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File: 214 KB, 750x545, turtles in time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7454204 No.7454204 [Reply] [Original]

Ports that surpasses the original game?

>> No.7454273
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>> No.7454282
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>> No.7454294
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>> No.7454541
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>extra modes
>unlockable weapons with a wide variety of strengths and weaknesses
>fully acted out multiple endings for each character, instead of lame text crawls
>3 soundtracks: OST, arranged, and original
Along with Tekken 3, Namco really went the extra mile for their PS1 ports.

>> No.7454592
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Not to mention the opening cinematic, which was all kinds of cheesy and/or awesome.


I loved the interactive/alternate endings too; I wasn't aware they weren't in the original Soul Edge though I had seen the cabinet around a couple times. The Edge Master mode was amazing as well; some of the trials to unlock the extra weapons were downright sadistic.

Namco went fucking all out with these home ports, specially considering how few fucks other companies such as Capcom gave.

>> No.7454630
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Change my mind.

>> No.7454683

Namco kept up their habit for amazing poets through the PS2 as well. Time Crisis 3 has tons of extra content, makes an amazing game even better.

>> No.7454697

Didn't the first Time Crisis' PS port have like a literal entire game's worth of new levels?

>> No.7454793


How did this surpass the arcade original?

>> No.7454889

It snes therefore betterer

>> No.7454905
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>> No.7454913

Apparently it has extra levels and incorporated a special chip so the game could still scale sprites up and down like in the arcade game.

>> No.7454928

It's got tons of new and rearranged content like >>7454273, but there was no new tech involved iirc. The scaling effects in non-mode 7 stages were done by "baking" simplified versions of the enemy scaling animations as different sprite frames, instead of actually hardware-scaling a single frame.

>> No.7454958

Turtles in Time SNES added hitstun on enemies and there were also some changes made to some bosses.
In the arcade there's no boss at the end of Sewer Surfin and on the SNES there's the Ratking,
SNES added the Technodrome as a stage and you fight Shredder by throwing enemies at him. Tokka and Rahzar are the halfway boss here.
In the arcade, Skull and Crossbones has Tokka and Rahzar as the boss. On SNES you have swashbuckling versions of Bebop and Rocksteady.
In arcade, there's this strange muckman that's the boss of Prehistoric Turtlesaurus. They replaced him with Slash on SNES.
Neon Night Riders takes advantage of Mode 7 on the SNES ands adds some visual flair to one of the last stages.
The arcade game has the advantage of looking and sounding better while the SNES game has the advantage of playing better, having an extra stage, and representing the property like way way better.

You're on /vr/, you should know this shit

>> No.7454974
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I remember the screenshot of the Shielder from the games catalogue poster that came with most Master System games, I always thought it was a giant metal frog.

>> No.7454986

>Change my mind.
the master system sucked man

>> No.7454996
File: 164 KB, 480x680, Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (Europe, Brazil).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulful but no

Now here is a Sega (Master) System game that surpasses the original

>> No.7455062

I sat down and beat this one Saturday night about a year ago on real hardware. It was a fun experience. I only got frustrated once playing through it.

>> No.7455070

Not for everything. GhostBusters is better on it than anything else.

>> No.7455145


Let's be honest. Arcade games have better hardware than the contemporary home ports at the time (the only exception are modern remastered home ports). They represent the "original vision". Arcade games have better sound, better music, better graphics, better controls. It's not even about being biased. Home ports just don't have the technical specs to compete.

>> No.7455186

The only downside is the lack of four player support which I really think could have been possible since the turtle sprites are all mostly the same.

>> No.7455190
File: 173 KB, 1500x1089, 219BFEA5-FFD4-4E9B-9708-EE5557EB0C45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many differences its almost a different game though.

>> No.7455231

Not sure about inherently "better controls", but what you say was pretty much a given for most of the 80s and 90s, no "honesty" is necessary.

If you actually look at the serious replies in the thread, you can see examples of ports and adaptations that added extra content (and often design tweaks) to bridge the difference between a title designed for coin arcades and a worthwhile release for home systems. As the raw hardware power difference of both markets got blurred, so did the actual value of mere technical fidelity as well, which was only arguably decisive to begin with.

>> No.7455301

The SNES didn't get a multitap until the next year after the game's release. I'm sure they would've at least tried to include it otherwise.

>> No.7455310

It wasn't even a first-party peripheral even

>> No.7455315

Huh just had to look it up. I'm actually shocked it came out that late. Some games like Super Bomberman and Mega Man X feel older than they are to me for some reason.

