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7494326 No.7494326 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically enjoy Mortal Kombat 4

>> No.7494335

Same, played it on dreamcast, it got a bad rap on release but it was fun, the ones that came after were the bad ones

>> No.7494425

Even playing against the AI is fun and way better than playing against the AI in the 2D games

Trust me, I enjoy playing against the AI in all of the 3D games

>> No.7494453

The 3D era is very generally underrated, even the characters that are supposed to "suck" were fun to me. Such a shame that Ed Boon despises most of that era

>> No.7494463

It's not so bad as being impossible to enjoy, on the contrary, I found it pretty decent; but, really, there are a lot of better games to be played, why bother unless it's for pure nostalgia.

>> No.7494476

>why bother
Because I find it generally fun and I love the cutscenes

>> No.7494497

*Genuinely fun

>> No.7494639


>> No.7495495

How is emulated Dreamcast version? I haven't tried DC emulation at all yet but I'm not so sure it will work all that great and if I'd be better off with the PS1 version.

>> No.7495502

>and way better than playing against the AI in the 2D games
Lol the 2D games were terrible on that front, I had to look it up and early MK is notorious for bullshit cheating AI. I never thought I would have to use save states for a fighting game. But I really wanted to beat it with everybody and see their endings.

>> No.7495804

Play the 64 version if you want to play something less powerful than the DC

>> No.7495807

It was alright. Definitely not as bad as people say it is. Had some based fatalities like Quan Chi's leg rip, Liu Kang's Dragon one and Scorpion's scorpion fatality were all visually cool. The voice acting in the endings was comically bad lol

>> No.7495840

I just want the best version, but if the DC version doesn't run well then it's not worth it.

>> No.7495937

The character models and animations ruined it for me at the time. It’s all just so goofy. I mean, this is a goofy series and all but this game just looks fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7496327

I didn't think the gameplay was bad, me and my friends actually played it quite a bit, and it was awkwardly hilarious in so many ways. The one thing I genuinely found lame about it was pretty much all of the new characters.....Fujin seemed cool to me, but Tanya, Reiko, Jarek, and Kai? All just seemed like lesser versions of previous characters who seemed more generic in both appearance and abilities

>> No.7496770

Reiko is cool and should be brought back

>> No.7496774
File: 349 KB, 640x480, Mortal Kombat Gold 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have a 4*2.00GHZ laptop from 2015, with 8GB of RAM and a integrated R5 AMD graphics card.

I'm using Redream and MK-Gold plays flawlessly at 60fps on my 1080p monitor with no issues. Some graphical glitches, but easy to miss it.

>> No.7496810

Same. I always found it extremely fun. You could just tell the developers had a blast making the game. Especially the sound designers. I miss that feeling with modern MK games. They have glimpses of it here and there, but it's nothing like this.

>> No.7496815

This, just compare any classic game Raiden superman to MK11

>> No.7496816

It also has a port for Windows PC.

>> No.7496846

They killed him off in a comic that was terribly written. Ed Boon and John Vogel have made their distaste for the 3D Era known. It's actually amazing how much they despise their own franchise

>> No.7496856

Its understandable, i love all MK but most 1-3 characters are actual classics. Tobias's designs were great. But by the time MK4 came around they were running dry on ideas. Then Tobias left and the series took a noticeable hit.

>> No.7496872

They had this reboot and they could've easily revamped these characters. Change them up so more people can care and like them. But they decided to be lazy and just kill a lot of them off in a badly written comic. Most of the new characters in mkx onwards I would argue are worse than 3D Era

>> No.7496885

I think a lot of the new ones are good at a conceptual level but I'm not sure they "fit" if you know what i mean.

>> No.7496895

For example, Drahmin, despite being poorly executed, is a great concept for a character. Instead they would rather make two "Hip Millennial" characters that make me want to commit Hara-Kiri

>> No.7496901

Johnny Cages snarky daughter is the epitome of what’s wrong with modern western gaming

>> No.7496915

I have no problem with her being honest. The new age characters that don't fit to me are characters like Erron

>> No.7496919

Just a matter of personal taste and I prefer 3D Era over NRS Era

>> No.7496932

What's your problem with him? Erron follows classic MK approach of taking old movie stereotype - ninja, martial artist, cowboy in that case, etc. - and making it into the character. He lacks personalisation, yeah, and brings little to the story but he is one of a few new characters done right.
Same goes for main characters offspring but they're just strong woman archetype x2 and that makes them stay overshadowed by Sonya alone.

>> No.7496974

It's fun

>> No.7497036

The Dreamcast version is a buggy mess with poorly-made new characters not worth playing. Emulate the arcade version for the best experience.

>> No.7497164

unironically one of the most fun fighting games I've ever played. The weapons system was cool and the punch to the armpit was hilarious

>> No.7497184

Cassie is the only likeable new human, granted they're all kind of lame, she's literally just Johhny's personality in Sonya's body, which is just about the laziest and oddly fetishy way you could go about making a child of two other characters, but she's fine. All the other ones are such bland zeroes.

>> No.7498535

Never forget.

>> No.7498615

The other 3 kombat kids in mkx should have been way more interesting but their story writing is just so bad.

>> No.7498726
File: 977 KB, 1249x1867, mortal-kombat-1-character-archetypes-and-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i say dont fit i mean they have no real place. He does nothing for the story, he is in the game for the sole purpose of having a cowboy. Even here the ninjas are specifically given their own plot to run concurrent to the main plot.

>> No.7498770

Mk4 was fun, but the one with the most soul was Deadly Alliance