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7456265 No.7456265 [Reply] [Original]

Why they had to make sailing so goddamn boring? the triforce shards are shit too

>> No.7456275

Sailing was fun. I agree about the second though

>> No.7456521

Get the Wii U version, it fixes both these things.

>> No.7456605

every critical meme about nintendo games tends to be exaggerated or flat out wrong

>> No.7456617

i really like Wind Waker but the sailing gets tedious and there weren't enough islands

>> No.7456679

This was the moment Zelda jumped the shark.

>> No.7456708

It's a chance to pack a bowl. More games should have hands-off travel sections

>> No.7456718

Best Zelda game.

>> No.7456758
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yeah the sailing sucked it was too short and sometimes i would sail right past the island before i could come back with my drink

>> No.7456805

Because they didn't have the time to finish all the planned content for the Great Sea. The game was rushed.
That said, exploration is still the best part of the game

>> No.7457019

It's not a meme. People count the awfulness of using the Wind Waker itself in the sailing.

>> No.7457792

The sailing in this game is both short and eventful unless you literally choose to sail aimlessly and without using teleports. It's not like they left you in a sandbox even with the shards, you always should have had a lead on where to go.

>> No.7457798

I hope creative minds make a kickstarter

Nintendo is bad

>> No.7457803

they should do it again with more content

>> No.7457817

>there weren't enough islands
This was among my only (main) complaints about WW.

>> No.7457818

Play the superior HD version.

>> No.7457837

>get to an island, need the skull hammer
>get to an island, need ice arrows
>get to an island, its literally nothing

>> No.7458127

i like that sort of gameplay... it just needs more warp points.

>> No.7458304

what annoys me is not the lack of islands but the copy and pasted islands. particularly those ones that are just like walls sticking out of the ocean with those turret boats hanging around them

>> No.7459505

Have you ever tried to do anything while sailing?

Like, stop at the Bokoblin towers or submarines on the way?

How about stopping on the island?

What about getting the chart info?

Scavanging? Rupee gathering?

Maybe you're just a boring and unimaginative person.

>> No.7459554
File: 136 KB, 499x431, 1538367150349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.7459556

Based and sailor pilled.

>> No.7459581

Sailing was comfy

>> No.7459617

I liked the sailing itself but there's nowhere to go and nothing to do.

>> No.7460328

Sailing was comfy and the triforce quest gave you a good reason to explore the world. The tingle bit was dumb though.

>> No.7460330

There 40 or so islands to sail to and check out anon.

>> No.7460345

>a small random piece of land with a chest on it and maybe three enemies
>40 islands, so much to explore!
Not making fun, but the motivation to seek out those islands is pretty low once you realize what is going on.

>> No.7460350

WWHD or regular WW (emulated on dolphin in HD, ofc)?

>> No.7460352
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>> No.7460356

>Sailing was comfy
I agree, I like these long form exploration games, but they need more strategy. I'm thinking about how in Cataclysm DDA I can plot how I'm going to invade a single town for many hours...

>> No.7460374

Man, you can really see how much of wind waker was put into botw like this.
>small enemies groups in copy-paste base that yield pointless rewards like money or skull necklaces/butterfly necklaces, etc
>empty islands with almost no content like the archipelagos or copy-paste content like the reefs
>botw doesn't actually have treasure charts, a moon phase system, ghost ship, or anything similar, so the exploration actually regressed since wind waker
>useless currency rewards for games with no economies (other than tingle, I guess)
>ad hominem

>> No.7460387

I've learned "comfy" is code for "bad".

>> No.7460398

The triforce shards feel like they really should have been an optional late-game sidequest instead of mandatory. Maybe have a harder version of the Ganondorf fight if you collect them all and an alternate ending (like Link returns home instead of going to sea with Tetra if you didn't collect them all). I feel like they'd be a lot less hated if they didn't break the pace of the game right before the end.

>> No.7460416

maybe you just have comfy taste

>> No.7460453

the shards are still a pain
but the sailing is better

>> No.7460457

I find it funny that the only way to make the sailing better is to give you an item that effectively removes everything about it.

>> No.7460781


>> No.7460801
File: 480 KB, 2341x2019, 1614022395350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought about it.
This is why I can never agree that BotW isn't a Zelda game, an opinion often parroted here on /v/. It's got Zelda in it's DNA so hard that it's inescapable.

