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File: 28 KB, 512x420, 18-CT-212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492792 No.7492792 [Reply] [Original]

>People use this scene to show how groundbreaking Chrono Trigger is because it "watches the player" and "your choices matter"
>Still go to jail even if you do everything right
>Rest of game is also linear besides endgame sidequests
It's an 8/10 game getting 10s for the falsest of reasons

>> No.7492812


>> No.7492819

>Still go to jail even if you do everything right

That's the point

>> No.7492820

Play geneforge.

>> No.7493006

>>People use this scene to show how groundbreaking Chrono Trigger is because it "watches the player" and "your choices matter"
Who? Where? This was a funny detail to get some ethers, dude.

>> No.7493010

>People use this scene to show how groundbreaking Chrono Trigger is
Literally no one thinks this

In fact no

>> No.7493016

>People use this scene to show how groundbreaking Chrono Trigger is
Literally no one does this. Here we have an OP that has only played CT for 30 minutes and decided to make a thread.

>> No.7493113

At the time something as simple as some fork conditions calling insignificant variables to change a scene was a big deal.

>> No.7493117

>At the time something as simple as some fork conditions calling insignificant variables to change a scene was a big deal.
No it wasn't. This was already done in the 80s.

>> No.7493169

Dude you completeley forgot about cRPGs

>> No.7493180

I mean on console, which were several times more limited. Even in the PSX era some RPGs tracked your story progress with a single variable.

>> No.7493659


>> No.7493662

Well they do matter, to a certain layer of "mattering"

>> No.7493678

wow that's deep man

>> No.7493682

i guess console babbys were always fucekd lol

>> No.7493730

>links to some obscure youtube cuck
Yeah I've never heard anybody with two brain cells make that argument. Nice try buddy but your little favorites on YouTube don't count

>> No.7493748

>He wasn't there for the rampant compatibility issues for things as simple as sound
Consoles picked up because it was "Plug it in, it works", convenience will ALWAYS sell.

>> No.7493823

>It's an OP can't appreciate little details episode

>> No.7493827

This scene does double duty. It shows you the chancellor is corrupt and it also demonstrates a game mechanic in a safe, largely irrelevant context. What you do in the past can affect the future. Meaning the Porre Mayor quest with the jerky, the sunstone, and the powered up equipment in the pendant chests are more intuitive.

>> No.7493935

Is this why I liked the game? Strange, and here I thought it was the 2300 A.D apocalypse as well as the lavos reveal that hits you like a fucking truck when you're like 8 years old and are trying to wrap your head around the fact everyone fucking dies.

>> No.7494601

But Crono stole the lunch in the present, not the past. The "past affects future" mechanic here doesn't get revealed until end game when you find out the chancellor is also a yakra out for revenge because you killed his ancestor

>> No.7494623

Its in the literal past as in "you did this earlier" which serves the same purpose. Do X and it eventually affects Y."

>> No.7494626

I never played chrono trigger, but grew up loving ff4,5, and 6. I’m 32 now and I consider most jrpgs to be abominable chores to get through now. will I like chrono trigger if I play it now?

>> No.7494670

Why do zoomers come to /vr/ just to make up shit? Do you enjoy looking stupid on the internet?

>> No.7494908

It's pretty short, ~20 hours or less, and the pacing is better as in you should never have to grind. Battles are more dynamic as in they happen right on the field so character placement (happens automatically) plays a small role in that you can do certain attacks and it will hit enemies differently depending on the angle. You will probably like it since it is from the golden age of Square.

>> No.7494939

You'll love the ost, enjoy m8 : )

>> No.7495160
File: 149 KB, 500x482, pepe_eye_roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "fork conditions calling insignificant variables to change"
> "a big deal"
> mfw non-programmers think an if statement and boolean value are black magic

>> No.7495181

Maybe your faggot favourite youtuber said this but no one who played the game outsiders of reddit ‘le top 10 greatness ESS EN EEH ESS games le ever!!’ says this at all

>> No.7495401

I played CT for the first time with the ps1 compilation that came with FFIV. I played FFIV first. I played CT after. I actually thought that CT was made much earlier, and figured "ok, so CT probably was like the first big time JRPG, that must be why it's so loved". Nope. IV was actually made like 2/3 years before. I couldn't believe that. CT felt like an old game in comparison.

