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/vr/ - Retro Games

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763139 No.763139 [Reply] [Original]

Retro Zelda thread. Which one is your favorite?

For clarity, the retro Zelda games according to the board rules are The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask. You could also make an argument for the Oracle games as well.

>> No.763158

We talk about the Oracle games anyway despite what the rules say

and with that said: Oracle of Seasons

>> No.763170

The original link seemed so much badass compared to the other counter-parts.

>> No.763197
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Agreed. Also, according to the official timeline, the LttP Link got the most shit done out of all of them. LttP -> Oracles -> Link's Awakening, and who knows where LttP 2 will fit in.

>> No.763204

Seasons is best zelda.

>> No.763224

LoZ and LA are still my top 2 with LttP a close third.

OOT and MM always seemed too clunky for me to really enjoy them in any meaningful way.

>> No.763258
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The Adventure of Link > A Link to the Past > Zelda > Ocarina of Time

3D ruined Zelda for me and I don't play portable video games so I never played Link's Awakening, I like sports if I'm outside

>> No.763262

Majora's Mask >Link to the Past >Link's Awakening >Oracles >Zelda >Zelda II >Ocarina

>> No.763293
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>Not playing Link's Awakening on your computer

>> No.763302
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Zelda 2 is my personal favorite because it's the only Zelda game I couldn't beat initially. All others are ridiculously easy by comparison. Majora's Mask would probably be my second favorite as it has some of the more complex puzzles in the series. Then Link to the Past is a raw nostalgia trip.

But so many series staples come from Zelda 2. I'm shocked more fans don't even attempt to scratch it's surface.

>> No.763318


> I'm shocked more fans don't even attempt to scratch it's surface.

Coming from someone that recently forced himself to play it, and ultimately enjoyed the fuck out of it, I can say that I'm not shocked that more fans don't attempt to get into it.

It isn't even because of "muh hand-handholding" or "muh puzzles", its because there are so many things about that game that just don't make sense.

Remember that "Spell" you get? No one even so much as HINTS at where you were supposed to use it. NPCs for the most part don't give you much information, with many even just saying useless shit like "Hello" or "don't talk to me right now". That doesn't help the player and just wastes their time, it isn't interesting.

Exploring, simple combat, the music, and dat grind are what make that game fun, but everything else can go fuck itself.

>> No.763325



The difficulty spikes at odd points during the game, and it starts out moderately challenging to begin with. I'm not the type of person that lists difficulty has a flaw or not though.

I just think that as a ZELDA game, its a tough nut to crack. If you push through the stupid bullshit you'll find yourself one of the greatest games ever made, and that is sort of a pariah. How can it be great if you have to put up with bullshit?

I don't really have the answer there but its just a rewarding experience. TRY IT OUT FAGGOTS.

>> No.763332

>Not playing portables laying down with the TV on as well.
Sports? Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.763331


and that it is sort of a pariah****

i hate making typos

>> No.763336

The Oracle games follow the rules as they were release on a system that itself was released before the end of 1999 (GBC came out in 1998).
Sadly, Minish Cap, however, does not.

>> No.763362

3D Zelda ruined it for me, too. Really didn't like OoT and MM.

He got the Vaan treatment. As I understand the creator of FFXII originally wanted the protagonist to be a big burly manly man, but Squeenix felt that he would alienate female players and intimidate the faggoty fan base FF had developed over the years.
I don't know where they got this idea, the idiots.
Nintendo went the same course with faggot Link versus original Link.

I agree with your sentiments on OoT and MM but my favourite Zelda is LttP with LoZ a close second. I consider LoZ the better game, but it is too short. LA ranks in at number six for me, behind the two aforementioned and AoL, OoS and OoA in 3-5, respectively.

I beat the shit out of that game as a kid and it helped me to learn English. Why English-language video games were released in the non-English-speaking parts of the Eurozone I'll never understand.

>> No.763457

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.
>games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
>The Game Boy Color was released in 1998
>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro
>The Game Boy Color is a 5th generation handheld
Does nobody even read the sticky? Seasons and Ages both easily qualify as retro.

