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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 580x505, IPEGA PG-9017 Wireless Bluetooth 3.0 Controller for iPad iPhone Smartphone _2013-06-02_21-26-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
755517 No.755517 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about portable emulation? I recently got one of these babies (It's cheap comfortable solution if you don't want to drop money on a PSP or a different portable emulation device) and I love how my android phone got a new use besides talking to my mother.

If given the chance would you rather emulate a game on your computer or on a portable? Since I love portables I think I'm going to stick to playing games on it for a while.

>> No.755609

I prefer emulating on my Phone as well, just picked up an Xperia Play.

>> No.755672
File: 861 KB, 1280x768, IMG_00000008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I CAN emulate on my phone, but I don't like to. Reason being, I am seldom away from my computer when I am blessed with a shitload of time and nothing important to do.

>> No.755693

Amerifats can't into mass transportation. You feel the need to drive everywhere.

>> No.755691

That's me. I got an Xperia and was all like FUCK YEAH GAMES ON THE GO!
But if I'm on the go, I'm driving or doing shit, not sitting around with my thumb up my ass with time to play games.

>> No.755701

I fucking hate what phones have become. I just want a tiny phone to fit in my pocket but they literally are ceasing to exist. I can only get long and wide smart phones from my phone provider now and they're all ass expensive except the shitty ones you wouldn't even want to use for android purposes.

Like I'm going to play a fucking nes game on the go anyway.

>> No.755712


I know you're being retarded, but just because people in america don't have to hang off of buses and ride the tops of trains doesn't mean we all need to drive.

>> No.755779

if my job involved flying alot i would definitely dig having a mini gamepad on my phone

imagine beating a game on a plane flight and yelling out "fuuuck yeeaaahh!"

>> No.755786

Not to mention many smaller cities shut down public transportation due to budget cuts since UNEMPLOYMENT IS HIGH AS FUCK, AND WITH NO TAX INCOME, THE CITIES ARE BROKE. My city just recently restored area bus service, but the schedule is retarded. If I took the bus to work, I'd have to go to work three hours before my shift started, then come back home six hours after it ends.

I used to bring my PSP to work and play Genesis and NES games during lunch, but with only a few minutes to play, there was no point in it.

>> No.755873

I still need a controller. What's the best controller for an unrooted android device?

>> No.756045

I'd suggest a Gametel gamepad.

>> No.756161

Best SNES emulator for Android
Snes9x EX+
Best GBA emulator for Android

>> No.756801

>not retroarch

>> No.756819

get a fuckin' bicycle

>> No.756829

I've got a car but thanks

>> No.756851

but muh frameskip

>> No.756897

Retroarch keeps crashing and freezing half the time I try it.

>> No.756921

Honestly I've used both, and prefer sideloading .emus, they just plain feel more solid currently.

Why the fuck would you pay for an emulator anyway?

>> No.756925

Debatable. If your device can handle it get Retroarch. If you like Solar chips and tilt function on your GBA, MyBoy may be the ticket because it fully supports such, but expect shit because of what it's based on. It's basically an enhanced version of the ancient Gameboid.

>> No.756931
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I use Gameboid and Snesoid myself.

>> No.756946


Yeah, that's why retroarch is superior, but if you have blackmart then paying for emus isn't a problem anyway

>> No.756947

That's ancient bro, you can honestly get far better for free anywhere. Especially if you want to play Chrono Trigger or Golden Sun 2.

>> No.756950

Honestly it's easy as hell to find a way of sideloading most of them in latest version. I run mine on a Kindle Fire anyway, so I can't even get into the store.

>> No.756953

I would but all my save games are only compatible with Gameboid right now, I might switch over when I clear my backlog, which is probably never

>> No.756961

I have a kindle fire HD myself. Why not root your device?

>> No.756963
File: 142 KB, 640x423, nyko_e3_peripherals_1_1020_gallery_post_large_verge_medium_landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a Nyko Playpad it's pretty great. I carry it every day.

>> No.757063

I wouldn't mind it, just that I can't stand it when the D-Pad is on the bottom of the left side, I don't like the 'Xbox' layout, maybe its because all I emulate on my Android are platformers.

>> No.757103

Why do all these controllers have dual-sticks when there are no phones that can emulate the consoles that actually use them?

>> No.757131

Smash TV double stick bay-bee!

>> No.757174

>phones can't emulate Playstation
Well, even if that were true there are still Android games that are dual analog. Dead Trigger, GTA3 etc...

>> No.757202

You're behind, PS1 is more than possible now with Retroarch.

>> No.757214

What's the minimum spec Android phone I would need for all /vr/ related emulation? I looking at a cheap 1Ghz dual core and a $200 more expensive one with a quad core Tegra.

>> No.757229

The cheap one will probably be more than adequate as long as it has some kind of a video processor.

