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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 66 KB, 1280x720, FDA20CFF-9621-4634-AB5E-2A626A037879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7715070 No.7715070 [Reply] [Original]

Graphics have ruined video games, playing the nier remake made me realize this. Games look better but they all feel the same, the sense of originality and atmosphere is gone because they have no distinct aesthetic. When i play Deus Ex or Sotc they have soul, incredible atmosphere, the graphics are subsituted by the lighting & atmosphere. This is basically gone now, as they try to make it look as good and realistic as possible

>> No.7715073

Agree but, the neir remake is great

>> No.7715075

I mean I’ll take a better feeling and performing remake as long as aesthetics are intact, but most times they aren’t. Shadow of the Colossus remake was fucking egregious. Wander looked like a chubby 12 year old and Lord Emon looked like Tommy Lee Jones.

>> No.7715117

Games do not look better. They have higher screen resolutions, and the graphics had to become more "detailed" in an attempt to keep up with the extra discernment facilitated by the resolution. However, they do not succeed.

If games had been forced to run at max 480p over the last 20 years, the animation and rendering would now be so good that you would think you were watching 480p video. Instead you have games shitting out a billion megapixels of hastily shined up crap.

You can watch a modern game downscaled to 480p, you are never going to think it looks like it could be real/video, especially should something in the frame fucking move.

>> No.7715128

i know you probably mean a slightly different game but i opened this the other day and - aside from the issue of how the fuck do people play this absolute gook cringe nonsense - you can't possibly say these graphics "look good".
Press 2 and you see the most generic mountains that look like a pokemon game and has everything that people said was horrible about switch zelda game's color pallet
Press 3 and you see that the fucking rocks are low res textured and the ground is the same basically fucking vertex-shaded-green technique from banjo kazzoie
Absolutely hideous
i didn't look at more

>> No.7715131

>This is basically gone now
Aeon of Sands
Amid Evil
Disco Elysium

>> No.7715134
File: 785 KB, 750x550, 53E7879E-71E9-4A5E-888F-7E480A27F1E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FMV cinematic cutscenes is what killed graphics. Look at this shit. It looks awful, all of the budget goes to framing cgi cutscenes

>> No.7715148
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Bluepoint just butchered the atmosphere of this remake, and it's due to them not knowing how to translate the techniques Team Ico used with it's lighting model and specific use of bloom.
Without copy pasting what someone else said check here OCASM's posts here:

and Team Ico's notes on it:

They even messed them up in the ps3 remaster to some degree, it was to do with light scattering.

>> No.7715161
File: 1.58 MB, 2288x2374, sotc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah and besides the light scattering, there were some places where they just changed how the world actually looked.

>> No.7715197


>> No.7715213
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While i agree to some degree the focus on higher fidelity graphics has resulted in killing a lot of creativity and originality, i consider complete narrative focus and regression of gameplay bigger issues that are going to be plaguing the industry longer.
However in your post i think by default we should refer to Bluepoint remakes as games that don't really concern themselves with original artistic intention and atmosphere. SOTC is not their only victim at this stage, and Bluepoint should have earned themselves a reputation for this after DeS remake.
They prioritize high poly count nice looking assets, but the atmosphere and aesthetic always take a hit or have dramatic changes.
The soundtrack was performed by a full orchestra, but i actually dislike it because it doesn't fit in with the game's atmosphere either.
For example here's original Maiden in Black, very simplistic and minimalist in approach.
Something i consider quite memorable as a result of it:

Here's newer:

It might seem more impressive on some technical level for musicians, but it's completely forgettable in my opinion.

>> No.7715221

That is so shit, the ORIGINAL in those pictures actually IS historically accurate in terms of castle design!

>> No.7715263

Love articles like these where Devs just break down what they did technically instead of letting it get lost to time or until turbo autists like speedrunners dig it up.

>> No.7715270
File: 972 KB, 2000x800, Boletaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accurate in terms of castle design
Yeah i think they went for some Neo Gothic design in this? maybe renaissance era? I'm not sure.
They clearly weren't even paying attention to the original concept art.
While there's some more diversity in buildings on this, the palace was always supposed to reflect that original design.

>> No.7715272

whatever you're calling that, it's just the lord of the rings movie castle

>> No.7715278

This. Bluepoint just don't understand atmosphere.

>> No.7715569

Graphical fidelity hasn't ruined games - the shitastic art direction far too many games have has.

>> No.7715578

Bluepoint's games are designed to appeal to people who confuse high poly with good art design.

