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/vr/ - Retro Games

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764978 No.764978 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions regarding savestates, exploitation of bugs, Game Genie-style cheats, and the use of continues (in arcade-style games)?

>> No.764985

>Valkyrie Profile
Why isn't she real and why doesn't she marry me?

>> No.764989

Goddamn girl there's a huge TV to your right why are you using that tiny screen get it together

>> No.764990

I think save states (depending on the type of game) and bug exploitating are fine
though I do draw the line at straight out cheating, other people are free to do it I guess, but I never liked the idea of it really

>> No.764994

I'm pretty sure that's a boy... well unless it's a trap

>> No.764995

Honestly, they save a lot of time and frusteration. Retro games were made to be very difficult because they were often short.

>> No.765000

Teddy bear, pink stuff and hairstyle tell a different story, but i don't doubt them crazy japanese.

>> No.765003

What? It's either a girl or a trap. And I'd hit it anyway.

>> No.765010

are you new?

as far as I'm concerned traps are girls unless they say other wise

>> No.765017

> everything has a dick
Not new, just don't partake in this line of thinking.

>> No.765028
File: 49 KB, 529x337, ur 2 slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing when i first saw that.

The fuck is wrong with her(him)?

>> No.765024

My opinion regarding this is:
If you finished the game normally feel free to have fun with it in any way you like. As long as it's not making use of this in multiplayer games/game-modes.

>> No.765029

Clits and dicks are the same thing.

>> No.765037

If you're using a veeeeery broad biological description, then sure, but come on anon.

Sage for straying way off.

>> No.765047

Okay, as long as you don't savescum. I use them on password screens in Megamans or Super Ninja Boy (because fuck that game's 50-something character passwords). Otherwise, I avoid using them unless I have something else to do. In that case, I'll probably save and quit, but I won't use that savestate after that once I start playing, unless I have to quit again.

>Exploitation of bugs
Alright if you're fucking around, I guess. I wouldn't do it a first playthough.

>Game Genie
Same as above

>Use of continues
I have no problem with it

>> No.765062
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>> No.765083


Savestates are ok when they're not used to assist in the correction of mistakes that led to a death, game over, or whatever. You fucked up, bro, and you died for it; man up and start over.

I use them to back up ingame saves. I save ingame then write a savestate at that point in case the ingame save corrupts somehow.

Continues are cool. They are given to you for a reason and you usually don't have unlimited continues anyways. If you do, cool.

>> No.765086

Savestates are fine if you use them as an extended pause (leaving to go eat dinner, SS and shut it down, then come back and load) or as a backup in case the main save fails. If you SS, die and then 'lolwhoops lemme reload and try again' you're a filthy heathenous cheater.

>> No.765090


My stance is to play however you want.

Personally I use save states for games with overly long passwords and portions of the game that exist as busy work.

>> No.765106

Someone should take that pic and put it next to a gross neet neckbeard living on his thrash while playing games and write:

How they see themselves / How they actually live.

>> No.765121
File: 159 KB, 648x906, 4b4de71a7e5637807b7ce3d9aee90cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play a lot of shmups, and I was incredibly apposed to using continues, at all. I wanted to fight my way to the end of each game and *earn* the ending, damn it.

I never ended up beating a shmup like this. It was only later that I realized that the smart way to play is to use continues to beat the game a few times and get a feel for everything, and only after that start working towards a true 1CC.

I feel kinda the same about save states now: I just want to beat the game first, without slogging through too much bullshit. If I want to experiment with a boss, I'd rather save right before him instead of having to work my way back for every attempt. If I really like the game, I can always replay it legitimately. With the knowledge gained from the easy playthrough, I have a much better chance of actually finishing.

