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/vr/ - Retro Games

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754343 No.754343 [Reply] [Original]

Not modern forums discussing old games, but old forums from back in the day. There's Google Groups that has the archive of usenet groups. Very interesting.

Here's an example.

>> No.754360

Most of the good NES games came out in the 90s so he was correct.

>> No.754371

The IBM PC was reaching the top at that point. VGA and sound cards were getting popular and more and more games were made with them in mind.
Only the FM Towns was superior due to its CD Drive.

>> No.754382

>Most of the good NES games came out in the 90s so he was correct.
Except for Contra, Castlevania, SMB, Ninja Gaiden etc, obviously.

>> No.754398
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I only have this and another from /v/ taken out of context.

>> No.754403
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>> No.754415


>> No.754449

Commander Keen was shareware but shareware was a type of commercial release.

>> No.754460


And all 3 Marios and Final Fantasies

All of which were released in the 80s in Japan.

>> No.754465

holy shit, some of these are like /v/'s older brother from the 80's

>> No.754470


I'm finding it very difficult to believe this wasn't created as a joke.
The irony and parallels with modern fanatics is just too strong.

Nothing ever really changes, does it?

>> No.754489

>Nothing ever really changes, does it?

Nostalgia fags all sound the same. Go to any youtube video of an old song.

>Thumbs up if you think they just don't make music like this anymore

It doesn't matter if the song is from 50's, 60's, or whatever. And you know damn well in 20 years they'll say the same thing about music from now.

>> No.754503


I've tried pointing out that system generations people generally seem to have a boner for now (64 bit and last generation, from 2001 to about 2005) were looked down on by "classic gamers"

But no one wants to listen to me. No one wants to believe that their "golden era" was just when they happened to grow up.

>> No.754735

That's not true. I was a kid during the 5th gen, IMO a wholly mediocre era. Why would anyone be nostalgic for that?

>> No.754742

>It doesn't matter if the song is from 50's, 60's, or whatever
Those are 13 yo edgy kids who wear Led Zeppelin t-shirts, not people who actually lived through that era

>> No.754749

>Thumbs up if you think they just don't make music like this anymore

Not an untrue statement if you think about it. Of course today's music isn't going to sound like 1971 because...it's 2013. All music is a product of its era.

>> No.754762


But what they mean is that "The music from when I was growing up is the best. Music has gotten worse since then".

It's just nostalgia.

>> No.754772

the older generation of people are ludicrously uneducated because they lived most of their life before the Internet. they had no exposure to music after HS in many cases and literally were unable to pay attention to or follow it. it's not like today where you can listen to almost any song ever made in a few mouse clicks.

>> No.754774

Eh, I've got some nostalgia for it, but there were far fewer truly great games than in the two gens that came before it.

>> No.754783


And I'm 28. I barely pay attention to current music. Most of the music I like is from 1982-2000. Most of those were years when I was growing up. I'm no better.

>> No.754784

Why is that greentext not green?

>> No.754786

Your fault, kiddo.

>> No.754789

>calling a 28 yo grown-ass man who's older than you a kid

>> No.754795

He's one of those edgy kids who goes on Youtube and whines how Justin Bieber ruined music and he wished he was alive in 1983 to party with cool people who listened to Van Halen

>> No.754801


>> No.754806


I'm just saying that I'm not much better. I'm just aware of it, and not entirely deluding myself. Most of the console nostalgia is the same. And you can see it in these old posts from 25 years ago. Guys saying how games were so much better back in the Atari days, but not as good now.


And shitty pop and boy bands has always existed. Most of it from the past isn't remembered.

>> No.754821 [DELETED] 


So, the acrimonious nerds on /v/ are as likely to be senior citizens as they are to be underage teenagers. It's not age or maturity, it's a general outlook on life. This was an eye-opener. Thanks for showing me this.

>> No.754827 [DELETED] 

Nostalgia is conceptually retarded so I don't believe in it, only objective reality

>> No.754828


And you're an enlightened, open-minded individual who appreciates music from every era equally.

Please. Let a guy have his preferences. As long as he's not claiming "everything is Justin Beiber now," which he isn't.

>> No.754831

Luckily all those Atarifags are dead now. They succumbed to heart attacks or diabetes or their mom kicked them out of the basement.

>> No.754835

What? Nostalgia is a thing due to how the human brain works. Maybe you don't know what the word means? Holy crap.

>> No.754836

It's not very hard to follow music

>turn on VH1 top 40 countdown

>> No.754841

>Nostalgia is a thing due to how the human brain works

Actually there's nothing neurological about an artificial social construct. A great deal of things we do are not innate.

>> No.754847

>I look back on my childhood with fondness only because society tells me to

I learn something new every time I come here

>> No.754851

>Luckily all those Atarifags are dead now.

And the same will happen to us. I think it's a shame. We should try to pass on some of these games to future gens.

>> No.754865
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>virtual console
and look at how well that's turning out

>> No.754869


Metroid IS a game where you get stuck a lot. The answer is to just keep looking. I'd say it's not even a game for everyone.

>> No.754910
File: 161 KB, 220x294, ehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y cant metroid crawl?
every time

>> No.754954

>But what they mean is that "The music from when I was growing up is the best.
no, what they mean is that they think liking older music makes them "different" and "more mature", those comments are written by 13 year olds just getting into music

>> No.755004

>he lets mass-produced corporate products define his childhood

>> No.755007

And this, my friend, is the very same kind who are driving game prices through the roof.

>> No.755047

There is a saying that you can lead the horse to the well, but you cannot make him drink from it. Many clueless individuals literally do believe playing Goldeneye when they were 7 years old was the zenith of video games, such is the powerful fog of nostalgia. The idea of playing Jumpman on an Atari 800 doesn't register with them, even though this is far more patrician gaming (I wasn't alive for the early 80s so no nostalgia here)

>> No.755083

*yawn* Had the Interwebz existed when this game was new, sameshit

>> No.755087

It did, actually.

They were busy complaining that it wasn't as good as the original.

>> No.755092


This is literally what happened to me. I was 6, and I had rented SM. The guy at the store heavily recommended it. I got stuck and returned it. I got Darius Twin instead.

>> No.755095

The internet did exist in '94

>> No.755097

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.755104

Uh huh. But I'm getting the impression that there's a certain group of 25 yo virgins who think "Ha ha dumb COD children can't handle SM" when in fact they were exactly the same way playing it back then

Usenet did. Not in the modern sense the net didn't exist.

>> No.755109

Usenet's community was basically 4chan but with less kids and more FBI agents pretending to be kids.

Same shit, realky.

>> No.755110

It was harder in the 90s because no GameFAQs back then

>> No.755115

No, the internet DID exist in '94 in the same way it does now. It went public in '89.

>> No.755116

That is completely true. If you read old posts about video games or computers, it's almost 100% exactly the same as /v/ and /g/.

>> No.755118 [DELETED] 

>Not in the modern sense the net didn't exist.

The world wide web debuted on January, 1992.

>> No.755125

Depends on whether you consider primitive HTML-based websites equivalent to today's Internet

>> No.755129

>The internet did exist in '94

But only nerds and professionals used it for chatting about vidya.


Yes, but it wasn't popular.

>> No.755131
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>> No.755135

The difference between past pages and today's pages is a shit load of javascript/jquery and AJAX style scripting on top. Fundamentally, the world wide web is a a collection of hypertext and hyperlinks.

