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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 101 KB, 1280x960, Meet_baron[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
768065 No.768065 [Reply] [Original]


Please READ this FAQ before posting, some stuff here is very important!
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/AfQkPem3
Also please READ this special message from Impse for all /vr/ to see regarding our threads
Both of these say why we're not on /vg/. Please read them.

Doom setup tutorial for newfriends:
Steam Group:

What's new?
>FKER and Fractal Doom are getting constant updates

Discuss wads, stories, projects, servers, ask for recommendations, suggest ideas, etc; don't be shy, we're here to help!

We have many projects going, and if you want to share your maps or join in whatever thing you may want feel free to do it.

Remember, to join the /vr/ servers, you should get Zandronum

We have an IRC channel too
irc.zandronum.com #vr
password: vrtroopers

For singleplayer, use GZDoom SVN builds. vid_renderer can switch between software and OpenGL so you don't have to install zdoom as well.

This is a beginner's pack someone kindly put up for everyone
IWAD Pack (80 MB) (Contains all IWADs)
Doom Pack (200 MB) (Contains everything required to play and then some)
MEGA PACK (1 GB) (w/mirrors) (Contains everything required to play and a ton of extras)
Doom Images Folder (compiled by DoctorAmazing)

If you happen to be looking for resources such as weapon sprites, textures or monster sprites, this is your one-stop

Let's get Doomin'!

>> No.768081 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 800x800, 190668 - DOOM Oniontrain Rule_63 mancubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for doable mancubus

>> No.768087

doomguy pls

>> No.768091
File: 13 KB, 250x177, slimjim[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /doom/, ART THOU BORED?

Go get the Top 100 WADS Of All Time here! 392MB of pure madness from 1995 to 2003. Now you have ZERO excuses about not having anything to play with!


>Of course, tell me if something is wrong with this ZIP file, AND, if it's possible, I would be forever grateful if someone takes the time to upload this thing in MEGA or another filehosting service as a backup

>> No.768153

blergh...wait, since when do they have six boobs?

>> No.768174
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 1370448498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm.. artistic licence i think. the sprite just looks like it has rolls of fat.

>> No.768175

Clearly Mancubi have some pig relatives, as clearly indicated by their facial structure, multiple breasts, and ability to shoot balls of plasma at farmers/butchers/lone space marines.

>> No.768178

>questioning additional breasts
>on 4chan

Wait what, the partial invisibility uses the Mancubus face?

>> No.768185

that's a megasphere

blurspheres just have the blue eye

>> No.768195

Slowest poke
Yeah, I assume that's because the Soul sphere countains human souls, and the Megasphere contains demonic souls/power/essence, which explains it's greater power.

>> No.768213

Downloaded the rest of the games for the torrent, will take a few days to test them out.

NEED SOMEONE TO DOWNLOAD THE !FREE! MACINTOSH GAME "PATHWAYS INTO DARKNESS" AND UPLOAD IT! If possible, it would make this much easier, as I have no access to the Mac App Store, and there seems to be no external downloads for the game. While I have no way to test the game, nor am including a Macintosh emulator, I still want to include it for completion. It is a real kick in the shimmies for them to scream FREE when it is out of my reach!

>> No.768229


>> No.768296
File: 2 KB, 156x260, beta_skul_pinv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait what, the partial invisibility uses the Mancubus face?
yes, as >>768185 points out the megasphere containing a mancubus face is fairly well-known. to be honest i deliberately took the screenshot from that position to see if anyone would comment on it.

what i think is slightly less well-known—possibly because fewer people are familiar with the press-release beta graphics—is that the invulnerability contains the original lost soul.

>> No.768315

Just completed the first 2 episodes of doom 1, should i continue to doom 2 or do inferno and thy flesh consumed first?

>> No.768345

realistically it doesn't really matter. my personal advice* would be to do E3, then Doom2, then whatever you want. E4 is more like an addon/expansion pack that's been grafted in rather ham-fistedly. at least, that's what i think. it's also noticably harder than most of Doom2.

* which is completely different to how i actually first played the game years ago. i got doom2 first, then ultdoom. i actually think this was better in some ways because the original has better map design (nothing really beats E1). on the other hand doom2 has a more interesting variety of monsters, so either is good i guess.

>> No.768353
File: 9 KB, 472x306, 1365222912920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I AM familiar with the alpha versions and never noticed that.
Goddamn, 20 years later and Doom still surprises me.

>> No.768358

Grab your shotgun, pack your rockets and say goodbye to your buddy's jaw. Deathmatch is back!

We're using Zandronum 1.0, an improved successor to Skulltag, and playing on BestEver servers located in New York.

Today, we're kicking it off with Doom2 and 32in24-5.wad, a series of 32 deathmatch maps made in 24 hours, all aimed to please the itchy demon killer! Vote kicking, map changing, and map resetting are all enabled.

If you don't already have Zandronum and the IWADs, download the .rar file, and follow the instructions.

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ktbdft8w1xqi388/MoreMapsThanA15DollarMapPack.rar

Instructions for players:

1. Download and unpack the .rar file containing the Zandronum installer and the IWADs necessary to play Doom1 and Doom2

2. Install Zandronum

3. If asked, point Zandronum to the folder containing the IWADs. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

4. Open Doomseeker, go to "Options" -> "Configure", Hit file paths, "Add Path", and direct Doomseeker to the folder containing the IWADs

5. Find the server named " ::BE New York:: /v/idyagames" on the server browser

6. Happy fragging!

>> No.768463
File: 516 KB, 640x2880, FRACTAL DOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractal Doom has been updated!

--The minimarine launcher that origninally appeared in VincentPrice's "fractal_addon_0.01" has been added to fractal doom as a fist altfire. It now has a custom animation, and will correctly increase throw distance when the altfire is held. It takes 10 health and a special minimarine ammo to use; the ammo is gathered from berserk packs, each of which gives 4 minimarines. 12 can be held at a time, 24 with a backpack. Pic related.

--Minimarines are now the same color as the player that spawned them.

--Added a bit of blood and sound effects to the random spawning of minimarines, which still occurs.

--The cyberdemon and minicyberdemon have had their pain chance reduced

--Changed the number of rockets required to fire the rocket launcher's altfire from 15 to 16.

--Changed the amount of ammo received from a single rocket from 1 to 2.

--Changed the max health medikits and stimpacks can increase the player's health to from 100 to 150.

--Decreased the BFG altfire's invulnerability duration from 8 to 6.

--Decreased the Health and speed of miniarachnotrons

--Significantly reduced the health of the smallest lost souls and the smallest imps.

--Fixed an issue that caused revenant rockets to deal more damage than they should have.

--Fixed an issue that caused armor bonuses to be invisible.

--Fixed an issue that caused megaspheres to give less health and armor than intended to the player.

Download link is the same as before: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b0ypy9l0pn40s33/fractal_doom.wad

Also available on the BestEver servers as "fractal_doom_v0.1.8.wad"

>> No.768465 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 666x666, 1325028016908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best project in years turned into shit because the creator was a nigger aka DKG
>tfw cyberrunner is full of pedobears and waifufags
>tfw no 3.14qt gf

>> No.768470 [DELETED] 

>No gf

Beta zandronum babby detected
Top lel

>> No.768478 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 283x283, NIGGER_STOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viral marketing

>> No.768481 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 465x342, 1369230496834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw samefag shitposter overtakes /vr/ again

>> No.768484 [DELETED] 

Lmao zandronum fucks our thread with doomkart

>> No.768485 [DELETED] 



>> No.768491 [DELETED] 
File: 777 KB, 3000x2000, 1357686860337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomkart sucks

>> No.768495 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 321x306, 1366828253963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viralz mRketing

>> No.768507 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 232x197, 1370327128524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hide Doomkart post
Ignore Doomkart posters
Report Doomkartguy

Shitposting level has reached its max

>> No.768515

So I've been playing on a new computer, it's got Windows 8, and in the middle of the first game it started glitching out; and now it says that it (I assume Windows 8) blocked Zandronum's access to the grahphics card.

How the fuck do I work around this?

>> No.768523 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 500x359, 1307985418001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh doom thread
Man the fuck up.
Wads cant be viral marketed.
Its free you dipshit

Or are you that retarded that you even believe in a god

>> No.768720 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 288x339, AH HAHAHA OH GOD AAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 8

>> No.768797

Uuhh... I'd rather not play with /v/...

>> No.768834

That's why you play with /vr/

>> No.768838

Hey I'm from the zan forums, any one want an OS duel on UK grandovid, Union or NL funcrusher? I'd like to play you new players.

>> No.768839


You need to be lynched.

>> No.768846


Hi, Zan forumer! Not all of us are new, and it's generally not a good idea to advertise yourself as a Zan forumer.

That being said, sure, just list the server.

>> No.768852

My apologies, I've been with ST for many years but I'm sure a lot of you have as well. Ok Uk Grandvoid no spectators? sound good?

>> No.768864


Sure, if you don't mind an easy win. I'm not a good DMer. Pop in whenever.

>> No.768868

I'm there, I'm not too great either tbh.

>> No.768865 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 501x585, 1334761546866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people shitposting about Doomkart again?
And why did noone started to continue working on it? Its such a great idea.

>> No.768867

is that you, Fluffles?

>> No.768974
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1370460499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last!* finally had some luck in that final room.

* https://archive.foolz.us/vr/thread/732641/#732669

>> No.768986

Didn't sleep last night, typing skill impaired.

>> No.768983

So uhh, somehow the link from the previous thread to this post is listing as dead for me.

>> No.769036

Same thing for me.

>> No.769260

Reposting my idea to get some more feedback from /vr/

Would anyone be interested in a Hexen Dungeon Crawl type mod?
Basically there would be a central hub with shops and stuff where you can upgrade. Then around the hub-town there would be 10-15 large dungeon type levels which you increase in difficulty and are filled with monsters, puzzles, loot and traps.

>> No.769285

Make it like roguelikes and have randomly generated dungeons

>> No.769289


>> No.769297

it's somewhat surprising nobody's tried to embed Oblige into an engine yet.

>> No.769298

might be cool. I don't know how easy that would be. I remember seeing Nash make something like that but it wasn't very.. complete. And very boring.

>> No.769321
File: 157 KB, 900x675, doomguy_cosplay_by_chronostyphoonx-d5oqd1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractal Doom has tweaked a bit:

--Minimarines don't talk as often and when they do, it's not as loud and you can't hear it as far away. Your Fractal Doom experience should return to the soothing experience it previously was.

--Minimarines now cost 30 health instead of 10 to spawn

--You now receive 3 minimarine ammo from berserk packs instead of 4.

--You can now only hold 6 minimarines normally and 12 with the backpack instead of 12 minimarines and 24 with the backpack.

Download link is the same as before: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b0ypy9l0pn40s33/fractal_doom.wad

Also available on the BestEver servers as "fractal_doom_v0.1.9.wad"

Server has been rehosted with the updated Fractal Doom:

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ Plutonia 2: Fractal Survival

>> No.769335


>> No.769341

Well, part of what made things like nethack and such interesting, had to do with the preset level formats. Specific floors would be in a specific format, and maybe you could implement something like that, so that levels have a specific shape and graphical look depending on the dungeon.

>> No.769348

Even randomly selected presets would still be annoying unless I made 5 different floors and made the player teleport on random.

>> No.769472

the minimarines should run around squeaking "stay alert brothers" constantly in a 2x pitched up voice

>> No.769486

Do it, DO IT. I just finished Hexen,and Hexen 2 a shit, so I need my goddam fix.

>> No.769494
File: 287 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_Doom_20130505_184039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you using Beautiful Doom yet, /vr/?

