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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7456307 No.7456307 [Reply] [Original]

How come /vr/ never talks about the best Zelda game ever released?

>> No.7456325

it felt like shit

>> No.7456337
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Cause there are still boomer manchildren who think anything after 1999 is "not retro".

I've played it, it's very very Twilight Princess, but the art style and mechanics do a good job of making it stand out. Really pretty game even on the PS2 nowadays.

>> No.7456339

>boomer manchildren
back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.7456347
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>boomer manchildren

Stop talking like a faggot

>> No.7456361

What game is this. The jap shit looks cool

>> No.7456364

>what is thread title
>what is image name
it's a mystery

>> No.7456370

Killer 7

>> No.7456392

If I ever have the patience to get through the 20 intro I'll gladly talk about it

>> No.7456395

it's pretty easy, but other than that it's good.

>> No.7456401

What's the definite version by now? I think I've played the PS2 version.

>> No.7456413 [DELETED] 
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Seethe harder.

>> No.7456439

>6th gen babby's first instinct upon entering a positive thread with no conflict in it is to stir up shit for no reason

>> No.7456448
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>tumblr tier reaction image

>> No.7456452

>sold like shit
>released on wii
>still sold like shit
>prequel on DS
>also sold like shit
>everyone still blames capcom for abandoning the franchise

also the game is too fuckin long, which might sound like a good thing but there is such a thing as "pacing"

and there is too much text, that fuckin bug-fairy-fuck can talk for ages when all you wanna do is continue with the fucking game.

Pretty good game tho.

>> No.7456471

This game is overrated and Kamiya is a hack game designer. He was clearly in way over his head trying to design a full fledged 3D Zelda style adventure.
Every """"""puzzle"""""" is explained so fucking plainly that I honestly wonder if the game was meant for actual 6 year old Japanese children to be their first video game.

>> No.7456474

holy fuck this

>get it on switch"
>decide to play it while im traveling for work
>chilling in hotel room
>boot it up
>intro after intro after intro after intro
>get bored, pay for overpriced wifi and watch a movie instead

the game never seizes to stfu, you do one thing and then you are stuck listening to the flea blabber on about with its TTYD-tier wall of text exposition and "humorous" flavor text.

>> No.7456475

>also the game is too fuckin long
it should have ended after the 9tails fight

>> No.7456498

Any version is fine, I don't think any ports changed anything and none of them have performance issues.

>> No.7456567

I put like 50 hours in it then took a break and ended up not touching it ever again, this is was 5 or 6 years ago.

The game is gorgeous, the music is great and wandering around to check out the landscapes and towns feels great but it lacks something.

I have to play it again one of these days but I remember that there was too much text and fighting was baby-tier easy. I only had trouble in one fight during the entire 50 hours I put into it and that was Ninetails.

>> No.7456586

I think it's just too niche for its own good. I absolutely adored it, every second. But I can see how given it's length that someone not fully into it would get bored and annoyed long before the end.

I understand why it was received as badly as it was but it makes me sad.

>> No.7456660

was it really? I remember reviewers showering it in praise and near perfect review scores

>> No.7456681

We talk about Zelda 1 and 2 all the time though

>> No.7457223

As a huge Zelda fan, I always wanted to play this. I was so happy when it came to the Wii.

Never finished it.

Many years later, I saw it on discount on the Switch shop. Bought it again...

Still having trouble finishing it.

I thought really hard as to why. The truth is, it's a pretty nice game. But it interrupts gameplay at every opportunity possible. If it isn't Issun, it's some other stupid cutscene. Worse, story segments never get to the point and go on and on and on. Also, it's extremely easy. My health has never been less than half at any point in the game.

Still, beautiful game with some nice mechanics.

>> No.7457258

Okami is the worst kind of bad game: one that's mechanically sound, graphically rich, well orchestrated...

but completely and utterly boring.

>> No.7457272

Don't put this evil on TTYD. TTYD is downright terse compared to Okami, and is actually charming.

>> No.7457275

You had to play it on the worst system of its generation. Would have been a classic if it was on the Xbox.

>> No.7457313

Do you guys recommend the PS2 or Wii version?

>> No.7457314

It looks pretty much the same on everything beyond the overbearing, blurry ink shading and effects it's a fairly low detail game. Xbox had a far smaller userbase, to a ridiculous extent in Japan. How would this have elevated its status to classic in any way?

>> No.7457328

The Wii version is missing some things, like there's supposed to be a paper filter on the screen but it's gone. And a cute credits sequence at the end is missing. And certain areas have framerate issues.
But it lets you draw with the pointer, which is really good. And it supports 480p widescreen.

