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7716402 No.7716402 [Reply] [Original]

REmake made a lot of changes that improved the original like ...

>> No.7716419

It's interesting that not even the plot sequence was fixed so you have no idea if Chris entered the mansion with Jill or not.

>> No.7716421

making the game unfun

>> No.7716476

Lisa side story
Crimson heads
Sub weapons

>> No.7716496

>Lisa side story
A waste of time
>Crimson heads
Just to make backtracking annoying
>Sub weapons
Nice stuff

>> No.7716535

the Dualshock version really improved things like uh,

>> No.7716548

>muh graphics
That's literally the only thing it has over the original.

>> No.7716564

Jill's t and a

>> No.7716565

>game remake is faithful, has better graphics and adds a few new things for returning fans
wow what a piece of shit game

>> No.7716596

faithful my ass, they made the mansion gray dull looking ruining the cool original atmosphere of the PS1 mansion
when modern remakes like demons souls do that people whine about it but it's okay when REtrash did it back in the day right?

>> No.7716673

Lisa Trevor, who was pretty interesting and also the creepiest thing these games ever got.
Crimson heads, an element of time pressure to increase the survival horror aspect (you know, the game's genre) AND continual development badly needed in a game where you traverse the same passages repeatedly.
Additional areas which helps because the game is still pretty short.
Concentrated lighting and shadows befitting a place intended to be scary, as opposed to no lighting at all.

But you just want to shitpost about things that are popular, like the sad hipster robot you are. Your brain could be simulated in its entirety on an 8086.

>> No.7716724
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>It doesn't need reliable headshots because that would be too gory, and Resident Evil is not a splatter film kind of game.
>t. Shinji Mikami

>> No.7716881

>that person who said liking REmake over RE is zoomer taste
I honestly like both more or less equally, but as somebody who got this game when it came out (after having played 1, 2, 3, and CV), it was still the coolest shit. It was a remake done well, that added to the experience, and I'd be lying if I said that seeing the game rendered in a realistic-ish fashion wasn't awesome to see after having played the blocky PSX and DC titles.

>> No.7716910

I kinda hate that this board's contrarians have moved on to REmake. I will never like REmake as much as RE1 or 2 and yet it's still a quality title in my eyes.

Oh well, I hope that by the time we finish, all but gun survivor will be considered shit. At least that way the contrarians wont have a game to move to after that.

>> No.7716925

>is faithful

>It was a remake done well

>> No.7716929

>I can't handle different opinions

>> No.7716952

Bitch please. I've been in enough internet RE discussions to spot you turds from a mile away. You have no real opinions of your own. You are drawn to (You)s and nothing more.

Go ahead and greentext me all you want. We both know I'm right though you will never admit it.

>> No.7716953

I like how people bitch nonstop about RE2R removing Leon and Claire's interactions completely ignore how REmake removed just as many, probably more, interactions between the characters. I'm assuming most of the people who endlessly fellate it never even played the original RE and most of them probably didn't even play the REmake until the 2015 release.

>> No.7716975

That's what a remake of old games should be. Give me the same game with today's graphics. Don't fuck with the story or mechanics, or just make a sequel.

>> No.7717008

What I hate the most in games is time pressure. I want to explore.
And I don't remember which one was it, but there was a RE game where the zombies just kept coming. I want to look around the hall, the next one comes through the door and runs at me, and then the next one.
After 15 minutes I threw the game in the trash. I think it was survivor.

>> No.7717020

>or just make a sequel.
They pretty much did here. REmake is just RE1 in name. The differences outweigh the similarities.

And that's a good thing.

>> No.7717047

Where's why?

>> No.7717052

I don't follow?

>> No.7717054

Unless you're asking me why I think that's a good thing. I think it's a good thing because I still have access to the original RE1. If I want something exactly like RE1, I can just play that. With what they did here, I now have two games to play instead of just one game with slightly better graphics.