>> No.769496

Hexen 2 is pretty good imo. Better than Hexen in some places.

>> No.769497

Because it adds nothing to the game and is largely just a lag-inducing piece of shit.

>> No.769498

Why are there so many machine gun type weapons in FKER? They all feel the same.
Also, will FKER ever get a gore mod?

>> No.769504

I might need a little help with it though. I'm a fairly competent mapper. Just with.. very little motivation.

What kind of dungeons would everyone like?
Also would it be worth it adopting a trip/name just so people can easily identify me?

>> No.769508

Isn't that the one that forces a specific autoaim setting or covers the screen with nagging text?

>> No.769515

Yeah. It is.

I liked some of the effects but it wasn't great.

>> No.769517

Melee range is WAY too short and the projectiles are way too fast. There's no real way to win most fights without taking damage.
I answered your first question in the last thread here >>768940 and no, it will never be a gore mod. If I add gore into it it'll be in a separate plugin or something. FKER is meant for gameplay.
Lots of crossover like in Hexen, maybe play Metroid Prime if you haven't already to get some ideas about how to do backtracking properly as well.

>> No.769546

Hm. I was thinking more of fairly large, but individual dungeons. perhaps a method of linking two dungeons together would be a large locked door in one, and the key in another, which unlocks a third dungeon? I'm just in the ideas phase right now.

So far the idea is kind of like stronghold, but with dungeons instead of invasion.

>> No.769552

And that's why I'm not using it.

>> No.769553

I'd highly suggest checking out Metroid Prime. It pretty much does exactly what you're thinking of. You can also make custom powerups for Doomguy which could add more gameplay variety as well.

>> No.769558


I'll put that in the Brutal Fractal Doom version slated for 2016.

>> No.769560


Because I hate fun.

>> No.769568

what is build engine's zdoom?

>> No.769570


I think.

>> No.769572

There really isn't one, but Eduke is fairly good.

>> No.769580

What >>769553 said, also I'd recommend designs which allow one to expedite travel through an area after they've already trudged through it once or twice. For example, access to a tunnel system which offers a fast track back to a location that was memorably annoying to access the first time.

>> No.769589

I was thinking of usable (with cooldown) super speed, super jump, etc items, with other stuff like keys, weapons, perhaps even areas made for crouching to crawl through. However, yes, fast tracks to get back through an area, especially if enemies respawn to a significant degree, are pretty much necessary to avoid annoyance.

>> No.769597

Would the jumping and speed be Metroidvania-ish, where they let you explore other parts of the dungeons once you get them?

>> No.769602

That's generally the idea yeah. Lets you get past previously impassable crushers and onto high ledges and stuff.

>> No.769604

haha, thumbsup.jpg.

>> No.769615

zdoom is build engines zdoom!

zdoom started off by importing code from wherever rheit could steal it from, regardless of licence compatibility or anything like that. the build engine was one of rheit's primary sources.

it might have almost all been replaced by now but the fact remains!

>> No.769620

I was thinking of perhaps an escape rope item that you could use to go to the dungeon entrance. Or maybe just using the Chaos device but only once the dungeon is complete.

The idea of powerups/special items used to access secret areas in earlier dungeons is a good idea. I like that. Gives dungeons some extra replayability.

trip adopted for the sake of identification.

>> No.769625

I'm not sure if it's doable without some ACS, but you might be able to make certain doors only open when shot with certain weapons as well, or at least walls that can be destroyed by certain weapons.

>> No.769635

We just took back what was ours, thief.

>> No.769638 [DELETED] 

Sounds interesting, but some classes don't really have explosive weapons. Mage for one, unless you count the BloodScourge. Firestorm isn't exactly explosive either, just fiery.

I was also thinking of changing the classes a little, more spells for the mage, special combos for the fighters, and miracles for the cleric.

>> No.769652

patachu pls go

>> No.769656

Careful with those edges.

>> No.769662

I would just have 4 or so teleporters open outside the dungeons that take you 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th and 4/4ths through the dungeon. 2 on either side of the dungeon entrance. Something like that... Seems the most simple way, and might even look nice.

>> No.769665

It's just some guy who regularly whines about Zdoom. He also tends to go on about Randy changing his name to Randi and other petty things like that, so just tune him out since he's got nothing useful to say.

>> No.769670

Do it man. Someone was making scrolls with different abilities as well... Dunno if that was you, but if not see if you can't get in contact with him. There was raise dead, ice cicles that would shoot up - all sorts of stuff. Maybe you guys can make Hexen enjoyable for me. I can't stand the level design. Switch hunting is shit.

>> No.769680

That's a good idea. I remember stuff like that in Jumpmaze. Would be interesting.

So. Anyone got any ideas for puzzles? Sure there's the classic press the switches in the correct sequence, and step on the pads to make a pattern. then there's the dreaded switch hunt. And there's push statues onto a button.

What other kinds of puzzles are there, that are possible in the doom engine no less?

>> No.769690


damn i'm not used to boards that have so few people on them that you can get a reputation attached to you even without using a name

>> No.769712

Voodoo Doll telefrag maze?

>> No.769723

My dad had a puzzle in his doom wad that you needed to throw switched in the hexedecimal order for 64... Doesn't really work in Hexen though...

cyphers though.

>> No.769725

aaargh please don't even suggest such a thing!!

>> No.769735

I might have a unique question for you Doomers.

As we all know, Doom is one of the most extensively edited games out there. It also proves the concept of "master race". However, I was wondering to what extent are some of these mods "legitimate". By "legitimate" I mean if they could run on a DOS or whatever from the time. From what I see, some of these games are so heavily edited, they could very well be their own engines.

I would like to know. If you could play some of these mods from computers from the mid 90's, then that would be quite impressive. But seeing as the mid 90's was the beginning of "standardization" of the PC platform, this might be a stupid question to begin with.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.769736 [DELETED] 

That's a good idea. Like TNT's final level. Annoying, but cool.
Hm, perhaps using Runes would make a good kind of code-language? I like the idea of throwing switches in specific orders, as long as the switches are all in a close area and not 1024 map units apart.

>> No.769739

That's a good idea. Like TNT's final level. Annoying, but cool.
Hm, perhaps using Runes would make a good kind of code-language? I like the idea of throwing switches in specific orders, as long as the switches are all in a close area and not 1024 map units apart.

>> No.769742

also tripcode is fucking up. woops.

>> No.769750

It would need to have some major hints as to which one is going to kill you, nothing too obvious, but definitely something so that if you can figure it out, you don't have to constantly die.

>> No.769756

I think it'd be something like blinking sectors, or different textures or perhaps different coloured torches.

>> No.769757

Most "vanilla" mods are, unfortunately, maps.

However, it could be argued that the engine modifications required to play some of these newer mods are mods in of themselves, somewhat like Garry's Mod.

>> No.769763

Maybe they could be rising and lowering pillars in different patterns?

>> No.769771

Yeah, that works too.

Also I found this:

could be useful however; looking at the code I have no fucking clue what I am reading.

>> No.769793


You know, by judging the world we're living in today, one would think that no-one makes stuff for Doom focusing on being as vanilla as possible and trying to make his work being totally compatible with the original executable. But that's completely false.

As a matter of fact, as far as Doom mapping goes, nowadays there's a more favored response to vanilla-compatible maps than maps featuring a more complex set of mapping settings (like WADS in zDoom in Hexen or UDMF format, for example)

I'm getting a feeling that, in a matter of time, there'll be a special section in the Cacowards focused on vanilla-compatible maps in the way we have "Best Gameplay mod", "Best Multiplayer WAD" and the like

>> No.769826

>As a matter of fact, as far as Doom mapping goes, nowadays there's a more favored response to vanilla-compatible maps than maps featuring a more complex set of mapping settings (like WADS in zDoom in Hexen or UDMF format, for example)

this is certainly true of Doomworld, which is by and large a classic mapping forum these days

i have to doubt it holds in any of the others, though

>> No.769831

I was making my wad completely vanilla compatible til recently. Decided I wanted to do some music changes and stuff. But it's still vanilla gameplay compatible, so I can easily convert it with a udmf to doom format wad converter...

>> No.769995

Doomworld just hates ZDoom.

>> No.770104

Doomworld hates everything.

>> No.770148

Yo, mind posting a link to latest version of FKER?

>> No.770164
File: 517 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_Doom_20130605_204247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are missing this octuple-cyberdemon action.

>> No.770181
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_Doom_20130605_211834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ends.

>> No.770192

because it's all shit

>> No.770196
File: 323 KB, 400x520, 1364682312570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Screenshot ever

>> No.770228
File: 344 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130603_133721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So a while back, my Zandronum fucked up where there wasn't any bobbing whatsoever.

Just now, I got back in my Realguns Icarus run I've been doing, and suddenly it's back.

What the shit.

>> No.770262

Awesome upload! This should definitely go in the sticky

>> No.770263 [DELETED] 

So what's the ZDoom of Duke?

>> No.770275

You just asked that.

>> No.770279

who is maintaining that stuff now that Faqqet decided to do a Killough_why_i_quit_doom.htm ?

>> No.770281

Oops, looks like someone else already asked. I just got home and didn't think anyone else would have the same idea.

>> No.770283 [DELETED] 

There's only one source port of Duke that actually is worth it and that's EDuke32. Even the Steam version is based on an ancient version of it made for your X in the Box.

>> No.770287


>> No.770286

Playing some "Alien Vendetta Survival"

>> No.770318

>Hexen Dungeonn Crawl type mod

>> No.770328

Zandronum Version:

GZDoom Version:

>> No.770346

Thanks man.

>> No.770347

No problem

>> No.770357

>Doomworld just hates ZDoom.

From what I've gathered, its not that they hate Zdoom, They prefer traditional gameplay, which leads them to making the maps vanilla/boom compatible because they are more demo friendly engines.

Zdoom basically spits on demo playback. Which is why its generally rarer to find traditional gameplay wads making use of its features.

>> No.770370

And to clarify, The traditional maps tend to gather interest in the speedrun community, and Doomworld has its share of speedrunners.

>> No.770465

I never understood WHY you have to have that stupid autoaim setting enabled.

>> No.770510
File: 21 KB, 389x360, bassmidi settings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following suggestions from the previous thread, I've decided to use BassMidi for my synth, and I'm using the SGM-V2.01 soundfont. Sounds great, 32in24-11's soundtrack gets even better

Though, should I fuck around with these settings or not? Speaking of which, any noteworthy ones I should change in Zandronum's own, too?

>> No.770538
File: 991 KB, 1600x900, there's a fucking alien in the bathroom and me using a M4A2 and you don't move one inch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I downloaded some Duke3D mod named Imagination World and what the fuck is with guy in the bathroom while there's clearly a fucking alien invasion and a Quake 2 grunt was shitting there?

>> No.770552

Do the only logical thing and blow him up

>> No.770557

He was obviously taking 'Eat shit and die' literally

>> No.770569


>> No.770570

There isn't much need to fiddle with the settings. Though I personally made the volume a bit lower, cause I felt it was too loud compared to the sound fx ingame.

>> No.770582

Really? I found it a little more quiet than FMOD.

>> No.770615

Eh, probably depends on source port then. I use PrBoom-plus.

>> No.770627

I'm currently using Zandronum. GZDoom for some reason won't play audio through my G35 headset.

>> No.770656

Is there a generic wad manager/launcher so I can sort through various packs of hundreds of wads to find single levels, megawads, deathmatch, coop support and so fourth? Rather than digging through each one individually?

>> No.770740

nope. maybe you should make one

>> No.770780


Zandronum ftw. Great multiplayer community, extremely fun servers. You can't go wrong.

