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755221 No.755221 [Reply] [Original]

What differentiates being a collector from being just an "accumulator"?

Is it just the contents of the collection or the intentions, actions and knowledge are what actually matters?

>> No.755230
File: 171 KB, 633x803, feelchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dat flood damage picture
My heart aches every time.

>> No.755237

There's no difference at all.

>> No.755242

the same thing that differentiates a "gamer" from being a guy that likes to play video games

>> No.755243

You have a collection if you think you have a collection. Simple as that.

>> No.755247

Looks like my ex-collection after our basement flooded

>> No.755269

Collectors are the "how'd I do?" faggots that are worried about market price and condition of the label.
I bought a Darius Twin cart from a guy with the label mostly obliterated, but the game plays. A collector wouldn't have gone near that shit though.

>> No.755270

I know, is is truly painful just to see it.

accumulators detected

Good comparison. I'd say then that it is nothing in the action of collecting but the place this action has in the person's life.

>> No.755273

I think it is the focus, and upkeep.
You have to have a focus on WHAT you are collecting, and you have to have it presented, or upkept in some way, not just thrown on the floor.

>> No.755297

It's the difference between being a hipster and just a plain old cool person.

>> No.755301

Also they are the ones that will by Jap games they can never play and/or buy games for systems they don't actually have.

>> No.755305

because anyone who buys games just throws them on the floor.

>> No.755317
File: 333 KB, 289x149, stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> accumulators detected
And here i thought this was a serious thread.
I'm a collector. I have a focused collection, i have clear goals, i have standards and i keep all of my games in prime shape.

If i have 10 Saturn games and say i have a Saturn collection, who's anyone to tell me i don't? That's what i meant. But no, "lel u accumulate :D". Right.

>> No.755330

For me its just how you take care of what you have, how you display it and everything.

>> No.755360 [DELETED] 

Well if no one is to tell you you are not, no one is to tell you you are either, not eve yourself. The point of a definition is to have a collective criteria to mark its limits

I mean, ok you can tell your pillow you are a collector i'm fine with that (how could i be not?), but that is irrelevant here... i mean, you cant define something with just "what seems to me", because what is in question is precisely what makes it "seem" this or that and how this process of definition is achieved COLLECTIVELY.

>> No.755368

Well if no one is to tell you you are not, no one is to tell you are, not even yourself. The point of a definition is to have a collective criteria to mark its limits

I mean, ok you can tell your pillow you are a collector i'm fine with that (how could i be not?), but that is irrelevant here... i mean, you cant define something with just "what seems to me", because what is in question is precisely what makes it "seem" this or that and how this process of definition is achieved COLLECTIVELY.

>> No.755373

or unorganized in a droor or whatever. You know what I mean.

>> No.755374

If you think you're a collector then you are.

>> No.755378


What's a droor?

>> No.755398

>Loads of the same game/system regardless of condition
>Sealed games, fully boxed consoles, will only buy if in excellent condition with box and instructions

>> No.755417

I guess he mean a 'drawer'. Shit, it's giving me a jamais-vu. Draw-werrr

>> No.755423

I don't know. Like a thing you pull out of the flawer.
*drawer. Thanks for catching that

>> No.755426


>> No.755489
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, MVC-096F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect because of my miserable fucked-up childhood. At least, that's the impetus that keeps me purchasing stuff. My altruistic intent for collecting is to preserve, and when possible, gift items to others who have not. I'm an electronic engineer, according to my degree, so I can repair, mod, and design new components for game systems, whenever I have the energy to bother. I'm no Krikzz, that's for certain. I don't do programming at all.

Image is a fucked up s-video mod for the Master System. The idiot whose schematics I followed used the wrong cap values.

>> No.755580

Collectors care about their stuff, preserving it in proper way to keeping it in a good status, while accumulators just stacks everything somewhere and leave it to deteriorate.