>> No.7715593
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Seeing Shadow of the Colossus allowed on /vr/ is weird man.

>> No.7715607

Yeah, I find it ironic in retrospect how badly everybody wanted realistic graphics and super-powerful hardware. In the end, it largely did kill off the unique graphical style so many games and consoles had. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from developing a game in some faux PS1 style or whatever like a lot of modern indie devs do, but that often doesn't quite match the unique graphical decisions that came about as a result of trying to get a game to run on limited hardware. A PS1-styled indie game will probably not have any issues with draw distance whatsoever, for instance, whereas a lot of old 3D games will have an eerie fog to hide the fact that they can't render very far.

>> No.7715623
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I agree, new games need more lens flares and smears of blur. That's soul.

>> No.7715631

I thought everyone from old-/vr/ ragequit.

>> No.7715636
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>> No.7715734
File: 1.18 MB, 3049x1714, boletarianpalace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one the newer one? or the concept art? i don't know which architecture the newer one belongs to, but this concept art is a little different to how Boletarian Palace looks like in this instance, since this is just the city beneath the palace.
I think the original DeS castle was more inspired by 11th/12th Romanesque Architecture, if you look up Loarre castle it looks very similar to Boletarian Palace. (in game)
I'd say it's not going to be really accurate of course, since it's still just a dark fantasy game.
Perhaps it might be any castle that had utilitarian and a functional design during that time period though, which could include some of the Lord of the Rings castles as you said.
Something like Conwy Castle.
While I'm not an expert on this stuff , i really don't know what they were going for in the remake, it just doesn't look the same at all.
I'm not sure what kind of architecture it was as well on that note, it looks a little more gothic to me, but i might be mistaken.

>> No.7715803

Speaking of SoC, is the project that aimed to restore cut bosses dead? I heard they scared away original devs with their faggotry.

>> No.7715840

This, don't hate on technological advancements just because devs don't know how to use them.

>> No.7715872

Everything you mentioned was *worse* in the original game, though

>> No.7715891
File: 69 KB, 600x690, 1587767765959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same thing happened with movies.
When you watched a horror movie on some grainy VHS it gave it a sense of realism. Not only that, but because it was poor quality it was much more difficult to see the strings and to see the blood was just red paint etc.
The second they went 8K UHD+ it took you out of it completely. Everything was too clean. Any sort of realism was gone. Same as when they take an old movie and remaster it. Everything hidden behind the graininess is exposed and it looks shit.
Video games are the same. When video games were being made on old machines they were limited to what they could do, but they would push them to their limits. You have something like Silent Hill where the draw distance was so bad that they came up with the ingenious idea of the fog meme. When something came from the fog you couldn't really see it until it was close enough, a bit like when you see footage of sharks underwater and you don't see them until they're on top of the cameraman.
Things have changed so much and advanced so much that those kind of limitations don't really exist. You can fake it, but you can tell it's fake. It's artificial limitation and it looks like shit because they're trying to replicate something that was unavoidable.
That graininess on movies, that fog on video games, it gave them soul. It never really gave you a clear picture of what you were seeing because of the limitation. Your mind was filling in the blanks and that was what made them so good.
Now everything is up front and on display. There's no atmosphere aside for manufactured atmosphere and anyone can tell you that the copy never compares to the real thing.
We went from Soul to Soul™ (soulless) and zoomers will applaud it and defend it because they hate anything and everything that's natural. It's why they chop their dicks off.

>> No.7715919

The only screener I've enjoyed watching is Cloverfield because it unironically improved the whole DV/found footage experience.

>> No.7715924

>The same thing happened with movies.
you know they were released first for cinemas, with good image quality, right?

>> No.7715940

I can say these graphics look good because I’m not a fucking snob and actually understand art direction. Pick a smarter hill to die on, dumbass.

>> No.7715969
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Yes unironically the way bloom was used to make distant objects look blurry in the background aided towards how SOTC looked in it's atmosphere.
I'm not sure if you read the post earlier in the thread or looked at Team Ico's development notes but the blurriness of it helped create the illusion of fog/haze.

>> No.7716059
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>> No.7716086

it's obvious the artist made a mistake and it is our duty to uplift these good for nothing time capsules to the current year of 20XX

>> No.7716104

Quite the opposite, rescans of old filmstock look great and often make the film far more enjoyable to watch, especially on pictures with high levels of set design and detail or shot in grimy locations. It's modern cinema made after the 90s that doesn't work because everything is too clean and processed.