>> No.770783
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 13-56-20-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying out a .dll file that adds in shit like Bloom

Um, alright

>> No.770786
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 13-56-43-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise you this doesn't look as creepy in-game

>> No.770795

Might wanna tone that bloom down a bit, cap'n. I'd imagine it'd look fine if you made it a more subtle effect than super-glowy-red-face-of-death.

>> No.770796
File: 595 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 13-59-32-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douk's nightvision goggles are more like thermal ones

>> No.770805
File: 648 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 15-33-30-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invuln sphere
Well fuck

Will do that eventually

>> No.770806

Your screenshots are making that look a lot more interesting than it really is, aren't they?

But that one's got to be awesome.

>> No.770812
File: 59 KB, 288x499, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.770826
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 15-34-21-91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it is pretty much cherry picking I will admit. In the techbase levels, lights are everywhere, and it doesn't look that good. Like what >>770795 said I'll get to toning it down and see what happens

But at the moment, the Spear of Destiny becomes even neater

>> No.770837
File: 481 KB, 1280x752, 1368722395804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.770851

Oh yeah? Does duke also say stuff in game, because that's the only way he could be creepier.

>> No.770873


What's the sauce on this pic? Looks pretty wicked.

>> No.770905

Jesus Christ I'm back.
What did I miss since I've been gone. I'm way out of the loop.

>> No.770910 [DELETED] 
File: 810 KB, 1024x640, dark-project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I saw this in a previous thread and I can't find anything about it.

Please tell me you know!

>> No.770914 [DELETED] 

Do not respond to the above post

>> No.770923 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1366807501571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not falling for it

>> No.770927 [DELETED] 

Can you even fucking read?

>> No.770930 [DELETED] 

If you don't want people to respond don't respond to their responses.

>> No.770929

Fractal doom is bretty gud, courtesy of /vr/.

Nothing life-changing, though.

>> No.770934 [DELETED] 

It's the same guy replying to himself, silly.

>> No.770938

Samsara Duelling
:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ gets personal
password vidya
Get in here if you're man enough to go one on one with your fellow /vr/ troopers.

>> No.770946

Large amounts of updates for FKER, ProjectILE, and Fractal Doom, random /vr/ modifications for Doom; the retro shooter mega torrent is nearing completion, and the 100 best Doom wad compilation is completed.

>> No.770951

It's cool guys, it's one of us

>> No.770953

Seconding this. Google has nothing.

>> No.770970

How's ProjectILE looking? I don't think the dev has posted about it in a long time. Is it any fun?

>> No.770997

He hasn't posted updates in awhile, I am pretty sure Scroton made it. It is pretty fun, but I haven't played too much of it. I would say it is worth a try, the latest version should be in the FAQ /vr/ wad list.

>> No.771023

I hate when megawads make map07 nothing but a tribute to dead simple. Happens way too often, and is an unoriginal use of tags 666 and 667

>> No.771032


Scroton here, it was the guy that made the /tg/ map that made it. I remember him posting about it or another project he was going to do in the thread before last.

>> No.771034

make a good one
show us all

>> No.771048

Why would I need to? There are already map07s out there that aren't dead simple tributes. Its just that its very common to find megawads that do have them.

>> No.771120

Also it's Melee only now.

>> No.771176
File: 32 KB, 320x200, Doom Guy saves christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.771301

Do we just not like Duel around here?

>> No.771305

I dont think its been given much thought at all to be honest..

>> No.771313

Anyone have the pass for the /vr/troopers? I tried the usual ones and they're not working.

>> No.771308
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 18-10-07-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned down the Bloom a little. Using >>770783 as a comparison, does this look any better?

>> No.771320
File: 100 KB, 250x250, Doom Sweatguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd you get your HUD so sexy?

>> No.771326

samsara+zandronum=sexy doomguy hud

>> No.771334

That's just Samsara.

Playing as Doomguy in well, Doom 2. As ridiculous as it sounds at least you get silent fists, Berserker buffing the chainsaw, and more visible health packs, etc

>> No.771331

Was bloom supposed to look better than default? It just seems to make colors more vibrant, turns down brightness, and makes everything that moves radiate light.

>> No.771337

Damn, I thought there was finally PrBoom+-like HUD coloring in ZDoom.

>> No.771345

pls respond

>> No.771343

It looks better than the comparison, but it doesn't look good. Could be that I'm not used to it, but that's just weird.

>> No.771367

Everything looks fine except that shotgunguy, ugh, that's disgusting.

Hope it looks better in motion, which if you're enjoying it enough to keep it on, it probably does.

>> No.771373
File: 514 KB, 2000x1928, PLEASE RESPOND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771391
File: 894 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 18-42-47-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input

If anyone is wondering, this is what I'm using and tweaking:


Doom does look fine alone, I am just experimenting to see if I can add more nice little touches, like the OpenGL glow effect.

With BassMidi and a good soundfont Heretic's soundtrack is pretty badass

>> No.771392 [DELETED] 

Here are my settings.


I find it to look pretty good, though with invuln you can't see shit.

>> No.771396

Whoops, wrong one


I'll delete the other post.

>> No.771401

I really liked DOOM back in the day, but all I used was DOS. For a few weeks whenever I saw a DOOM thread I'd fire it up again on DOS. The only thing is, I saw this doom engine called Doomsday. Is it any good?

>> No.771412

Look up ZDoom.
Or just, you know, read the OP.

>> No.771416


If you want to use a more revamped version of the original exe, try Chocolate Doom. I think it'll fit your needs greatly

And if you want to hang around with us and join the madness with Doom's most modern mods and addons, get Zandronum

>> No.771418

I did, and read the links. All I wanted to know was if Doomsday was any good. Ctr+f didn't give me anything.

>> No.771419

Your HUD is blooming.

>> No.771420

GZDoom is also a good choice for modern mods and addons, and actually has more support for them than Zandronum, though Zandronum has integrated multiplayer which is a huge plus. Doomsday is meh, it's either QuakeDoom (if you use the 3D models) and doesn't look very good in my opinion, or a shittier version of ZDoom if you don't use the 3D models.

>> No.771423

Not many use Doomsday here, but I assume it cannot be terrible. I don't think I have witnessed a bad source port, but for the most part they all do the same thing.

>> No.771426

Hey Doom general, what utility should I use if I only want to extract a .wad file?

>> No.771424

Okay, thanks. I think I'll mess around with Chocolate Doom for a while and then try to get into Zandronum.

>> No.771425

Source Port Crash Course for you:
DOSBox: Though not technically a source port, this is literally as close as you will get to pure DOS gaming on Windows NT devices.

Doom95: The only official still-used port of Doom next to Linux Doom. Second-closest you can get to pure Dooming.

Chocolate Doom: Source port made to be the closest you can get to pure Dooming. Ended up being the third-closest, but it's definitely worth a look. One of my favorites too.

PRBoom+: My other favorite. Based on the oldest source port ever: Boom. Some older wads are designed for it, and it's basically "Old doom style with Fresh Doom look!". Comes in software, hardware, and OpenGL flavors.

ZDoom: The newest, hottest, freshest little kid on the block. Everyone's favorite source port with extensive modding capabilities. Most newer mods require it, and you can use modern FPS controls in it.

Doomsday: For when graphics mean everything to you. Doomsday is meant to look sleek and shit, so it's got 3D Model Support and Antialiasing and OpenGL and True 3D and... all sorts of shit! It's worth a look at the least. (People who downloaded this also checked out: Risen3D)

Zandronum: It's an older version of ZDoom with Netcode and a lobby. Download this if you want to play online. Can also be used in place of stock ZDoom if you're lazy, though some extreme mods require it.

GZDoom: ZDoom with OpenGL capabilites... and some other shit too. If you wanted a heavyweight ZDoom or a Lightweight Doomsday, take this.

Eternity Engine: Pretty much designed to allow people to make their own full-blown games in the Doom engine, though nobody's truly taken them up on that offer yet. It can do some pretty fancy shit with the right mods.

Give me a sec and I'll type up some more.

>> No.771427


>> No.771430
File: 602 KB, 1600x1195, IMG_2143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do good for a $1, guize?

>> No.771428


For what purpose? You want to check the sprites, maps or what?

Also, use SLADE3

>> No.771434


What, is it the shareware version on a CD with extra shit?

>> No.771437


>Paying fo' hovelware

But nice find anyways. You can get a hold of almost every single shovelware CD for Doom in archive.org

>> No.771438



sage for dabblepost

>> No.771445

Samsara Duelling
:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ gets personal
password: vidya

get in here and man and a half please switch it back to normal (no more melee only)

>> No.771449

B-b-b-but I like melee only

>> No.771462
File: 259 KB, 5000x1947, DoomGraph resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oldest source port ever

nigga pls

>> No.771465
File: 674 KB, 1920x1080, zandronum 2013-06-06 19-26-31-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're right on the Invuln. Though thanks for sharing

>> No.771468

I'll fix it eventually. Maybe I'll just make a damn plugin to fix the invulnerability screen effect.

>> No.771478

My retinas don't.

>> No.771475

I like it.

>> No.771480

You don't NEED your retinas to play DOOM.

>> No.771481

>Eternity Engine

I didn't know this existed

I must see for myself.

>> No.771486

>Console ports
>Official ports

>> No.771485
File: 1.07 MB, 5000x5000, GOTTA RIP FAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771490
File: 8 KB, 550x236, DOOMUSH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this
>believe this is a DooM MUD for some reason
I'm going to bed.

>> No.771487

Wow, why did Linux Doom spawn so many? Was it the first that was open source?

>> No.771489

All I need is 16 needles hooked up to a car battery and a CPU, 1 earbud, a keyboard with 8 keys and my dick to play Doom. But still, my retinas don't like it.

>> No.771495

How easy is the Doom level editor to pick up? compared to say Build for Duke3D?

>> No.771493


>> No.771497


Pretty damn easy, it's so easy it scares

>> No.771501

Easier. There are also multiple level editors, but Doom Builder 2 is generally preferred.

>> No.771502
File: 52 KB, 484x519, 1368838552558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting Hangman with vrskins
Server: /vr/troopers
Password: vidyagaems

>> No.771504

ReMooD, I knew I forgot more than just my trip when making that post!

ReMooD: A source port that's built for 4 player splitscreen action. That's... about all it's got to it's name. It supports fragglescript though?

Can you draw rectangles or triangles?

>> No.771517

It's really easy, compared to the clunky mess that is the BUILD editor.

>> No.771520




>> No.771524

I've been hiding away, playing other vidya, but doom is something I have to return to, always. I'll be up all night.

>> No.771526

Is Ainsley being rendered as a flat under GZDoom?

>> No.771527 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 359x193, 1367804010284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771529

I was a bit stumped trying to figure out how to load multiple mods on Zandronum. Found it's extremely easy with Doomseeker just gotta create a server and you can choose to add additional mods and just use play offline. Fun stuff.

>> No.771532

I wish.

>> No.771534

You can also just select them all and drag them on toppa your shortcut.

>> No.771547

Server crashed due to gametype change. It's back up now though.

>> No.771550 [DELETED] 

snake owners are huge faggots that should be culled along with their snakes

>> No.771556 [DELETED] 

That gif was posted so many times on CR. It's not the actual webcam, it's a gif they use to get flashes.

>> No.771554

>Doom text adventure

>> No.771558 [DELETED] 

Do you have the original gif?
This sounds like a racket I want to get in on.
sage for offtopic

>> No.771571 [DELETED] 

I know that.

