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/vr/ - Retro Games

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750896 No.750896 [Reply] [Original]

Game time, /vr/!

You're in charge of reviving a dead/dying/dormant franchise of your choice.
The game can be either a totally new game(see: DmC, but better) or a remake from the ground up in the vein of Metroid Zero Mission, La-Mulana, Black Mesa, XCOM, etc

Explain who would develop it. Describe what would be changed, stay the same, and be added. The sky's the limit.


>> No.750913

>Starts with Lufia II
>Collaborate between Neverland and Falcom
>Keep the Gods/Sinistrals in the story, rewrite everything else to throw away the cliches.
>Maintain dungeon design, loot drops, and IP abilities
>Grid-based combat a la Trails in the Sky
>Expand greatly on the Ancient Cave
>Give Maxim a choice between Selan and Tia

>> No.750925
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>Rocket Knight Adventures

That is all.

>> No.750973

>go back to settlers 4, update graphics

Seriously, why is this not happening in these days of reboots and shit? Or even better, (since S4 is still very playable) update Settlers 2

>> No.750987
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>Alien Vs Predator

Capcom can still develop it, they did a good job of it last time and this time, all they're doing is slapping a coat of paint on an existing engine. And then all we do is reskin Streets of Rage Remake with the AvP guys, and job done.

>> No.751004


>Alien Vs Predator

Fuck me, i never understood how that could actually take off. The idea is so stupid...

>> No.751030
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Did someone say Castlevania 2: Redux, handled by the SotN team?

>> No.751060

Monster World - Wayforward
Mega Man X - Treasure
The Legend of Zelda - Flagship

I don't even have to describe. All you need to do is imagine what they would be like.

>> No.751076

Why can't you accept that game is just bad ?

>> No.751080
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I want a real Jazz Jackrabbit 3. I mean, I'm glad the series died because I tried the JJ3 Alpha and it was such a terrible abomination that the franchise was better off dead but I'd love another game. Alexander Brandon could do the music, the platforming would be similar to the first two games but it could be better, more weapons, good looking visuals and a multiplayer mode that is just as good as JJ2's.

>> No.751087


You reckon? I thought they made sense together. And although a side scrolling fighter might not have been the first thing that came to mind when I think of the two, I certainly won't complain about it.

>> No.751102


Idk, they make sense in the way that they're both aliens? That's about it? It would be like brining together John McClain (sp?) and John Rambo because, hey they're both badasses

>> No.751116
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I was so disappointed when the sequel got cut.

>> No.751183

It is bad. I want a good one.

>> No.751237

Secret of Mana by Supergiant.

>l4d style enemy spawning and dynamic difficulty
>rewritten story
>like Seiken Densetsu 3, you can choose which character to start as. They have their own intro and endgame areas with different events playing out through the game
>adapts the smooth combat from Bastion and combines it with the best of Seiken Densetsu 1(FF Adventure) through Legend of Mana.
>features much more interaction between the party and lots more character development.
>adds content cut from the SNES release after Nintendo's CD drive plans fell through.
>Music rearranged by Darren Korb with new music by Hiroki Kikuta

>> No.751261
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Die Hard meets Rambo? Fund it!

>> No.751290

Star Ocean. It's a cliched as fuck series, so Tri-Ace should stop taking it seriously altogether.
>story is an unflinching, affectionate parody of JRPGs, sci-fi, and anime in the vein of films like Spaceballs, Airplane!, and Blazing Saddles
>keep the great mechanics of the series, including optional party members
>more environmental interaction
>hire a good writer that can make characters that aren't Lylme or Edge Fucking Maverick, maybe whoever worked on End of Eternity
>no gatdam otaku/lolicon/fetish pandering

>> No.751303

Exhumed/Powerslave remake.

Farcry style freeroaming through the egyptian countryside fighting aliens, mummies and mythical beasts

>> No.751318

make another game like Flashback or Another World

>> No.751323

>great mechanics
>literally can beat any opponent in the main game with just spaming the same move repeatedly, you don't even need to dodge because it does that for you

>> No.751342

>okay, make combat more action-oriented and challenging, akin to Devil May Cry or Dark Souls lite
>Open-ended exploration and quests a la Xenoblade

>> No.751353

Aww yeah, this. I loved the Monolith games. AvP2 is still one of my favourite FPS.

I would have love a real AvP 3 by Monolith.

Why would that be stupid? That's actually way more logical than "Terminator vs Robocop" for instance. And pretty badass too.

>Those marines missions, where you're just the weakest thing ever compared to those cold blooded monsters

>> No.751373


>That's actually way more logical than "Terminator vs Robocop" for instance.

