrap their heads around why the gaming giant was suddenly number three on the marketplace.

>“Pride turned to arrogance. Ugly arrogance. Nintendo started to develop contempt for the gaming community,” said Mercury. “They felt as if they were being betrayed by the gamers they created.”

>According to Mercury, one Nintendo executive said that “Consumers don’t want fun anymore; they just want to kill people… in HD,” when trying to explain why the GameCube was failing. Other company members tried to suggest that the game Geist could become Nintendo’s Halo killer and their best chance at wooing violence seeking gamers with an exclusive title. When told this, Reggie Fils-Aimé said, “Look, don’t bullshit me. How do you guys really think this thing is going to hold up?” Everyone went silent for a moment. When they did speak, they continued to speak in vague rhetoric.


>> No.7723183

>“Consumers don’t want fun anymore; they just want to kill people… in HD,”
gamers did have shit taste in the 00s

>> No.7723320
File: 192 KB, 1024x901, playstation-2-fall-2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gamers did have shit taste in the 00s
Pfft, yeah sure thing buddy, whatever helps you cope.

>> No.7723586

>What the fuck is this monstrosity?

>> No.7724757

if i'm using the term "pic related" in such a non-grammatically correct way for ebin humour, why would it bother me that i didn't use "in lieu" correctly?

>> No.7724789

>“Consumers don’t want fun anymore; they just want to kill people… in HD,”
Well they're not wrong. Normies like shooting people in first or third person and football. Can you sit there and tell me with a straight face that Halo would have been as massively successful as it was if you never shot anybody? or even if they made it an RTS like they were originally going to. The most popular games shifted from bright colorful mascot Platformers to to cold and dark killing simulators where you literally disembowel people with chainsaws attached to machineguns.

>> No.7725954

I never saw a Gamecube that could play DVDs being sold anywhere, and acting like this was a common thing is stupid
Why don't you go back there for trying to make invalid points about Gamecube being a DVD player? PS2 being a DVD player was a selling a point and you'll read that in many other places across the web.
Hundreds of articles articulating these sames points but /vr/ nintendies just live in their own fantasy land when it comes to this topic.

>> No.7725979

Was that an actual gamecube with dvd capability though, or was it a gamecube with a dvd laser thrown in making it super expensive?

Genuinely curious. And yes I do remember it and was an adult by a few years when it was released.

>> No.7725981


>> No.7725989

The US version of Twin Snake have disc rot.
Maybe because your shitty mexican factories.

>> No.7726003

>No GTA on Gamecube because little size of mini-dvd.

True Crime on Gamecube.

>> No.7726125

it was still a severe handicap compared to its competitors that could have easily been avoided
when did i say GTA couldn't fit on an 8 cm disc?
based on the PC install size of 500 MB, i think GTA III at the very least was doable. the PC version also came on two CD-ROMs, which combined (700 MB x 2=1400 MB, assuming maximum possible specs for yellow book) would be under the size limits of the GCN discs.

>> No.7726140

I remember Vice City coming on two CDs so you could've fit it on the GC with minimal cuts as well. San Andreas was DVD though.

>> No.7726167

They couldn't be lazy and do a weekend port job so that means the console is too weak.

>> No.7726192

>Can you sit there and tell me with a straight face that Halo would have been as massively successful as it was if you never shot anybody
I never denied Halo changed the gaming landscape, it was an important game of the time, Halo 2 sold 8.46 million making it a pretty big deal.
But saying that shooting people is all that sells is wrong, while GTA games were topping the charts, here's other's that were as well:
Final Fantasy X sold 8.5 million
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty sold 7 million (it's a stealth game, not shoot everyone in sight game)
Kingdom Hearts sold 5.9 million
Final Fantasy X-2 sold 5.4 million
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King sold 4.88 million
Final Fantasy XII sold 6 million
Plus Sony were catering to many different audiences through their first party studios across a range of different genres.
What Nintendo were thinking was just purely arrogance with them misreading the market entirely on that generation.
Yes games with shooting things were a big deal, but they were not the only thing that were also big at the time, Sony were doing things that would have been in Nintendo's line of work with their platformers as well.

>> No.7726303

Aka the Wii (Especially with Nintendont engaged).

>> No.7726720
File: 67 KB, 393x529, DrahPwcU0AEIQrl.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something did happen with gamers

>> No.7726725

Every time I look at a gamecube thread I see the dumbest post I’ve seen on this board

>> No.7726902
File: 48 KB, 387x420, 1556297997504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1996 to 2000 all Nintendo

>> No.7726921

For some games (particularly open-world games like GTA), yes- but for the most part no.

If data constraints were an issue devs would simply make split it between two discs like what was done on many PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast games. Here's a few examples of games that did this:

>MGS The Twin Snakes
>REmake, RE0, and RE4
>Some of the Splinter Cell games
>GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
>Tales of Symphonia
>Baten Kaitos
>Enter the Matrix
>LotR: The Third Age
>Some of the Medal of Honor games
>Some of the TMNT games

Low third-party game sales and lack of online play support were the main culprits for multiplats forgoing Gamecube.

>> No.7727040

>years of kiddy nintendo shit followed by actual good games
Kek. No wonder Nintendo threw a tantrum. Gamers grew up and realized that Nintendo games have less depth than Toad's tight little mushroom asshole (though I will admit it's fun to play with once in a while, just for the nostalgia).

>> No.7727648

>endless madden
NFL Blitz, nigger

>> No.7727796

The N64 was really the definition of quality of quantity.

>> No.7727847

The truth hurts, huh?