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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7439021 No.7439021 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7439030

I wonder if the remake will make her flat. Then again considering the tall woman from 8...

>> No.7439040

monke face

>> No.7439045

same VA as sandy from spongebob

>> No.7439061

The remake ain't retro so who the fuck cares?

>> No.7439065

Depends how much input they get from the Ethics Department

>> No.7439075

I hope the remake is 100% identical except everything after the village is DLC and you unlock an achievement every 30 seconds

>> No.7439170

Same, this sounds A MAY ZEN

>> No.7439189

What kind of Umbrella virus did that to her ears?

>> No.7439228
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>> No.7439497


>> No.7439548


It'll give her an ugly-despite-being-pretty face, regardless of what it does to her boobs. Look what has happened to poor Jill in RE3.

I mean Ashley already looks a little weird, but she's pretty enough. They won't keep her that way.

>> No.7439781

Yeah they'll take a pretty model, like the one they used for Claire and turn it into a goblin.

>> No.7439915
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>> No.7440585

>I hope it sucks
I don't understand this mindset.

>> No.7440604

>Just heard Sandy yelling, "Leon!"
>Just heard Ashley saying, "Ka-ra-te!"
I really like Resident Evil 4, I just hate that my accuracy is shit and I tard out at QTE's.

>> No.7440612

Tis verbal irony, anon.

>> No.7440617
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It's when you've given up on anything new being good so you just hope for whatever would be funny.

>> No.7440623

maybe the wii version can help you with the aim

>> No.7440650

Try the Red 9 pistol with the stock, it's much easier to aim with.

>> No.7440668
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>> No.7440678
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Imagine pissing your life away with games

>> No.7440684

You'll take the clownpill some day, just you wait.

>> No.7440717

Actually, the only time I got through the whole game without too much headache was with the Wii version. It feels like cheating a bit. I also prefer the original balance of the Gamecube version.
I think I really need to sit down with the game and do tons of challenge runs with it. I can't stop watching speedruns.

>> No.7440723

oh look it's another shit-eating retard that thinks the easiest, least interesting part of the game is good because he got filtered in the later stages. village is good but this game just gets better and better with every act. fuck you.

>> No.7440786

If you assume everything is going to be shit you will never be disappointed, you'll either experience smug satisfaction or be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7440991
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>> No.7441180


What you need to do is to shoot them in the face and then kick them. That is the best and only strategy in Resident Evil 4. If you are a good shot you use whatever weak pistol you have to peck some zombo in the face and then you kick that zombo and laugh while everything else tries to hurt you and fails because every attack is small-time next to Leon's kick and even the very universe knows this. If you are not a good shot then, I don't know, maybe use the TMP? Or heck you can use the knife even. Leon's foot doesn't mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRqdSiB9usc

>> No.7441413

The TMP can be used for spraying and praying, but fact is that it's also very accurate with the stock attached, combine with the big magazine and ammo drops being more generous, and you've got something that's not bad. It doesn't have too high damage per shot, but scoring headshots at a medium distance is really easy, and if you fire just single aimed shots or very short bursts, a loaded magazine can really last you a while.

A lot of people gloss over the TMP but it's genuinely good.

>> No.7441417

You can expect something to be good and still not care if it sucks.

>> No.7441426


I sorta like how she is a kind of pretty teenager but they made her face kind frumpy and give her big dumbo ears. She's actually very realistic and grounded that way. You can find a lot of rich girls who look like that. Nice big fat tits, but they're too young for you and you'll get in a lot of trouble from her rich daddy.

A lot of modern games make man-face girls rahter than making flawed but pretty. Heather from Silent Hill is another example.

>> No.7441693

This is japanese devs struggling hard to make a character more related to the amerimutt market. They copied that face from a hollywood actress

>> No.7441735

>they're too young for

>> No.7441756
File: 23 KB, 257x320, fwlhoxql5zl41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heather was so realistic that almost any average girl can cosplay as her

>> No.7441760
File: 312 KB, 1280x1920, LEAD_SOPHIALILLIS-vogue-13feb20-Leslie-Alejandro (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your Heather bro

>> No.7442218

>kind of pretty teenager
But she's 20 years old, she's an adult.