>> No.771573 [DELETED] 

stop spectating and actually play you fucking attentionwhore

>> No.771574 [DELETED] 


>> No.771576 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 380x262, Q3OLUct.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771579 [DELETED] 


awwww, someone mad about getting kicked

>> No.771580 [DELETED] 

>muh boring wads
>muh play fair
even the zandronum pubbies don't get as pissy as you autists

>> No.771581 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 360x193, that was so fucking stupid it gave me a stroke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771585 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 400x373, 1366087483198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super butthurt.

>> No.771583 [DELETED] 

Cry some more.

>> No.771591 [DELETED] 


>> No.771586 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 477x543, 1atheismdebunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being anonymous
typical atheist buttbuddy retards

>> No.771592

I was browsing that other board and saw that someone had a pretty good idea.

>Brutal Doom 3DS

>> No.771593



Don't get it, be more specific

>> No.771601
File: 21 KB, 321x168, brutaldoom3ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771604

>3D blood splatter

But then again

>Brutal doom

yeah, no, I rather have Project MSX.

>> No.771606


First of all

>Doom in handhelds

Not sure how does it feel to play Doom in handheld devices (talking about the original game, not the RPG series)

>> No.771607

The 3DS for one is missing a second analog stick.

>> No.771608

Well you can buy the extension that gives another stick.

>> No.771618
File: 15 KB, 300x200, EventHorizonEyes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771620
File: 681 KB, 1878x2345, implying your lenses can flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771624

>not using one stick to move forward/back and turn left/right as was originally intended

>> No.771656

I'm curious about the Doom community. How much on average a single usermap or a wad would be downloaded?

I come from the Duke3D community and for us it would be around 100 and 200 (except for the biggest mods).

>> No.771675


A map I made has been downloaded over 300 times, and it's never been posted outside this board.

For stuff that makes the cacowards or becomes popular it's easily in the thousands or tens of thousands, possibly in the hundreds of thousands depending upon the map/mod.

>> No.771683
File: 1.57 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20121128_191747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which dll you're trying, mine isn't that egregious

>> No.771689

Why the fuck do deathmatch maps have exits?

>> No.771692

Because in vanilla, that was the only way to get the tally screen.

>> No.771704
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130606_104620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an old screenshot so let me update on this issue

>> No.771706
File: 2.02 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130606_104629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially everything looks normal up until they fire adding a glow for a small milisecond

>> No.771712
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130606_104943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And brighter textures like that side glowing wall thingie also get lit

>> No.771717
File: 1.65 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20130606_104939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when you get hit (your screen turns red for a bit) something like this happens.
I know it looks terrible, but again, this only happens for a millisecond, but adds some intensity.
Ultimately it's gimmicky and you'll get tired of it, which I eventually did, but it's a nice change of pace for shits and giggles.
If you want to try it out, here's the dll I'm using:
Just unzip it and put in the same folder as gzdoom.exe

>> No.771776

dat mouse usage

>> No.771782

I tried playing Killing Floor without vision once (as a test, wasn't blinded). Game's positional audio and my map knowledge was good enough that I was third on a server without looking at the screen except between waves.

It's possible.

>> No.771783


Dat frame rate.

>> No.771784



>> No.771792

What are the best mods and maps and such for duke3d? would like to get into it.

does it have something like the cacoawards or general guides/lists for mods and things?

>> No.771808
File: 300 KB, 620x465, glb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends what you're looking for. Duke3D is most known for its total conversions, where it plays like FPS of the mid 90's but not too close to Duke3D either:
- WGrealms 2 http://www.moddb.com/games/wgrealms-2
- AMC TC http://www.moddb.com/games/the-amc-tc
- or the older but still most famous Straship Troopers TC (imo the 2 others above beat it though) http://www.moddb.com/mods/starship-troopers-tc

If you're looking for stuff that are REALLY Duke Nukem 3D, there I recommend the following :
- Duke Nukem Forever 2013 : most recent and most famous one, based on the old DNF trailers. http://www.moddb.com/mods/duke-nukem-forever
- Metropolitan Mayhem : a 14 short maps episode made in the classic city level style of the original game. I made about 3 maps in this one http://www.moddb.com/mods/metropolitan-mayhem
- The Imperium http://www.moddb.com/mods/imperium
- Brave New World http://www.moddb.com/mods/brave-new-world

As far as single usermaps are concerned, you can find a LOT of stuff in plenty of different styles. Check out the following sites to find them :

The most famous usermaps are the Roch series, the Red series, and anything made by Alejandro Glavic.

I also obviously recommend 2 single usermaps I've worked on:

Have fun and be sure to download the source prot Eduke32!

>> No.771830
File: 112 KB, 1302x585, douk nikem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for great good

>> No.771873

It's a shame that duke3D had shit mouse input. It sucks that I have to used autoaim on hitscan because it's so poor and using any projectiles really needs to be within fairly short range to use effectively.

>> No.771874
File: 44 KB, 320x238, 1316712015715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jolly good.
Dont forget the War of Attrition mod

Would it be good if this was a Retro FPS General thread, mostly, but not limited to, Doom?
Not in /vg/ of course

>> No.771879

It's already a "90s FPS" thread, really. Unless you mean "stop calling it a doom thread, and call it the 90s fps thread" and change the OP copypasta...

So did Shadow Warrior (which, by the way, is free on Steam right now), some aspects of the games aged remarkably well, others suck ass.

>> No.771882

Does anyone here have the 21 Doom II Master Levels wad? I will include that, along with NERVE.wad, in the torrent!

Only 11 more games left for the torrent (unless more are added later), and 9 of them Amiga. Pathways Into Darkness is one of them if anyone would like to help with this feat.
Otherwise, the game will not be included because I have no way to obtain it.

>> No.771894

I suppose you're right.

Also, seeing Shadow Warrior being free on Steam.. just didnt seem right.. Its still being sold on 3D Realms.

Think we'll be able to use those tiny weapons somehow sometime soon?

>> No.771896

Not been around here for a while so I'm not sure what you're trying to collect - I'm sitting on a goddamn mountain of Amiga stuff over here though so if you still need any Miggy stuff I can probably fill some games.

>> No.771904

>Also, seeing Shadow Warrior being free on Steam.. just didnt seem right.. Its still being sold on 3D Realms.
>link in the op directly to every official doom wad

>> No.771920

This is different.
This is Valve giving away Shadow Warrior while 3D Realms is trying to get money from it.

Valve could just as easily sell it like they did with the Duke Nukem Megaton edition.. but no, they're giving it out for free instead.
Is 3D Realms allowing them to do this?

>> No.771947

Collecting a large quantity of 2.5 dimensional retro FPS games for a master torrent of sorts for every ones advantage. So far, I have over 100 games, and am nearing completion, but have 11 more games left to finish. I have already downloaded EVERY game on this list (EXCLUDING PATHWAYS INTO DARKNESS FUCKING MACINTOSH), but have yet to test them to see if they work, and have yet to write setup help text files. I am always accepting more videogame titles you feel should be added to the list if I missed them! Note, I am not looking for light gun or 'on rails' shooters. I want ones with some freedom to where you move! I also am not looking for full realtime 3 dimensional shooters like Quake or Unreal.
Here are all the games to be included.

It takes awhile to compile the files because I have to test them to ensure they work! I have not implemented the Amiga games into the 'wave' organizational scheme yet because I have not played them, thus do not know which they would belong. They are at the bottom of the list currently.

If you have a Macintosh....
>>768213 >>768213 >>768213

>> No.771962 [DELETED] 

i make ur mom squirm like 2.5d in bed lol

>> No.771960


>> No.771970

who u're think ur talking 2 m8?

>> No.771984

m8 i oughta punch u right in da gabba u cheeky piece of shite

>> No.771990

i got us a tuph guy over here i did m8 i did

>> No.771992

ogres are like onions

>> No.771994

You drive like a baboon in heat.

>> No.772039
File: 17 KB, 145x191, lowang1t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You move like a pregnant yak

>> No.772051
File: 191 KB, 1024x805, doom__zombie_soldiers_by_emortal982-d67pgun[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick post regarding a few things

As you may know, I've finally managed to upload the final pack featuring The Top 100 WADS Of All Time (>>768091). MEGA acted like a cunt two days ago and I picked another filehosting service as an alternative. However, I'm still looking forward to upload that pack in there, and of course, if anyone takes the time to do the work for me, I'll be forever grateful if you do so.

Now, you may be asking: "When are you going to pick the Cacowards?". Being honest, I have no idea. I still need to think about how should I organize that thing, because I was looking forward to include the winners of each year, PLUS the runner-ups, honorable mentions and whatnot. But then when Eric asked me about a certain Caco winner I couldn't find the damn bastard in the original /idgames link. I hope that I won't encounter with big annoyances such as tracking old filenames and PM'ing the authors for them.

But I mean, just look at the quantity of the WADS included in the first half of the intended ultimate pack, they're 102 WADS plus additional bugfixes and special editions; the Cacoward pack can wait for the moment.

I think that's all what I wanted to express. Oh, and if you want me to include a few other things in the Resources pastebin (last link in the OP pasta) make sure to tell me about them, I'm all ears.

>> No.772106 [DELETED] 

you look like a stupid

>> No.772116

I am no longer including Duck Hunt in the torrent(I was foolish in thinking it was a pioneer of the genre!), and have just stripped wikipedia of early fps games for me to work on when I get the chance. Good night.

>> No.772143
File: 79 KB, 566x768, 214624451_hXNQT-XL-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.772235

>get shotgun
You are now carrying the Shotgun.
>kill cacodemon
You fire your Shotgun and circlestrafe!
The cacodemon misses!
>kill cacodemon
You fire your Shotgun! The cacodemon dies!

If only.

>> No.772362

I'm not sure if it counts but you might want to look at a game called Midwinter, it's a very early 2.5D FPS-RPG hybrid.

>> No.772462

Anyone knows the name of the tracks of Who Dun It mod?

I'm especially interested in d_final1, d_final2 and d_final3 and that track that occurs twice or so in the new map, that starts with piano. I think it plays in castaway map or the pyramid one, but I'm not sure.

>> No.772461

>Valve giving away
>Valve could just as easily sell it
You...really are clueless, aren't you?

>> No.772817 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 666x666, 1325028016908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there lately so many mexicans on Zandronum? All those spics are ruining the game.

>> No.772830

Alright, guys, give me some ideas of monsters to frankensprite, and I'll see if I can get around 'em

>> No.772835


Replace Mancubi's head with the imp one

>> No.772843

Reverse-engineer the Mancubus. Remove its arm-launchers with meaty hands and when it hits you it knocks you back really far

>> No.772858 [DELETED] 

They've always been there. I think they're brazillian anyway. Isn't Brazil huge into Doom?

>> No.772871

Completely roboticize the Arch-Vile, and make his attack like this:
He opens his palms and fires wide pale yellow railgun-like beams, that instead of dealing damage out in massive bursts, quickly drain life.

>> No.772874 [DELETED] 

Brazil is huge into F2P.

>> No.772884

Nope. Their community has like 3 or 4 active members.

>> No.772892

I must be thinking of something else.

>> No.772909


>> No.773061

nice fan art.

>> No.773057

how is this for kung fu fighting you chicken shittt?

>> No.773254

Oops! Lo Wang dropped soap! You bend over get it, ha ha!

>> No.773378
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>> No.773391

Dear mappers,

If you're gonna have doors automatically open, then make them stay open. Nothing is more frustrating than have a door slam in your face when you're using the rocket launcher, and then having to dance around like a headless chicken with diarrhea looking for the fucking linedef to trigger the damn thing again.

>> No.773707


Sup, planning on updating the 4Doom zip file? It would be a nice idea to have the Doombro comics

>> No.773747

I like sword. It's a personal weapon

>> No.774142
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>> No.774162
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>> No.774168
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>> No.774217

You want to wash Wang, or watch Wang wash wang?