You should play one of the HD versions if you can.

>> No.7457332

cuz it's shit and has so much dialogue that it's not even worth getting past the tutorial

>> No.7457336

While the HD versions are probably the best, I'm so disappointed that the lazy fucks couldn't retool it for 60fps. GEE THANKS FOR BASICALLY PACKAGING AN EMULATOR WITH HD FONTS, FAGS.

>> No.7457338

because being a wolf is fucking boring and lame, we want swords we want to whack and cut baddie

>> No.7457346
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>not wanting to play as a wolf with a sword

>> No.7457356

It's neat but stretched to the point of snapping. Oh wow another feudal nip village, oh wow effortless spammy combat the whole way through, tons of boring dialogue, unskippable cutscenes, and tons of jiggy-tier collection via feeding animals and restoring plants. The shading and filters look nice but it makes everything look real samey. I think later versions have more skips/speedups, but even with those the game's so badly in need of fat trimming.

>> No.7457392

On release the PC version even still said "don't turn off your console" when changing something in the options.

>> No.7457427
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>> No.7457448

How come no version but PS2 has the original credits song? Is it some licensing shit?

>> No.7457651

>because being a wolf is fucking boring and lame
Being a wolf topped by smug shortstack on the other hand

>> No.7457824

I gave up after a few hours because the bug wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Plus the intro movie plays twice? WTF

>> No.7457832

Tutorial: The Video Game.

>> No.7457847

>epic doge pic XD
Look who's talking

>> No.7457851

Street Fighter is better

>> No.7457852

It's not actually from the zelda series so people don't pretend to like it

>> No.7457853
File: 289 KB, 500x500, mario__luigi_dream_team_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your pic

>> No.7457854

It's not as great of a game as everyone makes it out to be.

>> No.7457864

Well deservedly so, but reviewers are far from average gamers.

>> No.7457893

Okami is proof people don't like Aonuma Zelda, and the only reason Aonuma Zelda gets any sales at all is the brand name.

>> No.7457962
File: 78 KB, 700x525, 5d6af450-e207-47d5-bf58-5475b65abf44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Ocarina of Time 1 and 2 are the best

>> No.7457965

>Quality is defined by the ability to cater to my tastes
That's the worst kind of zooming.

>> No.7457972

That's the problem-- in quality, on a technical level, Okami ISN'T a bad game. But it's a complete boring game that makes filing your taxes seem fun and exciting. Slog doesn't begin to describe the ordeal motivating yourself to play it. There is no aspect about actually playing the game that incites the feeling of fun.

>> No.7457986

What's an "Aonuma Zelda"?

>> No.7457993

Well, as far as you can consider the ability of the developers to target their intended audience's interests is part of a game's "quality", I guess you could say it was a bad game. It's like one of those 90% RT Critic Score / 40% RT Audience Score movies

>> No.7458205

>infinite fetch-quests: the game
Looks great, plays like shit

>> No.7458423

>infinite fetch-quests
Well, you're a dog afterall.

>> No.7458428

Switch did, it has touch controls on handheld and feels like finger painting, it’s great

>> No.7459121

I think Kamiya is one of the most overrated auteurs in existence.

His best game, Resident Evil 2, had to be rebooted mid development because his first attempt was so poor.
Devil May Cry is whatever. It gave us a ton of dial a combo knockoff garbage
Viewtiful Joe has an amazing concept, but has the worst camera in existence and character designs that are counter intuitive to the game design
I've tried started Okami several times, but never make it more than a few hours. It's just so fucking boring and uncompelling
Bayonetta is just Dial a Combo trash pt. 2
Wonderful 101 is Dial a Combo trash pt 3, but this time with Okami's drawing gimmick
Scalebound was cancelled because it so shit

He hasn't made a successful game since DMC. It's a wonder he still gets work

>> No.7459152

Okami, it's one the best ps2 games ever made and is long as fuck. Took me like 50 hours to complete at least

>> No.7459189

The mainline console ones from OoT onward.

>> No.7459317

Shut the fuck up faggot
Sony >>>> nintendo
All day everyday BITCH.

>> No.7459380

you really should not be here.

>> No.7459472

Boring ass game

>> No.7459487

What do you mean? This game got tons of praise.

>> No.7459523

>His best game, Resident Evil 2
Stopped reading right there

>> No.7459536
File: 88 KB, 689x649, Deadsatre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventure game
>Zelda clone
Pick one OP

>> No.7461283

Finished it recently and enjoyed it for the most part the beginning was a bit boring for me, is it worth collecting everything I missed?

