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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7449643 No.7449643 [Reply] [Original]

> be commodore
> make the best selling home computer of all time - the c64
> people still making games and demos for it in 2021
best 8-bit computer ever made.

>> No.7449647

so what are some must play titles then?

>> No.7449649

Oh how did they fuck up floppy disks so bad. To the point they had one of the most expensive floppy drives and it was also the worst

>> No.7449653

Like impossible mission, Congo bongo, jumpman, galacticntunnels or space tunnels or something like that

>> No.7449654

Did you know the Commodore 64 was originally called the Commodore Master System?

>> No.7449661

>still using a genesis pad with my c64
>have done for 20 years
>this post will get replies saying its dangerous

>> No.7449662

its dangerous

>> No.7449673

so dangerous that i have been using all kinds of sega controllers with no issues for around 30 years.

>> No.7449731

Last ninjas, midnight resistance, commando, commando libya, bubble bobble, rainbow islands, New Zealand story, Donald ducks playground, Garfield big hairy deal, + some others I can't remember name of and more

>> No.7449742

> how?
bugged VIA chip. commodore programmers wrote very slow and inefficient software to deal with it. this is where replacement roms, fastload carts like action replay came into the picture with far more efficient routines than commodore programmed (or could ever program). made life a lot easier. there were a lot of problems with the original 1541 series drives as well. not so reliable.

>> No.7449791

>Japanese arcade ports
>on Commdore 64
Are you mentally subnormal, anon? No one should play any of these. You do understand the original machines have been perfectly emulated in MAME for 20 years now?

>> No.7449835

>i've been imagining doing things since before i was born.
>science is lies
zoom zoom

>> No.7450149


I wouldnt say its the best 8bit computer in the world just the most documented with loyal hobbyist

>> No.7450151


Theres still not a perfectly emulated MAME version of Double Dragon 2

>> No.7450706

zoom off, disappointment.

>> No.7450707
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>MAME version

>> No.7450917


I want to play the version of Double Dragon 2 that was in the arcade but it does not right

So that game never getting a update to run right is proof Emulators suck mostly

>> No.7451036

Anyone try music tracker software on The C64 Mini? Kinda wanna buy one to try it out. Seems like the sound emulation is pretty fuckin good to me, tho i havent used one in real life.

>> No.7451043

>commodore programmers wrote very slow and inefficient software to deal with it

wut. all you do is send a command to the drive to use a faster transfer speed. absolutely trivial and takes a couple lines of code.

>> No.7451239

>the chip is so fucked everyone had to code their own software to speed up loading
>it was still awful
>even today modernhardware fixes arent as good as they can be because they either break compatibility or they still have to slow down the transfer.

Reeeee give me back my childhood. Fuck waiting for loading

>> No.7451402

Actually they just programmed the 1541 to use a low transfer speed so it would work correctly on the VIC-20 which had a hardware bug. The C64 didn't have this problem.

>> No.7451464

The problem wasn't gone
It stayed forever. It takes forever to load anything from disk

>> No.7451487

eh it's not too bad with a good fastloader. a lot of game devs like EA and Accolade had pretty good ones although they tended to be integrated into the copy protection system so cracked copies often had no fastloader.

>> No.7451802

below the root

>> No.7451816


>> No.7451819

There was some hardware bug so the default software sent like one bit at a time.

>> No.7451831

The VIA chip in the VIC-20 had a bug that made high speed transfers unreliable, so the 1541 ROM was set to use a very slow transfer speed for compatibility reasons. While the C64 had a different chipset that didn't have this issue, the 1541 was still programmed out of the box for that very slow speed. All that fastloaders really do is send the drive a command to operate at a higher transfer speed.

>> No.7452037

People still make games for the superior NES too.

>> No.7452062

you act like there werent 700 alternative models, shit you could even replace the DOS and speed up the basic model

>> No.7452072

>Fuck waiting for loading

the best C64 tunes are loading tunes

>not hitting shift+run/stop and putting the kettle on while listening to the tune while the raster bars scroll by

>> No.7452116

Armalyte, Bounder, Paradroid, Koronis Rift, Scarabaeus, Space Rogue, Turrican 1+2, Wizball, Delta, Zak McKracken, Maniac Mansion, Wasteland, IK+, Ultima IV, Elite, Legacy of the Ancients, Leaderboard Golf, Microprose Soccer, Supremacy, Raid on Fractalus, Katakis, Zork I, Neuromancer, Desert Fox, Boulder Dash, Beach Head 1+2, Sentinel, Psi 5 Trading Company, M.U.L.E, HeroQuest, Forbidden Forest, QUEDEX, Ghostbusters, Planet X2, Firestart, Sword of Fargoal

>> No.7452137

Y'all had some fancy pants childhoods. My dad was an electronic engineer and we never had a fast loader. He either didnt care enough, thought they were bullshit, or never heard of them.

>> No.7452142

Never played this boomer garbage.

>> No.7452613

why didnt the 6502 processor family have a proper continuation into the 16 and 32bit home computer markets

>> No.7452645
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Replacing PLA on my c64. I love how available these parts are. I have a GAL PLA showing up tomorrow.

>> No.7452695

Need suggestions for games that aren't listed on lemon64.

>> No.7452839

>why didnt the 6502 processor family have a proper continuation into the 16 and 32bit home computer markets
it did for a little while. it was called the 65816, produced by WDC. it was used in the snes, apple 2 gs, micro controllers, etc. I think they're still in production. from what i recall, 6502 mode of the 65816 did not support undocumented opcodes but other than that it was 100% compatible.

>> No.7452853
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> comparing a console designed for gaming
> with a home computer designed for everything, and in a rush, by jews

>> No.7452928

pla dying after decades is such an easy fix too. the machines were built to be serviceable. there's so much love for the 64 that people will go to some extraordinary lengths to recreate chips or find supplies. c64 will be around and still working long after humanity has perished.

>> No.7452981

>alien weeb
Broflax check this out, the sid library collection for the 40th millennium
>alien friend curses
Come on Broflax just listen to a couple, theres more than 600 years of music here and it is less than 1024 megabytes!
*eurotrash arpeggios intensify, broflax flips table over*

>> No.7453014

> looks like shit
> lgbt logo
> homosexual graphics
> BASIC bitch programmers
> floppy dick drive feels all loose
why are people nostalgist for this again?

>> No.7453018

Were fast loaders expensive?

>> No.7453040

that is accurate. updated every few months and continues to grow.