>> No.7455329
File: 902 KB, 1280x960, LSD - Dream Emulator (Japan)-201107-142034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger on DS

>> No.7455338

Nah, the only good extra content was already included on the PS port. The new stuff is dumpster-behind-a-sex-shop-tier garbage

>> No.7455382
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>> No.7456183

But the PS1 port has load times

>> No.7456192
File: 53 KB, 340x340, Soulcalibur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A port so good that it not only surpass the original but killed arcades.

>> No.7456252

They're not so bad, specially compared to the FF6 port

>> No.7456302


I play arcade beat em ups lmao console beat em ups are not that great, neither is turtles in time btw

>> No.7456308
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objectively wrong, go fuck yourself and fuck off.

>> No.7456323

I can't decide if I like the DS port better than the SNES original. I miss ye olde English from Frog, and I think the new content they added is atrocious, but that's pretty minor stuff so I guess I'd say it's just as good and give it bonus points for being handheld.

>> No.7456703

It is for a game known for its seamless battle system.

>> No.7456742
File: 1.79 MB, 2100x1532, 2364499-snes_ninjawarriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456782

the game mechanics are actually functional, other anon explains it better though

bold and not mistaken, ignore anyone who disagrees, they are wrong

nice one

>better specs = better game
where'd you wander in from

>> No.7456793

Nobody posted gyrus for the NES yet?

>> No.7456891
File: 187 KB, 1127x719, GradiusIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No question about it. Barely anyone finds the original arcade version fun to play except for bragging rights or if they are old japanese guys with nostalgia

>> No.7456916

first thing that came to mind. love that damn game.

>> No.7457009
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They did it twice.

>> No.7457030
File: 806 KB, 1420x1407, 9BEE1760-EDC1-4588-A53B-3125FF18DA66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arcade version was so completely supplanted most people don't even realize it existed.

>> No.7457037
File: 70 KB, 768x768, Resident-Evil-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nightmare difficulty mode
>VMU tracks health and ammo
>60fps instead of 30

>> No.7457064


Primitive gameplay

>> No.7457153

It's probably because the SNES had fucktardly rapid technology bumps. The transition from 1993 to 1994 was insane. Mega Man X2 looks way more advanced than X1 but they're only a year apart. Throw in Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country and it felt like a lot more time passed. Basically before 1994 the most impressive games were Star Fox and Mortal Kombat II.

>> No.7457181

After you child.

>> No.7457193

That's not a port dumbass.

>> No.7457198

REmake on the PS4.

>> No.7457216
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>> No.7457229
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Easily for me

>> No.7457259

I played both to death and the arcade is still better

>> No.7457465

TMNT Turtles In Time Re-Shelled is way better.

>> No.7457474
File: 292 KB, 850x1142, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's the home version of the Arcade game. It had to adjust for a lot, since the arcade version used three monitors for a single ultra widescreen effect.

>> No.7457479

>censored death scenes
>missing music tracks

>> No.7457539

came here to post this

>> No.7457543

not him but you're retarded

>> No.7457545

also that mock up screenshot is a big lol

the only way you could get 4 turtles to work in the NES version is if half the turtles look the same, same weapon, same palette

>that score and lives
How can they be so late in the game at only the 2nd scene?

>> No.7457546

Dreamcast version is based on the PC version.

The game is called The Ninja Warriors "Again". It's not a port, it's a sort-a sequel. I say sorta because while the name implies that it is, the story never mentions the first game.

>> No.7457591

I'd actually say SNES Turtles in Time wins in sound category as well, I like the remixes better.

>> No.7457674
File: 5 KB, 256x232, flybossold1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of graphics, sprites and cutscenes alike, are pretty fucked up in TMNT2 NES. The game could have used another week of polishing. But it's still way better than the arcade version, the sprites and animations look awful in the arcade version, and the adition of the jump+slash attack in the NES version is what makes the game fun.

I wish I knew how to beat Krang without losing a life though. He's the only one that still gives me trouble.

>> No.7457706

very minor, but i always loved the Xbox version of Metal Slug 3 (I guess the PS2 version was also the same game, but never tried that specific one)

To me its the definitive version to play, if only for a few minor additions. Like the only "change" I think actually made to the game was making the music in stage 1 ever so slightly better sounding then the arcade version and beyond that they added in 2 additional sub-games you unlock after clearing the game for the first time. In addition for those of you who cant get into playing arcade games that just give you the option to keep adding infinite continues and you have no sense of self-control, the game offers no such option and uses set lives for each stage, so while it may feel like they are taking away options from you for a home port, on the other head it really does make this version feel less like just playing an arcade game at home and more like a proper home game that you can actually fail at and need to keep replaying until you just naturally get good and beat it. I cant recall if any of the other non-compilation home ports of the MS games were designed this way or not

>> No.7457714
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>> No.7457748

Not these. Get some friends, you faggots.

