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File: 333 KB, 816x1048, mkdeadlyalliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493136 No.7493136 [Reply] [Original]

How did you personally feel when this game was new?

>> No.7493145

I felt younger.

>> No.7493326

I could feel the whiplash. MK4 was the kickoff of the new era, right up until it wasn't and then this was the new kickoff. Tobias' absence was conspicuous, even as a kid. He is missed.

>> No.7493337

I kinda stopped caring about MK past UMK3.

Only played MK9 years later and only for the nostalgia since it was basically a remake of UMK3.

>> No.7493361
File: 11 KB, 153x329, mk4sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting feelings. I remember at the time, I felt MK4 was more the end of an era rather than kicking off a new one. Yes, it did attempt new things....side stepping, weapons, impaling, and of course 3D models. But to me, it still played very much like the old and looked like the old, just with some new gimmicks just like 3 had. Deadly Alliance to me, really felt like sort of a reboot. I mean look at MK4 Scorpion, he's just pretty much a 3D model of the MK3 artwork, while Deadly Alliance was truly brand new designs with a new design philosophy entirely. Not only that, but it pretty much started the modern versions of the characters and how they still are portrayed, which was different than 1-4. Scorpion isn't just teleporty spear guy who breathes fire as a finisher, he's now got full on hellfire pyromancy abilities at his comand, likewise Sub Zero doesn't just shoot ice out, but he too completely controls cryomancy and forms weapons and such out of it

>> No.7493473

I wasn't very impressed with what I saw at first, but I was happy mortal kombat was trying new things. I was intrigued they killed Liu Kang in the intro and fucking eat his soul. Gameplay wise...eh, it was ok. My friend's and I thought the three fighting styles per character was a bit much to take in when you are switching characters. We pretty much just spammed cheap/lulzy moves until the game would get dull, then switch to Halo 1 or guilty gear.

>> No.7493557

I thought the new gameplay was a response to those people who used to say that Mortal Kombat's mechanics were too simple.

>> No.7493560


was pretty much h how I felt.

>> No.7493920

This. MK was never good. We just played it for the shock value and the novelty of digitized graphics. The gameplay was always stiff and clunky compared to other fighters. Once they made the jump to polygonal graphics with MK4, there was no reason to continue caring about this shit series.

>> No.7493994

I'm afraid I have to agree with this. The really enticing thing to me about MK was the taboo, not the actual game.

>> No.7493998

I thought it was dumb, I stopped caring after MK4 (which is a good game)

>> No.7494016

They killed Liu Kang, which sucks because he was my go-to guy on winning Mortal Kombat games.

>> No.7494021

I like what MK could be, but not what it actually is. As it is, it takes itself way too seriously. If it went full grindhouse like a Troma movie and was all about blood and guts and cool ninjas in crazy dimensions and that was it, it'd probably be one of my favorite franchises ever. But it isn't, it tries to make a big deal out of silly shit and it falls on its face for it.

>> No.7494038

Yeah, the story takes itself way too seriously, but the gameplay throws in all these gory wacky deaths. It's a tonal contradiction. They're trying to have it both ways, but fail to make it mesh well.

>> No.7494080

It was interesting but not really good

>> No.7494095

"At least they're trying"

>> No.7494117

Who, you and the one other friend in your town who cared about fighting games as an artform? MK is the most popular fighting franchise in the US cause most Americans don't really give a shit about the genre, wrong or right that's how it is, they're just beat em ups where you don't "fight the computers" to the average gamer

>> No.7494225

Mk4 was the last “good” one before it became retarded

>> No.7494284

Pretty good

>it's he thinks he speaks for everyone episode

>> No.7494340

>As it is, it takes itself way too seriously. If it went full grindhouse like a Troma movie and was all about blood and guts and cool ninjas in crazy dimensions and that was it,
That's what it was from 1-3

>> No.7494349

You mean 1-4

>> No.7494365

It felt like an old friend coming back. MK's reputation was in the toilet after a handful of missteps. MK Trilogy felt archaic and MK4 was a non-starter. The few spinoffs after that were so dismal it was a running joke. Deadly Alliance felt like they took time to get their shit together.