>> No.7453056

> thought they were bullshit
he should have tried telling that to commodore, even commodore knew they fucked up. if it wasn't for fastloaders and 3rd party support, the c64 would have died before 1985 started.
no. very affordable for carts and roms, and you could get software for free. computer magazines sometimes had type-in programs printed within their pages that had fastloaders people could save and use for whatever. they too were spread around on disks via rampant piracy and copying.

>> No.7453072

you need to be older than a zoomer to post here.

>> No.7453076

Not sure, I was a kid, and it would depend what year and what fast loader you were talking about I'm sure.

>> No.7453086

Think about it.

If you didn't have a good reason to really trust one of these flash carts it looks like any other snake oil sold in the back of a magazine like x ray specs or the fast ram software upgrades you could get for a pc.

>> No.7453095

i understand where you're coming from. early days of computers in the home, older people would have seen it as just sales nonsense to sell more shit.

>> No.7453128

Knowing what I know now. Of course I really wish we had one, it was awful. Almost everything we had was from some cracked game mailing list someone at his work posted on a literal bulletin board, so I think the fastloaders if the game had them were usually disabled as part of the crack? Everything just took forever. I remember trying tapes for the hell if it and it didnt even seem slower.

>> No.7453157
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i'm 40

>> No.7453170
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>lgbt logo
everyone had lgbt logos in the '80s

>> No.7453172

yeah, the fastloaders in commercial games couldn't always be kept with the crack. some loaders make up part or all of the actual protection. some cracking groups would include their own fastloaders, a lot didn't and relied on people having fastload carts or roms, since many people in the piracy scene had such carts this wasn't a problem. for everyone else: enjoy your slow loading title.

>> No.7453478
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I'm still mad that they stole it

>> No.7453520

I wish I was that young again..he cant be more than 28

>> No.7453662
File: 80 KB, 631x811, 198308-Rainbow_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer ads and literature had a lot of rainbows in general too. There was even a TRS-80 magazine called The Rainbow.

>> No.7453935

they took this from us...

>> No.7453951

How does this not look like a gay porn magazine?

>> No.7454514

>emulated in MAME
On a C64?

>> No.7454692

that had the best music
>Forbidden Forest
that actually made me jumpscare as a kid

>> No.7454747

That is the most German thing I have ever seen. They just can't do "sexy" can they?

>> No.7455984

MAME emulates the C64. The point is though that all C64 arcade ports are terrible compared to the original coin-ops. When you list arcade ports as "must play" games for the system you make sure that home computer threads continue to get trolled to fuck as people who have actually played the original arcade games will laugh mercilessly at pointless massively cut down awful versions that need fucking up to jump. The C64 has a massive library of interesting original games, no one should be playing coin-op ports on it.

>> No.7457031 [DELETED] 


>> No.7457039

>The point is though that all C64 arcade ports are terrible compared to the original coin-ops
Unless maybe Commando and Double Dragon II.

>> No.7457102

quite right. as a c64 fan since the late 80s, I was never impressed by any coin op conversion but some were good attempts. It was like the same thing on the amiga: coin-op port = it's going to suck. they were mostly disappointing and expected to be that way. people had low expectations due to constant disappointments.

>> No.7457146

Is this another thread where britfags pretend their dogshit computer games were even remotely comparable to the NES games of the time?

>> No.7457173

nobody is making any such comparisons, retarded nintentoddler child molester. seek professional help.

>> No.7457175

This is some quality seething

>> No.7457186
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>This is some quality seething

>> No.7457265

it only blows up the CIA chip if you push keyboard buttons WHILE playing pushing controller buttons iirc

>> No.7457305

some CIA chips in some machines are so fragile you could look at it the wrong way and it'll die. even back in the day i had a c64 whos CIA just shit itself for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.7457330

The ports just have no ESD protection so don't touch them. You can also attach xener diodes to the joystick ports so this doesn't happen.

>> No.7458217

>The point is though that all C64 arcade ports are terrible compared to the original coin-ops
Wizard of Wor

>> No.7458386
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Once a year and that's it

>> No.7458397

Before that it was called the commodore system.

>> No.7458442

Come on, it had some decent home ports . What about Bubble Bobble?

>> No.7458479

>Bubble Bobble
Decent attempt, but runs too slow and is missing stuff like the Super mode and true ending. Why would you play this?
>Rainbow Islands
Really pushed the limit of what was possible on the C64, but is missing an entire third of the fucking game. What's the point?
>New Zealand Story
Bad port that doesn't even play like the arcade game. Loads of stuff missing, most notably all secret warps and the heaven levels. As one of the innovations of this game is a kind of maze within a maze with the warps, this makes it even more pointless. No one should play this.

And that's just the Taito ports. Play the real games in MAME and you will wonder why the fuck you ever bothered with ports, there is usually a huge amount missing from them, be it simple "feel" to large amounts of content plain missing.

>> No.7458492

As a kid with a c64 I didn't mind that at all.

>> No.7458583

Yes, but the point is no one's going to be you in 1987 ever again. Your personal experience is meaningless, only what other people can learn from it. Recommending C64 arcade ports means people only learn you are a person who will waste their time.

>> No.7458818

despite obviously being inferior, it seems like Taito always had the best home ports. were they more collaborative with port devs? just look at The Ninja Warriors on the Amiga

>> No.7458834

I dunno, but their later console ports were outsourced to UK devs, Taito did not do those in-house. The New Zealand Story in particular was ported on the NES by Software Creations and Tim Follins did the music.

>> No.7459561


>> No.7460236

Finally figured out how to do multiple sprites in BASIC. I am revising a little Breakout clone I wrote to use a sprite for a ball instead of a text character, and to support more than 90 degree bounces. I will post it soon.

>> No.7460242


>> No.7460452

nice one, anon.
very little collaboration. at most the devs might get an arcade machine to use for the period of development. rare to unheard of for jap developers to send code or assets for use in c64 games due to the many incompatibilities. it did happen a few times on the amiga but even that was rare. rodland was programmed on the amiga using assets and code sent from the arcade developer. the music was rewritten for 4 channels.

>> No.7460456

I'll take the girl on the right, judging by her drink she gives plenty of head

>> No.7460461

i heard that taito actually sent some art assets to the devs unlike a lot of companies but i couldn't tell you where i heard that

>> No.7460718

never played the arcade ports of RI and NZS but I loved both games on the C64. NZS in particular doesn't strike me as an arcade title and just played like a typical late 80s sidescroller and was great as that, even if I never got very far into it (until yrs later in vice with trainers and savestates)

>> No.7460768

The programmer of the C64 Bubble Bobble said he had some tech docs for the arcade game in Japanese which he couldn't read.

>> No.7460839

was a great effort of a conversion.

>> No.7460841

it's okay but still could be a lot better. for one it's a single load game around 50k in size while the NES and Master System ports both had 128k cartridge ROMs.