>> No.7716146

I wish more retro remakes would follow the wonderboy dragons trap model. Make it work nice on new platforms, add some new features, but let me toggle back to the original a/v.

>> No.7716182

1. if a tape wasn't a used to death rental or a shitty bootleg, it most likely looked really good
2. a lot of directors absolutely despised home releases because of all the "butchering" that had to be done
3. if the movie was well made it doesn't matter if you're watching it on a destroyed tape or a lossless 8k scan
4. zoomers don't care about blurays (or quality), they stream all their shit or torrent garbage low bitrate yify rips
5. a lot of bluray remasters suck, but it has nothing to do with the bullshit you mentioned
6. what the fuck do trannies have to do with this?
to be fair he's probably talking about shitty direct to video movies, either way that post has to be one of the most retarded things I've read in a while

>> No.7716437

Pretty much everyone who talks about "soul" sounds like that guy and they're all triggered out the ass over trans people because they see them becoming socially accepted as a personal affront. It's actually pretty funny.

>> No.7716483
File: 95 KB, 1024x667, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>movies should look blurry and undetailed
the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.7716681

This is the cope of nintendo fanboys. They claim that graphics are not important, but they have no problem bragging about the graphics of the gamecube, snes and nintendo 64. When nintendo comes back with powerful hardware, these posts will disappear

>> No.7716753

Games should've increased in scale rather than resolution. Imagine if you ported Dynasty Warriors 3 to the PS5 with the same graphics but rendering all units at any draw distance.

>> No.7716958

U = faggot

>> No.7717385


I know /vr/ is supposed to be old good new bad, but are fucking retarded? SoTC is full expression of what that game aimed to do, though even the janky gameplay remains so the purist should have been fine, but oh no.

>"omg no the remaster missed a smal inane fucking detail about the lighting, my experience is ruined!!11!."

Jesus fuck, I'll concede that some games like the Monster World IV remake (in spite of looking good) unnecessarily do away with the 16 bit graphics that looked perfectly fine, and I might even concede that early 6th gen stuff like the DC/Naomi graphics are an aesthetic unto themselves, a lot of PS2 games, but especially the Fumito Ueda ones, were definitely squeezing the hardware to try and achieve something it couldn't. I feel the same way about the RE and, to a lesser degree, with the FFVII remakes because they look like we wished videogames did back in the day. To finally achieve this is amazing to my eyes, and I can literally just pop in the old ones if need be, it's not like they stop existing.

>> No.7717459

No, graphics don't ruin video games, the shitty mindset of certain newer consumers who've gotten the market cattered to them is what ruining it. Games that try hard to be realistic and boring and indiepixel shit games these days don't leave much room anything else and of course the overabundance of remakes

>> No.7717668

Maybe you should stop obsessing over superficial elements like draw distance or film grain.

>> No.7717678

why do you have to ruin your own good point by talking about soul. everything you described is just saying that suspension of disbelief is easier when you can't see everything clear as day.
the same reason people hated the hobbit high-frame-rate footage. because making it look real made it look mundane

>> No.7717686

Worse than this: a lot of games put so much emphasis on graphics that the actual game suffers. Thus, the rise of "movie games" like The last of us.
They churn out short, simple games that look gorgeous, but aren't worth a second play.

I'd rather play RE2 (original), Super Metroid or Shinobi 3 for the 400th times each than ever touch TLOU1 a second time. And that putrid pile of feces was called "best game ever" when it was released, lol.

Graphics have done less than nothing for the industry. We'd have had real progress and totally new genres if companies had ever realised this.

>> No.7717695

This is basically what I was expecting from PS3 before it launched. I wanted games that looked a little better, but having massive draw distances, deep gameplay, good enemy AI, lots of options for how to play... you know; actual improvements. Instead we got shooty hallways and walking simulators.

Worst. Fucking. Timeline.

>> No.7717821

Whats the best way to emulate sotc? PCSX2 or the remaster on RPCS3?

>> No.7717939

yes i think the same thing
technical shit has increased, and quality of art has decreased

>> No.7718116

Only the soulless can’t appreciate soul

>> No.7718123

It isn’t even a small detail. It’s noticeably worse. It doesn’t look right at all. People appreciate the original and its visuals are a part of that, the remake didn’t get them right. At all. Simple as.

>> No.7718926

>no distinct aesthetic
lol, sage and move on people. This troll stuff is a waste of thread space.