>> No.774327

>So did Shadow Warrior
It's a build engine issue, so yeah and so did blood.

That being said, Shadow Warrior and Blood can suck my dick for all I care, they're both shit balanced/paced. And no amount of clumsy kung fu B movies or brooding edgy emo motifs will override that fact. While duke relied on stolen one liners, generic action/scifi plot it worked where it needed to (mostly), the gameplay.

>> No.774353

So when is the new ROTT coming out?

>> No.774378

This season

>> No.774381
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>> No.774396



>> No.774448

Oh wow.

Dingy Corner
Peering through the gloom caused by a bad light attenuation algorithm, you can just make out this corner of the room. The walls are streaked and grimy. The room opens out to the north, east, and northeast.
You see a health bonus here.

>get health
Your health just improved!

Bad Spot
This side of the room forms an entry for the vestibule to the west. The room you're in disappears into the gloom east of here. The depression is directly east of you now. Through the doorway to the west
you can just make out some stairs. The pillars around the depression prevent movement to the northeast and southeast. If you were playing a harder level of difficulty, you would be being shot at right now. A
barrel is dangerously close to you here.

>> No.774470

The hangar entrance closes here to form a pokey corridor leading into a room with a central staircase and two pillars on either side of the stairs. The carcase of another marine is just to the southwest.
You see a health bonus, a health bonus, a health bonus, a health bonus, an armour bonus, and an armour bonus here.
A soldier is here.
A soldier is here.
A sergeant at the top of the stairs is here.
A sergeant at the top of the stairs is here.

>shoot enemies
soldier: ( with your pistol )
Northern soldier dies from the damage you inflicted.

soldier: ( with your pistol )
Southern soldier dies from the damage you inflicted.

sergeant at the top of the stairs: ( with your pistol )

sergeant at the top of the stairs: ( with your pistol )

Nearest sergeant attacks, doing 7 points of damage.

Furthest sergeant attacks, doing 8 points of damage.

>> No.774490

This game isn't fair. Checking your inventory shouldn't cost a turn. I love that this is real and that I'm playing it, though.

You have a pistol (being wielded) and a lamp (providing light).
Nearest sergeant misses you.
Furthest sergeant attacks, doing 1 point of damage.

>> No.774521
File: 270 KB, 512x368, mr krabs regrets purchasing so many stocks from microsoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thursday evening
>no vr servers active on Zandronum

>> No.774553

Let's host something. A /vr/ server sounds great right now. But what to play?

>> No.774559
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1358707295819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower half of a Cyberdemon with the Spider Mastermind on top of it.

>> No.774562

fractal samsara with reventantation hangman ctf survival invasion with /pol/.wad

>> No.774580
File: 192 KB, 283x352, index.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd host that if it made any sense. I'm sorry.

>> No.774586

thats the joke

>> No.774684

>This game isn't fair.
You can't play as well as normal doom, of course it's not fair. You should be able to get through most of it barely getting hit unless overwhelmed.

>> No.774687

Master Archcyberville.
Archville, Revennant, Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind mixed into one.

>> No.774709

>homing rapid fire cyberdemon rockets AND revenant flames


>captcha lellfin for

>> No.774713

fuck me i meant arch-ville flames

>> No.774735

Adding, thank you!
Also, >>771882, I still need those Master Levels

>> No.774771

You added arch twice in the name.
It should be Master Archcybernant.

>> No.774881


Just because its on steam doesn't mean Valve are the ones directly selling it.

>> No.774885

Never mind, have the Master Levels now in a .pk3.

>> No.774891

I'm playing on the Cyberrunner test server sooooooooooo

>> No.774924


definitely. lms cyberrunner is surprisingly fun.
feels a lot like quake.

>> No.774923

Pretty damn fun. Deathmatch is bestmatch

>> No.774945

A town full of Archviles. Archviles in every house, archvile behind the counter at the drugstore, archviles pushing their carts through the grocery store, archvile run fire department, archvile run police station, archvile run post office

No need for a graveyard though

>> No.774951 [DELETED] 

>wahhhh change ur name i dont like it >:( dont be racist!

spic lover

>> No.774954 [DELETED] 

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ CTF SAMSARA
pass: vidyagaems

get in here

>> No.774963

Quake 1 still has better and more replayable gameplay than doom.

>> No.774973

pass isn't working

>> No.774971

Quake 2>Quake 1>Quake 3>Quake 4> Quake Wars

>> No.774980


>> No.774981

Nope, quake 1 has both the best single and multiplayer.

you're a casual if you argue otherwise

>> No.774995

What are dmflags and compatflags and how do I configure and set them up? (best ever)

>> No.775002

>inb4 everyone is Security Officer

>> No.775009

The sound was horrible, the guns weren't pleasing, the campaign is short, the multiplayer was smeh, the colors were dark and almost the same color, the level structures were all similar and no real variety, nice try.

Quake One is good, but in no way the best. Quake Two improved on everything, like a sequel is supposed to.

>> No.775014

Quake 2 got boring quick. Gameplay wise it just wasn't on par. But this is all opinion anyway. Quake 2 would probably be a lot of fun coop, but single player I just can't stay interested. I was playing Unreal around that time anyway, and found it to be a vastly superior game.

>> No.775016

You're fucking shit. like really bad.

one thing to complain about singlepalyer but multiplayer? you're just pure fucking shit

>> No.775030

What's the name of this wad that has skins of shrek and lo wang?

>> No.775032

Have you ever played Quake 2's multiplayer? Wonderful. Compared to Quake 1's multiplayer? Ecstatic.

>> No.775036

Funny. When I tried Quake 2 coop, people were dropping all the time, the server was crashing, and it was generally shit.

Quakeworld, on the other hand? Fantastic.

>> No.775037


>> No.775068

Doom 4

>> No.775124

I cannot wait for it. I can only hope that they actually revert the gameplay back a decade or two. Too bad, they recently restarted to work from scratch on the game. Either way, consider my tokens spent, and that game pre-ordered.

>> No.775128

New engine, old gameplay, love.

>> No.775140

John Carmack seems to be deeply in favor of going back to the roots, and we need some new 90s run and gun.

>> No.775151

They seriously don't seem to listen to shit that Carmack says gameplay-wise, even though every time he's opined on the topic I've pretty much agreed with him.

*shrug*, I sincerely hope D4 is a great game. 1993 mechanics, 2014 graphics, and some moddable everything/decent multi.

>> No.775217

Doom 4 is most likely going to suck dick.

>> No.775245


>> No.775249
File: 27 KB, 400x267, bum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Masters of Doom
>Realize that I'll never be smart as Carmack or Romero
>Realize that I'll never be smart period.

Well, at least my sister will be successful, bein' a cosmetic surgeon and all.

>> No.775253

Don't feel bad. I'm a borderline genius who's accomplished absolutely fucking nothing ever.

Drive + intelligence. Really not nearly as good without the other.

>> No.775252

>Gameplay wise it just wasn't on par.
With the other Quakes it is.
>Unreal around that time anyway, and found it to be a vastly superior game.
And I found Unreal to be a vastly unpolished, slow, buggy, stiff shooter that was below average for most games not even trying to be on par with quake. Which banked on a few graphical novelties and Epic's reputation which quite frankly was overrated given their title quality was spotty at best.

>> No.775260
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>> No.775259

You don't seem to know what that word means.

> a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Point out the hypocrisy you dipshit.

>> No.775262

Not him, but maybe he's referring to the fact that he's in the Doom threads?

I still don't see it, that's the best I could come up with it.

>> No.775267

A little late, but I forgot to mention to the Anon asking for Quakes music in the form of .pk3 files that I also have the expansions to the games music in the same form. If you want it, I can give you that as well.

>> No.775274


A mod you played likely set movebob to 0, and RealGuns probably restored the setting.

Type "movebob 0.25" (minus quotations) for the default bobbing value.

>> No.775279

It just wouldn't be as funny if you understood.

>> No.775281

i believe he is insinuating that you will be sucking dick.

>> No.775286

>Not him, but maybe he's referring to the fact that he's in the Doom threads?
You're right not to see it because if you actually saw that line of thinking you'd be an idiot. I love doom because it's good, could it be better, damn right. But that still doesn't mean jack shit about id making bad game after bad game since Q3. They've demonstrated that they are incompetent at making games now. Doom 3 was fucking terrible, awful as fuck weapons, AI, level design, missed the point of doom, shoehorned nice tech into a poor mans knock off of system shock. They even botched up the audio support and framerate. Fucked over the standardization of lighting for multiplayer. The multiplayer even played differently from the singleplayer which is a shit thing to do.
Q4 did better in the multiplayer arena but still had shit unplayable netcode and the singleplayer also packed fairly shit gameplay. (yeah Q4 was developed by raven, under the guidance and control of id. They oversaw the production and design aspects Willits was the exec producer.)
Rage was shit on a stick.
They also went and fucked up Q3A releasing a shitty restricted broken balanced with worse netcode pay to play version just so they could host stats and match making/pseudomaster server.
They re-released a version of the original doom titles that was worse than the original.

Even Quake 3 which was their last saving grace had fairly shoddy support and issues that some didn't get cleaned up or worked on and they managed to fuck with the master servers anyway.

I'd be a fucking hypocrite if I said Doom 4 is expected to be good. Because I obviously don't see id as anything but incompetent and trying to shake a buck, these days.

>> No.775346

Hey, look on the bright side!

You're mother isn't outright stealing from you.

>> No.775358

Sure you fucking are. Your IQ scores mean nothing to true genius.

You don't know what true genius is.

You’re either a genius or you aren't.

>> No.775361

I'm sorry but Quake 1's Single Player is absolutely boring as shit compared to doom.

>> No.775365 [DELETED] 

Doom's is just the same fucking thing over and over

also it looks like a kid's game
so much for "DOOM"

>> No.775376

>Doom's is just the same fucking thing over and over
But Quake 1 is rockets: the video game. It doesn't even have bosses. The only time you'd ever even think about switching from rockets is to super nailgun a shambler, but you could probably just rocket jump and avoid the shambler entirely.

>> No.775394 [DELETED] 

But Doom is super shotgun: the video game. It doesn't even have mini-bosses. The only time you'd ever even think about switching from super shotgun is to bfg a cyberdemon, but you could probably just strafe around and avoid the cyberdemon's rockets entirely.

>also you fucking idiot quake does have fucking bosses

>> No.775413

>super shotgun
I suppose next you'll tell me Quake 1 had a BFG.

>Doom doesn't have minibosses
Barons of Hell fill that role pretty well.

>Quake does have bosses
Shub-Niggurath doesn't do a goddamn thing and Chthon only exists to keep you from standing still to laugh at it. Hardly bosses the way the Cyberdemon or the Spider Mastermind are.

>> No.775419

Quake on nightmare is harder (n a good way and not tard way like doom nightmare) than doom ultra-violence.

It's better everything really.
And the community isn't filled with a bunch of illiterate furfag brony eastern europeans and south americans spouting memes

>> No.775421

>barons of hell
>being this bad

>> No.775423

>spider mastermind
>hide behind wall when it shoots at you
>strafe around rockets


>> No.775427 [DELETED] 

Also modding quake is a lot harder to do which means you can do a lot more with it than doom and it keeps the retards out.

>> No.775436

>run around and press switches
>walk through a teleporter at the right time

>> No.775446

>It doesn't even have bosses.
It has two, chthon and shub niggerwrath. Not counting the expansion packs.
Doom only has one, Romeros fucking head. Otherwise all it has is stock enemies. Rarer, but still enemies found in various maps doing their thing.