>> No.7461528

>zoomer seethe out of literally nowhere
The stereotype is true

>> No.7462047

Why don't you fucking educate yourself? It would have taken you like 5 seconds to figure it out. You're not on fucking reddit here. You're among people who generally care about shit and know what they're talking about. Lurk.

>> No.7462114

Peak "pretend to like it"-core. See also: Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.7462518

The PS2 version is still the only version with the parchment graphics and is thus the superior version. No I don't care about touch or motion controls, Okami is an aesthetic experience first anyway.

>> No.7462524

Shadow of the Colossus at least gets to the point and is over in a few hours.

>> No.7462567

What are you talking about?

>> No.7462572

Digital Foundry made a neat video on Okami. It answers everything.

>> No.7462671

The parchment filter that is applied to the PS2 version has never been successfully transferred to any other version of the game. It's a major part of the game's presentation and changes the style of the game.

>> No.7462771

Okami was kinda gay when it came out and it’s kinda gay now.

Zoomers are naturally magnetized to gay shit so they latched onto this more than millennials ever did.

>> No.7462802

nah, that would be most of nintendo games, especially zeldas.

>> No.7463908

I think it is the most beautiful game ever made.

>> No.7463929

>Trying to shoehorn fucking OoT into being 'Anouma Zelda'.

>> No.7463937

Zelda is more genuinely adventurous than any other game series that exists.

>> No.7464074

t. Nintendo drone

>> No.7464089


It's strange you don't see this view expressed more often. I had nothing but goodwill for this game, but it completely ground me down with endless cutscenes, Issun interjecting at every possible opportunity, and its inability to let the player figure a single thing out for themselves

>> No.7464236

this is a kamiya game thing, you get used to it eventually

>> No.7464238

I don't think it's THAT long, is it because I'm a JRPGfag?

>> No.7464246

By Zelda standards? Consider that Ocarina of Time, the gold standard for 3D adventure games, will take most people around 12-16 hours on a first playthrough to complete depending on how much side content they do. Further playthroughs will likely fall into the 8-14 range.
Okami being well over 60 hours long is fucking INSANE for the standards of this genre.

>> No.7464251

I guess. It's just that everyone hyped it up, and I was expecting a little more. To be fair, the dungeons get better towards the end so I'm not complaining.

>> No.7464481

It's a great Zelda-like. Pretty easy though.

>> No.7464789

>Okami was kinda gay when it came out and it’s kinda gay now.

Okam"I", not Okam"A", idiot.

>> No.7464810

I see no Zelda

>> No.7465051

I've had this game suggested to me a lot, but it honestly looks boring as fuck.

>> No.7465053

People are allowed to dislike what you like, faggot.

>> No.7465058

I loved the art and played years of amaterasu in marvel, but okami is just way too easy and way too long. Because of any lack of something resembling a challenge and the length it's a boring ass grind. I've tried to like this game multiple times but drop it out of boredom like 20 hours in each time

>> No.7465078

My ex gf loved this game, so naturally I have to hate it

>> No.7465702
File: 3.47 MB, 1600x1200, Zelda_Links_Awakening_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But its also unironically more of a dungeoncrawler than 90% of dungeon crawlers and adventure games.

>> No.7465887


>> No.7466993

How much of a brainlet can you possibly be?

>> No.7467038

yeah okama sucks dude try a different video game

>> No.7467046

t. Cuck

>> No.7467139

Wait so should I play the Wii or PS2 version?

>> No.7467175

>words words words words
>also, puzzles that insult your intelligence

>> No.7468683

It's not very good.
I really wanted to like it it's just...

>> No.7470043


>> No.7470136

>is actually charming.
Hell no; TTYD's horrendously written, and if Okami is even worse that's disconcerting

>> No.7470150

The ones that have a ton of boring dialogue and handholding

>> No.7470159

OoT was a product of Miyamoto for the most part winning the battle with Aonuma who was desperately trying to turn Zelda into shit

>> No.7470170

>Viewtiful Joe has an amazing concept, but has the worst camera in existence and character designs that are counter intuitive to the game design
What are you even talking about? Both of those criticisms are ridiculous
>Wonderful 101
Underrated. It's the best of his action combat games, and it makes an uninteresting genre palatable

>> No.7470210

Oh fuck, I made that map a decade ago

>> No.7470284
File: 1.52 MB, 1643x778, k_island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I still have the model

>> No.7470310

I'm sorry, I really, really wanted to love this game, but I can't stand olden Japan settings. They're boring as hell.

>> No.7471753
