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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 135 KB, 800x803, 1619764832601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7704193 No.7704193 [Reply] [Original]

It's out.
Can anyone confirm if this is legit?

>> No.7704295 [DELETED] 

Finally some real talk on this board, yet the silence from /vr/'s nintenbabbies is deafening. Sad!

>> No.7704326

huh nice, hope it has the full multiplayer in it that was cut out

>> No.7704331

it seems that the source is here, but without resources. hopefully it works with data from retail disk

>> No.7704347

even if it doesn't I bet a couple based autists would figure something out

>> No.7704359 [DELETED] 

>is duckstation the best video game?
That’s /vr/ now

>> No.7704390

Nice now give me a Dreamcast and PS3 port plz

>> No.7704410

I always thought this was an extremely mediocre game, but will be interesting to see what people do with it

>> No.7704430
File: 2.53 MB, 400x300, Barabas (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7704580

Shit game made by “Bungie” (actually Bungie’s short lived B-team with no members of the actual Bungie.) It was the only game I ever tried speedrunning, back in 2006 or so on my ps2 when I had recently discovered speeddemosarchive and the only speedrun video that existed was a slow one on gamespot.

>> No.7705353

Look at those two zoomers who couldn't finish the game because they kept jobbing hahaha.

>> No.7705360
File: 1.38 MB, 1960x1120, 1602429133492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have feelings for Konoko...

>> No.7705367

>genuinely pretty deep combat system
>levels were designed by an actual architect which made them boring af but this was a pretty big talking point at the time
>not-Ghost in the Shell made by weebs, cringe but people liked it back in the day

>> No.7705374

It probably wanted to be more like Armitage III than Ghost in the Shell despite the Stand Alone Complex short purple hair.

>> No.7705440

This game has the best fighting mechanics that I've seen in games. The options are so diverse. There's lots of animations and styles for every single character. I never saw any game with similar or better mechanics. This game is amazingly underrated.

>> No.7705449

>not-Ghost in the Shell made by weebs, cringe but people liked it back in the day
What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.7705450

The game would've probably sold better if Konoko was wearing Armitage-style hot pants

>> No.7705459

>Armitage-style hotpants
Huh, neat idea

>> No.7705470

Awesome! Thanks for sharing

>> No.7705493

Second most overrated game of all time, after Half Life 1

>> No.7705576

How? I never ever found a single soul here talking about this game.

>> No.7705645 [DELETED] 

I said that I was speedrunning the game. That means I had completed the game, on hard mode, with each ending. R>C>P next time and while you’re at it stop having shit taste in games.

>> No.7705687 [DELETED] 

And you obviously failed and is seething here. Nothing surprising considering that speedrunners are a bunch of arrogant fags.

>> No.7705769 [DELETED] 

dilate speedrunning tranny

>> No.7705795

wouldn't say no to an oni remaster

>> No.7705806 [DELETED] 

You're an idiot. He didn't get filtered by the game if he beat it already.

>> No.7705954 [DELETED] 

>Implying that he beated it.

>> No.7705989

>not-Ghost in the Shell made by weebs, cringe but people liked it back in the day
devs ripping off GitS and 90s anime was based

>> No.7705990 [DELETED] 

Is 17.6 Mb normal for an uncompiled PS2 game?

>> No.7705997 [DELETED] 

try gitting gud faggot

>> No.7706006

No, it has no assets. Meaning it's code alone without models, textures, anims or sound.

>> No.7706009

Ah, I deleted cuz I quickly realized it's Windows.

>> No.7706398 [DELETED] 

>speedtrannies thinks they are special because they exploit glitches
fucking pathetic. you guys are literal snowflakes.

>> No.7706457

GameCube and Wii U too

>> No.7706478
File: 37 KB, 636x567, 473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not-Ghost in the Shell made by weebs
i will now pirate your game

>> No.7706742

agree, I see pretty much 30 threads/week about this game and let's not talk about all those ecelebs bragging about it

>> No.7706806

I bet that you care more about this game than anyone praising it. No one gives that much of a shit about Oni. It’s just a middle of the road action game remembered and celebrated for weeb aesthetics, with some combat depth. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone pretend like it’s a masterpiece or anything.

>> No.7706829

I know its better on PC but how is the PS2 port?

>> No.7706889

It’s fine

>> No.7707621

Must take a lot of semen to keep her hair like that.