Old games do have a lot of bullshit, though, so I've recently taken to minor cheating as well. My rule of thumb is to only cheat to save time doing something I could have done legitimately: invincibility is lame, but infinite lives are ok. Likewise, I hate it when games (like the original Metroid) make you start off with barely any health after continuing and force you to farm weak enemies for minutes, so I feel no shame poking in full health after death. Again, I only do this kind of stuff in my first runs of the game, and later try to play them legit. I also try to figure out the cheats myself instead of Googling them, which is fun in a different way.

All of that said, looking things up in a FAQ or finding a map online completely ruins games for me. If I'm not figuring things out myself, it's like I'm just following instructions. I don't want to steamroll games, and I don't want them played for me, I just want to minimize the bullshit.

She is real, she's just the moe anthropomorphism of some 30 year man.

>> No.765143

>conveniently cutting the picture off at the feet

Get your act together artist, this isn't funny.

>> No.765149


Is that Axelay in the SNES?

>> No.765159

It's funny how in every pic showing a Japanese person they have such neat and orderly book shelves. Like every time. Even libraries aren't that tidy.

>> No.765164


>> No.765171

>not seeing yourself as the neckbeard
not all of us wish to be the little girl, bro.

>> No.765180

no that shouldn't... most neckbeards don't want to be girls..

>> No.765186

>play Judge Dredd on SNES
>difficult as fuck third act stages
>beat the fucking game one time ever
>remember it as a horrible piece of shit

Recently emulate it
>playing again, sort of remember most of the game
>actually fun
>enjoying myself
>exploiting the fuck out of savestates, especially on the last level
>game instantly playable and fun

>> No.765207


>> No.765216

I used savestates to avoid grinding for lives in Alcahest
also used them in place of passwords but that's pretty much required if you don't speak runes

>> No.765225


Think he's referring to the fact that feet are hard to draw. But I'm no expert so idunnolol.

back to thread
I like savestates. I don't question stuff I like in videogames.

>> No.765221

shitty artists cannot draw feet

>> No.765232

Save states are fine as long as you don't use them to beat a hard game, then turn around and brag that you beat the game. Bugs and exploits are also fine, and some make certain games a lot more fun (Mario 64, Spyro 2, etc). Game Genie is where I draw the line, unless you're just messing around and seeing what you can do with a game you've already beaten.

>> No.765253

i do whatever the fuck i want. So why should i give a shit if some cunt hates me for using MUH SAVESTATES BAAAAA YOU MONSTER!

If i wanted i would make a video using save states everywhere just to piss you assholes off lol.

>> No.765259
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Good for you.

>> No.765274
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1550, f3201e73f01e363aa034e5f8ea8bd90a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The print industry in Japan has some great ideas that should have been copied in the West:

All books come with nondescript dust jackets, so you can buy anything from a novel to porn and read it on the train that same day without having to worry about anyone judging you.
Books and magazines mostly use the same height and depth so that they line uniformly on a bookshelf. If the same collection of books you see in the OP image were sold in America, they'd be of a billion different form factors, jutting out from the shelf at odd angles and looking like a cragged mountain.
Books and magazines in a series take the design of their spines seriously, and try to make them form interesting patterns or pictures when laid out in order on a shelf. This looks good on a shelf, and encourages meticulous collecting, because who wants to have a gap in their collection staring at them all the time? The only American publication I'm aware of that did that was Nintendo Power, back in the day.

The consequences are obvious: The younger generations of Japan still give a damn about print and collecting, while Americans that do read for pleasure are content with digital downloads and e-readers. Not that one is necessarily better than the other, I'm just saying it would have been in the printing industry's best interest to use good ideas like these.

At least he can draw hands.

>> No.765284


>> No.765287

maybe he's a foot fetishist

>> No.765290

yeah man, it's your right as an AMERICAN to be a casual little douche, FREEDOM, BROTHER!

>> No.765298

I use savestates instead of in game saves.
Shit's just faster and you can set your emulator to load the state when you open the rom.
No save scumming though, at least no more than usual.

>> No.765306
File: 46 KB, 292x180, 2edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem like a cool guy with an edgy attitude
I bet if I hung out with you we would have all sorts of cool and dangerous fun times.