>> No.755137

The net in those days was as I said, 90% /v/ and /g/ topics because it was literally nothing but neckbeards

>> No.755138


You might as well say video games didn't exist until Nintendo because primitive joysticks and one button controllers aren't equivalent to glorious D-pads and multibutton controls.

>> No.755140

The Atari era was very different from gaming in its modern form, which really did come into existence on the NES

>> No.755146

As much as I want to say >buckley, he does have a point.

That was my fucking point, thank you for clarifying.

>> No.755152

I dunno; you wouldn't even want to try taking a 90s-era PC online today. Pentium 4 boxes can still deliver acceptable performance, but anything before that just can't hack modern websites unless they're really light stuff like 4chan (which is basically using 10 year old code)

>> No.755153

The Apple II was the start of non-Arcade gaming.

>> No.755161

Computer gaming was largely born with the Apple II, yes, but we're mostly talking console games here

>> No.755162

>As much as I want to say >buckley, he does have a point.
Which is why I posted it. I really don't like his comic the last few years, but it's become a habit to read it. And occasionally there's an amusing one.

>> No.755167

yeah pretty much the basics of PC gaming (adventures, dungeon crawlers, and strategy) along with the whole "culture" all originated on that platform

>> No.755170

Try that shithole Free Republic. It opened in 1997 and remarkably has never been updated.

>> No.755172 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 620x549, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out FR

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.755187


>> No.755195

>anything before that just can't hack modern websites

Well, yeah, also considering that the web browsers available to those computers wouldn't be able to even use CSS2 standards, most likely.

>> No.755216

>Nothing ever really changes, does it?
Nope. People will always think their generation was the best one.

>> No.755394

Drudge Report also looks barebones as hell.

I think there's a joke in there about right-wingers and outdated code somewhere.

>> No.755443

Stuff like the C64 could be used as a console. They had TV outputs and used joysticks.

>> No.755461

>it's 2013. All music is a product of its era.

And your point is?

>> No.755469


Uh, don't compare old internet to new internet. It's way different in terms of number of adopters.


Uh, gamefaqs was launched in 1995.

>> No.755470

that they do not make music like in 1954 in 2013 because they are different years

>> No.755474

Lol, so many kids on this board

>> No.755481


I misread your post, sorry. I thought you were making implications. You're right.


>> No.755486

How do you search by date in groups?

>> No.755490

first you take your nes and remove anything that looks important and then you put that stuff inside your computer

>> No.755491

I'm really curious to know the opinions of games like Zelda II and other different sequels from back then. Digging through google groups is kind of a nightmare, though, the search is way too wide to narrow stuff down. Plus, I want to see if that one guy here is right about SuperMetroid being though of as being too casualized back then.

>> No.755501


tried that, it doesnt work, but now it makes a nice whirring sound.

I hate how google have the inbuilt 'by date' function only work one way--descending from most recent

>> No.755502

>I will now change my argument to prolong it

>> No.755503
File: 4 KB, 432x71, email u a tissue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking gold

>> No.755508

were there much in the way of music usenet groups? I'm wondering if it would be the same as reading /mu/

>> No.755515

Were there any hipster back then? Then I'd say yes.

>> No.755523
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>> No.755532

>(She would play Dhalsim I think)

>> No.755540


>> No.755541

Mule, Archon... I swear I thought he was talking about SC2 there for a second.

>> No.755545


You know, if you search the archive for posts about Metroid after the release of Super its nothing but people asking for help after getting stuck

>> No.755552

actually, I'm looking through old music posts right now, it seems to pretty much be civil discussion, guess it's only you gaming and computer nerds that have always been dicks

>> No.755559

Also, go back to the group and set the last post date in the filters to somewhere between 1985 and 1994 for some nostalgia

>> No.755574

>You know, if you search the archive for posts about Metroid after the release of Super its nothing but people asking for help after getting stuck

Some examples?

>> No.755583
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>she would play Dhalsim I think

>> No.755595
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>> No.755602

also, not to mention, it's posted in the arcade forum

>> No.755608

You know he's right though. The same fags who rail on about how BLAST PROCESSING is a pile of bullshit turn around and praise the Super FX chip to high heavens.

>> No.755610

This is interesting.

>> No.755612

but to add to this, I don't see the all sorts of posts, just a couple actually, most of them are more people trolling various usenet groups about other consoles and games by saying it's the best new game

>> No.755613


Fucking pathetic casual kiddies. Back in my day, we didn't get help with Super Metro--ooooh, shit.

>> No.755618

Fifth was a transition. 3D wasn't truly ready for most games but was shoehorned into everything. We could've had some epic sprite-based games but we will never be able to go back!

>> No.755621
File: 22 KB, 1280x296, ohnevermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually... never mind, I should actually click on them more often...

>> No.755623


First off, no one does that.

Second, the Super FX was an actual thing whereas "Blast Processing" was a marketing term that only served to make the Genesis sound cooler.

>> No.755637

well Blast Processing was a marketing buzzword and the Super FX chip was a real thing... so... yeah..

>> No.755639

At least he's not saying "y cant metroid crawl????"

>> No.755642

Except the Genesis CPU was much faster than the SNES.

>> No.755652 [DELETED] 


>Comparing a grown man's typing skills to a 16 year old's on Miiverse

That's a bit of shit you're trying to hang from, Anon.

>> No.755654

he probably would if he wasn't using a keyboard

>> No.755657

yes... but there is still no such thing as blast processing...

>> No.755660 [DELETED] 

>Comparing a grown man's typing skills to a 16 year old's on Miiverse
That's a bit of shit you're trying to hang from, Anon.

>> No.755662


>> No.755674
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I thought this was interesting.

>> No.755683


>Except the Genesis CPU was much faster than the SNES.

So does my 3DS. My 3DS doesn't have blast processing, however. Blast processing isn't a thing. It's a marketing term. The Neo Geo, PSX, Sega Saturn, N64, etc were all faster and more powerful than the SNES, yet none of them had "blast processing"

On the other hand the Super FX chip was an actual thing that was developed. They didn't finish coding Star Fox and say, "hey, why don't we come up with a name for the reasons these graphics look this way" as it was an actual chip that did it.

>> No.755692

Genesis could produce Mode 7 effects, did they slap a fancy name on it to try and sell more software to idiots?

>> No.755715


Except mode 7 was an actual thing. You're purposely being dense at this point.

>> No.755726

I thought someone demonstrated that whilst Blast Processing was market speak, there was some truth when comparing the capability of each console. It was a simple way of conveying the difference

>> No.755736
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>> No.755732


That doesn't make blast processing a thing. The console was just faster.

>> No.755750

You're using some of the most retarded circular logic I have ever seen.

>> No.755771


I don't know why, but I get a kick out of reading old speculation/rumor threads.

>> No.755778

How so?

>> No.755812

All that love for Sega...All that doubt in Nintendo...It hurts knowing their dreams won't come true /vr/ and now they are probably in their 30's or 40's and have kids of their own who will never know Sega how was did.

>> No.755829
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the difference is that most of those people were able to figure out the most simple item in the metroid series and progress past the first 2 seconds of the game

most of the questions are tied in to legitimately puzzling areas or exploration related concepts, not "how dos i crwel wit metroid man?"

maybe this is tied in to the death of manuals, who knows

>> No.755854
File: 383 KB, 1400x900, eTOrlkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should further point out that i'm aware that gamers back in the day weren't necessarily the pantheon of skill, and that magazines pretty much provided help and cheats in lieu of the internet, but i don't really think there is any denying that games aren't easier nowadays

look at how much publicity dark souls got primarily on the virtue that it was a legitimately challenging game in a sea of hand-holding half-movies

oh well! it's nice to see kids of today actually playing older games though instead of dismissing them for not having TOP TIER GUN SHOOTING ACTION

>> No.755856

>maybe this is tied in to the death of manuals, who knows

Or maybe the internet is widely available now and people who make their mistakes noticeable are garnering more attention then they would have in 1994.

