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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 98 KB, 640x908, 6688_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7485881 No.7485881 [Reply] [Original]

I hear this is not that good a game, so should I just emulate the gc version or is it worth buying the HD version?

>> No.7485886

If you are going to emulate the GC version, why not just PIRATE the fucking windows version and get widescreen too?

How dumb are you fucking guys?

You gave yourself two options.... pirate the game for an emulator.... or BUY it for windows? Think about that for a moment.

>> No.7485953
File: 328 KB, 1000x2000, becca_promo_RE0_casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamecube version has cute becca
HD verison has ugly becca + wesker mode

>> No.7485958

It's not particularly bad, just kind of unremarkable and incongruent with Resident Evil's story and Rebecca's character. You get to control two characters and it works out okay because it's an RE game and they auto-aim. You do the typical two-person puzzles like using dumbwaiters and shit. Leech monster is utter fucking nonsense but also kinda scary. It goes like that.

>> No.7485965

did they change her model in the hd version?

>> No.7485970

widescreen is trash because the camera wasn't designed for it so it does this panning shit in some rooms which can cause you to miss items if you're playing for the first time. If you play in wide screen you're a faggot.

>> No.7485981

The remaster has a 4:3 option. Don’t talk about about shit you haven’t even touched.

>> No.7485987

Her face has been altered, for some reason. I’m pretty sure she was left untouched for REMake, so I don’t know why they felt the need to change her appearance here.

>> No.7486000

I have this game for my GameCube and on Steam, but I've still yet to play it. I really want to sometime soon. I was gonna play the Steam version, but it might be nice to emulate the GC version and use my GC controllers on dolphin.

>> No.7486016

I'm not sure why this game of all games became the target of hate. Its plot is not nearly on the same level of shitfest as Code Veronica, a somehow more-loved game. It's obviously better than RE5 and RE6 without question, and more of a horror game than RE4. It isn't like one of the many bad spinoffs the series has. It's just a medium-level quality standard RE game except you move another character to follow you, and when they're separated, just a normal RE game 100%.

>> No.7486035

What a fucking slut holy shit

>> No.7486176

>I'm not sure why this game of all games became the target of hate.
Because it was a GameCube exclusive and didn't come out on the PS2. Judging from most of the activity on this board.

>> No.7486296


it's vertical- and not horizontal+

In other words the screen is cropped.
>How dumb are you fucking guys?

>> No.7486309

The problem is that it's uninspired.
Every puzzle is a rehash of known puzzles only slightly different. The locations are similar to things we've seen several times, the combat is similar too but worse in every aspect. None of the improvements for combat that RE3 or REmake had done are present, and instead you have animations with a thousand frames just because they could which makes the controls less tight, and inv frames up the ass which are worse than they ever been, comparison RE1's Hunters included.

And then, everything new the game brings to the table is either a bad idea or bad execution
>AI partner
which is worthless; at least it should have had an actual coop mode to make it worthwhile but it doesn't

>no safe boxes
the idea to get rid of safe boxes wasn't necesarilly bad but the execution is terrible. In short your best option is to use a couple of rooms as safeboxes so instead of having safeboxes everywhere through the game with a simple UI, it's like you only have a couple of safes with a worse UI

Not a bad game; just painfully average.

>> No.7486364

It along with CV was proof that they had no idea what to do with RE and that they were right to change it up with 4.
I'd honestly just say skip it

>> No.7486368

Because it's legit unfun to play shit, retard. Though your post makes it clear that you're just a delusional classictard so I'm sure you love it.

>> No.7486418

If you don't like classic REs just say so instead of slinging insults like a child. That's a perfectly fine thing to say.

>> No.7486421

Right, so it's average RE fare. People shit on it specifically when that's all it is.

>> No.7486423

Oh I do. RE2 is my second favorite RE.
There's a difference between liking classic RE and being a delusional classicfag that shovels shit like 0 down and then whines about the likes of later games.

>> No.7486506

Changing the controls or aspect ratio won't make the core gameplay suddenly better. Play whichever version you want, the game sucks.

>> No.7486962

Code Veronica's story gets a pass because you get to kill trannies in it.