>> No.7494368

Yeah, 5-8 is basically all nuKombat. 9 was almost a throwback to the old games but the story mode with no fatalities allowed because the character is still alive was crap. Ripping a guy's head off and then being his friend in the next cutscene isn't bad design, it's hilarious.

>> No.7494378

MK1 and 2 were more like Kung Fu movies, especially 1 where the fatalities felt like quick enders to put down your opponent in a sanctioned martial arts match.

MK3 was like a comic book and half the finishing moves felt like they came out of Itchy & Scratchy.

It wasn't until more recently that the series started to feel like a slasher movie. Johnny Cage punching off a guy's head is within context of "martial arts" with some exaggerated violence akin to Fist of the North Star. MK11's Johnny Cage ripping open a guy's chest and sticking his face through the hole like "Heeere's Johnny!" makes him look like a serial killer.

>> No.7494402

This is a big thing why I don't really like even the newest entries in the series. The Fatalities in the first games were quick, yet still brutal and could be shocking. In the new games, especially in the latest entires, the Fatalities take fucking forever. It's not shocking, just boring and absolutely tasteless, 99% of the time completely ridiculous. The biggest problem still is that they take way too long.

>> No.7494461

The brutality moves in the last few games are closer to classic fatalities. I'd say the quality downturn started in MK4 when they added camera angle changes.

>> No.7495473

It was the first MK game I ever really played like that, and me and a friend got hooked. It was a ton of fun, not just the game itself but how me and a friend always played it together and simultaneously got hooked together. I even decided to play the whole series before DA so I can enjoy DA even more when I replay it soon knowing all the lore/backstory. I have made it to MK4, I beat everything preceding with every character, and also watched the movies(again) and read all the comics.

MK lore and characters were always super cool to me since it came out even though I never got into it like that until DA. I also didn't play MK after DA though.

>> No.7495485

Mortal Kombat is a really, really shitty series. MK9 on 360/PS3 was the only good one ever made and with the release of Killer Instinct 2013, there is no reason for this series to exist any further.

>> No.7495824

I thought it was fun. Enjoyed the different take on the game and its mechanics. I was pleased that they paired down a lot of the finishing moves and other dumb shit such as animalities, babalities, and friendships. But I thought each character only getting one fatality was a little too drastic. Two apiece would've been fine.

>> No.7495898

When are we getting a new shaolin monks game?

>> No.7496319
File: 82 KB, 837x476, ademaimmortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7496324

I miss when MK characters used to be cool.

>> No.7496554

I understand entirely, it is a bit of a nowhere game, between worlds. It's just a shame that not even this era of MK could say it's piece in full. Boon was getting cold feet and to this day flirts with the idea of a big final battle where everyone dies and a time skip. This wouldn't even be terrible if it was executed correctly. Deadly Alliance and Deception told a story that was culminating in something, that something was not Armageddon. To reduce these complex characters we've grown to love over the decades into ant-like pawns in the "big picture" with everything ostensibly being about two brothers with no personality to speak of (Taven's working name was Bob. That, to me, speaks multitudes.) is sickening.

You want a switch up? You want a game changer? I got your swerve right here.

Dark Raiden starts up a Mortal Kobat tournament with the intention of invading Outworld. Either that or a full blown invasion right out the bat. This switches up who's considered "good" or "evil" big time.
All the various ethnic groups of Outworld get their chance to shine, if you either wanted to redeem them or make them more nuanced (Zaterrans, Shokans, Tarkatans, Centaurs, all your favourites.)
Some of Earthrealm's warriors are so hellbent on preventing another rapture like in UMK3, they pledge allegiance to Raiden, who's personal "Goro" is Liu Kang's body. Others, who understand an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind, join Fujin and Liu Kang's soul, the de facto protectors of Outworld.

The Black and Red Dragon only sided with Shao Khan to save their asses, they much prefer Earthrealm life if given the choice, so they side with Raiden.

Not sure about Edenia.

Jax and Sonya join opposing sides and a rift forms but I'm not sure who goes where.

