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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 394 KB, 1600x1200, arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771093 No.771093 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about arcade machines and owning them.

I am really, really looking for an Outfoxies cabinet. I can only imagine how rare it probably is, but it looks so freaking fun to play.

Any of you guys got legit or MAME cabinets?

>> No.771569

I found a few PCB for a few bucks, I'm thinking about getting them and making my own cabinets (using existing cabinets as a model, and making my own pads with buttons and sticks purchased online).

>> No.771820
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Glad to see one of these threads, cause I've been trying to find out about a game that I vaguely remember from the late 80s/early 90s. I know one of them was at Sea World San Diego during the time.

It was a type of water-squirting game with targets linked to different characters or objects; kind of like a mini shooting gallery. There were two themes that I remember. One was medieval-themed with knights and a couple of dragons; the other one was firefighter-themed.

I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have any recollection of what these games were called?

>> No.771845

My friend and I got a broken Simpsons 4 player cabinet for free. We never did get it working because we just lost interest in it. I gave up possession of it to him because he put way more work and money into than I did.

Still have the scar from shouldering half of its weight while we carried the thing home on this piss poor little dolly. Never thought they were THAT heavy.

One day I would absolutely love to get the X-Men arcade machine or a House of the Dead game. I really love lightgun games.

>> No.771898

I have five cabinets. Vs Hogan's Alley, Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior, The Combatribes, WWF Wrestlefest, and The Ninjawarriors. Been doing a little discking around with them. Thinking about converting Wrestlefest into GroovyMAME

>> No.771903


>Converting a cabinet into a MAME cabinet

No, let's not start to talk about that...

>> No.771907
File: 2.25 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20121102_211503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted on here before. I have a Cruis'n USA game. Pic related. I also have the PCB for Cruis'n World that I can swap with.

>> No.771915

The cheapest and easiest way to test arcade PCBs is with a Vogatek Supergun. There are at least 4 models and they all cost around $50. They all take PC power supplies (you should be able to scrounge one) and the cheapest one to operate just puts out SVideo and takes Sega Genesis controllers. JAMMA is a 4 button standard and of course RGB is better than SVideo but with that model you can get yoir PCBs up and running for very little money if only to test them.

I remember back when I got my cabs at the big auctions, boxes of like 20+ assorted PCBs would go for less than $10 but those days are long gone. I really regret not buying some and just sticking them inside the spare room in the cabinets.

It's already been converted from a Bally Sente cabinet into a Magic Sword and then into Wrestlefest so it's a chucklefuck as is but the Sente cabinet is pretty cool and I see no reason to restore it into a Night Stoker or something, especially since it didn't come with its steering wheel or light gun. GroovyMAME is actually pretty cool about displaying authentic frequencies for its roms too and now that I have a PVM I can test the machine without endangering the arcade monitor before I ever install it.

>> No.772134


Okay, i see. So it's not that bad. Sorry, I've seen too many people destroying original cabinets by transforming it into a MAME cab. The idea of having a vulgar PC clone in a cabinet alway hurt me.

>> No.772408

Yeah, although I still can appreciate the problem that arises from having such a selection of games to play that none end up getting played so I plan to set it to autoboot into a particular game that corresponds to the marquee I have in the cabinet and for the MAME menu to need the keyboard to get to.

>> No.772425
File: 19 KB, 220x293, 220px-Polybius_Cabinet[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real or not?

>> No.772487

Real in the sense that's a real arcade cabinet probsbly converted to run one of the modern Polybius games(interesting that the monitor is vert though). Not real in the sense that there was no mysterious killer arcade game from the 70s. If the pic was much much bigger we could probably figure out what it was a conversion from.

>> No.772498

Indeed. The only famous cases of games killing people I know of is those stories of two blokes dying of heart attacks after playing Berzerk.

>> No.772508

A bunch of South Koreans have dehydrated themselves or their babies to death over video games but I can understand you not considering them "people"

>> No.772530

those cunts eat dogs. They are not worth a thought.

>> No.772535

How much would guys pay for a Time Crisis cabinet? Someone I know offered me one for a certain price but I don't normally buy stuff like this and have no idea about the market.

>> No.772538

starcraft isn't an arcade game tho

>> No.772542

I would put a reasonable price at about $300. More or less depending on if the buyer or seller is more motivated. It doesn't have any really special hardware in it like, say, a Silent Scope cabinet.

>> No.772587

What planet are you on that you can get a Time Crisis cabinet for $300? Can you buy one for me and send it across space?

>> No.772607

I could have bought a Mega Man Power Battle converted cabinet recently for $200. I'm holding out for a Blast City or New Astro City.

>> No.772614

Arino's South Korea trip is the best, they enter a South Korean arcade and the announcer explains in a friendly way how playing video games makes you a professional athlete in Korea. What game are they playing? (Shows Starcraft 1).

>> No.772617

Why not get a cheap widescreen LCD and put it where the marquee goes and configure your front end to display marquees on selection of each game, on the marquee LCD screen.

Also, I've seen people configure their buttons to light up with different colored lights corresponding to the original positioning and colors for each game.

Also, automatic screen rotation. Don't forget your trackball either.

>> No.772630

I'd like to point out that I have seen this individual come into every arcade thread and try to pose as a knowledgeable arcade scene insider.

