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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 161 KB, 800x600, kweugwherhre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771286 No.771286 [Reply] [Original]

All my searches have been fruitless. Perhaps the quest for a wonderful RPG is like to that of the holy grail. I am just sick and tired of seeing Skyrim and Fallout and Mass Effect on every TOP X RPG GAEMS OF ALL TIM list.

So, I come to you, /vr/. You are my last, best hope. What were some RPGs that swept you off your feet? The ones you always come back to, years later, in the face of all the new flash-in-the-pan nonsense?

What is your favourite RPG?

>> No.771291

chrono cross

>> No.771298
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Exile 3: Ruined World

The best adventure you'll ever take, the world is carefully handcrafted and I always find new things when I play it. They don't make em' like they used to - this game will leave you searching every nook and cranny for quests and adventure. Haven't beaten it either, it's really long and The Golem Machine is a nightmare (I only beat it once as a kid, then stopped.)

Also I just checked and it's now completely free to download from the Spiderwebsoftware site. Guess I'm beating this!

>> No.771341

the free to download versions are still the shareware demo versions, son, you need to pay 15 dollars for the exile trilogy...on cd

>> No.771347
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The original Diablo is high on the list for me.
Everything about the gam stands up to the expectations set by my childhood.
Diablo 2 is a much deeper gaming experience but I feel that the simplicity of Diablo's gameplay adds to the atmosphere.
The feeling of descending into the earth is very palpable. Blizzard did a solid job of making the spaces beyond the walls feel dead and confining. Each level sort of squeezes you down into the lower depths, tighter and tighter. It is a wonderful feeling for a game to pull off.

The actual gameplay is just deep enough that I never get bored playing it again, although I sometimes give up in frustration from the difficulty (I am a casual when it comes to RPGs).

The music and the sound design are really amazing and have definitely aged well.
All of the animations and lighting also look great.
The story is O.K. but the side quests are way more interesting.

>> No.771350

The entire Baldur's Gate series.

>> No.771361

Wizardry 5 or 7. Get some graph paper then get out.

>> No.771363

Diablo is a true roguelike (as in the real definition: "a game that plays like Rogue", not necessarily "A game with ASCII graphics").
If that's your style of game, and you can handle ASCII graphics, other roguelikes might really appeal to you. There is a wealth of them available all over the place, and many of them are quite outstanding.

>> No.771368

it's not a true roguelike if it's realtime gridless

>> No.771374

Also the first two Fallouts are amazing.

>> No.771376

Depends on your definition of "roguelike", as that really only means "Like the game Rogue".
I consider that to be any difficult RPG which has a single adventurer delving deeper into more difficult caverns in order to reach the bottom.
It's much more of a roguelike than most games considered a Roguelike, like IVAN and Dwarf Fortress.

I feel that the spirit of the game is more important than specific mechanics.

>> No.771382

Diablo is gridded, it's just 8-direction gridded. It is real-time, I'll give you that, but most of the other standards apply. Call it an 'action' roguelike, then, or something, but you can't deny it fits almost every criteria.

>> No.771635

[Spoiler]mario and luigi rpg[/spoiler]

like what is the difference between a jrpg and wrpg?

>> No.771640

The difference is one comes from the west and one comes from Japan

>> No.771721

i really dont want to start a new thread so ill ask here: which dq should i start with? 3 or 4?
im probably going to go 4 5 6 3 2 1 7

>> No.771730
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Not retro, but...

>> No.771736


darren grey pls go

>> No.771751

I replay Planescape: Torment every now and then. It might not have the best gameplay but damn, I love everything else about it. The writing, the setting, the characters, the story, the music, the art direction. I'm always a bit sad when I finish it.

Arcanum has really sucked me in recently. I haven't completed it yet but I really love what I've experienced so far. It's just so damn open in terms of character creation. I have to stop myself from constantly restarting and making new characters.

>> No.772146
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I keep going back to this one for time to time, if you havent tried it, do so OP.

>> No.772164

Daggerfall, if you want a huge world to roleplay in, and the most tense dungeons in any game ever.
Fallout for a good, quite short introduction to isometric RPGs.
Arcanum for dialogue and an amazing setting and atmosphere.

>> No.772185

at the moment Persona 2 Innocent Sin. we also have a lively thread about it atm.

anything SMT.

other than that I experienced other RPGs I liked but I like D&D stuff (BG, IWD, NWN, ToEE, PS:T) just as much as SMT.

