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File: 29 KB, 316x330, IMG_20210221_144847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7447106 No.7447106 [Reply] [Original]

Let's continue to discuss the current build

>> No.7447110

Everyone's waiting for some autists to fix it.

>> No.7447115
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>> No.7447136

This. Not interested in dealing with bugs, crashing and soft locks.

>> No.7447145
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Responding to last thread:
>I have a hunch Dinosaur Planet was going to be converted to GameCube regardless
Doubtful, Nintendo had a very hands-off approach with Rare up until they agreed to the IP suggestion - in other words, Nintendo would've allowed Dinosaur Planet to release on Nintendo 64 if they were left to their own devices (provided they made schedule), but the moment Star Fox was introduced to the game Nintendo demanded it showcase the GameCube. This build is a very special time capsule since the switch to GameCube was likely foisted on Rare almost as soon as Fox began to replace Sabre in earnest.

>> No.7447146
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>fucked up my quick recording of sliding around in the aiming mode
easily reproducable though, just run at queen earthwalkers tail till you get past then go into aiming as you are running into her back and you start sliding
unfortunatly this, it seems everything after giving the queen earthwalker mushrooms isn't working correctly

>> No.7447168

Can any one list off all the currently found glitches you can do to bypass stuff?

>> No.7447179

Can't even get past the beginning playing on real hardware with flash cart. As soon as I start a new game I just see Fox/Sabre falling in a bottomless pit and respawning over and over for eternity.

>> No.7447181

Anyone know which n64 emulator supports inserting cheats AND runs the game?

All I want to do is set an address to a number...

>> No.7447184

okay nintendo rep.

>> No.7447191

on everdrive set NDPE=5 on save_db

>> No.7447198

I'm still mad that this was just sitting on some Swede collector's shelf for years or decades collecting dust. Hoarders deserve to be gassed. How can you care enough about video games to pay an exorbitant amount of money for something like this, but not care enough to want to share it with the community? Especially in cases like this where you know the collector had no clue how to make this game playable without the combined efforts of community members.

>> No.7447203

Is that gonna fuck with the saves or settings I have for any other games?

>> No.7447206

no its for dinosaur planet only

>> No.7447214

That said, the folks behind Forest of Illusion are fantastic. Christ knows how much they paid for this, and for the many other lost pieces of history they've uncovered. True heroes.

>> No.7447229

The only way they could be more based is if they stole it from a hoarder and put it on the internet for free. Fuck the hoarders.

>> No.7447241

How mad does this make you: >>7359963

>> No.7447247

God that would be amazing.

The same shit plagues the music community as well. So many hoarders trading highly sought after demos and other recordings, who refuse to publicly release them in order to protect their value and use them as leverage to get more unreleased material from other hoarders. It's disgusting.

>> No.7447268

They don't want to play it, it's just a feeling of superiority having something no one in the world has. To them the more they share of it the less valuable and prestigious it becomes.

Still I believe it's only a matter of time until we get Conker's Twelve Tales now

>> No.7447284

Conker Twelve Tales and Earthbound 64 are the last of the N64 unreleased holy grails.

>> No.7447286
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They're also the n64 fire emblem, if it was actually playable.

>> No.7447296

Don’t know how anyone could possibly care about that or this piece of shit Rare game for that matter

>> No.7447308

The reason I say Conker will hopefully come soon is because a few years ago about an hour footage each of Goldeneye XBLA, Dinosaur Planet and Conker's 12 Tales all leaked, and now we have 2 of the 3 games, and all happen to be made by Rare.

As far as I know no significant amount of Earthbound 64 footage has ever leaked.

>> No.7447321

It evolved into Roy's game, albeit without the series creator's involvement due to the TearRingSaga fiasco (it was a 64DD game BTW).

>> No.7447325
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Fucking around with Cheatengine trying to find the player position values. Sorta found the height one but there's about 80 values for it. Only one can modify the actual height, the rest seem to be checks for collisions so you will get pushed about if you try to go up through something. Will keep poking to find the X and Y ones and see if I can't phase into some locked off rooms.

That said, the elevated path in the desert where the blue thing blows you off just has a piece of paper on it, possibly another spell.

>> No.7447326

I'm not holding my hopes out for that one. Might as well just enjoy Tear Ring Saga.

I didn't say it was likely. With it being likely a DD game, the chances that it ever sees the light of day is almost none. Regardless of what state it's in if it's released, someone will inevitably finish it, probably.

>> No.7447336

>and use them as leverage to get more unreleased material from other hoarders.
This is the worst part. Galloping Ghost just outright can't distribute any of its rare arcade machines (and they're all dumped) because it would piss off the "collector community" and make it way harder to talk them into selling those things in the future. And getting the machines in the public is better than having them rot away in a basement somewhere.

>> No.7447338

What about RE0?

>> No.7447340

Not sure if anything here would be of use, but github RenaKunisaki/StarFoxAdventures has a list of codes for the gamecube version. Some variables might be in similar places (relative to others)?

>> No.7447348

It's funny, I figured Earthbound 64 would have been the most likely to leak.

>> No.7447349
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>> No.7447356
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>> No.7447357


>> No.7447375

I'm sure some people would appreciate RE0 like the RE2 beta, but probably not as much, same with Eternal Darkness 64. I wouldn't consider those to be as significant since their visions probably weren't compromised too much, and might be bettered by the superior gamecube hardware. If it's just a graphical style preference, you could probably even mod them to make them look more like n64 if you spent enough hours.

Stuff like Dinosaur Planet, Twelve Tales, Earthbound 64, and even Zelda 64 to a lesser extent, all had compromised visions in one way or another. Whether that be due to a change in direction or hardware limitations.

Someday maybe, but we don't know how many of the developer DD systems and developer DD cartridges are floating around, if they ever tried to make a cartridge version and if so how far that got and if they were ever wiped to be replaced with something else, and who would have even had the development systems. If it was internal Nintendo, we may never see it, barring another major gigaleak.

>> No.7447412

anyone got video of warlock mountain?

>> No.7447443
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Shot of the area behind the totem door in the forest area on the way to Cape Claw.

>> No.7447458

Is it worth playing or waiting until someone fixes it? Missed the original threads so not sure how far in game you can get.

>> No.7447467

You can get around two hours of playtime out of this before you can't progress. I'd just wait for someone to fix it.

>> No.7447489

you can just go into there normally. the trees with the targets use the same code as in retail SFA

>> No.7447492

There seems to be 44 values which control the forward/back axis.

For ref, the addresses I calculated are:


Hope this helps.

>> No.7447523


I wanna play past Swapstone Hollow so bad, but the Waterfalls there crash as Fox and the Cape Claw cave crash won't let me have fun

>> No.7447549

I'm stuck on the geyser like an anon in the previous thread. I feed the triceratops, but the UI that pops up doesn't fill up and I can't figure out how to get him to dig up the plants for the mammoth to eat.

>> No.7447567

Tried doing this to the Cape Claw guy. Keep falling out of world.

>> No.7447595

Shit, can't find a save_sb file or folder for my ED64Plus Cart. Guess that's what I get for getting a Chink Everdrive unless I'm missing something.

>> No.7447615


>> No.7447619

Nevermind I figured out a workaround- forcing save type to FLASH.

^^^^^^^^^^^Take note of this if you intend to run the game on an ED64Plus^^^^^^^^^^^

>> No.7447636

eternal darkness

>> No.7447641


>> No.7447673

Think you could find the address for weather or not Krystal has Kyte?

>> No.7447704

Somebody in another thread said some mega leak is supposed to come out in the next month. Does anyone know anything about that?

>> No.7447715

Maybe you mean a gigaleak? It comes in waves

No particular reason to think there's dinosaur planet stuff in it though, unless they specifically choose to release that next because of current events

>> No.7447716

Baseless rumors. The leaks happen when they happen without any prior warning.

>> No.7447730
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Not much to be found traversing the ocean floor.

>> No.7447736

good stuff.

>> No.7447757

It works the first time but as soon as you restart to load a save game it triggers again the falling fox even forcing flash selected.

>> No.7447778

>all those trailer trash pleb furfags seething over N64 Krystal being cuter and way more appealing than fursuit GC Krystal

Best thing to come out of these leaks ao far

>> No.7447784

Further addition:

After playing around it seems some of these values might be tracking values for other objects. They might also be moving around depending on what objects in the level are doing.

If I try and narrow down the list, usually what happens is I can get it to warp, but the player doesn't move as far. So probably some of these values are being used to detect movement and thus if you don't set as many of them as possible the game will stop you prematurely on a surface or wall.

What I would recommend generally for this is:

- Launch your cheating tool.
- Record float values
- Guess which way is forward on an axis (e.g. in the start area, moving towards the temple door is +)
- Repeat the following until you get ~40 or less values: Don't move, record changed values. Move a bit forward, record increased values. Move a bit back, record decreased values.
- Change all the values as once and see if you warp in the desired direction

The problem is you need to get kyte in order to figure out where the flag is. Maybe its near the "got tricky" flag though, who knows?

>> No.7447789

you can somewhat get kyte by sliding around the cove but it doesnt set it permanently for some reason

>> No.7447819
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seems like it softlocks after you beat him
I'm just waiting for the bosses that didn't make it to SFA to emerge

>> No.7447821

That sucks. Guess you can't ask too much from a buggy prototype.

>> No.7447840 [DELETED] 

If Goldeneye XBLA and Dinosaur Planet gets leaked then Conker only a matter of when.

>> No.7447854

>Goldeneye leaked in January.
>Dinosaur Planet leaked in February.
Conker in March? BFD's 20th coming up.

>> No.7447872

We've been in this situation for many years in regards to musical rarities, know exactly what you mean. Been dealing with hoarders of this type who've been doing what they do since 1990 and earlier for a band that is surely just a few years or less from retirement. Things that otherwise are out in the open for other bands are guarded like the Ark of the Covenant with these people, and have been for longer than many fans have been alive.

>> No.7447885

It would make my year to finally see Scales get his proper bossfight, but I really doubt it's in this build at all.

