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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7680251 No.7680251 [Reply] [Original]

Why this franchise is so fucking criminally underrated?

>> No.7680257

Why do you keep making these threads?

>> No.7680261

I always liked how well they felt to control. Everything always had just the right amount of weight. They're a great set of pseudo-stealth platformers.

>> No.7680262

because it's for kids
nothing wrong with children games just stating the reason they are underrated

>> No.7680312


>> No.7680347

i agree with both, it looks either like a game for 7yos or for furries (or both)
people older than 14 shouldn't be allowed to watch cartoons with furries in them

>> No.7680583

because i want to fuck carmelita

>> No.7680594
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>> No.7680696

It's shit
It's overrated if anything

>> No.7680721

>people younger than 14
You're retarded if you think people more more susceptible to furfaggotry in their teens than when they're children.
t. played sly cooper when I was 7 and waifu'd Carmelita until I turned 19 and then started again when I turned 22.

>> No.7680752

>got like 4 games

>> No.7680769

to be honest, you're right. there's a reason there are so many furries in the West but so few in Japan. Disney cartoons normalized furry characters as being "good for kids", and we've all seen the result of this.
i bet it was all the retarded Christian parents who were screeching that having a REAL GIRL in a cartoon is corrupting children, but having a furry bimbo is a-ok as long as it's not an actual human. then they wonder "what went wrong" when their kids develop disturbing fetishes years later. well, at least saved your children from getting a boner to real women, eh?

>> No.7680772


>> No.7680787
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I'm not convinced that furshit is the root of weird-ass fetishes. You hear lots of stories about fetishes happening from non-furry sources like inflation and willy wonka or feet and cinderella, I think furry is just another weird fetish by itself that comes from overconsumption of media at a young age. Furries as a group have been a thing since the 60s, but the internet is what really lit that dumpster fire because like all fringe groups, the internet gives them a place to group up and it magnifies their autism.
It's only gonna get worse, now that you have parents babysitting their infants with ipads. I expect a surge of /d/-tier fetishfags to wash over the web over the next 10 years.

>> No.7680791

the Playstation 2 games were pretty good, I loved them when I was younger and still do playthroughs of the series every couple of years
wouldn't call it underrated, tho

>> No.7680910

at least they make a bit less furshit cartoons nowadays, or at least less furry bait characters.
in the 80s-90s it was the heyday of furry cartoons and other media, hence why so many millennials grew up with this fetish and why Sonic community is so deviant.
I think what happened was children having strict parents and/or just being limited to any sexual imagery at young age. then they get exposed to all the furry cartoons which become a "safe" territory for them to give their sexual desire a way (something like sublimation). then it basically ingrains in their unassuming child subconscious, and you get what you get.
I think nowadays with less furshit cartoons, easier attitudes to porn and easier access to sexual imagery in general via internet, kids wont stick to furshit as much but probably will develop other fetishes.

>> No.7681221

>Why this franchise is so fucking criminally underrated?
>furfag furbait franchise created by indian seattle furfag that involved in furry fandom since 80s
Hmm, I guess why?

>> No.7681228

>I'm not convinced that the root of fetish evil is not the root of fetish evil
Stop questioning.

>> No.7681241

It wasn't. It peaked with the first game and got worse with each new title.

>> No.7681276

Sort of, but there are many highly rated kids games. I think it's because Sly is actually quite mature for a kids game.

>> No.7681320

One had the most personality, two had the best environments. Three was pretty meh, too much focus on minigames.

>> No.7682182

Not enough PR

>> No.7682563

It's too furry

>> No.7682817

Mario isn't? Pokémon? I see that shit get a lot of discussion here

none of these games are my thing, but also none are more childish than the others

>> No.7682826

Sly isn't underrated, it just wasn't a huge seller. Most people that played the trilogy hold it in high regard.

>> No.7682830
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Speaking of furries and Japan...

>> No.7683321
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Makes you wonder why the earliest furries were weebs

>> No.7683923
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>Why this franchise is so fucking criminally underrated?

>> No.7683926
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holy fuck

>> No.7683971

based Tezuka

>> No.7683975

those glasses were fucking stupid, im pretty sure they only work for one mission anyway

>> No.7684145

Two or three
The only copies of Sly 3 I ever played were from the library and secondhand from Gamestop, so I never got to used them

>> No.7685362

Why Carmelita is so hot?

>> No.7685491

>so few in japan
>what is ケモノ

>> No.7685530

Why do people like this exist on this board? We're all adults and we're all still playing video games. Labeling some games "for kids" and others not smacks of teenage wannabe-adult posturing and is itself posturing. Just get the fuck out of here with that pathetic bullshit. Literally only a handful of well-known platformers like Yoshi's Story were made specifically with children in mine.

>> No.7685532

>and is itself posturing
*is itself childish

>> No.7685667
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Why sony cancel this kino M-rated sly psp game with dark sly and bounty hunting, with extreme noir atmosphere and blood by vigil games, but let some talentless brainless monkey hacks rape and kill series with furrybait childish cringe badly written abomination sly thieves in time?
Why? Fucking why? Cancel true kino, but give chance to bad fanfic?

