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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7705994 No.7705994 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite point and click adventure game?

>> No.7706005

lookin good!

>> No.7706019


>> No.7706024

Operation Weather Disaster

>> No.7706036
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>> No.7706058

Zak McKracken

>> No.7706062
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Can't really choose just one, but I think the genre peaked with Day of the Tentacle in terms of design and it's place in the zeitgeist.

My favorite "hidden gem" would be DreamWeb (on PC!), a cyberpunk point & click adventure with tons of atmosphere. It's freeware and available for download on the ScummVM site.

>> No.7706131

>I think the genre peaked with Day of the Tentacle
>Not Sam & Max: Hit the Road

>> No.7706143
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Can't decide between LeChuck's Revenge and Curse of Monkey Island. Played 'em back to back and they both had me in stitches.

>> No.7706161

The Longest Journey

>> No.7706163

1. Pajama Sam
2. Spy Fox
3. Freddie Fish
4. Putt Putt

>> No.7706194

I love Sam & Max, but DotT with it's 3 protagonists split into 3 different places in time in the same house having to work together with cross-temporal puzzles is just peak adventure game design at the time of the genre zenith.

>> No.7706275

So... Ya wanna be a pirate eh?

>> No.7706285
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Conquests of the Longbow

>> No.7706523
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Toonstruck has been a favorite of mine since my kindergarden days. Lord knows that I was too young for it then, but my dad let me play it anyway

>> No.7707114
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Patrician taste

>> No.7707146 [DELETED] 

DoTT was the peak of moon logic inventory puzzle hell.

>> No.7707149

Your mom

>> No.7707160 [DELETED] 

DotT was the peak of moon logic inventory puzzle hell. Sam & Max had shit puzzles too.

>> No.7707478

Riven's cool, but hard to figure out. I also like Amber: Journey Beyond and Lighthouse: The Dark Being for being so creepy.

>> No.7707484
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>> No.7707545
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>> No.7707571

Wonderful game.

For me straight up adventure is Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis, but if we're allowing hybrids then its Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire.

>> No.7707580
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>> No.7707630

A worthy choice.

>> No.7708024

Nice. But for me, it's the first Kyrandia.

>> No.7708052
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>> No.7708084

adventures of willy beamish

>> No.7708087
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Chronicles of the Sword.

>> No.7708303

The Dig is probably my favorite adventure game, but I have a soft spot for Simon the Sorcerer and Fate of Atlantis too because I played them for 6 months straight.

>> No.7708310
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>> No.7708320
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Can you recommend me a few good p&c games with heavy occult themes?

I've already played Broken Sword and Gabriel Knight 1&2 and Broken Mirror

>> No.7708326
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1. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
2. Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
3. The Secret of Monkey Island
4. Broken Sword 2: Smoking Mirror
5. Monkey Island 4

Of course I love The Dig, Full Throttle, Sam & Max, Loom, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle just as much, but I don't have a lot of nostalgic value for them.

>> No.7708568

I just played DotT, and I thought it sucked ass. Luckily, it was the ps4 remaster and had the original MM on it which is leagues better.

>> No.7708590

Have I hurt you somehow trjanny or are you actually this trash?

>> No.7708591

All DOTTs have MM in them, you just have to know where to look.

>> No.7708617

Seethe harder fag, the game is shit. The “mansion” felt tiny as fuck with entire rooms completely unused, the time travel gimmick was trash and mainly used as a way to pad out the play time, having to swap items between the different characters was AIDS-inducing tedium, the humor was non-existent, and for a Lucasarts game, is a real letdown, there’s only one way to beat it and it’s fucking lame, the art style is fucking hideous, the music is garbage...shall I go on, pussy?

>> No.7708634

>shall I go on
Nah, we get it, you're trash adventure games aren't for you.

>> No.7709782

grim fandango

>> No.7709824

>playing ps4 remaster
>thinking your opinion has value

>> No.7709832
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Doubt anyone remembers it but Simon the Sorcerer, the main character was voiced by Chris Barrie from Red Dwarf and the music, voice acting and humour was fantastic, basically the tonal opposite to I have no mouth and I must scream/

>> No.7709870 [DELETED] 

Lucasarts games are such a boring normie answer. The puzzles in their games always sucked.

>> No.7709926

If we allow hybrids then Superhero League of Hoboken is worth checking out, especially if you like hammed-up cheesy superheroes IN FUTURE POSTAPOCALYPTIC AMERICA!!!

>> No.7709937

Lucasarts games are such a boring normie answer. Their puzzles always sucked, and they often gave you way too many inventory items to manage.
This was peak adventure game design. No dead ends, limited inventory, puzzles that required critical thinking, fun minigames, plenty of easter eggs, and the story was very faithful to the source material.