>> No.7442286

If anything the TMP is praised by everyone. It's good as both a bread and butter pistol substitute and also a boss killer, just not both in the same play unless you are incredibly stingy.

>> No.7442662

>If anything the TMP is praised by everyone.
I've seen a lot of people over the years say it's not worth it or not necessary, or that the stock makes no difference (which is false).

>just not both in the same play unless you are incredibly stingy
The TMP ammo will spawn whether I have it or not, right? Might as well make use of it, the more you upgrade the capacity, the more ammo you find can be stored in its magical quantum magazine, and I never turn down usable ammo.

>> No.7442814

Sexually frustrated losers

>> No.7443390

He was talking about her ears

>> No.7443623 [DELETED] 

sexually anustrated niggers
go back reddit

>> No.7443692

Thank you for confirming my theory that all RE4 fans are Virgincels.

>> No.7443735

wow you're sure fucking smart piece of shit

>> No.7443748

Village: 8.5
Castle: 9
Island: 7

You are right that castle and village are good, but the island is definitely worse than both.

>> No.7443760

all stages are the same

>> No.7444051

>getting triggered
Awww, did I hurt your feelings anon? lol

>> No.7444059

I hate the mods of this board so much

>> No.7444304

There's no board specific mods, you fucking newfag.

>> No.7446112

Now post her tummy pics

>> No.7446148

Is the gamecube version harder? I always played the ports on newer consoles but the gamecube version is kicking my ass, maybe it's because the control stick is a little wobbly?

>> No.7446157

Heather is such a cutie. It feels like game dev's don't make vidya girls like those, simple yet cute...maybe it was just for the 6th generation idk.

>> No.7446383
File: 36 KB, 1263x255, Screenshot 2021-02-21 141459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American release? Yes, actually. The game was rebalanced for Europe and these changes remained for all future ports.

>> No.7447186

Iirc the women designers made her look cuter. Shewas too tomboyish for them

>> No.7447407

the newer ports also runs at 60fps, could be that too

>> No.7447604

60fps actually makes the game harder as enemies are more aggressive and QTEs are far more strict requiring twice as many button presses to achieve the same effect. The only advantage the player will have playing in 60fps (other than smoothness) is the incendiary grenades will do more damage.


>> No.7447726


It's a Japanese game devs trying to make more grounded realistic designs but they still manage to add a bit of cute. Modern western devs just make them ugly manfaces. There's a more older idea that there should always be some beauty and elegance to something that is only seen in Japanese devs now.


She is very clearly written as a high schooler and they bumped up her age officially to avoid any controversy.

>> No.7447831

There's a few spots in game where you "upskirt" her with the sniper scope. Ashley will yell at you and call you a pervert. Capcom devs dgaf

>> No.7448334

this is some high quality jap autism. Reminds me a bit of when KH1 got ported to the PS4 (which was the first ever version at 60fps) and because of the increased framerate the speed of the attacks of bosses increased too until it got patched

>> No.7448642
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that was 16 years ago through....

>> No.7448943

>Modern western devs just make their women with ugly manfaces
While japanese devs make their men with pretty womanfaces

>> No.7449065

I would honestly prefer to fuck a male character straight from Final Fantasy than a woman looking like >>>/v/545373913

>> No.7449070
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>> No.7449490

I fucking love Target Terror.

>> No.7449503

Aww what the FUCK is that?! I only heard about the remake but THAT'S what it's going to look like?

>> No.7449541


Today, the fans step in

She may have the face of the guy from the Quiet Man, but that moddable bosom can't be held back.

For the more discerning player, even better options are available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDlzcvgu-Zk

So, there are pluses and minuses.

>> No.7449546

That's not a trap, that's an ambush.

>> No.7450178
File: 104 KB, 1250x711, 150974014_5164407836964879_984423529906803762_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Oh

>> No.7450249

It's a fucking siege.

>> No.7450632

That straight up looks like a man dressing up as a woman.

>> No.7450650

big titted amazon from 8 gives me hope they'll keep Ashley's tits intact, either way the mods will fix it.
I still think this game doesn't need a remake, specially if they're going to change the gameplay into something like the remake 2 and 3, re4's gameplay is perfect and incredibly addicting, "improving it" will just make it into another generic tps, 90% of the fun is the controls and leon's movement. all they should do is improve the graphics and that's it, nothing else gets altered.