>> No.7717420

Lisa is one of the dumbest things in the entire series, right up there with Marcus singing opera to leeches in a bathrobe. She's a shallow attempt to mimic Silent Hill enemy design and completely irrelevant from a gameplay perspective. That cutscene where she bonks your character on the head, then politely waits for them to wake up before attacking is some retarded CV-tier shit too.
Story-wise, adding some fanfiction nonsense about how Trevor's daughter is the source of the G Virus is garbage writing even by videogame standards and an insult to RE1 and 2. That's not even touching on the hillbilly rape shack in the woods or her mother's tomb, under the main hall for reasons, that look like cut content from a completely different game hastily shoehorned in.

>> No.7717436

>That cutscene where she bonks your character on the head, then politely waits for them to wake up before attacking is some retarded CV-tier shit too.
No it's not. Did she matrix run up a wall to do it?

Do you also think Nemesis not outright killing Jill when he had the chance is "retarded CV tier shit" as well?

>> No.7717505

Not him, but in the original RE3 there is never a moment where Nemesis doesn't immediately try to kill Jill when he has the opportunity. Jill survives all these encounters either due to the player's skill or, if in cutscenes, because Jill is an extremely competent combatant.

RE3R Nemesis does hold off on killing Jill sometimes for seemingly no reason, and yes, it was very dumb when that happened

>> No.7717512

Remakes are pointless. A truly great game will hold up no matter what. I would rather devs put that effort toward making new instead.

>> No.7717514

>there is never a moment where Nemesis doesn't immediately try to kill Jill when he has the opportunity.

Nemesis had the jump on Jill during the clocktower. He could have easily blown her up but decided to shoot down the chopper instead.

>> No.7717517

>Remakes are pointless.
Nope. REmake is a great re-imagining of RE1. It's to the point where the game is totally different. There's nothing but good from it existing.

>> No.7717531

The chopper could have provided aerial support or provided her additional troops as backup, in that instance the helicopter was the biggest obstacle in preventing Jill's escape.

>> No.7717541

But eliminating Jill was his goal. That should have taken precedence, especially when Jill was already proven to be competent. That chopper full of literal whos was just going to get smacked around by Nemesis and his stapled cock.

>> No.7717559

This is the key word. REmake is different enough from the original that they can be spoken of as separate entities that provide different experiences. For this reason REmake does not fall within "same game with today's graphics."

>> No.7717565

Well, she would have avoided just as she did when you fight him.

>> No.7717575

If the gameplay of Carlos' section is to be taken as representative of Nemesis' abilities in canon, then Nemesis certainly is vulnerable to a group of men with machine guns. If that UBCS helicopter was equipped with any kind of heavy ordinance then Nemesis would really be in trouble.

>> No.7717586


>> No.7717651

Fake news. I'm playing REmake on PS4 and head shots work every time with the shotgun. You just aren't good.

>> No.7717719

The new soundtrack has some unironically fantastic tracks.

>> No.7717727

It looked better and it gave old hands a way to relive a classic for the first time again at the time.

It also has slow, clunky and awkwardly animated controls, bad pacing, bullet sponge enemies and a lot of time filling nonsense "content".

The original is the better game, by a mile.

>> No.7717729

None of those things survived beyond that one game. Literally the only series wide improvement it brought was better graphics.

>> No.7717734

That's the point though; it had better GRAPHICS and nothing more.

Replay the original and tell me it doesnt have better pacing, smoother controls and actually move along faster. Because if you do; you're lying your ass off.

>> No.7717745

I literally bought a Gamecube just to play RE games, and I legitimately dont care for REmake or Zero.

I was blind tonite for years though. Until I realised that I still replayed the OT once a year at least, and REmake maybe once every 5 years. Once I realised that I simply didn't have as much fun with it and that it's slow and awkward to control. It was full of silly new ideas that only served to make the game artificially longer and the damage enemies take is just silly. It represents a lot of what I hate about games 15 years younger than it.