I want to like Wizardry but it's a bit too tedious, also enjoy some FF stuff and stuff like Betrayal at Krondor too. there are no perfect RPGs. just very good ones and mediocre ones.

>> No.772198

Wizardry 8 is better than any BG or TES you can name.

Start with 3 on the SNES

>> No.772242


>> No.772285

breath of fire 3.

beware, it has some fights that you can only lose, though.

like two horse guys at a river? don't waste too many resources.

>> No.772313
File: 28 KB, 320x200, betrayal_at_krondor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betrayal at Krondor
Godlike writing and story
No levels, but training of skills
Sandbox world, but with quests in each chapter so you can explore all over before doing them
All this in 1993
I started a let's play of it ages ago that i never finished, but chapter 1 of the game in my LP is 10 hours alone

>> No.772348

I replay FF4 every year or so. It has yet to grow old.

For PC, the BG games I replay every couple of years, and I've yet to see them beat at combining atmosphere, tactical gameplay, and story.

These aren't obscure games or anything, but the fact is that they are famous for a reason.

>> No.772383

No offense but Daggerfall is kinda too random. Sure it may be never ending but so is Hell. Just because you can keep on playing don't mean you will have the will to. I heard role playing helps but that game kinda aged too badly at this point.

>> No.772434

>I am just sick and tired of seeing Skyrim and Fallout and Mass Effect on every TOP X RPG GAEMS OF ALL TIM list.

What, on pandering popular gaming sites? What an utter shock. I like Mass Effect but it ain't that fucking good.

>> No.772447

Mass Effect isn't a good game, but I really appreciate the way they made a game with a retro sci-fi look and sound. It definitely stands out from every other game that generation, including its sequels.

>> No.772546

It's weird that you start a thread about RPGs with a screen of a game which is definitely not an RPG.

For good but underrated RPGs, try Geneforge series (or Spiderweb games in general), Eschalon series, Gorky 17 and Lionheart - Legacy of the Crusader (the first half of it, at least). And that's just off the top of my head.

>> No.772552

Suikoden II

>> No.772563

Baldur's Gate is good

Baldur's Gate 2 is the best in my opinion.

This kinda kills my enjoyment of any other rpg for me, I can't find anything I like as much for the life of me.

>> No.772597

just gonna point out that fallout 3 and new vegas are fantastic rpgs and definitely have places on people's top ten list.

>> No.772613
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might and magic 6

>> No.772615
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lands of lore

>> No.772618
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anvil of dawn

>> No.772625


That game was fucking garbage

>> No.772623
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>> No.772628
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>> No.772634
File: 119 KB, 800x600, icewind-dale-2-goblin-killing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icewind Dale 2

>> No.772741

Exactly 1/2 of the game was good. Then the hack'n'slash began.

>> No.772771

I want to play a first-person turn-based RPG. I never got into this genre and I'm terrible at it, I always found Dungeon Master and its successors more fun. I tried some early Wizardry and Might&Magic games but they're pretty terrible today. Halp.

>> No.772775

This. 1 is great too. It's very unfortunate that these two are forever just "those Infinity games other than BG and PST" when they're better than both in many aspects.

>> No.772786

Not really. Despite the IWD games being dungeon crawlers, the BG games have dungeons that absolutely kill anything in the IWD games, and they have better stories to boot.

>> No.772795
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What aspects? Seriously.

>> No.772807

>the BG games have dungeons that absolutely kill anything in the IWD games
Such as?

Combat. Encounter design. Music. Art design.

>> No.772813

Durlag's Tower, Watcher's Keep. Firkraag's lair, Spellhold, for a few.

>> No.772818

The combat system is the same as BG.

But yes, music was great; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW5r1QWMF9Q

>> No.773313

Nigga you didn't just go there

Might & Magic 6 has both realtime and turnbased options, you might try that one to acclimatize.

>> No.773364

Ultima VII, that game has a better world that many modern RPG.

Also, while more of a hack and slash , Ys, even if the old ones use mainly the "love it or hate it" bump system.

>> No.773454

Has anyone else noticed how similar BaK and Ambermoon are?
1993, continuous 3D with top-down turn-based battles, "sandbox" with predefined characters and focus on story and exploration, endgame chapter on a desert planet with restricted magic and lizard people.
what the hell.

Also OP, World of Xeen.

