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File: 2 KB, 256x240, Zelda II - Adventure of Link_022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
753049 No.753049 [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly is wrong with this game?

I certainly enjoyed it.

>> No.753060

People like to talk shit about it for the sake of talking shit about it

Reception was initially a little more sour than the first due to the change in gameplay, but it's not a bad game

People who didn't grow up with it that still hate it just jump on the bandwagon and say it's a shit game

>> No.753069

Good for you

>> No.753070

Its pretty well-liked these days i think

>> No.753079

Everyone loved it when it first came out.

Only plebs who started with OoT hated it years after it was originally released

>> No.753087

Personally, there's a lot of things it does that I like. I don't mind the change in gameplay, I just find it too difficult, and I have no problem admitting that. I have no hate for the game.

>> No.753101

> JonTron

>> No.753113

It threw out the simple and effective rules of Zelda 1 in favor of poorly executed new mechanics like exp, lives, random encounters, and awkward overhead to sidescrolling transitions. It's not a bad game but it gets more flak than LoZ and ALTTP for a reason.

>> No.753130

Because it has a lot of flaws and most Zelda Games have very few(or very well hidden) flaws.

>> No.753140
File: 33 KB, 283x308, MAERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's any game that deserves a remake, it's definitely Zelda II.
Goddammit, Nintendo.

>> No.753196

Are you fucking serious right now?

>> No.753225

It doesn't have random encounters.

>> No.753231


Or maybe people didn't care for the changes in mechanics and gameplay.

>Everyone loved it when it first came out.



This, mostly. The encounters aren't random, but I caught your meaning.

>> No.753237

I liked it, aside from Link seemingly sliding all over the damn place.

>> No.753240

I like it a lot. The last boss was bullshit, though.

>> No.753268
File: 48 KB, 500x375, Moblin Hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely nothing, it's my favorite Zelda, everyone in my neighborhood loved it when I was a youth, I'm quite shocked that there are people who HATE it

>> No.753327

Yeah, I couldn't think of a better way to put it. "Random encounters" was my closest fit to those black blobs that randomly spawn next to you on the overworld.

>> No.753507

>Reception was initially a little more sour than the first due to the change in gameplay, but it's not a bad game

Really? I was born in '89, so I definitely wasn't around for the initial reaction to the game, but I was under the impression that people in the '80s didn't think of games the same way people think of them now. I had heard people actually really liked Zelda II when it was new, since there were no standards for the series to live up to at that point, so they were fine with a change of pace. Same thing with Mario 2 (US), where it seems a lot of people really dug it, where the hatred for it really didn't come around until the modern generation.

>> No.753862

>finally make it to later temple
>only 1 or 2 lives left
>get part way through temple
>lose all dat experience
>sends me all the way the fuck back
>no matter how many times i fight those cocksucking axe throwing dog things i never get any better
>darknuts in temples are still fucking bullshit

>> No.753876

It just tried to do too much, the RPG and platforming elements water down the core experience more than they add too it.

It's not terrible or anything, it just bit off a bit too much.

>> No.753890


>zangief in /vr/

well i guess your name makes sense now

>> No.753898

No it wasnt

>> No.753934

Nope, we hated Zelda 2.

>> No.753949
File: 88 KB, 646x496, clippy_zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that it was sideview or that it "didn't play like a Zelda game", neither did Ocarina for that matter when it came out. It just had lots of flaws that made it a lot less fun:
>no subweapons, just a spell system that was barely used and barely useful
>enemies were typical of early crappy sidescrollers
>repetitive, uninspired, empty dungeons
>copypasta towns with copypasta characters with copypasta dialogue.
>sour overworld music and odd sound effects
I remember waiting for what seemed like forever after it was shown in Nintendo Power for it to show up in the local department store. Then when I took it home and played it I was like "They had us waiting all that time for THIS? When you make a sequel, it's supposed to be BETTER than the first game."
There were a few good combat sidescrollers around when Adventure of Link came out, and a shitload of shitty ones (especially in Japan) and AoL looked like it took its inspiration from the shitty ones.

>> No.753958

>muh game feel

>> No.753970

thanks for that stellar contribution

>> No.754087

I think because the game had the title "Zelda" so much was expected of it. If the game had different name and the hero wasn't Link people would honestly say "yeah, that was a pretty good game." But because the bar was set high from Zelda 1, it gets a lot of flak.

It had flaws, no doubt, but truly, it was a pretty damn good game.

>> No.754723

that was Brutal

>> No.755212
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