>> No.765314


>imply save states aren't out right cheating

>> No.765315

>and you can set your emulator to load the state when you open the rom.
wait, what? I have never seen this feature
also, I don't know, it feels... wrong... I mean I don't hate save states or anything, but I only use them if I'm in a part you can't save and I am very tired of the game or have to turn the computer off for some reason

>> No.765318

it really depends on the type of game you are playing

>> No.765319

>in America, they'd be of a billion different form factors, jutting out from the shelf at odd angles and looking like a cragged mountain.

Damn, this exactly. I hate books because they're so damn obnoxious to deal with. You can't sort them in alphabetical order or you get the craggy effect, and if you sort them by size that doesn't work because some are longer and jut out more than others despite being shorter... it just never ends with this. Why is there no industry standard? All DVD cases are the same, all CD cases are the same, why are books made to be so annoying?

>> No.765324

Get fucked, irregular books make shelves more interesting. And frankly it's the books themselves that matter. No amount of fancy patterns are going to make your schoolgirl comics less embarassing.

>> No.765328

You could stop being an autist and sort them by subject/genre/etc.

>> No.765330

>Get fucked
No need to be an asshole about it.

Sage for off-topic

>> No.765332


>> No.765331

They'll still jut out all over the place.

>> No.765336

>Get fucked, irregular books make shelves more interesting.
Get fucked, shelving makes your collection look less interesting. You should throw everything in a basket on the ground, that's "eclectic" and "different," right?
>And frankly it's the books themselves that matter.
Then you should be content with an e-reader and not have to broadcast your tastes to everyone that walks into your room.
>No amount of fancy patterns are going to make your schoolgirl comics less embarassing.
I was talking about collecting books and not manga, but why are you even on 4chan if you think that way about it?

>> No.765339


>Honestly, they save a lot of time and frusteration. Retro games were made to be very difficult because they were often short.

Shit, I though /vr/ knew better than this. The whole fucking appeal of arcade games is to be 15 minutes deep into a 20 minutes long game, every second trying desperately to survive, your heart in your throat, pounding so hard it is going to shatter your motherfucking adams apple, just trying to get a little bit further than last time, to beat yourself, to beat the game, to see what cool things come next, to suddenly find yourself in the unknown no idea how you are going to survive, overcome with wonder and fear at once, and then in one heart wrenching moment you barely scrape one bullet 30 seconds away from the final boss and have to do the WHOLE WONDERFUL THING ALL OVER AGAIN DAMN IT.

And pussies like you want to make it "less frustrating".

1 credit always.

>> No.765343

>implying anybody should care about using save states
grow up people.

>> No.765347


Nope. What type of game? Nope.

>> No.765351


Sometimes people just want to play a game without shattering their adams apple.

>> No.765353


They ruin the game, buddy. Why spend money and time at all on games if you aren't even going to enjoy them to the full?

>> No.765361

Not everyone plays or enjoys games the same way you do, man. I don't disagree with your sentiment, but I don't see anything necessarily wrong with wanting to get through a game without frustration.

Then again, most of my retro gaming was PnC Adventure games and PC RPGs, so what do I know about the arcade scene.

>> No.765362

Try a little harder to make me upset please i mean that attempt...not so much.
That word lost it's meaning Come at me with a better response bro lol.

>> No.765375

>spend 100 hours on a game
>used save states
>i did not enjoy it to the full because HURR save states

Yea i wasted my time and money...right

>> No.765380

>They ruin the game, buddy.
I'd argue that's true depending on the usage. I mentioned earlier in the thread, but for games where password screens essentially continue you off from where you were, I will use savestates since I don't see the point in writing down the password itself. I'll also use them if I have to quit the game to play at a later time. In those cases, I do think that savestate usage is alright. Now, if you're doing it before jumps, bosses, beginnings of levels (in games without many continues or passwords that would start you off there anyway), and reloading them willy nilly, yeah, you're ruining the game's experience. They way you're playing, in that case, breaks the game's difficulty.