>> No.773638
File: 572 KB, 1627x1251, darklandsmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a couple of more common rpgs I return to from time to time, but I feel the need to spread the gospel of Darklands.

The setting is 1400s Holy Roman Empire, blending a surprising amount of historical accuracy with a dash of supernatural.

You ever hear people talk about series like The Elderscrolls? Oh, [newer iteration] removed features X and Y, and [older iteration] was so much richer. Imagine for a moment that all of that is 100% accurate. So each game you backwards on the series, you get a better experience. So now picture that the whole Elderscroll series was in fact inspired by an even older game; the URgame, the quintessential wrpg. THAT would be Darklands.

I will admit the learning curve can be steep, and you may have trouble with the interface at first. But it is well worth your effort. This is a game with enough depth and complexity in the lore and mechanics that you can lose yourself in another world and become completely immersed. If you are so jaded that you only try one game in this thread, make it Darklands. You will not be disappointed.

>> No.773665


if you are looking for something similar to diablo 2 then i cant recommend Titan Quest:Immortal Throne enough

But since this is /vr/ i dont have any recommendations along those lines.

>> No.773714

There are no RPGs for computers. RPGs have a dungeon master who plans out adventures that are freely carried out by diverse characters played by players. You're talking computer RPGs which will never measure up to real tabletop RPGs. Computer RPGs are more adeventure games than RPGs.

But to answer your question, I myself believe ADOM to be the greatest RPG game ever to be coded. A close second is Daggerfall.Morrowind is even better than Daggerfall, but it isn't /vr/

>> No.773726


both are utter shit bro

>> No.773739


>i never played paranoia online

its everything i think you are looking for but i wouldnt call it a video game

>> No.773756

mm, I wouldn't bother trying to define RPGs. They went a completely different and unique direction the moment Dunjonquest was released in 1979. Genre labels are inherently fucked up when it comes to video games either way.

As for my favorite party-based CRPG when it comes to raw mechanics would have to be Wiz 8, though some can easily argue 7 is just as good, if not better. They both treat multi-classing very differently and they might as well be different beasts altogether.

For pure story alone though, Dragon Quest 7 is my favorite in that regard. Even with the clumsy translation we got, that game had some really memorable story scenarios.

>> No.773760

>>i never played paranoia online
I didn't. I'll look into that.

>> No.773761

Rpgs you should check out for story:
Phantasy Star 4
Suikoden 2
Might and Magic 6 (if you're familiar with HoMM, it ties in a lot)
Planescape Torment

Avoid Chrono Trigger, has as much plot+character development as an Auschwitz survivor does fat. The music score is good though.

>> No.773807

I don't know if Hero Quest or Space Hulk is RPG, but I've played both the /tg/ version and the /vr/ version of both, by myself and with friends, and they're all great.

>> No.773849


That's why I love ME1 too. I fucking LOVE the setting, the look, the music. It's so awesome and adventure-worthy. Then it was ruined. Good thing I have tabletop games so all ME campaigns can occur within the ME1 scope of it.

>> No.773859
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>> No.773867


>> No.773883
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>> No.773887

day of the tentacle isn't an RPG you idiot

>> No.773891

I might agree with you, but the examples you provided will never reach the same heights that tabletop role playing reaches.

I've played NWN and Baldur's Gate, and while they make a great improvement to what is called an RPG these days they pale in comparison to actual human interaction.

>> No.773896


These images are next to retarded

>> No.773912


>Wizardry 8 is better than any BG or TES you can name.

Wizardry 8 is fantastic but if you think it's better than BG2 you either haven't played BG2 or are legitimately crazy.

>> No.773917

Diablo is an RPG you dumb fuck.

>> No.773958

>The difference is one comes from the west and one comes from Japan
Actually it's a completely different genre, that why it has it's own name, or have you ever heard the word JFPS or JRTS?

>> No.773962


It really isn't. It's a hack 'n' slash. The game doesn't have a single dialogue choice, or plot-related decision to make of any kind for that matter. You do exactly what you're told to do from beginning to end.

This does not make it a bad game. Diablo 2 is an excellent game. It just means it's in a different genre.

It's so far removed from an RPG it actually boggles my mind every time somebody calls it one. If grinding XP and collecting gear was what made an RPG, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare would fit the bill.

>> No.773965

Morrowind. What I wouldn't give to play it for the first time again. I played it for months, several hours a day, new discoveries every day, so many shit to collect and display like the OCD autist I am...