>> No.7460948

informative anon is appreciated

>> No.7461428

Masochism : The Post

>> No.7462580

yeah most C64 arcade ports were meh

>> No.7462617

>people still making games and demos for it in 2021
Kinda weird that this machine has seen more scene releases than actual sold games in its active years on the market.
I remember attending The Party and Assembly in Finland for the first time and hearing sidtunes over the monstrous sound system of the stadium. Amazing experience.

>> No.7462796

Not weird at all. Doing a demo at best requires some clever tricks, which the demo is carefully designed around, some music, and some simple art. A decent game requires tons of art, probably multiple sound tracks and can't use many of those clever tricks unless the game designer actually understood how they worked and designed the game around them. Also, making a demo with at most a couple mates is quick and fun while making a game to the spec of some designer/director can be a long and arduous task.

>> No.7462831

>A decent game requires tons of art, probably multiple sound tracks and can't use many of those clever tricks unless the game designer actually understood how they worked and designed the game around them. Also, making a demo with at most a couple mates is quick and fun while making a game to the spec of some designer/director can be a long and arduous task
If you want to make something on a SMB3 scale, then yes. Nothing hard about an Atari 2600 tier game, one guy can do that in a few weeks of work.

>> No.7462842

Its just that playing on mame you are going through many layers of software to get to the game. On c64, press button, command goes directly to cpu and to game, on mame button command goes to usb then windows and whatever else.

>> No.7462863

I agree but C64 homebrewer typically consider simple single screen games like Hard Hat Mack or Jumpman to be beneath them.

>> No.7462873

I'm impressed at the guy who did the port of Prince of Persia although it was pretty easy because Jordan Mechner still had the original Apple II source code and uploaded it online so he didn't need to reverse engineer anything.

>> No.7462887

btw Jordan said they didn't do a C64 port back in the day because he couldn't find anyone willing to port it

>> No.7463031

Homebrew games are usually platformers or shmups, don't think I've seen anyone successfully complete an RPG.

>> No.7463259


not C64 but illustrates the same principle. note just how fast and completely absent of latency this is. press a key and is literally like flicking a switch unlike a modern PC where it has to go through layers upon layers of code before anything happens.

>> No.7463719


>> No.7463764

If there is a Commodore 64 but no human is around to play it, is there even a commodore 64?

>> No.7464084

>Kinda weird that this machine has seen more scene releases than actual sold games in its active years on the market.
kinda normal for 64. so many scene groups started on that machine and are still releasing stuff for it.

8bitguy made a few but they're not very exciting

yes. c64 is eternal.

>> No.7464114

I don't really like his tastes or sense of aesthetics either.

>> No.7464554

Few people capable of making a 2600 tier game are interested in doing it. Case in point, the faggot ITT who's been trying to do a breakout clone in basic for 9001 years. Anyone who can make a simple demo could shit this out in an afternoon, let alone a few weeks. But people do demos to show of their mad skillz, not their ability to create a simple magazine type in tier game in less than 5 years.

>> No.7464727

physics and stuff is really hard, I would guess the physics in super mario bros are over a 100 lines.

And then they made the best 16 bit computer, even better then the x68000 which only has arcade ports that you play on the ps1.

Impossible mission has a lot better movement animation on the enemies then on master system.

>> No.7465219

Physics is only hard if you don't have a highschool level education of the quality the people who wrote SMB received. And 100 lines of code isn't a lot, especially in assembly on a 65xx.

>> No.7465323 [DELETED] 

Literal fucking teenagers used to code games back in the day, commercially released ones in assembly language often now considered classics.

>> No.7465364

Atari 2600 games are 4k (unless bank switching is used). I propose a /vr/ 4k C64 game competition to see what anon can come up with. Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.7465601


>> No.7465618


>> No.7465735

Back in the day literal teenagers used to write computer games, some now considered classics.

>> No.7465835

thinking about getting one of these because but my only experience with pre 90s home computers is jap shit because it's cooler. C64 seems like great entry that's affordable and covers a lot of ground/years. what's the options for flash carts, and floppy emulators. Am I missing a lot just sticking to cassette/CMT?

>> No.7465862

I use an SD card reader called SD2IEC which makes loading times basically non-existent together with an SD-BOX interface cartridge. It's easy to use and a great QoL improvement, but the only drawback is that I can't watch majority of scene demos with it.

>> No.7466051

IDK about you but anything more than Hello World tier stuff is beyond my skill level

>> No.7466061

Back in the day literal teenagers didn't have fortenite and tiktok and a completely failed education system. Also, back then a big part of nerd culture was programming, as opposed to just wearing the socks.

>> No.7466103

hey what happened to that anon a while back who wanted to port Shamus on the NES? remember him?

>> No.7466170

getting a Pong game up and running is your first test on any system

>> No.7466179

Right. Well good luck because fuck me if I can do anything more than print some text on screen.

>> No.7466293

I get the feeling the assembly language LARPer might show up in here. Just a feeling though.

>> No.7466481


>> No.7466541

My list of c64 games has 900 games on it. However I'd like to add more.

>> No.7466778

I bet you can't shoe a horse or raise a barn either. How do you even survive lacking such basic necessary skills?

>> No.7467080
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i kind of dig those early games. black bg, no scrolling, bleepy sound. but all the C64 scene guys just want to make everything look like Flimbo's Quest.

>> No.7467280 [DELETED] 

demoscene shit is why

>> No.7467376

Early c64 games on cartridge were great.

>> No.7467378

by the time 1985 appeared people had got a lot better at programming it. there was a lot of stuff commodore neglected to mention in their own documentation that people ended up learning about via magazines, new books, the c64 community or by hacking into other people's code. one example out of dozens: the designers of the VIC-II made it so it could use of more than 8 sprites on the screen at the same time but failed to provide any code or documentation for how this was achieved.

>> No.7468024

The programmers reference guide explains how sprites work in fairly good detail and it's clear that the video chip reads the sprite pointers every raster line. To say there's no documentation is just wrong.
Also, the first program anyone fucking around with C64 graphics writes will look something like
for x = 1 to 255: poke 53281,x:next
Try it. If you understand what you see you need no further documentation or examples. Literally every child who tried to learn to program on the C64 tried this.

>> No.7468137

nonsense. just because they aren't 1:1 doesn't mean they have no value. stop being a holier-than-thou prick and start being a human instead, it's more relaxing.

>> No.7469523

how much second hand was this in 1992 in britain
got an axe to grind

>> No.7470093

Really, 1984 was when the C64 began hitting its stride and games start to look like more than VIC-20 stuff in higher resolution.

