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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 75 KB, 620x434, 183539-mario_party_3__u_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
765261 No.765261 [Reply] [Original]

Lets discus the destroyer of hands, controllers and friendships.

What kind of monster would release games like these?

>> No.765268
File: 87 KB, 640x480, MushroomMix-Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best minigame

>> No.765280

I've found that Smash Bros does just as good a job at destroying all those.

One thing I notice with Mario Party is the longer I play it the more I hate. I'll always be so excited in the beginning then by the end I'll be praying for it to hurry up.

>> No.765278
File: 157 KB, 612x612, marioparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.765296
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>> No.765305

Well done, OP. Now that we have a legitimate Mario Party thread, the Mario Retardy can commence.

>> No.765309


I wish there was a regular mario retardy stream. Those were the days.

>> No.765323

>All my original N64 controllers have eroded joysticks
>Nothing left but Super Pads
>When Super Pad Analogue doesn't work, and on another the left on the stick doesn't work
>Nothing left but 1 shitty Super Pad with sticky buttons and an unresponsive stick
>$87 for a Horipad

>> No.765327

>5 minigames involve rotating the stick in some way, shape, or form
>3 of them involve doing so as rapidly as possible for the duration of the minigame in question
>the whole game gets shit on because of 3-5 minigames
It's a real shame, the original MP had some amazing games like Runing of the Bulb and Grab Bag(seriously, it sucked ass in MP2). On top of that I can't really name a single genuinely awful board as each one had some sort of ridiculous shenanigans players can pull. Boo wasn't overpowered, hidden blocks didn't drop stars, and minigame losers were actually punished for losing.

>> No.765338

fix that shit

>> No.765340

mario party causes parasitic skin infections?

>> No.765352

>Running of the Bulb
Yes. I love when things get real and everybody has to to drop their petty rivalries and work together for the greater good.

>> No.765358

I hated the cake board. It's the most difficult board to get stars on because you need to pay extra 10 coins to even reach it.

>> No.765364

Even so, playing it on longer rounds meant the board became a minefield of piranha plants stealing stars left and right.

>> No.765408

3 was by far the worst

>> No.765470

What I never understood was how good the computer was at button mashing. Even the medium-difficulty computers were damn near impossible to beat when the whole minigame was "mash a"

those games might not be from MP3 specifically, I can't remember.

>> No.765760

I never got why 2 was more popular than 3. 3 was AWESOME.

>> No.765768


How? The Duel mode was really fun and it had some very very cool mini games.

Mario Party 1 was the worst. It destroyed controllers man.

>> No.765805


If 1st place was pulling ahead with a huge advantage they'd run the bulb straight into the big Boo so no one would get the coins for a star.

It was some intense shit when you had to keep the bulb out of that asshole's hands.

>> No.765819

love that minigame.

1a. 2
1b. 3
3. 1
4. 4
91. DS
901. 5
90001. 7
90002. 8
90003. 6
90004. 9
9000000000001. GBA

>> No.765828

Yeah. I'm always pumped to play, love the first couple turns, then by turn 12 or so it's like... is it over yet?
only seems to be fun the whole way through if you have 3 other people who also know the minigames be heart and don't suck.

>> No.765830

replace them joysticks.

Best thing to do if you have a good n64 analog is to open that fucker and lube it. I used trailer axle grease since it wont slop off and get into the light sensors.
My analogs are nice and smooth and no wear.

>> No.765832
File: 23 KB, 477x357, justgiveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how hard my friends and I tried, we could never beat the CPU at this fucking game.

Eventually, we stopped trying since it we didn't want to get blisters for such a futile effort.

Sad part was we always put the CPU on easy...

>> No.765837

I love this shit
Teammate sabatoge is actually a key part of Mario Party strategy

>> No.765840

I'm pretty sure this game was impossible

>> No.765842

>mfw emulating mario party 1 and it randomly crashes

>> No.765843

mario party 3 would be so good if it wasn't so reliant on items. you can just stock up on magic lamps instead of chasing the star.

>> No.765848

My favorite mini game

You don't know if the one you chose triggers the bomb. Really gets you on the edge of your seat

Worst Minigame would be slot car derby.