>> No.7719946
File: 184 KB, 3490x982, pcsx2bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats the best way to emulate sotc
I've seen some bugs in PCSX2 that are awful and I haven't seen them fixed yet, PCSX2 shills lie about it all the time as well, so don't trust them.
I don't know about RPCS3, but I'd just opt for playing it on original PS2 hardware or PS3 with hd collection.
If RPCS3 works then that's fine i guess, i haven't seen how it plays on the emulator yet.
I've seen some games look incredibly different from how they would originally look on PS3 compared to how it looked on RPCS3, so i would advise some caution there.
but don't go with PCSX2 because of that issue i mentioned.
Basically you end up seeing random flashing artifacts in the background and it looks awful

>> No.7719949
File: 38 KB, 242x520, 1606587346593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo you cant insult the heckin' transfolk

>> No.7719957

>They claim that graphics are not important, but they have no problem bragging about the graphics of the gamecube, snes and nintendo 64.
why do you pretend that people say both those things?

>> No.7719975

What was remade? This "upgrade" is still on the same old game engine with the same old gameplay and level geometry. That's remaster territory. A 60 dollar texture pack with inferior music with a couple different models. I can't even really say better models, they're just different looking sidegrades.

>> No.7719990

>This is the cope of nintendo fanboys
None of OP's post featured any of Nintendo's games in his post, in fact it was a game that had a joint development effort with Sony's Japan Studio and Team Ico for SOTC

>> No.7720006

>Better art direction
>Better lighting
>Same great level design
>Combat revamped to take after Automata

The only point I'll give you is the music, and it's not even that bad (outside of Gods Bound By Rules).

The Replicant remake is better than the original in nearly every way imaginable. To think otherwise is pure delusion.

>> No.7720012

SotC disaster has more to do with talentless muttsharts tarnishing a piece of art from across the ocean.

>> No.7720028

>better art direction
I haven't noticed
>better lighting
>same level design
That's fine but the maps are identical to the original with no added geometry.
>combat improved
And I'm playing it as we speak, what is changed? The combat feels identical to the original game.

>> No.7720065

the lightning is more modern technically but it's amateurish and lazy. original had pre baked lightning made by artists while the remake had an intern add a light source to some corner in unreal engine.

>> No.7720127

>PCSX2 shills
everyone here and on /emugen/ shit on pcsx2 all the time dude

>> No.7720148

You're 100% in the right and one of the most compelling posts I've seen on this site.
You know it's true with how many (you)s you are getting by triggered trannies

>> No.7720162

That's what all nintendo fanboys do.

>> No.7720243

Doesn't help that all new game use the same freaking engine, unreal engine can get fucked.

>> No.7720314


... and ignore the myriad of improvements that the new game makes, which was the point. That "...it doesn't look right" is you autists trying to be an authority on something you had no hand in making, and honestly something that neither strays from that original was trying to evoke nor does it even look bad, which was the other point. If the Sony Japan team, Fumito Ueda and Bluepoint all think that's the way it was supposed to look, who are you dumbasses to argue? I would understand if the game went entirely against its aesthetic, or if it didn't look as painterly as it does, but even The Last Guardian has the same artistic decisions, a modern game part of the same trilogy by the same creator. You are all just clouded by nostalgia and foggy PS2 graphics.

>> No.7720336


To add to this, you all sounds like the idiots that complained about Tidus' face on the FFX remasters. You're all sperging out on that level.

>> No.7720350

HD is overrated. Especially 4k ultrahd shit. It's like those makeup mirrors that let you look down your own pores, no one needs to see that much of anything. Porn in 4k is fucking depressing. Forget the general tv issues of being able to see pockmarks underneath anchors makeup or someone looking up and being able to count their nosehairs, you can see their fucking trackmarks.

>> No.7720376
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>> No.7720405
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>"omg no the remaster missed a smal inane fucking detail about the lighting,
It's not a small detail when it changes how everything looks entirely.
It completely changes the games atmosphere.
And there's more screw ups with the animation on Wander's face as well on that note.

>> No.7720453
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, SotC_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt like correcting my post i made earlier in thread, i just grabbed a screenshot off the web but realized it was some emulated version of the original game, and that's not how it supposed to look.
This is how SOTC was really supposed to look.
I can't believe Bluepoint didn't even think to recreate the same purplish look to the sky, just a major misstep in my opinion.
Artistically remake and original SOTC just look like different games.

