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File: 182 KB, 500x500, Tekken1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7470426 No.7470426 [Reply] [Original]

When you really think about it, Kazuya was like a better Ryu
>having a unique character motive
>practice karate that feels like karate in battle

>> No.7470465

Is it just me who thinks that most ryu movements are ridiculous?

>> No.7470616
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>fight train man
>only wants revenge on Sagat
>always wants a good fight
>set the generic karate man archetype
>evil ryu which is now just baby Akumer
>always stayed the same

>compelling backstory compared to ryu
>is clone karate man until he wins the tournament
>devil form
>T2 -T4 Kazuya was actually good antihero development
Feels bad. I hope they don’t ruin him in 8

>> No.7471020

Kazuya is LITERALLY a edgy Akira and Akira is a more grounded Ryu. When Tekken was made it was made to copy VF not SF.

>> No.7471034

>same development team

Ryu is a bland version of the archetype he and he is based on.

Kazuya can be a little exaggerated but at least it is within the character.

>> No.7471037

The switch from babyface to heel in Tekken 2 was the best thing that could happen to Kazuya in the long run.

>> No.7471046

What switch? He was always evil, did you see his T1 ending? He does the same as his father.

>> No.7471102

>>having a unique character motive

That being an evil dick whose only thoughts besides revenge are taking over the world?

>> No.7471158

having daddy issues makes you cooler? lol

>> No.7471260

>what if vegeta was the main character

>> No.7471270


The guy said that kazuya is better, he didn't speak ill of street fighter.

Are street fighter fans really autistic?

>> No.7471363

Yes, they still play Street Fighter V with a straight face. And that one killed Mike and Gootecks. What is it if not autism?

I know that's the origin and his rivarly with Paul was supposed to be the equivalent to Ryu vs Ken, but nowadays i don't like that comparison. Kazuya became so much fucking more than a generic karate man. His playstyle is also reall unique

>> No.7471806

>Generic karate man/DBZ ripoff
turns into
Awful, uninspired, generic, shitty character all around

There's the reason why Ryu is the most iconic fighting game character of all time and this literal who was forgotten by even his own game.

>> No.7471934

>what switch
Anon; Heihachi was stomping all the other babyfaces it was time for a change. Kazuya was fresh, has all the tools, was supposed to be the champ till T3Mainia, until Heihachi demanded a rematch

>> No.7471951

He came first and normies associate him with the “hadoken” guy. He stayed in every game because capcom needs him.

>Remember when my boy Alex, was the star of the show?
People hated that

Kazuya is loved, but the only reason he isn’t on that silly “iconic” tier is because he wasn’t in every game, because he had good writing up until t5, and because T3

>> No.7471972
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I meant the ending of Tekken 1 was when he turned heel.

>> No.7472021
File: 101 KB, 600x877, tekken-rave-war-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kazuya is nothing like Akira except for the fact that they're both karatefags and occasionally adorn the covers of their respective games

>> No.7472028

Brother, if that ain't backstage politics I don't know what is. Folks'll still tell ya T2Mania was the superior event and there are a lot of 'em.

>> No.7472420
File: 400 KB, 480x368, 8228624D-4D2A-4603-856E-04430664DD1B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazuya deserved to retain the strap brother because the kid was pure dimes. The kid was a believable tweener and put on solid matches. Devil gimmick was fresh and we had so many new opponents to challenge his legitimacy as champ.

>Long time rival
>current record is 1 win, 1 draw definitely needed the big money rubber match

>another solid rival
>easily works well with everyone
>could tag with Kazuya or be a draw with singles run
>former stablemate of Paul & Law
>could have a damn good feud with Kazuya, Paul, or Heihachi
>hardly any build

Armor king
>Has a good run with king I
>he’s got damn good potential
>fans dig him
>turning face not a bad idea

>built as a strong babyface
>romance angle ain’t bad
>easily could be a good tag team with Kazuya

Devil & Angel
>you build up this feud with Kazuya chossing which one he wants to tag with
>wins some lose some
>main event is a triple threat
>good vs evil

Heihachi was too selfish, didn’t want to to do the j-o-b, tried to bury people, and didn’t want to feud with other talent.

>> No.7472435
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, FF8D77EC-AB1F-4729-8D59-4DCF175D25BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a solid in-betweenness with a strong face push. The casuals and smarks love him. He’s got natural charisma and talent to work both. That’s the guy you build your roster around

>> No.7472524

this is what delusion looks like

>> No.7472528

You clearly can’t have any fun whatsoever

>> No.7472539

Nice try Kazuya

>> No.7472764

You can’t stop me, Dad

>> No.7473249

Kazuya was thrown off a cliff as a child by his father to either survive and come back or die, he was turned into an animal essentially.