Which isn't logical at all. I haven't even played the games or watched the movie(s?), i'm just saying the idea sounds like something two high or drunk guys could think up late at might.

>Hey, you, hey, check this out, wouldn't it be cool if Predator hunted Aliens?
>Woooah man, you should totally write that down.
>Yeah man, yeah... Stop hogging the joint maaan.

>> No.751391

>I haven't even played the games or watched the movie(s?)

Considering that, if you just heard of Alien without seeing the movies, you could find them stupid too.

>Dude, I thought of that space monster, it could, you know, put eggs in your stomach, and then it would rip you from the inside, and its blood would be acid, and he would grow from 20 centimeters to a 2 meters monsters in an hour

Anyway, the games are really great. If you like FPS and horror games in general, I highly recommand the marines campaigns from both Monolith games.

Also, the Aliens are always referred to as the most perfect species blahblah, so I really don't see how strange it is that the Predators, a race of hunters, always seeking for more and more powerful foes, would try to look and hunt them.

The stories in the movies are really fucking stupid though. The game made everything perfect, and instead of following that, they felt they needed a fucking pyramid on EARTH in the present time... Urgh...

>> No.751420


>Considering that, if you just heard of Alien without seeing the movies, you could find them stupid too.

Not really, i'd probably find the premises a bit stereotypical. And just too be clear, i have seen Aliens and Predator, just not Aliens vs Predator.

>If you like FPS and horror games in general

Well that's a problem then, i like neither of those. In fact, you couldn't pay me to play horror games, shit's scary.

>> No.751426

>story is an unflinching, affectionate parody of JRPGs, sci-fi, and anime in the vein of films like Spaceballs, Airplane!, and Blazing Saddles
Look up the Star Ocean Zero RPGMaker game then :)

>> No.752395

Give Resident Evil to Grasshopper. Use RE4/Revelations-style combat. Hire a good horror writer. Focus more on ammo conservation and puzzles. Easy.

>> No.752585

Sakura Wars VI. In Weimar Republic Berlin. For the PS3.
Same crew as did the previous games, but require that there be English (and German) editions.

>> No.752792

Brandish by Falcom of course.
Brandish 2-4 with overhauled graphics, controls(full rotating camera), and gameplay. XSEED localizes it and all of them (including the PSP remake) get on Steam.

>> No.752817

Might and Magic series

go back in time and create a company forged from the brains of JVC and old school black isle studios/bioware/capcom.

>> No.752867
File: 2.69 MB, 1364x1672, The Guardian Legend Remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who should make it though.

>> No.752904

All of that except the mecha whore outfit.

>> No.752940

because it's bad due to the limitations of the time

>> No.752945

Just there to emphasize that there should be a mechanical girl as the protagonist in it. Might have to update that image though, always seems to draw complaints even though it's not necessarily the direction I'm hinting at.

>> No.752950

I seriously can't imaging Mega Man X as done by treasure...
there would be too much quirky japanese style humor thrown in... where that's fine for their own games... it wouldn't fit mega man

>> No.752952

I don't think you are. The original character's outfit is just right.

>> No.752965

mega man
would remake all of the original games in a more Mega Man X/Zero style
screw capcom's chibi bullshit

>> No.752987
File: 1.58 MB, 1393x1698, TGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the in game "swimsuit" one?
I'm not saying that she should be skimpy (hell, the original design makes her skimpy looking).
I want her to look more "mecha" like while still retaining humanoid features.
Pic related, well done fan art I was considering using instead but I don't agree with the "reveling flesh tearing of the skin" thing.

>> No.753009

Guardian Legend is the fucking bomb.

>> No.753075

I don't know about remaking any of the old titles, could be interesting, but I think it would be awesome if Capcom would hand the franchise over to Platinum games, they aren't doing anything with it anyway. Would love to see more titles like the snes mmx games or mmz.

>> No.753084

> Pic

This is sexy and scary and the same time

>> No.753146


If there's ever going to be another 2D platforming Mega Man, it'll probably be done by either WayForward (Ductales remake, A Boy and his Blob, Contra 4) or (more unlikely) the former Grin studio guys (Bionic Commando Rearmed 1&2, cancelled Strider reboot, cancelled Streets of Rage Remake).
But that's only if we're going to be optimistic, Capcom might just decide on using the Xover team again the way things are....

>> No.753189

Final Fantasy Tactics.
>Explain who would develop it.
Whatever studio Yazmat is on right now.
>Describe what would be changed
Back to old Ivalice, not this Advance BS
Setting is now in the analog of the 20s, right after Ivalician WW1
guns/grenades/artillery are primary physical damage dealers
Procedurally generated backstories for generics