I was able to realise that REmake isn't a very good game, and you have your own opinion on that. So what? Stop putting words in my mouth as a coping mechanism. I am absolutely allowed to not like what you like, fag. And you are perfectly welcome to enjoy trash games as much as you want to.

>> No.7717750

My only beef with RE2R was that it dropped the ball in terms of the scenario system and continuity in general. It's a modern classic otherwise.

>> No.7717794

>smoother controls
I think a lot of the hate for tank controls comes from people who have only played REmake and Zero with their clunky ass controls. 1-3 all play so much better, especially 3 where they really perfected the control scheme.

>> No.7717823

stair skating

>> No.7718679

crimson heads encourage you to try and juke zombies instead of killing them, but you can't dodge as well with REmake's controls as you could in past games

>> No.7719128
File: 2.15 MB, 2016x1512, Have_not_forgotten_the_first_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julia Voth as Jill and Hamasaki Ayumi as Rebecca.

>> No.7719260

Better graphics

>> No.7719264 [DELETED] 


>> No.7719282


The defense weapons you drooling fucking moron

>> No.7719517

I did not understand that cutscene. Why not just confront the player straight away? I see no sense in the knockout.

>> No.7719640

I always took that as Lisa knocking you out to keep you as like a toy or something. When your character wakes up it probably spooked her which is why she starts attacking again.

>> No.7719701

>None of those things survived beyond that one game.

First off you're wrong. Defense items came back in RE2 remake. Second off, that's a goalpost movement.

>> No.7719731


>> No.7719763

Hmm I never got that at all. I know something has to happen because it needs to state transition to the typewriter etc being inactive which is well hidden with a cutscene.
And being clonked is pretty surprising when it first happens I guess. But it just does not fit. I guess maybe she wanted to take your face? But surely attacking outright is better and more in-character based on the rest of her behavior.
I guess she does maintain her little lair and collect dolls, so I dunno. It's just odd.

>> No.7719830

We also have to remember this whole thing began when she was like...11 years old??
She's been this mutant creature all by herself for years. We can't apply normal logic to her actions. Who knows what the fuck she was thinking.

>> No.7719840

Was she loose the whole time? Like, when people were working on the site and living in the dorms and doing science, was she just lurking around the whole time?

>> No.7719852
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The producer said it was done just to add drama and there was no other explanation or anything in the script.

>> No.7719892

They were conducting experiments on her for a while and then she killed everyone. I can't remember the dates but she must have been living in that cabin for 20-30 years by that point

Ha what a lame response

>> No.7720010

Trevor's Notes are pretty dumb too and it's easy to see why they were cut in the first place. The abbreviated Remake version is even worse and makes Trevor sound like some moron who got lost in a house he designed himself. At least the original version gives a little insight into the mansion's day to day activities with Spencer and other Umbrella personnel there.

>> No.7720781
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1. Zombies are more fun to deal with. They take more bullets and they can turn into Crimson Heads. You are therefore incentivized to learn how to not kill them. It's much more conservationist and rewarding to dodge them by learning the mechanics of that, which is both exciting and stressful, otherwise you can go the slow and boring path of backtracking to burn corpses.
2. The gameplay is more varied, enemies are more dangerous, snakes can finally actually manage to bite you.
3. Graphics, voice acting, story delivery are all much superior. You can take this one seriously. The original was cheese even by the standards of the time.

>> No.7720948
File: 2.72 MB, 960x720, dumbies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enemies are more dangerous
This is flat out wrong. They're weaker, more predictable, and less aggressive than their original counterparts.
Look at how zombies always whiff their first grab and are braindead easy to bait and run past. Even if they do land a grab, it implemented completely unnecessary self defense items that trivialize them even more.
Hunters got the worst of it though. Chad OG Hunters can take your head off at anything less than 100% health with 0 warning, relentlessly attack you, and take 2 magnum rounds to go down. Virgin Remake Hunters spend more time doing stupid poses for the camera and telegraphing their attacks than trying to kill you and mostly just kind of wait to be shot. There's way less of them in the Remake too, 10 or so were cut from the return trip to the mansion.