>> No.7450652

highly underrated

>> No.7450695
File: 305 KB, 1080x1350, 1613983208320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes sense that she looks ugly
>she's just older, she looks fine, shut up, incel
>women don't look like your animu coomer bait
>tell me how i know you've never left your house
>women don't look like your fantasy barbie dolls
>have you even seen a woman? go outside
>this is how female warriors actually looked like back then, I was there, in the fantasy world of diablo 2 resurrected.

>meanwhile irl
>big tits, big toned ass, thick thighs, cute faces, feminine figure even with all the muscles.

>> No.7451339 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 1024x629, 1614025890680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big tits
Those are small, sorry, the rest is a solid 10. If you want a busty muscular girl, you have Brye Anne Rusillo.

>> No.7451394
File: 67 KB, 1024x758, 1613101876547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451452

My bad, meant in general but yeah, also she cute too, thanks for sharing

>> No.7451602

She's not the most gorgeous in the world, but she clearly is a woman, unlike the nuAmazon, who looks like a man dressed as a woman.
The example still works.

>> No.7451609

What is that?

>> No.7451638


Agreed, but for me the case is much simpler: She's a warrior so yeah maybe she'll look mean, maybe she'll be dirty, maybe she'll have damaged, worn-looking skin, probably she won't have gigantic boobs (especially since she's very much into archery presumably), she might well have a plain or ugly face, and she probably isn't going to wear any pretty makeup... BUT there is no reason to expect that she'd have that great manly crag of a jaw. A real, powerful, well-used body that is selected and developed for maximal functionality and not at all for beauty will still have a female skull on it, if it's a female body. The Amazon tribes or whatever in the Diablo setting didn't inject testosterone in their youth... probably. I mean it's a magical setting so anything's possible, but I really think they didn't do that. If they did that then I'd hope this one would have gotten thicker arms than that.

Just shrink and reshape the jaw a bit and bam she's a lady.

>> No.7451651

Yeah, I could begrudgingly tolerate Amazon being just an ugly woman, but this is not a woman.

>> No.7451712

Awwww what the fuck is that?!

>> No.7451730


And you wouldn't even have to play around with the face in that image very much to make it pretty. It's a handsome face, really. It just needs a few sliders tweaked in the character creator, so to speak.

If I (a man) could magically trade my face for that face, I'd probably do it. The only thing severely wrong with it is the nasty glower, which of course is trivial to fix - like, just smile, you dirty-haired boobman. Give me a few minutes with that face and any decent set of facial sliders from whatever game and I bet I'll have a pretty (albeit tough-looking) lady at the end, no problem.

>> No.7453063
File: 108 KB, 800x800, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather the toned butt and small firm tits from the girl above than this girl with ugly ass and fat tits. At some point these big tits drop anyway
Do you have her instagram?

>> No.7453149

still, the point was that muscular with big natural tits is perfectly real. So a woman looking like Helena Harper or Ivy Valentine is not unrealistic at all

>> No.7453159

RE6 was bullshit, but man, I want to do illegal things to Helena Harper.

>> No.7453379

Why won't he put the milk inside?

>> No.7453502
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I hate that so much, i've traced Ivy's body of her art and it's actually well proportioned, nothing out of the realm of possibility, there's more cartoony, ridiculous and 'unrealistic' looking women irl than her.
I also dislike when people complain about ridiculous costumes in made up worlds like Ivy's when you see people wear just as ridiculous stuff irl.

>> No.7453517
File: 3.00 MB, 540x330, becca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should make a game with Rebecca and Ashley, like a side game like revelations, but with the old school RE camera and tank controls, AND Item Boxes
She has that Emma Stone face

>> No.7453864
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>ridiculous costumes in made up worlds like Ivy's when you see people wear just as ridiculous stuff irl.

>> No.7454197

Those arms and legs don't look toned, the ass has implants and the face isn't cute
You are right about the feminine figure though, that is a woman without a doubt, but not an attractive one

>> No.7454249

That's nothing, Krauser is captain qwark and Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome the same Dimmsdale Dimmadome where they're showing Crash Nebula on ice

>> No.7455391


>> No.7455434

>nigger sephiroth

>> No.7455486


>> No.7456158

This had to be the dumbest balancing ever. They made the wepons that were already strong even stronger and ignored the weak ones.