>> No.7447887

As said in >>7447789
here's how to get Kyte early (although it doesn't stick) you can also use the log to get here but its alot more finnicky to control than the slide glitch. hopefully that can help find the flag

>> No.7447890


It's basically a form of mental illness as >>7447268
alluded to

>> No.7447892

>constant stuttering
sometimes I hate my toaster

>> No.7447901

12 tales would be pretty interesting to see

>> No.7447903

hopefully all the relevant stuff is in so something can at least be juryrigged

>> No.7447929
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>clip through the walls
>nothing here


>> No.7447960

Has anyone been able to finish the game or at least hit credits?

>> No.7447964

Twelve Tales: Conker 64 leaks
Project Dream SNES leaks
Project Dream N64 leaks
Banjo Kazooie 1996 linear prototype leaks
Donkey Kong Racing Gamecube leaks
Mega Man Legends 3 leaks
Zelda 64 A+C 1997 beta leaks
Super Mario 64 Shoshinkai 1995 beta leaks
Zelda 64 A+B 1996 beta leaks
Mother 3 N64 leaks

>> No.7447976

Would love to see Mega Man Legends 3 stuff leaked, one of the selling points for when I bought the damn 3DS...

>> No.7447991

I Believe this is an Anti Piracy thing that is triggered, it works in others flashcarts, maybe the crack only disables checks on boot ,I'll play on emulator for the time being until a new solution for the ED64PLUS comes out

>> No.7448000

Nope, people have only just started getting to the bosses. It does seem like a substantial amount of 'game' in here but it's all over the place and there's no quick way to get to any of it, it's just bullshitting around and luck.

>> No.7448007

I can only get so hard

>> No.7448020

I noticed the people behind the capcom hack mentioned "3DS" under the list of things they obtained. What capcom games were made for 3DS besides monster hunter and the SFIV port?

>> No.7448025

RE Mercenaries, RE Resistance come to mind

>> No.7448026
File: 1003 KB, 1280x960, desert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the upper right part of the desert temple if you twirl into this corner it'll play the obelisk scene again.

>> No.7448029

Revelations not Resistance, mb

>> No.7448030

quite a lot of resident evil and ace attorney games and at least one collection of mega man games

>> No.7448032

I don't see how that's a mental illness, just a really shitty personality overdosing on smug.

>> No.7448035

wait you can actually get into the temple?

>> No.7448054
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I've been trying to. I've gotten onto the other side in some spots, but you end up falling through the world.

>> No.7448082

What are some games similar to Dinosaur Planet? With animal characters please. I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.7448090

google "Rare software"

>> No.7448095

this holyshit

>> No.7448119

Star Fox Adventures

>> No.7448131 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7448134


>> No.7448137


>> No.7448138

I cannot wait for the true, fixed build to come out

>> No.7448139

Fox has no Sharpclaw model so It defaults to Sabre

>> No.7448140

>no Sharpclaw model

>> No.7448141

for the disguise spell

>> No.7448142

Never mind Sabre what the fuck is that spell?

>> No.7448147

Sphynx and the Cursed Mummy is a close one
Star Fox Adventures it self
Beyond Good and Evil
Jet Force Gemini
Kameo Elements of Power
Starlink: Battle For Atlas (Switch versionhas Star Fox)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Dinotopia: The Sunstone Odyssey
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie
Star Fox Assault
Immortals: Fenyx Rising

>> No.7448150

Oh that's really cool

>> No.7448152
File: 124 KB, 363x374, Eux64V4XIAAbTIb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharpclaw disguise spell
here's Krystal's

>> No.7448153

I knew he would be in the ROM somewhere

>> No.7448156


>> No.7448159

>the hunt for a Sabre model is successful
>now we need a sharpclaw Sabre model

>> No.7448165

sabre if he real

>> No.7448169

Probably just a simple texture swap to be fair.

>> No.7448171

shit, where is it or did you just manage to force it in
you should be able to get past the guard in snowhorn wastes with that

>> No.7448174

you have to use moon jump as krystal to get to cloudrunner fortress

>> No.7448193

So did anybody figure out how to get the triceratops to dig up those plants? He just eats the mushrooms and does nothing else.

>> No.7448195

how moon jump

>> No.7448202

Make him dig on the two cracks first, then the two cracks with the roots. Feed him a lot of mushrooms first though.

>> No.7448207

Post Beta Krystal Cunny

>> No.7448212

How do you make him dig though? I fed him about seven or eight mushrooms befores I gave up. That being said, I was trying to get him to dig by feeding him on top of the plants.

>> No.7448213

Once you've given him enough mushrooms, stand on the cracks and press C-Down. There should be an option there to make Tricky search the area by Fox. Also, watch out. His AI's not as good in this game as he is in Star Fox Adventures.

>> No.7448218

Alright, I'll give it a shot tomorrow, thanks.

>> No.7448225

Is there any chance at all that this game will be able to be fixed into a substantially more playable state. I'm not even necessarily talking about being able to finish it, but to just be able to experience all the content there is.

>> No.7448230


>> No.7448231

Sure, there's always a chance. It was just dumped yesterday though so something like that would surely take a while.

>> No.7448232

it would take alot of work. as you need to fix crashes and sequences not working properly

>> No.7448234

probably. or at least someone will make a level select so you can see all the areas

>> No.7448237

I mean theres probably a level select hidden in there somewhere anyway

>> No.7448238

I think there's hope. It seems like there's a lot of content in the leak that's just in a rough state. It will take months or even years for it to be fixed into something resembling an actual release though.

>> No.7448242

>Zelda 64 A+C 1997 beta leaks
God, in my birthday month nonetheless, please let this happen.

>> No.7448246

Alright, thanks for giving me hope. I'm a huge SFA and JFG fan, so seeing Dinosaur Planet finally being leaked is like a dream come true for me.

>> No.7448250

I saved right after the boat leaves after getting the first magic power and it's all fucked, invisible walls everywhere and I walk in the sky as if the boat was still there. ok.

>> No.7448252
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Ok now will you tell me?

>> No.7448257

Is this supposed to be a laggy stuttering mess with mupen64plus? I can't even hit the opening sharpclaw, but it can sure as fuck damage me.

>> No.7448258

I dont remember this fight from SFA. guess it wasnt a very memorable game.

>> No.7448259

Mad Lad actually did it
here you go https://twitter.com/harshmallowy/status/1363314597969743872

>> No.7448260

Unless you can find the foremost expert to tell you, it's hard to say

Maybe a lot of it is as simple as fixing the crashes and the rest will work as intended, maybe everything really is broken to shit and needs to be reverse engineered

>> No.7448274

I almost died fighting him but every other fight afterwards was normal.

>> No.7448278

As far as I can tell my hits are not even registering. But it's hard to tell because everything's a stuttering mess.

>> No.7448304

Turn on vsync. trade your stutteriness for input delay. Also sometimes hitboxes are just fucked for enemies and for objects and you just need to wait for it to unfuck itself. No clue why it just does that sometimes. I've experienced not having a hitbox even as the player where I don't take damage.

>> No.7448306

I sure hope none of this shit was caused by disk rot, does anyone know the condition of the disk?

>> No.7448310

There was no disk. It was a ruse. It came from the gigaleak breach stuff but forest of illusion didn't want any of the "muh bad data" stigma for the release. It's revenge for the drama that happened with glover.

>> No.7448320

It will be like Resident Evil 1.5 , people will gather every information available and fix the game

>> No.7448321

>Is there any chance at all that this game will be able to be fixed into a substantially more playable state.
Short answer is "yes". But the work needed to fix the crashes and fix bugged scripts and stuff is not trivial. It is possible to glitch into all sorts of later areas in the game, and there's content there. The problem is the game keeps crashing. The crash handler does give some info, and the game's engine is kinda-sorta understood.

The basic problem is that this is a proper mid-development build in the middle of a character retooling (turning Sabre into Fox). If it were a "beta" build intended for testers, it'd have some expectation of actually working properly. Like, the reason GoldenEye XBLA (mostly) works is that it was intended to be played by testers.

>> No.7448337

m64py does a great job. Here's a template to start you off for adding cheats.

in the mupen cheat txt put this under the diddy kong racing in (u) games :

crc 906C3F77-CE495EA1-C:45
cn Infinite Health
805C3971 000C
cn Full Magic (Krystal Only)
805C3975 0019
cn Infinite Magic (Sabre / Fox)
805C3969 0019

>> No.7448341
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>> No.7448349

It played for me when I walked in and out of the entrance also. I bet there's a way to kill the cannon fucker without crashing.

>> No.7448359

>Likes shiny things
>Doesn't like shiny things from YOU

>> No.7448378

No go. Everything's fucked even if I turn everything I can to the lowest settings.
Maybe it's my computer. It's kind of toaster-y.

>> No.7448379

Judging from the way he talks to you, it seems pretty apparent what he wants from you in particular.

>> No.7448384

Take a regular Sharpclaw and texture swap him green or with Sabres stripes. EZ PZ

>> No.7448385

Make sure you're using dynarec. Check the options in the quick menu in-game. 4:3 at native resolution. Turn the framerate to fullspeed as well maybe, because the properly emulated speed can run visually at about 10fps in some of the early ship scenes.

>> No.7448389

I just somehow glitched past that bastard with the sliding glitch. Now I'm in the gas chamber where you have to push the blocks, but my emulator crashed.

>> No.7448392

Wait, it's SUPPOSED to be running at that speed during the ship section? Jesus christ.

>> No.7448393
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>> No.7448394

What's the sliding glitch?

>> No.7448398

actually pretty clever

>> No.7448410

I don't believe you. I've been sliding around this asshole for like an hour and it won't let me in.

>> No.7448414

Got any sources to back up this claim? Not trying to be a bitch, genuinely curious.

>> No.7448415

You're being meme'd

>> No.7448431

Get as close as you can to that guy on one of the sides and pull out your blaster towards him and it will usually push you back and you'll keep sliding indefinitely, which lets you go underwater and past death barriers.

>> No.7448435

I'm sorry, I felt like lying.

>> No.7448438
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Oh, I'll have to try that. Also I remembered this useless tree order. Same as gc, last first middle

>> No.7448446


But I can't get it to not crash here.

>> No.7448457
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I don't remember what these guys do but here they don't care about you.

>> No.7448465

It's cool, anon. Thanks for letting me know regardless.