>> No.765393


Sure, "sometimes" and "somepeople", whatever. As far as I am concerned 1CC is the way to play arcade games ie. it is the most enjoyable, most satisfying,

I even thin it is less frustrating and the better use of your time — consider, though you might replay levels more often and take longer to complete the game, every run is important, even in the earlier levels as they dictate your success in later levels, so you have a good time every time you play, even if you're not getting anywhere, and you get better at the game faster as you have to survive for longer periods of time, whereas constantly continuing or restarting the same few minutes is frustrating, hopeless, and you don't really improve except for that small bit, or get any great sense of satisfaction or tension. What a waste of a game and your time.

And I am pretty sure that if "sometimes" "somepeople" tried this method, they would be convinced too.

>> No.765396
File: 2.51 MB, 3271x4666, 94a88c4a2ed22551be11b325cf4be41f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>765121 here.
I love that feeling, but I also like the feeling of learning how to play a game properly, all on my own. Having everything riding on your last life makes it really hard to pay attention to the little details, look for patterns to exploit, and experiment with different tactics. That's why I play legit for a while, then break out the savestates/continues, *then* go back and play the whole thing legit, *if* the game is worth it.

As far as I'm concerned, the real cheaters are the ones that spoil games for themselves with FAQs, maps, and video longplays.

So I ask you, who is worse: The guy that saves before a boss and fights it multiple times in an attempt to perfect their route, AND THEN attempts a 1CC...

or the guy that always plays legit, but looks up the solution every time he gets stuck?

>> No.765397


Eh, I've had some times where I really would have liked save states in arcade games, and I'm usually not one to use them.

>play nondescript arcade game
>there's something REALLY fucking tough on stage 4
>fuck up, die
>replay first three stages
>fuck up at stage 4
>repeat to the point where I can play stages 1 to 3 perfectly every single time

At that point, I'd rather just savestate and stop wasting my time on things I know I can do, because I just did them like five times in a row without fail. It's not in any way a desperate struggle, it's just trudging through the easy part in a near sleep-like trance before you get to the point where it actually gets interesting again. It's like the first few opponents in every fighting game that are just complete pushovers that pose no threat whatsoever. Personally, I'd rather just choose to skip that so I can actually get to the challenging bits.

>> No.765402

as long as your not doing it online or multiplayer it's cool.

>> No.765413


In graphic adventure games would you feel the same satisfaction if you had followed a walkthrough from start to finish than if you had actually solved the puzzles yourself? Can you even enjoy the atmosphere and scenery if you are just following instructions without any investment, rather than being in the scene yourself, playing the detective and exploring the unknown, making decisions and taking risks?

>> No.765419

>no feet


>> No.765420

WHh the heck isn't she looking at her TV screen? Is that some kind of portable PSX?

>> No.765426

No, I suppose not. I'll admit I got myself stuck in unwinnable situations here or there and paid for it in the long run, but it was worth it to know what came about as a result.

>> No.765435
File: 38 KB, 430x610, psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not seen these before?

>> No.765442

The PSone could be hooked up to a shitty travel LCD. No clue why she doesn't just hook it up instead of causing eyestrain, but hey, nips, ammirite.

>> No.765441

Well, I think I remember them. Psone Combo, wasn't it?

Been a while since I last saw one of those.

>> No.765450

no tits either

>> No.765448

I use save states in games with long scripted events, like JRPGs that have a fuckload of dialogue before fighting a boss, and when you get killed, you have to watch it all again (eg:Deus in Xenogears, Adachi in P4, etc).
Also with games that use codes. Instead of using the code, save state in the code screen.
I know it's not the way it's meant to be played bet I'm just too impatient.

>> No.765451

But with how much they squint, you'd figure they'd try to avoid more eyestrain.