>> No.7470119

actually 85 is significant because that was when Ron Hubbard discovered the Euro "overdriven" SID sound and that the SID could do more than just basic bleeps and bloops, although Americans never figured that out for some reason and NTSC games had 1983 level sound until the end.

>> No.7471162

>he discovered something already known
Yikes. Did that same youtube tell you Christopher Columbus discovered America?

>> No.7471963
File: 458 KB, 529x638, 1588732208648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even read that post?
> more than 8 SPRITES
jesus fucking christ you people here are class-A fucking retards that are 100% illiterate. commodore's programming reference guide contains NO MENTION of how to program more that 8 sprites per screen. I found the only mention of doing this on page 151, and nowhere in that chapter on sprites does it describe how to achieve more than 8 on screen at the same except for a vague reference to "use interrupts properly". quality commodore documentation.
>The programmers reference guide explains how sprites work in fairly good detail
vague descriptions of how hardware performs isn't "fairly good detail" and is the main reason why books by jim butterfield and others became the go-to books for c64 programming, while commodore's mess was placed in the trash or in a drawer.

>> No.7471991

1992 - 100-200 quid for complete systems (with disk drive, tape player, software, sometimes came with a monitor). just the c64 on its own you could get for 50 or so. by 2000 arrived I could pick up a complete c64 system (often with no monitor) for 15-20. people were literally giving them away for fuck all.

>> No.7471997

there's no such thing as "over driven" SID sounds. I would wager my house that you couldn't explain this "over driven" theory in any way, shape or form.
>although Americans never figured that out for some reason and NTSC games had 1983 level sound until the end.
yeah, that's completely false.

>> No.7472049

If I had to guess I assume he's using that as a colloquial term for that Euro arpeggio thing.

>> No.7472063

>they had one of the most expensive floppy drives
Somehow they ended up making the floppy drive into a separate computer of its own

>> No.7472072
File: 8 KB, 225x225, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could they forget the Amiga rainbow checkmark

>> No.7472475

Are you sure?

>> No.7472494

Not entirely true. The Guy made the port via reverse engineering the Apple II version with only minor documentation, since the real source (and not the commented disassembly) was found by Jordan a bit later when the port was already finished.
Here's the dev blog (part 1):

>> No.7473684
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Got new PLA installed

>> No.7473690
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>> No.7473894

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's vague kiddo. I'd like to say I'm sorry you're so butt blasted that you can't figure out how to do something I managed to as a kid, in a few days, on my own, before the internet. But that'd be a lie. Seeing you seethe and rant like this is just too fucking funny.

>> No.7474158

Damn Commodore 64 sounds like this?

>> No.7474178

>that actually made me jumpscare as a
Check out the guy's other game, "the Trivia Monster".
That shit is borderline creepypasta-tier.

>> No.7474198

> gets called out for being an illiterate fucking moron
> manual provides no information about how to display more than 8 sprites at once
> oh shit i didn't read that anons post at all
> anon proves the retard wrong
> oh you just need to figure it out
my sides are in orbit. you're a brain damaged fucking moron that can't read. kys thanks. you know less about the c64 than spectrum users.

>> No.7474201

yep. that soundtrack won awards for being that awesome. nothing beat it for years.

>> No.7474215

your guess is as good as the schizo who wrote that post. either way, arpeggios weren't new. they are a fundamental part of music and are well understood. I'd give rob credit for popularizing certain types of arpeggios but that's where it ends. I still don't know where this "over driven" nonsense came from. It's obviously created by someone that doesn't write music or understand it. looks like someone owes me a house.
>How could they forget the Amiga rainbow checkmark
picture was probably created by an ataritard

>> No.7474394

Mayhem in monsterland
Thing on a spring
Nobby the aardvark
Summer games
Summer camp
Newzealand story
Dizzy prince of the yolkfolk
Lords of chaos
Creatures 2
Arabian nights
Terminator 2 judgement day

>> No.7474419

The muncher
Sly spy
Speedball 2: Brutal delux
Cauldron 2
Barbarian 2
Hovver bovver
Reckless rufus
Head over heels
Freddy hardest
Steg the slug
Treasure isle

>> No.7474424

Arabian nights
I meant
Sceptre of Baghdad

>> No.7474472

California games
Golden axe
Bubble dizzy
The eidolon
The goonies
Skool daze
Skate or die
Little computer people
Smash tv
Solomons key
Warhawk (just for the music)

>> No.7474925
File: 493 KB, 540x720, you-might-be-retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't understand the manual
>cries about it on the internet
>gets called out for being an illiterate fucking moron
>seethes and rants
>gets laughed at
>copes and seethes and rants
Not sure what your endgame is here kiddo. The manual explains how the hardware works AND kids even younger than you figured it out. Sucks you need to be spoonfed and can't figure things out little bro. All you're doing here is is proving that you're not smarter than an 80's 5th grader.

>> No.7475114

This, codemasters and dizzy was literally written by children

>> No.7475574

You can tell when a game (eg. most Datasoft titles) was a lazy Apple II copypaste job.

>> No.7475610

>Solomons key


Completely different game from the better-known NES version.

>> No.7475641


This is probably my favorite port of the game.

>> No.7475663

you can swap out the VICII with a PAL one, replace the crystal and change the PAL/NTSC jumper if you want access to the wider euro catalog. That youtube dude just came out with a switcher as well.

>> No.7475726

>you can swap out the VICII with a PAL one, replace the crystal and change the PAL/NTSC jumper if you want access to the wider euro catalog
>50Hz games that feel like wading through tar

>> No.7475796

Because gane companies didn't rape us with microtransactions

>> No.7475798

Found my receipt, 45 bucks but 20 off with purchase of game.

They sold 650k plus of these

>> No.7475813

Atarisoft shit in our ears with their versions

>> No.7475818

>the designers of the VIC-II made it so it could use of more than 8 sprites on the screen at the same time but failed to provide any code or documentation for how this was achieved.

Pretty sure the manual stated that this is 8 sprites per raster, and so anyone who understood what a raster is could figure that you could therefore push more sprites on the screen in total.

>> No.7475827

Most of their C64 conversions were kinda bleh because it was early and programmers didn't know the hardware that well. Except Centipede, the C64 had the best version of that.

>> No.7475829

fuuuuuuuuck forgot about that, also beachead 2 had knife throwing!

>> No.7475834

Game changer.

>> No.7475841

The Commodore programmers reference guide was extraordinarily through. I never found one instance of something that wasn't mentioned in there that turned out to be useful printed somewhere else first.

>> No.7475847

>nowhere in that chapter on sprites does it describe how to achieve more than 8 on screen at the same except for a vague reference to "use interrupts properly".