>> No.765851

>Worst Minigame would be slot car derby.

Fuck no

>> No.765857
File: 494 KB, 205x194, 1349821770358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first place in mario party
>game is almost over
>friend messes me up on minigame
>everything turns to shit afterwards, i'm in 4th like always and the same person who always wins is 1st

>> No.765859

Why would you like a game of chance?
Games of skill are better.

>> No.765860
File: 33 KB, 470x440, 1330575815974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flipped my shit whenever that minigame came up.
>MFW im the last one in the line

>> No.765864

I swear in every circle of friends there was always that one guy who'd win 1st place every single fucking time and that one guy who'd be last place every single time.

Everyone else was always in between.

>> No.765876

>>first place in mario party
>>game is almost over


>> No.765880

>playing mario party with an OEM controller

>> No.765885
File: 217 KB, 490x356, mariogangvidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh God. I know what happens next...

>> No.765886

I remember we always played with 3 people and one CPU character set on easy, who then won every single fucking time due to hidden blocks with stars and bonus stars.

>> No.765893

The cpu cheats like a motherfucker in all the mario parties

>> No.765902

We played so frequently that we knew how to manipulate Chance times.

Shit was so broken that we made a compromise to never put stars on the line.

But the CPU showed no mercy...

>> No.765919

CPU would always be 2nd or 3rd in our games.

Every game someone would get designated as a target for some petty reason like stealing stars or some shit and they would get pummeled into 4th. This happened every game.

>> No.765917

That one tetris clone the CPU is just sitting there dropping blocks like it's no tomorrow, and starts racking those huge combos.

captcha respecting psserve
I'll be honest, there was no respect there.

>> No.765935
File: 246 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_lyn790B2sA1qflqyso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to make a board game that doesn't make the players want to murder each other?

>> No.765948

Ya' just beat me to it! I know it's not retro, but Dokapon Kingdom damn well needs to be mentioned in the presence of Mario Party.

>> No.765949

Who'd want that?

>> No.765954

I dunno, Catan

>> No.765980
File: 18 KB, 256x184, 256px-Rugratsscavengerhunt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it would make you want to murder the player who suggested this game be played.

>> No.765983

I remember that. Wasnt every single "minigame" a reskinned form of rock paper scissors?

>> No.765998

I do wonder about this. I like the idea of board games, but I don't think you can have a game that is both mostly luck-based and extremely competitive without pissing off everyone that plays it.

>> No.766013

It was. Pretty silly set-up, but fun when I was a kid...

Still got the cart, I'm thinking of busting it out again when I have a games night.

>> No.766023

I never understood this image.

Are they mad at Jeebus for allowing such a destructive game to exist or what?

>> No.766046


its referring to the stigmata phenomenon. a man bursts into the room proclaiming to be christ with the stigmata on his hands as proof. one mini game of mario party 1 required you to furiously rotate the control stick, something accomplished easily (and painfully) by placing your palm on the top of the stick and moving your hand in a circular fashion. this resulted in the infamous 'mario party blisters'.

so you put two and two together, the man's hands are damaged and he's claiming that he's jesus, but they know it's just due to mario party abuse.

either that OR it's meant to be the real jesus but nobody believes him because, due to mario party's existence, damage to the palms is commonplace.

>> No.766047


Think a bit, son. What happened to Jesus when he died?

>> No.766056

Oh shit.

I've been playing the series since I was in elementary school and that thought never occurred to me. I feel dumb...

Thanks for the info kind gents.

>> No.766062


Mario party kills hands because of the intense button-bashing, analog twirling nature of the mini games, this causes a man to develop 'stigmata wounds' and so he bursts into a church and pretends to be Jesus

>> No.766081

Now that I think about it. The reason it didn't occur to me was probably because I played Mario Party religiously( no pun intended) and had some cloth handy or just used my shirt over the control stick thus remedying the blister problem.

>> No.766101


4 is awful. The boards are bland and uninspired, and the characters move slow as fuck. In fact everything's slow.

There's also that dull, gray path that the characters are all forced to walk on, it makes the board just look too "fake" if you ask me.

3 = 6 > 2 > 7 > 1 > DS > 5 = 9 > 8 > GBA > 4

>> No.766131



That one was pretty fun. Glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed that one. Real cool maps, games, and flow.