>> No.7487059
File: 17 KB, 585x480, claire_crossdressingfreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7487060

the widescreen sucks, it just clips your viewing area

>> No.7488265
File: 1.17 MB, 3840x1296, remake_widescreencompare3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope nobody actually does this

>> No.7488794

would be fine if you already know what you're doing I guess, but whenever I tried it I got disoriented

>> No.7488838

>crop to widescreen instead of expand to widescreen
I can understand if it's film and the information doesn't exist, but why the hell would they do this for something that renders in real time?

>> No.7488845

the information doesnt exist. the backgrounds arent rendered in real time

>> No.7488853

Shit that's right, never mind. I thought that was only the earlier ones.

>> No.7488859

they used static backgrounds until 4 yeah

>> No.7488881



You can buy the HD versions. The game has good atmosphere but some stuff is just messed up. Dropping and picking up items is tedious. Some enemies don't stagger.

It's an ok game. Didn't love it as much as I did back in the day.

Even got the Platinum trophy for it.

>> No.7488889

>If you are going to emulate the GC version, why not just PIRATE the fucking windows version and get widescreen too?
>How dumb are you fucking guys?
>You gave yourself two options.... pirate the game for an emulator.... or BUY it for windows? Think about that for a moment.
Windows version might have keyloggers, spyware, malware, and who the fuck knows what else. The GC version is safer to acquire. If you do any kind of professional work on your PC, you're not going to risk your machine tied to banking, PayPal, files, etc. to save $10.

>> No.7489160


Claire's OG voice actress sounded so fucking hot. I have to find a based babe like her.

>> No.7489330

Windows hd version is the DESOULED version

>> No.7489342
File: 548 KB, 1392x2123, remake_compare_gamecube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489362

i love how this picture goes far and beyond to scrutinize everything, even using some retarded graph no one has ever used or heard of, when it can all just be summed up by saying "yeah the lighting kinda sucks"

>> No.7489517
File: 149 KB, 500x478, 1611195451049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made this

>> No.7489621

I don't think RE0 is a bad game, but I also don't think it's that great either, it's kind of just ok. It's the game in the Resident Evil series which is the weakest without being outright bad, so to say.
I played it once, it was ok, and then I immediately felt that there was no need for me to play it again, unlike most other Resident Evil games.

No to everything you're saying.

>> No.7489659

He does have a point in some cases, specifically the missing shadows. I'd like to know if the entire game is like that or it's just this one screen that's fucked though.

>> No.7489784
File: 1.05 MB, 1588x1392, re0_train_cabin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7490160

if you don't know how to pirate without getting viruses you are a lost cause
i have been pirating everything for 20 years and have had no issues because a good pirate curates his sources
dumb niggers like you click on the second google result and direct download halflife2cracked.exe and piracy becomes a boogeyman lol

>> No.7490260

Agreed but what's with the graphs?

>> No.7490326
File: 252 KB, 816x458, remake_modisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a cramped mess in the remake.smoother in the original. of course its remake 1, not re0. re0 seems fine except the character models

>> No.7490329


Very spooky. I really enjoyed RE0. The environments gave off such an unsafe, and unnerving feel. The soundtrack was great also...and it being the last pre-rendered RE, which had their own charms.

>> No.7490332

If you like RE it's playable. It's by far the worst RE game (action or classic) but it's not irredeemably bad like a Sonic 06 or something.

>> No.7490352

You did not received the memorandum? All girls in games need to be man faced hagz so as to appeal to the female and transgender audience (if they're too attractive, it will be considered objectification and make the womxn audience jealous and therefore unable to enjoy the game).

>> No.7490370

take your meds and go outside

>> No.7490391

Alfred’s not trans.

>> No.7490539


>A mentally ill man who thinks they're a woman, and dresses up like one.

>Not mentally ill...


>> No.7490697

Alfred doesn’t think he’s a woman. He has a split personality in which he inadvertently crossdresses that developed as a coping mechanism because he was sad and lonely without his sister. He literally doesn’t know that he does it. He thinks she’s really there with him. It’s mental illness, yes, but it’s not transgender shit.

>> No.7491103

Go back to /pol/, schizo.

>> No.7492938

His split personality is trans

>> No.7493060

>I hear this is not that good
You heard wrong.

>> No.7493371

based autist

>> No.7493380

Both of them suffer from leaning so heavily into gothic motifs. The old games had gothic elements too but they were used more sparingly and the overall style was more action movie/comic book camp.