>> No.7456626

was ashley actually stacked though? she seemed pretty average compared to ada.

>> No.7456785
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nigga the ballistics are right on the OP's pic, wtf

>> No.7456824
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Krauser wants to return home after that cursed slipgate

>> No.7456847

i mean compared to other RE girls anon...

>> No.7456850


>> No.7457835
File: 609 KB, 643x1580, ping pong chink chong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ada looks more flat

>> No.7458421

What jarpong vilains are they cosplaying?

>> No.7458427

Is that an albino nigger or just an exceptionally ugly normal guy?

>> No.7458585

Albino 100%. I honestly see more albino nogs now than I do natural blonde whites.

>> No.7459107
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>> No.7459793

The middle right one is rocking a ghetto Sephiroth getup

>> No.7461172
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>> No.7461901

>click on RE thread
>get /fa/ bullshit

>> No.7461968

I'm not sure why but this is incredibly amusing to me.

>> No.7462603
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>> No.7463069

Rebecca is so fucking tired of Marcus's bullshit

>> No.7463454 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 3840x2160, 20210117010502_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they include her nude outfit.

>> No.7463460
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In the remake, I meant.

>> No.7463550
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nice one showing the front would be cool

>> No.7463559

Jill: 9
Rebecca: 8
Ashley: 5.5

>> No.7463693

I'm scared, wtf is this from?

>> No.7463953
File: 1.02 MB, 3840x2160, Resident Evil 4 27_10_2020 21_09_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only 3 types of RE threads and this is the rarest.

>> No.7463970

You now realize Leon rejected her because he was out of her league.
>nice jaw
>nice face
>strong moral center
>dumbo ears
>wonky eyes
>too wide of a mouth

>> No.7466023


Another factor is that Leon was in mourning at this point. He'd just had to kill a close friend. He was only barely beginning to come to terms with the fact that he might never again experience such easy, casual intimacy as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHChmYcpdd4

He needed comfort, not ballistics.

>> No.7466109

>He needed comfort, not ballistics.
Yeah, he needs his handcannon be comforted with her ballistics, kek

>> No.7466162

she cute

>> No.7466168

>so what's your look?
>remember the third angel, sachiel?
>say no more

>> No.7466169
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>> No.7466189

that is a very cute butte

>> No.7466340


Not hers, necessarily. Lots of people have... ballistics. People like... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmHNGzdpUZw

>> No.7466372

Man, it's been forever since I've seen that.

>> No.7466472

>Leon was in mourning at this point. He'd just had to kill a close friend
Mike? he was a true bro

>> No.7466521

Sincerely, Leon is the best jap-designed character from all media, I could turn gay if he was real #nohomo. Delicate but not too feminine, say like, Cloud. Also not too exaggerated as one can see in recent animus

>> No.7466540

He's one of the most well-designed characters period. He's strong and confident while also gentle and approachable. You never have any doubt that this guy knows what he's doing or if he'll succeed -- he exudes pure masculinity without being so overtly aggressive or muscled as to appear compensating for something. He is the quintessential Chad.

>> No.7466670
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>QTEs are far more strict requiring twice as many button presses to achieve the same effect
That only happens twice; at the end of the minecart ride and when the huge Salazaar statue chases you. I've no idea why Capcom optimized the whole game but left those two wacky.

Also doesn't help that you can only change the framerate from the titlescreen.

>> No.7466681

Yeah, unlike his offspring (Dante), he's gentle but so badass, girls want him and guys want to be him. Truely the ultimate Chad.

>> No.7466723
File: 5 KB, 130x148, experiment-puppet-conkers-bad-fur-day-5.74_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now then lesson one >>7439021

>> No.7466741
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>2005 videogame
>Retro Game

>> No.7466742

When you're running from the bolder you run noticeably slower with 60fps. Also if you choose to use the knife slashes on the giant's parasite you cut way slower.

>> No.7466890

Your old, 2005 was almost 20 years ago

>> No.7466919
File: 106 KB, 806x1024, 1611403025829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any confirmation that 4make is even in development?