>> No.755858

"Faster" is a relative term and its not always clear what is meant by that by a relatively naive consumer. A technical comparison doesn't make for good marketing. Blast processing accurately conveys the fact that Genesis has a faster processor than SNES. In that sense, it is a thing. If you are seriously trying to imply that SEGA were stating that they had a "Blast Processor" executing the Blast Processing, then you are a silly pants.

>> No.755865

Pretty sure they give you scans of the manual when you buy off the Nintendo Wii store.

>> No.755870

>If you are seriously trying to imply that SEGA were stating that they had a "Blast Processor" executing the Blast Processing, then you are a silly pants.

I'm not. The guy who compared Blast Processing to the Super FX chip and Mode 7 is, however.

>> No.755872

>The conversion from PC Engine to TG16 is very easy, so I would assume
>that the most popular games for the PCE will find their way to TG16
>quite soon. IMO, both game systems will do well. However, given
>Sega's track recond, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Genesis curl
>up and die (I hope it doesn't, though).

If only he knew

>> No.755876

but while mode 7 is an actual thing with a real definition blast processing is not an actual thing as there is no difference between "blast processing" and normal processing

>> No.755882

Mode 7 isn't a thing. It's just a name for a scaling mode.

Scaling itself is a thing, though. Genesis could do it on the CPU, but not the GPU like the SNES could.

I'd argue the Genesis couldn't replicate the "Mode 7" as well as the SNES (though there were some games that tried), but Mode 7 had its own limitations. You couldn't do stuff like Road Rash on SNES (even the developers said so).

>> No.755883

Read the image I was replying to originally before you tried your best to show how smart you are. I was agreeing with the Josh Evans guy who was saying sure Blast processing is a gimmick but so is Mode 7 and Super FX. You're an idiot with no reading comprehension skills in the slightest.

>> No.755886

Yeah, it's almost kind of sad reading that shit. So many expectations totally crushed.

>> No.755892

>B-but my 5fps Super Mario Kart is so much better than Road Rash!! B-but Mode 7 Super FX!!!

>> No.755901

>I was agreeing with the Josh Evans guy who was saying sure Blast processing is a gimmick but so is Mode 7 and Super FX.

So you're an idiot. Good to know.

>> No.755907
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>gets taken in by marketing gimmicks by the same company who tries to discredit another's
>calls the person who sees through both an idiot

>> No.755913

>but while mode 7 is an actual thing with a real definition blast processing is not an actual thing as there is no difference between "blast processing" and FASTER processing
That is the key point. Blast processing is a thing only because it refers to faster processing. Modern consoles don't go in for the belligerent marketing of old, but I have no doubt that if they did we would see some similar stuff being spouted that doesn't actually refer to a Blast Processor but actually means a better CPU or GPU or whatever. It doesn't mean, however, that these difference aren't real or that the terms aren't grounded in real things.

>> No.755914


Except we have evidence of Mode 7 and the Super FX chip being real. And they aren't gimmicks, given what they did.

Congrats on still being a class-A moron, though.

>> No.755916
File: 130 KB, 550x731, everything was better.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these ancient posts
>this thread
>this board

This pic sums it all up

>> No.755923

The Turbografx-16 was absolutely crushed in marketing. I still wonder what gaming would be like if the Turbografx-16 beat the Genesis like it did in Japan.

The whole 8-bit CPU thing would still have really hurt it though, so a better, more catchy name would have helped a lot. Lots of people were making fun of the TG-16 for having "16" in the title without actually being true 16-bit.

>> No.755925


doesn't the game how to tell you how to use each item once you've picked it up?

>> No.755926

Oh I forgot, Mode 7 is a "thing" as evidenced by the testimony of all of the Nintendo hardware engineers in this thread.

>> No.755936

quoted the wrong post but yeah, you get the idea

>> No.755938

kid we don't post like that here, if you want to do that kind of shit take it to /v/ or better yet just stop it altogether

>> No.755942

I wonder if any of the guys who posted in these old forums are still posting here.
Probably not.

>> No.755946
File: 43 KB, 230x340, saturnPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not in the modern sense the net didn't exist.

I'm pretty sure that when I was using the Internet in 1994 the Internet existed.

I remember Sega's webpage to promote the impending launch of the Saturn.

>> No.755953

Yeah, seriously. It's always interesting to think about the what-ifs of older game consoles. I always wonder how things would have turned out differently had Sega focused their resources into the Saturn and not been totally fucking stupid handling it.

>> No.755957


No, but we do have developers who actually coded for the SNES saying it was a thing. Off the top of my head, I remember Itagaki briefly mentioning mode 7 in an interview he had with game informer. It existed.

>> No.755962

Yeah, a thing as in the simplified name for a software gimmick, like blast processing.

>> No.755964

It wouldn't have been so bad if SoJ was running SoA

>> No.755974

Why do SNESfags talk about the SuperFX like the Genesis SVP doesn't exist?

Protip: It was actually far better than the SuperFX. That's why Star Fox runs at 15fps and Virtua Racing runs at 30fps even with more polygons.

>> No.755979


Nope. Mode 7 was actually developed as a thing. Blast processing was not.

>> No.755983

>opposite day

SoJ fucked up everything they touched. The only thing they didn't fuck up was hiring Kalinske to run SoA, and then letting him do what he wanted even though they disagreed with every single thing he proposed.

Then, after he took Sega from about a 5% market share to the leading video game manufacturer in the largest market in the world, they promptly started overruling him, and created the Sega CD, 32X, and Saturn disasters.

>> No.755989


the snes had 8 "gfx modes", named modes 0-7

of these, mode 1 was used most often in games (provides 3 layers, 2 are 4bpp and 1 is 2bpp)

the rest of the modes provide varying layers with varying effects. mode 7 is the most different, providing only 1 layer (minus sprites) that is 8bpp, and able to rotate/scale

>> No.755990

>Why do SNESfags talk about the SuperFX like the Genesis SVP doesn't exist?

I'm sorry, what does this post have to do with anything?

>> No.755994

But I hated everything about pop culture when I was twelve

>> No.756000

>being a hipster was cooler when I was 12

>> No.756013

but i have come to the conclusion that i was a fucking idiot when i was 12

>> No.756017

In some ways Blast Processing was just as real. It was a way to send data straight into the DACs bypassing the DSPs. It was a strange hardware quirk not present on SNES.

>> No.756025

But road rash ran like shit, sure its more advanced than super mario kart or f-zero, but those two ran lot smoother and faster.

>> No.756036

well don't forget bernie stolar's amazing JAPANESE GAMES ARE FOR NERDS THE COOL AMERICANS DONT WANT THAT SHIT policiy

>> No.756042

Saturn was successful in Japan and they couldn't understand why America was pushing for Dreamcast so hard. America didn't bother localising so many of the Saturn'a best games. It was a disaster and all they could do was clear the deck and start again.