>> No.765453

no talent either

>> No.765463


The discovery of new areas, fighting without knowing what is coming, wanting to see what the next boss looks like, these things are such an important aspect I couldn't ruin it for myself by credit feeding the game and seeing it all in one go! I would feel less motivated to complete a 1CC then.

The one shmup I have used extra credits on to learn so far was Espgaluda's last boss. That leap in difficulty drove me crazy.


That's a poor difficulty curve, and I guess some games are just badly designed. If you know what you are doing you could, in theory, make a better decision than the game designers and improve the game by cheating, I don't deny that. But most people have no idea what they are talking about and are certainly and always making the game considerably worse by cheating, and that is what I am fighting against here. There is especially a lot of ignorance surrounding arcade games, which are accused of being credit feeders or having "artificial difficulty" or whatever the fuck. With successful games, you can trust that the developers knew what they were doing and play it as it was intended ie. without continues.

>> No.765468
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I don't think all emulators have it but VBA does.
I only play Pokemon.
But yeah I only save state when you can save normally.
Instead of pressing start>save>saving please wait>saving please wait>saving please wait
I just press ctrl+s.

>> No.765481
File: 43 KB, 300x100, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>442% speed

>> No.765494

>implying that a few seconds is a long time to wait to save
it's not like it's Sims 3 or something...

>> No.765527
File: 808 KB, 771x665, 1308788083191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>using speed up.
You're doing it right.

>> No.765538

Some games really need speed up, I personally can't stand Tactics Ogre on default speed. I see nothing wrong with playing Pokemon on fast forward.

>> No.765575

That pic is from Redline, an anime about super fast racing and love and by love I mean fanservice.

>> No.765597
File: 14 KB, 260x260, wind_in_face2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load up gameboy rom
>hit speed button

>> No.766858

>playing Pokemon on normal speed
Game is slow as fuck, it's just asking for it.
I feel no shame in speeding up jRPG combat.

>> No.766908

I've never used a save state because I don't play roms, I would probably use them if I could but I like playing on the original console. I don't hold it against people that do because it doesn't really effect me. Exploitation of bugs depends I guess, I used to mine 1-ups in super mario bros and still do sometimes, I've beaten the game normally but I have more fun when I don't have to restart every time I get to the hammer bros. I've also never owned a game genie so I'm not sure if I would use that or not and as for using continues I say go for it.

>> No.766914

I stream vidyas and when I can't pass a part I use savestates because it's more entertaining to the audience

>> No.766924

Bitch needs a MultiMega.

>> No.767190

I don't use savestates but I abuse the hell out of fast forward, it's especially useful for games where the characters move as slow as molasses (Phantasy Star 1).

>> No.767382
File: 484 KB, 800x600, 0067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always fine with save states but I'm starting to sway against it in some games. If it's a Snes game that limits me on continues then I use save points because sometimes I don't have the time and patience to play the game all over again which kind of sucks but I can't help it. I also use save states when it comes to RPGs to save myself either the cut-scenes, the walk back to the boss or just the bothersome loading process.

Outright cheating is something I don't like but in Arcade games I use as many coins as I need to beat the game, mostly because I'm playing with a friend and it's more fun that way.

>> No.767421


If it isn't online, I don't care what you do. I just have fun. If a game is too bitchy to play without save states, I use save states. Whatever lets me have the most fun.

>> No.768159
File: 490 KB, 1413x999, 1366603912967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar pics like OP?

I find it strangely fun to watch the details.

>> No.768340

One big reason I prefer save states is that I play in short bursts, and save stating lets me easily pick up where I left off. I don't save scum except when I'm confronted by a shitty challenge or minigame that the developer thought was worth keeping in. I intend to prove nothing about my gaming skills and I have low tolerance for bullshit.

In any case, it's because of this that I blasted through Link's Awakening, and now Oracle of Ages. Ocarina of Time 3D doesn't let me do that, so it's hard to restore momentum when I have to keep dragging myself back through the dungeon.