>> No.766175
File: 42 KB, 491x404, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not picking the color that just caused it to blow up
>not picking the same color as your character
there are certain rules you've got to follow...

>> No.766180


Lucky green every fucking time

>> No.766190

Always went for red for it's connotations. It's too obvious to explode.

>> No.766208

Exactly. Mario Party 6 was the climax of Mario Party for me. It just had everything, the music was booming, the minigames were fun as hell, the whole game just felt "alive" to be honest.

Clockwork Castle was fun as all hell too.

Mario Party 7 was kind of an upgrade in some ways, and a downgrade in others. It was alright though.

>> No.766213
File: 148 KB, 564x369, 1328150639457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this game ends in a draw for me

>> No.766216
File: 57 KB, 640x480, GameGuy'sSweetSurpriseMP3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell you how many times this lil guy has won it for me. That really pissed my friends off.

>> No.766232
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>> No.766234


Those games where you gotta rotate the analog stick mang.

>> No.766229

Fuck you 4 was awesome

>> No.766246

This game was fun when I was a kid, but nowadays with 2 other competent humans no one ever falls besides the CPU who we just collectively usher of the platform.

Of course if you make 'alliances' with other characters you can always screw some one over and even then you'll more than likely drop yourself.

>> No.766256

It really sucks having 3 players and then one CPU, especially when it comes to 2v2 minigames where the player who gets stuck with the AI will invariably lose. My roommates and I considered hiring a prostitute or something to be player 4 but we haven't felt like playing for a while. I'm not sure if it's even possible to get a full game once you leave primary school.

>> No.766262

>I'm not sure if it's even possible to get a full game once you leave primary school.
Confirmed for not being in college.

>> No.766280 [SPOILER] 
File: 380 KB, 641x480, mp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.766308

>What happened to Jesus when he died?
He respawned.

>> No.766328
File: 564 KB, 1280x960, Mario Party 3 (U) snap0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.766340

This means nothing against 4 EASY COMS

Anyone who's played MP knows how retarded the AI is on easy but how ridiculously impossible they are to beat on hard+

>> No.766417

As do I.

Last time I played Mario Party was last week, god it's so fun. I hope they make another traditional Mario Party on Wii U, just for continuation. I'd be happy even if many of the minigames were a 'best of' compilation like recent Mario Kart's 'Retro Cup' sets.

>> No.766421

DS is pretty good really.

I also enjoyed the card game more than 7.

>> No.766426

I swear, it never fails with that shit. I fuckin' hate slot car derby. How do you even get good at it?

>> No.766437

Pretty sure there are retro Dokapon Kingdom games on the Super Famicom.

>> No.766439

Fucking Mario Retardy. Those were indeed the days.

>> No.766451
File: 18 KB, 189x266, NowhereToGoButUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite murder impetus is Super Jew Quest.

>> No.766458

Say what you will, 4 had Beach Volley Folly, the greatest challenge that my gamecube has provided me since at least F-Zero GX.

>> No.766463

>hire a prostitute for player 4

I will do this and only let her use the madcatz controller.

>> No.766516

>Player 4 is a prostitute
I would stream the fuck out of this

>> No.766542

Hell, stream all four as prostitutes.

>> No.767484

What does an obese guy's nipple have to do with Mario Party?

>> No.767615

thats a blister

>> No.767670
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mp1 with friends I've had since I was 5
>end of highschool years
>all get together to play for our mario party trophy
>2 tvs set up, top 2 go on to 50 turn final
>surely we know everything about this game by now
>friend accidentally jumps and grabs vine on pirhanna's pursuit
>we all go crazy

Not that the game was hard without it, just amazing that no one had ever done it in all our years of playing. Had no idea it was possible.

>> No.767848

1 is so brutal. It was before Hudson got their footing in on what worked and what didn't so everything was a big middle finger to the face if you fucked up.

>> No.768479

seriously, how fucking hard can that be?

>> No.768489

There are plenty of co-op board games, not sure about co-op board video games, though.