He hates MAME and has been bragging repeatedly about driving a Blast City owner off the board permanently. I was in that thread as well, it was disgusting.

He claimed that a Blast City is not a Sega cabinet designed to hold any PCB, but rather made a US-centric argument that all Blast Cities were inherently Sega Bass Fishing cabs. He claimed that turning an empty Blast City into anything other than an authentic Sega Bass Fishing cabinet was anathema to the "Arcade Scene" and that scum like GroovyMAME users don't belong on the board.

Blast City can hold anything and does in Japan. It's a shame that /vr/ attempts to demotivate MAME enthusiasts by ripping on anything they do then boasting of having driven them from the boards.

Try as you can I will continue to educate /vr/ about 15 Khz video signals and how they're employed properly in outputting native RGB signals to CRT displays. You might have stopped the Blast City guy but you'll never stop me. Your precious "Arcade Scene" will feel the wrath of my low dot clock.

>> No.772673

u erd

>> No.772671


u wot m8?

>> No.772727

I didn't say I could ger one for $300 but if one were to pop up that's about what I would expect to pay for it. Maybe $500 for the big screen kind.

Because marquees are much wider than 16:9

>> No.772773


So Polybius never existed?

>> No.772779


Get an LED matrix in there, like one from a pinball machine. Could be a good multi-marquee

>> No.772791

One of the cities I frequent just got a new one, but it's a retro arcade, which is still awesome. They even serve fucking ice cream.

>> No.773184

And we eat almost everything that isn't dogs, what's your point?

>> No.773394

Sort of like the screen for Darius was? How will you replicate such advanced technology? As I write this my mouse moves between two monitors.

>> No.773398

Many -ius games existed. They were shooting games. One could assume Polybius is a multi-arcade shmup machine, custom built. I certainly do from looking at that monitor's bezel.

>> No.773727

I don't really want to have to push three monitors just so I can have a dynamic marquee

>> No.773746

Any image of Polybius that uses that TrueType font from the 90s is clearly not authentic.

>> No.774367

1 stick, 6 buttons for 2 people.
Obviously legit.

>> No.774719

Wow man. wow.

Keep it up though, you sound ok.

>> No.774789

So what's wrong with making a MAME cabinet? It seems like people poo-pooing are just being snobs.

>> No.774814
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Where my dad works they had a "game room" for the mentally handicapped who lived there. It was like a free arcade and it was awesome. They had a Whirlwind pinball machine, Pole Position, some basket and football arcade games, Skee ball, and a version of Pacman s that you looked down on that seem to be still common in Japan. I thought that machine was especially cool because you never see them anymore. This was 15 years ago though, apparently Pole Position is gone, Pac Man broke one day, and whirlwind is still there but doesn't work.

I don't own any of my own machines, but if I I could own any it would be pic related. Those guns shook so much and the game itself was so fun with a bro. Me and some dude teamed up and destroyed it. We engaged in a high five after entering our score.

>> No.774812


Nothing, provided you build it yourself. Converting original arcade cabinets into MAME machines is of dubious morality.

>> No.774843

I have 2 complete Cruis'n Exotica PCBs sitting around. How much you think they are worth?

>> No.774846

If you were as knowledgeable as you purport to be then perhaps you would have noticed no arcade game named Polybius exists.

>> No.774849

Wow man. wow.

Keep it up though, you sound ok.

>> No.774847

All I want is a Hydro Thunder sit down cabinet and my life will be complete.

>> No.774850


>> No.774853

Fucking moron, no shit Robb Sherwin's fake Polybius cabinet is fake. Wikipedia is amazing.

>> No.774857

Polybius is a supposed arcade game featured in an Internet urban legend. According to the story, the Tempest-style game was released to the public in 1981, and caused its players to go insane, causing them to suffer from intense stress, horrific nightmares, and even suicidal tendencies. A short time after its release, it supposedly disappeared without a trace. Not much evidence for the existence of such a game has ever been discovered.[1] Polybius gets its name from the Greek historian who, among his other works, was known for his works in relation to cryptography and for developing the Polybius square.

According to the story, an unheard-of new arcade game appeared in several suburbs of Portland, Oregon in 1981, something of a rarity at the time. The game proved to be incredibly popular, to the point of addiction, and lines formed around the machines, often resulting in fighting over who played next. This was followed by clusters of visits from men in black. Rather than the usual marketing data collected by company visitors to arcade machines, they collected some unknown data, allegedly testing responses to the psychoactive machines. The players themselves suffered from a series of unpleasant side effects, including amnesia, insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, and even suicide in some versions of the legend. Some players stopped playing video games, while reportedly one became an antigaming activist. The supposed creator of Polybius is Ed Rotberg, and the company named in the urban legend is Sinneslöschen (what seems to be a slightly incorrect German translation for "To have erased your mind"), often named as either a secret government organization or a codename for Atari. The gameplay is said to be similar to Tempest (a shoot 'em up game using vector graphics), while the game is said to contain subliminal messages which would influence the action of anyone playing it.

>> No.774867
File: 45 KB, 500x375, polybius.simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.775115

Are you confident that every arcade game ever to have existed has been cataloged and dumped?

They haven't.