>> No.7448496

pretty sure they only attacked if you go in the water

>> No.7448498

You have to clip your camera into the wall next to the guard which is pretty easy to do, just mash the Z button to the left of him and after that you can just walk past him. I recommend saving it after your camera successfully clips in.
After that you can get past the gas chamber and blow the doors open to the next room with the cannon. The next area needs a key which you can make drop by fighting the faggot in front of the caged door, he'll drop a key that crashes the game when you pick it up.

>> No.7448504

They didn't attack me and I rubbed all on them.

>> No.7448506

10/10 anon i coomed boockets.

So guys, I didn't finish SFA back in the day, I just found it boring and some of the stock sound effects made the game feel rather... cheap in spite of it's amazing presentation (crazy how well the game holds up), is Dinosaur Planet (or the build we currently have at least) what you expected or hoped for thus far? Please redpill me on the tism.

>> No.7448507

What the fuck, where are the goldenleaks?

>> No.7448512
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>> No.7448513

It happened 2 weeks ago, check the archive.
Vinesauce also streamed it, in case you can't play these leaked games lacking the hardware or something.

>> No.7448514

I guess look up old threads at an archive site. It was for an unreleased xbox360 version.

>> No.7448520

Apparently holding on to a rare unreleased item and selling it years later for profit is considered a "mental illness" by actual autistic retards.

>> No.7448524

Some collectors never, ever sell. Some just die and we get their stuff after the fact purely because they died.

>> No.7448525


>> No.7448540
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> archived rare website doesn't have the mp3 and wallpaper downloads

>> No.7448554

I saved them but I can't be arsed to stop figuring out how to stop the gas room death and crash.

>> No.7448562
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>how to stop the gas room death and crash.

>> No.7448567
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>bypass guard
>die anyways

>> No.7448570

Use the shield spell the dinosaur fucker gave you at the beginning of cape claw.

>> No.7448574

Yes but in doing so I shortly crash likely due to the same thing that crashes you when you are going through the bottom entrance on the log or swimming. The only way to bypass that crash was via ground attacking through the water. In here I only have finite time before I die or crash trying to not die.

>> No.7448580

It crashed there a few times for me when loading in the next area of the map, but I managed to get through it. The next area with the key absolutely crashes every time I pick it up though.

>> No.7448582

Left block, Right block, Front block, Back Block.
Order matters or it crashes.

>> No.7448583
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For whatever reason doing them counter clockwise starting from the one closest to the door doesn't make it crash. Then you gotta beat the guys who get mad you didn't die.

>> No.7448593

I didn't get a key here. I can get on the canon but it doesn't seem to do anything other than be able to shoot it and turn it.

>> No.7448603

turns out you can raise the canon and break the doors like I was thinking.

>> No.7448610

Absolutely based, godspeed glorious autists

>> No.7448612
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>decide to explore a little
>game runs the poison room event again because the npc probably is supposed to leave to remove that trigger
sequence breaking even in gc always made weird stuff happen.

>> No.7448639
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Do not jump in here.

>> No.7448641
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>Everyone wanting Conker next
>not Dream

>> No.7448647

>Fox was already plaguing the N64 build

>> No.7448657

commence endless falling in place

>> No.7448659

The Snes version, yes.
The n64 version, no.

>> No.7448662

This, the SNES version seems more interesting. The N64 version probably has absolutely nothing that can be interacted with.

>> No.7448667

Was this not already known? People had found an old fox model ages ago last I remembered.

>> No.7448669

It wasn't. All we knew was that Dinosaur Planet was a non-Star Fox N64 thing, then it became a Star Fox thing on the N64. Fox being in the N64 version is something we learned yesterday.

>> No.7448670

wtf, I swear I was looking at a literal fox model that was leftover data from the n64 version online before. I must be crazy

>> No.7448672

then it became a Star Fox thing on the GCN*. I can't type today. From what we've been told for years, the shift to Star Fox didn't begin until they shifted development to the GameCube.

>> No.7448683

The demo version of SFA has a lot of essentially untouched DP assets in it, including text strings like "I'm Fox Mcloud, a Knight of the Lyat System". Also an interim Fox model that was higher poly than a normal N64 model.

>> No.7448685

I'm wondering if any of the crashes are actually failed demo-stopper scripts. It was kinda common to block off content in Rare's games at trade shows and stuff by resetting the game when you reached a certain point.

>> No.7448693

Little did he know the log is a character

>> No.7448703
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Time to figure this one out

>> No.7448706

n64 krystal is cute
i like her little booties

>> No.7448709

Part of me thinks this requires kite or some shit since there are literally switches everywhere that only they can hit.

>> No.7448714

At least it eventually made its way to freedom. To get really mad, think about all the stuff sitting in Jap collectors' hands. Those will never ever be freed.

>> No.7448736

But at the end of the day, it's a Fox model that has too many polygons to be an N64 model and we only heard about the switch to being a Star Fox game after it became a GameCube game. The fact that this is a late N64 build with Fox replacing Sabre, and a few lines of dialogue changes calling him Fox as well with the majority still referring to him as Sabre, even voiced, says a lot.

>> No.7448741

What it boils down is that there was a period between mid-2000 and mid-2001 where the game's development status was unknown. It reappeared in mid-2001 at E3 as a GC title.

>> No.7448746


>> No.7448768

So is this version just the original Dinosaur Planet with Sabre being replaced by Fox and some dialog having been changed but not all of it right?
So technically some hacker can get the original DP working again by removing fox, or does this already include further changes with the star fox universe?

>> No.7448776
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a+ trip

>> No.7448804 [DELETED] 
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now I have to pray not to crash making it to them

>> No.7448806
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cut too much

>> No.7448808
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Cape claw is beautiful

>> No.7448810

It's my favorite area that I saw in videos before this was released.

>> No.7448813

No other changes as far as anyone can tell. No mention of Andross, at least. The problem is that Dinosaur Planet is kinda missing its third act. Even the goddamn design documents are missing the third act. However, what we do know from data mining is that the game was meant to climax with Krystal going back in time and undoing everything.

If we wanna get crazy, dedicated fans might have to craft their own ending. It might be possible to end the story on the "Dark Future" cliffhanger. We even have dialogue telling Krystal she needs to go back in time. I checked the n64 rom, and this dialogue isn't present.

>> No.7448817

Former. Other than the model and referencing the Lylat System, there's no Star Fox references.

>> No.7448825

i haven't kept up with dinosaur planet in over ten years, I was all over the game and how it became Star Fox Adventures but apparently only recently in the last few years all the info I always wanted had been coming out. Any youtube video explaining it?

>> No.7448827

>Krystal accidently sends Dinosaur Planet into the distant past.
>Sabre is still dead, but everyone's memories are reset prior to the beginning of the game.
>The story picks up with the eventus of Star Fox Adventures

>> No.7448829

How are people bypassing the gas chamber crash?

>> No.7448840

Specific order of pushing. Staying away from the middle of the room fighting. Staying closest to the door.

>> No.7448841

How far can we make it on original hardware? I would love to play the game, but don't want to get disappointed with it not working.

>> No.7448847

Be patient. Someone will start fixing it up soon.

>> No.7448849

I like how some enemies are actually legitimately coded to respawn complete with effects.

>> No.7448850

As far as I have heard. There's a decomp going on right now. Assuming that is done, we should be able to fix the game for n64 and probably could port it to pc and anything else that can be compiled to.

>> No.7448861

>PC port
I'd cum buckets. I'm skeptical though, I figured Rare's N64 black magic would make things difficult to decompile.

>> No.7448863

So if you die in the inner part of cape claw, there is actually a checkpoint it spawns you at when you continue.

>> No.7448869

Depends on the optimization flags that were set during compilation. Considering this isn't a final build, it's likely that it's built using debug, which would mean no optimization and would make it significantly easier, though not trivial, to decompile.

>> No.7448876

>game already runs pretty decent considering its graphics
>probably isn't even using compiler optimizations

>> No.7448883
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Ride the log

>> No.7448885
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I am the log

>> No.7448893
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>tmw there just might be an influx of dinosaur planet krystal fanart

>> No.7448894

Basically the advantage here is that they don't necessarily need to do a full decompile to fix the game. They just need to start turning sections into human-readable code so they can say, "Okay, so what is the game TRYING to do, and why is the crash handler triggering?" the fact it's a debug developer build will likely prove useful.

I don't think most people will actually care even if the game ends on a "To be continued, thanks for playing." Soul Reaver is blatantly unfinished and people love that game. People just want the game to not crash, and have as much working playable content as possible.

>> No.7448901

Even if it's not using compiler optimizations, it can still be done. Ocarina of Time is at an estimated 60% now. The main problem is manpower.

>> No.7448908

65.5% baby.

>> No.7448914

I think you just got lucky. Sometimes it crashes before I can even push a block. And not just the game crashes, the whole emulator shits itself.

>> No.7448918
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well shit.

>> No.7448920

Just a reminder that Star Fox Adventures is hilariously resistant to sequence breaking, which is why it doesn't have much of a speedrunning community. It really isn't surprising that people are encountering crashes whenever they try to skip into places they're not meant to be. SFA soft locks if you try to get clever, because it doesn't have a crash handler. What this means is that to fix this game, people need to step by step fix the progress blockers. Probably starting with the cave and the log. Something is supposed to trigger when you enter the cave, and it's not supposed to crash. Figure out what is going wrong there, and I wouldn't be surprised if the next section of the game works just fine.

>> No.7448926

Yes. I definitely know how bad sfa is about sequence breaks. The game doesn't handle going above spots with no land at ALL.

>> No.7448930

going 1st person seems to completely remove your hitbox

>> No.7448959

i been watching this sequence breaking SFA run but i have to admit i dont know too much about the scene in general

>> No.7448963

How do I play this on my everdrive without getting the infinite falling thing?

>> No.7448964

i'd say the biggest issue other than the crashes right now is figuring out what the actual intended path is after you hand the Queen the mushrooms
like, if we assumed its the same as SFA then going to the snowhorn wastes would be next but the guard either requires a disguise which is from Cloudrunner or finding out what is supposed to give this "distract" command for Tricky that seems to be in SFA demo
if it isn't then its gonna be a fun old time

>> No.7448967

I believe it's been determined that the cave crash is because the log object isn't loaded on that map.

>> No.7448973

Look in your ED64 folder. Open save_db. Add DP=5 (Dinosaur Planet) to the end of the file. Rename the rom to Dinosaur Planet. The issue is you were using the wrong save type.