>> No.7707704

this game should have had a gamecube port

>> No.7707705 [DELETED] 

Nah the gamecube was faggy

>> No.7708931

When I was younger, I took a screenshot from a cutscene and used Paint to replace Konoko's boobs with some pornstar's.

>> No.7708987

Anyone compile it?

>> No.7709025

Brother. The shit we had to do to get off to cartoon titties as a kid. Kids these days have it so easy.

>> No.7709051

The game was fun with a very unique fighting system. I loved how you could attack in any direction.
Yeah, the levels sometimes required you to sometimes aimlessly search which way to go, but I didn't mind. Partially because this was pretty common in that era (like Tomb Raider), and partially because you could always find some hidden item so it was worth it.
The dream sequence level was crazy.


Not true, Marty did the sound and music, and the level design felt kind of the same.

>Konoko dressed as Armitage III
Someone needs to draw this.

>> No.7709061
File: 85 KB, 850x940, konoko_from_oni_by_nero_alien_dcm27s7-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she was really cool in this outfit.

>> No.7709151
File: 1.92 MB, 1917x1077, TCTF Training.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it can compile in VS2019 with minor changes. Taken from the /v/ thread.
>upgrade to directinput8, use /MD codegen switch.

>> No.7709163

The game predates SAC by almost 2 years, if there's any GITS influence, it was from the manga or the movie.

>> No.7709457 [DELETED] 


>> No.7710868 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with being gay.

>> No.7710901 [DELETED] 

Other than the severe diseases that come from shit being on your dick and your anus and rectum being damaged, etc. Also, the Gamecube was for chads. Everyone played Melee at parties up until Brawl, in which Melee became a game mostly for faggots.

>> No.7710905 [DELETED] 

There's literally everything wrong with being a faggot.

>> No.7710958

It's weird that now more and more source codes and betas/prototypes of games are being released more and more often. I remember that people could only dream that some random collector posted at least a screenshot of a build thank god those days are coming to an end soon and more protos are being released to the public for free.

>> No.7711075
File: 1.83 MB, 854x480, 1613138529699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pitiful and weak.

>> No.7711525 [DELETED] 


>> No.7711529

This is one of those games I remember seeing ads for and always seeing at Blockbuster or whatever, but never actually played. Is it any good?

>> No.7711531

It's very middle of the road.
Good combat, shitty level design.

>> No.7712150

It has very good level design for a beat'em up

>> No.7712394

No it doesn’t. It has big empty buildings that are often boring and at worst confusing to navigate.

>> No.7712405 [DELETED] 

But don't straightchads do anal, too? Sounds like a problem with unprotected anal sex more than with butt pirates.

>> No.7712409 [DELETED] 

No. Anal sex between all genders is gay.

>> No.7712425 [DELETED] 


You'd know for sure.

>> No.7712484
File: 584 KB, 1616x2432, Konoko Armitage outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7712501 [DELETED] 


Straightchads in the sense of Christians with large families, don't do it. Likewise with growing civilisations. There was an early king of Athens chased out of the city by a mob for the crime committing sodomy with his wife

It's worse with fags because they tend to have thousands of sexual partners in addition, but no one should be doing it. And since trad Christians are the ones with birth rates to dominate the planet in a generation or two, they are technically the most alpha and chad of the lot

>> No.7712520
File: 2.25 MB, 1345x1345, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marty released the OST on Bandcamp. Also comes with a couple sketches and sheet music for one song.

>> No.7712614

quality taste, anon.

>> No.7712713

Even if it had some compilation scheme to pack it into archives or binaries, you can just do a make and include the already built files, as long as you point to them correctly.

>> No.7712724

My brother and I still quote the enemy taunts from this game all these years later. My favorites:


>> No.7712873
File: 200 KB, 1280x1024, wallpaper_oni_10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved how beating the game unlocked various cool cheats such as being able to play as any enemy from the current level's roster including bosses. And all of their movesets could be executed by the player. I remember playing as the autistic cyber ninja assassin the most. It was pretty awesome but the game really needed a multiplayer/coop mode, it's obvious they were considering it from the start, hence all these playable movesets.

>> No.7712885

games nowadays are being made vastly different way than back then. having a source code for 20 years old game won't give you any meaningful know-how meant for producing rival software in the current market.

>> No.7712941

It had fun combat, but stretched thin. Multiplayer could be amazing. New levels also could, maybe with some gameplay tweaks.

>> No.7712972


>> No.7713134 [DELETED] 

I want to put my cock in Konoko's asshole.

>> No.7713272 [DELETED] 