>> No.7721007

>Enemies are more dangerous
Highly disagree if were are talking about the US difficulty in RE1. Hunters had way more i-frames in the original and they decaped you without warning. Chimera and spiders had way more health being able to take up to 3 magnum rounds and spiders shot their poison out much more quickly.
Chimera were MUCH more threatening because they were always trying to grab you from above and attacked as a group. I don't believe REmake chimera can even run on the ceiling since I've never seen it happen in my playthroughs.
Maybe this is just my experience in REmake, but Chimera have never grabbed me from above (although I know it can happen) or jumped on me. They've only ever run at me straight on and done their slashes. Way less variance in attacks than they display in the original.

>> No.7721069 [DELETED] 
File: 3.98 MB, 268x270, Birth of Biohazard (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cont. from>>7721007
I think the story in the original was portrayed far better as well.
REmake Wesker seems way less insane and way less obsessed with the Tyrant than he is supposed to be. Wesker legitimately viewed the Tyrant as a superior being that would bring about a new age of super beings, meanwhile he despised humanity as weak and worthless. REmake also took out dialog that made that very clear and it ends up making Wesker's goals obscure.

Even today, many fans think that Wesker trying to create a virally enhanced master race in RE5 was out of character despite that having always been his goal. I think that's in large part due to REmake not making that clear enough because of Wesker's calmer demeanor and the removed dialog.

Jill looks like an idiot in REmake when she is so quick to forgive Barry after leaving her behind in the mines and then pulling his gun on her later. Barry also puts Jill in way more danger than he does in the original, this is more in line with Barry's character since he was supposed to be VERY reluctant to follow Wesker's orders to betray his teammates.

The original also makes Chris & Jill seem closer than they do in REmake, which jives better with future games when they are almost irrationally fixated on each other.

REmake also removed any references to the US government's partnership to Umbrella. This omission is important because the Umbrella-US government relationship is crucial to the events of RE2 & RE3. REmake can give the impression that Umbrella's activities are that of a rogue corporation, rather than being a part of an international conspiracy with ties in high places.

Also the FMVs are fantastic. The ending helicopter cutscenes in particular are way more emotional and really portray STARS as the close knit group they are supposed to be.

>> No.7721080
File: 3.98 MB, 268x270, Birth of Biohazard (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is from the same anon as >>7721007

I think the story in the original was portrayed far better as well.
REmake Wesker seems way less insane and way less obsessed with the Tyrant than he is supposed to be. Wesker legitimately viewed the Tyrant as a superior being that would bring about a new age of super beings, meanwhile he despised humanity as weak and worthless. REmake also took out dialog that made that very clear and it ends up making Wesker's goals obscure.

Even today, many fans think that Wesker trying to create a virally enhanced master race in RE5 was out of character despite that having always been his goal. I think that's in large part due to REmake not making that clear enough because of Wesker's calmer demeanor and the removed dialog.

Jill looks like an idiot in REmake when she is so quick to forgive Barry after leaving her behind in the mines and then pulling his gun on her later. Barry also puts Jill in way more danger than he does in the original, this is more in line with Barry's character since he was supposed to be VERY reluctant to follow Wesker's orders to betray his teammates.

The original also makes Chris & Jill seem closer than they do in REmake, which jives better with future games when they are almost irrationally fixated on each other.

REmake also removed any references to the US government's partnership to Umbrella. This omission is important because the Umbrella-US government relationship is crucial to the events of RE2 & RE3. REmake can give the impression that Umbrella's activities are that of a rogue corporation, rather than being a part of an international conspiracy with ties in high places.

Also the FMVs are fantastic. The ending helicopter cutscenes in particular are way more emotional and really portray STARS as the close knit group they are supposed to be.