>> No.7449014

tfw drown in foot deep water

>> No.7449025

>The issue is you were using the wrong save type.
Which is an anti-piracy trigger. Some of Rare's later games are laced with anti-piracy stuff. Perfect Dark has anti-piracy triggers all throughout the code. But I don't think anyone has actually seen most of them because nobody attempted to manually NOP the triggers starting with an infinite loop on the boot screen. But you look at the decompiled code, and these triggers are all throughout the game, including stuff like making explosions intentionally misbehave and nuke the player. So I have to wonder if there's anti-piracy and/or dongle check triggers that weren't patched out.

>> No.7449027

i WILL pick up the key bros

>> No.7449037

Does anyone know why picking up the key on the table after using the disguise crashes the game? What is the gaming trying to do?

>> No.7449043

very British

>> No.7449050

Probably trying to load the "item get" model or message with missing assets. Game fucking hates keys.

>> No.7449056

same voice actor as in perfect dark?

>> No.7449062
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Like, what is this shit? The game also does anti-piracy checks EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN DMA TRANSFER. It does piracy checks when you open the cheat menu. When AI is thinking about throwing grenades. Whenever you or an NPC decloaks. When you use the camspy. When the AI is alerted by an explosion. When AI tries to pick up one specific kind of ammo crate in the combat simulator.

This was all moot because they made the mistake of putting a fuck you while(1) infinite loop in the initializer that made the game freeze on boot. That kind of overt AP is a bad idea because it allows people to figure out the protection fairly quickly.

>> No.7449067

Yes. Eveline Fischer. (Became Eveline Novak when she married.) She was replaced by someone else in SFA, I believe.

>> No.7449068

Someone was probably having a laugh or nintendo had them doing it.

>> No.7449079

Where do you get disguise magic?

>> No.7449080

It was likely Rare. Rare were... special. They were the only studio that used security dongles to protect their development builds, for example. And the anti-piracy system in Banjo Tooie is vaguely similar to one used in Ocarina of Time to fuck with players fishing, but way more sophisticated since they used the challenge/response system on the CRC to encrypt/decrypt assets in Tooie. People solved this by playing the game on a real N64 with a tap attached to the chip to snag the responses and built a lookup table of like 250 challenge/response pairs. Later someone reverse engineered the CIC algorithm.

>> No.7449083

Now I can see why they switched the sword to B in zelda

>> No.7449094

That's pretty hilarious

>> No.7449096

You need the moonjump code currently.

>> No.7449104

I somehow came back to life after falling to my death and now enemies ignore me because I'm technically dead

>> No.7449106
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forgot pic

>> No.7449112

Did you grab that small annoying creature on top of the pillars? They revive you in SFA.

>> No.7449113

Dang we already gettin Dinosaur Planet creepypastas?

>> No.7449114

They revive you in this too and you start with them. They also give back your health unlike what happened here.

>> No.7449115
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>have the same problem as the guy in the comments
>followed up by literally lol nvm kind of works now :)

>> No.7449120

I assume they would've optimized the crap out of this but considering how bad it runs, moving to the GC doesn't seem like too bad of a call

>> No.7449125
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>middle of bad idea rework
optimization comes on the fly and at the end.

>> No.7449128
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I was killed to death by blue man group

>> No.7449135

There is absolutely a chance all of this is anti piracy thinking about it. Every fuckup has been at a key section.

>> No.7449138

Yeah people seem to forget how TERRIBLE Rare's later N64 games ran. Perfect Dark, Banjo Tooie and, Conker would dip into single digit FPS constantly and averaged sub 20 fps. They really didn't put FPS into consideration in those days. They actually had the ability to increase the framerate a small amount just by reducing the in game resolution like in their earlier titles but instead wanted to go with higher resolutions for some reason.

>> No.7449140

If and when some hackers decide to fix up the game to be more playable I'd love to watch a side-by-side of SFA and Dinosaur Planet for an entire playthrough to see the differences.

>> No.7449141
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>> No.7449158
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I managed to force my way in
I am still dead.

>> No.7449160

I guess that at this point its pretty much just DP but with Fox copypasted over Sabre

>> No.7449163

These were the good old days, before the average consumer would autistically reee at the mere thought of sub-60fps

>> No.7449164
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They can see the dead unlike the others so I must be careful

>> No.7449170

I like how this is like a shitty fanfic

>> No.7449172

I'd like to take a moment to ask how dinosaur planet became even less sci-fi mixed when starfox came into play.

>> No.7449175

People are still defending 30fps on consoles.

>> No.7449180

The music here is sort of enlightening. I'd be enjoying it if I wasn't trying to avoid instant game over. I've never heard it playing anywhere else so far.

>> No.7449181
File: 3.02 MB, 2627x1457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've met my match. I got electrocuted and cannot pass.

I also cannot leave.

>> No.7449183

How in the hell can you not see up her skirt here

>> No.7449184
File: 2.98 MB, 2507x1829, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't walk out of this empty. I managed to get something special here. This might help others.
It's magic.

>> No.7449189

I've managed to figure out the floor combination. If you get it wrong you get the shock treatment.

>> No.7449194

the krazoa shrines in this game are full of a lot more lore than the watered down ones in the rushed version of this game. And a lot more things that absolutely will murder you.

>> No.7449196

By utilizing the forward attack repeatedly, you can stop the auto death from falling too far.

>> No.7449201
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And like that, I'm in the first dungeon I've seen in this version.

>> No.7449203

N64 and PS1 generally didn't have upskirts and just treated you to a solid polygon, you had to wait a generation before consoles were willing to sacrifice enough to bother with rendering panties.

>> No.7449209
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You can see up her skirt if you really want to. I'm more focused on adventure. than 64x64 textures of blue legs atm

>> No.7449214

Any tips for playing on an emulator? I tried yesterday with mupen64plus in retroarch and I had a few problems.
>if you turn fullspeed on attacks miss 90% of the time
>the item/spell scroll menus are invisible
>if you use the game's save system Fox will fall into the void forever

>> No.7449223
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well well well, it looks like this stone works.
I'm using m64py with glide64 with shadowfix and I'm getting pretty far.

>> No.7449231
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If this leaked then maybe we could eventually get Project Dream and Conker: Twelve Tales

>> No.7449232

I'm starting to think this game might have lite relations to jet force gemini's world.

>> No.7449236
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forgot pic but there are some odd things happening here and other locations. Boxes indefinitely respawn.

I ate an apple and came back to life.

>> No.7449239

Chris Seavor compared 12 Tales to No Man's Sky. Basically nothing on the game was done beyond the opening area, and the stuff shown in the VHS demo was carefully curate.

>> No.7449246
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Intractable stuff everywhere.
C12 tails was basically a big nothing game just showing him flying through shit without much actual game part. It was like people have said. The power of not actually showing real gameplay.

>> No.7449262

So what
it's still be interesting to get and look through

>> No.7449273

>Basically nothing on the game was done beyond the opening area
The fuck? What about this video?

>> No.7449275

Got the camera locked behind the character
then if you pan the camra out of bounds it freezes

>> No.7449281

That's the entire point. 12 Tales barely exists. It was smoke and mirrors. People are expecting actual levels and meaningful content. Seavor basically said people are in for a rude shock if it ever leaks.

>> No.7449287

30 minutes is fucking nothing for a platformer collectable.

Most of that video is spent dicking around in select areas. It would be nice to also dick around but the game isn't even fully conceptualized even 40 percent at what they had shown

>> No.7449290

This video also proves Rare do have an actual functional build of Twelve Tails in their archivals. Probably it's quite incomplete but it's obvious they did a good deal of development before the change to BFD.
Hell, some assets are still on BFD's ROM.

>> No.7449295

And it would still be interesting to look through.

>> No.7449302

This is also what a Zelda 64 A+B build probably is.
And yet, I still want it.

>> No.7449307
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oh god a puzzle in which I have 0 hints on

>> No.7449373

I imagine this is what a 3D La-Mulana game would be like, only intentional.

>> No.7449375

Feels kinda sad playing through this. Would've easy been an iconic Rareware classic had it been allowed to come out.

What the actual fuck was Miyamoto thinking the stupid gook

>> No.7449376

The fault doesn't lie entirely on him. Whoever accepted his suggestion at Rare is also to blame.
Remember, Rare was still self-operated as it owned 51% of itself and could do shit as they saw fit, hence Conker.

>> No.7449383

Likely the Stamper bros themselves. They were trying to appease Nintendo so they could line their pockets.

>> No.7449385

even though they would've made even more money if they didn't do it

>> No.7449389

At this point they wanted Nintendo to buy most of Rare and they'd retire, it's such a shitshow.

>> No.7449395

Hindsight is 20/20. They had a devious plan and it blew up in their faces. Dinosaur Planet was a casualty.

>> No.7449405

>Tim, but what if... we were to sell 49% to Microsoft and get old man Yamauchi desperate to buy our stocks so they become Rare's majority owner at an inflated price?
>Ho-ho ho ho, delightfully devilish, Chris.

>> No.7449410

The move to Gamecube made sense, Star Fox or otherwise. I'd imagine it would've became an original Xbox game due to its sheer scope had Rare kept to its own IP, so who knows how that would've turned out. After Conker underperformed commercially I don't see Dinosaur Planet staying on the N64 regardless. It was a victim of poor timing.

Star Fox Adventures was great but clearly a compromised vision. It's bizarre to play a version of it so familiar but also so alien at the same time. The map is completely different but a lot of the beats are familiar or even the same.

>> No.7449413

A double casualty because Dinosaur Planet without Star Fox probably would have sold more.

>> No.7449417

>Dinosaur Planet without Star Fox probably would have sold more
Not really, no. Adventures sold very well and the Star Fox IP being well-known was a key factor in making the call to use it.

>> No.7449432

Gamecube didn't.

>> No.7449436

Japs and bongs are diametrically opposed

>> No.7449438

Waterfall take 2. I got far with krystal now it's time for half fox

>> No.7449441

Jesus fucking christ. This shit and some of the stuff in the mega leaks i thought i would never, ever in my wildest dreams see, let alone play. After all this Im truly convinced anything can happen.

