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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7488159 No.7488159 [Reply] [Original]

Never played this, but love JSRF. How the did they manage to fuck up so hard with this game and then make something as good as JSRF? Absolutely everything about this game is sloppy done, poorly implemented, or just downright bad.
The movement is slow as fuck, the level design is awful, the frame rate is terrible, the controls and camera are horrible, it takes 3 different fucking inputs just to move forward at more than walking speed, nothing in the game has any sense of momentum or speed, even the collision detection to grind is busted and half the time you jump on something you just get knocked back by it. Plus there's no indication of where anything you're supposed to spray is, meaning half the time limit of a level is spent figuring out where the fuck you're actually supposed to go while opening the map every 5 seconds while 500 police officers mob you everywhere.
I have never ever been more disappointed by a game than this one, the only good thing about this game is the spraying minigame, which I wish future had but I'm glad they trashed pretty much everything else from this piece of shit.

>> No.7488181

Completely agree, I love the aesthetic of this game and thought I would love it so I picked up the PC port when it came out. I thought the gameplay was really bad and had a miserable experience finishing the game. I use this as the go-to example of a game that has not aged well. The soundtrack rules though.

>> No.7488182


At the time tony hawk pro skater was entering his 4th game and was hitting his second peak of popularity.

JSRF is a product of that.

>> No.7488242
File: 425 KB, 1280x905, Mew+Gum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this game came out between Tony Hawk 1 and 2 it would be acceptable, but after Pro Skater 2, there's no excuse for how badly this controls. The proper way an extreme sports game is supposed to control and play was completely solved by that point.

that said Mew is best girl

>> No.7488303

I literally havent played it since it came out but it was pretty fresh at the time. was a cool game, the visuals were like nothing I had seen before. first cel shaded game I can really recall. looked like a cartoon. and spray painting stuff was cool. Its probably shit to play now though yeah. I guess u just had to,be there

>> No.7488323

Can you emulate JSRF flawlessly yet?

>> No.7488346

>preferring Future to JGR

Nu-/vr/ has such garbage taste.

>> No.7488358

>never played this
>all of these claims on the game's design
lol wut
honestly the game controls just fine, the extra difficulty just makes it more fun to learn how to do cool shit. In future I just look at a place, decide I'll do a combo, and at the second try I do just that, it's pretty boring

>> No.7488360

Future really is a better game than JGR. But JGR does have the best two songs on the OST, Funky Radio and Everybody Jump Around. Teknopathetic is close in second.

>> No.7488394
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Switch tricks in future are boring as hell, you just press a button in rhythm and chain dozens of switches no sweat. In grind, flicking the directional precisely takes more skill and makes chaining tricks actually fun. Hitting rails is also really easy, I don't understand why people count "I can't hit the rails in the first time" as a negative in the first game, obviously it's gonna be hard, just remember where they are, there's only three stages and a half anyways.

>> No.7488409


Is there a Japanese extreme sports game that is good? The only Japanese game in this genre that is said to be good is Top Skater, which was considered one of the influences behind Tony Hawk

>> No.7489257

all fine desu - people who NEED to beat a level first truly come from a different time

since everything back then was designed to cuck people over rentals, so you have to do a level more than once to get familiar with it. and that if you played any game surrounded JSR, they were actually much worse

>> No.7489274

Congrats OP, you're not a moron who thinks busted physics and momentum are part of being "challenging".
None of that matters when the physics and momentum are dogshit.

JSRF by contrast feels much better and it's fun just dicking around gaining speed and grinding everywhere.
>and that if you played any game surrounded JSR, they were actually much worse
THPS2 came out the same year as JGR and shits in its mouth.

Grindfags are the natural born contrarians.

>> No.7489275

Thought you faggots liked this game? Wtf

>> No.7489284

No, Grindfags are just really petulant about their busted ass game that was dated after a week it came our. Or you're confusing it with Future

>> No.7489295
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JSRF will never be the better game and here's why:

>inferior graffiti tagging mechanics; no risk vs. reward element while spraying
>police confrontations are contained to a small caged area rather than the whole map
>awful character redesigns, also they replaced my boy Onishima with some faggot
>no more time limit and grading, taking away the arcade feel that the first game had
>shittier designed maps in general, see the pyramids, tokyo sewage system, etc.