>> No.7721094

>Barry also puts Jill in way more danger than he does in the original
Should instead say "Barry puts Jill in way *less* danger in the original"

>> No.7721337

Yeah Chimeras in the original love to jump back and forth from floor to ceiling, but I've only seen them attack from the ceiling once or twice in the Remake. They really like to get up from a shotgun/magnum hit in RE1 and immediately jump to the ceiling before you can shoot them again.
I noticed that even Yawn is a lazy motherfucker in REmake. It's not the biggest threat in the original but at least it does try to chase and bite you. It feels like the developers wanted to show off their new animations, so it just sits around hissing and moving around while you just shred it with gunfire in the REmake.
The second fight is an absolute joke and I can't believe they wrecked the Library just to make a boss arena specifically designed to let you cheese it. I'm far from a pro at these games and even I can just follow it around the bookshelf and stab it in the ass with a knife until it dies.

>> No.7721463

What's the verdict on RE2 vs RE2 Remake?

>> No.7721514

You'll never see a consensus on that. I prefer RE2R because mechanically I think it might have the best gameplay in the series. It was a perfect translation of the fixed camera RE gameplay to an OTS perspective. However, the B scenarios are practically the same as the A scenarios which is a very big blow to many people and often is the deciding factor in why they prefer the original.

>> No.7721565

Crimson Heads aren't terrible concepts but their implementation is shit. Even just mixing them in with normal zombies like the hyper zombies in the Director's Cut would have been better than the clumsy mechanics they came up with.
Same deal for Lisa. Female test subjects with unusual mutations is a cool idea. Make a couple variants, put them in Umbrella hospital gowns and have them in an expanded laboratory and it would have been a great addition. A talking monster that lives in the Evil Dead cabin is just completely out of place with the tone of RE1 and reeks of RE0 style idiocy.

>> No.7721586

much nicer pre-rendered environments

lol the original "pre rendered" environments look so shieeeetty, like a High school maya project

>> No.7722157

>Crimson Heads aren't terrible concepts but their implementation is shit. Even just mixing them in with normal zombies like the hyper zombies in the Director's Cut would have been better than the clumsy mechanics they came up with.
iirc the Crimson Heads were conceived and added really late into development and the whole "decap/kneecap/burning" thing was a rushed band-aid to prevent them from being too much of a pain, hence all the jank surrounding their implementation

>> No.7722490
File: 75 KB, 640x480, Aqua_ring_control_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm, it's called S0Vl, retard
you just don't get it because you are a little baby and can't appreciate true art

>> No.7722506

Outright hating REmake is some tryhard-ass "do I fit in yet /vr/" super dumb shit. I understand not being on board with some of its changes and having a preference for the old one but come the fuck on.

>> No.7722509

Sony fanboy this time.

>> No.7722518

Can't get enough of that S06.

>> No.7722523

I have decided that I like bits of both and wish I could combine them to make the best version.

>> No.7722628

>n-no you cant critisce REmake this hard!

>> No.7722670
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If headshots are too gory, why did they add the possibility to perform them with the handgun as well as with grenades, both things which weren't in the original game?

Like the other guys said, fake news.

>> No.7722686

>the producer said

You mean the said guy who claims headshots were taken out because they were too gory, when the game added new possibilities to perform headshots?

>> No.7722692

All of this is developer spin. Probably just trying to have -some- kind of answer for the interview or, in typical Japanese fashion, deliberately concealing the true answer even if its trivial.
There was certainly some actual concrete reason for these things - it might even be written int he design document. But some developer remembering or being honest about them has a very low likelihood.

There is historical basis for thinking this. Japanese magazine interviews with developers have a history of them sidestepping or lying because a handful of times in the past (probably with Tower of Druaga or one of its ilk) what developers said was proven to be false and additional secrets were discovered. Instead of being plastered as liars they were lauded as secret keymasters and their every word scrutinized for hidden meaning.
Now there is a tradition of every developer doing this either just because that's whats expected or because they actually hope to be seen as these genius chessmaster game designers at some later date.

>> No.7722730
File: 2.50 MB, 960x720, REmake_handgun_headshots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably just trying to have -some- kind of answer for the interview


>But some developer remembering or being honest about them has a very low likelihood.

