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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 535 KB, 1343x1665, 342543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7481982 No.7481982 [Reply] [Original]

How can a game be so brilliant?

>> No.7481985

Watch out, bro.

you might end up infuriating a street fighter fan.

>> No.7482043

dedo oru araibu TSU

>> No.7482047

Having hot anime whores always makes a game brilliant

>> No.7482167

It was nice but the parry mechanic makes offline plays in higher difficulties unplayable. No matter what you do, the AI acts according to your inputs. It just parries all of your moves.

Don't know how this translates to competitive plays. Never really played this game competitively offline or online

>> No.7482248
File: 1003 KB, 209x209, zbloingo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booba. I mean that was literally the core selling point.

>> No.7482270

tina armstrong was peak

>> No.7482284

2 is really good.

>> No.7483552

It's not that hard, really. Sometimes you hit, sometimes you throw, sometimes you parry. Do it randomly, and the game will reveal its true rock paper scissors flavor. DOA2 is a genuine amazing game, pick a random team of characters and try everything, you'll get it

>> No.7483553

By turning your TV's brightness all the way up.

>> No.7483557

The DOA games are fun competitively
More like a VF or Tekken fan.

>> No.7483563

Playing against CPU in fighting games is lame in general anyway.

>> No.7483781

a bit to bouncy

>> No.7483950

I'm personally for a more calculated approach. Throwing stuff out randomly is not really my thing. I know that this game is supposed to resolve around that rock-paper-scissor system of either punching, throwing or countering but the AI is always a step ahead of you and acts according to your input. That gets less prevalent the further you go in the series. DOA4 minimized that by a lot and DOA5 is actually nice to play even on max difficulty.

>> No.7485287

The AI doesn't read your inputs, so if you mash buttons, there are so many inputs coming in that it actually doesn't know what you're doing. Use that knowledge to buffer a ton of inputs into your combos that won't come out, but just confuse the AI.

>> No.7485535
File: 1.33 MB, 320x240, 1501295794934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bouncy enough

>> No.7485752

What's your favorite DoA 2 track?

>> No.7485757

You mean rack?

>> No.7487209

It had the fighting mechanics of Virtua Fighter, without the floaty jumps. But it also had women with huge breasts. It was a win-win-win situation.

>> No.7487229

It's not JUST the huge breasts.

It's also the amazing asses, the legs, the movements, the design. Even the cover. It's a bit sad if you "fall in love" with virtual women yes but on my life you are not a real man if you don't appreciate the booty etc. in this game.

Oh and the gameplay, it's brilliant, balanced and just a lot of fun. People really overlook the gameplay because they automatically think "oh that's the one with the bouncy bouncies", and in that sense it actually hurt the game's legacy.

>> No.7487308


>> No.7487319 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 632x992, 1612458532279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a LOOSA

>> No.7487984

what started this stupid talking like a baby meme anyways

>> No.7488028
File: 217 KB, 1080x1300, DC mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is, always has been, and always shall be Lei Fang

>> No.7488060 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 630x889, 2e170018525e08a90a8a1f77ae6b0c1d1bd2a90cede8e92be67617d425ed5eb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists. They get triggered by big boobs, so they started saying "booba". They realized that there's more big boobs in retro gaming than in modern gaming, which is probably why they invaded /vr/ after Gen 6 was allowed.

>> No.7489361


>> No.7489364

>Source: just trust me, dude

>> No.7489742
File: 460 KB, 1800x1600, leifang-d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good memories associating this song with looking at bikini girl artwork.
ahh still remember the feeling of bringing the game up to the gamestop counter and the lady at the desk turning the box around to scan it only to be hit with this render of Lei Fang on the back

>> No.7489896

I still love the honest commercials they hade for DOA2/3


>> No.7490148

>post pro-tits image
>mocks BOOBA
Mixed signals

>> No.7490364

a bit too gay

>> No.7490530

>gets smacked in the face and KO'd by her own tits

>> No.7490537

tits aren't supposed to be elastic like you got some fucking skippyballs strapped to your chest. I mean just look at this shit >>>7485535

>> No.7490540

How can she slap me?

>> No.7490571

>Age: 200

>> No.7490632

Lost Eden doujins lads...

>> No.7490640

Everyone always comments on the one on the left but the the way the one on the right stretches out is even better imo

>> No.7490670
File: 269 KB, 1310x1800, Chun Li Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks everything needs a "source".
>When it's blatantly obvious Leftists get triggered by big boobs, hence why the women in MK11 look gross and why they made a tranny as the main character in Last Of Us 2.
t. Clueless cuck

>mocks BOOBA
"BOOBA" posters are mocking people who love huge breasts. I've seen this posted many times when people are talking about retro video game waifus or Lara Croft.

>> No.7490760

Mocking people by pretending to be a baby is pretty stupid

>> No.7490774

It's the rare combination of a game being actually good while having fanservice.

