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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7469435 No.7469435 [Reply] [Original]

This was the best game in the series including 4 and you suck at games if you think otherwise

>> No.7469445

The music was the only thing that dipped in quality, everything else about it is a big improvement on the previous titles.

>> No.7469596

Music's not even bad, it's just not durr hurr synthwave.

>> No.7469620

>everything else about it is a big improvement
So big 4 didn't bother to bring back rolling.

>> No.7469674

4 isn't an SoR game.

>> No.7469698

3 was okay, two steps back from 2. I beat two versions years ago and found them forgettable.

>> No.7469703

Compared to 2 at least your attacks actually work and your walk speed
isn't awful and you can sort of actually play the game instead of using loops or infinites on every guy

>> No.7469704

How embarrassing

>> No.7469708

Guaranteed OP has shit taste in everything specially music, probably likes eurotrash computer made "music"

>> No.7469746

Music is only allowed to be made certain ways, so saith Anon.

>> No.7470575

You mean Bare Knuckle III, SoR3 isnt a full game.

>> No.7470578

It's a pretty good streets of fury game though. I liked it.
jetpack was gay as fuck

>> No.7470581


>> No.7470587

Look at this man's cope and laugh.

>> No.7470613

Point remains if SOR3s mechanics were so good they would have brought them back.

>> No.7470652

>dying repeatedly on that level with the fucking bulldozer

>> No.7470671

Best game in the series in terms of everything except music.Not that it was bad music it just didn't fit sor3 desu.
sor2's ost was way better

>> No.7470932

This game was better if all those bad cutscenes was removed and changed to new levels, and finished the game in the 12 Level.

>> No.7471645

Mechanics aren't everything. The Final Fight games are much better to play than any SOR game, but I don't look forward to playing Final Fight when it's late at night and I want to get comfy.

>> No.7471657
File: 3.97 MB, 4000x2250, 1593392313052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP is too easy
>USA/EU is too hard

>> No.7471781

I love 3 but 4 was better

>> No.7471783

>The Final Fight games are much better to play than any SOR game
lmao no

>> No.7471836

>The Final Fight games
2&3? I tried to say it out loud, but i couldnt keep a straight face.

>> No.7471846

SOR 3 brings almost nothing new to the table, it's like playing a romhack of SOR 2. Also the music is bad.

Hot opinion: SOR 1 is the best game in the series.

>> No.7471851

I disagree. Initially I hated 3's soundtrack but it really grew on me over time and it's one of my favorite due to the raw aggression it has.

>> No.7471853

where are you people coming from

>> No.7471860 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1614537885633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There's only one game that can hold the mantle of SoR 4 and it isn't that SJW trash.

>> No.7471892

fuck off you faggot. SOR 2 was clearly better. it goes SoR2>SoR4>SoR1>SoR3

>> No.7471935 [DELETED] 

>he liked nu-SoR
Found the Social Justice Incel.

>> No.7471959

Post your wojak folder.

>> No.7472082

it has Blaze upskirts, what more can we ask for

>> No.7472142

It has the best gameplay of the series but the music, level design, and difficulty brings it down a lot.

>> No.7472174 [DELETED] 

>Social Justice Incel
Sorry I'm jumping in here. I wasn't even aware they made a 4th SoR game. Is it woke feminist bullshit or is anon just sperging?

>> No.7472182

3 is way better than 2 and it baffles me how much hate it gets. theres more moves you can do, you can dash and roll, the stages are more varied and have different types of hazards and branching paths, its more challenging, the extra playable characters are cool even though you cant use all their moves. and yes, the soundtrack is great, im not going to say its better than the first 2 soundtracks but its not worse either. seems like all the hate comes from redditors who love the "le epic SOR 2 ost" and cant handle the difficulty.

>> No.7472193

Anon sperging. It's pretty cool.


>> No.7472217 [DELETED] 

Not anon sperging. They make the whitest characters in the game the final villains whose tower is modeled after the Trump Tower, and the strongest characters to use in the game are the nog with robot arms and the sheboon, whereas Axel is the shittiest character in the game.

>> No.7472237 [DELETED] 

Not anon sperging. They made the whitest characters in the game the final villains whose building is modeled after the Trump Tower, and the strongest characters to use in the game are the nog with robot arms and the ugly sheboon, whilst Axel is the shittiest character in the game, because fuck white male privilege, amirite?

>> No.7472240

This is what your brain on The Quartering looks like.

>> No.7472256

I don't get why they made Blaze look latinx in SoR4.

>> No.7472267

Anon sperging. It's pretty good.

>> No.7472280

Great mechanics
ambitious and kinda cool soundtrack
fucking atrocious difficulty level that sucks any fun the game could have had out of it

>> No.7472302

good q

>> No.7472313

Same seems to be true for MMX3. Hey, if people don't like X3, that's fine. But I have zero respect for gamers who think a game is bad simply because it's hard.

>> No.7472340

X3 is fucking awful compared to the first 2 games for a myriad of reasons beyond the difficulty. It's not easy like the first game but it's not really harder than 2 which was a big step up from 1 in the challenge department.

X3 is bad because the exploration mechanics are annoying, the level design sucks, the soundtrack sucks, they overuse 2 specific enemies for basically the whole game, and loads of features feel completely undercooked.

>> No.7472357

Final Fight - Fair enough, but 2&3 are garbage.