>> No.7489307

Stop posting this shitty opinion

>> No.7489403

fucking controls.
Download this one on waybackmachine is the latest. Jet Set Radio v1.006 (2000)(Sega)(JP)[!][7MM1] Even the european version is too way different from this one.

>> No.7489405

Only the songs, the gameplay is crap, i hope someone convert the JSR Costumes and put in on JSRF using CXBX Emulator.

>> No.7489406

That officer is old and tired and they change it to a freak...

>> No.7489441

i have a feeling JSRF will get a re-release soon now that zoomers caught wind of it

>> No.7489609

We all have feelings but sega only do anal sex to sonic.

>> No.7489735

>busted physics
what the fuck do you even mean

>> No.7489751
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>hurrr durrr people can't like this game, I don't like it
they're very different games, what makes one better than the other is just your preferences
I honestly love both, Grind for more complex gameplay, and Future for just riding around.

>> No.7489947

Just played this game for the first time a few months ago. I unlocked every character, every graffiti soul, and Nitro ranked every story mission (havent nitro ranked all the side content tho, theyre pretty hard). the main story missions are VERY EASY to nitro rank with the exeption of the last Kogane level because of the jetpack enemies

Anyone who says its bad or doesnt hold up doesnt know what theyre talking about and dropped it before even giving it a shot. There is nothing wrong with the controls, theyre designed to be that way, if youre going in expecting something like pro skater, youre a retard, thats not what they were going for, and youre being unfair by expecting it to be something its not. i went in with zero nostalgia and had a blast


>> No.7489959

I feel inversely about the games, though not as extremely, and neither entry is particularly 'great' as a game. Anyway, the reason why is because the game merely had to be serviceable vehicle for the insane good-for-2000 cel shaded graphics and novel style/motif. That's it. Riddle of the sphinx solved.

I don't really like how brown Future is. JSR is far more vibrant. That tutorial bit at the beginning is turbo aids though.

>> No.7489962

>THPS2 came out the same year as JGR and shits in its mouth.
its barely in the same genre. tony hawk is about tricks and combos to get a high score multiplier, jet set is more about the flow and speed on your way to the spray objectives and calculating your route. you can beat every level in jet set without even intentionally doing a trick and still get a nitro rank

>None of that matters when the physics and momentum are dogshit.
literally nothing wrong with the physics or momentum. just because you dont have moon gravity like pro skater doesnt make it bad

this is how i know youre a retard. jet set is not a hard game, and the few difficult sections of the game arent hard because of the physics or momentum, but because of specific enemies like jetpack units. i know you dont know that, because those are near the end of the game

>> No.7489964

i never understood the hate for the tutorial, its not even hard after you realize you can wall grind into a jump on the sign to make the final jump. after that, just loop the stage 3 times and you can clear the tutorial easily, took me 10 minutes tops to beat it first start to finish on my first try

>> No.7489970

Look man, I've beaten the game multiple times. The tutorial is not great, and if I recall you can't skip it and it's too long. That's the issue. Things have flaws.

>> No.7489975

It's been so fucking stupidly long I don't even care anymore. It can be emulated perfectly on two different emulators and I have a modded 360. It's so idiotically past due, and for what? Did they throw the source code into the woodchipper? Could they not omit 2-3 troublesome songs? Fucking why? Who cares anymore? A release at this point would probably just piss me off.

>> No.7490000

>now that zoomers caught wind of it
Zoomers were in diapers when this game came out, assuming they were even alive to begin with.

What is your peoples' obsession with Zoomers? They don't give a damn about your retro video games.

>> No.7490010

They released on demul JSR from Dreamcast and then SEGA decides to release for PC, and it's bad as f... no one already made a mod to convert the last f.... JSR from Dreamcast i already have it to play nice on redream.

>> No.7490027

How faithful is Multiplayer to the original Future?

>> No.7490069

>I don't really like how brown Future is.
Let me guess, you saw one image of rokkaku dai heights thought that's what the game looked like.
>That tutorial bit at the beginning is turbo aids though.
Not as bad as JGR's tutorial.