It literally explains what to do in the next two sentences, and apply that knowledge into drawing different sprites. If you cannot extrapolate the functions of the hardware as explained, then you will never be able to code anything on your own, only copy existing examples.

>> No.7475874

i mean, come on. Sprite multiplexing was also widely used on the Atari 2600. nothing new or odd about that.

>> No.7475926

>going through storage belonging to older family members pre-covid
>they're planning on getting rid of a lot of it but are too old and frail to go through everything
>find a couple of breadbin C64s, one C128, and a C128 floppy drive
>ask about them, family member says I can just have them and anything else that goes with them
>only power supply that can be found is for the floppy drive
>look up power supply solutions
>become overwhelmed by everything I'm finding cause I really don't know much about this kind of stuff

I don't even know if these things work. But I still want to try. What's a good power solution for these in 2021? They're currently in my storage so I won't be able to get to them for a little while.

>> No.7475974

>lgbt logos

Those are Christian/End of the 40 day flood logos, anons.

>> No.7475980

Lemon 64 is the best resource to ask.

>> No.7476176

This seems like a site all about emulating the thing, not using the actual hardware.

>> No.7476183

beg pardon? they always have hardware discussion on the forums.

>> No.7476187

Rather not have to make an account any where.

>> No.7476237

Parts of the manual written for people learning BASIC definitely say 8 per screen. In that context it's accurate enough for the target audience. In the section meant to be read by kids who no longer need a booster seat to reach the keyboard it says
>The MOB pointers are read from the video matrix at the end of every raster line. When the Y position register of a MOB matches the current raster line count, the actual fetches of MOB data begin. Internal counters automatically step through the 63 bytes of MOB data, displaying three bytes on each raster line.
So yes, it's right there for any tween with a brain to see

>> No.7476805

I feel as a drunk oldfag future publishing commodore format nostalgic son of a bitch.
These games really are the best the c64 had to offer.
I had fucking thousands of these cunts.
There's a weird darkness yo a lot of these games.
I loved all the dizzy games too, and countless red9 text based adventure games.
The was also the holy grail text adventure game but all the old text adventure games are not recorded or remembered anywhere.

Look you young twats,
This list of games are the best the c64 had to offer.

>> No.7476893

>when you get the new mag and rip the tape off and slam it in for the first time

>> No.7476901

the old power supplies are notorious for being unstable and frying the shit out of your commie. You can build your own fairy easily with basic soldering skills or just buy a switching power supply on eBay or whatever.

>> No.7477260

Well here's my BASIC game, such as it is. In earlier versions I actually did manage to add a sprite ball, for a total of 2 sprites (plus the paddle), but I couldn't get collision detection working reliably. As it turns out BASIC isn't really well suited to sprite manipulation, and has no access to the VIC-II's collision interrupts. So I decided to remove sprites all together. I also didn't implement different speeds and angles in the final game because I can't be bothered. This can be done easily by just changing the values dx and dy (line 20). In this final version, they're always set to 1, as such they will only ever bounce at 90 degree angles and at a speed of 1. If you want to change this yourself it wouldn't be too difficult. You can also set it so lines 130 (x axis collision check), 145 (paddle collision check), and 146 (brick collision check) change the values of dx and dy. I will probably return to this program one day but I'm pretty sick of it now and want to try my hand at something else.

1 rem basic breakout
2 rem a=left, d=right
3 for v=0 to 1:poke 53280+v,0:next
5 n=197
10 x=15:y=15
20 dx=1:dy=1
30 sm=1024
40 pm=900
50 cm=sm+pm
51 bc=sm+x:bm=y*40
52 print chr$(147)
53 read o
54 poke646,o
55 for l=1 to 40: print chr$(18);chr$(32);:next
56 t=t+1
57 if t=6 then 60
58 goto 53
60 for t=0 to 4: poke cm+t,69:next
70 if peek(n)=10 then for t=1 to 2:poke cm-t,69:poke cm+6-t,32:next:cm=cm-2
80 if peek(n)=18 then for t=1 to 2:poke cm+t,69:poke cm-6+t,32:next:cm=cm+2
82 poke 1024+x+40*y,81
105 px=x:py=y
110 x=x+dx
120 y=y+dy
130 if x<=0 or x>=39 then dx=-dx
140 if y>=23 then 5000
145 if peek(1024+x+40*y+40)=69 then dy=-dy
146 if peek((1024+x+40*y)+40*dy)=160 then dy=-dy:gosub1000
159 poke 1024+px+40*py,32
160 goto 70
500 data 2,8,7,5,6,4,10
1000 g=x/5
1010 if len(str$(g))=2 then 1030
1020 for t=0 to 4: poke ((1024+int(g)*5+t+40*y)-40*dy),32:next
1025 return
1030 for t=0 to 4: poke ((1024+g*5+t+40*y)-40*dy),32:next
1040 return
5000 poke 198,0
5001 end

>> No.7477278

The collision registers on the VIC-II are worthless anyway; no serious game uses those.

>> No.7477285

But they allow for pixel perfect collision, that could certainly be useful in certain programs.

>> No.7477556

fuck, Nintendo never even put collision registers in any of their systems because of how useless they are

>> No.7477570

That guy who made Zniggy finished it in about three months. Apparently he was more competent than most of the others in here.

>> No.7477602

If only dozens of people had told you C64 BASIC is shit and even worse for graphics. As >>7477278 points out, the collision registers are retarded. They might be useful for a game this basic, if you weren't doing it in BASIC. But for shapes this simple you can easily calculate pixel perfect collision with a simple lookup table. You don't even need to peek at the screen to do this. It can all be calculated.

>> No.7477676

>simple lookup table
What do you mean? My code just checks at every step if there is a character above the ball corresponding to a brick, or a paddle character below. I could probably enhance the performance somewhat by only performing this check in the row immediately above the paddle and the rows the bricks occupy.

> If only dozens of people had told you C64 BASIC is shit and even worse for graphics
Don’t care, it’s still fun.

>> No.7478297

we can't let the apple ii thread beat us bros

>> No.7478396

I'm going to make a Atari 8-bit thread for some more competition.

>> No.7478404
File: 2.46 MB, 664x377, 1611122937251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trash talking both the apple ii in the apple ii thread and the c64 in this thread

>> No.7478409

>It literally explains what to do in the next two sentences
imagine trying to defend commodore's garbage documentation? lmao. that's some low iq baboonery.

>> No.7478420

>no serious game uses those
except most c64 games ever released that rely on sprites.

>> No.7478434

> the collision registers are retarded.
the only retarded things here are you and the fucking moron you're replying to. vic-ii collision detection is pixel accurate. it doesn't matter how large or what shape the sprite is.