LttP > WW > Seasons > OoT > LA > Zelda 2 > WW > Zelda 1

While I like the game, Zelda 1's engine just always felt really clunky to me.

Basch and Ashe were supposed to be the main characters of FF12, and it makes much more sense that way.

>> No.763932
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My favorite Zeldas are Link's Awakening and the Oracle series. I think they represent the best of Zelda gameplay and story: 2D action and puzles are a lot better and more fun than 3D stuff (in my opinion at least).

I feel that the Oracle games tell the best traditional Zelda story, which is not saying much, but the scope of both games when linked is hard to beat. And Link's Awakening is the best non-traditional Zelda story, and the best one overall.

The original Zelda and Adventure of Link are fun to play, but they're pretty primitive now. The GB/GBC games elaborated on everything that made the original Zelda good. Adventure of Link will always be an odd duck, seemingly belonging to another series when it comes to gameplay.

A Link to the Past was also an improvement, but it was overall kind of empty. I liked the overworld of LA and Oracles better.

I never really got into 3D Zelda. I mean, I find Link to the Past's overworld "kind of empty"; imagine what I think of Ocarina of Time's field. The combat is not nearly as fun, and the plot is just Link to the Past in 3D. The only thing it does better than the rest is graphics, but we all know better than judge a game just on that.

Majora's Mask was a lot better than Ocarina of Time. I thought it was more original, varied, and fun to play, which is kind of ironic considering it rehashed most assets from Ocarina. It makes 3D work a bit more. it's the only game with good time travel mechanics, and the only one that allows you to re-do dungeons and sidequests whenever you like, so I really appreciate it.

I'd rank them Link's Awakening = Oracle games > Link to the Past > Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > Legend of Zelda > Adventure of Link.

Link's Awakening overseas artwork makes him even more badass: http://www.zeldadungeon.net/2011/10/artwork-inspired-by-the-legend-of-zelda-links-awakening/

>> No.764102

basche was originally suppose to be, but he was told to make a more effeminate protagonist, so balthier was the main character. Vaan was then forced in and matsuno then left.

>> No.764410

I really hope that the next 3D Zelda game treats the overworld the same way most of the 2D Zelda games did, where it is full of puzzles and secrets, and feels like a dungeon on its own.

>> No.764420
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Link's Awakening, Ages/Seasons.Still the best part of the whole franchise, for me.

The atmosphere and music were great, and they blend really well the original Zelda and ALTTP

>> No.764430

The original Zelda is still the best.

It is the series at its most pure.

>> No.764461


>> No.764485

A link to the past and seasons are my all time favorite zelda games.

>> No.764486

>2 over 1
You serious? It was much better designed and a lot more influential.

>> No.764508

Really? You still play fucking sports in the neighborhood? Are you 12 or 13? Which one. It can only be one of those two ages, or yknow you're a liar and think that this is what adult extroverts actually do.

>> No.764516

Only Zelda I've beaten is Zelda 1. I own Lttp and I almost beat LA before my computer shat the bed. I enjoyed 1 immensely and I'm okay with maybe never playing a Zelda again

>> No.764539
File: 7 KB, 820x468, LttP-AST Gloves'n'Mails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Ancient Stone Tablets in your list.

>> No.764546

It's more than likely that LttP 2 will feature a new Link.

>> No.764552
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>Not playing Link's Awakening on your 3DS

>> No.764563
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>Not playing Link's Awakening on your Gameboy

>> No.764567

>No backlight

>> No.764578

>Playing Link's Awakening at all
>Wow! This looks pretty heavy! You won't be able to lift it with just your bare hands...

>> No.764580

Stop trying to push rocks, idiot. You don't even have the item yet.

>> No.764750
File: 176 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_2012-12-18-21-50-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my phone.

>> No.764763

Zelda 2. I like other Zelda games too, but Zelda 2 is my favourite still. Hell, it's still one of my favourite games period.

>Remember that "Spell" you get? No one even so much as HINTS at where you were supposed to use it. NPCs for the most part don't give you much information, with many even just saying useless shit like "Hello" or "don't talk to me right now". That doesn't help the player and just wastes their time, it isn't interesting.

