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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 229 KB, 1230x1782, oldfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7476667 No.7476667 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize you are an oldfag?

>> No.7476707

When I became your step dad and you have to hear the sounds of me wrecking your mom's leaky anus every night

>> No.7476797

>Implying I didn't know I'd get old.

>> No.7476906

I was born in 1999 bro

>> No.7476924

When I realized the atari2600 isn't something you should reveal as being your first console

>> No.7477012

when I entered the wageslave circuit and on top of that I had a daughter and divorced

>> No.7477265
File: 36 KB, 512x448, ACE5082D-9B42-4A65-86B0-657C694F2D17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing better than having zoomer stepkids and subtly reminding them every day that
I don't love you or even care about you very much, I'm just fucking your mom, and pretty soon she might have another kid just bc your dumb tide-pod eating wrong-bathroom using vape-smoking no-job-having ass turned out to be such a disappointment

>> No.7477267


>> No.7477963

When I saw the consensus was that "skyrim" was a decent game. Then i knew I was a part of a dying breed. Now I don't tell anyone i play video games and enjoy my hobby in peace.

>> No.7477965

I think it more like “Video games that still look like they are 20 years old vs Shit zoomers enjoy.”

>> No.7477970

This sounds more like you weren't around when it was released. People couldn't get enough of it, it being shit is a revisionist thing that has been aided by retroactively knowing that Bethesda went to shit afterwards.

>> No.7477978
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I still think about the PS2 as "the new playstation"

>> No.7477985


>> No.7478102

Underage, both of you.

>> No.7478136

i still think ps3 is a space age supercomputer

>> No.7478172
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not as old as the examples here but having the new pokemon games i got mocked for liking online for being the 'shitty new generation' be 3x the age it was between those games and the first gen and now, and then seeing zoomers post about x/y being their first games and the good old days
i'm going to blink and start seeing people say sword/shield was the peak of pokemon and it really went downhill after those golden days

>> No.7478191
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Never. I'm an eternal millennial-zoomer-kid.

>> No.7478209

>there's nothing better than having zoomer stepkids and subtly reminding them every day that
I imagine not having to raise another man's children at all is better than that

>> No.7478303
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>> No.7478305

You just supported his argument.

>> No.7479082
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1588604011679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing better than
yeah i can think of a bunch of things that are probably better than that

>> No.7479098

coming back to this board and seeing how the average poster doesn't even play any games outside of mario/zelda/doom/sonic shit. election tourists, zoomers?
Back in the early days we just helped each other setup RGB for our consoles and even would play some retro vidya online, like when Duke 3D Megaton came out

>> No.7479107

Literally how? Did you own one? its over twenty (20) fucking years old

>> No.7479163

It's the same problem I have with music. I am as far removed from my high school grunge days as the grunge days were from the Beatles invasion. In my high school days we looked at 80s music as old, and the late 60s as ancient. But now my soundgarden cds are just as old.

Same thing happened with games. The playstation (1995) is older today than pong (1974) was at the time of its release.

>> No.7479374

>he willingly took another man's children is quietly seething at them instead of at least trying to raise them properly
Wow, I don't know what you were trying to do with this post, but you are pitiful.

>> No.7479419
File: 36 KB, 493x366, uz15xdx3jaoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been completely out of the loop since Lady Gaga was the new big thing. I don't know anything about what is trendy to kids these days, don't know and don't care about current pop artists and pop culture couldn't possibly be more alien to me.
I also don't understand what's so cool or funny about people acting like retards in front of their smartphones to post on these dumb apps.

>> No.7479428

This but for the PS3.

>> No.7479446

What subreddit was this pasted from?

>> No.7479471

i suppose when hooked up my 64 to my old tv dinosaur and adjusted every picture setting to fit the game i happened to be playing. i wish i still had the tv where all the settings were knobs on the front. super mario rpg never looked so good. zoomzooms will never understand with the sad emulators they have been left with

>> No.7479494


>> No.7480537

Why does he have six arms

>> No.7480803

GTA3 being 20 years old does seem mad to me.

>> No.7480809
File: 99 KB, 832x765, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. Cant believe how old it actually is.

>> No.7480853

When it became OK to like Halo on 4chan.

>> No.7480898
File: 150 KB, 828x1095, EEBB82B1-F32D-4766-BC9F-9975E7D0588A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I mentioned the Sega Genesis in a group conversation about vidya and a girl born in 1997 she “I have no idea what that is”
Also my girl (born 1998) asked me out of curiosity “what’s the difference between Nintendo and the DS?” That one’s probably just a woman being clueless though

>> No.7480905

It's a common thing to ponder. I was teasing my parents that the Woodstock concert was closer to world war 1 than it is to the present day. They didnt believe me and then did the math. It is unnerving.

>> No.7480939

It would be so weird to talk with a bunch of Zoomers about vidya in person.