>> No.775449

Making a game on the nintendo64 was a lot harder to do than PS1/PS2 and Xbox which means you can do more with it right?

>> No.775453 [DELETED] 

>And the community isn't filled with a bunch of illiterate furfag brony eastern europeans and south americans spouting memes
>Also modding quake is a lot harder to do which means you can do a lot more with it than doom and it keeps the retards out.
I think I'd prefer the"illiterate furfag brony eastern europeans and south americans spouting memes" to a bunch of elitist scumbags.

And if Quake is so good, how come it doesn't have constant threads here? How come the Quake threads that are made hardly reach 100 posts before they die to someone asking about essential SNES games? Most importantly: how come it's the Quake fans shitting up the Doom threads, and not vice versa?

>> No.775454

Yeah, everyone knows that programming for the Saturn was a bitch and a half, I guess that means it was superior to the PSX, right?

>> No.775461

>But Doom is super shotgun: the video game.
Entirely disagree.
Something like 90% of the time it's better to use the chainsaw, chaingun, normal shotgun or plasma and rocket.
There are situations that call for the super such as when you come up to barons/knights/revenants/archviles.<wbr> But most of the game you'll be fighting varioous zombies, chaingunners, pinkies, imps.
Cocklots and pain elementals are middle ground, if you need to move, shotgun/plasma/rockets will do the job fine, saving plasma if you have the BFG for what needs preferably, but if you can deal with a big of lag up, chainsaw is the best option. RL should be used if they're at a distance or you can't dance with them with the supershot or are in prox to a crowd.
So the super shotguns only real use is when you need to put down the bigger guys who are rarer and even then it depends on the situation where it may be one of three options to based on situation.
Everything else, the chainsaw, chaingun and normal shotgun are more efficient and faster to deal with most of the time.

>> No.775471

>And if Quake is so good, how come it doesn't have constant threads here?
Not him, but argument ad populum does not fly here. Please refrain from asking stupid questions.

Thats being said, Quake's strong point was multiplayer, I'd agree that Doom had better single player based on weapon balance, amount and balance of enemies. The amount user support and customization also helped give it longer life. Quake because it was 3D in a time when 3D wasn't so fast kind of played the balance towards fighting less enemies over the same time rather than more enemies over the same period. Though it's entirely about the level design really since tossing you an abundance of rockets or shafts and nails tends to really put a dent in most monsters quickly, but they're rather conservative with that. Likewise the multiplayer requires extremely balanced levels as the weapons are situational and not having access to them makes it difficult to compete, much like having a single rocket launcher on a level more so if you put it in a difficult and enclosed place like dm3 which is infamous for it's shitty placement that causes hang ups and which net worthwhile speak when a team outscores you with a ton of teamwork and shotgun raping the team holding it. The flow of that level is fairly fucking terrible.

>> No.775473

It's true that Quake isn't as popular as Doom. Nowadays, for pre HL FPS games, the modding/mapping communities are the biggest for Doom, then probably Duke, and then Quake last.

>> No.775479


>> No.775513

>Quake on nightmare is harder (n a good way and not tard way like doom nightmare) than doom ultra-violence.
Okay, I just played through the entire first episode of Quake on Nightmare. It was a moderate challenge, but most of the damage I took came from either my own rockets or from enemies being spawned in right behind me, which seemed to happen every time anything related to progressing through the level occurred. Sometimes I'd kill an enemy and its death would spawn enemies behind me. Find a secret? BEHIND YOU! Press a button? SURPRISE FAGGOT 2 SHAMBLERS, 5 FIENDS, AND A SIDE HELPING OF SCRAGS. Gets old really quickly, but luckily the rocket launcher is strong enough to handle everything short of shamblers, which I just take out the Super Nailgun for anyway. Overall, it wasn't particularly difficult compared to Doom on UV. I only ever died if I attempted speedrunning, like trying to rjump to the gold key on E1M6, because - guess what - it spawns a shambler when you take it. In comparison, I still haven't done a full UV-fast run of Doom E1.

Oh, and Chthon apparently throws fireballs in completely random directions on Nightmare. I guess that's more dangerous than throwing them directly at you, since occasionally you'll take some splash damage, but I still didn't die running around and hitting the buttons. At first I thought it was leading the fireballs, which would've been really neat and actually hard, but then he threw one across the room, nowhere near me.

>> No.775564

Is there a way to increase font size in GZDoom and all HUD in general? I've only found that you can double the size of it which is okay for health and ammo display but text remains unchainged and in high resolutions it's really small.

>> No.775573

I rarely use the super shotgun in single player, the single barrel shotgun is already overpowered enough without another barrel to waste another shell. The only time I actually use the super shotgun, is if I am switching through weapons and an enemy happens to ambush me right when the super shotgun is selected. I don't think Quake even needs bosses, which is where I would say Quake 2 excels. Bosses seem to just take away the fast paced action, and turn it into a game of "DODGE SLOW MOVING PROJECTILES AND COMPLETE PUZZLES".

You are looking at this in an entirely different way. You are comparing the (what I would consider) start of true run and gun first person shooters, to a three dimensional build off of a first person shooter built 3 years before it. They were both great, but the pioneer usually has more fans.

>> No.775589

I'll still maintain the FAQ and shit, I just won't be doing it as frequently as before.
You mean the FAQ, /vr/oom's stuff list, or the OP pasta?
FAQ: Nope
/vr/oom's stuff: adding it now
OP pasta: it already just barely fits within the maximum character limit, can't

>> No.775605

what wads are you running and what RG version? some stuff looks different from last time I played..

>> No.775606

Both games were pioneers in their own right. master servers system, client side prediction, client/server networking and join in progress/udp all of which pretty much every FPS game and even non FPS games more or less use in some form. Support for 3D cards was in other games and general software support for true 3D, but quake really stood for it's support. Weapon physics for movement. Bunnyhopping brought a whole new movement technique which would be used in various other games (albeit accidentally). The large verticality and open-ness to levels.
It did a lot of stuff that wasn't really being done before it.

>> No.775778

What port do you guys on linux use to play?

>> No.775782

Zandro has a linux version

>> No.775831

Can't seem to get music to play.

>> No.775865

>Doom's is just the same fucking thing over and over

Its funny, because every quake level is a castle/dungeon, except for 4 of them being tech-base.

Doom may not be the most varied 90's game, but it certainly wasnt as repetitive as quake in level theming.

>> No.775898

Great news, there was a working Windows (beta) port of Pathways Into Darkness. It is incomplete, but MUCH better than nothing! Still would love to include the original however, if anyone would like to deal with that.

Added five new games to the list,
Faceball 2000 SNES
Gunbuster MAME
Star Cruiser Genesis
Mobile Suit Z Gundam - Hot Scramble NES
Midwinter +

Could have added more, but I fucking hate setting up computer system emulators, and already have enough shit with Amiga! Why can't they be easy like console emulation? Will deal with the new games tomorrow(later today), and will continue procrastinating on working on the Amiga games.

>> No.775980

What about using a mac emulator for Pathways? There's a guide to setting one up to play pathways into darkness here: bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post?id=2886439

>> No.776019

Forgot my trip, anyways, important question. Should I include some of the more well known first person RPG games as well? There aren't TOO many, but there are a shitload, a lot of which are hosted on GoG. Keep in mind, these games are LARGE apparently! 1990's games end up in gigabytes! I really do love first person rpg games, and it would probably be best to include them(because I have already caved in and included a few such as Ultima Underground and The Elder Scrolls)!

Or should I make a separate torrent for that kind of thing..?

You know, it is sad really. I had forgot that a Macintosh can be emulated. May work on setting that up. Just downloaded the Pathways Into Darkness in a second from Macintoshgardens, like I hadn't been looking for a download for 2 days! Thank you very much.

>> No.776029
File: 593 KB, 350x264, 1363370012141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a crapshoot but I'll ask it anyway
Is there any mod that replaces the doom music with this amazing non-official 32x music?

>> No.776034

>dat gif
Fiz pls

>> No.776041
File: 1.89 MB, 300x200, 1369246140224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about so here's another .gif for your troubles

>> No.776059

i can't imagine why you felt spoiler tags were necessary there

>> No.776080

Best bet would likely be to ask the user what they did to make said music, as it looks like they took the MIDIs and put'em through something according to the description, or to offer the music for download.

>> No.776089

Well yeah, but even having the files I still wouldn't know how to make them replace the doom music. Don't even know if it's a simple or complicated process

>> No.776107

>19 floppies
This hurts. I really hate setting up computer emulators, I hope you all understand. I will just include the games, with text telling them what they need. Life is stressful enough! If I include Macintosh 7 emulation, then I would have to include Windows 95 emulation, and I really do not wish to go through the trouble of making sure the files work by installing everything, and writing text help files! This has helped me a lot, as I can now at least include the game, so thank you very much.

>> No.776118
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1370616949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another troublesome one UVmaxed

>> No.776117


I'd be so fucking pissed if my dog did this to me. How dare you worry me like this!?

>> No.776334
File: 180 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130605_121256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the latest Refined version, 17.

They made a shit ton of changes.

>> No.776409
File: 737 KB, 1364x765, 6haM0S35EulDckDmZrPzFGsx2GbGq[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's everyone playing? How do you guys like it?

I'm currently playing Satanic Redux with Hellbound, very atmospheric experience. Hellbound is a mapset that relies a lot on lighting, and combining it with the black and red palette that Satanic offers makes for a tense playthrough.

>> No.776450

Download Timidity and a soundfont, Linux doesn't have MIDI support out of the box like Windows.

>> No.776464


Are you on drugs son?

>> No.776469

He's a troll, just report and move on.

>> No.776482 [DELETED] 


I still don't get whats so good about Timidity

I've had far better results with Bassmidi personally.

>> No.776487

My guess is that it's easier to get. What distribution doesn't have Timidity in its default set of repositories?

>> No.776550

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I legitimately don't like Blood.

Well, that's not entirely true. I really like the atmosphere, the locale, the setting, and Caleb is one hell of a charismatic protagonist.
But then the gameplay is just...absolutely merciless.

>> No.776593
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1370627552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not many left now

>> No.776603

Play on the easiest difficulty, then it's more on par with the average difficulty of other shooters of the time.

>> No.776635
File: 143 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_111144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strife with Samsara
Parias and Duke are baller as fuck because of how strong their regular melee is in comparison to Strifeguy or the others.

>> No.776707


Shame it's unfinishable.

>> No.776758

>Parias and Duke are baller as fuck because of how strong their regular melee is in comparison to Strifeguy or the others.
That's true at first, but keep in mind that Strifeguy's melee scales with his Stamina level. The Samsara crew doesn't get such benefits and will never know the joys of gibbing Acolytes with their bare hands. Well, maybe Doomguy will, but I wouldn't know.

>> No.776795

What OS are you using? I have had nothing but issues with Bassmidi and I am using WIndows 8.

>> No.776835

>Well, maybe Doomguy will, but I wouldn't know.
Yeah, he gets 'zerk with stamina trainin'.

>> No.776846

Do the others get their berserker replacements from Stamina as well?

>> No.776872



>> No.776908

I can't find Real Guns Refined on Google. Could you spare a link?

>> No.776917

The new cyberrunner skin is the most fappable
Just sayin

>> No.776926






These are all the wads for it.

>> No.776935

So...how do I .pk3 those?

>> No.776939


If you like disgusting small-breasted giant women, sure.

>> No.776940

>implying it's not average

>> No.776957 [DELETED] 

oh man, another person who cannot into anatomy
damn you animes!

>> No.776962 [DELETED] 

>cannot into anatomy
Oh man, another person with no understanding of the english language. Damn you stupidity/living other countries!