>> No.7478442

> What do you mean?
that moron doesn't know what he means. he's retarded. enjoy your basic programming.

>> No.7478614

Decided to port my C64 BASIC game to the Apple II, and wow does it have some nifty graphics commands. Literally half of my code is redundant now. C64 BASIC looks like such shit by comparison. Want to display a series of 16 colored lines on a Commodore? Only possible via direct mathematical manipulation of screen memory, or for-to loop spamming print statements with an incrementing variable for color, and an if check to end the program.

10 for t=0 to 39
20 poke 1024+d+t,160
30 poke 55296+d+t,c
40 next
50 c=c+1
60 d=d+40
70 if c=16 then end
80 goto 10


10 print chr$(19)
20 poke646,t
30 for l=0 to 39: print chr$(18);chr$(32);:next
40 t=t+1
50 if t=16 then end
60 goto 20

Whereas on the Apple II all you need is:

10 gr
20 for t=0 to 15
30 color=t
40 hlin 0,39 at t
50 next

And it's a million times faster too.

>> No.7478774

I mean that if you don't want to use the collision registers you can easily calculate pixel perfect collision in your code. Your ball is a handful of pixels arranged in a way that's very easy to make a pixel perfect hit "box" for.

>Don’t care, it’s still fun.
That's what's most important, and hopefully you learned something.

Yes, it is me who is retarded, because I can do something you can't understand.

>> No.7479497
File: 77 KB, 1018x775, t55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7479541

It may have a nicer BASIC but if you programmed it in asm you'd sorely miss the C64.

>> No.7479585

Oh but that's almost cheating by using PETSCII characters to draw lines. Try drawing lines in the C64's bitmap mode in BASIC and you'll be banging your own head on the desk very quickly.

>> No.7479654
File: 13 KB, 275x300, Slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479728

>I loved all the dizzy games too,
Those games were so fucking god damn annoying even if you knew exactly what to do.
BUT, the music was dope in all of them.

>> No.7479762

> be commodore
> make the best selling home computer of all time - the c64
> never make anything good again
> fall into irrelevancy and disappear

Here, finished the story for you

>> No.7479769

I love the amount of cope that you caused with this post. You've even got faggots namedropping MULE and impossible mission as must plays.

>> No.7480021

10 for t = 0 to 6
20 ?chr$(18)chr$(150+t)" ";
30 next

>> No.7480342

usually you'd use an extender like Simon's BASIC to do graphics stuff

>> No.7480828


>> No.7480936

Nah, usually you'd use assembly. Making a game that required people to buy some other kids cart to play it is retarded. But the idea of extending BASIC is sound. You can just change the pointer to the call for handling the program parsing and add your own commands. It's really neat. A little more work than just calling SYS but way more cooler.

>> No.7481360


>> No.7481532

no one will care when you die

>> No.7481693

What's wrong with impossible mission?

>> No.7481907

I don't doubt that lol. While Apple II BASIC might have the edge in graphics, I still overwhelmingly prefer the C64. The Apple II is such a pain to use.

Honestly I didn't even know the other graphics modes were available in BASIC.

>> No.7481913

>Honestly I didn't even know the other graphics modes were available in BASIC
You have to use POKE commands to enable and set them up and you'll probably want to write a short assembly routine to clear the bitmap page because it's 8k in size and veeeeerrrrrryyyy slow to clear with BASIC.

>> No.7481921

if using C64 bitmap mode usually you set the VIC-II to use $C000-$FFFF for the video "window" and the bitmap goes at $E000-$FFFF underneath the kernal ROM--just write your pixel data there and it will go into the RAM under it.

you'll be left with a screen full of garbage afterward so just hit Run/Stop-Restore to reset BASIC.

>> No.7481923

how to get into assembly?

>> No.7481928 [DELETED] 

For the purposes of clearing the bitmap screen you'd probably write an assembly routine down on paper and include it as inline asm in the BASIC program with the opcodes in DATA statements. POKE them into somewhere (usually $C000) and SYS 49152 to execute.

The Programmer's Reference Guide has a bitmap demo program but a stupid one that uses a FOR...NEXT loop to clear the screen so it takes like two minutes to execute.

>> No.7481934

For the purposes of clearing the bitmap screen you'd probably write an assembly routine down on paper and include it as inline asm in the BASIC program with the opcodes in DATA statements. POKE them into somewhere (usually $C000) and SYS 49152 to execute. The Programmer's Reference Guide has a bitmap demo program but a retarded one that uses a FOR...NEXT loop to clear the screen so it takes like two minutes to execute. It also uses $4000-$7FFF for the video window which works but not usually where you put it--most machine language games always use $C000-$FFFF.

>> No.7482090 [DELETED] 

I still remember back in the day typing in some demo program from the C64 manual that drew some simple sine plot to the screen. The basic loop to clear the graphic memory took several minutes, let alone the drawing of the sine wave.

When trying my luck with assembler a while later I usually played around with these basic demo programs. And so I did the loops to clear the graphic memory in assembler, which cleared the screen pretty much instantly. It's no exaggeration when they said that the C64's BASIC is around 700 times slower than using an assembler. It's not just that interpreted languages are always slower but additionally the C64's Basic was highly unoptimized and lacking any graphics or sound commands.

5 rem sinewave
10 poke53272,peek(53272)or8
20 poke53265,peek(53265)or32
25 fork=0to999:poke1024+k,14:next
27 fori=0to7999:poke8192+i,0:next
50 forx=0to319
60 y=int(100+80*sin(x*2*π/160))
70 forn=0to24
80 ify>n*8-1andy<(n+1)*8thenby=8192+n*320+8*int(x/8)+y-8*n:n=24:goto100
90 nextn
100 bi=8*(1+int(x/8))-x-1
110 ifpeek(by)<>0thenpokeby,peek(by)or2bi
120 ifpeek(by)=0thenpokeby,2bi
130 nextx
150 goto150

>> No.7482092

I still remember back in the day typing in some demo program from the C64 manual that drew some simple sine plot to the screen. The basic loop to clear the graphic memory took several minutes, let alone the drawing of the sine wave.

When trying my luck with assembler a while later I usually played around with these basic demo programs. And so I did the loops to clear the graphic memory in assembler, which cleared the screen pretty much instantly. It's no exaggeration when they said that the C64's BASIC is around 700 times slower than using an assembler. It's not just that interpreted languages are always slower but additionally the C64's Basic was highly unoptimized and lacking any graphics or sound commands.