>> No.757237

So what phone should I get for the purposes of potable emulation? I would primarily run gba on it, and a long battery life would be my highest priority. I'd also prefer nothing touch screen, but I doubt such a beast exists.

>> No.757263
File: 1.65 MB, 1728x988, 18638_large_Xperia_Play_Wide[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmmmm.. Well, there are some Nokias. You can get an Android phone with a keypad.

Probably the best phone for emulation is the Xperia Play for obvious reasons although when PS2 and/or Saturn emulators come out it probably won't run them full speed. It'll do every other emulator full speed though.

>> No.757264

You're pretty much out of luck asking for something without a touchscreen.
Either way, any android phone is pretty much capable of GBA emulation. Its up to you if you want to get one with a built in controller or not

>> No.757292
File: 113 KB, 196x225, 1328818363505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I just ordered one and am waiting for it as we speak
I just want to play DKC2 and 3 wherever the fuck I want god dammit

>> No.757312

Glad I could help. When you get it, immediately put Cyanogenmod 10 on it before you even start using it.

>> No.757310

I emulate GBA/nes games a lot on my S3, but it's a pain in the ass using the default dpad for anything other than a turnbased RPG, and even then it's still pretty bad, I raged a fuckton playing FF5, I ended up trying to press down too fast and ended up hitting right and defending by accident, shit pissed me off.

I may get a case like that for my Ipod though, if they're cheap.

>> No.757352

>come out
There actually already is Saturn, nothing can run it at correct speed.

>> No.757364

Actually 1ghz is right around the minimum for the most powerful of emus that use frameskip. Should be able to run even SNES9x EX+ without problems for most games that aren't special chips for example.

Dual Core is recommended for Retroarch when it comes to some of the emulators.

>> No.757365

Check out this noob. Still using your mom's nokia eh?

>> No.757371

I have a pretty old one and it'll emulate everything up to PS1 and N64 flawlessly. PS1 and N64 work fine too, with frameskipping. Hardly noticeable to me.

>> No.757375

I was a different poster. I just happened to order it a few days ago
Whats Cyanogenmod 10?

>> No.757380

I completed FF6 on my phone and this happened a lot at first too, though I got used to it.

Sabin's Blitz attacks were a pain to get working though.

>> No.757816

Come out as in release. That Yabause shit has been in 0.0 for years.

Fuck RetroArch I run everything on my old ass G1 Captivate including shit like The Bard's Tale. All emulators run at full speed easily. It's just important to run a current, optimized version of Android.

Cyanogenmod is a free build of Android that is compiled and maintained by some of the awesomest people in the industry. One of them is recovering from a flesh eating bacteria infection ouch! So if you've ever wanted to donate to anybody in the open source community he might be a good choice. But anyway CM is an easy way to get a very optimized modern build of Android on your device as long as it's one of the classic devices. Xperia Play is officially supported.

>> No.757821

S1 Captivate that is not to be confused with the Google G1

>> No.757829

if I get an adapter can I just use my logitech f510 on my android phone?

>> No.757834

I thought I read that the 4.0+ ROMs for Xperia Play made graphics performance slow as shit, has this been fixed? I'll probably stick with 2.3 anyway because of PSXPeria but was just wondering

>> No.757964

I already got one. It's your mom, but like many public-use bicycles, the frame is a mess and the tires are flat.

>> No.758252


>love how my android phone got a new use besides talking to my mother

This made me sad, OP :(

>> No.758374

I don't have one but I have great faith in the CM team's stable releases. I'm sure there's a good ICS one at the very least. I know the Play has similar specs to my Captivate and mine runs any emulator without a hitch.

>> No.758421

Given the chance, I would rather emulate on a portable, of course, but do these phone attachments really work?

>> No.758435

My Nyko Playpad definitely works and the controller itself is real nice but the program that you have to use on the phone if you want to use everything is kind of a bitch. On Playstation or N64 you have to bind everything to a virtual keyboard and then have that keyboard set as your default onscreen keyboard while you use the pad and the onscreen keyboard super sucks. They also promised touch mapping like seven months ago and we still don't have it maybe never will.

>> No.759212
File: 4 KB, 160x144, RetroArch-0603-161512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'd hate to sound like a viral marketer but after going out today with my ipega (the thing I posted in the OP) I came to the conclusion that I'm really pleased with it. It isn't a perfect solution but it's cheap and portable. Plus using Bluetooth makes it pretty comfortable. Today had to wait a long time so I just put my phone on the table and finished Kirby on the GB.

It's too bad I found it on dealextreme though, these guys take a rather long time to ship.

Well, I was mostly kidding with that part but I am glad I found this device another use.

Like I said above, it's not a perfect solution. If you don't mind dropping some more cash then the PSP is leagues better for portable emulation. I just figured that since I carry around my phone all day and I don't want to buy another PSP now that I have a Vita that I should just find another solution.