>> No.7449445

Is there a recommended emulator for the current build? Getting a ton of missing textures on P64

>> No.7449447

Mupen64Plus, P64 is the ZSNES of N64 emulation.

I keep hoping for A+B or A+C Zelda 64 builds and Earthbound 64.

>> No.7449450


>> No.7449452
File: 541 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2021-02-22 01-18-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rode the log into gay baby jail

>> No.7449459
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Why the fuck can tricky swim so fast

>> No.7449461

I still want that Triforce room
think of all the L-is-real shitposting when the gigaleak happened, except with the triforce. Even if its just a test room I don't care.

We'd probably need a *early* A+B build from 1996 for that - people theorize that Fstdan was originally the triforce dungeon, before being reworked into the one you see in the gigaleak and overdump by the time of late A+B.
Same thing with the 3D town.

As for the Unicorn fountain, we'd need a early 1998 build. It only appears in early 1998 screenshots. The Overdump "Unicorn-less fountain" is clearly an older simpler version. Again, its just a old fairy fountain, but I don't care.

(Some people here say that we'd need an even older build than the overdump for the UF, but they're wrong.)

>> No.7449463
File: 72 KB, 631x1024, always sunny flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that map reminds me of the party mansion flyer from Always Sunny

>> No.7449467

I really want to see how different or flawed the combat was, especially in A+C I'd love to see if they already had any sort of plot planned already. We already know by that period, before child Link was even a thing, they already had the Deku Tree and the "Fairy rite of age" planned as a thing, as we see a very early Deku Tree in A+C, but I'd love to see if they had anything done past the opening of the story, which remained the same.

>> No.7449485
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this is bullshit

>> No.7449492
File: 3.41 MB, 2837x1695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe nobody posted this guy in the flesh yet.

The one guy who managed to survive intact to the rush

>> No.7449495

>threw me out
>crashed me when I tried to come back in

>> No.7449508


>> No.7449516
File: 3.39 MB, 2165x1476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gives me conker vibes

>> No.7449517

Plenty of people posted him in other threads.

>> No.7449518
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Shame I can't figure out how to buy these

>> No.7449521
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Even the scarab game works

>> No.7449525
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Damn this version of the game has no scarab display.

>> No.7449530

Tricky in the water. Tricky in the sheets.

>> No.7449535

Anyone figure out how to talk to the green dino in Diamond Bay without crashing? I saw some screenshots alluding to people figuring it out. I think you're supposed to have Tricky somehow. There's also a green egg in the area which I assume is related.

>> No.7449536

god I really hate the fox model. It stands out so much because you could tell it's just rough placeholder. It only has mouth anims and the face is stone frozen.

>> No.7449540


>> No.7449549

i remember jet force gemini(star twins) had one

>> No.7449552
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>> No.7449556

haven't gotten there yet so I'm not sure.

>> No.7449557

Why does Fox have such fuckable twink eyes?

>> No.7449558

probably they gave him Link eyes as a joke?

>> No.7449562

why is this game so much better than sfa? i swear rare made the arwing sections shit on purpose just to spite miyamoto

>> No.7449571


>> No.7449575
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1440, Dinosaur_Planet-210222-012142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suppose Shigeru Miyamoto sabotaged Dinosaur Planet because he was afraid of it? Afraid of its soul?

>> No.7449581

Even if you play it today it'll never be the same as playing it in 2000.

Which is a real shame. To experience it when it was new. We just have different view of games now. Well never know if it would be held up with all the other Rare 64 greats

>> No.7449583

I played it at the booths. I waited a long time for this. The builds at the booths did crash less though

>> No.7449584

Since the previous thread it's been stated over and over he didn't force the Star Fox IP, higher ups at Rare (probably Tim and Chris Stamper) accepted it, as they could've declined his suggestion like they declined the James Bond visiting enemies at the hospital one or NoA's objections against Bad Fur Day, especially since they were gambling the possibility of Nintendo buying Rare outright for a pretty penny.

>> No.7449585

Inb4 they release this as the selling point for the N64 classic

>> No.7449587

I'll humor you and believe you're legit.
How were you able to play it? How different was it? Did it actually crash on builds? How come people didn't write shit about that in E3 reports?

>> No.7449610

there will never be a n64 classic mini or whatever

>> No.7449612

There were mor quirks and the booth runners had to reset the kiosks time to time but it was similar to what is being played now minus the starfox shit. They had these big statues all over with banners of the characters. I remember seeing it next to some prima setup. People were pretty hyped about the game even with the crashes. Then news about the game went silent.

>> No.7449615

You are funny if you think they'd EVER make a n64 mini. The best you'll get is jank emulation on the switch for n64 on some fork of an emulator. So far only wayforward and animal crossing have used emus as far as I have played in games.

>> No.7449621

On top of that, it was just simply a smart business move altogether. A recognizable IP would get more sales, and that's what the GameCube needed at that point.

>> No.7449623

I know that's the meme but that's implying that nintendo strives for high quality emulation and won't settle for rom patches on a poor emulator that's struggling to run.

>> No.7449629

>super mario collection

>> No.7449637

This guy has been finding some pretty interesting stuff. https://twitter.com/Rare_Gamer

>> No.7449650

Walkthrough guy needs to moon jump up already.

>> No.7449720

moon jumping has always busted the fuck out of this game.

>> No.7449727

Fox was probably just added to show shiggy
>Hey this is how our game looks with fox in it now can you please leave us alone

>> No.7449765

shame the guy making the guide is suffering pj64 exclusive bugs like the log falling onto the bridge.

>> No.7449778


>> No.7449779

the log is my greatest ally in cape claw since it makes you completely unkillable

>> No.7449781

If Wikipedia can be trusted in this case, that's exactly the reason Rare chose this route.

>> No.7449793
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>> No.7449796

I hate that I laughed

>> No.7449812

I fucked my cape claw up good. It wants to spawn me inside the building so everything is loaded as if I'm inside but I'm outside. Approaching the building is tough now without crashing but I managed to get a spellstone.

>> No.7449821

adding onto this in doing so, I've discovered that getting into that side area is so unstable that the thing you're supposed to get there unspawns the moment you get inside of it.

>> No.7449824
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forgot pic. Guess we know where the shiny thing is after all.

>> No.7449830
File: 3.03 MB, 2433x1686, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As harmless as this looks, it's a softlock

>> No.7449874

This is precious and perfect.

>> No.7449878

We have SW97 overdump

>> No.7449880

What about these August intercept DP builds?

>> No.7449882

There's a golden jewel under the waterfall that you can give to the guard. You have to use the log. Yes, the emulator you're using matters.

>> No.7449884
File: 43 KB, 559x406, beb2a28a-698c-4ed4-bed0-c1dbdca44c8d1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be the thing.

>> No.7449889

I'll go add post-it notes to my CD collection as well

>> No.7449897

That shit has a 95% crash rate for most players.

>> No.7449910
File: 450 KB, 1506x1278, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try satan

>> No.7449916
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the reality

>> No.7449947

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.7449950

Every mini is a glorified android box. The cheapest and strongest one was the psclassic and it ended up costing the least because they used a shit tier set of cores with it when they sold it.

n64 emulation is kinda trash so they wouldn't bother.

>> No.7449953

holy shit

>> No.7449959

The Wii had N64 games on virtual console. Im sure Nitnendo could manage perfectly acceptable emulation for 20-30 games if they wished

>> No.7449962

The wii is stronger than most android boxes and has an actual gpu.

>> No.7449969

I want to believe in the Akk Arrh heist
Then again, it's still a good end if it was just one of the collectors finally deciding it should have been seen by the world

>> No.7449995

Are his texture animations better than Fox's?

>> No.7450000

>wii is stronger than most android boxes
..no. The first iteration of NES classic was already more powerful than the wii.

>> No.7450004

>mali gpus
>powerful or useful at all
nintendo would sooner release them all on switch for 20 bucks anyways since it's already an android device basically. Why would they bother? N64 wasn't even a hot seller.

>> No.7450018

well he has actual eye animations for one

>> No.7450038

When I have to use fox in this I cry inside from his soulless eyes.

>> No.7450048

It's still crazy to me that Fox was in this game at all before they transitioned to the GameCube. I wasn't expecting to see him in the rom at all.

>> No.7450060

Go steal it. Quick.

>> No.7450076

For some reason I feel like I'm the only one who expected it from my decompiling of the kiosks and other things. I forgot that I may not have released all of my old findings looking back. Fox had a couple of models.

>> No.7450084

Any luck getting into the desert doors?

>> No.7450090


>> No.7450096

and mind you, some footage of DP was 50 minutes with dicking around, and it was 3-4 areas.
so yeah

>> No.7450097

I've seen over 2 hours of footage before in a video of dp. Many areas of which I've played at the kiosks but haven't been able to get to in this version yet just because I cannot stop fucking around doing random shit. The crashes extend the playtime a little but I keep fucking around and throwing boxes at shit and trying to figure out if bats can actually be killed or not.

>> No.7450104

I have perfected the log and aiming on water glitch that lets you sink deep into water without dying. It also happens to make you completely invincible but it has some quirks.

>> No.7450110
File: 274 KB, 999x806, RobotScorpion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK, why'd they get rid of that!?

>> No.7450114

i think >>7449158 and all their follow ups are inside there, since i believe they retooled the desert temple to an ocean one in SFA
probably way too late now but its probaby the "put out fires" puzzle by shooting the buttons

>> No.7450116

they got rid of a lot of cool shit because muh gcn retooled game

>> No.7450117

All these people getting to all the cool areas and I'm sitting here like a dumb baby trying to avoid the game crashing in the start segments.

>> No.7450119

I left that area and deemed I was in there way too early.
Now I'm trying to use my log glitch to get past the despawning gold but I just remembered I'll fucking drown instantly if I'm not careful.

>> No.7450124
File: 1.39 MB, 3030x1745, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god. it crashes the game when you pick it up. I don't think you can give him the gold at all. It's either because I'm still a log or because the object is just broken. I'll try a new game without all the bullshit I've done thus far.

>> No.7450126

How did you get it to stay spawned in?

>> No.7450127

i mean, the temples are were you go after beating the bosses and only the walled city one has been fought so far and that one locks the game

>> No.7450128

I used the log glitch that lets you leave the log while still controlling it. I then pushed it into that room. From there I spoke to an npc and when you exit cutscenes it literally teleports you back to the log. I then grabbed the stone and died.