>> No.7473296

Best to worst franchises:
Mortal Kombat
DBZ and Naruto fighting games
Street Fighter
Virtua Fighter

I don't know where to rank DoA, those games are more porn than fighting

>> No.7473324

As much as I love T3. Jin was a charisma hole compared to Kazuya. Also Ogre was a terrible villain and killing Jun was fucking stupid. I stopped following the story after this game (yeah, I know, who follow fighting game stories).

>> No.7473352

What a brainlet post.

>> No.7473736

Jin was never over

>> No.7474275

Jin suck

>> No.7474506

>white kimono wearing karate dude with spiky hair
>nothing like Akira
Both games were designed by the same person.

>> No.7474509

Almost correct, but Toribash should be above Tekken

>> No.7474681

imagine being this much of a retarded clueless casual

>> No.7474741
File: 45 KB, 552x828, 16711558_10154296706237997_4683851439462282087_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not a kimono lol.

You're talking about Seiichi Ishii, but VF and Tekken are very different games other than the fact that they're both based around 3D limb combat. Kazuya and Akira are completely dissimilar in their play style and character.

>> No.7474754
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SF > VF > Tekken > KOF > Smash > Marvel > SC > SS > FF > DS > everything else

>> No.7474790

As always, JR, you bring up some great points and I can't argue against any of them, but I gotta point out that Heihachi drew some stupid good numbers, numbers this industry has rarely seen while Kaz was out on injuries.

They didn't clash again until T4Mania but that main event scene opened into a 3-way and cold killed Paul, Lee and Armor King's pushes. Oh, my brother, what we could have seen. We didn't get a clear rematch between these two titans until T7Mania and it wasn't even for a title. Too little, too late?

>> No.7474915

>That's not a kimono lol.
I'm not a weeb so be thankful I didn't call it a pajama.

>> No.7474920

3D fighting games power rankings

Bloody Roar > Soulcalibur > Virtua Fighter > Power Stone > Psychic Force > Fighting Vipers > Tobal > Kakuto Chojin > DoA > Ehrgeiz > Tekken > KoF: Maximum Impact > Fighters Impact > MK (3D era) > Mace the Dark Age > Battle Arena Toshinden > Kensei: Sacred Fist > Sonic the Fighters > War Gods > Tao Feng > Masters of Teras Kasi > Criticom > Balls 3D

>> No.7475268

>Bloody Roar
Try hard(or disgusting furshit or BOTH) spotted.

>> No.7475992

Im sorry you got filtered, anon.

>> No.7476776

They tried to artifically push Jin but he was never over with the smarks of the WWE Universe.

>> No.7476796
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 7FB835F5-FA8E-4C9D-BC15-75EABD8BD73C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that Kazuya and Heihachi were in no doubt the top babyface and heel at the time. Each of then trading wins and losses and having the blowoff match should have been at T3Mainia.

However, Heihachi was too stubborn to put over Kazuya clean. He nearly buried the other talent and we had to rebuild new talent when Kazuya went in injury.

>damn good worker
>finally got his big due
>beat our newest heel Ogre
>he was over
>but the creative sucked and he got lost

>This is a real blue-chipper bah gawd
>he’s too green and needs more time
>gets an upset over true ogre
>forced pushed wasn’t organic or well received

>injury to working with Kazuya & Heihachi killed his push

Armor King
>booking dropped this ball on this kid.
>creative buried him
>leaves the promotion

>still didn’t want to put over talent
>basically wanted to bury our faces
>barely put over Jin and Ogre
>still too stubborn

T3Mainia wasn’t and the roster got a lot of young talent like Bryan, Gon, Eddy, and Xiao, but we didn’t have a top guy. Only workhorses.

Fans want someone they can get behind, but this new “Ruthless Aggrrssion” era of superstars needed more time to grow

>> No.7476803

It's easy as only furshits play it.

>> No.7477025

You marks always knew Jin was just a shitty version on Kazuya and saw right through the gimmick

Jin was popular due to the casual fan

>> No.7477353

Kazuya is not the Ryu of Tekken.
The more apt comparison is Ryu and Jin, the latter of which is much cooler in every way (which reflects their series nicely as well)

>> No.7478528

your thinking of tekken