>> No.7466920

God I hope not

>> No.7466928

Go back to /v/ if you want to speculate about new releases

>> No.7467568


>> No.7467683

It hasn't been the same since I found out it's the same voice actress as Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob.

>> No.7467712

That's a man, man.

>> No.7467714

Village: 10
Castle: 3
Island: 4.5

>> No.7467732

Time keeps going Anon, let it go. It's old

>> No.7469065
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>> No.7469816
File: 26 KB, 556x313, brrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here got the chainsaw controller?

>> No.7469847

I wonder what the point of that thing was? It's not a motion controller or anything, and you don't use a chainsaw in the game either. I vaguely recall hearing that it's actually kinda decent, even if bulky and awkward.

>> No.7469870

Oh shit white Rupaul

>> No.7470241

Really? I heard the opposite, it was almost as awful as Yuna's pistol controllers

>> No.7470494


i love looking up her skirt because im a pervert and she tells me, leon you pervert, my names not leon though, its barry and i have a magnum in my pants and jill is making me a sandwich.

>> No.7470498



>> No.7470870

>I wonder what the point of that thing was?
selling shit

>> No.7470972
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>> No.7471613

>I want a remake
I don't understand this mindset.

>> No.7471623

I don't see the point of remaking RE4 either, it's pretty much perfect for the kind of game that it is, not just in gameplay but also in aesthetics.

That said, I don't see the point either in looking forward to something being bad, though the chances are very low, I think it would be cool if the remake was actually good. Looking at original Resident Evil versus REmake, there we have a remake which is actually really good, so it has happened before. Haven't played RE2make or RE3make yet, so I don't know what they're like.

>> No.7472108


Yeah I would just want a few changes in RE4:
1) Some better English-language voice actors. Ashley is good, Leon is perfect, but some of the other central characters (Luis, Saddler, Salazar) are a tad bit cheesier than I like.
2) A better ending for Saddler. I also had this problem (but even more strongly) in RE5. This series builds up villains who have intelligence, authority, great wealth, and sinister political connections to other powers... and then eventually has them turn into giant monsters that can smash things and that have weak spots the hero can expose by shooting the other, lesser weak spots. It's lame. That fight is fine but I want Saddler to be smarter than that; he should have a better plan.
3) More maps and characters in Mercenaries mode. There are plenty already and RE5 provides even more, but it's never enough. There can never be enough Mercenaries.

>> No.7473402

>Some better English-language voice actors.
well you are in luck cause capcom changes their VAs with every game

>> No.7474775

I want the Spanish be actually from Spain, not Mexicans trying to sound Spanish. It sounds so hilariously off. And this comes from a Spanish native.

>> No.7474930
File: 484 KB, 474x532, re4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's pretty much perfect for the kind of game that it is, not just in gameplay but also in aesthetics.
just needs more lighting doodads to bring it up to modern standards

>> No.7475380

A meme gayer and more annoying than AVGN Mighty Wings. Could you perhaps combine the two to be the biggest cocksucker of all time?

>> No.7475385

it's not a meme. RE4's influence is a crime against videogames.

>> No.7475406

Now THAT's what I call schizposting. It's such a crime and the mechanic works so poorly that it was copied for decades after, right? Not like it was an important step in 3rd person shooter evolution, right, you fucking weirdo?

>> No.7475415

Bad trends tend to die because no one likes them. See: FMV games. People like that style of 3rd person shooting. Play pre 2004 games if you're so butthurt, queer.

>> No.7475973


No that's no good. They can't change my Leon. Even re-recording his lines is unacceptable.

>> No.7476771

Paul Mercier has retired tho...

>> No.7476961


The recordings haven't retired, anon. We're in a thread of conversation about how the game is already pretty much good enough and doesn't need to be remade. I just want a few small things tweaked; Leon, like most other aspects of the game, can stay exactly the same.

The merchant is fine too. (I think I found in my Googlings that he was also voiced by Paul Mercier?)

>> No.7477117

Why would you assume that they would stop at just a few tweaks? They'll get new voice actors and everything.

>> No.7477159


Because they're doing it in my magical fantasy where everything I want happens and things I don't want don't happen. Back to the topic of the thread: This means they MIGHT also increase the size of Ashley's breasts just a little bit.