>> No.774030

I love dragon quest IV and there is a really good remake of it for the DS.

>> No.774062

Both of you fail to understand that the image doesn't mean literally what it's showing. It's implying that that if you take the difference between the gameplay in modern WRPG's and JRPG's to their extremes. they turn into Adventure and Dungeon Crawler games, respectfully.

That said, I like both genre's they both have their own strengths.

Get off your high horse. 98% of GM's just do straight forward games that aren't any different than playing an early Ultima game or Dragon Warrior/Quest 1. Or do you not remember all those completely straightforward dungeon crawling modules?

The NES version is my favorite JRPG. While I like the DS version, I prefer the NES version for various reasons, those being the dumb accents they added (seriously, I'd prefer the faux Elizabethan English), a translation way too loose than the NES version with unjustified name changes, removal of party chat in western releases, and the extra/optional 6th chapter pretty much wrecking the overall narrative. I do like that the grinding was toned down, though.

>> No.774086

I'll just go ahead and repeat what the first guy said.

Diablo is an RPG you dumb fuck.

>> No.774105


>I'll just go ahead and repeat what the first guy said.

>I'll just repeat the same arbitrary statement I can't back up with anything because I don't know the first thing about genre and I don't have a leg to stand on.


>> No.774102

>Get off your high horse
You have never had a good GM, have you ?

My GM is an amateur fantasy writer trying to make it in the literary world and his quests are fucking excellent.

>> No.774110


>I'm a GM and amateur fantasy writer trying to make it in the literary world and my quests are fucking excellent, even if I do say so myself.

>> No.774121

I know everyone is specifically avoiding it because of how on-the-nose mentioning it would be, and you absolutely already know, but;

Chrono Trigger.

Fuck all you hipster twats that want to pretend it's bad because everyone knows about it; You make me fucking vomit.

>> No.774123

Diablo is not a "Role Playing Game" as there is no role playing in it, but as pretty much all video games fail this test, the label is mostly useless.

>> No.774116

I have, and that GM got burnt out doing that campaign. Only a person with no life can continually keep those kind of games running.

>> No.774128


>Only a person with no life can continually keep those kind of games running.

How do you figure? Can't you just run the games less often to ensure more prep time?

>> No.774138

see >>773859

>> No.774135

>baww I can't sound out words
Having accents was an absolutely brilliant move. It gave the world an actual, legitimate feeling of containing separate kingdoms.
It's just too bad they were half-assed about it and more than half the NPCs talk in normal english.

>> No.774151

>baww I can't sound out words
Ah, no, I had no problem reading the text. I just felt that the addition of the accents did not improve the game at all and were a liberty the translators should not have made.

>> No.774148

>even if I do say so myself
This is the part where people become irrelevant. The man I'm talking about regularly sends his shit to magazines and publishers, and he's had his shit published several times.
If he gets burned out that easily, he probably isn't geared to be a writer.

>> No.774320

I agree with him and I've played both series to death

>> No.774356

It's not hard, BG uses 2E which is pure dick anyway so the gameplay will fucking suck and it's written by bioware, the writing is also bad and the design is shit.
TES is Bethesda game so that's really all that needs to be said about that.
It's not doing wizardry any favors by comparing it to two of the largest mainstream shittiest RPG series in existence.

>> No.774419
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>2E is pure dick
u wana go m8 il fuk u up sware on me mum

>> No.774484
File: 193 KB, 447x346, iogfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illusion of Gaia.

Everything is just perfect about this game.
The variety in levels, characters and combat.
Great story and feels.
Also like that they put a sound to each dialogue letter appearing(is there a word for that?) with a different tone for each character.
It really sets a great atmosphere.

>> No.774493

>pure dick
3aboo or 4rry detected!

>> No.774509

Lots of games do that. I think Golden Sun was the same.

>> No.774570

Not exactly the same but GS does do that too. Also like those a lot.

>> No.774643

I'm not going to explain why the sky is blue to you.

>> No.774669

All D&D rules really suck, but 3/3.5 was a significant improvement over earlier editions. Still awful.

>> No.775085

Ultima Underworld 1 + 2
The Elder Scrolls: Arena + Daggerfall (LITERALLY FREE ON THEIR WEBSITE)
I have not played too many third person rpg games, but Chrono Trigger is pretty fun.

>> No.775383

Diablo is more like a dungeon crawler roguelike than a simple hack n slash.