>> No.756054



yeah, snes didnt have anything like that; only speedup trick available was to use FastROM (2.68MHz->3.58MHz)

>> No.756062
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>I'll probably get either the 3DO, the Atari Jaguar, or the Sega Saturn when it becomes clear which one survives, and when there are enough good games for them

>> No.756071


But he was right. It's still true today, just look at cawadooty.


And Genesis was a huge success in the USA, despite SoJ's efforts, which SoJ then ruined anyway with Sega CD (which actually didn't do too badly in Japan), and then 32X. SoJ ordered SoA to develop and market 32X while actually frigging hiding Saturn from them. And then SoJ dropped almost all software support for five months after launch, leaving SoA holding the bag and a huge number of angry customers who'd just dropped $200+ in 1990s dollars on a 32-bit Sega system that wasn't going to have any games. It destroyed Sega's reputation in North America.

Seriously, SoA was not told that SoJ was going all-in on the Saturn, how far along in development it was, or when it was going to launch. The Saturn launched at almost exactly the same time in Japan as the 32X in North America.

>> No.756090

You missed the joke; he just threw a bunch of random technical terms at you.

"Sending data straight into the DAC" = the standard, documented way to play back sampled sounds on the YM2612
It's not a "hardware quirk," it's explicitly part of the design. There is no analogue on the SNES because the SNES has much more sophisticated sample playback hardware, and thus no need to manually manipulate the DAC.

None of that has anything to do with the computational capabilities of the Genesis.

Why do people (Nintendo fanboys or otherwise) keep bringing up "blast processing" in 2013? It was a fucking marketing buzzword from twenty years ago, who gives a shit. Nintendo's slogan at the time was "Now you're playing with power." WHERE IS THE POWER NINTENDO? IS POWER REAL IS IT A THING IN THE NINTENDO WHY CANT I PLAY WITH IT OMG U LIED TO ME.

There are concrete differences in capabilities between the systems that you can discuss instead of beating this dead horse.

>> No.756093


I forgot to add -- the whole point of 32X was that SoA correctly reasoned that the Genesis could last another few years with a graphical upgrade, and that was the whole point of the add-on -- letting customers keep playing their old Genesis games, and developers keep making Genesis/32X games, and raking in the cash while people slowly upgraded to the next system. It was a good idea, evidenced by the fact that Nintendo was still having huge sales successes with SNES in 1996.

So SoJ agreed, ordered its development, and then six months after 32X's launch announced that there wouldn't be any more 32X OR Genesis games, and if anyone wanted to play Sega games in the future they'd better ramble on down to Target and buy a shiny new Saturn, only $399 lol!

That's why Saturn was a disaster in the USA. I'd owned a Master System, two Genesises, Sega CD, and 32X. I asked the folks for a PSX in 1995.

>> No.756101

>buttjelly that he never had the power of blast processing

>> No.756112

I was an idort. I had Blast Processing AND Super Power.

>> No.756117


Who are you even talking to? This all started because on guy decided to compare blast processing to things that actually existed. You'd have a point if someone tried to compare "power" to something on the genesis that actually existed, but no one in here did that.

You're perceiving this as some sort of fanboy war when it's clearly not.

>> No.756120


No you didn't. Neither one of those things existed.

>> No.756124

Surprising how little people have changed. Only difference we have now is having "le smug anime face" like >>756062 to go with our sarcastic posts and condescending people 20 years ago for not being able to predict the future.

>> No.756127

>mad Nin30yearold detected

>> No.756134
File: 42 KB, 300x300, le_bell_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBS -> Usenet -> PHPBB -> 4chan and lebbit
It's all the same shit.

>> No.756137
File: 224 KB, 500x667, nothing says power like the NES controller hovering over tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had regular Power.

>> No.756140
File: 254 KB, 600x500, nichijou_lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't have super power

>> No.756158


People will unearth a 4chan archive from 20 years ago and ask "what's up with these sarcastic anime faces?". You know it.

>> No.756164

>they didn't even color their posts' background to indicate emotion!

>> No.756184


To me, it's not that they're crying out for help, it's when and where. My help expectations are with the helper animal sections, getting that missile in the wall in Maridia, getting past the seemingly invincible Pirates, stuff like that. Not at least 4+ people stuck not knowing how to use bombs on visibly distinct blocks right after obtaining the item.

>> No.756191

How can hardware have political allignments.

Why do faggots bring politics into everything?

>> No.756195

This, so fucking much. Half of these fuckheads can't even figure out how to use the morphball which the GAME TELLS YOU HOW TO USE IMMEDIATELY AFTER GETTING IT, not that it really takes much controller experimentation to figure out how to use.

"Gee, I obviously have to crouch down and crawl or something to get through this narrow little passageway! Maybe if I push down once or twice..."

>> No.756216

Off topic, what are some instances where you honestly think a good old game has aged poorly and you think should have been changed? You know, not the hard parts or the parts that make you guess, but the bullshit parts.

I played through the original Metroid recently, and starting out with only 30 health after each death was too much bullshit for me. I ended up downloading a ROM hack that fully replenishes your health when you start. Either that, or turning the "save rooms" of the FDS version into recharge rooms would have made the game a lot more bearable.

Maybe one day I'll complete it without that hack, but no way I'm going to sit around farming the flying things that come out of pipes when I have no idea where I'm going in the first place.

>> No.756217

You're one of those SEGA bastards, aren't you?

>> No.756260

Judging from your post, I can only assume you support the wanton slaughter of innocent babbies and the rape of all living beings.

>> No.756268

It isn't though. There were tons of terrible one-hit wonder artists back then. Nostalgiafags don't actually like X thing, just the memory they attach to it.

>> No.756278

Echoing the theme of this post, I wish intense hardware discussion of modern consoles would (or rather could) come back. Consoles back in the day had so much personality and variance in terms of graphical capability, audio, and other hardware related areas, but nowadays hardware updates see such diminishing returns that hardware hardly ever makes a difference unless you're Nintendo (and thus a generation behind).

>> No.756283

This is especially true of radio music. You think if you turned on the car radio in 1969 that they were playing Rolling Stones and Who tunes? Heck no, the Billboard 100 chart for that year had Archies - Sugar, Sugar at the top.

Most of what you would have heard on the radio in the 60s was forgettable pop/R&B garbage made by artists largely unknown to anyone born after the Eisenhower years.

>> No.756290

We've started to reach the practical limits of digital electronics. There is much less variation in the audiovisual capabilities of modern video games than there was in the 80s.

>> No.756303


I always understood that there was never any pretence about the 32x. It was always a stopgap. It was never thought to be the next gen console and this was well known by all Sega branches. SoA wanted the Neptune to be the next gen console so that some games could be compatible with the 32x. SoJ pushed for a CD based console. With sales of 32x being poor, it was a universal decision to drop it.

The problem with the 32x was that the overall strategy of Sega had not been determined at the time of release. The knock on effect was the loss of confidence in 32x. If Sega had decided clearly about what they wanted to do, they could've possibly done more with 32x. 32x would not have done well in many core markets and would always limit your customer base as people are unlikely to go out and bye a new mega drive and 32x together. Your total customer base will always be less than the total number of mega drive owners. This is not a good strategy.

>> No.756320

We haven't reached the practical limits, we have reached the economic limits. We are at a point where to enjoy the same increase in performance and visuals, you have to pay significantly more to the point where it is not economically viable for such consoles to make use of them.

The next stage of video game consoles should have made use of water cooling systems.

>> No.756328

It's like /v/ 20 years ago.

>> No.756331


hahahahah i love it

>> No.756335

dude that's a fucking awesome idea. you could have spectrums of moods/emotions.