>> No.7457815
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>> No.7457826
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>> No.7457834
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>> No.7457839

I don't think rereleases advertised as HD remasters count as "ports".
To be charitable to WWHD, I think still screenshots of it make it look way worse than it actually does. In motion, the bloom looks pretty good.

>> No.7457863

Well, obviously the various sonic hd ports, but I heard physics were broken in the recent pc project.

>> No.7457873

>with most Master System games
It was actually known as the Sega System

>> No.7457908

Multitap for a SNES Beat em up? I doubt SNES could even display 1 enemy with all four turtles on screen.

>> No.7457921

That's a good point. Final Fight games are limited to 3 enemies on screen for a reason.

And overall sprite limit is something I forgot about when I said this >>7457545
considering the size of the turtles and enemies, I doubt 4 turtles would be possible. 4' players games like Super Off Road or Nightmare on Elm Street have smaller characters.

>> No.7457924

It isn't a rerelease, it's a proper port. Look in to the development of the port.

>> No.7457926

Let me rephrase: I don't think HD remasters count as "ports".

>> No.7457927

I owned a multitap for SNES and never even used it once. Secret of Mana was the only game that could take use of it....a fucking ARPG.

>> No.7457929

You mean Seiken Densetsu 3, the sequel to SoM.

AFAIK SoM is only two players, although I think there is a 3 players romhack for it that takes advantage of the multitap.

Also yeah, Super Off Road was 4 players on NES, but only 2 players on SNES, how lame is that.

>> No.7457949

While I've lost that multitap a long time ago I am positive it worked with Secret of Mana. It's not like I have memories of playing SNES 3-4 players like I did N64.

>> No.7457954

>You mean Seiken Densetsu 3, the sequel to SoM. AFAIK SoM is only two players, although I think there is a 3 players romhack for it that takes advantage of the multitap.
Not him, but you have it backwards. SD3 really did lose three-player support outside of hacking.

>> No.7457959

>Largely the original source code, made to work in a different system
They're "enhanced" ports. That's what marketers now like calling "remasters" since it carries connotations of higher quality and consoomers are fucking stupid.

>> No.7457960

You are wrong, Secret of Mana always had three player support

>> No.7458001
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>> No.7458018
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> I play arcade beat em ups lmao console beat em ups are not that great, neither is turtles in time btw

>> No.7458052

the nes double dragon games are so much better than the arcade. man, I never realised how dogshit those games were until I beat them both in mame last night. the slow down is ridiculous.

>> No.7458057

also I recall Renegade being better on nes. the arcade is just like 4 static stages while I recall the nes game having actual levels

>> No.7458098

>he has a folder for pictures of internet people he considers lame

How insecure are you?

>> No.7458119

don't try to correct someone if you are not sure you are right

>> No.7458129
File: 435 KB, 800x1136, 16161-gyruss-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Love the original Gyruss but the NES port just added so much more. Only downside is using the d-pad. Been meaning to try out the NES Advantage on it and see how that fairs.

>> No.7458630

I'm correct because...

>Better graphics
>Better gameplay
>Better music
>Better presentation

>> No.7458687

NES Contra is an obvious one.
X68000 Bosconian for the music alone.
Starting from the fifth generation, a lot of arcade ports were the same game with more content (Cleopatra Fortune, Rival Schools, Twinkle Star Sprites,...)

>> No.7459519
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I miss fighting games having insane bags of value and wacky solo modes

>> No.7459541
File: 65 KB, 495x426, Snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PCE/MCD Snatcher

- Voice acting
- CD music replacing MIDIs
- Better animation during cutscenes
- 30% more game consisting of a final act and ending which the original did not have

The original was incredible for its time but the PCE/MCD versions blow it out of the water.


I love the Master System but you might actually be retarded.

>> No.7460180
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Arcade version is total dogshit, NES version is an all time classic.

>> No.7460192

Mortal Kombat Advance sucks fucking dicks.
Ultimate Mortal Kombat on DS is kino though.

>> No.7460219


>> No.7460228
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Pretty much most 5th gen games ported to the DC