>”So, uh... you kids like them Wario land games?” *hairline recedes 2 millimeters*

>> No.7480943

I could be your older brother's father

>> No.7481037

It was strange. Even if you don’t game, I thought everyone relatively close to my age (‘96) knew who Sega is or what a Gameboy is. It’s like even if you don’t watch sports you know the names Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods.
There are “gamers” on college campuses who’ve never played a system before the Normiebox 360

>> No.7481067

why did you put 90s shit
20 years ago was 2001

>> No.7481114

>anon is surprised that a woman doesn’t know a console that was discontinued when she was two years old
anon I’m from 97’ and that was the stuff that my older relatives played. My first console was a og xbox, the only times I played something older as a kid was when I went to my poor cousin’s house and played his SNES. I had a 64 before the xbox, but I was too young and stupid to make any progress in anything before it broke so I don’t count it

>> No.7481131

It’s the fact that she’d never heard of Sega that made me sad :(

>started with 6th gen
Jeez man, no disrespect but why are you even here

>> No.7481150

I’m a board tourist
bounce around shitposting and occasionally having a genuine dialogue

>> No.7481151

not raising or having kids in the house and doing the same thing is also doable, but you could only get damaged goods

>> No.7481154

i mean freshmen in college were 3 or 4 when the 360 came out so it makes sense that was their first system

>> No.7481229

Don't worry, you'll begin to feel it within the next 10 years.

>> No.7481252


>> No.7481265

When kiddies on /v/ started calling 7th gen the best generation

>> No.7481275

Those games are from 2001 dummy

>> No.7481316

Me with the PS3. Even though I just bought my brother a PS5 for Christmas, I still think of the 3 as a high-end supercomputer. My first time seeing a 1080p video game cutscene on an HDTV was mind-blowing

I guess a bigger problem is that it still hasn’t registered in my brain that I’m no longer a college kid. I keep lumping myself in with them when I shouldn’t. Frat kids today look how high schoolers did to me at that age

>> No.7481345


I've noticed this too, but I also sometimes meet kids who do play a lot of games and have some knowledge. And they're weird awkward nerdy kids still.

I think it's really a numbers game, where everyone plays some game or another nowadays and most everyone calls themselves a gamer, but the actual percentage of the hardcore types basically remains constant. It's just now harder to find in the sea of more casual players.

Such is life.

>> No.7481391

>when kiddies on /v/ started using "generation" in reference to consoles

>> No.7481567

I still think about the NES as "the new Atari"

>> No.7481574

You see anon, your first mistake was interacting with a female for anything other than reproductive purposes.

>> No.7481838

I don't even have to read the replies to know some zoomies got triggered. Just the number of replies was enough.

>> No.7481952
File: 97 KB, 450x338, vintage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this thread, it hurts

>> No.7481979

I can't remember the first time, but seeing friends finding valheim "interesting" definitely left me thinking I am old af.

>> No.7481984
File: 67 KB, 291x307, 1503286262042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends try and convince me it's a really good game
>watch them play for an hour
>literally the exact same as every other shitty early access open world survival game
I'm convinced you could sell the exact same game 50 times over as long as you put a different aesthetic spin on it every time.

>> No.7482014

>My first time seeing a 1080p video game cutscene on an HDTV was mind-blowing
I felt exactly like that when I watched MGS4 for the first time.

>> No.7482016

I still play EverQuest and my entire guild has been obsessed with that game to the point where our raid attendance is down... I don't understand the attraction at all. And these aren't even zoomers we're talking about, they're all like 40+ year old men.

>> No.7482179

When my young self regarded pixel art as a lowly form of graphics, to start to understand it as a more refined form of art than 3D realistic graphics.

>> No.7482471

>not being old enough to experience THPS

I weep.

>> No.7483768


It's the new Flavor of the Month, it's gonna fade away quickly just like every one of them, when the next big FotM is released and the cycle repeats, just like everything related to pop culture nowadays.

>> No.7483785

x/y's story did suck yes but i think people were just dunking it because it didn't live up to the standards set by the past 2 games, and they're just now realizing how good they had it after the last couple complete dissapointments

>> No.7483792

Well at least we're past the point where people think videogames are for kids, though you'll still see the odd half-hearted troll that it is here. The ironic thing is that the trolls themselves are way too old to still be trolling online is more like.

>> No.7483845

When I realize that there are people alive now that weren't even born when Goldeneye was released. Crazy, huh?

>> No.7483868

lol fuck my gf is one year younger than goldeneye, i always feel so fucking old when thinking about videogames in relation to her age

>> No.7484759

This... this one hits me.
I remember being so impressed by X. ALL the voice acting and textures and whatnot. Ouch.

>> No.7484781

Mid 2000s
Gen-X, I wear my oldfag badge proudly.