>> No.7720702

>Games do not look better
this. The last substantial jump in graphics was from PS1 to PS2. Ever since it's just been smoothing out the jaggies and putting more shit on the screen at once. >>7715213 is a perfect example

>> No.7721220

>games aging
>games as an art form
what does your pic prove besides whoever wrote that trash is an idiot?

>> No.7721227

now with more greebles!

>> No.7721675


>Oh no it’s a deeper green and it doesn’t look like a foggy mess anymore, definitely not the constraints of the PS2!

You guys are pure cringe, all that fog was less an determined artistic decision and more of a decision based on the constraints of the PS2 as a console. These games could barely afford to run at 20fps. Not saying there isn’t aesthetic value in the PS2 version, but I am saying that the modern one achieves all the original one set out to do but couldn’t. It looks better across the board, and it is still a hauntingly pretty game. If it looked ugly (like Shenmue III, which looks nothing like the originals in any way), I’d find reason to complain, but it doesn’t.

>> No.7721940

>Which one
the one in the pic in the post i replied to

>> No.7721953

New bad game good old but new bad, bad ched. Good is old new bad old good old day good

>> No.7722047

>all that fog was less an determined artistic decision and more of a decision based on the constraints of the PS2 as a console
Perhaps, but that's how the game turned out and therefore that's how i first experienced it.
It is inherently apart of the experience and Bluepoint could have made some sort of effort to try and replicate it but they didn't.
That's what i take issue with, they didn't even try to recreate the same atmosphere, while it would of never looked totally the same, they could have made an effort in mimicking this with more modern techniques.
You can't saying them changing the color of the sky from purple isn't a big deal either, SOTC had a very specific ghostly look to it's world, and it's just completely gone on remake.
>You guys are pure cringe
I feel like i made a valid point and all you can reply with is cringe, no point in engaging in discussion any further.
I'm not someone who complained about the graphical fidelity boost of this remake per say, but the loss of atmosphere does bother me.

>> No.7722295
File: 106 KB, 1200x1123, ELZsRl-UwAAppH-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that these companies purposefully change a lot of things, even more mundane things such as the filter in your pic for example, just so it looks to the masses like they changed a lot and made a better looking game. I don't think the normal casuals out there who get hyped off trailers notice much of the things we notice. A simple remaster that alters enough while making sure to look mostly better in key areas is going to always impress these types. Where as with us we will notice these finer details being altered for the worse.

So basically instead of them truly upgrading these games entirely graphically its more that they make alterations while also beefing up graphical power. I can't possibly comprehend that people in this industry do not see or notice these things you guys on here so often do. They do notice, its just that they need to make these alterations so that it appears there was a "huge upgrade" to the original. Which again as I said, this convinces most of the masses but not necessarily the detail oriented like on 4chan.

Pic related for a good example. I know that those who worked on the trilogy had to have known what they were doing. But they had demands to fulfill and they needed to assure their bosses and the masses the games would look "incredible" so there.

>> No.7722617

Sequel when?

>> No.7722620

>Games look better but they all feel the same, the sense of originality and atmosphere is gone because they have no distinct aesthetic.

its almost like an artistic vision is part of the appeal of a game.

>> No.7722638

>all that fog was less an determined artistic decision and more of a decision based on the constraints of the PS2 as a console.
what? the fog is very taxing for the performance. they didn't put it there to hide render distance.

>> No.7722656

FACT: you don't actually notice ray-tracing unless you actually look for it
FACT: the most most popular game on earth is a pixelated blocky game called Minecraft

>> No.7722662
File: 131 KB, 920x1379, widen_920x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sequel when?
Tim Sweeney is funding Ueda's next game, i don't know what kind of budget he's going to be behind while working under a publishing deal with Epic Games, but i doubt it's going to be the same money he was receiving when making games in collaboration with Japan Studio.
So I'm personally a little cautious of how it's gonna turn out, plus he's not using the engine Team Ico made for SOTC,ICO or The Last Guardian anymore on this one, so who knows how that will turn out.
After seeing Yu Suzuki fuck up Shenmue 3 behind a 20 million budget using Unreal 4 I've just grown really wary whenever older developers use this engine.
I still considered The Last Guardian to be a good game, just one that didn't meet modern standards and was stuck in the ps2 gen.
I hope it all goes well, but i can't shake the worry i have about it, if you're not behind AA budgets sometimes that actually matters.
Still i hope it works out for him.


>> No.7722715
File: 720 KB, 3384x1200, q2-raytraced-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FACT: you don't actually notice ray-tracing unless you actually look for it
Yes you can, whether it looks good or not in this instance is up to you, but it's certainly noticeable.