He's a producer, he's not even really a developer. Producers usually don't know shit beside general things and the marketing they've been taught to say. Producers usually aren't part of team design meetings, and designers don't go to them for very specific design or story elements.

>> No.7722735

Read: friend of company president given a cushy job and title out of some sense of obligation. Typical Japan company structure.

>> No.7722754
File: 2.66 MB, 1518x1019, egm 156 interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a producer, he's not even really a developer.
Kobayashi started at Capcom as a programmer on RE1 and 2 and was intimately involved with development on the Remake. If you don't like what he has to say, tough shit. I'll take the word of the guy who actually worked on the game over some headcanon about "oh no, this is what he REALLY meant."

>> No.7722775
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By looking better and actually attempting to be scary as a result of it? at least for it's time anyway.
REmake is still the best way to play the game and it looks nice to look at with REupscale project on PC.
Don't care what you autists think, stay mad.

>> No.7722779
File: 1.90 MB, 960x720, REmake Beretta Headshot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If your idea of that is in game evidence, then yes.

But if you want to base things on interviews, Mikami himself said that after RE1 he was less and less involved and it was like "giving his beautiful daughter for marriage".

That was referring to games in which he was producer.

>> No.7722780

all RE games are trash except code veronica and re4

>> No.7722794
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>> No.7722801

Idiot the remake looks the same as it would have in 2021. The original looks like blurred legos. And isnt even that playable

>> No.7722804

Mansions aren't suppose to look like they are made out of playdo. The REmake is the actual version.

>> No.7722808

What the hell? Get out of my head

>> No.7722819
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>> No.7724256

None of this should be surprising or hard to believe unless you deluded yourself into thinking the REmake is some holy grail masterpiece of gaming. It's always been an unnecessary retread that cut content from the original and shoved a bunch of poorly thought out junk in it's place.
Turns out it's full of janky shit because it was all added in at the last minute and Mikami is a squeamish pussy, which also explains why Hunter decaps are gone and scenes like Kenneth's death are toned down from the original.

>> No.7724286

There is no deying that REmake is toned down compared to the original in terms of gore, but headshots are not one of those. There are two more ways to get headshots, beretta and grenades, which they didn't have to add. Then, the headshots themselves are more gory than in the original, they even leave blood on the floor, which they don't in the original, and which is exactly the sort of things they wouldn't include if they were worried headshots are too gory. It'd be easier to tone it down by getting rid of extra blood than toning down by coming up with some convulated mechanic that may influence gameplay in a negative way.

>> No.7725085

better graphics you fucking nerd

>> No.7725138

I got a confession guys...I've never played the original RE. I've played almost all the other ones except the original. The bits I've seen just sound so corny and it looks like shit.

Is it actually worth playing? Should I play the DS version? Or PS?

>> No.7725252

>The bits I've seen just sound so corny and it looks like shit
Dont bother then zoomies.

>> No.7726308

Is there a bonus for using fewer saves? Or is it just by time?

>> No.7726445

it's just time I think like in the og

>> No.7726457

This was me a couple weeks ago. It's not as bad as you'd think. You should play it. I used the True Director's Cut hack and bound a key to fast-forward doors.
I'm nearly 37 and started with 2. One doesn't have to be a zoomer to have missed RE1 or put it off because they started later in the series and perceived 1 to be a downgrade outside the memey b-movie shit that's been spoiled up and down over the years.

>> No.7726679

that is a 1960s bathroom

>> No.7727117

you could randomly get handgun decaps in directors cut

>> No.7727124

a convincing front for an underground bioweapons lab should not look like a le spooky haunted house

>> No.7727127

the original is the greatest game ever made so

>> No.7727652

The Spencer Mansion was built in the 60s so that bathroom should fit in with the Spencer Mansion even if its just the bathroom of it.

>> No.7727675


Barry plothole is the worst. Like Barry leaves Jill in the cavern to die, later in the fight with Lisa, Barry and Jill pretend like nothing happened.