>> No.776967 [DELETED] 

>no understanding of the english language
Oh man, another person who's frighteningly new. Damn you summer!

>> No.776969 [DELETED] 

>doesn't recognize memes
You must be new here.

>> No.776976


If we're going by realistic proportions, sure. But this isn't real. It's a video game.
And she's disgustingly flat for video game girl.
Needs to be shorter and more endowed.



>> No.776990

>disgustingly flat for video game girl
I can name an awful lot more vidya girls with realistic breasts than you can ridiculously endowed ones.

>> No.776995 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 365x449, ALWAYS I WANNA BE WITH YOU AND MAKE BELIEVE IN YOU AND LIVE IN AH HAHAHA HAHAHA FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn you summer!



>> No.777006
File: 1.29 MB, 1600x1200, dndoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr this thread

the cacodemon in DOOM is a ripoff of this DnD monster.

that is all.

>> No.777045


>> No.777053

We know.

>> No.777063

Give me a list, I'll give you a bigger one.

>> No.777086

yeah i remember when this was on the front page of Doomworld a few years ago.. surreal.

>> No.777192

See if you can get the midi's from the youtube user. Take them into a wad editor like SlumpEd, rename them to the original file name and replace the original files (d_runnin, etc). If they're mp3's or what-have-you then I'm not so sure. I'm sure there's a tutorial on the internet, and if they are mp3's you could just rip them right off the youtube video.

>> No.777207

How so?

>> No.777212

why were doom 3 and quake 4 bad? never played them

>> No.777213

They're not bad, they're just not doom or quake like. Well quake 4 was kinda quake-like, but not enough.

Doom 3 is actually a lot of fun for me, but it doesn't feel like "Doom" ya know?

>> No.777214

Doom 3 wasn't bad, it was just kinda survival horrory instead of RIP AND TEAR HUGE GUTS

>> No.777218

Don't bother arguing with him about this or anything. People have been bothering me about making her tits bigger from the start. It's not happening, and it's a stupid thing to bitch about.

And the height isn't a real problem. Either the sprite needs scaled down, or the camera needs moved up. Probably the former I'd imagine.

>> No.777238 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 500x242, 1370587953876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ JENESIS: Fractal Survival

For anyone interested

>> No.777279


The second-to-final level is glitched. If you have all the sigil pieces, the door won't open.
They've fixed it for 0.3, but it's still a shame. At least you can noclip through.

>> No.777287

You can still complete it, you just have to kinda cheat.
Do you only get the ultimate weapon once you have all the sigil pieces, a la Hexen?

>> No.777292

No, you get the VII with only one sigil, if I remember.
It's in a warehouse just before you fight the Bishop.

>> No.777412


Jimmy's masterpiece with Fractal? I'm in!

>> No.777413

Well, fugg

>> No.777457
File: 310 KB, 500x242, 1370587953876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ JENESIS: Fractal Survival

Is back up now.

Also Fractal Doom has received a minor update/bugfix:

--Painelemental idle animation is now fixed

--The shootable thrown mini-imps and revenants riding rockets will die without delay now when killed in mid-air.

Download link is the same as before: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b0ypy9l0pn40s33/fractal_doom.wad

Also available on the BestEver servers as "fractal_doom_v0.2.0.wad"

>> No.777472

>Use BASSMIDI config
>Add soundfont
>Sudden crash
Can anyone help me with this

>> No.777494

It also crashes only when I tried to add SGM

>> No.777560

I wanna fight *that* version in Doom 4.

>> No.777613
File: 951 KB, 384x288, cosplay-bugs-bunny-creepy-toilet-friend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is cyberrunner really a /vr/ wad? should we even be talking about it?
it's not in the wad list, it's not hosted on any /vr/ servers, and all of the test servers are pubby holes

>> No.777632

Both the devs and the sprite artist post in these threads.

>> No.777639

Terminus and spriteguy are /vr/gins.

>> No.777653


Fractal Really isn't either.

>no password on server they've got up right now
>no password on servers the last couple of weeks

>> No.777670 [DELETED] 

>i will shitpost the same wad every day until you guys stop having fun with it

>> No.777698

I don't think it matters much though, There's not that many people browsing for servers. Majority on servers are people from here. I was only interested in Cyberrunner because i heard about it here. Sure you get a few pubbies joining but they don't say or do much except play. I don't see the problem with keeping it public.

>> No.777734

Anyone has the Chris Doner wad?


>> No.777762

No, but I have Eric Harris.

>> No.777790

So it's not Real Guns Hardcore anymore?

Can we get a RGA server going?

>> No.777847

>muh sekrit klub doe

>> No.777858 [DELETED] 

to any zandronum pubbies reading this
>you're a bunch of faggots and stop fucking trying to greentext in chat you fucking normalfags
and stay off the /vr/ servers

>> No.777871 [DELETED] 

terminus faggot is a pubbie normalfag that cant handle racism or trolling

>> No.777873

Where is /vr/ wad list?

i cant find it in OP and i want to play /pol/.wad

>> No.777878 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 367x451, AH HAHAHA FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sekrit klub

Bye bye underage!

>> No.777898 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 801x648, YouKeepSayingThat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying. I can appreciate that.

>> No.777905

>can't find it in OP
Have you actually tried going to the FAQ in the OP?

>> No.777909 [DELETED] 

>bye bye
you're one of them faggot

go jack off to your clanbuttbuddies

>> No.777924 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 650x437, EI HAEV BOLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat nitpicking

I shouldn't even be responding to you but


>> No.777984

Hardcore was an offshoot, like Tower of Babel is to Zdoom.

>> No.777994 [DELETED] 


>> No.778015 [DELETED] 


>> No.778018 [DELETED] 

bet this faggot is gonna say "lel" or "top-lel" next

they're like our "mudkipz" or "epic" of our time

at least those earlier stupid fucking memes had variation

>> No.778024 [DELETED] 

Honestly as much as this thread would be even more dead on /vg/, sometimes I think it would be better off there. Less shitposting.

>> No.778027

And how in the world PrBoom manages to run Nuts.wad flawlessly, meanwhile the other source-ports shat themselves

>> No.778028 [DELETED] 

Where are the fucking mods?

>> No.778030 [DELETED] 

>at least those earlier stupid fucking memes had variation
I don't habeeb it.

>> No.778038 [DELETED] 

Have you seen generals on /vg/ man? They're all 2 times worse than here.

>> No.778041 [DELETED] 

Not even. At least they don't have autistic german shitposters in them every fucking day like this one does.

>> No.778065 [DELETED] 

Probably correct.
>every fucking day

/vg/ has a whole ton of shitposters in them.

>> No.778068 [DELETED] 



>> No.778074 [DELETED] 

I'm not that german guy and who the fuck wants to play with a bunch of non-english (american dialect) speaking faggots who only got internet a few years ago?

Americans only. everybody else is too new to the internet and end up annoying me

>> No.778075 [DELETED] 

It takes a special kind of person to do what DKG does. An autistic one.
>every fucking day
Nigga I am in this thread every day and I can tell you it is EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Before your time, no worries.

>> No.778076 [DELETED] 

do not reply to post No.778074

>> No.778095 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 962x1516, SixtyNiggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>At least they don't have autistic german shitposters in them

They do.

As a matter of fact, he comes from /vg/. More specifically, /mcg/

>> No.778097 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1280x956, u wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your solution is to move the thread to another board where posting will be much much slower and it's guaranteed that it will be buried by millions of shitty gookclick threads and Katawa Shoujo faggotry.

My guess is that something has driven you to insanity, with certain idiots trying to shit up the thread (and they've done quite a good job of it), you have been somehow lead to believe that /vg/ is a better venue for these threads than /vr/ is.

You are, quite frankly, out of your fucking mind.

>> No.778104 [DELETED] 



So he's legit autistic? God dammit, now I feel bad for that bastard

>> No.778106 [DELETED] 

I say at least fucking TRY it. Though I am admittedly pretty fucking pissed off at how shit the mods are on /vr/.
That explains more than you could possibly know.

>> No.778116 [DELETED] 

nope, he called me ultra-faggot >>778015

>> No.778140 [DELETED] 


fucking faggot

i got you fucking nerds figured out

>> No.778147 [DELETED] 


Next time we see yoloswaggings around, hand the damn IP

>> No.778159 [DELETED] 

yeah pass the IP to me so i can hack the little bastard

>> No.778164 [DELETED] 


>> No.778169 [DELETED] 

FURRRRRRRRRLLLL! Where are you, goddamnedretard?

>> No.778195

>Lurk the zDoom forums like I usually do
>Zygo unlocked the CR thread and created a few more projects
>"Silent Doom"
>A Killing Time TC

I do REALLY hope he got his shit together, the Killing Time TC would be wonderful

>> No.778205

Not the same Anon, but Minecraft really isn't as terrible as people make it out to be.

>> No.778214

Yes it is a shit game, dwarf fortress is much better.

>> No.778223
File: 54 KB, 180x172, lolbaron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REJOICE, /vr/! Not only the zombiemans won't cry like rats in acid after getting their extremities amputated, now they're going to cry like rats in acid after getting their extremities amputated AND THEN they're going to shoot at you!


Isn't that wonderful?

(Not that I'm hating on BD, as a matter of fact I often play with it, but that demon whining sure is stupid)

>> No.778225 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 320x180, habeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember Habeeb...

>> No.778232

>GrandLupineBiped 1 day ago
>I only wonder how much longer until you're able to charge for all your hardwork!
oh yeah because that will end well

>> No.778237 [DELETED] 

itt: terminus shitposts and then plays damage control in the irc pretending everyone else is being mean to him

>> No.778245 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 797x687, qpKMj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778240 [DELETED] 

It's in the FAQ. Unless you mean moderators in which case:

>> No.778246
File: 63 KB, 337x290, king hippo has a migraine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "nigger" in the DECORATE plasma, the "lol u jeluss bcuz u can't maek better mods than me ;P", NOTHING would compare to that shit.

We would truly experience what was the Evilution drama back in the day

>> No.778257


> frickfrock999 22 hours ago

Don't you mean Zenimax, son?

>> No.778265 [DELETED] 

>meanwhile, on another edition of "shit that isn't happening"

>> No.778267 [DELETED] 


No. No, that's not happening.
At all.

>> No.778273 [DELETED] 

Are you dumb fucks seriously replying to that faggot? Report and ignore

>> No.778271


Eh, a lot of the hate for comes from the fact that it really is built upon broken promises and huge delays, all the while advertising the shit out of itself since it had been in pre-alpha

It certainly isn't anything horrible, but isn't what it was supposed to be and that pisses a lot of people off

>> No.778272

>saying nigger in code comment
Come the fuck on, it's a CODE COMMENT. You had to go fucking LOOKING for that shit. It's like if I buried a box in my yard with an apron and a note saying "Women are all dumb whores and should suck my cock and make me a sandwich" in it, then 2 years later some random woman dug it up and complained about it.

>> No.778274 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 298x358, 1366811343151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just making things up, considering he hasn't said anything for the past hour.

>> No.778283

I'm going to post the RIP AND TEAR template in /v/, guys. Wish me luck


Hey, wasn't me, go complain to that voice actor dude who posted about it in the zDoom forums and went "MUH PRESTIGE"

>> No.778290

I don't understand why so many people cared that an amateur authors wad was officially released as an add on.
I don't understand why people cared if "nigger" was found nestled in coding.
I don't understand why any one cared if he made a comment saying someone was jealous of his hard work.

>> No.778291

>We would truly experience what was the Evilution drama back in the day
hahaha yes i didn't even think of that. this *really* needs to happen!

>> No.778301 [DELETED] 

Don't reply to him. At. All.