>> No.7722721
File: 3.26 MB, 2560x717, q2rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example.

>> No.7722776

That looks like ass either way. right sides look over exposed.
I've seen many vids of ray tracing enabled and the shit doesn't look impressive. It's not like the jump between classic lighting and shaders, or even when tesselation became a thing.

Graphics are faggotry now. Shit peaked back when Crysis 3 was still new. Hell technically it peaked in the 6th gen, because hyper realism has been cancer.

>> No.7722784

That's your opinion, i think it can look good on a case by case basis more or less.
I wasn't highlighting this as a best case example or anything, just purely an example.
All I'm doing is pointing out that IS noticeable and does have an effect on how games actually look and you can't say that it doesn't.
Being considered impressive to people's tastes is a different story.

>> No.7722785

>disco elysium
shit game for fags

>> No.7723089

Where would we go. Asking for a friend

>> No.7723163

pick one

>> No.7723178
File: 36 KB, 768x326, emperor-palpatine-1555323736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goooood, let the Baaad flow through you

>> No.7723212


The cringe part is only because I know that it's mostly nostalgia motivating opinions like yours (as per your opening sentence), and not any actual issues with the game. The sky not being purple is not an issue, it's just a small (yes, small) aesthetic difference. The atmosphere is not "lost" as you drama queens want to put it, it's just been slightly altered and while it's not the exact same experience as it used to be, it's not worse or completely ruined by any stretch, just different. In fact, the way this looks to me is that a lot of the decisions that were made for the remake were made because it's being done on infinitely stronger hardware and certain artistic decisions (like the heavy fog) would look outright overdone, especially when there's so much more nuance to all the textures and lighting (like, it actually has HDR lighting now, as opposed to emulating it in the original). Again, that's not to say there isn't value in PS2 visuals, but let's not pretend that it isn't nostalgia.


Fog doesn't just hide render distance, it also hides asset quality, which most 6th gen games suffered from. The pic from the fight with the first titan posted earlier shows how much of a favor to the texture quality the fog is doing, when you play it in HD on the PS3 some of the "dreaminess" is lost because it's fair bit clearer. The PS4 version has so much more detail that adding the fog would be counterproductive to all the effort that was spent in texture design, details that are infinitely welcome in my eyes. Personally, I've always thought (even back in the day) that the foggy post-processing thing that most PS2 games have works to their detriment, I'd much rather have games without them. I'm happy the Nocturne remaster eliminated it.

>> No.7723226

sotc already hides distant asset quality via depth of field effect. the argument that fog was there because of hardware limitations makes no sense in this case.

>> No.7723376
File: 2.68 MB, 852x480, 1606023265638.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small (yes, small) aesthetic difference
No, big.
>The atmosphere is not "lost"
Yes it is.
> it's just been slightly altered
The smallest altercations can be significant altercations, and it is in this case.
Everybody should prioritize playing the PS2 version.
And now I'm gonna start posting a few things in reply to your same post to start illustrating my points.

>> No.7723390

The only actual improvements are in texture quality, resolution and performance. When the visuals and atmosphere are completely wrong in the first place, I can’t even begin to give a shit about technical improvements. Literally the epitome of soulless.

>> No.7723404
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>> No.7723417

Dude a guy just said VHS is soul and HD is soulless, of course everyone in /vr/ is a mental retard

>> No.7723424
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>> No.7723426

The remake craze is absolute garbage perpetuated by a creatively bankrupt industry and a bunch of obese 32-year olds who whole schtick is recording themselves reacting to trailers for things like "YOOOOOO IS THAT DEMON SOULS???" which is why no one cares about actual new IP anymore, just recognizable brands.

Remake will never replace the original games, so as long as the original is playable somewhere I don't care how many classics Bluepoint shits in or with their absolute garbage-tier lighting and glossy texturing.

>> No.7723438
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>> No.7723457
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>> No.7723470
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>> No.7723486
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>> No.7723508

>If games had been forced to run at max 480p over the last 20 years, the animation and rendering would now be so good that you would think you were watching 480p video. Instead you have games shitting out a billion megapixels of hastily shined up crap.
John Carmack said the same thing like 15 years ago.
He was asked how real games are going to look, and he essentially said that some games even then looked damn near real depending on how far away you are from the monitor.
I bet if you used a depth shader to dynamically lower the resolution of distant areas you could do some interesting things. It would look like Mario sunshines heat field effect maybe...
Anyway. Rambling.

