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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 460x215, retroarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7478504 No.7478504 [Reply] [Original]

What is wrong with this?
Why is RetroArch so unpopular?

>> No.7478527

Because it should just autodetect the game and load the "core" silently instead of making me do it. Might as well just have 12 different emulators installed because I'm already selecting the "core" in the goddamn start menu.

>> No.7478550

>Because it should just autodetect the game and load the "core" silently instead of making me do it.
It already does this, I go to load content and pick a rom
>Might as well just have 12 different emulators installed
It is supposed to be 12 different emulators.

>> No.7478572

Because Danny didnt update his cores

>> No.7478580

a lot of people are irrationally angry at sp. they also say that retroarch is stealing off emudevs and is bad for emulation in general, even though emudevs usually make their shit open source and emulation was in a limbo before retroarch came around.
he's been pushing for some... odd things though, like the steam release and cartridge reader. a paranoid person might say he's trying to "legalize" emulation for his own profit.

>> No.7478652

Screeching weirdos who probably have bullets with Danny's name on it along with everyone else who slightly annoyed them. It's messy but it's the best way to go about emulating many platforms.

>> No.7478676

Interface designed for controllers. Libretto "exclusive" emulators so you're basically forced to use it.

>> No.7478683

It's soi, that's why, and you're soi for using it.

>> No.7478686

I still have no idea why RA blows so many anons' fuses. Like I honestly don't get it. It's a great collection of emulators in one GUI shell with almost everything automatically set up for you. If you don't like something, like the GUI for instance, you can just change it. For the GUI I changed it to RGUI.

>> No.7478690

I tried to use that recently to play some arcade games because I didn't want to bother figuring out which arcade emulator is the best since the shmup community is autistic about them

This was the worst thing I ever used in my life, ended up installing fb alpha and called it a day

>> No.7478693

Poor interface, poorly updated.
Using stand-alone emulators gives you better emulation, more options, and better interface (unless it's a garbage fire like Mednafen).

>> No.7478696

>(unless it's a garbage fire like Mednafen).
If changing lines in a config file is too scary for you just use an external GUI, anon.

>> No.7478701

Use mednaffe

>> No.7478716

If the emulator isn't as easy to use as mesen/dolphin/duckstation/snes9x/fba then I'm not going to bother with it
half the emulation scene has a huge problem with absolutely mental decisions, not being able to rebind the arrow keys however you want in retroarch, m64p dev who refuse support anything below windows 10, in-line commands emulator
Sorry but nobody want to play hackerman with you, good thing there is always an alternative to those emulators

>> No.7478720

Alright anon, I won't force you.

>> No.7478725

I don't give a fuck about config files, having a decent GUI is the bare minimum nowadays, and even the external ones suck ass.
I'm not hypocrite enough to be mocking RetroArch for its interface and praising Mednafen for having literally nothing.

>> No.7478726

OpenEmu is just far superior.

>> No.7478727
File: 808 KB, 734x562, Kirby Super Star (USA)-201103-001334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low input lag is for FAGS, bro!
Get this consistently in your stand alone. You fucking can't.

>> No.7478729

I use it. But the UI is complete aids. It's so hard to even remember how to launch anything after not doing it for a while

>> No.7478734

Why does it look like there's a storm door in front of it?

>> No.7478736

I dont hate it, but it can certainly be annoying. I only use Retroarch to play roms on my SNES classic, and I basically have to watch YouTube videos or just guess what cores will work, and then I have to look up on YouTube what BIOS are needed for what cores because there's nothing to tell you. Still have ROMs that don't work, and I don't feel like trying to figure out why.

>> No.7478739

Had to quickly squish a shader'd image to fit, I knew instantly someone like you would pick at it which is beside the point I was trying to make. The point is, your shit is laggy. Test it. You might cherry pick a lucky shot, but I bet you'll average around 12+

>> No.7478746

Retroarch is amazing because it's so configurable. Anyone who shits on it is too stupid and/or lazy to use it. They want muh stand-alone executable and to double-click rom.