>> No.7490867


>> No.7491101

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

>> No.7491819

I loved the shading on the women in this game. The later games made some subtle change that isn't as appealing.

>> No.7491831

ODM - great magazine. Full of quality and character in every page.

>> No.7491883

>>7485535 is blatantly not how the vanilla game is supposed to look

>> No.7491928


I've always liked that this game was designed to play like a faster VF, and, Tecmo being Tecmo, they couldn't leave it at that.

>Yo what if we put big titties on the caracters lmao

Top tier company.

>> No.7492016

Where's the doa2 gallery?

>> No.7492058

>fighting game

>> No.7494190

It is fun, even when you suck at it.

>> No.7494205

Tekken definitely. remember when harada and itagaki are fighting each other?

>> No.7494614
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competitive issues aside, the graphics and animations were insanely good at the time.

>> No.7494627


>> No.7494648

>Some might call her a bit of a bitch fighter
Why would anyone say that about Kasumi?

>> No.7494663

>That black dress of hers

>> No.7494827

it started as a typo. Notice how s and a are adjacent on your keyboard.

>> No.7494854

Either didnt play the game or was just a case of LOLcalization.

>> No.7494918

Yeah, I'm aware the A and S are next to each other on the keyboard.

>> No.7494934 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 545x745, lefty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7494949

Wasn't she always apologizing and going on about how she didn't want to fight? Ayane was the bitch.

>> No.7494961 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 918x1125, 1593295126739_InstaSave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At this point, Leftists will call anything racist, even when it's not, especially when it comes to original character designs in retro video games.

>> No.7495128 [DELETED] 

That image is just the tip of the ice berg. Shartlibs screeched drumpf is starting WW3 when he noscoped Queso Salami, but praise Biden and Obummer for bombing the fuck out of Libya and Syria.

Shartlibs literally let each other get away with murder. They have no moral compass.

>> No.7495152

This isn't /pol/ you piss bottle collecting mongoloid. Take it there if you want to act like a retard.

>> No.7495157

Take your politic BS to /b/ or /pol/. Some people here want some form of escapism from this drama

>> No.7495602

>escapism from this drama

>> No.7496451 [DELETED] 


>Hates free speech being used.
t. Seething whiny Leftist cucks.

I come to /vr/ for escapism too, I like talking about retro games and retro consoles. But I will criticize Leftists whenever they get triggered by female characters with huge breasts in video games. They will never be able to erase the female character designs from older games like Dead Or Alive and Tomb Raider, which really pisses them off.

>> No.7496489

>I will criticize Leftists whenever they get triggered by female characters with huge breasts in video games
And that's literally no one in this thread. You just got pissy because someone spouted some dumb zoomer meme.

>> No.7496495

DoA2, DoA2 Ultimate, DoA3 and DoA4 are fucking masterpieces. After the original team had left, the series turned into soulless cash grab for people with no taste

>> No.7496513 [DELETED] 
File: 660 KB, 940x1000, 1601396883311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. If anyone's getting pissy here, it's you Leftists. You faggots get triggered by any big breasted chick in video games and it shows. Anytime someone posts pics of Kasumi, Lara Croft or Felicia, you guys get triggered and say "booba". True story.

>> No.7496528

>you guys get triggered and say "booba"
Yeah, triggered by my dick.

>> No.7496748
File: 423 KB, 640x480, Dead or Alive 2 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had this game back in the day, play it a lot. >Then Sold my DreamCast and all of my >games in the mid 2000's.
>Since corona, I got nostalgic and downloaded ReDream and the same games I had.
>Learned that DOA2 and several other DC games had hidden art if I loaded the disc into a computer...


>> No.7497416

I'm leftist and I probably like big tits more than you do

>> No.7497576


>> No.7497739 [DELETED] 

So many american cuck leftists in this very ITT

What's with americans being afraid of a pair of boobs, wtf I miss when america was all about exporting big boobed bimbo ala Pam Anderson, Yasmin Bleeth and such

>> No.7497795

Bet you guys don't have the nude mods for DOA2U Xbox.

>> No.7497798
File: 122 KB, 600x448, 5146166545654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His beef was mainly with namco

>> No.7497885


>> No.7497937 [DELETED] 

Taking viagra to get "triggered" doesn't count.

I find that very unlikely, since all Leftists are liars and the fact that I've only ever dated women with huge breasts. Nice try.

Woke leftist ideology has brainwashed the minds of the youth through our education system. Hence why there are so many woketards bashing on big boob characters like Lara Croft and Kasumi. So they advocate for flat-chested women or transwomen to be included in our video games, hence why some of the most popular franchises we use to enjoy are starting to suck in the current gen.

I would love nude mods for DOA2U on Xbox. Got a link?

>> No.7498164

Americans always drink to much of the agenda aids

>> No.7498275

I feel like people don't know about the age = titty bounce feature

>> No.7499189

The final boss theme kicks major ass. The menu theme is cool, too.