>> No.768492


>> No.768497
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>> No.768526

>Mario Party 1 was the worst. It destroyed controllers man.
Shitting on one of the better entries in the series because of a tiny fraction of minigames is just retarded.

>> No.768530
File: 1.36 MB, 152x152, kramerpimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down by 1 star
>get the star from toad on the final turn
>space I land on has a hidden star

>> No.768572
File: 2 KB, 120x124, dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /sp/ here?

I miss the Mario Party streams from last year...

>> No.768586

Team Jew and Proshi represent.

>> No.768592

>tfw no more /sp/tv

>> No.768590

>Being a DK faggot
>not reppin Luigi

Nigga please

>> No.768591

I used to do retardy streams, but I was sick of getting banned every other week. That and I lost all the sound files I used.

>> No.768642
File: 3 KB, 105x125, 1340520776037s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost want to start it again but my streams never compared to WHY's. i'd get 30 people if I was lucky, his were usually over capacity. i dunno what is was, but his streams were awesome...

tho it was surprising how consistently good Wario was.

>> No.768663

Wario always cleans house during the early/mid game only for some jackass to happening star and hidden block his way to victory in the end

>> No.768748

>Enabling hidden blocks
Always disable this shit. I'm sure 3 had the option, don't remember about the rest.

Caused way too much anal devastation and nearly brought us to tears in hotly contested matchups back in the day.

I didn't play through 49 turns only to lose in the 50th to that.

>> No.770403

>Disabling anything.

I bet you disabled Bonus Stars too, faggot.

No wonder the RNG hates you.

>> No.770424
File: 121 KB, 210x323, regrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game doesn't actually decide the spaces ahead of time before anyone's rolled, right? Just on the actual turn? That's a little depressing...

>> No.770428

(and by spaces I mean shit like hidden block stars and coins)

>> No.770440

Bonus Stars stayed enabled. Those actually required skill to obtain.

Disabling hidden blocks made Mario Party just a bit more skill based.

Although admittedly, balance and fairness isn't one of the hallmarks of the series so I see what you're getting at.

>> No.771317

Did the vine swing you across the log?

I didn't know about any vine but I think I saw the CPU do it out of the corner of my eye a few times.

Of course, we were always busy ground pounding the cloud to even notice.

>> No.771349
File: 100 KB, 500x500, ALONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game any good alone?

>> No.771354

Mario Party seems legit, but I watched my friend reset a game of Dokapon Kingdom several times before we realized the computer was rigged to get every roll it needed, every time

>> No.771384

Not really, no.

>> No.771393

Not really. Definitely not the boards.

The minigames can be fun alone I guess, but the most joy comes from playing with your buds and you get emotionally invested into the game.. Also the AI is pants on head retarded as you'd expect

Nothing like getting completely rekt by your brother and pleading for him to steal someone else's star besides yours then holding an innocent grudge for the rest of the week for him dropping you down from 1st to 4th in one fell swoop.

There's netplay on emulators which I would definitely recommend( I haven't tried them though.)

Mario Party is the most fun I've had playing videogames with friends. I can't blow enough praise up this series' ass.

>> No.771523

The guy who did the old retardy streams recently started doing them again in a different channel (marioreturdy), but it seems to be in a specific timeframe for now rather than all over the place.
Also Dokapon because enough people liked that or something.

>> No.771536
File: 97 KB, 800x447, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just used my shirt over the control stick thus remedying the blister problem

>> No.771616

My colorblind friend was always screwed in that one. Felt so bad for him.

>> No.771672
File: 1.13 MB, 230x190, 1346491320123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone buys a star
>Toad change places
>He lands right behind you

>choosing Mario as cpu
>Last 5 turns
>KoopaTroopa bonus
>"I think Mario will win".
>Give him coins.


>> No.771872

dragonball z ultimate battle 22 brahs. this piece of shit destroyed my left hand everytime i played it versus my younger brother.. sick

>> No.772082

As did I actually, after the first time cutting my hand open I was like 'fuck dis shit'

>> No.772747


yeah, I'm with you. 1's my favorite because of all the crazy shit that can happen. I love how badly you can screw someone over in some of the golden-named minigames like bash 'n cash.

I enjoy the later entries quite a bit, but 1 gives me this adrenaline that I can't get from the later games