Every single thing in the game that might be even remotely convoluted has an NPC telling you about it. Sometimes, there's an NPC telling you about another NPC. Yes, even the hidden town. Yes, even the use of Spell. Yes, even the usages of Fire and Thunder on otherwise invulnerable enemies. Yes, even using Reflect on that one boss. Yes, even that NPC you have to talk to like four times in a row just to wake its stupid ass up. And the only NPCs walking around that matter are ones with unique looking sprites for the town you're in. Otherwise, only the ones insides of buildings are worth even remotely anything.

Zelda 2 has no stupid BS (unless you want to get upset about enemy placement or something like that). It just doesn't make things obvious. Also, you don't need to grind (this isn't me being an elitist faggot, I'm being serious here) as you'll get levels well enough through normal play. Unless you're running away from everything like a faggot. Can't help you there.

I agree with the rest of what you said that doesn't pertain to what I replied to.

>> No.764791

I'm old enough to remember how different the Zelda games were when they came out. First Zelda kept me and my dad busy a lot.
And you could save your game. that was big shit when you had to clear your calendar to play Mario.

>> No.764809

Oracle of seasons is the most zelday Zelda game there is.

>> No.764823

Zelda 2 is the best

>> No.764835

Mother Fucking Majora's Mask

That's the best

ALttP was orgasmic too

>> No.764839

I know its not retro but out of curiosity did you prefer majoras mask over OoT. I find most people that prefer Zelda 2 over Zelda 1 do.

>> No.764850

My bad on the "majoras mask not retro" oops.

>> No.764857

is Link pants-less underneath his shirt?

>> No.764871

It's a bit odd. I think overall I like MM moreso, but I tend to replay OoT way more. Maybe because I can sequence break it fairly well.

>> No.764893
File: 130 KB, 600x770, andrew dobson zelda hair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking any Zelda game past Link to the Past

Ocarina of Time is grossly overrated. Majora's Mask too. I'll stick to my true Zelda games, thank you

>> No.764894

Yeah, and the first couple Zelda games aren't overrated at all...

>> No.764902

I will never understand why was Link pink haired in ALTTP.

>> No.764938
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>> No.764939

It has something to do with hardware limits. Link's human form and Link's bunny form share the color palette so they had to make Link's hair pink because his bunny fur was pink.

>> No.764946

He always had pink hair. The NES couldn't display that color properly but the SNES could.

>> No.764945

And... Why... Didn't they... Make... THE FUCKING RABBIT BROWN THEN INSTEAD?

>> No.764947

>your favourite games are overrated
>my favourite games are REAL Zelda games
>Preston comic

Shit, son

>> No.764957
File: 52 KB, 373x294, blacksad laughing furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a brown rabbit

>> No.764959

It's similar to the reason Terra had green hair rather than being blonde in FF6.

Contrast with the background/overworld

>> No.764963
File: 25 KB, 500x388, Get-A-Load-Of-This-Guy-Cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true Zelda games
>Adventure of Link
>Not even including the GB ones.

>> No.764972

>Contrast with the background/overworld

Actually, this is a better reason

>> No.764973

But Celes is blond....

>> No.764981
File: 34 KB, 258x355, LaughingElfMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares?

It's not like she's the main character.

>> No.765065

Except that Terra's hair being green was because the devs thought she looked too similar to Celes in game at the time.

>> No.765389

Hurr durr the mainstream to bad for me
really not liking Skyward sword I can undertand for Wind waker or twilight princess, BUT SS kicked arses

>> No.765395

So you care out THE COLOR OF HIS HAIR please get out /v/ pretensionist

>> No.765580
File: 1 KB, 272x222, Palettes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myth Busted.

>> No.765647

Read the fucking thread

>> No.765657

yes but she wears green while terra wears red.

>> No.765660

>implying most character in FF6 aren't the main character.

>> No.765672

that's not his fucking hair that's a hat

>> No.765679

>on screen controls

I like this board because I can point out your retardation for using that shit.