>> No.768695
File: 325 KB, 1280x1024, 35098768b3d862bcb7b0eff37d980fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you consider any usage of save states other than saving your progressing between sessions to be save scumming?

I only use that term for when asshats will save after every jump in a platformer, or save every time they get a hit on a boss.

Nothing strange about it.
Search for one of the game console tags on Danbooru and you'll find a couple pics like this.

>> No.768712

tiny ass cramped house.

>> No.768717


Your definition is closer to true save scumming, in my mind. For me, if an obstacle is truly wretched or poorly made, I'll do minor save scum through it so I can get back to having fun. I do prefer to clear it myself when I can.

>> No.768806
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1372, 1c247009af8d447d6439e1bc191352ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.768827

Don't pretend they aren't credit feeders. Even if you can play the earlier levels pretty well, many arcade games have bosses that use attacks that you wouldn't expect the first time you see it, so dodging them is mostly a matter of luck. Those games are designed for you to lose on you initial attempts and either adding credits or forcing a restart.

They might be designed around being able to beat it on one credit for a playthrough, but they certainly weren't designed with the idea that you could beat it on your first try.

Also, you're failing to account for the fact that these games were designed for the acquisition of money. Since damn near it's inception, videogames have been about money. Don't pretend that the designers didn't intend for the player to fail the first few times. Throwing in more coins for extra lives was part of the avaricious design philosophy. To ignore that is to put on rose tinted goggles that separate the game from the foundations of its creation. Doing so allows you to easily ignore the obvious problem.

>> No.768892

Whats the big deal? It is just a new tool, just like when we passed from nothing to passwords and from passwords to memory cards.

>> No.768925
File: 1 KB, 160x128, HoronChestGame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you beat this chest mini-game WITHOUT savestates?

>> No.768932

Pray to RNG Goddess

>> No.768954

I'm sure your balls are huge but don't act like that's the "right" way to play.
Most people don't treat video games like a goddman sporting event. They want to be entertained, not pissed off and robbed. Not saying it has to be Barney's Hide and Seek, but Christ "getting better" isn't always a life goal for someone who wants a few minutes of fun.

>> No.768963

>No Dreamcast
Pleb ho detected

>> No.768973

> Eating chips with chopsticks
This bitch knows where its at.

>> No.769048
File: 331 KB, 800x600, Metal Slug (game).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, missing the point entirely. Who would want a game that could be cleared in one go? Losing is what makes winning sweet. But maybe I wasn't clear:

When I say that people calling arcade games "credit feeders" was ignorance, I wasn't trying to deny the business model, to say that you don't pay for your turns: obviously you do. But people consider that paying per turn is an inferior or disingenuous practice or leads to worse games. The opposite is true: it leads to better games. People think developers can just try and squeeze money out of people by making games unfair. If the games were unfair, people would only play a few credits and move on, so in actual fact arcade games are the fairest games there are: they HAVE to be. People nonetheless say arcade games are too hard. Again, people would not play for long if they were too hard, so arcade games always have a very fine difficulty curve that makes struggling against the game credit after credit very satisfying. Almost every coin you sink into an arcade game is a coin well spent. On the other hand, consider typical retail games: you pay everything up front, and then the game is in your hands, so it doesn't matter *as* much to the developer if you are having a good time all the time. They can happily fill their game with filler content, or bullshit difficulty spikes and drops, or whatever, and if you've had enough and don't want to play anymore — too late! You've already paid them.

That's the ignorance I'm talking about. The other thing is what I was talking about earlier, about people not 1CCing games (that is to say, they put in another coin and continue when they die, when it would be better for them if they started the game again). But the best summary is this article here:


Have fun gaming!