>> No.775121

Wow you can reverse image search. You're so much more informed than everybody else. The point is that not just that Polybius machine is fake, but that any iterations of cabinets or software using that font are instantly recognizable as not being of an early 80s vintage.

>> No.775206

This is /vr/ if you want to talk about dumping the Polybius PCB please go here >>>/x/

To >>775121
I didn't reverse image search shit, I googled Polybius arcade. You'd be surprised how much more information you can acquire doing this. Imagine my surprise when Wikipedia's article used your image.

Tell me about Hermann Zapf.

>> No.775218

It's not my image. I am quite sure that Polybius is, in fact, simply an urban legend but I feel it contributes more to the conversation to discuss the things like why that manufactured cabinet should instantly be recognizable as not period, like how it was constructed and out of what. It's also interesting to discuss the remote possibility of such a thing existing, considering there ARE real lost arcade games.

You, know - discussion. For the forum. Not just "Hey Guise be smart like me and just read Wikipedia then you'll have no reason to talk to each other"

If you're so well informed now how about explaining to me why that cab has it's monitor mounted vert when every fanmade Polybius I ever played is hori.

>> No.775221

I like how it only has one button.

>> No.775227

I never noticed that. Good find

>> No.775230

You really think I'm going to spoonfeed information to someone who's proven he's too lazy to do the research it himself? Your genius ass has played games that imitate a game no one ever saw.

Maybe if you could read instead of getting distracted by the font that makes up the words every time you'd know that the game is like Tempest, a vertically oriented vector game.

>> No.775237
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>> No.775248


>> No.775257
File: 13 KB, 300x300, simon-rolls-eyes-got-talent[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly Polybius was a tempest-like vector game. Tempest is not only a vert vector game, it also employs a dial controller that cabinet clearly lacks so I guess it's not all THAT much like Tempest, huh?

Also I'm going to infer from your post that the cabinet doesn't even have any functional game in it at all, which is extremely lame.

>> No.775268
File: 146 KB, 552x800, polybius_48-in-100[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it has a 48-in-1 in it. Also has a mismatched panel. I hope he built it out of junk because it's definitely a piece of shit.

>> No.775285

That fuckin Arkanoid looks like it fell on its face, too. What's going on at this guy's house?

>> No.775327
File: 8 KB, 162x320, polybius1086566949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dial controller? >>775237

Your attitudes are strange, we all know that the one with the weird font is a multi arcade game machine. This guy certainly does >>775268

How the hell are you having Simon roll his eyes at me when I answered the question? The reason the monitor is vertical is because Polybius is, by your own admission, Tempest-like. Since you know all about Polybius have this picture of a real cabinet with vertical screen.

>> No.775345


House? You mean government testing facility right?

>> No.775351

Yeah you can meet some people with some really bad attitudes on 4chan, huh?

>> No.775352


>believing in polybius

>> No.775357


>not believing in the Arcade Museum


>> No.775362

Berzerk is the greatest arcade game ever IMO.

Outrun 2 SP DX is the other best arcade game.

>> No.775367


>class: concept, one off, or hoax

yeah you sure showed me

>> No.775369

It never fails. Sometimes you deal with the irascible. Just power through.

>> No.775386

OK, you win your long battle: I admit that Polybius was a horizontally-oriented game like you've constantly been claiming based on a font argument.

>> No.775396

I like Berzerk but I think Venture is superior

>> No.775398
File: 13 KB, 320x170, mqdefault_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mortal Kombat II Rev L3.1 for the arcade is the greatest videogame ever made.

>> No.775404

How much practice does it take to seem so stupid?

>> No.775412

To feign stupidity rivaling yours in order to satirize your behavior and attitudes? It takes an uncommon excellence. Luckily practice is no concern as I constantly deal with my inferiors and have ample opportunity to parody them through mimickry.

>> No.775418

It's more your uncanny ability to assume that posts made by different people are made by the same people while simultaneously assuming posts made by the same person are made by different people. It's like some kind of gift.

Of course, obstinately pretending to misunderstand clear posts goes a long way too

>> No.775426

OK, you win your now-extended battle: I admit that posts made by different people are made by the same people and that posts made by the same people are made by different people.

>> No.775526

>JAMMA+ Conversion Class

You know, he can just hook a PC up to it without modding the cabinet at all...
JAMMA was always meant to be converted to any game, what's wrong with converting it to EVERY game?

>> No.775740

I think they are worth about $400 each. I'd buy a exotica for my cab but the swap isn't as easy add it is for USA and world.

>> No.775856
File: 1.36 MB, 960x540, 1361146016706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an astro city cab with a 4 slot mvs board in it. It's 1200 + shipping. Is that a fair price? I found a local cab for 300 but it's kind of run down. Can you put a mame pc in a jamma cab without fucking up the integrity of the machine? I'd like to buy it for the cab and switch the screen for a vertically oriented lcd to play shmups.

>> No.775903

It only has two buttons though so I'll probably add at least two more and one of the things that's been holding me back is deciding which kick harness to install, or whether to bother with that at all.

>> No.775907


An astro in the US is 800$ max and that's giving it a big stretch ,the machine has to be in really good shape.Usually it goes between 500.

For emulation this is the most straightforward solution, wait for his launch. It will worth every penny.