5 rem sinewave
10 poke53272,peek(53272)or8
20 poke53265,peek(53265)or32
25 fork=0to999:poke1024+k,14:next
27 fori=0to7999:poke8192+i,0:next
50 forx=0to319
60 y=int(100+80*sin(x*2*π/160))
70 forn=0to24
80 ify>n*8-1andy<(n+1)*8thenby=8192+n*320+8*int(x/8)+y-8*n:n=24:goto100
90 nextn
100 bi=8*(1+int(x/8))-x-1
110 ifpeek(by)<>0thenpokeby,peek(by)or2^bi
120 ifpeek(by)=0thenpokeby,2^bi
130 nextx
150 goto150

>> No.7482145

This is interesting, but the code seems to crash after clearing the bitmap screen and printing some colored boxes at the bottom of the screen. Or does it just take that long?

>> No.7482214
File: 69 KB, 1432x1078, Sinewave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, yes it takes quite a while to clear and setup the graphics memory (loop in line 25 sets the color and loop in 27 clears the memory).

But also it could be some error with copy and paste (I took it straight from a pdf of the (german) C64 manual).
from Page 168

I noticed when trying this in an emulator, that the Pi symbol wasn't pasted into Vice right. So at line 60 I had to type in the pi symbol by hand. Also in line 110 and 120 the exponentiation could cause the same problems using another emulator (it worked for me using Vice).

>> No.7482836

This is a good example of where you can mix basic and assembly. You might want to do certain things like "complex" math in BASIC because it's quick and easy. But you can do the large memory operations in assembly to speed it up. Add this to your program and to see the difference it can make

1 forn=0to129:reada:poke49152+n,a:next:sys49152
25 remfork=0to999:poke1024+k,14:next
27 remfori=0to7999:poke8192+i,0:next
1000 data 169,14,160,0,153,0,4,153
1001 data 0,5,153,0,6,153,0,7
1002 data 200,208,241,160,231,153,0,7
1003 data 136,208,250,169,0,168,153,0
1004 data 32,153,0,33,153,0,34,153
1005 data 0,35,153,0,36,153,0,37
1006 data 153,0,38,153,0,39,153,0
1007 data 40,153,0,41,153,0,42,153
1008 data 0,43,153,0,44,153,0,45
1009 data 153,0,46,153,0,47,153,0
1010 data 48,153,0,49,153,0,50,153
1011 data 0,51,153,0,52,153,0,53
1012 data 153,0,54,153,0,55,153,0
1013 data 56,153,0,57,153,0,58,153
1014 data 0,59,153,0,60,153,0,61
1015 data 153,0,62,153,0,63,200,208
1016 data 157,96

>> No.7483615

let's talk some more about assembly. is it hard? basic can already seem complicated, is assembly just as complicated and more?

>> No.7483746

Not really, the main advantage of HLLs is that it's easier to visualize algorithms and add/remove pieces of the program.

>> No.7483789


They never put W4 on the C64 and I don't know why.

>> No.7484169

Remember that you can replace 0 with a . which executes slightly faster.

>27 remfori=.to7999:poke8192+i,.:next
>1000 data 169,14,160,.,153,.,4,153


>> No.7484536


>> No.7484859

>executes slightly faster
>27 rem
kek. But yes. Using "."s instead of "0"s is faster, especially if you have a lot of data with 0s

>> No.7484889

And it helps to crunch as much stuff on a program line as you can. Each line can be 80 characters or roughly two rows of screen. Small line numbers also execute faster and use less memory. When using strings, you can also omit the trailing quote if it's the last thing on the program line. Thus 10 A="Hello! or 10 print "Hello! If mixing variables in a string, you also don't need to include semicolons even though program listings often include them.

>10 print "You have shot"x"alien ships this round. Good job.

instead of

>10 print "You have shot";x;"alien ships this round. Good job.

>> No.7484937

One could get the impression, yes.

>> No.7485392

It's more complicated than basic. But 6502/6510 assembly is much more accessible (and more fun) than x86 assembly.

>> No.7485876

I started learning to program stuff when I was like 11 years old using the c64 basic manual but pretty soon the maths got waaaaay beyond an 11 year old level and my computer studies at school were a joke. Did anyone elses "computer class" consist pretty much 100% of them sticking everyone on a computer and having them use a paint program? I feel like my life was a lie at this point. I lost interest at like 14 and by 18 could see that games and programming had gone waaaay beyond the point I could be bothered with it but to 11 year old me, making my football manager style game (before football manager existed) was such a cool dream to have. Shame really.

>> No.7485989

I had zx spectrum, How does it compare to c64?

>> No.7486148

Amiga would like a word with you.

>> No.7486613

Whats that? I cant hear you over these sales figures.

>> No.7486694

>230 posts without the GREAT GIANA SISTERS

It was better than Mario Nintenfags.

>> No.7486710
File: 8 KB, 304x192, image-000010-sam-greenhills-waterfalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not hard, Mario sucks shit.
Pic related is leagues better than Mario 3, not that deluded nintendrones will ever admit it.

>> No.7486742
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Flimbo's Quest.

>> No.7487328

So who wants to do a C64 homebrew project, /vr/?

>> No.7487560

Nobody who can. Even the basic breakout boy has given up and switched to apple.

>> No.7487569

I'd like to see him try and program an Apple II in assembly language. It sucks balls. Even a ZX Spectrum is easier to work on.

>> No.7487573

Aw yeah! Game of my childhood. That and Klax are my earliest vidya memories.

>> No.7487768
File: 110 KB, 940x940, laughing (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assembly on an apple is easy as long as you don't want to do stuff like graphics or sound.

>> No.7488603

why not a NES one? that'd be fun.

>> No.7488932

You can if you believe you can.

>> No.7489461
File: 150 KB, 400x400, i-became-potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7489773

That'd be cool to see but I couldn't contribute in any meaning full way.

>> No.7490380

much easier to program than the c64 as well since the PPU of the NES does a lot of the heavy lifting. I started a NES program a few days ago to play famitracker music. works incredibly well. I was told by some people that
> it wasn't possible to do! muh banking!
yet i was able to do it by setting up the ROM to start from $8000 in RAM. I was surprised how easy that was. setting up the music and playing it is nearly exactly the same as it is on the c64.

>> No.7490392

it was way better. unfortunately the c64 was only machine that got a version that wasn't shit. the amiga and st versions were pretty ordinary for 16-bit machines (the st version didn't even scroll - it was terrible). they were more or less direct ports from the c64 version.

>> No.7490397

I assume that's because colour was a rarity in consumer electronics back then, so rainbows were used to signify the power of computers.

>> No.7490414

exactly right, anon.

