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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7679850 No.7679850 [Reply] [Original]

Why do japs love bike games so much?

>> No.7679854

bikes are cool

>> No.7679886

why dont you?

>> No.7679908

I guess

>> No.7679956
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I wonder too

>> No.7679974
File: 88 KB, 640x908, xgiii-extreme-g-racing-usa-gamecube_1487028897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are bike games a japanese thing?

>> No.7680005

>Why do japs love bike games so much?

Motorcycles are a really popular in Japan.

>> No.7680029

I should get a bike

>> No.7680035

Get a dirt bike or don't bother. Road bikes are heavy as fuck and you will get crushed to death by a soccer mums SUV who can't see you.

>> No.7681026

Unless you live miles from civilization.

>> No.7681058

Japs can't bike IRL because the wind would give them the flu killing them instantly

>> No.7681065

saw a pretty nasty accident a couple weeks ago, bikes are in my family's history and i rode as a kid but i don't think i would ever take to the road

>> No.7681162

>The bike on the cover is directly inspired by the iconic motorcycle from Akira.
Gee anon idunno it's almost like there's a lot of media more focused on bike culture in Japan.

>> No.7681198

it's almost like Japan is home to world famous motorcycle companies and has a whole culture associated with them (eg bosozoku)

>> No.7681285
File: 158 KB, 1183x794, still would ngl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you not love bike games too?

just finished all endings in outrun, time for hang-on!

>> No.7681356

Japanese game
>Tokyo Extreme Club EX3 Final Edition
>sleek hi tech sports bike
>ride through night megapolis
>loud eurobeat music
>cute commentator says "TARN REFT/LIGHT"

American game
>ATV Ride Or Die: No Roads No Rules
>rugged dirty ATV
>ride through dirt and offroads
>hard rock soundtrack
>tough guy commentator says "let's get this baby going"

>> No.7681369

First two posts, best two posts.

>> No.7681478

Anyway, it's because bicycles and motorcycles are more commonly owned and accessible in Japan. Many Japanese can't even drive, because car ownership is expensive and there's no need with their extensive transit system.

>> No.7681491
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Then explain all that drift hype seen in Initial D and such…

>> No.7681534


>> No.7681589
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>> No.7682054

A lot of motorcycle brands are based in and manufacture in Japan.

>> No.7682081

Makes me want to boot up Moto Racer World Tour

>> No.7682084

You are fat and stupid

>> No.7682372

>ctrl+f road rash no results found
wtf is wrong with you kids?

>> No.7682509

Bikes are faster than cars

>> No.7682513

Because only japs love that bike game.

>> No.7682540

I'd let her sega my genesis.

>> No.7682542

more like road trash

>> No.7682548
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behold the GOAT

>> No.7682960

I like both of this.

>> No.7682969

women have it so easy

>> No.7683924

she can master my system
huehuehurr she can mark my 3

>> No.7684172

hang on more like hard on if you catch my drift

>> No.7684217

No, it has sheep, not goats.

>> No.7684343

This supermarket two blocks away from home had this one, bike and everything, fucking amazingly responsive, id always go waste money on this one and the simpsons game

>> No.7684405
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So, which are the best bike games? I've played some here or there but nothing particularly caught my attention

>> No.7684609
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The only good choice.

>> No.7684630

> Japan has no space
> Cars take a lot of space and no one has driveways or garages in a tiny apartment world
> Parking is a bastard in Japan
> Getting a drivers license is a 3 part process that is a headache and expensive

Bikes won that war in Japan because of how fucked up things are. Public transit and scooters are legit the form of transit for almost the whole country

>> No.7684640

Have you WATCHED Initial D. Outside of the main character, everyone else is rich. Like doctor rich, own a major company rich.

Unlike Western racing that is dudes working middle class lives and still have tricked out cars. The main character uses a 12 year old car (at that time) and parks it on the side of their business and already that's a luxery compared to most of Japan with NO parking for their vehicles

>> No.7684662
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They like bikes in general.

>> No.7684705

what a fucking chad

>> No.7684979

You mean the tranny jap or the anon?

>> No.7685118

The tranny jap.

>> No.7686481

>Japanese game

>> No.7686484

>Public transit and scooters are legit the form of transit for almost the whole country
as it should be

>> No.7686572

*sniff sniff*

>> No.7686597

not him but having suicidal tendencies=/=high test

>> No.7686617
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>>Public transit

>> No.7686769

BRT is based tho.

>> No.7686976

testosterone literally increases the need to engage in risky behavior.

>> No.7687105
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vroom, vroom...

>> No.7687108

Ok vroomer.

>> No.7687112

Okay but seriously is there any source for this? Has she done porn? This is important.

>> No.7687160

how does this loop so perfectly

>> No.7687169
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>> No.7687186
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>> No.7687189

>Road bikes are heavy as fuck
Sure, if you're a weak bundle of sticks. I've had 400lbs+ bikes and they're easy to move around. Just don't drop it.

>and you will get crushed to death by a soccer mums SUV who can't see you.

>> No.7687872

she's very good-looking, don't get me wrong, but I think the 51 year old man is a little hotter

>> No.7688601


>> No.7688637

Before the 90s motorbikes in Japan were not regulated all that much, meaning that at younger ages than in other countries, you could buy a motorbike and they were also quite cheap due to the scale of production. As a result motorbikes came central to teenage culture in the 70s which also translated into general youth culture, so a lot of heroes, etc in the 70s and 80s especially younger ones rode motorbikes. Add in the fact that motorbikes are inherently cool. They're more accessible and yet dangerous than cars, they evoke romantic imagery of a lone rider, they have a ton cultural baggage and they can look really cool, especially when it comes to SF depictions of them. This changed a bit in the 90s when the regulations controlling motorbike licenses were tightened up, leaving them less accessible to younger people than they had been, which caused them to drop out of youth culture.