4 slots usually goes for 150$, it really depends in which games are on the 4slots but I doubt that in the end>>775856
it would be a fair trade.

>> No.775910

>Can you put a mame pc in a jamma cab without fucking up the integrity of the machine?

>I'd like to buy it for the cab and switch the screen for a vertically oriented lcd to play shmups.
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.775914

Yes, you can. drop in an IPAC and an arcadeVGA and you're fucking golden.

>> No.775940

Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry if I offended your delicate sensibilities.

Googling that stuff now. I appreciate the info.

Thanks for the responses guys.

>> No.776123

I just can't imagine why you'd spend money to replace an arcade CRT with an LCD. Do you have weak birdy arms that can't rotate a CRT or something?

At any rate if you DO get rid of a perfectly good arcade CRT you should let KyaDash have it for the cost of shipping and packing materials. I've been working on convincing him to get one and build a SCART adapter and enclosure for it to experience shadow mask in it's maximum glory.

>> No.776141


i remember seeing one of those in trago mills in England, i always thought that place had a kind of American feel to it.

>> No.776286

Your problem is researching these things as "arcade games" you'll have more success researching "carnival games"

>> No.777152

Yeah Japanese cabs imported to Utah and sold for double their fair market value in the US seems like a good business. I saw how he was getting $400 extra for an astro with an MVS inside. Seemed like big markup from the $800 for superior cabs without any boards.

Also, did you try estimating the freight? Sure he charges $25 pallet fee...but did you know about the $333 freight fee?

>> No.777158

Yeah definitely give things that people would pay money for to a massive tripfag who does nothing but post the same pictures of a TV he never actually uses to play games, only sperg out with.

>> No.777167

Wait nevermind, you want to install vertical LCDs in cabinets. You're the scum that people actually hate about MAME Frankenstein computer illiterates. Have fun ruining your shit. When you learn about horizontal refresh rates you'll figure out why your screen is tearing. When you fix your tearing you'll learn why you have such terrible input lag.

>> No.777170

But then he'd post pictures of the arcade monitor too - and that guy obviously doesn't place any value on the arcade CRT if he's going to replace it with an LCD

>> No.777181

Can you show us some places that sell empty Japanese candy cabs (with monitor) for around these prices? I recently found some Egret 3s but they were almost 1000 dollars and he'd taken out the monitors and sold them separately. It's hard determining what real prices are when everyone sells things at price points that discourage actual customers.

>> No.777186

Go to http://www.arcadecontrols.com if you want to see people using arcade monitors and even TVs with JAMMA rigs, BNC breakout cables, and custom 15 khz video drivers.

>> No.777201

The thing about having a "tripcode identifier" is that one can easily discard it tactically in order to appear anonymous and solicit donations for themselves. Isn't that right, KyaDash?

>> No.777229

I would not want to be KyaDash have you seen the background of that pic he posts of his gaming desk? I'd just like for him to have a shadowmask arcade CRT

>> No.777290

>Sure he charges $25 pallet fee...but did you know about the $333 freight fee?
I don't see anything unusual or sleazy about this, as you seem to suggest there is. Freight on cabinets is fucking expensive, especially at long distances.

>> No.777309


Your best bet are forums like neo geo.com,craiflist and operators from californea,florida and texas.

Los angeles seems a good zone to search, a friend of mine got an good offer from an operator, astro citys like for 400.

Their craiglist is a hotspot too, one guy on neo geo . com grabed capcom impres's and status 25 for a very good price.

>> No.777325


Shame about that, its almost quite sure he jewing out. An fair price for a egret 3 is 900 dolars as it comes with a tri-sinc monitor.

No way someone is going to buy a shell just for 1000$, poor fellas...

>> No.777584

Sorry m8 the run down cab I was looking at has a broken crt screen and it seems easy to pop in an lcd. No reason to lose your cool. Stay chilly guy.

You sound like one of those weird purist guys who doesn't like fun. I explicitly stated that I don't want to rip out the board or mess up the machine. I will have to put in a new monitor and I have some lcd screens around so that seems like an easy fix. I don't really care about tearing, refresh rates, or input lag so just take a breath and keep it positive man. Some people just like stuff and aren't really picky like you are. Peace have fun with your weekend.

>> No.777602
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>tfw there were never any arcades in my home town

>> No.777654
File: 17 KB, 268x246, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AndI have over 300 confirmed kills in Halo 2.

>> No.777685
File: 79 KB, 608x233, ( ͡­°­ ͜ʖ­ ͡°­).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778805

You're thinking about paying $300 for a cabinet with no CRT?

>> No.778807

>pop in an lcd
if you're planning on anything less than a 120Hz 3DVision2 capable display that can do black frame insertion, don't fucking bother

>> No.778827
File: 1.69 MB, 250x250, jack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching X-Files
>Opening scene in an arcade
>Not because it's supposed to be retro, but because it was filmed in 1994

>> No.778830

A run-down cabinet with no CRT is basically a pile of wood. It shouldn't be more than $100.

Good luck getting a decent LCD that syncs 15KHz and doesn't look like ass. Hint: you can't.

>> No.779151


>Jack Black watching Giovanni Ribisi playing Virtua Fighter to James.
what could be more 90's?

>> No.779303

I miss it sometimes.