>> No.7472376

Final Fight 2 is good. Great soundtrack, same fun gameplay as the first, two players unlike SNES port of 1, chunky sound design and spritework that actually fits the SNES hardware instead of trying to badly approximate the arcade, a wider variety of settings and enemies.
3 is actual garbage though, somehow it manages to look, sound, and feel worse in every possible aspect than 2 does.

>> No.7472379

If you don't like it, you don't like it. But I'd like to point out, you're saying it's bad because ___ is annoying and ___ sucks. This isn't an objective reason. But if it's not to your taste, fine.

>> No.7472380

Nice bait

>> No.7472382

Anon sperging

>> No.7472390

This is the shittiest take on this entire board

>> No.7472392

Sperging. There's no SJWshit in SOR4, it just looks like a limp dicked crossover between FLCL and Jojo without any of the conceptual or narrative heft.

>> No.7472401

He gave actual reasons for it not being good, anon. You're just denying and ignoring any criticism against X3. I love X1 but I know it's not flawless either.

>> No.7472434

FF3 is probably the second best game in the series with nice graphics and solid gameplay. FF2 is trash tho.

>> No.7472459

It's funny how bad 4 is compared to SoRR, a fucking FREE fangame.

>> No.7472463 [DELETED] 

Still waiting on those reasons.

>> No.7472483

OK, OK, he did. I'm just triggered because I don't understand what people's PROBLEM with X3 is. Anyway, not the subject of the thread. The point is, if people don't like SOR3 because the music's not to their taste etc., I don't understand why people have such a strong negative reaction.

See, that's how I feel about X3. I played the shit out of it when I was a kid. Still do. I like X1 and X2 also, but they don't quite scratch the same itch X3 does. I guess people hate these games because they weren't what they were expecting.

>> No.7472498

>I'm just triggered because I don't understand what people's PROBLEM with X3 is
Because MMX1 is literally the greatest video game ever made and X3 pales in comparison to it in basically all respects? X3 was blatantly rushed and created by an actual B team.
It also sounds dramatically worse than the first two X games, X1 is probably the best sounding SNES game period and X2 isn't far behind.

>> No.7472509

>dude what if we gave every individual enemy as much health as the bosses from the first 2 games
>dude what if we replaced all the cool memorable environments with random pavement and construction sites
>dude what if we left the backgrounds actually fucking unfinished
>dude what if we literally randomly generated the music and made it sound like it was coming from fucking GEMS half the time
Streets of Rage 3 is awful.

>> No.7472512

Why do people compare SOR4 to arcade games?

>> No.7472513

>Retarded /pol/ incel ruins yet another thread.
Jesus christ, can you faggots just kill yourselves already.

>> No.7472519


>> No.7472556

You watched Sega Lord X's video, didn't you?

>> No.7472559

Yup that was my first thought too. What's your opinion on that guy? I like the content he puts out and honestly think it's cool that he loves the Saturn so much.

>> No.7472562
File: 65 KB, 764x1046, blaze_fielding___sor4_by_maiss_thro_dd89r8m-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks SOR4 is SJW trash
>Doesn't notice how sexy Blaze looks, which would make SJW's seethe.

>> No.7472567
File: 194 KB, 850x1517, 1611669714557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social Justice Incel
This is a false flag. SOR4 is not woke.

Just anon sperging.

>> No.7472569

Not him but think he's kinda sad. Cybershell at least has the decency to have some humor about how much Sega ended up sucking in the end, SegaLordX (dear lord even the name) seems to be on massive cope mode

>> No.7472571

I like his content too. I have been subscribe to him for a couple years now.

>> No.7472618

I don't feel that he's coping. He is a huge fan of Sega dating all the way back to the arcades. All of his videos are from a fan perspective and reflect how he actually felt about the games/systems at the time, he's not a "was this a good or bad business decision" hindsight reviewer. He's even stated that he's not a fan of the Sonic games. He doesn't have to look down on them because of their blunders.
Agree that his name is cringey. Dude is 44 using a middle school username

I'm not sure what motivates him to make his videos but I like to throw them on in the background whenever he uploads a new one. I always learn something cool from them

>> No.7472625


but anon you can beat up cops AND minorities. something for everyone!

>> No.7472648

The problem I have with X3 is pretty much the same as that previous anon. The level design felt barebones and the enemy variety was severely lacking. Mini bosses and major bosses had the most braindead copy and paste patterns. Some songs in the soundtrack were great but a lot of them gave me a headache and overall the soundtrack was very samey. The X buster upgrade was actually a downgrade. Zero is just a massive tease. Compared to X1 which had more creative level design, enemy types that are specific to each maverick stage, having bosses that are actually fun, and having a weapon arsenal where everything is useful in some way beyond getting to secret areas, X3 is pretty disappointing. Add on to that the fact that X1's game design actually considers the player in a couple instances (infinite 1up suppky at the start of Armored Armadillo's stage so that the player can get the Hadouken, endless supply of ammo and health pickups in the vertical hallway leading to Sigma so the player can fill up their subtanks and weapon energy). I fept like X2 was lazier than X1 and that it's songs looped too short, but it has an advantage over X3 by having good levels, better bossfights, and the best armor set of the snes trilogy.

>> No.7472842

How can you be so wrong? Best soundtrack of the series (probably on the console) but gameplay is worse than 2

>> No.7472986

Yup. I like learning about new things I never knew about Sega and he seems to deliver on that with his videos.

>> No.7473320

>he still argues about the old, individual games when SoRR exists

>> No.7473398

eh those don't even count, only Final Fight AC and Mighty Final Fight do