>> No.756341

Except dumber because Atari stuff was objectively shit

>> No.756342

Hence what I was saying about diminishing returns and how I wish said hardware discussion *could* come back. I guess you can't really complain about it since it was just something that was inevitable. I mean, from what we've seen of next gen consoles, they look hardly distinguishable from current-gen consoles. I mean, hell, I know it has never exactly been a benchmark for graphical capabilities, but the new Cowadootie doesn't look like anything you'd expect from a new console.

>> No.756343


Bernis Stolar, what a fucking idiot. Dreamcast should have been handled in USA the way it was in EU--where if it had continued to sell would have dominated the PS2 easily.

>> No.756354

Atari carts can be had for practically nothing. Because outside of nostalgia, who on earth would possibly want most of them?

>> No.756356

Would the European market have been enough to sustain it though? I think the loss of NA and Japanese markets meant that DC could not have survived. Saturn and 32x killed the Dreamcast

>> No.756375


hi, just letting you know im stealing this idea

t: m00t2.0

>> No.756392


I mean take whatever strategies they were using to achieve that dominance and apply them to US market instead of keeling over

>> No.756403

>Off topic, what are some instances where you honestly think a good old game has aged poorly and you think should have been changed? You know, not the hard parts or the parts that make you guess, but the bullshit parts.

I'm playing through Leisure Suit Larry 2 right now, and let me tell you -- I find myself having to load savegames from 30 minutes ago because of items the game never even hints at existing. The sunscreen, for example. You will NOT know you need it until later in the game when you die from UV radiation while sunbathing -- you're already on a cruise ship so buying the sunscreen isn't something you can just simply do at that point.

That is bullshit.

>> No.756409

Sega had a stronger, more stable customer base in Europe. The Saturn was successful in Europe (and Japan) so the standard marketing in this region would've had a lot more resonance than it did in NA.

32x was less of a thing in Europe, I believe. Perhaps the loss of trust and reputation was not a factor in Europe

>> No.756417

I actually heard that it did worse in Europe than in the US. Maybe it did well in some individual European countries, but in the region as a whole it didn't do that great.

>> No.756419

>The Saturn was successful in Europe

What? No it wasn't.

>> No.756425

He's right that Sega was much more popular in Europe than Nintendo, but both could not compare with Sony when it entered the market.

>> No.756426

The UK certainly was always a strong region for SEGA. Don't know about other places

>> No.756435


Yeah, Sony rode the rave culture wave perfectly with the Playstation

>> No.756452

Yeah, there's no questioning the dominance of PS

Imagine if the Nintendo/Sony partnership didn't fail... Would we still have Sega?

>> No.756458

I know the N64 sold like ass in Europe, but I'd be surprised if it was actually below the Saturn. I'd also be surprised if the Saturn actually did better in Europe than in the US by any significant margin.

>> No.756472

ITT: faggots acting like they have humans figured out

yes your sociology degrees are worthless

>> No.756476

Why are you on /vr/? graphics-kiddie

>> No.756480

classical > all your pop shit

>> No.756483

I actually have heard that Saturn did significantly better in EU than US. I also heard that Saturn outperformed N64 in JP.

>> No.756485

>Nothing ever really changes, does it?

Go read Esiod and how he bitches about the old times being better and "a golden age".
He wrote that in 800 B.C. by the way.

>> No.756486


ITT: You make snap judgements that aren't relevant

>> No.756489

The Play Station (as it was called) would've been nothing more than a CD add on. Nintendo just didn't like handing Sony loads of revenue, so they broke off. However, Nintendo decided to cut the agreement off the worst way imaginable, by partnering up with Sony's rivals. Had Nintendo just told them no the right way, it would've been remembered in the same was as the NES knitting kit.

Sony entered the market to spite Nintendo. All the money they've made off the PS1 and PS2 has been bleeding out of them with the PS3, and the PS4 will finish them off if it fails.

>> No.756492


Sonytendo would suck, lets be honest. PS1 kicked the industry up a notch by NOT being bloated with prehistoric Nintendo bullshit. The SNES CD would simply have maintained the status quo, and maybe led to another market death amidst gimmick add-on fever

>> No.756491

Those faggots who cry "nostalgia" are a bunch of liberals who think there aren't superior and inferior video games and generations.

Dumb fuckers. They'll get what's coming to them.

I bet those kids have facebooks too, what a bunch of totalitarians.

>> No.756495

There would have been fewer competitors. You could've had another generation out of SEGA at the very least

>> No.756496

You're a bunch of normalfags. Funny how "vidya" is a normalfag word now. And stop equating everything with 4chan, 4chan really is normalfag bastion.

You fucks think you're so alternative and on the "deepweb"

fuckin normals get out of here

>> No.756501

The PS1 made video games into what they are now. Try and deny that.

>> No.756498

Yeah because those sites are fucking inefficiently deigned and the age of the "code" doesn't mean shit. It's because 4chan doesn't have a much of useless shit.

>> No.756503

>All music is a product of its era.

Wrong, not all music is popular-music.

Go away, behaviourist.

>> No.756506



>> No.756507


It put us on the path, but it was the XBox that finished it.

>> No.756509

Really, the PC played an equal role in shaping today's video games

>> No.756513
File: 20 KB, 240x200, 5710595526215816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had there been no path, we wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.756518

>PS1 kicked the industry up a notch by NOT being bloated with prehistoric Nintendo bullshit.

And instead it was bloated with FMV stealing space from actual VIDEOGAME content, movie-like "experiences" and a wrong emphasis on storytelling in games.

>> No.756520

Uh Road Rash wasn't "more advanced" in any sense, it was doing the same fake perspective trick that arcade racing games had been doing since Pole Position. There was no real rotation in any of those games.

>> No.756527


CoD, if that's what you're crying about, got its first, crucial success on the Pc with 1&2.
Halo did nothing but continue what Nintendo began on the N64, shaping FPS for being playable on consoles, it wasn't this industry killer everyone cries about.

>> No.756528


What problem? The most varied the games industry has ever been? The most open and lowest cost-of-entry to developers things have ever been?

>> No.756531 [DELETED] 

>Ariel Cohen

And yet, his opinion is anything except jewish.
What a strange individual.

Too bad he was too stupid to understand why games had to cost that much.

>> No.756534


FMVs are pretty much dead and buried, and it wasnt that bad outside of Metal Gear Solid

>> No.756539


Shhhhh, stop using that logic!
You'll awaken all the oldfags here.

>> No.756548

>low cost-of-entry
>a good thing

The licensing fees were there for a reason. With Sony, literally anyone could develop games for the PS1. Be it college drop outs who read a bit of C or extremely kikeish publishers wanting to save a few extra bucks that would've been recuperated in sales.

In short, the PS1 was zero-risk.

>> No.756556

Console gaming has always taken its influences from its other platforms. The Arcade influenced early home console gaming, the PC influenced console gaming of circa 2000 until now. Home consoles were never original, hence the problems we are having now. Noble has any ideas as nobody EVER had original ideas. They've just run out of places to copy them from

>> No.756554


They're not "dead and buried".
They simply evolved in all the fucking long cutscenes we get these days.

Whether they're in engine or prerendered, they still come from FMV, when developers understood they could put little movies to pad their games with (not)content.

>> No.756560

>The most varied the games industry has ever been?

Are you blind? The game industry is collapsing because budgets have ballooned out of control, the adoption of anti-consumer policies, and people leaving gaming.