>> No.7685903

I thought it was going to be the metal gear of platformers but in reality the "stealth" elements were just pointless

>> No.7685941

Thieves in Time was a valiant effort, but tasking new writers with picking up the series where it left off was doomed to fail. They should have just given each of Sly's ancestors their own game AC style.

>> No.7685963

agreed, the first one has such great platforming

>> No.7686440
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>> No.7686941

A lot of 2 and 3 is very boring filler

>> No.7686954
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>Literally from their conception people were drawing pin ups and lewd shit

top kek, and people try and claim it's not a fetish

>> No.7687252

It's big flaw that people advertised it as a stealth game, especially in later games
It's a platformer through and through

>> No.7687280

>what is 獣人
If you dig a little you'll easily find Westerners (or at least English-speakers) that will try to argue you they hate furries but love kemono. Whenever you think that is based or cringe is up to you

>> No.7687296

>Sly Cooper
>not made with children in mind

Anon, idk what you’re so angry about but I think you may have blown a fuse and finally become a retard.

>> No.7687306

It's just a type of virtue signaling, try-hard when you're in places where people like or jack off to worse things but are afraid to find even the least furry things like Felicia. Even horsefuckers try to distance themselves from furries despite having no difference.
Japanese furries even have their own conventions and fursuits, it's just that anime degeneracy already outshines and dwarfs their autism, while in the west furries are infamous and cartoon autism is usually in the confines of places like deviantart, tumblr, or /co/

>> No.7687312

>furries cherrypicking their 1 favorite example vs hundreds in the West
kys degenerate
this is quite niche, unlike furries in the West

>> No.7687335

For some reason, I grew in the 90s as a Sonic fan but always disliked/didn't care furry cartoons and jumped on the DBZ train as soon as possible before forgetting about anthropomorphic characters entirely.
But I mostly kept with the cartoons and game though, I didn't touch the comics. Weren't the Sonic comics the root of all evil?

>> No.7687371

>Weren't the Sonic comics the root of all evil?
If you mean of furries, no, they were always there, they just got worst in the 90's/early 00's.
If you mean of Sonic, you could make the argument that Sonic autism stemmed from the comics and weirdos like Ken Penders, and clash between canons.
Sly has its own lore that had potential to spark a similar type of autism, so I wonder about an alternate universe where it became more successful.

>> No.7687387

Yeah I guess, Disney stopped making furries and the garish production needs are now sustained by Japan, so there aren't as many furries anymore and the most vocal ones always have Sonic or Crash avatars.
If Sonic didn't exist and Sly exploded, there would probably have been a similar community forming around it, with its own extended universe and fanfiction wars, the 2000s were more about the means of communication than the names of the fandoms.
Crash is goofy and doesn't play the lore game so it wouldn't stick anyway.

>> No.7687425

>so there aren't as many furries anymore
There are, but just not as much funny animal media as in the 90's, plus there are more things easier to hate than people drawing cartoons.
>If Sonic didn't exist and Sly exploded, there would probably have been a similar community forming around it, with its own extended universe and fanfiction wars, the 2000s were more about the means of communication than the names of the fandoms.
I think the biggest difference is that Sonic symbolized a rivalry against Nintedo and thus was really pushed and promoted everywhere. Sly I think came out at the tail end of 3D platformers and thus had tougher time getting enough traction, but it was still pretty good while it lasted.
I get the thought mainly because every kid drew their dumb Sonic recolor OC back then, while Sly practically justified it considering the untold number of ancestors that are just him in different outfits.

>> No.7687909

Are there any PS2 games that arent shitty PC ports, rely on muh grapics or are games made for children like this one? The arcade ports and weird obscure jap shit of the PS1 just dont exist on the PS2

>> No.7687989

theres a difference between "made for children but very enjoyable as adult too", eg Kirby; and "made for children and quite hard to enjoy as adult".

>> No.7688013

... because it was obviously made for little kids.

>> No.7689221


>> No.7689710
File: 105 KB, 350x206, getaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely brutal ending

>> No.7689716

>he can't enjoy the saturday morning cartoon vibes and stellar platforming
just find your inner child anon

>> No.7689848

>The arcade ports and weird obscure jap shit of the PS1 just dont exist on the PS2
Yes, they do. There are tons of shmup ports for PS2 (though a lot were Japan & Europe only), along with Atari / Midway / SNK / Namco / Sega etc. arcade compilations of varying quality. As for "weird obscure jap shit" - there are tons of simple 2000 games (again, mostly Japan & Europe only). Also Mr Moskeeto & its sequel, Stretch Panic, Katamari Damacy & its sequel, Under the Skin, Road Trip, etc. There are thousands of PS2 games, do some digging.

>> No.7690942
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>> No.7693239

No new games

>> No.7693252

Because the first game turned people off with the dumb minigame bullshit, making less players return for the supreme Sly 2 and not as good Sly 3.

>> No.7693314

i would watch 90s cartoon network output today. but i wouldnt watch disney's 80s furshit. you get what I mean?

>> No.7695576

kys furfag

>> No.7697613

Farland Story has like 8 games.
No one outside Japan plays them.

>> No.7698775

show me your bling and let me shine you