CT is a nice, even great game. I just don't understand how over the top people are with it. But I always believed that people are unaware how much music can influence their opinions. Because the music is 10/10 and among the best ever. And that probably influenced people to overrate it so much.

Reminder that Halloween (1978) was a flop until they added the iconic piano music that shot it over the top.

>> No.7495428

It's a ten game and your complaint is insignificant

>> No.7495530

Literally me. I'm 32 grew up loving FF4 and 6.
Played CT for the first time last month and it was fucking awesome. Do it.

>> No.7495581

Chrono Trigger is highly regarded for the same reason Mario RPG is: It's very, very streamlined by JRPG standards, so it avoids falling into the padding trap that a lot of them suffer from. To use Final Fantasy IV as an example, by the time you get to the moon and have to grind your party up, you just want the damn game to end already.

>> No.7496132

>It's an 8/10 game
The only right statement. The rest is pure faggotry

>> No.7496150

>thinking ProPedo has anything of value to say

>> No.7496158

Ok geneshitter

>> No.7496163

It's a 9.1 game. Great, but if you give it a 10 what will you do if you play a better game?

>> No.7496169

There's no way you looked the two and thought FF4 was newer. FF4 looks like a borderline NES game, especially next to fucking Chrono Trigger. I call bullshit.

>> No.7496845

The other game would also get a 10. You can have multiple 10s, all for different reasons.

>> No.7496871

The powered up equipment part was really funny to see when I found out about it. And then it hit me that I could just pilfer my stuff in the past as well.

>> No.7497493

FFIV is literally an NES game with a better color palette. How can you be so unaware of how stupid you sound?

>> No.7497538
File: 132 KB, 310x266, 1591853841860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People use this scene to show how groundbreaking Chrono Trigger is because it "watches the player" and "your choices matter"
I've never seen anyone say this. Why are you making shit up?

>> No.7497546

>every part of a game contributes to how good it is

>> No.7497558

>Still go to jail even if you do everything right
>That's the point
But Crono isn't black
also nice reddit spacing

>> No.7497561

He proved that wasn't true actually.

>> No.7497568

Chrono Trigger want great because of "muh choices" and " open world" Zoom Zoom, FF3/6 already had done more in 94, let alone WRPGs. It was great because the score was fucking fantastic, the pacing was perfect (JRPGs had been grindy as fuck), great art direction, and an engaging story that had a good pace.

It was never thought of as a breakthrough of new shit aside from New Game +, it was the perfection of Classic JRPGs.

>> No.7497590

I think the combat is massively underrated, and I don't mean the double/triple techs (which it is fun to play with different party combos). Take Denadoro Mountains where you're getting part of the Masamune as an example. So many of the encounters are bespoke events where you have some on-the-map interaction with the enemies before the fight itself. It's small things like freelancer bird enemies throwing rocks to wake up the ogres that you're walking by, but these small details are pact throughout the entire game. It's not just walking, the screen shake, and you go into a random encounter. It feels like each enemy encounter is thought out.

>> No.7497594

Aaaand yet another terrible thread thx to op's autism.

>> No.7497668

Who cares, for a guy who claims to like Square RPGs so much he sure seems to think most of them suck.

>> No.7497737

29 here. Never cared for RPGs, only the Mother series, and never played a Final Fantasy game. The experience/leveling ratio is distributed well along the story, and there's only grinding with certain enemies that are worth grinding for tech points at parts. It's a very smooth experience, so I think you'll enjoy it.

>> No.7498585

Yeah, always thought that stuff was pretty cool. Made the world feel more alive.