>> No.7477329

>This means they MIGHT also increase the size of Ashley's breasts just a little bit.
Y e s. Also, yeah, Paul Mercier also voiced the Merchant. Imho, if Capcom goes the Yakuza kiwami route (New engine and graphics but everything else the same), I'd be happy. Ballistics included

>> No.7477669

Wii version is the best version

>> No.7477874

It seems like that version makes the aiming way too easy.

>> No.7478150

Saddler was outright retarded completely, Ashley would have certainly gotten some sort of medical check up upon returning to the US so the plaga would have been discovered for sure, and his backup plan was even dumber which was to invade the US with only his small cult that technologically was stuck in the medieval era aboard a single battleship. What you are asking for is a different character entirely.

Wesker wanted to infect the whole world, his plan would not necessarily have been hindered by being a goop monster. The real hindrances would be that even if he did kill Chris he still would have been stuck in a volcano, his equipment and henchmen would have been seized/killed by the BSAA, and since Excella's dead he no longer has a means of acquiring Tricell assets to resume his work.

>> No.7478832


Man whatever, there's still room to squeeze in a scene or three where he cleverly sets up Leon's defeat somehow or other and then you have to pass a few little puzzles/minibosses/QTE gauntlets to survive and reach him despite his tricks... and only THEN, having been cornered without further resources, would he turn into a giant smashybeast. Or something else along those lines. It doesn't have to make perfect sense, it just has to semi-convincingly advertise that it is avoiding the bland mastermind-gives-up-everything-to-become-clumsy-smashybeast formula. They had you running from a giant stone-plated Salazar robot earlier in the game, of course the story isn't going to make total sense. I just want all the ugliest seams hidden.

>> No.7478849

every RE game would be better with no cutscenes and no supervillains with evil plans to take over the world

>> No.7479201

>Saddler was outright retarded completely, Ashley would have certainly gotten some sort of medical check up upon returning to the US so the plaga would have been discovered for sure, and his backup plan was even dumber which was to invade the US with only his small cult that technologically was stuck in the medieval era aboard a single battleship.
Can you imagine that dinky little rusted out destroyer getting fucking flattened by a single anti-ship missile after it bumps into the US navy? This is vaguely on par with Operation Red Dog, only they don't even have any firearms beyond the couple of guns mounted on their ship, and they wouldn't even make it into port.

I always thought that whole plan was extremely funny for how bizarre and poor it was, and it's things like that which makes me look at Resident Evil 4 as more of an Army Of Darkness style entry to the series, where shit just goes off the walls to the point that it's actually kind of goofy, and I mean that in a wonderful way.

>> No.7479204

Fuck you, I love the schlock.

>> No.7479651


The story is great when it's fun though. I played RE1, 4, and 0 (all on GameCube) and RE5. RE1 (GC) had an awesome atmosphere, fun characters, and genuine horror - even though it was also a bit funny and on some level highly silly. I liked that a lot. RE4 had good atmosphere and hilarious characters, but it was still serious enough to be cool. Those two games rode the line between dreary, overserious nonsense and annoying, overly campy nonsense. I wanted to suspend disbelief, and I tried to, and it worked.

RE0 was more dreary and RE5 still more dreary than that. I find Leon and Ashley funny, charming, and cool but I can't remember anything about the personalities of Chris, Sheva, Rebecca, or Billy. In those games I was just solving puzzles and fighting monsters, which is fine but the lack of a fun, cool, superficially engaging story severely limits the strength of the games.

Except in RE5 Mercenaries mode. Mercenaries mode is always awesome.

>> No.7479712

>I can't remember anything about the personalities of Chris
>Give me an egg
>boulder punching
that's all i remember. Still was fun to play

>> No.7479757

Good think that resident evil 4 was made like 15 years ago. In the present day it would have never been tolared because we are in times of "political correct".

>> No.7479835


>> No.7480498


>> No.7480514
File: 423 KB, 1426x1069, Spencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE the conspiracy plots that went on behind the scenes in RE1-5. The whole plot of Umbrella being this megacorp with tons of international influence while secretly having an evil plan was so interesting. The other aspects of that plot with the US government having a role in Umbrella's work and its attempt to cover up involvement, along with the rival company trying to take Umbrella's place in the world made RE's world so cool.