>> No.7490083

having to actually discuss pro and cons of retro games is impossible for most people here since the vast majority are just larping contrarians who played a couple SNES roms so they spam buzzwords

>> No.7490092

t. Grindcucks
>its barely in the same genre
Tell that to ESL anon who made that comparison
>jet set is more about the flow and speed
And the flow and speed sucks
>you can beat every level in jet set without even intentionally doing a trick and still get a nitro rank
At which point you'd wonder why the put in roller blades at all
>literally nothing wrong with the physics or momentum. just because you dont have moon gravity like pro skater doesnt make it bad
When your game emphasizes jumping and platforming your physics matter and the moon gravity is dogshit
>this is how i know youre a retard. jet set is not a hard game
No, it's a shit one.

>> No.7490096

>literally nothing wrong with the physics or momentum.
absolutely retarded. you'll literally "grind" things while standing still or at 5 centimeters per hour because the game doesn't understand momentum

>> No.7490107

>getting this butthurt because he's shit at the game

>> No.7490112

what the fuck do you even mean, you only go slow on a rail if you jump without running

>> No.7490114

you literally wont 'grind' it, your character will just be balancing on the rail until you hit a drop or pick up speed, you wont even get points until hitting a certain speed threshold on the rail, at which point you will start to get points, and jumping will result in a trick

even proskater lets you jump onto a rail with no speed, except you get points for that, so not sure what point youre trying to make

play the game, retard

>> No.7490127
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you go slow on a rail unless you hit one while boosting going downhill, or unless you've linked 10 grinds before hand. you can boot the game up go to the tutorial, go the walkway and boost jump on a rail and watch as you still inch along until you start jumping like a spastic on it. which itself is another showcase of the games shit momentum
I did, it's shit.

>> No.7490130

>the flow and speed sucks
No argument, I see
>When your game emphasizes jumping and platforming your physics matter and the moon gravity is dogshit
the game with fucked physics is Future, where you're almost flying with how much air control you have, and the hit detection on the rails being so forgiving you can only miss them on purpose. And what are you even saying about the "moon gravity"?
>No, it's a shit one
Git Gud Nigger

>> No.7490131

i thought cxbx was the only emu that could run it and it was glitchy

>> No.7490132

I played about half of JSRF back in its day. It's p brown. Also, I was talking about JSR's tutorial.

>> No.7490136

Xemu and Cxbx both run it acceptly enough, as does the 360 outside of a few slowdowns. JSRF shouldn't be rereleased at this point. We're all basically dead now, the bus has been missed. We're at the very least not the same people we were in 2001.

>> No.7490151

linking grinds don't influence your speed retard, it represents the time you've spent on the rail, and also, why the fuck would you hit a rail without boosting? that's what the boost is for, it's like a skater sprinting towards a rail and prepping the jump. It's ok if you think the game could be faster, I agree, but that is one aspect of the game, and it sounds like you really don't fully understand the thing you're talking about.

>> No.7490157
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do you not grasp basic game mehcanics?
>there is a boost button
>hold that button
>now angle yourself to a rail
>now jump and land on said rail.
congrats, you are now speeding on said rail, and have passed the threshold to perform tricks when jumping.
>perform tricks to further increase your speed on the rail
>you will even speed up from a successful wall grind

The game is about flow, if youre going slow, then youre bad at the game and not playing it correctly simple as that.

you can even start a grind from a wall ride and pick up initial speed that way. literally just pressing the boost button and jumping on a rail will give you plenty of speed and it will only increase the more tricks you do, i dont know why youre so bad at comprehending this and for some reason think you need to link 10 grinds before hand. theyre not even considered grinds if you havent built up enough speed

pic related: starts a boost, and jumps onto a rail GOING UPWARDS and still has sufficient speed. they show this when you boot the game up, anon

>> No.7490187

>linking grinds don't influence your speed retard
lel and you tell me to play the game.
>posts a gift of a someone on a rail after a boost for half a millisecond before jumping off
hilarious. if he stayed on the rail he would have moved like a slug.
>The game is about flow
no the game is about loading a level, spending 5 minutes "skating" around it barely faster than a jog to plan out the exact route you're going to take and where anything you actually need to do is so you don't have to open the map every 5 seconds, once you did that you spend a little time tagging stuff so you know where the cops will spawn in since they can make certain routes almost impossible, meaning you need to clear certain sections sooner. then you restart the level, and try to pretend you're having fun while ignoring the awful controls that make controlling these 115 pound kids on rocket boosting roller skates feel like they're garbage trucks, the awful collision detection, the awful level design, and the annoying and repetitive police brigades. Then you either do it all over again, ignoring that the game is nothing but a shitty tedious grind to distract from the fact it's actually only 3 hours long, or you just play JSFR and actually play a game with good gameplay, and have fun

>> No.7490212

>staying on a rail and doing nothing will make you go faster
Alright, you got me with your bait, I should have known better.