>> No.769385


>I'm sure your balls are huge

Dude, this is not about showing off, I sincerely promise you. It is about enjoying games to the full, and I am only trying to share what I believe is wisdom with the board. It in fact amazes me that we have this community of people who play mainly classic games daily yet there are still people who insist that using save states and credit feeding could possibly be as enjoyable as not using them. Do they just want to get these games finished and out of the way so they can join in with the jokes and memes? Playing a game with savestates, only playing them to get a brief look at some pixel art and a few tunes, never actually immersing yourself in the game through the challenge that the game offers, as the game would demand of you if you only played it properly: this to me is like screwing 20 top models but not looking at or touching any of them. Sure, you can cum, you can say you screwed 20 top models... but was it really a special experience? To be able to enjoy games with the same emotion and tackle them with the same tenacity as we all did as children — even if you end up finishing far fewer games in the long run, but having a blast and a thrill every time you do play — that's all I'm suggesting.

I've played games both ways and am happy to comment on which is superior.

>They want to be entertained

Don't mistake me: every word I am saying is about entertainment. Does any word I say above suggest I am not having fun? It's easy to think "Well, I'm having fun" and dismiss what I am saying because it sounds a bit weird ("He must be a pervert") — that's not to say you couldn't be having more fun.

>not pissed off

Arcade games can piss me off. The good ones piss me off in the most joyful and hilarious way possible, and I'm always smiling when it says game over. The bas ones just piss me off, but I don't have to play those.

>and robbed.

Read this post:


>> No.769398

Dude you honestly can't fathom that other people are not you. Just save it. No one wants your "wisdom".

>> No.769404


>only playing them to get a brief look at some pixel art

And you only every enjoy these thing superficially if you play superficially. They are just colours and forms that look kinda pretty, not LOCATIONS and CREATURES that you feel emotions towards and really appreciate their form and function during repeat meetings.

>> No.769429


I'm not trying to upset you, dude, so don't be on the defence, I'm just want to discuss these things I think are cool. People can do what they want, I am just sharing some advice that made me enjoy games more and maybe some other people would benefit from that too. Maybe if you tried it you would like having a man put a penis in your bottom — I mean, playing games without cheating.

>> No.769443

Why dont you niggers just play games, enjoy them and stop giving a fuck?

>> No.769452


It's exactly because we give a fuck about games that we play them, and for the same reason discuss them, here, on this message board, for people to discuss games when they are not playing them.


>> No.772450

Looks like it's time to read it again. Great article.

>> No.773667

Cheating, never do it.

Unless it has codes just to mess around after you win the game, but not to the benefit of the gameplay, just for laughs.

Save stating, used to do it a lot when I was younger, not so much now. Is it save scumming when I reach a certain point of a game (for instance, in that black pause before starting a level), lose in a certain part and just hit back to that same point just to restart the whole level again instead of the entire game?

>> No.773682

>people parroting icycalm


>> No.774362

People use them in homebrew hand-helds.
Just look at the Ben heck forums, that were like 99% of these things wind up.

>> No.774409


>> No.774410

My thoughts: >>768695

Of course, it's not a true playthrough if you use save states for anything other than saving progress between sessions, but I don't let that bother me most of the time.

>> No.774994
File: 75 KB, 768x672, ss (2013-05-16 at 08.06.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm too terrible at video games not to end up savescumming through most of them.
Although let's be honest here, there's quite a few romhacks out there that were built with the full intention of its players fully abusing savestates.

>> No.775539


You should try going to /a/ someday

>> No.775653

>Monster energy drink
Is she some sort of westaboo?

>> No.775667

It's kind of strange being away from /a/ and having people be into 3D girls.

I think that savestates and external cheats are terrible things that ruin the experience of the game. External cheats are alright if you're using them after you've already got your enjoyment out of the game and are after something new, though.
Bug exploits were there in the first place, so that's fine. The boy that played Lost Levels on Game Center CX is a good example of this.
Continues in arcade-style games are fine, because there's no way around that.

>> No.775681

No thanks, I like /vr/.
This is literally the only board I use on this site anymore, the obvious ones are awful and the good niche ones aren't my thing.