>> No.7450131

>the log glitch that lets you leave the log while still controlling it.
this is the first time Im hearing of this glitch
how is it done?

>> No.7450134
File: 279 KB, 1055x692, sentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly replaced by the sentry bots if their detection is funky as >>7449164 says. They've got a similar-looking core.

>> No.7450135

The exact same way you sink into water while moving forward, using the aiming mode. The aiming mode is literally the catalyst of almost every glitch thus far in this game. During the log glitch you have to kinda remember the timing to pulling out a weapon to aim and exiting it because sometimes it will just aim randomly and b button doesn't stop it.
You are wrong because this game ALSO has those.

>> No.7450138

No sentry bots are still in this build of the game and still inside of cloud runner temple while the robot scorpion is volcano force point temple

>> No.7450141

sidenote, you'll know the glitch is active because krystal will keep her staff out at all times.

>> No.7450153
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so close yet so far. This is how you know it's the otp for him.

>> No.7450161

I may have discovered that you can charge the blaster from this log glitch.

>> No.7450167

The charged shot is blue yellow then red light

>> No.7450204
File: 75 KB, 718x605, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set random flags in warlock mountain
>get rewarded with a horde of bugs

>> No.7450209

can't help you with 0 insight

>> No.7450219

You're about as useless as 2 Randorns.

>> No.7450224

Krystal needs Lara Croft's backflip to get out of this sticky situation.

>> No.7450232

Gameshark code to add the key for Kyte's cage to your inventory allowing her to be properly freed allowing you to trigger the light foot ambush.
805C4C51 0001

>> No.7450243
File: 627 KB, 861x646, rom_crack-210222-135708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hole down here, though the sliding blaster wont work since i tried that in foxes section

>> No.7450247

Someone needs to document all these item / story flags.

>> No.7450248

Do you have a gameshark code for moon jumping?

>> No.7450250

use the code in >>7450232
get kyte then after the lightfoot section you should be able to use kyte to light the fires and access the hole

>> No.7450251

>You are wrong because this game ALSO has those
That doesn't mean they won't have replaced the malfunctioning enemies with ones they knew already worked. If anything that's more likely than them creating a new one just to do that

>> No.7450253

Question form someone who cannot play (for reasons): is the aiming ass or are the YTbers sucking?

>> No.7450258

both. Sometimes it's easy as fuck to hit something and other times god damn why can't this shit stop going so far.

>> No.7450262

Can you do one for the shiney gold nugget too? That shit crashes on pickup as well. I tried bypassing but the game says fuck you directly upon pickup even when I found a method to untether myself from the log.

>> No.7450263

1. they work perfectly fine
2. I dont think the sentry bots even show up in volcano force point in the final

>> No.7450264

The aiming was terrible even in the finished game.

>> No.7450269

I have some uncirculated demos that I may be willing to trade. How can I contact these other hoarders?

>> No.7450286

call them on their cellphone

>> No.7450296

I got kytes icon to appear in the hud walking around by setting every byte from 0x5c4dac - 5c4dde to 0xFF - so if you try flipping all 400 bits in that range you'll probably find the right flag.

Kyte didn't appear anywhere though.

>> No.7450305
File: 39 KB, 500x258, 1605865129910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far ahead was the Fox Fuel planned?

>> No.7450306

I just love this cutscene. https://streamable.com/mcnwja

>> No.7450316

not goldeneye beta or source or anything good like that. some fucking gay ass hd texture pack xbox port

>> No.7450327

This must be the uchiha lightfoot clan
>gently untie you before running away

>> No.7450332

Every screenshot or footage I see only has 3 apples for life, are there no ways to get more?

>> No.7450336

But was Fox Fuel better than Mountain Dew?

>> No.7450343
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Has this been reached yet? The pace of this game is different.

>> No.7450347

It's typical garbage N64 freeaiming.

>> No.7450384

>no dinosaur planet Krystal Lightfoot Gang rape hentai exists because of this scene
I feel robbed

>> No.7450406

You should be able to get past the guard there with the disguise spell.

>> No.7450461
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>> No.7450464

opening demo

>> No.7450474
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>> No.7450486

Holy shit, Look at that log doing stunts!!

>> No.7450487

that face ruins so many scenes because I can't stop laughing

>> No.7450492
File: 1.46 MB, 1872x1778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dice even on fresh no bugs save
collectables are fucked

>> No.7450497

upon crashing, I noticed it loads up sabre's portait a second before it kicks the damn bucket. I also noticed the game referred to krystal as sabre on the second swap. Damn, could all this crashing actually be due to some flag not going off when changing characters?

>> No.7450508

This is such a strange little cutscene. Why the close up? Why the smile? Why those damn teeth?

>> No.7450513

She pushed the log off

>> No.7450524

it could be that its buggy and unfinished

>> No.7450528

that may definitely be established.

>> No.7450586
File: 21 KB, 320x240, General_Scales_DP_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Krystal, not only she got a drastic redesign but she was put inside a crystal for most of the game for Fox to save and start their forced relationship
General Scales got it even worse because he was planned to be a much bigger threatening presence through the game but was sidelined in favour of forcing Andross after his ''boss battle'' Press A to win

>> No.7450587
File: 1008 KB, 510x1311, Eeeugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa what the fuck, why are the teeth so detailed in comparison

>> No.7450596

Scales got shafted the worst out of all of this because he lost his threat status and will never show up in anything else.

In the n64 game I see him as threatening as shao khan is in mk

>> No.7450608

>i showed you my dick please respond
Scales and Drakor got done dirty
>Scales appears three times, with only the first one making him seem like any degree of threat
>Drakor just gets relegated to penultimate boss where you mash A to win

>> No.7450609

Him, Krystal and the whole Adventures was erased when Miyamoto rebooted Starfox again, if he continues Zero he will likely follow Assault or go in another direction if he does

>> No.7450616

Starfox Zero managed to damage the brand even further. It's below metroid status at this point because other M didn't do much to stop prime 3 from being a thing still.

Starfox on the hand has so much bullshit just erasing it and dinosaur planet getting the parasitic latch on it seems to have drained half the game away.

>> No.7450631

>mexican accent
>they all shank you
bless old rare

>> No.7450637

Prime 3 was already out when Other M was released, unless you mean it didn't stop Prime 4 currently. And that's because after the monumental fuck up known as Other M, Nintendo did Federation Force on the 3DS. The only options they had afterwards were to make a 2D Metroid or make Prime 4 to appease the fans, or have the franchise go the way of F-Zero.

Now we have a mediocre Samus Returns remake and a game stuck in development hell because it absolutely should have gone the way of F-Zero.

>> No.7450639

I meant that in the sense that it didn't cancel metroid for like 2 consoles.

>> No.7450641

>dinosaur planet getting the parasitic latch on it
More like being stapled onto Star Fox by Miyamoto

>> No.7450643

Thats what I meant. He drained it to stall

>> No.7450647

A LOT of shit outright just doesn't work till you get kite.

>> No.7450651

Well yeah but parasitic sounds like it was intentional on Rare's part, the one single reason it grabbed Miyamoto's attention was the main character looking like Fox. That one thing dragged the game over to the franchise and onto a later console, resulting in a game that was 98% unrelated to anything else.
I like Miyamoto overall but fuck he's always had too much power to go with his weird ideas

>> No.7450656

Yeah, he goes kinda far when it comes to starfox.

>> No.7450657

They found themselves to cut and leave unfinished a lot of the the major Dinosaur Planet stuff to implement all the Starfox elements which were going in another direction from the original plans

>> No.7450660

I have no strong attachment to Star Fox, Rare, or Dinosaur Planet, but Rare was so fucking stupid when it came to this game. It was obvious that Nintendo was okay with Rare using their IPs, and they decide to make a game about two foxes completely unrelated to Star Fox? Then bitch and moan when Miyamoto suggested it become a Star Fox game? Then accommodate the request they could have turned down by gutting the game? Like come the fuck on.

>> No.7450668
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progress finally

>> No.7450675

I've never seen a definitive answer, but it's always been said since that it wasn't Rare's idea at first to use it. A bad decision, but definitely not the original intention
>When work on Diddy Kong Racing was complete, Tossell was pushed straight onto his next project: the aforementioned Dinosaur Planet. “Work began immediately after Diddy Kong Racing was finished,” he recalls. ... "I don't actually know clearly where the inspiration for the game came from; Lee Schuneman was the designer and I remember him coming up with so many ideas and sketches. The game changed many times in early development before settling down to the eventual idea of a continuous world adventure game based around two interweaved stories. For a long time Dinosaur Planet had two main protagonists - Sabre and Krystal
>According to legend, Shigeru Miyamoto was shown footage of Dinosaur Planet and suggested that the game should be re-tooled to incorporate Fox McCloud and company. Rumours also abound that the change wasn’t accepted willingly by all of the Dinosaur Planet team, as the plot had to be rewritten in places to accommodate the Star Fox canon. Tossell’s recollection of this period is hazy, largely because he wasn’t directly involved with any of the high-level choices made regarding the direction of the project. “I don't know for sure where the idea originally came from, but I definitely heard it mentioned that Miyamoto-san had suggested it,” he says. “Of course we were slightly disappointed at having to change Dinosaur Planet as we had all become so attached to it, but we could also see the potential of using the Star Fox licence.”

>> No.7450676
File: 2.90 MB, 2257x1619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yee haw

>> No.7450680
File: 2.44 MB, 1566x1268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This log is broken(Because it's working properly)

>> No.7450681

Holy fuck you can do barrel rolls on the logs. This shit is awesome

>> No.7450685

God I wish that log were me

>> No.7450690
File: 2.16 MB, 1797x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be log that can do tricks
Even without krystal life would be good.

>> No.7450702
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log glitch wins again

>> No.7450754
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>> No.7450770
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>> No.7450791

Did you modify that model? That profile looks way better than the one I remember seeing when playing.

>> No.7450794

dunno what you're playing on but that's the ingame vanilla.

>> No.7450804

The world would be an objectively better place if we'd gotten this little cutie patootie instead.

>> No.7450828

I expected a grey fox.