>> No.7490220

what in the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.7490228

>unless you've linked 10 grinds before hand
that won't boost you speed, staying on a rail and linking 10 grinds will not influence your speed directly, it only means you spen a certain amount of time on the rail.

>> No.7490236

>be shit at the game
>game feels like shit
well damn anon, I'm sorry for your low skills

>> No.7490307

you speed up on rails by jumping you idiot the game literally tells you this in the first tutorial.
The game is more or less controlled with one button and the triggers, there are no deep mechanics to unlock, or skill gaps to overcome, there is nothing to get good at. The most skill intensive part of the game is spray painting, which anyone who has played a fighting game for more than 10 minutes will be able to handle easily. The game, even with all it's simplicity is just badly designed and unfun to play. If you want to sit there and fight against a game that by it's intentional design is making everything as tedious and rigid as possible simply to artificially extend it's length have at it. I'll enjoy playing a game with good movement, good level design, and mechanics where you don't slam into or fall off of walls and rails half the time you try to jump on them.

>> No.7490339

I see what the problem is now, grinds aren't the same thing as jump tricks, grinds are those scores you get by staying on a rail.
>no deep mechanics to unlock
Anon, do you know how to do switch tricks on rails and wall rides? do you even know how to fakie? can you do infinite grinds? Have you achieved jet ranking in every mission? You obviously can't even jump on a rail properly, that's why you're a shitter, you think the game doesn't have anything to offer because you don't understand it.

>> No.7490347

>slam into or fall off of walls
>can't even time wall jumps properly

>> No.7490362

>I see what the problem is now, grinds aren't the same thing as jump tricks, grinds are those scores you get by staying on a rail
Are you literally retarded? Start the game up, go to tutorial, the game explicitly outlines you speed up while grinding by jumping. No shit air tricks and grinding aren't the same.
>hurr durr get good
Yes I can do all of those things in JSFR, a game that does not attempt to actively impede any enjoyment someone can obtain from it through idiotic game design, and that features such novel concepts unheard of to the JGR devs as moving the analog stick slightly to go slower and full on to go fast instead of having to slam multiple buttons to achieve the act of not jogging while wearing fucking rocket boosted roller skates.
You are literally taking pride in doing things in the most convoluted, unenjoyable and obtuse way possible for no reason, when there are multiple temples as to how to improve them.

>> No.7490367

>waking up to 55 posts
zoomers and autism was a mistake

>> No.7490374

Anon, you said "linking 10 grinds", that means "staying on a rail until the grind counter hits 10", that is why I thought you said "staying on a rail doing nothing will increase your speed", because that is precisely what you said.
And I'm not taking pride in anything, you said there weren't things to learn on the game and that it isn't fun, but that is all subjective, you just don't like grind, so you don't try to improve, simple. What I take a problem with, is that you thing your disinterest in the game means it's shit, while you don't even try to get good at it. I still ask, do even know the command to fakie?

>> No.7490379

>the analog stick slightly to go slower and full on to go fast
you can do that in Grind too, I don't even know what you are taking issue with

>> No.7490381

You don't seem to understand the difference between a game with shit mechanics you need to autistically grind at overcoming and actual progression at a game.
A fighting game is a game you play repeatedly, learning and understanding more about it continuously as you go along, you constantly feel yourself getting better at the game and your skill at it improving. JGR is a game with a poor mechanical foundation, with shit controls, and bad level design, all of which they improved on in it's sequel.

>> No.7490384

Anon, do you know how to fakie?

>> No.7490404

Here's the thing man, I do understand Grind, I know where the rails are, I know how to aim jumps, I learnt the tricks, I learnt routes for infinite grinds, learnt the routes for clearing the stages efficiently, unlocked the noise tanks and the poison jam, and all it took was a few weeks of casually playing the game after work, and came to the conclusion that the game appeals to my tastes as an actual inline skater, so it is good. You can't even wall jump correctly (and the mechanic is the exact same as it is in Future). The game is not for you, simple as.