>> No.779465


More impressive in this picture is the fucking upright warlords in amazing condition.

>> No.779916

Have you played that version of Warlords? Not as devastating as the arcade version of Pitfall 2 by Sega but still quite definitive.

>> No.780391


I know it isn't the better version. It's black and white and only allows two player instead of four. However, given that there were 1200 tabletops made and 1000 uprights made, it is the more rare version. That one is in great condition too.

>> No.780852

If you think that's retro game related, you should check out more of the arcadecontrols type sites.

One guy out there bought an actual prop from the X Files...a PVM monitor that he uses for baller ass retro gaming. He has pictures of it in various scenes as he attempts to forensically reconstruct injuries it suffered over the years through X Files screenshots.

>> No.780856
File: 22 KB, 400x266, normal_xf104417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.780860

It's pretty bad when you start recognizing specific models. One of the later seasons had a room full of desktop PCs with GDM-W900 monitors.

>one might still be floating around
>it's not mine

>> No.780884

>JAMMA is a 4 button standard
No, JAMMA specifies 3 action buttons and a start button. The Sega Genesis controller was designed to mimic it.

Neo-Geo and a few other boards use one of the N/C pins after the three action buttons for a fourth. That doesn't make it part of the standard.

>> No.780889


>> No.780908

>JAMMA is a 4 button standard
>what is a kick harness

>> No.780928

A kick harness is not JAMMA

>> No.780930

A "kick" harness is an additional connector developed by Capcom because JAMMA only supplied three action button lines.

>> No.780946

Well the point is that if you get a Genesis controller supergun, you'll save on controllers but you won't be playing MVS on it and if you're not able to play MVS on it then why have it?

>> No.780951

There's MK and VF kick harnesses too. Even CPS1 had a different kick harness than CPS2

>> No.780956

For MVS it's not too strange to just have a dedicated "consolized" MVS board because they usually have AES joystick ports and a headphone output already. Just throw in a video encoder and PSU and you're good.

>> No.780971

>Be Capcom
>Go far out of my way to have more than four buttons for my fighting games
>Be twenty years later

>> No.780983

Oh! Well that's pretty neat are there other 21:9 "PANORAMIC" monitors?

>> No.780986


Just a little wider and you could play Darius on it.

>> No.780991

you could play the two-screen version of darius with only an eighth of your screen letterboxed. Still would need to be quite a bit wider for the triple screen version.

>> No.780996

But not The NinjaWarriors

>> No.781006

Or panoramic Race Drivin'

>> No.781014

>How do I into lowest common denominator?

>> No.781025

pretty sure it's like that for easy comparison to 16:9

>> No.781057

You mean 5.66:3? I know its not mathematically correct its just to make it easy to compare to 4:3

>> No.781061

16/3 is 5.333, buddy

>> No.782963

Would love to get my hands on a toobin. Passed on one for 450 at last year's Ca. Extreme. Sort of kicking myself for it still, but it allowed me to buy a dr. Who pinball a week later

>> No.784081


Jogged my memory. There's a toobin in the bay area right now: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/ele/3820538291.html

>> No.784101

There's an MvC1 machine in my area for sale at 400 bones. I want it, but I don't have the space for it, nor the desire to spend $400 on it. Maybe if he doesn't sell it it'll go lower but MvC machines typically go quick.

>> No.784102
File: 24 KB, 337x450, 3E93r63J65s85q55M5d67f16e18c0d91214d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad that MAME atrocities website isn't around or maintained anymore, I found a top contender just now.

I wish there were higher resolution pictures available. I'd love to know what's going on here.

From what I can tell, it's just an old dell glued onto a crummy old poker game... it doesn't even have arcade controls, just the keyboard.
So horrifying.

>> No.785492

That Shittsburgh Steelers sticker makes it even worse.

>> No.786167
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If i ever had the cash i would start a arcade. Not a Jewcade.

Pinball, free ski ball on Saturdays and Sundays, Arcade machines everywhere, tournaments... yeah, it would be awesome.

>tfw i wont have the cash for it for years

>> No.786191

Please live near me so I can get mediocre high scores and have them wiped out by some 15 year old kid with a pocket full of quarters and hours of free time.

>> No.786198


>> No.786210

Chicago actually, worth the drive for a sweet arcade.

>> No.786214

Living your dream bro. I live in Hartford CT and I've already owned 2 restaurants and with my jew powers I'm collecting arcade machines and opening a barcade just like that.

Already have an impressive lineup of 5 pinball games including Super Mario Bros, The Simpsons, and Shaq Attaq.

>> No.786218

I was just thinking about building my first MAME machine
Any hints for building the cabinet or anything?

>> No.786219

There was a WalMart that was going to be torn down (it moved) i thought it would be perfect for a huge arcade, then it got torn down

>> No.786223

I like that little SMB pinball machine. Probably one of the best fun:size ratios in pinball

>> No.786226

>opening a barcade
Why not just be honest and admit what you're really opening: A bar with an arcade theme that would be better off as a full bar.

>> No.786227

You dont have to rub it in

>> No.786234

Probably. Shaq Attaq is more fun because of the hilarity. You got shaq fu, a shitty fighter, and you have shaq attaq, a decent pinball game
Arcades aren't profitable anymore unless I jew up the games which I'll never do.