>> No.7723575
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Color scheme is worth pointing out as well.

>> No.7723581

Something about the color palette or tone of the top left two PS2 screenshots just screams "SotC" to me the way a green tint screams "The Matrix."

>> No.7723662
File: 592 KB, 1833x3920, 1591973731621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cherry on top of all of the missteps is that Bluepoint were so incompetent and amateur that they couldn't even animate Wander's face correctly.

>> No.7723663


>> No.7723670

or art direction

>> No.7723676

PBR workflow pretty much ruined the stylistic diversity of games

t. game dev

>> No.7723686

Some clever techniques used here. Interesting. I used that layered shell method back in the 90s to do grass and foliage.

>> No.7723708
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Bluepoint, not even once.

>> No.7723780
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>> No.7723796

souless sellout vs. SOUL
All remakes are souless

>> No.7724129

>they see them becoming socially accepted
>banning everyone and any discussion of it because they can't come up with real arguments on why their mental illness is 'normal', despite all signs pointing to it being detrimental, is being accepted.

>> No.7724292

I have the ico+sotc ps3 release and it did feel a little different to me. But without the side by side I couldn't pinpoint why.
How did ico fair in the translation?

>> No.7725304

>post picture of fucking Shadow of the Colossus
fucking hell this board is so stupid, I can't believe there are "people" out there that think the old version is actually better

>> No.7725450
File: 57 KB, 435x1083, 1561075137021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socially accepted
have you ever talked to someone in real life recently? trannies are no way socially acceptable to 95% of people, especially minorities that you probably obsess about.
or improved realism gameplay wise. i find features like destructible terrain better than being able to count strands of hair.
the fog in silent hill was there because of technical constraints, but you wouldn't remove it would you?

>> No.7725454

You will never be a woman.

>> No.7725860

Higher technology specs ≠ looking better
More resolution ≠ looking better

It is not that simple

>> No.7725898

You're a freak, a sinner and an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.7725975

Unironically this. They don't even look good on a CRT and the moment games started getting more "cinematic" that's when I checked out. I talk to normies about games all the time and I'm still shocked whenever they say they "liked the story". Gaming is dead and you have Sega and Sony to thank for it.

>> No.7725992

for some reason every game now uses the fucking right pallet. i hate this pallet!

>> No.7726145

>old better
yes zoomer

>> No.7726178

With old games they were handcrafted so it made you really wonder what was over those hills or what kind of surprise the developer would think of so you wanted to look in every little area.

With newer games tools they can create a 500 km square area in a matter of minutes with trees, hills, buildings etc but if you go around to explore it then it starts to all look the same, there's not really any surprises.

>> No.7726307
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Bluepoint SOTC is a demake, i don't care about highly fidelity assets when you can't even get shit like this right.

>> No.7726328
File: 93 KB, 1000x815, 1CBnBn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fog in silent hill was there because of technical constraints but you wouldn't remove it would you?
I'm also really getting tired of people trying to associate technical constraints of being incapable of being tied into artistic direction, when it in fact has on many occasions now.
To the point of where it even got reflected into it's movie because it's atmosphere was so iconic to it's franchise.

>> No.7726447
File: 148 KB, 880x447, clarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta understand these anons are retarded. they think that the polygons etc used as the strings to create a visual effect are the 'truth' and that the effect itself is some kind of unfortunate distortion of the truth.
They will cry that about the left pic here, they actually want the right pic lmao

>> No.7726463

Uncanny just how much worse right looks.
They really fucked up.

>> No.7726469

>ke, i don't care about highly fidelity assets when you can't even get shit lik

Which is why i most play old horror games on the original hardware they were designed for.

But so far the SH2 enhanced edition has fixed most issues that were in the original PC re-release and you can actually play it on widescreen too.

>> No.7726767

I'm happy being a man, thanks. I'm just not so insecure that other people who are different trigger me.

>> No.7726818

>The combat feels identical to the original game
What the hell are you talking about? You move way faster, the basic attacks are sped up, the heavy attacks are now functioning combo tools, and by far the biggest change, you can charge your magic while fighting. Do you not remember standing still for 30 seconds to use dark lance?

>> No.7727382


>> No.7727394

It actually is better though you retard

>> No.7727556
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>> No.7727605

Even the HUD looks worse in the remake.