>> No.7689389

This explains why so many tokusatsus like Jaspion have bikes.

>> No.7689459

>you're a faggot if you want to have sex with men
the absolute state of zoomers

>> No.7689618

Well, there is a whole series on that called Kamen Rider.
Are you br, mate?

>> No.7690547

Yes, that's gay and you are a faggot if you want to do gay stuff.
Get over you gayness, gaylord.

>> No.7690824
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Supercross 2000
My favourite EA sports PS1 game

>> No.7693214

Yep. I guess this one is only famous here. Even Japan has no knowledge of it.

>> No.7694691

Why do Germans love farm equipment?

>> No.7694754

Probably because Japan is one of the few countries where a motorbike makes sense.

>> No.7695006

That's a good question.
Should have been murricans who would lo that.

>> No.7695231

Have you ever rode a motorbike? They’re a great time.

>> No.7695476

No because I'm not a fucking idiot and actually cares about my life to die in a traffic accident.

>> No.7696491

>die in a traffic accident.
t. mutt

>> No.7696505

Americans haven't been allowed to own farm equipment since Lincoln dropped that emancipation proclamation on them.

>> No.7696514

Honda, Kamen Rider, japs love bikes mang

>> No.7696517

You will die eventually.

>> No.7696524

Except safe and efficient public transit demands a... certain type of population. Know what I mean? For some reason, our subways are RPG dungeons and Japan's are punctual, safe, and themepark like with delightful chimes per stop. I wonder why. Can you guess why?

>> No.7696534

>I wonder why. Can you guess why?
collectivist society vs individual society

>> No.7696547
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Somehow, I think we'd be a lot more collectivist, progressive, and peaceful, but golly. I just can't figure out WHAT's dragging us down.

>> No.7696608
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>>7696547 Sheeeeeeeeeeee maaaaaaaaane

>> No.7696637


>> No.7696640

They certainly share some of the blame but, I dunno, seems like in our largest, most democrat cities aren't immune to the ills that make public transit inefficient and hell here. I give up. No possible answer to this question.

>> No.7696648

because democrats are just under achieving republicans

>> No.7698090 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, 1570499594_0-158-3077-1889_1920x0_80_0_0_fdfc29c077a7593d8c184bb56dcbf6b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your point is just shortsighted and shows that you pretend to be special and holier-than-though by shitting on Americans. you're a total dicksucking faggot and I want you to know that.
I'm Russian, from Moscow. we have a good subway, that connects virtually all of the city. it's kept clean, theres zero trash, some stations are even quite beautiful (see pic). it's very crowded though, and air could be better. we have decent bus system with dedicated bus lanes on major roads. there may be drunk idiots but really, they're rare and they get apprehended by police quickly.
public transport is developed simply because it's been the main mean of transportation through decades, when we had just ~35 cars per 1000 people in the country up to 1990.
In US, you have 20 times that amount if not more. Public transport is not developed because it's considered for peasants. Moreover, the whole concept of US suburbs is based on car ownership, that you can just go to your garage, start your car and go anywhere any time. You know why we live in commie blocks in Russia? Pretty much because of this. Cheap + no need for transportation. Concentrate all people at one place, place a bus stop, school, hospital and a few groceries/drug stores there, and that's it. Now it's overcrowded to fuck and Moscow has arguably the worst traffic jams in the world.
if you think it's some "superior manners and culture" and altruism vs individualism that did it, think again. if you think Russians have better manners than Americans, well no. it's just that other subway is actually what people have to use, not a dungeon for homeless in the richest city run by champagne socialists for decades.

>> No.7698104
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your point is just shortsighted and shows that you pretend to be special and holier-than-though by shitting on Americans. you're a total faggot and I want you to know that.
I'm Russian, from Moscow. we have a good subway, that connects virtually all of the city. it's kept clean, theres zero trash, some stations are even quite beautiful (see pic). it's very crowded though, and air could be better. we have decent bus system with dedicated bus lanes on major roads. there may be drunk idiots but really, they're rare and they get apprehended by police quickly. public transport is developed simply because it's been the main mean of transportation through decades, when we had just ~35 cars per 1000 people in the country up to 1990.
In US, you have 20 times that amount if not more. Public transport is not developed because it's considered for peasants. Moreover, the whole concept of US suburbs is based on car ownership, that you can just go to your garage, start your car and go anywhere any time. You know why we live in commie blocks in Russia? Pretty much because of this. Cheap + no need for transportation. Just concentrate all people at one place, place a bus stop, school, hospital and a few groceries/drug stores there, and that's it. Now because of that it's overcrowded to fuck and Moscow has arguably the worst traffic jams in the world.
if you think it's some "superior manners and culture" and altruism vs individualism that did it, think again. if you think Russians have better manners than Americans, well no. it's just that our subway is actually what people have to use, not a dungeon for homeless in the richest city run by champagne socialists for decades.

>> No.7698124
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>>Married to Fuudo, one of the most famous "Street Fighter 5" players in the world
You know he's gonna tap that button...

>> No.7698125

Because they make the best bikes


>> No.7698142

Funny that Honda motorcycles are considered piece of shit in my country.

>> No.7698145

Go back to China, tankie

>> No.7698560


All I want from my life is some japanese pussy!!