>> No.786236

Just get a shit machine that has a good monitor and convert it with an ipac and arcadevga

or those Nvidia 15khz drivers everyone's going to recommend but don't come crying to me if it pops your CRT during bootup.

>> No.786246
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Either you're under 21 or an antisocial twat

Barcades are great fun

>> No.786245

planning on serving the fighter community? Barcade in NY sucks dik

>> No.786250

Yup. Bought a MvC2 machine, converting a broken DoA2 machine to Guilty Gear XX, planning on buying Mortal Kombat 3 and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Tournaments as always, winner gets free drinks, loser gets rekt.

>> No.786252

Arcades being unprofitable is something of a circular, self-fulfilling thing.
Either way, you're taking the same route as EA/Activision-Blizzard/etc. There are two options before you. The true, noble path that results in something that is truly good, and the sellout path that relies on casuals and brogamers to maximize profit.

Choose wisely.

Alcohol and arcade games don't mix. If I want to go to a fucking bar, I want to go to a bar. If I want to play arcade games, the last thing I want to do is have a drink.

You're the kind of person who says that kind of thing and then turns around and talks about how much arcade games eat quarters.

>> No.786259

I was originally going to get an old machine and recycle it, but I figured that building it from scratch would all be part of the fun
If I ever build I second, I was probably going for an old machine

>> No.786263

The true noble bath will result in me going bankrupt and the arcades being deader.
The idea is you come in because its a bar, and stay because 'oh look its an arcade machine i remember these lemme try dong kong"

>> No.786280
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>drinking and competitive video games don't mix

is dis nigga serious

>> No.786281

You'll have better luck saving the money that you'd use to buy a Donkey Kong cabinet and putting it toward some xboxes so that they can play Call of Duty, because it will interest your target demographic a lot more.

>> No.786289

This is bait

>> No.786292

No, it's an honest opinion. That's quite a popular thing for barcades to do, actually.

>> No.786296

Insert Coins does both, and both the bar area (with the 360/PS3s) and the arcade cab areas are packed full constantly.

>> No.786316

Being drunk kind of precludes taking a game even remotely seriously, and what kind of joke of an arcade would result from that? Skillful genres and single-player games would easily be overlooked in place of drunken fighting game button mashing.

No dignity.

>> No.786317


this would be the first thing i would buy

>> No.786323

you sound like a barrel of fun

I help coordinate a night at a local nightclub, we brought in Smash Bros. Melee and 4 controllers the other day and it was an enormous hit. You're really in the minority here

>> No.786325

I didn't say it can't be fun, I said it's a poor excuse for an arcade.

>> No.786336

>all arcades must be super serious places for super serious gamers like myself

>> No.786337
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Some capcomy goodness. I have 8 machines all in storage. My children cannot be trusted yet to keep them in good shape.

One day... One day.

>> No.786347

Sad. I'd expect better from /vr/. With posts like yours, it feels more like I'm on /v/ than anything. No wonder arcades are dead in the west, if people like you comprise the few who actually WANT arcades to exist.

>> No.786346

I want one of those Capcom multi game machines so bad I can taste it

>> No.786354

Sounds like YOU'RE the party pooper. Arcades are places to shoot the shit and pass the time, not hallowed dens of honorable competition.

>> No.786356
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>arcades are dead because people aren't opening arcades with a historically unprofitable business model, and people interested in making arcades appealing to modern customers are killing arcades

>> No.786364

There's busted ass Monster Mash pinball machine at my local bowling alley. The goddamn thing isn't even level (actually it is PERFECTLY level and that's the problem) and drunk fuckheads are at that thing constantly.
these late 30s to 40-somethings don't want CoD, they want Mrs. Pacman and Arkanoid

>> No.786365

Uh-huh. Well, the problem is that the majority of currently existing, successful arcades completely disagree with your philosophy.

That's basically the same justification that could be used for the entirety of the modern video game industry, you know.

>> No.786370

Except the barcades I've been to (outside Dave & Busters) don't even stock modern arcade games.

>> No.786381

>don't even stock modern arcade games.
Of course, there's little reason for them to do so, and that's just one more reason why they're poor substitutes for the real thing, not that you'll see modern games outside of a few places in california.

>> No.786384

proof or poof motherfucker.
Even Chuck E Cheese hardly has arcade machines anymore and the ones they DO have are fucking Fruit Ninja. I'm curious as to what dead serious arcade you think exists

>> No.786390

The proof is that I never said anything about the US, you ethnocentric fool.

>> No.786397
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Wait, are you seriously trying to use the existence of traditional arcades in places like Japan as justification for their viability in other countries?

>> No.786403

Who said anything about viability. The conversation just now was about what an arcade is.

Why are you having so much trouble keeping things straight here? Are you drunk? That's why I said it doesn't mix with arcade games, it ruins your concentration.

>> No.786429

>pro-barcade posters point out that traditional arcades aren't viable business models

>"the majority of currently existing, successful arcades completely disagree with your philosophy."

>pro-barcade posters point out that these arcades you're talking about are non-existent

>b-b-b-but outside the US they exist!

How in the fuck are we not talking about viability, you even had to go so far as to bring up non-applicable examples to try and support your bullshit stance

>> No.786439

Oh Jesus that is too good. Best backpedal ever.