The virtual keyboard part is rather easy to manage with the ipega but the fact it switches your keyboard is annoying since I use Swiftkey instead. This thing has more modes besides the keyboard but that depends on what emulator you're using and if you're using android or iPhone.

>> No.759292
File: 95 KB, 400x400, JXD-S7300-dual-core-game-console-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> PSP is leagues better for portable emulation

Well that's not completely accurate, the software for android emulation is generally way better than the software for PSP emulation. But of course, PSP has real buttons that don't need connection via bluetooth, which is great unless you have an Xperia Play or other controller built android devices.

>> No.759310

>the software for android emulation is generally way better than the software for PSP emulation
Really? I was mostly speaking about the fact it has actual buttons. I didn't do a lot of research when it comes to devices like the JXD. Then again it does make some sense, I remember the emulators on the PSP not being too advanced back when I did own one.
I was also under the impression that the JXD is way more expensive than the PSP. Though I guess if money isn't a factor here than the Pandora would be the best or something.

>> No.759318

That looks good but I see lots of complaints like crashing, input lag after coming back from sleep, buttons not working right. I like that the PSP has a simple but stable OS and decent buttons.

>> No.759329

Yeah I have an S7300 and I love it, but it has hiccups which I wish I could do without. I'll probably get the S7800 when it gets released, as long as the reviews are good for it.

Never experienced any input lag though, I finished Super Castlevania on it and it never even bothered me, but maybe I just don't notice it.

The JXD S7300 is like $150, while other versions range from $70-100. Android emulators generally have more features than PSP emulators, and android runs SNES and N64 much better than PSP.

PSPs are still top tier emulating machines on a budget though, I think you can get them for like $50 bucks these days.

>> No.759336

My only real problem is how unstable android emulation is, at least for me. Especially Retroarch. I never ran into this many problems when I played on my PSP.

>> No.759339

I have an Optimus L9 I dont know how could I use a controller for it

>> No.759341

You mean like crashing? I've never had much problems with it, but I don't use Retroarch.

The only game I've really had crashing which is Front Mission 3, but that game is kind of an asshole to emulate anyways. Other PS1 games went off without a hitch.

>> No.759350

Well, I haven't tried a lot of emulators yet but Retroarch is the main culprit. My favorite one is Gameboid which works like a charm. I'm a little lost as to what other emulators I should use so I had to use Retroarch for a bit. Gamboid did crash for me too but it was lot more rare.

>> No.759358

Yeah, I tend to use the 'Oid' line of emulators even though they're a bit outdated, just because they've always worked for me. I would try Retroarch, but all my saves are on my current emulators, and there is no custom key binding for Retroarch yet.

>> No.759369

Retroarch is honestly quite bothersome but it has a very large amount of cores.
Aside from Retroarch I have Gameboid, Snes9x EX+, NES.EMU, MD.EMU.

>and there is no custom key binding for Retroarch yet.
There is custom key binding.

>> No.759448

Blame Android itself. RetroArch works like a dream on just about everything else once it's all set up. Android just kinda sucks for stuff like this.

>> No.760059

>Durr RetroArch am all good so Android must be bad

Erroneous. I've been emulating everything up to and including PSX on Android for two years with no trouble. Apparently there's RetroArch for Android now but this thread is the first I'm hearing about it because I've never needed something like that. Basically what you're saying is that you're dumb enough you need an all in one emulator instead of using the good, established emulators that already existed and then when it doesn't work right it can't possibly be RetroArch since it's good on other platforms. It must be Android's fault.

>> No.760234

To be honest, I prefer Robert Broglia's emulators, I tried RetroArch for Android and did not like it at all.

>> No.760307 [DELETED] 

>playing vidya

>on an iphone

Shiggy diggy doo, and sage

>> No.760309 [DELETED] 

What game is that

>> No.760313 [DELETED] 

Can Iphones actually play old vidya?

>> No.760853

I use whichever one works best. Brand loyalty is so twentieth century.

>> No.760925

>Xperia Play
Fuck these phones just disappeared shortly after the price drop, which I had gotten one around that time. I fuckin' hate touchscreen, been playing Chrono Trigger and even then my experience is ass.

>> No.761024

Are there any good SE Android ports? Looking at Chrono Trigger specifically, should I emulate or play the Android version?

>> No.761053

Retroarch Android totally broke control support for Xperia Play, you know, the only fucking phone with actual controls to support.

Also the interface is a hot ugly mess

>> No.761064

They didn't exactly disappear, there's a ton of them on eBay for pretty cheap.

>> No.761073

I think the Square Enix ports for Android are pretty sub par, I just emulate the games instead.

>> No.762985

That's just plain bullshit. Xperia is pretty much the best choice for this.