>> No.7478750

You can double click rom, though it's a bit painstaking per core. Or you can drag a ROM to an open RA session.

>> No.7478761


It isn't though. That's the problem. It's a terrible UI that makes you struggle unless you're lucky and land on the right configuration easily by random chance. Congratulations, you were lucky.

>> No.7478769

you have to config literally any emulator for best results though

>> No.7478776


Yeah. I use Mednaffe whenever I can and it's easy and good. Not perfect, but more than good enough, which is more than I expect from free software. Then I wanted to try some Game Boy games and so I needed a good Game Boy shader because that platform has such distinctive display hardware that the standard shaders didn't feel remotely right. Mednaffe didn't offer this so I had to try RetroArch. The setup took hours. It did work in the end, but wow what a pointless hassle. Most nerds cannot understand how to make a friendly UI. Making one that's ugly but straightforwardly functional is okay, though not ideal. Making one that tries really hard to be friendly and horribly fails at it is nasty. Too many nerds cannot recognize that UI design is a complex discipline in its own right and that most of them are very very bad at it. I feel contempt for them.

>> No.7478779

On most emulators, you don't have to fight the UI to do the configuring.

>> No.7478781


Yeah, and it's easy and fast with other emulators, except maybe a few bad ones here and there. It should be easy and fast because it's a simple task.

>> No.7478783

Reminder that "runahead" is cheating and this is why the Tetris NES leaderboard refuse any score with it enabled

>> No.7478792

Oh... no... not my autistic communities... stop...

Tetris hardly needs it anyway. There is nothing to dodge, quickly aim at, or ledges you need to jump at the last pixel.

>> No.7478795

Shitty coding and autistic dev. Danny is basically the YanDev of Emulation

>> No.7478802

Any 1cc or no-miss you do with runahead was done with cheat, just don't forget that

>> No.7478872

>The setup took hours
It helps having more than two brain cells

>> No.7478889

I don't use cause it won't run roms that it doesn't recognize apparently
"What? That's the pal version of a rom you say? And a modded? Can't play it, fuck you"
I was capable of forgiving the interface but not recognizing my roms is super dumb

>> No.7478895

It's not good for anything other than software for your shitty raspberry pi "console"

>> No.7478904

I get the sense that people don't like the 'branding' of it. And I kind of get that, I think getting attached to a brand runs contrary to what the emulation scene is all about.

>> No.7478914

It literally isn't unless your run ahead is cutting out animation frames or skipping ahead of where it should be, or if your setup is somehow less laggy than hardware + CRT, but whatever I guess. I don't make the rules there.

>> No.7478943

How? Literally how unless your run-ahead is cutting beyond the game's input buffer? That's like saying turning vsync off to reduce the buffer is cheating in PC games you utter sperg.

>> No.7478983

That might be part of it. Some people think Retroarch is the emulator itself and that probably annoys some people. But I think the main thing is just the bad interface if you're on PC. Not sure why so many people still try to defend the bad interface because even the RA devs are trying to implement a better desktop GUI. It's not unusable but I don't see any reason to use it over a standalone emulator with a proper GUI and that really pisses some people off.

>> No.7479027

It doesn't recognize modded roms if you use the libretro database because the CRC doesn't match. You can use the manual scan for those or change the directory of file browser to your rom/iso folder.

>> No.7479030

Openemu is way better and more user friendly.

>> No.7479031

I wonder why they didn't improve the already existing desktop menu

>> No.7479037

>Top threads on /vr/ right now are seething threads about Retroarch and MiSTer, the two most accurate and lowest latency methods of playing old games bar using real hardware and a CRT

This board is fucking atrocious, jesus christ.

>> No.7479081

Amen. I've been saying that creating RetroArch threads should be a bannable offense. They bring out the absolute worst in posters and consist of completely worthless ranting 100% of the time.

>> No.7479089

You can always make a different thread yourself.
>muh top threads
/vr/ is slow enough that doesn't really matter.