>> No.7727694
File: 87 KB, 676x718, jill_flustered2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jills not that smart

>> No.7727698

It also cut Barry's kino death scenes and replaced them with a scene where he gets knocked into a hole by a retarded looking monster.
And speaking of plotholes, Wesker can get knocked down the hole during that fight too, only to pop up in the lab later on. Neither he nor Chris ever comment on any of this, and the game just pretends it didn't happen.

>> No.7727712


Yeah easily the worst part of the remake story wise. Also agree on the butchered Barry death scene.

>> No.7727738

>lisa is gay
>crimson heads are gay
>sub weapons.... you cool
>aqua ring BASED

bullshit, especially in Code Veronica bullet sponges

>> No.7727747

>oh boy, I love zombies that are invulnerable to a shotgun when the are standing up from the ground.

RE1 was clunky as shit.

>> No.7727751

Remake and 0 have similar i-frames too. The only difference is that it still looks zombies are shot, it makes sound and blood spawns, but they're still not taking damage. So they're i-frames, but the player can't even tell they're i-frames, which makes it even worse.

>> No.7727759
File: 2.85 MB, 720x720, 1615181619109.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be trapped in mansion
>surrounded by zombies, zombie dogs, giant spiders, and engineered killing machines
>find enough weapons to kill them
>LMAO I'm going to dodge em

neck yourself

>> No.7727793

I wish the Lab got the same amount of attention the Aqua Ring did. It's basically just a 1:1 copy of the original with that stupid fuel capsule sequence copied directly from Castlevania 64 lazily thrown in. I'll never understand why they thought the fucking caves needed another floor instead of an actually interesting area. It was probably something they could shit out in a hurry just to say they added content, instead of expanding a place that would actually require some creativity.

>> No.7727803
File: 80 KB, 962x1024, 1614116186076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 > RE2remake > RE1 > RE4 > REmake > RE3 > RE5 > Dry White Dog Shit > RE6 > Zero

>haven't played 7.
>Revelation 1 only good non main.

You can disagree with this, but you would be wrong.

>> No.7727812

Re3 is better than re4 and 6 is better than 5.

>> No.7727817

The extra cave, in fact the entire cave segment, is such a slog too. There is basically no enemies, all you do is backtrack around pushing slow crates.
This was the worst part in the original game and they managed to make it worse.

>> No.7727825
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, RE1 Tick newmove front.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only version that made the cave excited was the Saturn version

>> No.7727826
File: 536 KB, 500x500, 1614798124701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything after RE2 is not really Resident Evil.

>> No.7727849
File: 1.79 MB, 1154x817, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was gonna say, it would've been neat to have some updated Ticks down in the lower area. There's also concept art from RE1 of a kind of crumbling dungeon-like area. That could have been cool if it was setup as the original lab facilities from the 60s or 70s that got abandoned and the Ticks were some kind of old prototype Hunter that managed to survive down there.

>> No.7727923
File: 2.75 MB, 960x720, Bio_Hazard_Saturn_Plant42_Kill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the original was full of censoring as well, but that didn't prevent them from having headshots. The kind of things that were censored are the things which didn't affect gameplay, like zombies arms and legs disappearing, FMVs, as well as death scenes and game over screens. Video may be one of them.

Point is they knew better than to "censor" in a way that affects gameplay, and I don't see how they could lose such a knowledge with 15 more years experience.

>> No.7727925

> 15 more years experience.

I mean 5 or something

>> No.7729163

Unfortunately we dont decide what is resident evil,capcom does...

>> No.7729364

Yeah I'm 32 and started with 2, then played REmake and so on. Just never got around to playing 1 for some reason.

>> No.7729576

RE6 > RE 5.

>> No.7729583
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bitches leave

>> No.7729981

Oh look another contrarian thread. (you)

>> No.7729987
File: 119 KB, 465x517, 1607703784082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about __RE8___ ?

>> No.7729992

>the worst