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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 92 KB, 720x960, 398254_10201356419414664_733822555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
744630 No.744630 [Reply] [Original]

You guys might enjoy this more than /v/
>Go to garage sale
>Buy all of these games, $1 each
>I need to go to more garage sales.

>> No.744653

bretty good OP

>> No.744656

>Mega Man Legends 2
sittin' on gold there, OP

>> No.744663

I love how you can skip right to the end of the game in X5. Fire the laser. Launch the ship, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.744661

The funny thing is, i return tomorrow for Breath of Fire 3, Im just going to buy all of her ps1 titles. Its an elderly Asian lady, I feel guilty.

>> No.744670

I didnt know that? My personal favorite Megaman series is Zero, i feel like it has all the qualities of x, just executed better.

>> No.744673

Oh fuck year OP, good deal.

>> No.744676


>> No.744848

Post receipt or you're lying

>> No.744856
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>garage sale

>> No.744859

Then he's lying

>> No.744893

Went to a garage sale about 5 years ago and bought a Sega Genesis, 2 controllers, all cords, and about 10-15 games with cases and everything for a total of $5. The lady had no idea. The games were good too, like all Sonic games, Pinball, Golden Axe, Ah! Real Monsters, and others.

>> No.745008

i bought final fantasy anthology and the guy put in a 3rd disk and it was ff tactics

>> No.745085

I got paid $20 to haul off a 6-player X-Men arcade cabinet. The old lady getting rid of it just didn't know what she had. It didn't work at first, but after tinkering around, I found out the problem: some kid jammed a mint condition copy of Earthbound in the coin slot. The game works great now, better than new, and gives fantastic blowjobs.

>> No.745116

This is a false binary.

If he posted a receipt, it could just as easily be something he faked. At the same time, he may not have a receipt because garage sales typically don't give receipts.

Not saying what he's saying is true, it probably isn't. What I am saying is that your logic is terribly flawed.

>> No.745117

oh how i laugh

>> No.745125

I need to go to sleep at a more reasonable hour so I can wake up in time for sales.

>> No.745146

Last Garage sale I went to

>Ask if they had any old Nintendo games or consoles
>Lady says she might still have an N64
>She goes to get it
>Comes back with a NES, no cables, controllers, or games
>"Yeah, this is what I had, I don't want to sell it now though, it's the one with the numbers that's worth a few hundred."
>"Ah, the NES-001" I said.
>Ask her if she watched to the end of the episode
>She didn't
>Politely tell her that it's worth all of about $5 with out any cables or anything else
>Yells at me saying I'm trying to rip her off
>I tell her I already have three NESs and I wasn't actually interested if she didn't have any games
>End up empty handed that weekend

I wish I could get as lucky as some of you guys get.

>> No.745310
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>> No.745316
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my nigga

>> No.745317


That kid's dad worked for Nintendo, I bet.

>> No.745338

Last time I went garage sale shopping I didn't sleep at all.
It was worth it, got my first "motherload"

>> No.745404
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...can I come over and play?

>> No.745602

Are you a little girl?

>> No.745642

I smell future copypasta brewing

>> No.745731
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>> No.746705
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I got all this for $50 at a yard sale last saturday

>> No.746773

Oh look, another dick-waving thread! All that's missing are the rhetoric "how did i do?"s.

>> No.746839

>Posting your pic on every thread

Damn are you a proud man. What about playing your games instead of posting on 4chan?

>> No.746867

visit the BST thread at some point, if you arent playing all that.

>> No.746929

the most valuable game in that list is diddy kong racing

let that sink in for a minute.

you got ripped the fuck off

>> No.746986

U guys jelly? Don't get butthurt just because you can find good Shit

>> No.747000

The systems more than make up for it, really.

>> No.747001

not even close to jelly. I have every deserable game in that lot (about 2 games) the rest is utter trash that you might as well throw away.

>> No.747024

Or i could play the shit out at what you call trash

>> No.747070

How many jellys do you have?

>> No.747074

You are a serious faggot man.

>> No.747082

So what are you going to do with all those sports games?

>> No.747090
File: 213 KB, 681x475, 1368887678845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-My god! I... I think you're right. How will we warn the people?

>> No.747089

So much this.
But stop posting the pic.

If you like baseball Ken Griffey Jr's winning run is great

>> No.747132

Jesus man you mad too? don't hate all the good hauls

>> No.747170
File: 763 KB, 2048x1536, TWENTYSIXUSDOLLARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to keep posting this in every thread to flex my e-peen

>> No.747172


Just because you're mentally handicapped doesn't mean everyone else is. It's not deal of the century or anything, but he can easily resell the extra systems and double his investment

>> No.747185


top lel

>> No.747195

I had no clue Oddworld was on the Gameboy.

>> No.747198

seeing all these nintendogs games makes me sad

i remember when girls only bought a ds because of this game and now they grew out of it. it's like giving your pet dog away

>> No.747204

Well for me was a great deal and you are mentally hadicapped for not realising the truth

>> No.747454


>people leave garage sales without getting a receipt from the original owner

Enjoy going to jail cause you bought stolen goods and weren't cautious enough to get a receipt

>> No.747471

Holy fuck, have you ever been to a garage sale?

>> No.747498


pays at garage sale with cash

good luck ever seeing me again, fuckers

>> No.749569

Damn. The only one of those I've ever found at a garage sale is MGS. That's why I own 3 copies I guess.