>> No.7479108

It depends on the game. The shaders are my favorite part about it, and some games run better on RetroArch than they do using the same emulator as standalone, but the reverse can also be true, and sometimes standalone emulators have better options and support for more hardware addons (GBA link cable, N64 game boy support, etc.). EasyRPG is better on RA all around.

Some anons just hate on it because it's popular and makes emulation more accessible to normalfags.

>> No.7479115

So accurate that its cores are outdated, just like original hardware

>> No.7479141

RA is awesome. The purists just want to be angry

>> No.7479153

Enjoy your 5 frames of input lag on standalones, retard

>> No.7479162

It is unnecessary.

>> No.7479170

Enjoy your shitty bloated frontend, asshole

>> No.7479172

Just like aor conditioning, socks, and fluorescent lighting.

>> No.7479180

MAME runs better on RetroArch for me than it does standalone on some devices. "Bloated" isn't a word that I'd use

>> No.7479192

>"Bloated" isn't a word that I'd use
Yeah, it manages to be worse than Bloated

>> No.7479215

I can set it up in 5 minutes tops and never have to worry with anything besides opening it and selecting a game. Sorry if you're a braindead retard and has to settle for less.

>> No.7479216

Not him but ohhh noo I'm mildly inconvenienced to start the game. That's TOTALLY worth fucking up the ingame experience!

>> No.7479220

Well I like it but if I'm being honest, it's given me tons of problems over the years that standalones don't.

>Playing SNES games on bsnes mercuy. Works fine.
>Load it up again alter and my framerate has slowed to a crawl. I'm using the best hardware money can buy this makes no sense.

I never figured it out and had to reinstall.

>Copy my retroarch folder to another hardrive. Try to load it in another computer but same exact OS.
>RA crashes upon trying to load any games.
>Download fresh RA. Same issue.

Never figured it out. Had to download a standalone emu which worked immediately.

>Random settings buried in the shit UI are causing issues despite me never touching them.

>Load cheats for Secret of Evermore for fun.
>Not a single on works despite mine being as legit and widepsread as you can get.

I used to recommend RA but I can't anymore. There's too much bullshit going on in the background that should never be affecting the user but constantly does.

I only use it for things like BSNES mercury or parralel or beetle. Things unique to RA. For anything else, what it brings is not worth the trouble that comes with it.

>> No.7479231
File: 24 KB, 1011x1001, 1584989335051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7479235

>Using cheats
Fuck off autist

>> No.7479243

>only the UI is the problem
Thanks for recognizing how messed up your front end is. Also the UI is not hard to use in the slightest, after you get past that, you stop thinking that the RA might be shit to be 100% sure that RA is shit. You better off with 12 standalone emulators and 12 shortcuts than use that piece of shit lmao

>> No.7479258

Except if you want decent shaders. Except if you want 240p out over switchres/crtemudriver. Except if you want to mitigate lag as much as possible. Except if you want binds and settings per game and system even down to overscan. Except if you wanna play N64, Dreamcast, Saturn, and PS1 in the best ways possible. Except...

>> No.7479267

>and PS1 in the best ways possible
Beetle PSX HW is horrible. You better off with DuckStation Standalone, you can do the same thing Beetle does, and even better at lower specs.

>> No.7479268

Except scaling, frame pacing, shading, low lag, and binds per game/binds getting fucked with if controllers change aren't fucking guaranteed per emulator. It might 'suck' but I need it. You're just undiscerning.

>> No.7479271

RA is really good because it makes people mad

>> No.7479273

The standalone is a bit janky last I used it. Crashed when I fiddled with settings mid-session. Hope it gets better but even that still seems better in RA.

>> No.7479279

Duckstation also lacks downsampling + shading at the downsampled resolution. An autistic preference maybe, but Beetle HW in Vulkan will do it.

>> No.7479281

>Muh runahead
It's per-frame savestates. Zoom harder.

>> No.7479282

It gets better everyday. Its doing so great, Danny is still trying to bring the standalone down, lmao

>> No.7479289

This fucking discord tranny drama. How does he have any leverage to do that anyway, schizo?