>> No.775706

>Continues in arcade-style games are fine, because there's no way around that.
Yes there is, it's called being good at the game.
Continuing, especially if you're actually playing in an arcade where you're paying money for each credit, is moronic.

>> No.775719


I also thank God for /vr/ because I got tired looking at furries and having to hide "I'm a boy but I wanna be a princess" threads in /v/...

>> No.775725

A little too late for that. One of the first threads we had here was a guy linking to the insomnia article about how the word "retro" is dumb.

>> No.775868
File: 160 KB, 640x908, b26dea348c46d75ffe18c9f042334357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savestates are godsend.

They're optional and can massively improve experience with games with shitty save systems.

Ton of old save systems don't increase difficulty, they just increase tedium.

>B-but it was intended to be like that!

You are already playing on emulator, there's no reason for ignoring one of its convenient features.

Abusing them for RNG purposes, savescumming and reloading after taking a little bit of damage is just silly though.
But if it makes you happy and you just wanna play through the game no matter what feel free. It's still MUCH better than wasting time on /v/ or /vr/ or just watching some shitty Let's Play.

"Abusing" save states with moderation could also allow you to tackle harder games you would normally stay the fuck away from. You might end up enjoying them and improving your skill enough to eventually beating them without save states.

Is it proper way of experiencing vidya? Who gives fuck. As long as you enjoy yourself it's all good.

>> No.775871

>all that effort put into justifying cheating

>> No.775873


That's his business, not yours.

>> No.775879

True, but it's most certainly a questionable attitude and can lead to bad habits, bad game choice, and supporting the things that are bad in the industry.

Also, it became everyone's business when he made that post and attempted to justify his degenerate "I deserve to be able to get through this game even with insufficient skill!" attitude.

>> No.775885


You can cheat all you want but don't try to come up with some shitty excuse blaming the game instead of just admitting you suck at video games

>> No.775891
File: 51 KB, 418x291, contra-hard-corps-gameplay-screenshot-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love save states. When I get home from work, I can load up my favorite game and play where I left off. Or better yet, I have all my favorite boss fights saved. Let's me do a boss rush on games without that function.

>> No.775892 [DELETED] 

Take your autism back to /v/.

>> No.775896


There you go again

Maybe you should just find another hobby like movies if you don't want to be punished for sucking

>> No.775897

For leisure/challenging gameplay, savestates should ONLY be used in my opinion if the technology you're using demands it for "unforseen reasons". For example, I'm playing through Metroid for the Famicom Disk System on an emulator that can't actually make write operations to the disk image.
Vanilla FDS Metroid does have a save feature, but my technology doesn't support it, but it does have save states which I use on the continue/save/quit screen. To me, this is "legit".

To me, these are for fun or help with rom hacking, debugging, etc. They're what you and your buddies play with when youre drunk to get laughs at rediculous situation in games.

>exploiting bugs
if the bug is present on the original game when played on intended hardware, it's legit IMO. The developer should have payed more attention to his product. Thus, Ocarina of time ALWAYS has 5 bottles for me...

they're coded into the game? what's not legit here?

>> No.775909

I like you, friend.
As for continuing, it's commonly accepted in arcades that using continues is counter-productive and generally a bad idea.
By not continuing, you're able to get more playtime while spending less money, and afforded better practice at the parts of the games you need it for the most.

That and most games will just throw your score out when you continue as well.

>> No.775917
File: 22 KB, 420x236, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even the same person you originally replied too. You're just insufferable.

>> No.775926


Do you think that matters on an anonymous imageboard? You butt in to a conversation displaying the same intention as the opposing party and when you get replied to you just go "jokes on you I'm not the person you were replying to!"

You smell like you are fresh from reddit

>> No.775928

I'm the person you were agreeing with just now.
Replying to a troll in such an embarrassing way isn't helping.

>> No.775930 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 590x805, signs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, you've embarrassed yourself enough. Let's sage the thread together then, my friend.

>> No.775937


That is some desperate samefagging

At least you are learning the value of an anonymous imageboard