>> No.7490408

You flick the analog top to bottom while you boost. I beat the fucking tutorial moron. As I already said, you do everything in the game with one button the triggers and the analog stick I don't know why you think it's some hidden trick. Now pretending this game is some deep complicated masterpiece and accept it's a shitty obtuse game with bad controls and everyone even at it's release knew it, which is why everything about it was vastly improved in it sequel.

>> No.7490423

Ok anon, I know you're shit at the game already, I was once, too. Also, it's bottom to top, nice try. Last (you).

>> No.7490426

If you want to carry some pride about grinding a shit game over and over for no reason when multiple better alternatives, even within the same series of games are there then go for it. Just stop pretending this is some deeply complex game, when all the difficulty is because it's mechanically shit, which is why all the supposed difficulty left according to you when they made a game that actually fucking functions.

>> No.7490430
File: 419 KB, 525x464, you will never understand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever learn how to play the game that filtered you so hard, anon, you will understand my words. For now, you are merely a shitter.

>> No.7490435

Nah I'll just play JSFR and not care about some autist who would take pride in carrying water in his hands while telling people who use a bucket they're just shit at water carrying

>> No.7490441

OP will never be a woman, or get a Jet rank on any JGR stage.

>> No.7490443
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Sad, isn't it? Do people even understand the concept of working up your skills anymore?

>> No.7490451
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>Dicklet Radio

>> No.7491260

JSRF is missing the better tagging of JGR (though I prefer JSRF tagging for smaller tags)

>> No.7491597

>can't handle a bit of clunk from a fucking 2000 Dreamcast game
Go play that Pro Skater remaster with the nonbinary skater lmao

>> No.7491671

>zoomer getting filtered by a 2000s game
>have the guts to call it shit when they're playing the port and not the original dreamcast version

>> No.7491687
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OP didn't play it at all, anon, he wouldn't even know what is and what isn't jank. He claims that you need 3 inputs to accelerate and doesn't even know how to hit rails. This is either very bad bait or a genuine retard had difficulties understanding a game he never played.

>> No.7491698

>the port
I'll never play it again because it removed Yappie feet, I mean it's THE Noise Tank theme. And also because it fucked my saves everytime I quit the game, still don't know why

>> No.7491719

they're both good games lol.

honestly, if you didn't have a dreamcast in like.. 2004 or earlier, your opinion on it and it's games are basically irrelevant. there's no way for you to actually understand how much of a fun console it was if you didn't experience it back then as a fun, cheap alternative that had good graphics, good multiplayer, unlimited free games via burning them, etc. If you're judging anything about the DC or games that were a big deal on it through the eyes of someone who never owned it in it's era before everything on the system got ported, sorry, nobody cares.

if you did actually have a dreamcast in it's heyday, it's tough to picture being as completely disgusted by JGR as some people seem to be. there'd be at least some sentimental attachment. like, even I find it hard to play today, but back then I beat it at least 5 times and flying around the levels felt super easy.

>> No.7491745

>they're both good games lol
finally, someone reasonabl-
>if you didn't have a dreamcast in like.. 2004 or earlier, your opinion on it and it's games are basically irrelevant
now that's some bullshit, the games are still the same and dreamcast emulation is pretty good nowadays. The problem with OP's disgust is that he wasn't willing to even try, not that he doesn't have some magic pixie dust from the early 2000s that validate his opinions.

>> No.7491791

Miller Ball Breakers is the best track obviously though.

>> No.7491814

the fact that you're talking about DC emulation as a valid pathway to understanding the DC experience lets me know you don't know anything about it and were probably born in 2000

>> No.7491818
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God shut the fuck up you idiots!
We got 2 amazing unique games (we're lucky to have gotten 1 and we got TWO) and you fucking shit on both of them because of...what? Pure contrarinism and wish to shit on the guy who likes his favourite game more than yours?

Fuck you, fuck you all. SEGA should've shat under your Christmas trees instead, you faggots.

>> No.7491889

kek, ok man, whatever you want to believe in

>> No.7491897

that's how it is anon, we don't play games around here, just argue about hardware and whoever's favorite is the best

>> No.7492985

JSR is the better game
Future is still cool, but different, and stripped away too much of the actual mechanics

>> No.7493189

They cant i believe Microsoft owns the rights.

>> No.7493230


>> No.7493471

Buzzwords is a buzzword

>> No.7493745

I forgot about this one, yeah it obviously is the best.