The higher costs rise, the less risk becomes viable, until eventually you are left with a market that's saturated with samey games, like we're rapidly approaching.

The only hope gaming had for a future was with the Wii and DS, but they were shit on by faggots who didn't understand that they were leading us to where we are now.

>> No.756558

Anyone could develop for PCs as well, yet they were never inundated with the same masses of shovelware

>> No.756564

It was said that Hiroshi Yamauchi wanted Nintendo to have a console that "was really hard to develop for" to keep out shovelware

>> No.756575

That was pretty much what the Saturn was. The problem is, when a console is a bitch to program for, your shit titles become REALLY shit when they otherwise would've just been shit

>> No.756579


>> No.756583

anti-semitie go back to /pol/

>> No.756592 [DELETED] 

fucking hypocrite liberals

lelelleelellelelelel fuck da joos >:D

but muh modern gaming muh superior generation you're just having nostalgia! there are no superior and inferior games! justin bieber is good!

>> No.756602

Yamauchi always had a similar goal in his years. He witnessed "third parties making the industry go belly up" in the early 80's, and wanted to keep them in check. With him, and Nintendo, in control, all third parties were kept in check. But as soon as Sony came onto the picture, it all started to collapse. While some good games came out on the PS1, they were all buried by the forerunners of top dollar games that are "too samey".

>> No.756607


I was thinking Halo. CoD 1&2 were good.

>> No.756608 [DELETED] 

stop fucking deleting posts you jackass janitor

fucking babby

this thread is filled with hypocrite racist liberals

why are they even on /vr/ if they don't think older games are superior to newer ones?

>> No.756612

>It was said that Hiroshi Yamauchi wanted Nintendo to have a console that "was really hard to develop for" to keep out shovelware

Man, judging how the Wii turned out, Nintendo really has changed.

>> No.756617

oh christ I never get tired of /pol/ crazies that screech and rant about shit nobody wants to hear and then act persecuted when they get banhammered for being a fucking derailing nuisance

go be hysterical somewhere else, you're worse than the women you think are after you

>> No.756620 [DELETED] 


go back to reddit, kid

oh and don't forget to make an atheist thread talking about how the jews are so evil, hypocrite

>> No.756621

Yeah because irony isn't funny at all.

>> No.756628

Well to be fair, Nintendo was TRYING to hook in the growing casual market for the seventh gen. And it fucking worked.

I guess they saw the error of their ways after the PS1 dominated the fifth generation and the Gamecube went nowhere fast. Shame the Wii U had such a lukewarm launch...

>> No.756631


Yamauchi also hated videogames, he was just a decisively vicious businessman

>> No.756634 [DELETED] 

irony isn't funny, is simplistic bullshit

yes we get it, marx (not that marx) was too complex for you and so you became a hipster

>> No.756637

Witness case: the Atari 2600. A tremendous programming headache and guess what? Its shit games were the shittiest shit to ever shit.

>> No.756639

How do you know he wasn't right?

>> No.756642 [DELETED] 

go back to cracked.com

>> No.756641

Gee, where are all the third parties with the Wii U? I sure hope there's another Metal Gear game on the Wii U, especially a port! I mean, Kojima and Sakurai are friends, they got Snake in Brawl! And we all know Kojima is cool, so he'll definitely hand Nintendo a Metal Gear game, right?

>> No.756647

It's because WiiU has NOGAEMS

>> No.756649

And of course HY had retired by the time the Wii came out, so his influence was no longer present

>> No.756651

>really light stuff like 4chan (which is basically using 10 year old code)


>> No.756653

what the flying fuck are you even talking about

>> No.756658

Eventually... hopefully.
Won't hold my breath.

>> No.756660

>irony isn't funny

The hell are you on? Was that your post? Is this why you're so upset about this?

>> No.756661

It's more advanced in the sense that the road isn't completely flat like it is in F-Zero and most other games from that time. There are actual hills and bumps in the road and shit.

>> No.756663

>Shame the Wii U had such a lukewarm launch...
I think this upcoming E3 will be Nintendo's redemption. Some heavy-hitting titles and maybe a price drop could really kick the console off. A good number of the launch issues have been fixed too, right? Right now Wii U owners don't have much to play, but hopefully that'll change come next holiday season.

>> No.756681

David Crane said the 2600 was probably the most difficult console to program ever. While many programmers wanted to bang their head on a table, he relished the challenge

>> No.756693

The real reason we care about Blast Processing and keep bringing it up is because "Blast Processing" is a really cool term. We want to believe there's a Blast Processor because dammit, that would be the best piece of hardware on the market. Sega could have started selling that as a hardware brand name, if they had something to put it on.

>> No.756703

>implying Kojima cares about Nintendo
>implying he cares about filling out his part of a deal

Shouldn't the 3DS port of MGS3 be alright?

>> No.756707

I've noticed something. Video game stagnation has been staged off purely through progress in the delivery of games, but the core has remained static the entire time. Take Nintendo as an example

NES was the first platform for most of Nintendo's IP. Things were new and exciting. SNES allowed these IP to get a new lease of life- the visuals and control was improved. These games looked amazing. With the N64, we were controlled these characters in 3D environments for the first time and it blew our minds. GC provided a similar sort of progress as the SNES, better visuals and controls. However, the Wii did not make any of the above core leaps. There was not much more to be done graphically speaking, controls were already pretty tight, so wiggling was invented as a new input method. This was hardly a revolution, but it was interesting. Interest is not enough. We now have another generation with no attempt to improve on any core aspects of video games. They remain static as they have done for the last decade. This is part of the reason why video games are becoming less interesting. Furthermore, with every new console, Nintendo have introduced at least one new IP. Where was the new IP for the Wii? Or the WiiU? Creativity is being limited to what was set out 30 years ago. Is it any wonder why we feel that gaming is going to shit?

>> No.756714

Blast processing was real

>> No.756729

And it was used in literally one game, whereas the Super FX and Super FX2 chip were used in a number of games for more than just polygonal effects.

The 32X puts them both to shame and was very capable of doing smooth 3D

>> No.756737

fuck the next level sarcasm maneuvers that would bring, shit, goddamn, you should become the new moot

>> No.756738

But the Super FX 2 chip in Yoshi's Island makes it have timeless graphics, that far surpasses 3D graphics of any Yoshi.

>> No.756743

Sega was the main factor in Sega's death as a home console manufacturer. Sony's success was just a nail in the coffin Sega had built for themselves.

>> No.756747 [DELETED] 

stop fucking deleting my posts you pussy

this whole thread is shit and you won't delete it

go back to /v/, janitor

and irony is again for low iq retards why do you think 4chan is filled with it?



>It's more advanced in the sense that the road isn't completely flat like it is in F-Zero and most other games from that time. There are actual hills and bumps in the road and shit.



>> No.756753

What the fuck kind of jacked up PCP are you on, bro?

>> No.756769


It was real in the sense that the the sega genesis had a faster core clock then the super nintendo, so they were able to turn that into "WAY FASTER THEN THE SUPER NINTENDO" when in reality it was like a couple hertz quicker

I can't really gauge the speed advantage since sega had like four different genesis models released, each with their own little tweaks and reworks

>> No.756781

The Saturn had potential and in different market conditions, it could've thrived. The Saturn failed because retail support shifted to the new platform. You can't sell a product if stores will not stock it and developers will not support it. If there was no new platform, the Saturn would've retained a stronger position. Further, the Dreamcast could've won back a lot of consumer confidence. Sure, Sega made some serious errors and they are mainly to blame for the appalling situation they found themselves in, but I'm not convinced that they could've avoided the ultimate outcome. Many of the bad decisions governing Saturn were in the fundamental design.