>> No.7479292

Dismiss it all you want fag. You're gonna say you'd rather not use it? To what fucking end? I keep it on with 1 frame in all games and nothing has gone wrong.

>> No.7479293

I didnt mention any discord drama...

>> No.7479296

I don't get it. They worked about the same for the games I played.
All this stupid fighting just seems like a fucking wankfest

>> No.7479298

Even without runahead, Retroarch still provides lower latency and better audio/video sync than your shitty standalones would ever hope to achieve.

>> No.7479301

everyone already knows it's discord drama
don't play dumb

>> No.7479304

I tried it in mame 2003 plus and it totally shit itself.

>> No.7479306

You know what I mean, hair splitting fag. Whether it's discord or not you're bringing up weirdo personal shit no one cares about. I still don't know what Danny could do to stop standalone development even if he didn't like it.

>> No.7479309

It's just that when RA's dev tries to shill
>inb4 lmao open source
his shitty frontend, people reject it and he takes it way too personally

>> No.7479313

To clarify, in the cores that do support it. FB Neo is the only arcade core worth using in RA. I use Arcade64 standalone for MAME.


>> No.7479315

>people reject it

Who, you? Seethe and dilate.

>> No.7479319

Welcome to /vr/, newfriend.

>> No.7479320

It's still funny to see how defensive you fucks got about it. Are you with a heavy conscience or something?

>> No.7479323

You say that but I was here when this board was created, and it used to be the comfiest board.

>> No.7479325

I don't spend any time asking for the dev opinions on anything or what hurts his feelings.
This all just looks like he raped your family or something.

>> No.7479328

I literally don't know what you're talking about, and I have no conscience involving software. As an end user I only care if I gets mine, and don't care how the sausage is made.

I use many standalone emulators along with Retroarch. It just depends on which works better. Fucking freak.

>> No.7479331

Do you want to try that again?

>> No.7479339

as usual the haters are always the greatest tool for marketing

>> No.7479342

I've been on /vr/ for the past three or four (4chan since I was a kid), and, for as long as I've been a regular, it's been filled with raging autists giving themselves stress-related cancer over which emulator is best or muh original hardware or whatever.

Still leagues better than /v/, though. Don't go there at all.

>> No.7479347

Ranting and defending an emulator on the ass of the internet isnt really what I'd call marketing

>> No.7479358

but it is

>> No.7479362

Yeah, BAD marketing kek

>> No.7479369

>it's not marketing
>uhh actually it's BAD marketing
>he doesn't know

>> No.7479378

Alright, lets make peace then, for the sake of /vr/. Retroarch is a very good frontend, and I recommend for everyone to try it.

>> No.7479387
File: 410 KB, 898x645, intro-nes-grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems nice, but
>Only for MacOS
Fuck that

>> No.7479397

You haven't been here long, have you?

>> No.7479398

Yeah, nope. I came here after the rules change.

>> No.7479407

We don't make peace here. We rant and hate each other over things that don't really matter until we have brain damage and cancer.

There are really going to be people dying in hospital beds decades from now over the stress they caused themselves ranting about stupid shit on /vr/.

>> No.7479408

Yeah, I kinda noticed that with the 6th gen being retro vs not discussion. Eh, it's fun and games.

>> No.7479441

Let me configure core options in the UI without having to start a game first. Other than that it's nice, bit a learning curve to get the same functionality as a standalone UI.

>> No.7479445

I just had to jump through 20 Hoops just to figure out how to get run ahead disabled only in Mames core. Pain in the ass this entire thing is.

>> No.7479447

My biggest issue with it is that now a lot of cores don't have a standalone and only work with Retroarch. Fuck that

>> No.7479478

The collectorfags assume RetroArch is synonymous with Raspberry Pi and seethe over it

>> No.7479690

MAME in Retroarch in general is a big dry hole full of regret and despair. Went that route a long time again, but with FB Neo being as good as it is, and MAME's standalone having some more latency mitigation, it's super not worth it.