>> No.765686

Well shit

>> No.765682


I don't care but his hat is the green thing with the orange lining. The pink stuff is his hair. I don't see how this can be refuted.

>> No.765690
File: 135 KB, 670x217, 1363679666611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you got the joke.

>> No.765694

Maybe you should.
The post I replied to said that they share a palette, and because of that, they had to make his hair pink.
I just proved that the colour of Link's hair isn't used anywhere on the Bunny Link sprite. They may share a palette, but hair colour isn't shared between the two.

You dumb son of a bitch.

>> No.765697

Explain why it doesn't change when he changes his hat then. >>764539

>> No.765707

You know like the white part of a santa hat? I thought it was something like that, I just never thought it was his hair but it probably is.

>> No.765725

Ah, The Legend of Zelda series. Perhaps my favorite video game series, I've played literally every Zelda game and own all but 2 of them. With that being said, my favorite is Majora's Mask.
I beat Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, & Majora's Mask. I got to the final boss on Oracle of Seasons but couldn't beat him, got about half way thru Zelda II when my friend decided he wanted it back and just took it, and didn't make it too far into The Legend of Zelda, my cart would always freeze up in the 3rd temple I believe, it would always freeze in this dark room and I never was able to get past it...

>> No.765738
File: 231 KB, 434x600, 434px-Lttp_Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white part of a Santa Hat on the classic Links is the brown/yellow brim, which is shown on the sprite.

>> No.765752

Doesn't matter because you're only proving someone wrong that every knows is wrong.


>> No.765756

Oh yeah I get it now

>> No.765761

The myth that Link's hair shares a colour with Bunny Link's sprite is more prevalent than you think.

>> No.765770

Can I just say I really fucking love the art for the original Legend of Zelda? I'm talking the stuff in the manuals, guides, promotional materials, and other official stuff.

It looked so cool.

>> No.765783

There's no need for namecalling. This is /vr/, we're supposed to be civilized.

>> No.765789
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1. The Legend of Zelda
2. The Adventure of Link
3. Link's Awakening

From the standpoint of aesthetics and gameplay, I like the first two games the most. I don't like the gameplay of the 3D games, and I don't like the less mysterious feeling the series got after the NES games.

I love Link's Awakening because it hits me right in the feels and the characters are actually likable.

Honestly I don't even really like A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time.

>> No.765853

I have bt controller but its fun to be able to play on phone with or without gear.

>> No.765990

Link's Awakening is my favourite Zelda game generally (at least for the time being since I haven't played all Zelda games) which was my first Zelda game back then in my summer holidays when I was in high school. Unfortunately it wasn't mine (I have borrowed it from another person for some days) so I never managed to beat it back then (not to mentioned that I sucked at these kind of games). It was the last year where I finally decided to play it and beat it to a Game Boy emulator on my DS and it was much better than I remembered it which shows how well it aged (in comparison with other games that I used to enjoy when I was a little kid but not anymore).

>> No.768282

Majora's Mask is THE game. The dungeons are insanely fun, and the game really gave me feels.

>> No.768284

I never played a Zelda game

>> No.768331


>> No.768346


seasons then ages

they're both awesome games, but seasons is easier, you wanna tackle ages last.

>> No.768413
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Majora's Mask.

>> No.768429

>play the easier one first
Noob logic.

I don't see a problem in which game to start off first, but if you're going to start a game just because its easier than the other one will only make the more difficult game even more tedious (at least in my opinion).

While I do say that, it's not the reason why I started with Ages; its the game I got for my birthday and I didn't get seasons until Christmas. I didn't see the difference in difficulty (today is the first time hearing about one being more difficult than the other) but I did find seasons to be a bit duller, but still worth playing.

Unfortunately I no longer have either; they were destroyed in a bus fire in 2005.

>> No.768459


Ages if your first Zelda was OoT

Seasons if your first Zelda was 2D

>> No.768582

That's even more ridiculous than >>768346.

My first Zelda game was LttP.