>> No.778294

>that voice actor dude who posted about it in the zDoom forums and went "MUH PRESTIGE"
this sounds hilarious, what are you talking about?

>> No.778296 [DELETED] 


Having fun making things up?

>> No.778314
File: 19 KB, 290x705, Allow me to introduce myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is


Let's hope for the best

>> No.778323 [DELETED] 






>> No.778326

>Eh, a lot of the hate for comes from the fact that it really is built upon broken promises and huge delays, all the while advertising the shit out of itself since it had been in pre-alpha

I thought we said we were done talking about DK.

>> No.778329


>> No.778340

well, it's not like they have to be constantly reposted in this thread

let /v/ have their fun and if something relevant/decent comes of it bring it over here, otherwise, flush it

>> No.778347 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 451x392, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778348 [DELETED] 



>> No.778353

Doesn't look like they're playing ball

>> No.778356 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 130x171, VERY HUMBLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778357

Anyone hosting any multiplayer tonight?

>> No.778359

dohoho yes thank you stadler and/or waldorf.

>> No.778367


I know, they're in fact drowning themselves with their usual Xbox One threads and metashitposting

It's like they're literally having some holy wars or some shit like that

>> No.778384


>holy wars

Speaking of


Also, guys, tell me about certain songs that you think they might fit in Doom and I'll try to look for a MIDI version of it

>> No.778393

Sounds like something if Romero would put if he ever made a Episode 5 for Doom.
Well done.

>> No.778405

From Brutal Doom. Sgt Mark said nigger in a commented chunk of code and the guy who did the voice acting didn't want his name sullied.

Long time ago. Wasn't even that big of a deal except for whiners on the forums.

>> No.778409

>and the guy who did the voice acting didn't want his name sullied.
oh right. i was aware of the rest but not this part, so thank you for the information/explanation!

>> No.778413

Here's the lelfest, conveniently split into its own thread thanks to ZDF moderators.

>> No.778418
File: 8 KB, 429x178, 1370659949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News: ZDoom 2.7.0 has been tagged within the past half hour, expect a release announcement soon i guess

>> No.778423



>> No.778431
File: 84 KB, 500x664, buny wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778505 [DELETED] 


>> No.778520
File: 371 KB, 462x308, isdisdoomniggaserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778569
File: 91 KB, 337x425, 1283708348274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way of converting MP3's and whatnot into MIDI's?

>> No.778573


Ugh, why did they have to use a TAR-21 sprite with a HBS that doesn't even do anything.

>> No.778579

Hrm, I haven't tried Duke in Strife yet.
I bet he's pretty gamebreaking.

>> No.778590

Wait, doesn't Berserker wear off when he changes maps, meaning that Doomguy gets no use out of it when he leaves base?

>> No.778607

You can try Audacity, but .mp3 to .midi is a real shitshoot.

>> No.778610

There's various "MP3 to MIDI" programs out there, however I don't know how well they fare as well as which ones are free or not.

>> No.778620 [DELETED] 


>> No.778646
File: 205 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_212647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samsara? What a piece of shit.

>> No.778656
File: 183 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_212755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foot is mightier

>> No.778658
File: 158 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_212811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778663


It's a pain in the ass, because it tries to recognize the "waves" and translates then into midis. But the output always ends up being a total unrecognizable mess of String Piano tracks

>> No.778734

I can't find it on IDE.

>> No.778762
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_215524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take what's behind door number 1

>> No.778758
File: 162 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_213015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takin care of business, Duke style

>> No.778767
File: 134 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_215555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd buy this for a dollar.

>> No.778779
File: 125 KB, 1366x768, strife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weapons you say?

>> No.778798
File: 149 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Strife_20130607_221937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless America

>> No.778824

I believe its because the programmers for prboom+ have focused mainly on optimisation and cosmetic features.

>> No.778902

No, he gets permazerk. And it gradually builds up.

Doomguy's fist basically fits the role of the PunchDagger 100% accurately.

>> No.778909

Has anyone made r34 of the cyberrunner?

>> No.778918
File: 84 KB, 600x371, I AM TEARING YOU APART, LISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me


>> No.778926


>> No.778934


Screw rule 34, I'm still waiting for this.

spriteguy, please ;_;

>> No.778954


You know, I'm not sure if Spriteguy and Term would allow us to have the 3D model at our disposal so one of us could import it to XNALara and use the hundreds of user-made poses

I would respect their decision, no matter what would it be

>> No.778976

Let's play football on the roof, anon.


>> No.778998

The reason that's insanely hard is because Midi files read each instrument and plays them. It like packs all the sounds into the midi. MP3 is just well a single recording as apposed to a bunch of sounds.

>> No.779018 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 396x385, 1307980196001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitposting and all autistic niggers gtfo

>> No.779025



Heh; my hands are sweating, I can't wait[/spoiler

>> No.779042

>Tormentor has left the rest of the ZDCMP2 developing and bugfixing to Gez
>May 20th was supposed to be the final release date
>Times passes
>Gez posts this


Well, shit. Kinda lame, if you ask me

>> No.779069

What is 2.7.0 meant to introduce?

>> No.779078

We don't know yet, that's what makes it exiting. Like motherfucking Christmas up in this bitch

>> No.779081

I really wish there was a way to get just the brutal Doom lighting without everything else. Brutal Doom lighting gives Zandronum nearly the same level of lighting as the doomsday engine of course it won't ever be as good but it surpasses the default opengl lighting of Zandronum by miles..

>> No.779085

My rig isn't really set up to work with any stock stuff. It'll probably break pretty hardcore.

>> No.779242


If you keep up with the zDoom bug reporting/suggestions subforum, you might get an idea on what's going to include

>> No.779362

Doom 64 Absolution is a pretty damn good accurate PC port for doom 64.

>> No.779382
File: 67 KB, 230x230, tumblr_miefe9JjAX1r7xaiso1_250[3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been linked already in the Downloads section of the website


So here it is, niggas


>> No.779390

Is there really any reason to be excited about this? If you keep up with the SVN builds for (G)Zdoom, then you've basically already seen everything in this release. Don't really see why people bother with the "official" releases when grabbing the SVN builds keep you more up-to-date.

>> No.779425

Does anyone have the copypasta about the pastor's son and him playing Doom?

>> No.779484

No, formatted my HDs recently and forgot to save it.

R.I.P. and tears, pastorbro.

>> No.779491

No, but I remember and can rewrite the last half of the story word for word.

>"why do you play this game don't you have halo like all of your other friends?"
>"i like doom"
>one day
>"well you keep returning to this game, so it must be pretty good"
>"here try dad!"
>"wow this is fun!"
>every day for a few years we play doom
>"i hope this never ends i love you dad"

>> No.779492

No, that would be Doom 64 EX

Absolution made several changes iirc.

>> No.779506

Were they better changes? Did they improve gameplay? What was changed?

>> No.779510

I'm totally okay with changes that actually improve the game. Do they?

>> No.779527

Quick question, and no the torrent isn't done yet, but would you all mind if I archived the torrent into a single file? It is already much more files than thepiratebay will accept, and I will have to archive it anyways, but I mean archiving all the files into a single file? If you do not want that, I could just archive each file individually, but I believe it could be much easier and convenient if I just archive it into one file. Not to mention, and this is for my own greedy needs, but it would cut the file size down some, and also encourage people to seed the torrent. It would encourage them to seed the file, because it isn't as easy to accidentally alter the file by installing games/running them, and I already know not many people are going to copy and paste the entire directory into a separate place for the express intent of seeding the files.

>> No.779551

Why the fuck are there only 2 /vr/ servers up right now?

>> No.779580

Please no, I don't want to have to download the entire thing if I'm only interested in a handful of titles, and I'm pretty sure others feel the same way.

>> No.779585

Most changes were due to engine limitations of Doomsday engine, actually.

The new levels were cool, though.

>> No.779590

Alright, I will package them all separately, but please do download it all anyways! I hate to push that down others throats, but I cannot seed the files forever, and certainly do not want these files to die.

>> No.779594

Speedrun related question...

E1M1... is it possible to beat this score? Trying to get 12 seconds, but no luck. If one was to touch literally nothing could it be done? Any strategies to pass doors faster?

Also I'm interested in DOS doom, not any newer launchers/ZDOOM or whatnot. And, of course, no cheats and not on easy setting.

Vid related:

>> No.779626

Do not shoot, 'always run' turned on, and ready your use key.

DOS Doom also has cheats, if you didn't know. It runs slower than source ports normally as well. You would be much better with Chocolate Doom, if you are too lazy to turn off the additional settings in GZDoom!

Here is the original DOS files, if you are still interested.

>> No.779630

I played through first three episodes of Ultimate Doom, then all Doom 2 and then I beat Scythe. Now I'm going back to Thy Flesh Consumed. E4M2 aside, is this supposed to be such a cakewalk? Or am I supposed to pistol start every level to get any challenge from it?

>> No.779638

I never saw episode 4 to be as bad as everyone made it out to be. It gets a little difficult later on, but other than that it shouldn't take you too long to finish.

>> No.779639

E4M2 is a cake-walk on the PC version, even in UV. It's the PlayStation which is more difficult, since it places the demons behind you at the start.

>> No.779641

>It gets a little difficult later on
other way around
first two levels are the only ones approaching difficulty

>> No.779680

Why not post them to MEGA, it allows you to just pick the files you want from the archive.

>> No.779692

I want people to have the option of either downloading all of the files at once for free, or just some, but I don't actually know how the site works. What is the file limit again? 50 gigabytes?

also I hate that damned site

I just feel more comfortable using torrents due to MEGA being unknown territory. Someone else can upload the files to MEGA or other sites when the torrent is finished, but it isn't going to be me! Sorry.

>> No.779726
File: 2.65 MB, 128x96, e1m1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E1M1... is it possible to beat this score? Trying to get 12 seconds, but no luck. If one was to touch literally nothing could it be done?

i was doing this a few threads ago. in short, yes it is possible, and the world record is even faster.


>> No.779741

I'd like to see how you play it because I and most others believe quite the opposite, and frankly I think you're just blustering.

It's only "easy" if you use a speedrunning shortcut known as "The Steffen Winterfeldt Jump", which lets you omit the blue key and most of the level.

Not E4M6 as well? Well, perhaps not so much as part of a run of the episode, but certainly from a pistol start, it can be difficult.

>> No.779821

Just passing by to warn you, I'm deleting the Dropbox files containing the "Top Ten WADS..." of each year. If you want to get a hold of the whole thing, check >>768091 for details

>> No.779834

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.780049

Can anyone please help me with bassmidi? I still get general midi sound when playing even after an hour of configuring.

>> No.780106

Alright, giving up on the Amiga emulator and its games. Having much too much difficulty with it, what with over 100 different ROMs, not knowing which are kickstart or not, game crashes, system crashes, red screen, orange screen, reboots, etc.. I will just supply a link to the guys torrent I obtained the files from when I post the torrent, which excluding the Amiga games makes it much closer to completion. I want this torrent to be complete, but it is difficult to distinguish if this is a first person shooter or a first person perspective torrent, what with the portion of other first person genre's included! It just never feels finished with all of these other additions opening up new doorways. I will post the torrent soon, maybe even within a week, probably earlier since the Amiga games are off my plate (for now). I am actually done with the torrent if keep my word of not adding anything else, and now need to do last minute preparations like virus scanning, ensuring that all help files are accounted for, zipping up each individual games folder, and actually creating and uploading the torrent. I will gradually update the torrent after its release, nothing immediate. I want it to feel more like a hobby and not a job!

>> No.780141
File: 2 KB, 59x70, 129129329231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.780191

thank you for finally changing the "what's new" text