>> No.7479702
File: 2.34 MB, 640x360, RetroArch_is_so_hard2_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7479770

>spent time setting up all his cores, scanning folders, downloading boxart
>opens game in a shitty border, for 5 seconds without playing
typical retroarch user I see

>> No.7479786

t. seething

>> No.7479862

I hate borders but also hate that OLED means I absolutely cannot use them

>> No.7479887

>OLED means I absolutely cannot use them
not sure i follow

>> No.7479903

Open source is terrible for emulation development. It encourages cooperation instead of the kind of competition that drives real technological advancement. A couple of talented devs can do more than an army of mediocrities.

>> No.7479906

nothing, you only need a few minutes to figure out some shit.

>> No.7479909

As long as its less than 16ms you're less laggy than real hardware when you use 1 frame of runahead.

>> No.7479943


>> No.7479995

Oh. Yeah, I guess. That makes sense. Since you'd be using them for all titles of a specific system they'd be on screen way longer than in-game HUD.

>> No.7480046

Its unstable at times if you mismanage or change some of its options, and you have to hard delete it and then re-install its cfg.

>> No.7480102

I put fbneo in there since I already have it standalone.

>> No.7480249

Because it fucking sucks

>> No.7480254


>> No.7480308

All right I put some more time into retroarch and it still seems to have some stupid issues. like if I load content then core it disables run ahead but if I do it the other way around it's fine. Same content and core.

>> No.7480331

they should update the beetle core already its literally a year or more out of date

>> No.7480397

I like it. It makes things easier when I want to play some old console games in Linux.

>> No.7480428

Make one that shows how simple it is to setup and edit controller keybinds, like if you wanted to use a flight stick or something.

>> No.7480435

It's the swiss army knife of emulation, and as we all know the scissors in army knives are damn near worthless.

IMO, it's tried so hard to streaming everything and get everything into one place that its kind of a cluster fuck. UI is a nightmare and setting up controllers that aren't xinput is a pain.

>> No.7480525

UI is great, ps3 xmb is the best ui
then get controllers the are xinput. I use a switch controller and sn30pro
it has the best n64 core ParaLLEI and ogre battle 64 looks perfect on it
I played King's Field vanilla, then again 60fps and widescreen
It also has the best crt shaders

>> No.7480961
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>crt shaders

>> No.7481092

Because of the toxic project lead TwinAphex / Danny boi.

He's had so many controversies in the past with emu developers.

Recently he has been harassing the DuckStation developer to the point where the dev wanted to quit working on it so the core in RetroArch was renamed to SwanStation as the dev doesn't want any association with RetroArch.

>> No.7481096

When did it change to swanstation? Around christmas time I got the core, and it was duckstation.

>> No.7481098

>crt shaders
Yes, there have been advancements in the past decade or so. Imagine that.

>> No.7481193

After that and before your post, obviously.

>> No.7481307

They don't look remotely like a CRT

>> No.7481338
File: 2.48 MB, 640x360, Go_make_a_webm_of_you_setting_up_the_whole_thing_from_the_beginning_no_speed_up_probably_wont_even_f.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how it constantly flip fops between "the dogshit UI is too hard to use" and "zoomers are too retarded to use standalone emulators so they need a frontend"

>> No.7481347

Not the same guy, but they look pretty damn close.

>> No.7481480

If you put your nose on the glass, maybe.

>> No.7481502

Retroarch is like trying to cut a log with a steak knife, and the retrotards go
>"You're too stupid to use a steak knife?"

>> No.7481504

Fellas, what's worse? Console warrior retards or emulator warrior retards?

>> No.7481539

emulation especially mister vs software emulators is the gayest shit ever

>> No.7481546

too hard to use :(

>> No.7481631

Have you even seen the menu?

>> No.7481885

>Why is RetroArch so unpopular?
A) extremely unintuitive UI
B) the cores behave like 20 year old mame, with all the bugs and glitches
C) you are better off using standalone mameUI

>> No.7481973

I've been using RA for about three years now and I have no issues with it. I mainly play snes/gba games with RA and use standalone emulators for some other consoles games, like PPSSPP and epsxe. UI sucks but setting everything up so I can just load game and play was not hard at all, and I'm a brainlet when it comes to stuff like this.
All I want to say is that you don't need to be brand loyal, just use whatever works best for you.