>> No.7490452

LOLno it's not. The NES is much more of a PITA to code especially with its tiny sprites and completely fucked up colour attribute system. Everything is also highly timing sensitive and if you do things in the wrong order you won't even see anything on screen. You also have extremely limited RAM to work with.

>> No.7490514

>Everything is also highly timing sensitive and if you do things in the wrong order you won't even see anything on screen
much like the c64 except you can see what's going wrong.
>limited RAM
considering most of your code is running from ROM, your graphics and nametables being banked in from ROM, that isn't a problem. you seem to be as clueless as those retarded faggots at nesdev. LOL.

>> No.7490615

the Famicom has hardware sprite multiplexing and sprite flipping which are nice...but then the sprites are also postage stamp sized and you need multiple ones to make an object so it takes a lot of CPU time to keep track of all of them.

>> No.7490673

>much like the c64 except you can see what's going wrong.
not at all. C64 is much more forgiving and you can write to any register or memory location pretty much any time you want.

>> No.7490683

>pretty much any time you want
yeah, that's completely false. care to try again?

>> No.7490689


Hmmm...spot the samefag.

>> No.7490690

That reminds me of an anecdote, about a company who had to write a flight / lander simulator game on the C64. It was an ambituous project that relied on horizontal interrupts heavily. They got most everything done for the demo, but when the executives tested the game, the game went out of sync during the landing part. Like, complete garbage shown everywhere on the screen.

They told the exec that he messed up the landing and his ship crashed, and he was impressed as all hell over how advanced the game is to simulate this too.

>> No.7490704

on that note, the NES can't even do H interrupts at all except with late period advanced mapper like MMC5

>> No.7490720
File: 13 KB, 704x480, C64 Miner 2049er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd always wanted a port of Miner 2049er on the NES. The one little problem is this level has it that you type the number of the lift to go to and that's a bit of an issue how you're going to do it on a NES controller.

>> No.7490853

^this. the Master System is so much better.

>> No.7491003

Both systems have their pros and cons. Piecing together other peoples code isn't really a test of what system is "easier to program". Setting up and calling code to play tracker music works pretty much the same on any system. If this surprises you then you must have very little experience. In which case maybe you just had bad instructions/tools when you tried this on the C64 and your opinion would be the exact opposite if it were the other away around.

It needs multiplexing because it doesn't have raster interrupts, a feature that makes the C64 much easier to program for. A feature so useful several NES mappers included it.

>> No.7491018

Then again Maniac Mansion get bg music on NES when it didn't on C64, in fact there wouldn't be the room anyway since the existing game used virtually all the memory in the computer.

>> No.7491037

that's more an artifact of being able to bank the music from the cartridge. you can probably do that on C64 with a banked cartridge too or if the game was coded for C128.

>> No.7491106

Only reason for that is either because the NES version had a musician involved or because the NES had enough sound channels for music + sfx, most C64 games only had one or the other (3 channels only by default).

>> No.7491170

no really there was a commented technical breakdown of Maniac Mansion online. the game literally uses every last available byte and has to use the drive RAM for even more space. the multiplexer also uses essentially the entire raster time so there'd be nothing left to activate the music player. there was a mod for the game to add 1351 mouse support but it only works on PAL machines as the raster is a bit longer there.

>> No.7491457 [DELETED] 


>> No.7491472

The Famicom has a faster CPU than C64 although this is negated to an extent by the CPU time needed to move all those tiny sprites around.

>> No.7491485

i thought you could just hold fire button to move up by one level, top game btw

>> No.7491535

On the Atari 2600 you just push Up or Down to use the elevators.

>> No.7491610

can this fit in NROM or would it need a mapper?

>> No.7491773

That's a simple problem that was solved long ago

>> No.7491838

the game was like 16k or something

>> No.7491887

probably right because it was on atari 800 first, and those carts were 16k

>> No.7491914

The Apple II version was actually first but the A8 and C64 ports were on cartridges. So yeah it could fit on a 16k NES cartridge and also allow a little more room for music and whatnot since the graphics are separated. Nice thing about the NES, the separate CHR ROM frees up space in the main game ROM for additional content.

>> No.7492002

I think the Atari version was developed first but the Apple II one got completed before it was ready.

>> No.7492026

I've seen some homebrew 4k and 8k NES minigames but they look practically like Atari 2600 stuff. Really, 16k is the minimum to make something that actually "feels" like a NES game.

>> No.7492781

ok. didn't know that.

>> No.7492857

And the video chip in it, the VIC-II was named after famed British musician Vic Reeves and the wonderstuff.

>> No.7492872

So many of those names made me feel nostalgia.

>> No.7492885

I claim the one in the red .

>> No.7493752

whats your source on the Apple II version being first? I can't find a lot other than Wikipedia, and it says he developed it on the Atari800.

>> No.7494035

> whats your source on the Apple II version being first? I can't find a lot other than Wikipedia, and it says he developed it on the Atari800.

He's wrong of course.
Original developer was Big Five Software (Atari 800 in 1982, Atari 5200, C64, VIC20, TI99/4a and PC in 1983)
Livesay Computer Games, Inc. did the Apple ][ (1982) and Colecovision (1983) port.

>> No.7494442


>> No.7494630


>> No.7495568

The only commercially released 8k game was Galaxian. Technically Space Invaders uses a 16k ROM but the actual game code is about 9.3k and most of the ROM is unused.

>> No.7495582

>Hogue was originally going to write Miner 2049er for the TRS-80 Model I, but Radio Shack discontinued it in mid-1982, so he instead developed the game on the Atari 800. The game required 16k at a time when cartridges were a normal 8k, so the company had to produce their own circuit boards holding two EPROMs. Early versions of the cartridges had a bug in the elevator code. Due to a production delay, it was first released on the Apple II.

>> No.7495607

Does anyone know what's up with those cartridge games Ocean published in the 90s? Did they just suddenly remember the c64 had a cartridge slot?

>> No.7495621

They're banked cartridges that allow you to do NES-style live streaming from a cartridge ROM. Too bad this capability wasn't really used in the C64's commercial lifespan because you could do some cool stuff with it.

>> No.7495656

Too bad. They're about the size NES ROMs were at the time. Cheap tapes and disks win out.

>> No.7495665

SMB3 and Kirby wouldn't be possible at all without MMC3's ability to spool game data on the fly (eg. grab a power up and it switches in the code/graphics for it instantaneously).

>> No.7495672

I mean yeah the cartridges were expensive but then again it's made up for by significantly less piracy.

>> No.7495685

Do you think they would release a game only on cart? All those ocean games were on tape and disk as well.

>> No.7495736

>live streaming
They let you watch twitch videos from the future? Truly amazing technology!