>> No.768601


why would that be ridiculous? Ages is similar with the time mechanic and has both Zora and Goron race present, it's also more heavy on story and puzzles.

Seasons is closer to oldschool zeldas with less story and more running around fighting enemies screen for screen

>> No.768612

I've never beaten a Zelda game.
They just seemed so long to me when I was a kid.
Now I feel I want to play them but it just seems like there are so many and my backlog is already too big.
I'm afraid if I start I'll never finish them.
Are they incredibly long?

>> No.768613

It feels like the kind of bias that /v/ would say.

>play X if your first shooter is call if duty
>play Y if your first shooter is Doom/Duke Nukem

>> No.768648

Play them now. Length will not concern you once you get into one of them.
They aren't too much of a time sink.

>> No.768665

That depends entirely on your playstyle. If you're going to take your time through the game or going for all upgrades/heart pieces you're going to be in for a ride. However, if you're reasonably good and you plow through them, it'll only take a couple of days at most. For example, I can easily replay most Zelda games and finish them in a single afternoon.

>> No.768669
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1) Adventure of Link
2) Majora's Mask

Both were incredibly rewarding games for different reasons. In "Adventure," most of the game you were mercilessly punished by pretty much everything, but if you tried hard enough you could overcome it all. You had limited combat abilities and you had to become really good at fighting in order to beat any temple past the 2nd one. Also, it's the only game in which Link actually says something.
>Looks like I can fit in the fireplace.

Majora's Mask because of the non-linear gameplay and the feels.

>> No.768723

Do you guys pay attention to the official "timeline" or do you take these games as they should and interpret them as separate independent stories?
There's no way they were thinking of a timeline at all when making these games.

>> No.768758

>There's no way they were thinking of a timeline at all when making these games.
Of course they weren't, that timeline was created to try to unite all the Zelda games in a single universe. They did a pretty good job, but everyone (hopefully) knows the games are independent stories of different kids named Link.

>> No.768845

Going completely by guts, I have to say Link to the Past. It's mostly nostalgia talking, but that was my first Zelda game (guess the chinese pirates couldn't bother to port Disk System games into carts).
I read about it in magazines for months (Nintendo magazines I bought despite them being filled about SNES stuff while I only had a famiclone) and watched some gameplay in a little hidden gem of a cable show about games way back then. I don't know what it was about that tiny sword dude with the funny hat that caught my attention so much, but it just seemed like such a big world to explore (and it actually isn't, heh).
Then a friend of mine got a SNES and I started talking to him about the games I had read about. So he ended up renting a copy... and he quit because he wasn't able to figure out how to use the mirror to escape the Dark World.
YEARS later, he borrowed me the console and Zelda was the first game I rented. I seem to recall that I had to extend the game rent for an extra day (I recall having issues finding the medallions). But man, every single time you figured out a puzzle or found a secret was just so rewarding. Not too hard, but difficult enough... for a kid, anyway.

Having played many games in the series, I still think it's the one that perfected the formula from the first game. The others are great (well, Adventure is a bit of a pain with all the grinding...) but LttP is still my favorite.

Though my second favorite is one of the 3D ones. Majora. Not because of gameplay but because of game feel. So shockingly depressing.

>> No.768861

Except the ones that ARE linked.
Like Zelda 1 and Adventure.
Ages and Seasons
Ocarina and Majora.
Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass (and I guess Spirit Tracks too? I haven't played that one).

>> No.768862

Out of all the 'retro' games? That's a very hard question. I hate being boring, but I think it would have to be ALttP. I loved the mood, the exploring, the dungeons. It's probably one of the most balanced Zelda games there is in terms of structure and freedom.

Waking up on a stormy night, your uncle gone, breaking into Hyrule Castle a boy and breaking out a hero was one of the most defining moments of my childhood in terms of gaming. Hyrule Castle's theme will forever live on in my mind.

>> No.768886

But all of them ARE Link'd.

>> No.768895

My apologies for using the present tense.

>> No.768948

WW, PH and ST aren't linked in any respect other than the fact that they share art style and are Zelda games. Each story and world in each game is surprisingly dissimilar from the others.