>> No.7484915
File: 360 KB, 637x570, deepmagicbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I ran out of time and energy to play games as much as I did as a kid honestly

>> No.7485212

I've been waiting for this to happen but i'm 30 and it still hasn't. I do tend to game almost exclusively while drunk or smoking the meme plant though.

>> No.7485350
File: 202 KB, 1042x688, zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i realized old videogames were about action and adventure while the new videogames are about agenda and propaganda.

>> No.7485358
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>> No.7485368
File: 22 KB, 456x628, 1467984040279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can remember buying Spyro 3 shortly after it released and getting home, playing it for nearly 6 hours straight and clearing the first world.....before my brother whined to the babysitter that I was "hogging the playstation" and made me stop.

I remember that shit like it was yesterday. And yet, that was 20 years ago.

>> No.7485376
File: 155 KB, 1024x638, 1614552951292m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last decade wasn't the 90s

>> No.7485398
File: 534 KB, 1804x1820, re4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7485951

I mean, I couldn't even name a single game on the PS3-PS5 so it might as well be

>> No.7486112

Hello gooseneck

>> No.7486318

I remember when the PS2 was the hottest shit around. Me and my cousins playing PS1 and daydreaming about the day when the PS2 would be released, and how huge and advanced its games would be.

>> No.7486371

I felt old when shit consoles like N64 and Playstation became what people thought vidya should be about and the increasingly idiotic '3D' games suddenly started needing graphics cards with active cooling.

>> No.7486626

When I turned 31 two week ago. I'm literally old now. I'm replaying all 3D era GTAs (with Definitive Edition mods) and having nostalgia over how fucking revolutionary it was when I played it for the first time. But for some reason I just can't get THAT feel I had when I played it as a kid. Something went horribly wrong with me. It's fun. I like it. But also I lack certain feel I remember having while playing these games as a kid.

>> No.7486629

I'm a few months older than you and for some reason I cant stop playing GTA3.

>> No.7486631

>you're going to live to see the day where it's okay to like fortnite on 4chan
Fuckhing hell

>> No.7486637

Ironically I like how simple it is. I love San Andreas and VC but GTA 3 was THE first. It's the most simple and I still can remember how everyone was literally batshit over how fucking revolutionary it was. And I like Liberty City too. I'm already on second island and hopefully I'll finish it in a few days.

>> No.7486648

I'm annoyed that I had to download warez versions because I wanted original soundtracks without removed songs. Fuck R* for doing this shit. I own the games but I have to play fucking cracked versions if I want original experience. I can't understand how this is even legal to do. Also GTA IV. It should be ILLEGAL to removing content I PAYED for. I don't give a fuck about them right or shit. I payed for certain game in certain state and them removing content is crime. Fuck R*!

>> No.7488276
File: 3 KB, 256x240, purple sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tv knobs
Things zoomers don't remember. There is no "canon" NES palette. If you thought the sky should be blue in Mario, you adjusted your tint knob.

>> No.7488283
File: 194 KB, 459x509, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Co workers talk about their childhood video games from 10 years ago, such as Medal of Honor 2010 and MW3

>> No.7488354
File: 36 KB, 900x900, 1504504514823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I started tearing up at that. It's too true and it hurts so fucking bad.
I think I've been functionally an oldfag since shortly before RE4 came out, actually. Early 2000's I was neck deep in my Dreamcast and periodically buying NES games to play on the console my cousin gave me as he was cleaning out his apartment. By the time RE4 was out I was bringing my Dreamcast to parties and playing four player Marvel Vs. Capcom with people who were normally Xbox bros. It was chill, at least.

>> No.7488357

Lol who gives a shit? Go cry somewhere else

>> No.7488389


That fucking monkey and all the toolbars are kindling a memory of hatred within me.

>> No.7488417

Imagine crying like a temperamental tranny over new video games, on a retro games board.

>> No.7488423

You mean like the post originally being replied to

>> No.7488481

One is made by a bunch of talented japanese chads and the other is made by a jew and his team of self hating white liberals
What did you expect?

>> No.7488775
File: 454 KB, 749x641, old-vs-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I realized that the classic Resident Evil and classic Tomb Raider games were no longer new. This was after the release of RE4. I hated all the changes it made. When I complained about it all, I realized next that I'm no longer the target demographic. No longer one of the hip cool kids. I'm the old geezer now, who endlessly complains about everything new, and dreams about the "good old days".

I also haven't made a single online game purchase ever. I haven't tried using Steam, or PlayStation Network, or whatever the fuck Microsoft and Nintendo are running. I completely fell off the grid, when things went digital. Physical media is where it's at for me. I haven't even tried playing anything new in years. The last thing I played was Romero's Sigil.wad for Doom in 2019.

It truly is over for me.

>> No.7488921
File: 87 KB, 736x414, 0b44e290a85500133679b74bae99d557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the top label should be like this.

>> No.7488929

10 still looks really nice. Play it some time again if its been a while.