>> No.7481989

bloated mess

>> No.7482013

>the setup took hours
It took you hours to just press f1, scroll down to "shaders", load shader preset, handheld, console borders, select which gameboy shader you want, then save it for the entire gameboy roms folder? It only takes a few seconds.

>> No.7482015
File: 56 KB, 584x576, eightiesnerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. It's the misterfags, all of whom are convinced their magic snake oil box is a "100% accurate console that just, like, becomes the chips of the system" and is totally not an emulator of any kind. They couldn't actually give a fuck less about the technology (or its accuracy). They just can't afford actual vintage hardware but due to falling for idiotic board memes can't bring themselves to use a software emulator because "those are bad for, well, reasons and stuff. It's really complicated and you wouldn't get it. Something, something, input lag. Can't put a PC in muh living room."

They really are in a completely separate category of autistic loser, even by /vr/ standards.

>> No.7482021

>for fun
Do you know what that means?

>> No.7482028

If you sit farther away from the screen, the scanlines and shit aren't super visible.

>> No.7482138

I use retroarch for emulating consoles, Mame for arcade. I hate how i can't assign b+c into one button for neogeo games in retroarch. So mame it is. I use an old mame version (0.214) and wouldn't care if it was older i have a 2010 laptop that get super slow if I use last mame builds, but run perfectly with mameuifx, even with the shaders turned on. Idc for weird handhelds and 2 player pacman.

>> No.7482293

the devs or if rumors are to be believed just one dev, a higher up, are trannies who can't accept valid criticism and lazily gets money from patreon retards while pushing useless and irrelevant updates.

>> No.7482370

i tried out retroarch because of the crt shader feature and it's pretty slick, also beetle is a decent playstation emulator. the interface can be annoying because it feels like it's made for dedicated emulation systems like a raspberry pi rather than as a desktop application.

>> No.7482460
File: 38 KB, 1296x758, RetroArch_desktop_menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they've had a desktop menu that looks like a normal window for years now

>> No.7482480

still doesn't have everything available that's in the default menu

>> No.7483483

I've tried everything, even when when it detected my chrono trigger ds rom, nothing, shit was buggy as hell for me, maybe I'm just a retard but melonds works fine as is

>> No.7483504

The only good thing with meme arc are the CRT Shaders, who sadly no one wants to port it for Reshade out of spite ever since Reshade got a better version of Lottes CRT recently on its main installer.

>> No.7483756

I've only used RetroArch once on a laptop, and it just wasn't for me. I remember in one instance I found that running FCEUX with Wine had less latency than using an NES core on RetroArch. I'm also a special kind of autist who likes to have debugging / RAM viewing features, so for me standalones are the way to go when it comes to emulation. I don't give two fucks about shaders, if I wanted to play the game with a CRT "look" then I'd just use a flashcart on real hardware. No comment on the whole UI thing.
Also, I've read somewhere that RetroArch is more optimized / better developed for ARM devices (e.g. Raspberry Pi), is this true? Maybe that might have to do with why it wasn't running so great when I tried it on my laptop.

>> No.7483805

>scanning folders
Or just set the start directory as your main roms folder.
>xmb interface
Not even the default any more
>he doesn't download box scans
You probably don't download manuals either zoomzoom

>> No.7483815

>mame for arcade
Retroarch would be a nightmare for arcade considering how it's core updates work vs mame rom sets being tied to a specific version of mame.

>> No.7483817

I’m on windows with a high tier pc and retroarch is absolutely flawless on a CRT monitor regardless of core. Immeasurable to zero input lag.

>> No.7483819

Dunno if it was the case, but the desmume core works without the need to add anything while the melon ds core needs the nds bios and firmware to work
I downloaded the portable version without changing anything other than adding the bios and firmware for the melon ds core and the ds version of ct seems to be running fine.