>> No.755927

>all this butthurt towards collectors
A collector is someone who like's to own specific things. You don't have to own a lot of them, and you don't have to own things in good condition. There are collectors that only buy pristine boxed copies of games, then those who will buy just about any game (as long as it's a price/worth that much to them), and even some who specifically want only shitty carts with 1/2 a label or cheese crammed inside. Collectors are people who have a collection, and a collection can consist of anything.

An accumulator is someone who just buys shit for the sake of having it. They're the faggots who will pay $300 for a loose copy of Mario+Duck Hunt. It's Hoarding, but with a larger income and focused on games. While a collector might have game's for a system they don't own, they always have plans to eventually buy said console and play it. An accumulator will have game's for system they don't own, but they might not have plans to buy said console. Even if they do, that doesn't mean they'll play the game(s) they own, once they do get the system to play them on.

Personally, I don't care if my games are in a box, or if they have perfect labels, or even if they were ex-rental's. Granted game's that aren't fucked up take priority over the one covered in sharpie and 1/2 the label missing. But if that's all I can find (and it's cheap), I'll still get it with the intention of replacing it later. A game is a game, the condition of the cart doesn't stop me from enjoying it. However it does look like shit when stacked up next to the rest, which is why I plan on getting some UGC's and printing off covers for them.

>> No.756413

A hoarder buys everything has it scattered everywhere.
A collector is selective with what they buy and has it neatly organised

>> No.756741

I think "accumulator" is a word that no normal people would ever use. It's like a derogatory term that some pretentious collector would use to describe another collector who's collection he doesn't respect. "Hoarder" can only really describe someone who's collection crowds their living space, especially if it includes worthless items.

This is a self gratification/I'm better than you thread. If because of this thread you're either sitting there feeling smug over how organized and extensive your collection is you're an asshole. If you're sitting there feeling pressure to devote more time than you can spare to work on your collection so you don't have to be "just an accumulator" you're weak.

>> No.758609
File: 15 KB, 528x434, 1334929845310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A collector is someone who like's to own specific things. You don't have to own a lot of them, and you don't have to own things in good condition
>An accumulator is someone who just buys shit for the sake of having it

Despite the big amount of trivialities and subjective opinions here and there in that post, important things were said.

>pic related

>> No.758650

The true point is, if you're having fun and it makes you happy, the definition is irrelevant.

>> No.758678

>games they can never play and/or buy games for systems they don't actually have
I had a friend irl give me grief because I own Resident Evil 2 on all systems but N64.
>"Why don't you have the 64 version?"
>"I don't own a 64"
>"Pff you're not hardcore then"
>"I never claimed that"
>"Well, you're still not a hardcore gamer, you're just causal"
>"Ok, I'm not going to buy shit I can't play"
>"Yeah and that's what make you causal"

It's very head scratching

>> No.758684

How about you just fucking get your video games and enjoy them no matter what? Who gives a fuck about differences if any?

>> No.758694

>Who gives a fuck about differences if any?
certain collector's
collector's like Rusty Brown

>> No.758698

what do you call someone who just buys whatever old games they can find to play them

a loser?

>> No.758697
File: 21 KB, 296x230, Ware_Rusty_300w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collector's like Rusty Brown
That is a very accurate but depressing point.

>> No.758706

Better question: why do we need to split hairs?
People collect comics, cards, movies, and many other things.
Some keep great care of them while others use/enjoy them with the logic "that's what they are there for.
The desire to split it apart makes me think it's an elitism issue. It severs no purpose other than for someone to try and sound more important/better than the other.
When really it's just a pissing match.

>> No.758730

If you're going to post Rusty, you might as well post the whole page.

>> No.758732
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>> No.759215


Please don't do this, you'll break my heart. Then it won't be in mint condition anymore

>> No.759275
File: 29 KB, 640x753, tfw_grying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mint condition, never been opened, never been used

>> No.759289

Uncirculated, like my love

>> No.759301

You guys are putting way too much thought into this shit.

>> No.759763

I think (s)he was being sarcastic.

>> No.759820

people who collect nonessential items tend to do that.

>> No.759954

hes right though but you guys can keep stroking each others collector dicks if thats what you want.