>> No.7450829

>Him, Krystal and the whole Adventures was erased when Miyamoto rebooted Starfox again
I take it you missed the cheeky Sauria reference in Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins.

>> No.7450840

that was namco referencing and that stage was kinda shit and short.

>> No.7450853

food bag is the best thing ever

>> No.7450860 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1065x766, 1614015607273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7450861

A request is not a non-negotiable order. Rare could have said no, but it made business sense to make it a Star Fox game. Not defending the decision, just using logic.

>> No.7450868

>a game about two foxes
Sabre (and Randorn) are wolves.

>> No.7450872


>> No.7450914

I wonder how you start the carts in discovery falls. So far I've been truckin along fine and found 2 buttons for the door to open.

>> No.7450923
File: 24 KB, 320x240, jawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That T-Rex looks fantastic for an N64 game, everything else as well but that definitely stuck out for me. It makes me so sad that right when developers finally figure out how to get the most out of a console they abandon it for the next generation. 3rd, 4th and 5th gen all easily could have lasted another year or two and had some seriously gorgeous looking games.

>> No.7450926

*tribal drum sample intensifies*

>> No.7450930

This was one of my fav tracks from the promo website while it was still up.

>> No.7450945

Yeah but that's early Sword on A and half of the ROM was overwritten. I'm curious about even earlier Zelda, before child Link.

>> No.7450970

>general custard! I knew you were behind all this

>now now my girl, save your energy for the lust penis ritual

>> No.7450995

That's Star Fox Assault.
So you did NO watch Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins

>> No.7451002

>Star Fox Zero

>> No.7451046

>She goes back in the cage and doesn't come back out after the cutscene for me

>> No.7451245

its because you smell

>> No.7451338

They won't repeat assault ever again. For one the game was bad and two I don't think they'd risk reusing aparoids again since they are the galaga monsters

>> No.7451345

Word on the street says they pissed off the collector by releasing too early and now somebody is gonna have to go to sweden and assassinate them if they want the rest.
Just a rumour going around but I'm posting the worst and hoping for the best.

>> No.7451347

The fact you thought other m came out before prime 3 is enough to discredit what you think.

>> No.7451348

Assault stages were short and shit

>> No.7451353
File: 15 KB, 105x182, yes and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451354

I know hoarders are deeply irrational people, but why would that piss him off? He got his money, how does the timing of the release affect him or the value of the rest of his collection? Did he have backups that he was planning on selling to other people under the guise of being "the only known copy" to rake in as much cash as possible before this was released?

>> No.7451367

The multiplayer is bad too

>> No.7451373

Okay? Not sure what your overall point is and how it related to the conversation at hand.

>> No.7451374

Is this from the Swedish guy's collection? Where did this image come from?

>> No.7451390

I hear he either didn't want it released for a few years or some dumb nigga released it before the money was wired (Very unlikely it's the second, what hoarder would hand over the goods without their paycheck?)

>> No.7451428

>didn't want it released for a few years
Why in the fuck
Unless he made them sign a contract they could do whatever they wanted once their paid for it.
I don't understand hoarders.

>> No.7451446

disc rot is probably the reason why this build is so fucked. thank goodness swede hoarder held on to it for long enough to where it's lost forever.

>> No.7451461

If it was CD-R rot there would be an issue copying the data off the disk. There would be errors.

t. actually know a shitload about optical media and have a humongous CD collection

>> No.7451475

still think swede hoarder is a nigger

>> No.7451481

so disk rot can't flip bits?

>> No.7451497

The likelyhood that you'll just get a few bit flips in an otherwise perfectly readable file is so astronomically low that we can safely rule it out.

>> No.7451502

spoiler, other hardware would die under that stress too.

>> No.7451506

Maybe what he's holding now that he's cranky is a copy of the rom from before the data got kerfuckled

>> No.7451510

Disk rot makes the bits unreadable, it doesn't flip them to random values or whatever.
You're a tremendous piss baby, we get it.

>> No.7451517

Yeah, this makes absolutely no sense unless the hoarder was planning on selling copies of the game to other people in the meantime. If there's any truth to this rumor (first I'm hearing of it), the only explanation that makes sense is that he's upset he wasn't able to scam more people out of money by selling them something "exclusive".

>> No.7451523
File: 459 KB, 1536x2048, 122727648_360404595038312_3244823008319213587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to play the game anon

>> No.7451526

nobody said that idiot.

>> No.7451539

What >>7451510 said. A "bit" on a CD is a binary value etched into the reflective coating through the plastic. If the reflective coating rots, the bit ceases to be there at all. It is a "null" value, if you will.

>> No.7451540

yes and if the program(game) tells the hardware to refer to a location in ROM which is now non-existant, would that not lead to a crash?

>> No.7451545

??? it wouldn't dump at all, you wouldn't be able to play it

>> No.7451552

Trying to dump a rom from such a damaged CD would result in a read error, not a modified rom.

>> No.7451558

In this particular situation, the ROM came from a dev cart and was copied onto a disc for an undetermined amount of time. We know the build is from December 2000, so it should be safe to assume the CD is too. On said CD, there's both the build dumped from a dev cart, and a slightly modified version that's been modified to let the game boot since Rare had some hardcore techniques going on to prevent people from dumping and playing with their dev carts.

When Forest of Illusion bought this CD and copied the files off of it, if there was any disc rot at all, there'd be sequences in the ROM image you could look at with a hex editor and just see the null bits. I'm pretty sure the OS and would be throwing errors too trying to read the disc.

There is no disc rot going on here to blame, or we'd have known instantly.

This too. I have a scratched disc 3 for Final Fantasy IX that always crashes in the same spot. I tried to rip it once and verify it against a Redump hash to see if my disc actually was damaged, and my disc ripping software would spit out read errors to me.

>> No.7451570
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Don't know if it's noteworthy, but the CD-R pictured is likely quite old. Memorex was using that design in 2000.

>> No.7451574
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>> No.7451582

The laser in my slim PS2 is dead because I used to burn my .isos to Memorex DVD-R's. The last time I tried to play a disc on it, it took 10 seconds for Sora to transform into the drive form I selected from the menu in KH2. I'm shocked this disc has held up 20 years with how garbage Memorex was/is known for being.

>> No.7451585

here's a newsflash. ps2 has a shit laser anyways. Play off an hdd

>> No.7451587

woo bitrot!

>> No.7451590

Slim PS2 senpai. They didn't have shitty lasers like the fats that were pretty much guaranteed to die at some point. I used to play games over ethernet until I upgraded to a fat with an HDD thanks to Memorex.

>> No.7451593

slims sucked. There was 0 perks to having one.

>> No.7451649
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I am off work and my adventure continues. The carts are now moving

>> No.7451654

I must be glitching out, because after giving him blue mushrooms until the animation stops playing, I still can't press C-Down to make him dig those cracks.

>> No.7451662

Maybe it's just the 'tism? They agreed on a date before the deal and he was "betrayed", so he's taking the ball and going home.

>> No.7451672
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mechanics that work.

>> No.7451692
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kite is way cooler than tricky

>> No.7451704

>3 sharpclaw in a cave
>carrying bombs
>one walks into a wall and blows up or trips or some shit and dies
>other two just start laughing at him

>> No.7451705
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So have anyone started work on fixing the game? Do you need the source code for that or is the ROM enough? I've only seen crashed playthroughs so far, so it would be nice to see some fan patches.

>> No.7451717

I'd settle for just a moonjump or noclip gameshark code right now.

>> No.7451724

There's nothing wrong with the game stupid. Give the gold to the guard and use the key to get kyte.
After that the game opens up.

>> No.7451726
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Right now I've been not encountering many bugs past that part.

I'm trying to blow up a wall right now but most things have felt like regular gameplay.

moon jumping and sequence breaking really fuck this game up though.

>> No.7451734
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That wasn't so bad

>> No.7451737

Even though I brought Kyte out the intended way and what not the ambush scene won't trigger. If I try to kill myself in an attempt to see if resetting things fixes the problem she disappears and now if I try to go back Cape Claw the game freezes, not crashes, around when the plesiosaur wakes up. Is my save just broke beyond repair? Would a clean one possibly fix this?

>> No.7451741

Nevermind, starting over sorted it out.

>> No.7451759

You should always start over after doing too much jumping around. During my gas cutscene krystal in fact did not go invisible and I think that has an effect on things.

>> No.7451771
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My favorite thing, lasers

>> No.7451784

The Battle Begins was a CGI Star Fox anime short based on the beggining of Star Fox Zero and it references Sauria. The short was uploaded on YouTube the day Zero was released if I recall right.

>> No.7451785
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So that's what vegeta did.

>> No.7451804
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>> No.7451812

Perhaps, but even accounting for that, what's the point of agreeing to a date at all? If he wasn't planning on selling it to other people in the meantime, what could he possibly gain from making the buyer wait before releasing it publicly?

>> No.7451821
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I think I took a wrong turn somewhere

>> No.7451827

Seriously, how are you supposed to get it? It despawns as soon as you enter the room.

>> No.7451830

Keep reading and you'll find that I posted picking it up just results in a crash.

>> No.7451913


>> No.7451931
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It's his special treasure hoard and if you don't prove you REALLY want it by following the arbitrary rules, maybe you don't deserve it and it's all going back in the drawer until the world is ready for it?
I hope I'm wrong, at least you can reason with a frustrated scammer.

>> No.7451942

The entire area was incredibly creepy but I left because I was sure I wasn't supposed to be there yet

>> No.7451946
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This is bullshit

>> No.7451948

I remember seeing someone mention krystal has a skeleton boss so that was probably the right idea

>> No.7451949
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I haven't been (moon) jumping actually after what I've read about it causing the game to flip it's lid here. I just used the GS code for the key. It's interesting you mention Krystal having to be invisible during the cutscene for things not to go haywire because that didn't happen with me. How do you go about that? Is it just random? In order to get past that I hugged the left wall and carefully inched forward instead just leisurely entering the room which would cause the cutscene to crash during the gases releasing. The other instance I had of a seemingly unfixable crash-inducing wall was with Sabre going back to the Queen again right before the turn to see her. Really sucks to have to restart at this rate because I really want to get as far as this dude in the thread but I have hope somebody will put out more GS codes for an easier time.

>> No.7451950

Is that project 64?