>> No.7496562

Johnny Cage is kept in the dark by Raiden about what he's really doing and just thinks they're the good guys, but then he gets stranded in Outworld and takes refuge in and orphanage he helps runs, like all A-Listers, Johnny's gotta have a philanthropic side, right? There's these cute little abominations of God running around, he names them Arnold, Sylvester, Dolph, etc.

I gotta get this all written down one day.

>> No.7496579

it fucking sucked. the combat felt sluggish as shit like mk1 on the snes.

>> No.7496594

It's funny because the 3D games (MK4 isn't) were basically 9.5/10 in everything but the fighting and arguably the technical graphics. These games got carried hard by those.

>> No.7496637

>walk like an egyptian stance
>poke poke poke, poke poke poke

>> No.7497039
File: 40 KB, 695x819, moloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ONLY good 3D mortal kombat and it's not even that good. It's janky and horribly unbalanced which is also it's greatest asset. every character having 2 fighting styles and a weapon was such overkill.

I thought the models in this game were really impressive at the time, moloch was cool and intimidating. old strat was to cheese him with johnny cage's nunchucks to auto-win.

>> No.7497065

deception is better

>> No.7497142

Looks like something from KI rather than MK.

>> No.7497980

I don't understand going through the effort to make a music video tie-in but not use the song in the game itself. Not even during the end credits. I don't even remember if it was in the TV commercials. When Batman Forever had Kiss From a Rose they made sure to push that shit.

>> No.7498074

Why are the cinematic sequences of these games better than the new games?

>> No.7498082

I was excited because it was a coming back to save the day after 4. It did not.

>> No.7498114

That's not true. MK11 cuts cutscenes look cool and sometimes even epic. 9 and X are shit, yeah.
Actually it did but Boon decided to fuck everything up again with MKA a little bit later.

>> No.7498173


not really

the intro of Deception shits over any cutscene from Netherealm era

>> No.7499007

my guess is that they are inferior because there are more cutscenes, plus they insisted on doing them with the shitty in game assets
also ed boon is a hack

>> No.7499732
File: 63 KB, 657x527, 1596761069122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I bought that game for the PS2 back around when it released and it's still sitting on my backlog shelf unopened in the shrink wrap...

>> No.7499750

Same here.

>> No.7499992

You know, early 3d games were mostly hideous, but there's something aesthetic about early 3d adverts...

>> No.7500092
File: 30 KB, 681x537, BARANGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something people don't mention often: The Fucking Crypt.

Jesus dude, to me at that time, a goddamn fighting game managed to be more 'mysterious' and captivating than any RPG I played at that time. I just HAD to find out what was in those coffins.

I think it was the first fighting game to introduce the concept of 'skins'. Purely cosmetic itens just to look cool, which, now adays, is the new norm it seems. I thought it was cool as shit to see Scorpion's flaming head alternative skin.

But, nostalgia apart:

>Krypt was a brilliant concept. It was OVERKILL in terms of coffins, and the coin mechanics was klunky as shit, but being the first of its kind, it did the job
>First Fighting game that 'told you a story'. Which, again, bunch of them are imitating (SFV's story mode is LAUGHABLY BAD).
>Kenshi was cool
>Every fighter now fights differently, from normal attacks to techs. A big plus from previous games where only specials make characters differ.
>Extras were actually comfy as fuck (Cooking with scorpion, and other nonsenses)

>Moloch as sub-boss was shit
>Intro CGI was really crappy
>Music was unaceptable, even more if you compare with MK1's based OST.
>Hsu Hao, Mavado, Nitara Bo'Rai'Cho, Drahmin, were subpar.
>Fatalities were crap. MK4, did a far better job. MKDA Does not even come close to the masterpieces from MK2.
>Profile system was retarded.
>Combos were kinda slow when compared to other entries.

>> No.7500238

It rocked cock

>> No.7500314

>coin mechanics was klunky as shit
mortal kek
>Intro CGI was really crappy
I thought it was pretty decent for 2002, better than the ones in mk9/mkx in some ways
>Music was unaceptable, even more if you compare with MK1's based OST.
mk3's ost was better