I wish they had leaned more in that after RE3, but instead they went into the bad anime soap opera stuff while the conspiracies were kept in the background. I have always appreciated RE5 for bringing that stuff back with Tricell being a huge megacorp that purposely destabilizes developing countries for their own benefit while also funding the BSAA to put on an altruistic façade.

>> No.7480568

RE4 was the first in the series that had Mikami in charge of its story, in previous games it was other people who were in charge of the plots and lore of the RE universe. Mikami originally wanted RE to have no story whatsoever. So when Capcom was tired of RE4's long development times and put him in total control of RE4, Mikami came up with a totally random story that existed simply to facilitate gameplay and actiony set-pieces

>> No.7481496

Wait, really?

>> No.7481505

I have no other word but "based"

>> No.7481531

RE4 generates so much anal pain because it destroyed the series' previous conventions while simultaneously becoming one of the best games ever made. It's almost like it said, "I don't need you" to everything that made the original games good and did something even better anyway. The kisless virgin autists who yearned for another classic RE game were sorely disappointed in this totem to machismo and unadulterated fun, while god-tier Chads gravitated to it en masse and spread the game's influence through all channels of creation. You can say what you want about the game's impact on the industry, but taken on its own merits, RE4 is the most butthurt-inducing game ever made.

>> No.7481653
File: 201 KB, 1000x743, RE1 concept art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Also when he was pressured by Capcom to come up with a story for RE1 he decided on a story that was about cyborgs fighting actual ghosts in a haunted mansion. This piece of concept art preserves some of those early ideas.

Shortly after, a man named Kenichi Iwao was brought on the project to become the game's writer. He thought that Mikami's story was unfitting for a horror game so he came up the RE1 story we now know as well as creating much of the RE universe. Iwao and Mikami often clashed because Mikami didn't like how much influence Iwao was having over RE1's development.

>> No.7481754

Blacktail absolutely needed the upgrade and the semi auto was broken as all fuck, sadly they didn't fix the shotgun's pitiful range nor the punisher's everything.

>> No.7481769

The blacktail was fine in vanilla especially with the red9 also not having a totally unwarranted buff. You trade some raw power for superior handling and taking up less inventory space.

>> No.7481779


>> No.7481780

A biological male

>> No.7482710
File: 1.66 MB, 2015x1133, NWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me gusta las balisticas. I think Ashley Graham is very cute, and inspires me to try it out soon. How far along is the mod from the guy in Spain redoing the textures?


>> No.7483538

he's finished everything but mercenaries and Ada's story mode so he's almost there

>> No.7483917
File: 5 KB, 152x187, 1422026040393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I can not explain how fuckin cute her big dumbo ears, impish face and freako eyes are. Weird looking girls are KINO and I will take them all for myself tyvm. Give me all of the no-chin having, big nose, big eared girls out there. as long as they're white

>> No.7484029
File: 166 KB, 1680x1050, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you choose to use the knife slashes on the giant's parasite

There's a choice? I thought you had to do it that way. What's the alternative?

>> No.7484079

you can shoot it without climbing.
using a rocket launcher is the superior choice.

>> No.7484095
File: 4 KB, 104x125, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that was one of my least favorite parts of the game and of course I find out it wasn't even necessary only after I already replayed the thing like ten times.

My own goddamn fault for mindlessly following button prompts, I guess.

>> No.7484104

I think I saw a no-merchant speed run where the guy damaged the first giant until its parasite appeared, then tossed a grenade at a wall so that it would bounce and kill the parasite. Neat shit.
I like your style.

>> No.7484106

tyler is that you

>> No.7484368

A couple of .45 Magnum shots usually does wonders.

>> No.7484415

>playing ps4 version
>sometimes when I go to aim I'll suddenly be pointed way off to the side of what I was trying to hit

am I losing my mind? I've played this game a dozen times across gamecube/ps2/steam and I don't remember this ever being a thing, its really fucking annoying.

>> No.7484456

Maybe your controller is worn out? I remember my first PS3 controller would after many years of playing, begin to slightly drift its left stick to the right, so it was constantly giving that input, as if you were slightly tilting it.

>> No.7484874

your controller is busted

>> No.7486084

you can even combine them for more damage, do a fewshots firsts and then knife so it can be over sooner