>> No.7709940

Easy. Monkey Island 3

>> No.7709949

>the corrupted barn

>> No.7710408

Music with Roland mt32 is fantastic, but the story sucks ass - there is zero logic in quests and no meaningful progression. Was playing this after Kyrandia 1 and got disapointed.

Full Throttle is the best I think.

>> No.7710447

flight of the amazon queen gets worce as the game goes on. but it stars out great.
fav would prob be one of the humoncolus enternatment games.

>> No.7710448

I liked Blazing Dragons as a kid, but recently replaying it made me realize that early consoles just weren't the place for these kinds of games.

>> No.7710470

I'm 31 so I missed the point and click era as I was too young for most. But I have played a few like Sam and Max, and Fates of Atlantis, both of which were amazing, Sam and Max was especially great. The TellTale series really didn't do it for me after that one.

>> No.7710629

>Full Throttle
The most style over substance of any Lucasarts game

>> No.7710637

>Not Loom

>> No.7710672

Their only real mistake was mixing in non-PnC elements. I don’t know if that’s what you were alluding to or not, but the traditional PnC parts of the game had plenty of substance themselves.

>> No.7710674
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Based on pure nostalgia. I haven't booted these disks for a quarter of a century.

>> No.7711301

Not retro, but there's a real hidden gem on PC called Primordia
You can beat it in 4-6 hours, but it's great
It's post-apocaliptic sci-fi

>> No.7711363

Wadjet Eye stuff is pretty great in that they just keep doing adventure games JUST like in the 90s and nailing the aesthetics and vibe.

>> No.7711504

Definitely Diablo 2.
Fuck off. You point and click and adventure. Deal with it.

>> No.7711738
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I've always had a weak spot for "woodruff and the schnibble of azimuth"

>> No.7711797

>doubt anyone remembers it
>mentioned in like every p&c thread
Simon 1&2 were superb.
Shame about 3D.

>> No.7711802

Not really. Most Wadjet stuff is either Walking Sim-tier or very low quality.
Only a few of the games they published for others like Primordia is really similar to 90s classics.

>> No.7711807

I got huge diminishing returns with them.

Gemini Rue was a charming Blade Runner/Beneath a Steel Sky ripoff/tribute. Predictable, but well done.
Resonance was super interesting and fun to play, probably my personal favorite. Story really took me by surprise, and using multiple characters at once didn't feel cheap or tedious, really kept me engaged.
Primordia was very good, lore was nicely knit and fun to follow. I even drew a web to help keep track of it.
Golden Wake I didn't play, seemed boring.
Technobabylon felt really underdeveloped. Pacing was really bad, characters didn't grip me, and the story was predictable. I completed it, but with little joy.
Shardlight was OK. Setting was interesting but story and characters just kind of go nowhere. By this point the puzzles in the games just feel insanely perfunctory.
Unavowed, I played like... twenty minutes and dropped it. I just felt like it was trying to do too much all at once.

>> No.7711818

>Gemini Rue was a charming Blade Runner/Beneath a Steel Sky ripoff/tribute.
Didn't play it since it looked to be more cutscenes than p&c exploration from the way people were hyping it back in the day.
>Resonance was super interesting and fun to play, probably my personal favorite. Story really took me by surprise, and using multiple characters at once didn't feel cheap or tedious, really kept me engaged.
I reallly hated Resonance but then I also paid for a physical collector's edition and had been hyped up about it a long time before release.
The fucking dream mazes, the meh alternate mechanics, the dreary characters, the tweeest etc all made me regret wasting time on it personally.
>Primordia was very good, lore was nicely knit and fun to follow. I even drew a web to help keep track of it.
Agreed. I'm not as hype about it as most but it was quite a decent game regardless.

>> No.7711943

What are some good DOS graphic adventures? Bonus points for:

Serious, story driven
Unconventional settings
No softlocks (or at least no unreasonable ones)
No time/"be at the right place at the right time" factor a la Dark Seed
No Sierra-esque game overs everywhere

But willing to overlook most of these things if there's a masterpiece somewhere.

>> No.7711949

>I reallly hated Resonance but then I also paid for a physical collector's edition and had been hyped up about it a long time before release.

hah, me too. it looks beautiful but is a mess storywise.
lots of "oooooooooh what if dark stuff for no reason!" I played it like halfway then quit, been meaning to go back but.. ugh.

>> No.7711951
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>> No.7711958

Not DOS or from that era, and have played it, but a good general suggestion.

>> No.7711965

Gabriel Knight. The story is about a voodoo murder cult in New Orleans. There are no dead ends and only a few game overs, but you will always know when to save except for one instance.

>> No.7713962

shadow of the comet