>> No.786440

Maybe you should try reading the post that I was replying to. It was (probably) yours, so I'd imagine you should have an idea of its contents.
Then maybe try re-reading it just to double check what you ACTUALLY typed while drunk.

At any rate, since I'm tired, and you've done nothing but re-arrange the argument and post reaction images, I'm going to bed.

>> No.786446

sweet dreams toots

>> No.786503

You realize that you don't have to drink in a barcade if you don't want to, right? The only way I can see the bar part of it hurting your experience is if you can't find any sober people to play multiplayer games, which seems like a fair trade-off considering that arcades basically have to be attached to a bar or restaurant to succeed in the West.

>> No.786515

dem cps2

>> No.786990

OK, how about Hampton Beach or Salisbury Beach? Row on row, hundreds of retro games.

>> No.787016
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>The B boards hold battery-backed memory containing decryption keys needed for the games to run. As time passes, these batteries lose their charge and the games stop functioning, because the CPU cannot execute any code without the decryption keys. This is known to hobbyists as the "suicide battery". It is possible to bypass the original battery and swap it out with a new one[1] in-circuit, but this must be done before the original falls below 2V or the keys will be lost.

>> No.787034


I seem to recall pin-compatible replacement ROMs being sold at one point. Apparently someone dumped the sram and turned them into more permanent solutions.

>> No.787046

that's good, I just remembered reading that article and feeling sad a while back

>> No.787704

phoenix boards is what ya mean, lots on ebay, tend to be alot cheaper than B boards with batteries still in place, I have a few myself

>> No.787710

Had a MVS but sold it as I moved it

>> No.789025
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i just bought a fully populated playchoice 10 for 80 bucks.

>> No.789071
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i-i-is t-that a service key left on that cabinet?


>> No.789094
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anyone else building a cabinet? i just finished the first side of mine.

>> No.789096
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>> No.789114

Wow. I know a guy that knows a girl that wants to get rid of one but she doesn't want my $100 for it. Where's you find it?

>> No.789438

might be for both left and right handed people

>> No.789842


nice target stools bro :3

>> No.792206

have been planning to but it's a bitch to find a decent crt
might just buy a tv from a second hand shop and strip it down

>> No.792243

Anyone here ever been to Hershey Park in PA, USA? My dad ran Minetown Arcade and I pretty much spent my childhood in that arcade with a copy of his coin slot key opening games and flicking the coin bar for free credits. I felt like such a badass those days.

>> No.792508

1. Go into whatever CRT thread is up on /vr/
2. Tell everyone you have a Playchoice-10
3. Get 10 offers for just the PCB, starting at $400

The Playchoice-10 is the only thing in the entire world that lets PVM / RGB / SCART "enthusiasts" output a true RGB signal from an NES. Just a tip. Offers start at $400.

>> No.792608
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you mean the sanyo 20ez chassis? it's not all that special. you are probably thinking of the PPU chip that outputs rgb, and yea those are rare and expensive. which means if i wanted i could double my money and chuck the cab in the trash, but i'd rather play punch out with my friends.

>> No.792615

Yeah, but the RGB the PC10 systems spit out is nasty due to how it is coded. Looks fine in the arcade, looks like neon nonsense on TV.

>> No.792658

>looks like neon nonsense as a palette on my emulator
this isn't how it looks on an rgb display

Good for you. If I get that PS10 from that girl fpr $100 I'll do the same thing, just like I do with my Vs. Unisystem right now.
>non-spoiler protip: Did you know that several of the Playchoice cartridges can be chip-swapped with NES games that were never available for Playchoice?

>> No.792676

there's a guy on ebay selling roms for $15
?tfw my playchoice is now a galaga cab

>> No.792682

time to stop drinking

>> No.792696

Why would I call an arcade PCB a monitor chassis? Fuck yourself you arrogant prick, scanning all recent sales of Playchoice-10 currently to get your information from seller.

>> No.792708

no the sanyo is the rgb monitor, which is what i thought you were talking about. and i got it in a face-to-face transaction there sport so unless you're the NSA good luck.

>> No.792884
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He thought you bought a Playchoice 10 on ebay for $80. Wonder if he also thought you got shipping included too.

Basement dweller detected.

captcha: kingnno economy

>> No.792939

ive got a space invader, a lowboy with a 48 in 1, a mamed astro city, and another couple gutted lowboy shells in the shed.

As an aussie,(and im not trolling here, its my opinion) It shits me to tears when i see all these americans building cabs when there's awesome cabs everywhere there for cheap.

My question to you is why not restore a peice of history? Inb4 Mah franken panels and custom art

>> No.792945

I challenge you to a Duel to the Death in a state in which it is legal to do so. I pick Tennessee.

>> No.792956

As the challenged I select Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior as weapons.

>> No.792967
File: 2.07 MB, 2458x3687, sf2ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my SF2:CE cabinet I got not too long ago.

It's all I have in my outer gameroom at the moment, hoping to get a pin next year.

>> No.792970
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Cool I'll take mine as a PCB installed in a CPS2 case, filled with lead, filed down on one side to a razor edge, and mounted on an ash pole.