>> No.756782

Exactly what I mean, they shoulda licensed that term out to some hardware manufacturer. Everybody would buy a... let's see, given the time... a motherboard with an onboard graphics chip called a Blast Processor.

>> No.756785


the irony of sega during the dreamcasts reign is so incredibly thick you could cut it with a knife

It was one just about the only time sega had managed to have a whole premiere gaming library prepped and ready right after the console's release, the dreamcast was never reworked and released with different model revisions, it was cheap as hell as were its games, and to top it all off they had finally managed to catch the American audience in a decent percentage

IT was really all that dicking around with the nomad, game gear, saturn, 32x, cd, and umpteenmillion genesis revisions that bit them in the ass; but I guess its as the saying goes too little, too late

>> No.756803

>IT was really all that dicking around with the nomad, game gear, saturn, 32x, cd, and umpteenmillion genesis revisions that bit them in the ass; but I guess its as the saying goes too little, too late
This, but not so much the Genesis revisions.

Sega ruined their reputation, thus sealing their fate. If they had managed to avoid SOME of their blunders, there would've been more consumer confidence and the PS2 would not have distracted from the Dreamcast launch. The things we saw the Dreamcast do were pretty incredible. Imagine what it could've done by the end of its life cycle

>> No.756797

They really sabotaged themselves quite a bit, but if Sony hadn't come along to eat their lunch you can bet they would've remained one of the top manufacturers simply due to lack of competition. The Saturn may well have gone on to outsell the N64 due to the CD advantage.

>> No.756805

It did outsell the N64 in Japan and also in the UK, possibly

>> No.756813

The different hardware revisions don't actually affect what's under the hood, except the sound (very slightly). Also, you mean a couple of MEGAhertz, not hertz. It had a pretty big margin on the SNES in CPU power, and the SNES suffered from slowdown a lot more.

>> No.756826


This video describes the console market share in Japan from 96-07. Don't know what source they uses but it seems pretty interesting. It appears that the Gameboy was what sustained Nintendo through the late 90s...

>> No.756852
File: 16 KB, 150x206, Isao_Okawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the dreamcast was never reworked and released with different model revisions


What's sad though is that the chairman of Sega since the 80's spent $40 million of his own money to try to keep Sega afloat, died shortly after announcing that they were halting production on the DC, forgave all of Sega's debts to him and left them hist $695 million worth of stock in his will, and the company still went to shit.

>> No.757346

>I know seven year olds.

Why don't you have a seat right over here, Mr. Evans?

>> No.757393

That is really, really sad.

>> No.757494

>Sony enters the market
>they try to squish the combined efforts of Nintendo, Sega, and others
>Sega has been doing well until 2002
>Nintendo's efforts alone hold off Sony better than they did with other competitors, but is slowly weakening
>Nintendo picks back up in 2005, and has been rapidly gaining ground, almost to squeeze Sony out


>> No.757732

Didn't the saturn only really compete with the N64 for about half of the N64's life though?

>> No.757742

Saturn lasted all of three years. N64 went six.

>> No.757746

Despite this, the Saturn somehow still had 75% more games in its library

>> No.757750

Keep in mind, if Sony didn't enter the video game market, we'd still have $100 standard release games. Saturn did it too, as did the Sega CD before it.

So there's that.

>> No.757775

In the US, yeah. But it stayed around a lot longer in Japan.

>> No.757776

I'm interested to see this. I can see N64 carts costing more due to cartridges, and Saturn disks cost more due to their proprietary cases that can't be mass produced. Meanwhile the PS1 used standardized CD casings and designs.

>> No.758087
File: 52 KB, 1293x459, v in 97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite.

>> No.758638

This is correct. Saturn outsold N64 in Japan early on, but by the later part of the gen the N64 was selling faster than the Saturn. It never caught up in terms of total units though.

Also, the Saturn in Japan had the largest number of games sold per console sold out of the three systems, though this was partially due to the greater prevalence of piracy on the PS.

>> No.758643

That's called the magic of CDs. Also, I'm pretty sure it was more like 30%, and a lot of them were really small-time releases.

>> No.758739

You are thinking solely of the US market. In other regions, Saturn proved to be more successful. Especially in Japan. Sega did not want to release Dreamcast when they did, but Sega of America were insistent on having new hardware to sell as the Saturn had utterly sunk in the American market. They felt it was unsalvageable (and they were probably right) so rather than abandon the US, Sega of Japan began development on Project Katana.

Even with the mistakes of the 32x, if Sega had handled the Saturn correctly, it could've been a successful system. Their failings are just unforgivable. Fucking Bernie Stoller.

>> No.758769

Even in Japan the Saturn stopped selling well before the Dreamcast came out. The games were still selling, but sales of the system itself had basically slowed to a halt by that point. It was a troubled system even in its best region.

>> No.758970

Is there a source to this?

According to http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=NdpMv5FjQ5M the Saturn did reasonably up until the introduction of Dreamcast. It always had a market share larger than the N64 whilst they were both current gen systems.

>> No.762056

when I was 12 I was lashing out against the idiocy of my peers. I started getting suicidal when I was 13. This....this...."cartoon" is jumping to asinine conclusions.

>> No.762103

The internet is the internet no matter how different it was from them to now, the internet DID exist in '94 different or not. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.762142

The explanation for how to use items and when to use them are in the game manual. Even the WiiU has game manuals if you hit the home button and read the operations manual.

>> No.762149
File: 68 KB, 639x925, walkthrough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something i saw in an old gamefaqs guide and then reposted a million times

>> No.762174

>genesis music
>disgusting sprites
>0.5 FPS with 3 racers on screen

>> No.762246

I was just coming into gaming as the phrase "Doom Clone" was finally fading away. It seems that even after "First Person Shooter" became a genre, "Doom Clone" was still being used to refer to a certain kind of FPS, games with more gameplay than story, as it were.

>> No.762389

Um... I'm pretty sure Karsten Loepelmann didn't write for GameFAQs, even if it existed in 1994/95.

Also, what am I supposed to be laughing at? I could understand if you'd posted the review quotes, or the part about DF's "great emphasis on solving elaborate puzzles to complete mission objectives".

>> No.763754

They had buzzwords! shareware was like "indie" is for todays /v/

how cute

>> No.763775

It's not a buzzword. It was used specifically for games that were released partially for free, partially not for free, like Commander Keen and Jetpak and I think Lemmings and Doom? It's hard to remember what started as shareware and what didn't.

>> No.763803


I think most id stuff was shareware. I remember playing through the first episodes of a lot of their games and thinking it was the full game.

Never knew what people were talking about when they said Hitler was in Wolfenstein.

>> No.764142

It's not funny though, it's just interesting reading an old guide and finding a section devoted to something like that. Shit's old yo

>> No.764551

>I'm playing through Leisure Suit Larry 2 right now, and let me tell you -- I find myself having to load savegames from 30 minutes ago because of items the game never even hints at existing. The sunscreen, for example. You will NOT know you need it until later in the game when you die from UV radiation while sunbathing -- you're already on a cruise ship so buying the sunscreen isn't something you can just simply do at that point.
>That is bullshit.
Would this be considered artificial difficulty?

>> No.765427

Yes. Being set up to fail because you didn't know something only a developer could know, with no way to remedy the potential game-ending scenario upon learning the issue and instead having to restart is artificial difficulty.