They just finally invoated on the formula by creating this grand open world to explore. Now it just needs the dungeons back and we're all good.

I really like this chart that explains progression of Zelda 1. I liked that the original poster also explained that even if you were locked out of progression by any one item, you could at least enter 6 of the dungeons and explore a bit before being roadblocked. Something BotW would really benefit from.

Also, fuck your stupid opinion. BotW is a great if albeit flawed game and the exploration is a big part of that.

>> No.7460810


Why are BOTW fags so thin skinned? Some fans of the series don't like the game. Sorry, babe

>> No.7460881
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I actually liked the triforce part, gave me an excuse to sail around the world more.

9/10 game desu comfy af

>> No.7460975

>49 rocks

>> No.7460996

thanks ubisoft!

>> No.7461081

i remember just constantly being disappointed by the islands of nothingness in WW. It just feels like the underwater treasure and islands can be so much more than just pointless exploration
>but exploration is fun anon!
you know whats more fun? exploring and being rewarded with something useless like a new item or a heart piece

>> No.7461161

Every time I see people complaining about the ocean being empty or there not being enough islands, or enough content on those islands, I have to wonder what the hell they actually expect. Like one island per quadrant and it only takes like a minute to sail between them, and there's very few that just outright have nothing on them, everything except those rock spire islands always have some kind of challenge and reward for clearing them out.

>> No.7461427

Zelda exploration before BOTW
It had the right idea just overly ambitious for the hardware

To this day it's still such a good idea, a seafaring adventure where you control the wind to go full blast over the ocean while pirates and seastorms bomb and smite you

>> No.7461434

No exploration allowed, talking boat said no.

>> No.7461443

>Nintendo Space World 2000
>Zelda trailer or tech demo or whatever
>Realistic adult Link fighting realistic Ganon one on one on an epic swordfight
>My dick is drilling the skies
>"Here's your Zelda bro"
>Childish retarded looks, Zelda's not even in the game
>Retarded sailing gimmick that takes 85% of the gameplay designed to make the game feel bigger

I'll never forgive Nintendo for that. It's not even that I don't like WW, it's just that the disappointment was so fucking huge because of that goddamn tech demo, I was expecting something more along the lines of Twilight Princess.

>> No.7461448

>Here's your 19 year old game for 350USD bro
>What do you mean expensive? It's in HIGH DEFINITION!

>> No.7461450

For those recommending the Wii U version, it's botched.
They forced the aiming of items onto the right stick, which means that the right bumper is the only viable spot to place items.
This effectively eliminates 2 item spots, unless you want to use gryoscopic controls. Fuck that though.

>> No.7461672


>> No.7461694

>Like one island per quadrant and it only takes like a minute to sail between them
quality > quantity

the game did not need
>6 reefs
>3 triangle islands
>3 archipelagos
>5 fairy islands
>Greatfish Isle
>the assorted One-Note islands like Crescent Moon Island and Islet of Steel that I'm not even going to bother counting.

>> No.7461824

Nintendo's Gamecube years were really weird

>> No.7461994

It can't be understated how badly Nintendo fucked up by not trying to meet player's expectations
>3D Super Mario game at launch without a gimmick
>3D Donkey Kong Country (ie no bongo bullshit)
>Zelda in the same vein as Ocarina/Majora
>Star Fox 64 2
I'm not saying those 4 things would have completely turned the tide, but I can't imagine GC would have sold worse as a result
That's not even getting into controller design and color schemes(ie don't make a fucking purple console)

>> No.7462019

Why do people word questions like this? Makes you sound like a very low iq black woman.

>> No.7462174

lol preach

>> No.7462895


>> No.7463807

I played this baked
I think is the reason i enjoyed the sail parts and the backtrack on isles and towns

>> No.7463847

The sailing is kino. I guess if it's not constant BING BING WAHOO you get sleepy, huh?

>> No.7463910

t. autist

>> No.7463951

What is it with Wind Waker and BotW fans attempting to justify the empty worlds by saying everyone who doesn't enjoy watching an unmoving screen for minutes at a time has ADHD?
Why do they do it?

>> No.7464014
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1020, walking slowly and pushing blocks is fun right?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they have to make the dungeons so awful?

>> No.7464021

>the exploration in BOTW actually regressed since wind waker

>> No.7466208