>> No.7451957

I've gotten to the point where you give the queen some white shrooms, but I'm not sure where to go next. Going down the path to the right, I can't go past a seemingly unobstructed path. Going down the giant hollow tree stump my path is blocked by a thin curtain of vines. And the weird terrain collision prevents me from jumping to the platforms past the obvious death warning sign.

>> No.7451959

No word yet on a general scales fight? I think there was beta dialogue for it in sfa but its probably not in any build because it was never made, right?

>> No.7451963


>> No.7451969
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Well then you may have veered off course or something. Sometimes waiting a little bit between loading zones stops some crashes. I simply savestate often and learn where the game makes checkpoints and reload from the main menu.

It does actually help because it can clean up the game's internal memory I guess.

>> No.7451975

thats pretty much the point where you have to start cheating/glitching to go further

>> No.7451985
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I downloaded M64PY just to be able to customise the controls for this game... What the fuck does this front end think it's doing? It maps the controls in some fucked up way I didn't want to.

>> No.7451993
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>> No.7451998

Just use retroarch, it's a million times easier to get working

>> No.7452002

Alright, what do I need to do to go further?

>> No.7452003

I've successfully did 1 krazoa spirit. Not many bugs along the way except that scarab that actually hit me off a cliff. The krazoa are not actually the top dogs in this game as there is a being even higher than them I just learned.

>> No.7452012

no-ones got to it yet or dug deep enough to find out if it exists
only Klannadak/Redeye King has actually been found and fought so far though it softlocks when you kill him
from that we can probably assume Galdon and whatever Cloudrunner Forts boss is are "working" too
you need to cheat in Kytes key then free her, though unfortunatly I have no idea where she is

>> No.7452016

Open the cage and she'll come out regardless. Then you just gotta get the fuck outta there and light all those candles after avoiding cartel death

>> No.7452025

Ok thanks heres hoping, Ive wanted to fight him since I was a kid

>> No.7452035

likewise, he got done dirty in SFA so it'll be cool if we actually get to see him as a more present villian and actually get to fight him
assume thats past the gas room so i gotta figure out how to get in first since the gold rock disappeared when i got close

>> No.7452040

by clipping the camera into a LOT of walls in this game via aiming mode it straight up will load another area for a second and by doing that you can walk forward with good timing and walk right past a lot of barriers. Only do this though when a key item to unlock a barrier fucks up progression. I've only had to do it with the golden nugget man.

>> No.7452056

cool, guess i'll try that tommorow
gonna see if i can get behind the thorntail by the swapstone or queen earthwalker

>> No.7452059

They're there to block you from doing things out of specific orders hands down. You can get past the river as fox but it's hard.

>> No.7452061

No, that's too low!

>> No.7452068

i got a feeling the thorntail one might just be that egg-saving bit anyway

>> No.7452073
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This fucker just cannot die no matter where he is

>> No.7452076

The more you progress, the more sharpclaw that seem to show up it seems. Things get progressively harder in this game.

>> No.7452084
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I do not remember getting this but we'll just roll with it for now.

>> No.7452092
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The guard is no more on the return trip I think.

neither is the fps

>> No.7452106

Might have been. Before this I did everything there was to do in the desert and hut area and maybe the game didn't like that. I did wait a little bit and it let me back in, but I just decided to reload my save which had no problems letting me go back. However now my gas room sequence is broken. The door closes when I'm done with the boxes and I can't find a way to clip through that particular wall. Funny thing is that the gas still damages you even once you walk out up until the Kyte area. I'll try the whole sequence again and see what happens.

>> No.7452110

I haven't touched the desert. It's obviously out of order since you get a stone out of nowhere.

>> No.7452115

Just save and reload (main menu but savestate beforehand always) and then walk out of that shit. That's how I dealt with that.

>> No.7452124
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enter what?

>> No.7452160

>cape claw faggot upgraded his stance and now is there to block you from getting past the poison room even if it means him dying too

>> No.7452165

So where can I download this leaked build?

>> No.7452167

>push log off a cliff in cape claw
>gets stuck on the overhang just below

>> No.7452178


>> No.7452223

OK, I did that but what the fuck is C-down? How do I map shit for N64 emulation specifically?

>> No.7452243

Literally just press F1 or L3+R3 and go to the quick menu's control options for mapping.

>> No.7452246
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"Hey you, c'mon and fight!"

I just realized how much these guys sound like Beavis with spoken lines.

>> No.7452252

>swap back to "sabre"
>tricky gets new skill from swap stone

>> No.7452253

Forest of Illusion's twitter (they're the ones who purchased the disc containing it) has an archive.org link to download it.

>> No.7452254

Save in the room? It brought me back to the cage when I reloaded. Then again this is after I did the feat of sliding all the way back to the beginning beach area because Kyte's fire prompts weren't appearing. Only for the gas cutscene to play again as I surfaced and this time with the previously mentioned invisible Krystal...shit's still locked though. Game is really throwing a fit now. Random lever scenes are playing while I fool around in the hub area where Kyte has followed me to.

>> No.7452259

I think you fucked up and followed that retarded guide that is using pj64 which introduces even more bugs that don't normally happen. All you have to literally do is push the gas boys in and walk outta there. If the cutscene triggers redo the puzzle then save and quit then walk out. If it crashes just do it again. I always do the puzzle clockwise starting from the one by the door you don't walk into the place with.

>> No.7452276

>pick up key
>game crashes

>> No.7452280
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this has already been mentioned. You need a code for the key which already has been posted I believe.

>log checkpoint
>no log
this is why the river is a bitch to bypass.

>> No.7452283

code in question

Jail Key for Kite
805C4C51 0001

>> No.7452291

where are you getting all these fixes?

>> No.7452295
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it tells me the expansion pack is not installed, how do I bypass this on emulator?

>> No.7452296

install the expansion pack

>> No.7452309

i had a brainlet moment and never activated the cheat
>kyte just sits in the cell

>> No.7452314

tell them to heel or save and quit. kite is saved to your save once you free them so the rest is just getting the hell out of there. I legit just die sometimes to save and reload.

>> No.7452338

heel her as far away from the entrance as you can and then do the talk prompt. run to the pillars and spam heel. if shes circling around that map then you've successfully brought her out and she can push a lever. after one she may retreat back in which means you have to do step 1 again or she'll be nice and stay out for all of them. if shes bugging out and not hitting the switch but in the map or going to the one right next to it sometimes going down to that lower door will either bring her back or make her go back in the cage again.

>> No.7452361
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i realised i still had the key turned on so it was just looping
unfortunately i just crashed the game so im gonna take a break for now
at least this seems to be the intended path so people just need to figure out how to make picking up the gold nugget and key not make you crash and then you don't have to clip through walls

>> No.7452404

Can I borrow an expansion pack when you guys are done with it

>> No.7452409

I'll bring it tomorrow at school, first I wanna play Turok 2 in hi-res.

>> No.7452412

where do i go after the two mexisaurus scenes?

>> No.7452418

So.. what am I supposed to do after returning to Krystal? There's a waterfall in cape claw with a cave behind it that I can't get into because the current pushes me back, there's a desert like entrance area but I can't figure out how to open the gate, and a large fenced area.

>> No.7452512

- Clip past the guard in Cape claw to the left of him by running up and pulling out your blaster (this can take many attempts, so save state when you get it)
- Enter gas chamber and push blocks clockwise starting from the one nearest the door on the left.
- Use the GameShark code in >>7450232 to give yourself the key to Kyte's cage.
- After you unlock Kyte and watch the cutscene, save and restart and the game will continue normally for a while when you exit Cape Claw.

>> No.7452598

New thread or are we packing it in for now

>> No.7452604

Perhaps not intended, but the trees leading up to Cape Claw can be shot at in order of (facing Cape Claw entrance) Closest, Farthest, Middle, which unlocks the closed off area nearby. There's seemingly nothing in the way of progress in that area but its interesting. (In SFA there'd be a key item inside the hut there, but no clue if its there in DP).

>> No.7452635

GS codes for all items, spells, etc.
plus a small walkthrough.

>> No.7452656
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>> No.7452669

yo so is the little faggot dino still there? I think his name was trickie?

>> No.7452682

nope, only little faggot here is you anon.

>> No.7452684


>> No.7452690

Thats already well known, but thank god. Was there any sort of side kick other than fox?

>> No.7452729

How did you get to Discovery Falls?

>> No.7452736
File: 1.81 MB, 1322x966, -18744032731-18359-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get fox to stay as Sabre if you swap back and forth with the disguise spell and isolate the value. Going to see how these look in cutscenes.

>> No.7452743

It's too bad the sword is like that

>> No.7452749

please tell me that's a shader and not a real crt so It will fit on my desk

>> No.7452757

Sword looks fine in some areas and white in others. No idea why since I've got no issues with textures in other places of the game.

It's my favorite CRT filter but it's a bit dark unless you're using a 4k display. You'll want to turn up the brightness a bit if you use it.

>> No.7452760
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After you've gotten the two LightFoot scenes you need to light the three torches. Two of them I'm sure you know where they are, but the third one is at the end of a skinny path in the desert area. The LightFoot will then drain that little pond with the tiki in the middle with a tunnel to it.

>> No.7452815

The only Lightfoot Scene I've gotten was getting the Barrier Shell in Cape Claw. Do I need to do the gas chamber stuff and get Kyte for this?

>> No.7452818

useful codes for fucking around on new saves and some essential like the key, thanks.

Note to most people having some items definitely fucks up things and will loop cutscenes.

>> No.7452820
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>> No.7452850
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Didn't think the incredibly long river starting at the fossil place would bring me back here.

>> No.7452859

This game has some big maps like conker

>> No.7453004
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This guy had such a perfect design and they thankfully didn't mess it up on gcn

>> No.7453013

It's mind-blowing how little he changed. Even the layout of the shop is almost the same.

>> No.7453016

His bgm is more or less the same as well. Some dynamic parts here and there are different though.

>> No.7453031
File: 233 KB, 1008x720, e56c764ac1d787f5c80af971872cc024 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ice rod is sick.

>> No.7453075
File: 1.02 MB, 743x663, 098311723859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this work?

>> No.7453081

one is put food down, one is use food as you get it, one is bag food as you get it to use later.

>> No.7453084

new thread?

>> No.7453161

New thread