>> No.793026

You are obviously unfamiliar with the code duello and therefore not a gentleman and not worthy of issuing a challenge.

>> No.793216

nice, take that nigger! is the best intro in all of video games.

>> No.793784

i'm just gonna put a LCD. i wanted a slim cabinet, both because it takes less space and is easier to build

>> No.793979

Them's fightin' words around these parts, Stranger.

>> No.794120
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>building instead of restoring/retro fitting

Why do i even come to this board anymore

>> No.794467

just gtfo

>> No.794491

You gtfo. He's right. Unless that guy is planning to buy a very expensive arcade spec LCD monitor which ain't likely.

>> No.794513

Are there any great arcade games which require more than 5 buttons? I'm building a custom stick for my own personal use, and most of the games I can think of that I would play (Puzzle Bobble, TGM3, Berzerk, etc.) run on 4 or less. The most I know of is 6 for Street Fighter, and then whatever the hell is going on with mahjong games (which I don't play).

I have 13 solder points total for the controller I'm working with, and 4 for joystick + 5 for buttons would leave me 4 inputs for coin, pause, etc. That should do for just about everything but Capcom fighters and specialty inputs, yeah?

>> No.794514

No dude, you see what this board has become as I do. Don't gtfo...stop contributing meaningful content. Do nothing but shit up threads the way everyone else does. Take the board down from the inside like everyone else is determined to. They don't want to do things right so we'll make no one want to visit here.

>> No.794518

No wonder even those who build arcade cabs right with tri-sync monitors and custom video drivers are considered pieces of shit around here and driven off the board.

Good luck attaching dildoes to your cabinet.

>> No.794530

I loved the xmen game too bro. I actually found it on the iOS store for $.99. All those quarters I wasted and now I can play anytime.

Nightcrawler all the way. Dazzler.....gay

>> No.794578

Keyword ipac

>> No.794596

I don't see what the big deal is, I too have had ideas for 'ultraslim' arcade cabinets which had very little width or depth, a sort of modern reimagining, if you will, of the upright golden age cabs. The point is that if I were to build this idea, I would also likely choose an LCD, because as nice as it is to have the space and budget for a quality arcade CRT, some people just don't have that. Is it so wrong for them to adapt things to their needs?

>> No.794601

Been there, done that. I'm doing this with a cheap usb gamepad that wasn't up to snuff. Easy dive into PCB soldering and a fun little project.

>> No.794608

I didn't think Outfoxies was THAT rare, though arcade cabs are expensive anyhow

>> No.794623

90% of the internet knew about that before you did

>> No.794652

90% of /vr/ read that post before you replied to it

>> No.794660

Best option for an LCD would be to get one of the 120Hz 3D Vision 2 compatible monitors that have a strobing backlight, then use black frame insertion. Gives you nearly CRT-smooth motion and no blur.

>> No.794659

Nobody needs an arcade cabinet.

>> No.794698

I've heard that and I'd really like to see one in action for myself. I DO know that new Japanese cabdy cabs gave LCDs in them (which is why there are so many CRT candy cabs appearing on the consumer market) and generally the nips are pretty anal about authenticity. Those LCS candy cabs may only be for arcade games that put out a digital signal native though.

>> No.794739


The LCD thing is debatable, but what the hell is wrong with building a cabinet yourself now?

I just don't get some people on this board...

>> No.794758

Its like armchair quarterbacks. I don't know how to re-word it for this scenario.

>> No.794761

The building you own cabinet vs. "destroying" a classic cabinet is a lose/lose thing around here. People do bad jobs of both (and think they did good to the point of posting pictures of their results)

>> No.794769
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I actually think that a lot of self-builds look better than "classic" cabs (or even candy cabs for that matter)

Pic related, its the shape (not artwork) I'm going for.

>> No.794780

It's cute but it looks a little naked without a coin door. It doesn't even have a coin button so it clearly wasn't built to play arcade games on. Also if that is indeed an lcd in there it could have been probably another whole foot shallower.

>> No.794782

Oh wait now I see the coin buttons

>> No.794803
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I'll be putting a coin door just because it looks fucking awesome.

>> No.794804
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Most people use an ipac (or similar encoder), which has a shift function. Holding down P1 Start remaps the other buttons so you can have more functions, e.g. coin, operator menu, quit game etc.

>> No.794812 [DELETED] 
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Also, there are passive scanline generators for LCDs which give pretty nice results

>> No.794826

I didn't know ipacs did that. Can you disable that? I was planning to use an ipac2 for my mame conversion on my Bally Sente that's already been converted to a Wrestlefest anyway but I'm going for MAME to be as invisible as possible. I'd hate for players to hold down start and get all jiggered.

>> No.794846

I think so. The Ipac has two button layouts, the default is a preset mame config with player 1 start as shift button. The second is freely programmable, allowing you to chose which button to use as a shift button (or none)

>> No.795839


It's completely configurable in the config software. ipacs save config to flash memory too, so you can set it and forget it.

>> No.795914

Sweet! Gonna call about that tomorrow.

It will be my 1st vid. All my other games are pins or novelty games. Currently have a funhouse, guns n roses, earthshaker, whitewater, dr who, Jurassic park, high speed, a midway deluxe shooting gallery, grand slam pitch n bat, and a united bowling alley 14' version.