>> No.7483826

I'm not sure what OS you were using, but I use retroarch specifically -because- of the input delay mitigation features. Properly setup cores in retroarch have much less latency than standalones in my experience, and in fact is one of its biggest selling points

>> No.7483828

How does mame work? Do you have to download a new romset+mame when they add more games?
I've been using fbneo standlone and the core on RA for some arcade games.

>> No.7483835

Mine do

>> No.7483901

It depends on the game. If a better dump of an arcade rom is available, mame will switch to using that dump and the old rom won't be supported in new versions of mame. Your choices are to keep using the old version of mame or download a new rom.
It's not the type of emulator you want to auto-update just because a new version is out. People who use retroarch for mame are less likely to be aware of this, and tend to download a random version of the game from coolrom which further complicates things.

>> No.7485073

I really only use RetroArch because of its integration with zTranslate. Visual Novel OCR is dogshit and the translation sucks. If there was some way to get it to work with DuckStation or Ares I would stop using RA.

>> No.7485158

Does anyone else have an issue with android retroarch where it will play some games off the sd card(gb, mame) but not others(snes, saturn)? What would cause this

>> No.7485185

they ditched the sony controller ui ages ago, so its weird to see so many complaints in this thread about it.

i guess people just want to hate it at this point because they don't know how to use it or can't comprehend all the options.

>> No.7486010

I used that one too, didn't work, was a problem with retroarch reading the rom, works well on standalone

>> No.7486021

It's the 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' of the emulation world

>> No.7486068

I dl'd sega bass fishing.
Do I need this shit to play it, or..?
Also, I'm on linux.

>> No.7486383

>downloads rom
>yo vr, what is an emulator?
Not gonna make it

>> No.7486503
File: 41 KB, 248x577, 2021-03-04-16-18-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first time, gotta be gentle.
Still dunno what a rom is, only remember playing gameboy roms some 15 years ago.
The directory is picrel, I just don't know what dependencies there might be.

>> No.7486510

You can't possibly be this stupid.

>> No.7486513


nevermind, wining it actual game works, wish me luck

>> No.7486526
File: 831 KB, 766x499, 582f372b7c79c4ef76954ceb2fa445f2f2f345643d505a6c57b6e3ca554d5edf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arcade, just consoles

>> No.7486540

>muh competition
So you'd rather factions of developers working independently at a snail's pace, each one working from scratch every time, rather than them being able to share ideas and code, vastly speeding up and streamlining the process?

>> No.7486557

where did you get the rom?

>> No.7486651

Because retards still think it's 2015 and the shitty XMB menu is the default interface even though it's been sidelined. This is coupled with retards thinking their 10 year out-of-date standalones are better than any of the other cores (especially when it comes to PS1, N64, Dreamcast, and especially Saturn). This is coupled with morons who autistically screech it doesn't do shit like their standalones and are too lazy to figure it out.

That doesn't mean it doesn't have problems. The libretro database for auto scanning in roms is a disorganized shitheap, and the way runahead works on some cores but not others is annoying. And let's not get started on the dogshit arcade/MAME cores. Still that's a small price to pay for near lagless emulation.
You should probably get another hobby, like learning how to tie your shoes.
>being too stupid to use RA or Mednaffe
This is the type of mongoloid we need taken out of the gene pool.

>> No.7486667

When people say RA has less input delay, is that because of runahead or is there just inherent input lag with other emulators? I know PCSX2 has some input lag that's supposedly finally getting taken care of, but I've never really notice it in Snes9x (which has a reduce input lag option too) or the others I've tried and I'm usually pretty sensitive to that kind of thing.

>> No.7486668

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retard.

>> No.7486670

It's a combination of runahead and gpu sync. It's an option in there

>> No.7486681

Even the other interfaces aren't that great.

>> No.7486682

>Because retards still think it's 2015 and the shitty XMB menu is the default interface even though it's been sidelined.
XMB was worse but the new interface is still ass compared to a proper desktop interface. And the desktop menu still needs some work too.

>> No.7486712

I'm sorry you're a nigger.
The Switch UI isn't that bad. If the "advanced features" scare you don't use them.