>> No.7727618

the new one looks like a dollar store knockoff

>> No.7727649
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>I have the ico+sotc ps3 release and it did feel a little different to me. But without the side by side I couldn't pinpoint why.
They messed up some of the post processing effects on the PS3 remasters of Ico and SOTC.
PS2 versions should always be considered the ideal versions of both game, if it comes down to not being able to play the PS2 version i guess the ps3 remaster will have to suffice, but i still recommend against it.
Will post another follow up with Ico ones.

>> No.7727662
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Follow up with SOTC * one i meant.
As i said stick with the PS2 versions if you can, I'm still always going to recommend playing on original hardware, unless PCSX2 devs can get their shit together and fix one of the issues that the emulator has with this game.

>> No.7727674

>reee le soul

Fuck off

>> No.7727690

>because they hate anything and everything that's natural. It's why they chop their dicks off.

That’s only hyperonline leftists.

t. Zoomer with a dong

>> No.7727696

The average woman fucking hates trannies. Funny because so many of you incels become “lesbians” but just wind up fucking each other because real women don’t want you hahaha

>> No.7727703


The remake is fan fiction tier garbage. The fact that you’re defending it means your opinion is worthless.

>> No.7727717

>one of the issues that the emulator has with this game.
What issue?

>> No.7727748
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Just thought I'd mention Bluepoint have had a history of messing up how things look in their remasters, there's some botched stuff in MGS2 & MGS3 as well.
So their incompetence didn't even start at the remakes, it was happening well before then.

>> No.7727762
File: 58 KB, 3495x246, texturemisalignment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What issue?
Check what's happening in the background, that random flashing/artifacts
The tradeoff for supposedly fixing this causes misaligned motion blur.
Nobody should have to put up with how shit this looks.


>> No.7727772 [DELETED] 

on top of that, not sure what's going on with the video i posted but if you compare footage it's just missing a ton of effects


>> No.7727940

oh man they even removed the fucking horse wtf

>> No.7728013
File: 2.25 MB, 1749x998, 1604025850916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new one looks like a dollar store knockoff
Could be said about their most recent work as well.

>> No.7728024

the picture on the right was a bug with rpcs3, not a bluepoint goof, and if I'm not mistaken it was fixed a while ago
>tradeoff for supposedly fixing this causes misaligned motion blur
the tradeoff is using software mode, if you have the horse power there are almost no bugs

>> No.7728053

>the tradeoff is using software mode
So at that stage you might as well just run it on original hardware anyway.
So that's still my recommendation.
Buying a ps2 and running it on a CRT is ideal, because it just gonna look ugly on a modern screen anyway when you're running it in software.

>> No.7728082
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All that needs to be said about Bluepoint.
Just you wait MGS & Silent Hill fags, you're up next on the chopping block.

>> No.7728796

What's the best emulator for PS2? I mostly saw recs for pcsx2 for years, though I haven't checked recently.
Plus, pcsx2 newest version has worked fine for me playing dark cloud 1 and so far 2. I can't remember how well it did ffx when I played it like 8 years ago. I think there were some visual bugs playing at 4x resolution, but they weren't horrendous.

>> No.7728812

Luelunkus McGrunkus Shack. Formerly Gassy Las Forums.

>> No.7729376

>post picture BTFOing himself
left looks better

>> No.7729391

You have a really good point. I couldn't really pin down exactly why, but older games actually feel more realistic and immersive to me, while newer games feel like some kinda movie.

>> No.7729401

omg like im totally the same like I was born in the wrong generation!

>> No.7729506

pcsx2, everyone fucking hates it but there's no other option really, there are few "new" emulators but they're still behind it
to be fair most games that don't make heavy use of the ps2 infinite fill rate black magic run fine

>> No.7729531

> ps2 infinite fill rate black magic
I'd be curious as an experiment to see if that is a choking point for a selection of modernish gpus across a couple resolutions (native, 2x, 3x etc). I doubt overall on the bigger chips due to cache probably picking up some of the slack but I don't know enough about it.

>> No.7729595

Disliking native high frame rate video is mostly a Gen X thing. They had the sharpest division of cinema and broadcast both creatively and technically and as such the use of high frame rates makes movies look like soap operas to them. Personally I think there is room in this world for most frame rates.

>> No.7729631 [DELETED] 

Minas Tirith. Reminds me more of Minas Ilith though.

>> No.7729638

As a millennial I feel the same way. High frame rate looks too realistic, strangely. It's like, low FPS looks like a movie, high FPS looks like people in costumes.

>> No.7729641

Being born in Spring of 1999 I was never put off by high frame rate video as long as it is the native frame rate. AI interpolated stuff just looks sloppy.