>> No.7494603

It's a fantastic game, fuck the low-IQ haters who can't remember which room they left their herb in

>> No.7494687

It's fine. The "zap" mechanic is a bit overused for puzzles but it's a solid RE game.

>> No.7494942


Wait is that supposed to be the cute one or the ugly one? She looks great there. I did a Google image search and it appeared that they maybe only added eye makeup to her or something?? I don't see any ugly ones.

>> No.7496134
File: 712 KB, 2196x1816, evo_becca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7496283

REHD is peak Becca.

>> No.7496336
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, becca_run_towards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no duh

>> No.7496340

What's up with the choker? Muh dick, btw

>> No.7496772

RE0 with leather pants has the best ass

can't believe the difference is that big between RE0 and RE0HD, they gave her slutty makeup too

>> No.7496784

can't you play the hd edition in 4:3?

>> No.7498751


So... she looks fine? What's the problem?

>> No.7498803

this but unironically.

>> No.7498809

REfag here and 0 is the worst one out of the classics. It's still worth one playthrough but anyone saying this isn't the worst is a tryhard contrarian.

>> No.7498820

because anyone with two braincells hate everything starting with RE4 onward, so they won't bother complaining about those.

>> No.7498824

Nah, it's negative qualities are over exaggerated but it is an average game and won't really be anyone's favorite RE. If you've played the other REs already and finding yourself wanting more games like those and a new adventure to play then you would enjoy this game. It just has some design flaws that can drag the experience down. Some easy tips to make it a smooth playing experience

1. create separate save files so that you don't trap yourself. Maybe good to rotate through 3-4 save slots
2. Don't lug gasoline around because there is more gas tanks than bottles, total waste of space
3.Despite the partner mechanic being the main sell of the game, your partner is actually useless in most situations and will only waste ammo and health that you'll need for that character. Finding a safe room to park the off character you're not using and leave them there until they're needed for some partner gimmick
4. Don't leave the hookshot near the train because the game will require you to use it again far later down the line and very far away. This is probably the #1 run killer for most people

>> No.7498837

None of the RE games before 4 are that good. Sorry, but it's the truth. It's shit in the same way as REmake is shit. If you like Remake then you'll probably like this trash as well. The only difference here is no item box and even more bullshit enemies like the leech zombies. But if you're willing to put up with all the bullshit in REmake then you'll probably be fine with RE0 too.

>> No.7498848

4 is worse than any of the classics, here is your pity (you)

>> No.7498860

4 is the classic. It's the reason anyone still cares about RE today. If it hadn't been made, RE would have faded from the public memory like Dino Crisis and all the other PS1 horror games (besides Silent Hill because it's actually good) RE singlehandedly saved the series and turned it into a beloved IP

>> No.7498896


>> No.7498926


>> No.7499121

>tfw SOUL and SOULLESS can both be defined by computer generated curves
Holy Based.

>> No.7499134

Haha do you think Becca has some small pimples on her plump butt? I mean she is a teenager and all that, in fact I bet she has some makeup on to cover a breakout on her cheeks or forehead haha

>> No.7499141
File: 17 KB, 400x383, 1601449882802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw more than 2 braincels and enjoy RE for what it is in almost its entirety

>> No.7499220

Good advice but you're kind of an asshole for spoiling the hook shot. Everyone should have to experience the conundrum; you're robbing them of the authentic RE0 experience.

>> No.7499286

You can. Not sure why nobody bothers to mention that.
Oh, right. It's 4chan. Why would anyone mention that?

>> No.7499542
File: 25 KB, 354x390, becca_face_unimpressed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks way better in the original remake and re0

>> No.7499563


I don't see it.

>> No.7499626
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, becca_piano_enter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7499675

>i eat shit but im definitely big brained guys trust me

>> No.7499698


Is that supposed to be the bad one or the good one?

>> No.7499707
File: 691 KB, 1483x785, 1603724117281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7499823


I don't know whether that's the bad one or the good one either. She has a silly and unflattering expression but she still looks cute and pretty. She looks good. I'm a much bigger Jill fan myself but this Rebecca is appealing too. I just don't see the big problem here.

>> No.7499840
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, becca_heal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]