Mega Man 1 kinda' had this with the Magnet Beam, if you were not curious to either replay Elec Man's stage after beating him and shooting the blocks, or beating Guts Man and attempting to throw the blocks out of the way. If you start Wily's levels without the magnet beam, GAME FUCKING OVER.

>> No.765506

Wii: Xenoblade
Wii U: The Wonderful 101

>> No.765584

The Wii's new IP would be the 'Xeno-' series, depending on if you count 'saga' or 'gears' into the equation.

The Wii U has been out for 8 months, and I think people are being incredibly unfair on it right now. NO console has had a fantastic line up within it first year. It's always taken a year or so to get the ball running. if the rumours about the upcoming ND are anything to go by, then it's looking like the one year role will strike again.

On a side note:
I've heard so many people, disenchanted by the lackluster reveals of the PS4 and XBOXONE 'media machines', say they're now saving for a Wii U. It's now becoming a point where consoles are becoming interactive movie machines (the PS brand especially), and I think people are getting tired of it now. It isn't new or innovative any more, and many are realising they just want to play classically constructed videogames, something Ninty does better than the other two major players.

I don't think we should be anywhere near the point of counting the Wii U out yet. It's beginning to look like 'the little machine that could', and, if past trends are accurate, will likely be next gen's underdog.

>> No.765601

>disenchanted by the lackluster reveals of the PS4 and XBOXONE 'media machines', say they're now saving for a Wii U
I've heard the exact opposite from opinions based on the Wii, mostly the huge casual craze will not get them again.

>> No.765617

I'm just stating what I've seen a lot of around videogame boards. Personally, I think the XBONE looks quite sleek and sturdy, it's a shame about the DRM and Kinect. As for Sony, I think the crowd they are aiming toward is not a sturdy crowd at all. Specifically the 'let's play' vibe they're giving off with the integrated social network could either live or die at this point. It has no certainty to it.

Either way, the PS4 is looking like a favourite to many right now when it comes to the two heavy hitters. I think it's in Nintendo's best interest to carve their own little niche right now with the Wii U. In the end, it's Nintendo, and Nintendo always do fine in the end. They make games that certain people enjoy playing, and the casual/family gamers will always buy Mario.

It's better they don't get caught under the titanic pissing match going on between Sony and MS. They don't need to, they'll always have loyal customers, so long as they keep doing what they're doing, while adding a little innovation at a time.

>> No.765620

Well, the WiiU sales raised a lot in some places after the Xbox One reveal.

>> No.765625
File: 428 KB, 680x680, 1365724113399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally, I think the XBONE looks quite sleek and sturdy
In what ways?

>> No.765631

I don't know. Something about it just looks appealing. Maybe it's the monolithic structure, or the thin-slit BR drive. It just looks like a heavy hitter, and the straight, clean edges appeal to my OCD, it just looks like it will fit EVERYWHERE quite snuggly.

Not getting one, though.

>> No.765636

It looks like a fucking DVR box.

PS4 is a cube. We haven't seen a cube since the GC.

>> No.765643

this >>763775
but I'd also like to add that shareware was usually universally looked down apon at the time, since a lot of them were poorly programmed and rip offs of better known games. Not saying that there weren't good shareware games, but teenagers making babby's first computer game and promoting it as the next big shareware title pretty much permanently ruined it's reputation permanently.

>> No.765645

Maybe I like the DVR vibe it gives off? Taste's man. Everybody's is different. The important thing is that I 'aint buying one.

I also really fucking hope the PS4 is a cube. That would be even better! The GC was snug as fuck, no matter where you put it.

>> No.765648

He's right you know.

>> No.765654


>> No.765659

/v/ doesn't like the XBONE.

Also, your response is a typical /v/ response, showing us exactly where you just came from. Go look for a lack of intelligent, unbiased discussion elsewhere. Maybe you'll find it in the direction you just pointed me!

>> No.765667

It doesn't matter if /v/ likes the XBONE or not. It's not retro and it doesn't belong here.

>> No.765674

We're discussing the companies and their strategies. What does it matter to you? It came up in, and is relevant to, the thread.

If this discussion is off topic, I'll be banned. Otherwise, we're not hurting you or anybody else in this completely dead thread at the bottom of the board.

>> No.765693

You're talking about current systems, two of which have yet to come out, on a retro video game board.


>> No.765696

>The Wii U has been out for 8 months, and I think people are being incredibly unfair on it right now. NO console has had a fantastic line up within it first year.
Really? Speaking as one of the five people who actually got a Wii U, I thought it was doing particularly badly. I was beginning to think it would be Nintendo's Dreamcast. But then again, Nintendo has been doing better for the last few years than Sega was before the Dreamcast, I think.

>I've heard so many people, disenchanted by the lackluster reveals of the PS4 and XBOXONE 'media machines',
Yes, I have a feeling that they, the XB1 in particular, won't have much to differentiate it with modern-day media-players, media centres and digital TV boxes or whatever, that people will think, "what's the point of buying this TV box over that one?". Those types of "casual" people who are just looking for a few hours diversion or something to keep the kids quiet probably won't miss games much. So maybe Nintendo will carve out a good niche market, as you say, with its dedicated games machine, like the old days.

>> No.765724

Hopefully more people see the machine for what it's worth once the games start coming. It was a shame that their launch line up had to be pushed back due to development problems.

Anyway, the party police are here, so I guess we can't discuss this from this point.

>> No.765809

The NES looks like a VCR, your point? Yamauchi-era Nintendo consoles always had these pronounced, strong design cues to them. With Iwata in charge, they all seem to give off an iProduct vibe, and pretty much are like them. Very limited (no third parties), very weak (previous gen technology), and very expensive (for a box to exclusively play Mario games on).

Maybe it was those old design cues is where Nintendium came from.

>> No.765834



It might be a really early BBS but, dude, those guys were all god tier nerds

of course, if that shit is real.

>> No.765939


I just want more power, My objective is human extinction, I am the prince of this Weraldo.

>> No.766138

Artificial difficulty is a dumb term that technically applies to every videogame ever. "Bullshit" works fine for me.

>> No.766146

Anyone remember the old AOL ANTagonist forums? I feel so old knowing they just vanished into thin air.

>> No.768349

>of course, if that shit is real.
The USENET archives go all the way back to 1981, so yeah this is 1980's internet about as real as it gets. We're talking about people sitting on terminals connected to shit like VAX 11/780 mainframes here.

Some examples (add tinyurl.com in front, 4chan thinks these are spam)
Here is a post talking about Atari and Intellivision from 1981: /lyaqq66

1982 Frogger review post?: /kuuazaa

net.games.video seems to be the usenet group archive to check out for ancient videogame discussions from the early 80s.

>> No.768394
File: 292 KB, 1123x700, 82msg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a real slice of history: one of the first examples of console fanboyism EVER on the net, from all the way back in 1982!

The Atari 5200 sticks "beat
Insmellavision and Coleakovision hands down"?


>> No.769367

If you are really an 80s Usenet junkie, you can download an archive of the whole thing from 81-91: http://archive.org/details/utzoo-wiseman-usenet-archive

It's nice to have this raw history available, in addition to the Google Groups interface.

Somewhat OT: the archived Usenet is also an amazing resource for fans of classic anime, as the signal to noise ratio was amazing in the days when anime was still underground, with great discussions on shit like the latest Laserdisc releases, etc. on rec.arts.anime.