>> No.7486779

Mame is the only decent thing in RA. Mainline Mame is autistic crap that isnt for playing games.

>> No.7486783

That is THE dumbest opinion I have ever read.

>> No.7486790

>Why is RetroArch so unpopular?
Your vision is biased because 4chan and r/emulation.
This thing is REALLY popular.

>> No.7486794

Yes, because the factions will make innovations. That the mediocrities can do the grunt work I dont deny. Its why you don't see any quality software come out of India.

>> No.7486826

I don't hate it, but the interface is hard to get used to and generally unintuitive. But once you know the basics it's great.

>> No.7486876

MAME is fucking ass in RA. Until they can find some way to not have the MAME UI pop up when you stop a game it will always be shit.

>> No.7486912


it is very popular

>> No.7487025

It's unironically a poorly programmed piece of shit emulator compared to using a standalone emulator that typically works without a huge fuss. If I wanted to spend hours diagnosing why I can't get a game to work, I would just mod Fallout: New Vegas with five hundred different random mods and fuck around with that instead. I don't care if someone calls me a zoomer or retard, there's a general rule in coding or programming that a program or application should generally be easy and seamless to use. Only reason why programs like this are happily accepted is because you don't have to pay money for them.

>> No.7487036

It's unironically a poorly programmed piece of shit emulator compared to using a standalone emulator that typically works without a huge fuss. If I wanted to spend hours diagnosing why I can't get a game to work, I would just mod Fallout: New Vegas with five hundred different random mods and fuck around with that instead. I don't care if someone calls me a zoomer or retard, there's a general rule in coding or programming that a program or application should generally be easy and seamless to use. Only reason why programs like this are happily accepted is because you don't have to pay money for them.

>> No.7487304

/g/'s Jonathan Blow circlejerk is leaking...

>> No.7487385

i love it, almost every libretro version of an emu is better than the original, i have no idea what the autistic drama around it is and i refuse to find out because i'm not a virgin

>> No.7487392

god stfu up about this guy
can i go one day without being reminded he exists fucking kill ourseld

>> No.7487395

doubleposting retard thinks retroarch is an emulator and literally can't use a program that does everything for you automatically

>> No.7487467

>he never used a game shark
sorry your childhood was gay anon

>> No.7487786

>Mainline Mame is autistic crap that isnt for playing games.
Use MameUI then. If you don't like it, that's fine. If you haven't heard of it you're a retard because MAMEUI/MAME32 has been a proper windows interface for mame for over 20 years, dating back to when Mame was command line only autism.

>> No.7487814

I think you meant Arcade MAME. Gets rid of all the crap. And still has a nice interface.

>> No.7487823

it fucking sucks and the interface is tiresome

>> No.7487824

>Had to quickly squish a shader'd image to fit
You could just not use a shader because they're inaccurate without an absurd display resolution.

>> No.7487846
File: 766 KB, 810x1080, loverboy-210218-074050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that someone wrote this once and people just parrot it

>> No.7487890

This is my main gripe. Legalizing emulation ruins it for me. If he’s trying to get publishers into emulation then goodbye free games

>> No.7487892
File: 11 KB, 258x226, arcademame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fail to google any frontend/version called "arcade mame"
>find something formerly known as "ID4 mame" now called ArcadeMame
>last update some forum post from 2013
>spanish everywhere
Am I being retarded or are you actually suggesting we use huehue jankshit that hasn't been updated in 8 years?

>> No.7487904

No, and I don't know why it's so hard to find. It's basically a continuation of MameUI FX. https://arcade.mameworld.info/

>> No.7487930

There's absolutely nothing wrong with run ahead for as long as it's configured properly. For games that have >2 frames of lag, Retroarch would provide a snappier experience than mister/real hardware w/ CRT. You'd have to be a total moron to dismiss that technology.
more here:

>> No.7487957

Another strawman.

I'm starting to suspect that there are shills on this board

>> No.7489321

>emulation was in a limbo before retroarch came around.
lol no